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System Requirements Specification



Website on Dyslexia

Submitted by:
Vaibhavi Sangawar B310
Shweta Sadwani B333


1. Client Information------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

2. Project Objective--------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

3. Project Details------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7

3. A Stakeholders-------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

3. B Requirement Gathering------------------------------------------------------ 7

3. C Requirements in detail-------------------------------------------------------- 8

C.1 Customer Requirements-------------------------------------------------- 8

C.2 Functional Requirements-------------------------------------------------- 8

C.3 Performance Requirements---------------------------------------------- 9

3. D Proposed design in detail------------------------------------------------------ 10

D.1 Functional-------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

D.2 Non– Functional------------------------------------------------------------ 13

D.3 Design Diagrams---------------------------------------------------------- 13

4. Validations & Verifications------------------------------------------------------- 17

5. Conclusion---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18

6. References----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19

List of Figures

Fig: 3.1 Use case Diagram--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

Fig: 3.2 Sequence Diagram------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

Fig: 3.3 Class Diagram------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

Fig: 3.4 Activity Diagram---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

Fig: 3.5 Deployment Diagram --------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

Fig: 4.1 Gantt Chart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16

Fig: 4.2 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) --------------------------------------------------- 17


The system - Website on Dyslexia is developed keeping in mind patients, especially young
children suffering with Dyslexia or reading and writing difficulties. These patients are the major
clients of the system developed. Along with the affected patients, the families such as parents or
siblings are also a part of the client base.

Parents or siblings are needed along with the young children to help them access the
website. As the children are quite young around the age group of 3 to 5, it is impossible for them
to switch on laptops or PCs to access the website.

Special schools or institutes having patients suffering with Dyslexia can also use this
website. They can make use of this website to teach the basics i.e. letters and numbers to their
students in a more fun and efficient way.


Literacy is one of the most important aspects necessary for effective participation in
modern life. Education is the most basic prerequisite for the achievement of many other essential
competencies, both generic and specific. The right to education act proposes rightful education to
all. For everyone, from rich to poor, from young to old, if knowledge stops after a certain age or
time, then that individual is said to become illiterate. That is, it is very necessary to continue to
gain knowledge in life.

Dyslexia is an often misunderstood term. It sometimes can be a lifelong condition that

makes it difficult for people, especially small children to read or write. It’s the most common
learning issue, although it’s not clear what percentage of kids have it. Some experts believe the
number is between 5 and 10 percent. Others say as many as 17 percent of people show signs of
reading issues.

The website serves as a platform for teaching these children the basics that they need to
learn as a foundation. Many researches and study papers have proved that pictorially represented
data and information create a lasting impression on the minds of most people.


3. A Stakeholders

1. Patients
2. Website Developer
3. Family/Friends
4. Special schools
5. NGOs

3. B Requirement Gathering

Over the years a large amount of research on dyslexia has been undertaken but how these
findings fit together to form an overall picture still remains elusive. Methodologically sound
research studies and recent advances in the knowledge of the reading process have assisted in the
development of a number of tools to help the majority of students, including dyslexic individuals,
to learn to read at the level required to function as effective individuals.

These tools include implementation of various interactive platforms such as applications,

portals and websites dedicated for the dyslexic patients, in this case, children. Pictorial
representations, colorful images, videos and sound clips help the children to enjoy the learning
process and also develop their concentration levels and make studying easier and fun for them.

Our project - Website on Dyslexia, takes advantage of this very fact. It promotes the
teaching learning activity with the help of pictorial representations. The website is a platform
which will enable and enhance the way of learning. With pictures, sound clips, videos and puzzles,
learning will be fun for children and will help them read and write properly. As many studies and
research papers have already proved, that learning through doing is the best form of education.
The website provides an interactive way of learning through the mode of videos and puzzles.

3. C Requirements in detail
C.1 Customer Requirements:

A survey was conducted in Ramchandra Gaikwad Prathmik School, Dighi, Pune. The
school is Marathi medium school, ten students from first standard were surveyed and different
activities were conducted to check their learning abilities. The interaction was also done with their
class teacher. A questionnaire was prepared and various questions were asked to the students and
also their class teacher. It was observed that many students face many difficulties such as:

 Few students can reproduce rhyming words.

 Many students face difficulty in sounding out different words and letters.
 Many students face difficulty in recalling the spelling of given word.
 Many students face difficulty in sounding out unfamiliar words.
 All students cannot read the given sentence.
 Few students can write the spelling of given words but only which are familiar to them.
 All students cannot construct any sentences even they cannot write the spelling of their name.

Taking all the above observations and conclusions into consideration, the customer
requirements were drawn. Most customers face difficulty in their basics. When they have no
proper knowledge about letters and numbers; they cannot read or write or learn properly. They
cannot produce words that they have just learnt or read.

C.2 Functional Requirements:

The website functions on the simple notion of providing basic knowledge and education to
the young children suffering with difficulties in reading and writing.

The website has 3 options. The first option shows the Alphabet which consists of 26 letters
represented in both upper and lower cases.

The second option has numbers from 0 to 9.

The third option has videos which illustrate the letters and numbers in a more effective
fashion. It also contains puzzles which test the children on the above gained knowledge.

C.3 Performance Requirements:

The major function of the website is to promote leaning for children who suffer with some
problems and are denied the basic right to education due to this. The website is replete with
pictures, animations, videos and sound clips. This makes the website fun and enjoyable.

Since this software is going to be web–based, it does require a powerful server machine
with high band internet access. Server machine should have a powerful CPU and high speed
internet access so that it can handle multiple users at the same time.

Performance requirement by the user side is website should be developed as a light weight
web page so that it can work on almost any platform even with slower internet connections.

