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11th Founding Anniversary

(December 13-15)

Theme: “ Honoring the Special People In Our Lives with God’s Love and

Day 1- (December 13,2018)

Mass (7:00-8:00)

Motorcade: (8:00-9:00)

Cheerdance/Field Demo- (9:30-11:00)

(Venue: Barangay Rizal, Covered Court)

PM Talentadong Pamilya
Day 2- (December 14,2018)
Fun Run For A Cause- 5:00-7:00
(Assembly time-5:00-5:30)

Pamaskong Handog- (8:00-11:00)

(Recipient: Baliwet Elementary School)
Games and Prizes: SSG/PSG Organization
Intermission Number- High School Department
Welcome Remarks: Ms. Erna Cawagas- PTA President
Gift giving
Inspirational Message: Ma’am Michelle Beltran- Principal (Baliwet Elementary School)

Friendly Game (1:00 pm onwards)
Basketball- Faculty vs.Students vs.Parents
Volleyball (mix)
 Venue: Barangay Rizal Covered Court
 Venue: Holy Family Academy of Zambales

Day 3- December 15, 2018

AM Year End Party- (8:00-11:00)

Christmas Break
Talentadong Pamilya Competition Rules, Guidelines and Criteria for Judging.

1. The competition is open to families where their child are enrolled in Holy Family Academy of
Zambales, Inc.
2. The family shall consist of minimum of 2 members
3. Only immediate family members are allowed to be part of the family group.
4. No malicious and/or hazardous acts or props will be allowed nor will presentation jeopardizing the
safety of the contestants, especially the young children also not be allowed.
5. Presentation shall consists of maximum time of five (5) minutes. An additional three (3) minutes is
allotted for the preparation of props and assembly on stage (during live presentation)
6. If you are interested to join please look for Sir Rey Mar Hipolito and Ma’am Maybelyn Dela Cruz.
7. There will be three (3) members of the board of judges. The decision of the board of judges will
be considered final and non- appealable.

Criteria for Judging:

Talent/skill (uncommon talent, ability and quality)- 40%

Stage Presence (creativity, resourcefulness, props and music)- 30%

Audience impact – 30%

Total: 100%

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