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It is true that appearances are always deceptive. Beauty lies skin deep. All glossy and glittering
things are just an eye wash. This story proves that all glossy things are jus fake.

Once there lived a healthy stag in a forest. It was a beautiful place considered fit for hunting.
One day the stag felt very thirsty. He went to a stream amid the meadows to quench his thirst.
The water was very clear. When the stag was drinking water, he saw his own shadow in the clear
water. He looked at his horns which were beautiful and strong and glittered under the sun. He
was impressed by their beauty. He went on admiring them for a long time. He felt proud of his
beautiful horns. Then he looked at his thin legs. He th/ought that his legs were very ugly and
unworthy of him. So he began to curse his legs. The comparison between his beautiful horns and
ugly legs made him more proud of the charm of his horns.

The beauty of his antlers praised,

But at his legs in horror gazed:
They looked like spindles as they shrank,
Out of his sight beneath the bank.

He was lost in his thoughts, when suddenly he heard the noise of the hounds just at his heels.
With a quick start, he jumped up and ran for his dear life. He ran as fast as he could. Soon he
covered a long distance and was beyond the reach of the hounds. There he hid himself in a bush
and was again lost in the admiration of his beautiful horns.

The hounds followed his scent even though he was out of sight. They traced him hiding in the
bush. When the stag felt the danger, he jumped up but in bewilderment he fell back. His beautiful
horns were entangled in the bush. He struggled very hard to get rid of the thorny bush but all in
vain. Now he repented of his pride. He cursed his beautiful horns which had entrapped him there.
The hounds gave a loud bark to announce their victory and fell upon him. They tore him into
pieces in no time. His ugly legs had helped him in the time of need but his glossy horns brought
about his tragic death.

The story proves that all that glitters is not gold.

All that glitters is not gold;

Often have you heard that told;
Many a man his life has sold
But my outside to behold:

Morals: - 1.All that glitters is not gold.

2. Appearances are always deceptive.

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