Expected number of simultaneous users should be at least 100. System should be able to
deal with 100 users at the same time. Also database of the system should handle at least a thousand
of users at any period of time.

3. D Proposed design in detail:
D.1 Functional

i) Use case diagram

A use case diagram displays the relationship among actors and use cases. At its simplest, a
Use Case diagram is a representation of a user's interaction with the system that shows the
relationship between the user and the different use cases in which the user is involved.

In our use case diagram the actors are user and admin. Both the user and admin have
different options and choices in the website. The admin only has the choice to edit options while
the user has a wide variety of choices. The user can select from four options i.e. alphabets,
numbers, videos and puzzle. Under the alphabet option, the user can select an alphabet and view
images and listen to sound clips. Similarly under the numbers option, the user can select a number,
view images and listen to sound clips. Under the videos option the user can select a video and
watch it. Finally under the puzzles option, the user can select a puzzle to solve and after solving
can check whether their solution is correct or wrong.

Fig: 3.1 Use case diagram

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D.2 Non - Functional

The website is internet based software which requires the support of internet. The images
and sound clips are easily accessible if the internet speed is fast. Also there are many videos and
puzzles provided which are fun and help in the long lasting of gained knowledge.

The website is a simple and interactive platform which offers basic knowledge to young
children. The website can be accessed on personal computers, laptops and tablets. There is no
explicit training which is needed to access the website. Appropriate internet connections and
guidance from an elder i.e. either a parent or a sibling is needed.

D.3 Design Diagrams

i) Sequence Diagram

In our sequence diagram, there are four main components i.e. user, website, database and
admin. Firstly, the user will open the website, doing so he will be able to view the homepage.
There he will be able to see all the different options that are available on the website. If the user
selects the first option, i.e. select and view letters, the website will access the database and display
all the letters. Same goes for playing sound clips, and viewing numbers. Again if the user selects
the watch videos option, the database will display all the available videos to the user. The user can
select any video and watch it. Again in the puzzles option, the user will select a puzzle to solve
and after solving the puzzle the database will match it with the already saved correct form of the
puzzle and if the solution matches to the saved puzzle, the system will display the solved puzzle
as correct or else it will say incorrect.

The admin can access the database and make or edit various changes in the website, such
as save more videos, update puzzles, numbers, letters, etc.

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Fig: 3.2 Sequence Diagram

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ii) Class diagram

A class diagram is an illustration of the relationships and source code dependencies among
classes in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). In this context, a class defines the methods and
variables in an object, which is a specific entity in a program or the unit of code representing that

Our project is related to a website on dyslexia. Here the different class identified is:

1. TOOLS – Here the data types is integer and the different functions are to select the
different options i.e. option1, option2, and option3.
2. ALPHABET – Here the data type is characters. The different functions are select letter,
view image and listen to a sound clip.
3. NUMBERS – Here the data type is integers and the different functions are to select
number, view image and listen to a sound clip.
4. VIDEOS - Here the data type is blob and the functions are to select and view videos.
5. PUZZLES – Here the data type is blob and the functions are to solve a puzzle and view
the result whether the solved puzzle is right or wrong.

Fig: 3.3 Class diagram

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iii) Activity diagram

In our website, first the user will open the website. There he will be greeted with the home page
and a number of options that he/she can perform on our site. If the user selects an option, he will
proceed further or else he will exit the system. There are four options available on the website.
They are letters, numbers, videos and puzzles respectively. If the user selects the letters option, he
will further be display d number of options under it such as view letter, play sound clips, or view
images. The same goes for the numbers option. Under the videos option the user can select a video
from a variety of options and watch it. Finally under the puzzles option, the user can select a puzzle
to solve and after solving can check whether their solution is correct or wrong.

Fig: 3.4 Activity diagram

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iv) Deployment Diagram

In the diagram, we have 3 nodes, namely, Web server, Database Server and User Client i.e. User
personal computer. The device in the user node is the browser. The artifact here is HTML 5. This
node is connected to the web server node using http which will be the link for the website.

In the Web server node, artifact is the website and also the contents on the website i.e. letters,
numbers, images, sound clips, videos, puzzles, etc. In the Database Server, the artifact is HTML.

Fig: 3.5 Deployment Diagram

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Our project can be validated by the fact that whenever the user selects an option, let’s says
for example the user selects the alphabets or numbers option. In that, if the user clicks on let’s say
letter A, thus, the letter A should appear on the desktop along with its images. Similarly, if the user
selects the option to solve a puzzle, then user will solve the given puzzle and submit it for checking
whether the solution is right or wrong. If the solved puzzle is correct and so is the evaluation by
our system, we can say that our project is validated, otherwise it is not.

Gantt Chart

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Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

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Over the years, a large amount of light has been shed on patients suffering with reading,
learning and writing. Society has become more aware, more encouraging and less judgmental
towards these patients. People sometimes have a false notion and they believe that dyslexia is a
visual issue. They think of it as patients reversing letters or writing backwards. But dyslexia is not
a problem with vision or with seeing letters in the wrong direction. The term dyslexia refers to the
condition in which a patient experiences learning disability, specific learning disorder or
difficulties in writing a word or sentence correctly and are not phonetically sound.

The proposed website serves as a platform for teaching these children the basics that they
need to learn as a foundation. Many researches and study papers have proved that pictorially
represented data and information create a lasting impression on the minds of most people. Patients
affected with dyslexia tend to recall things that they have learnt more efficiently when it is
presented in the form of pictures and videos. The website makes use of various images, animations
and sound clips to represent letters and numbers. It also has videos and puzzles for the children to

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