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Lesson Plan in English 12-Creative Writing

Prepared by: MA. APRIL L. GUETA

Content Standard: The learners have an understanding of imagery, diction, figures of speech, and
variations on language.

Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to produce short paragraphs or vignettes using
imagery, diction, figures of speech, and specific experiences.

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
a. differentiate imaginative or creative writing from academic writing
b. recognize different ways of defining ‘good’ writing

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topics: Creative Writing: What is Good Writing?
Defining Creative Writing
Creative Writing vs Academic Writing
b. References:
c. Materials: Handouts, laptop and projector

III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Activity
1. Preliminary/Preparatory Activities
 Prayer
Everybody stand for the opening prayer. Let’s all
put ourselves in the presence of the Lord as we
 Greetings
Good morning class! How do you feel today?
Well, as I see it, you look handsome and
beautiful wearing those tidy uniforms. I can feel
that we would have a very fruitful discussion
later. Are you ready for today’s topic?

I’m glad to hear that!

 Checking of Attendance
Is there any absent for today’s class?
Row leaders kindly check if there’s any absent.

Very good! Perfect Attendance

 Classroom Management
As we go on to a very interesting discussion, let
me remind you of the following:

1. Turn your phones into silent mode.

2. Please listen attentively and participate actively in
the class discussion.
3. If you have anything to ask, feel free to raise your
right hand and wait to be called upon to talk.

2. Review of the Past Lesson

Do you still remember our last lesson?
Very good!

What is writing?

In our previous lesson we learned that WRITING is

more than just mere doodling but rather sending a
message that has a destination. In other words, we
communicate a message to the reader and that the
message of writing is the CONTENT itself.

3. Motivation/Activating Schema
Present three pairs of funny pictures of objects and
people. Ask the students to think of a word that would
best describe each picture. Instruct them to complete
the fragments with the first word that comes to their

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

B. Analysis
1. Discussion of the Lesson
Defining Creative Writing through Discovery Approach

Let the students choose the best definition of creative

writing. Have students take a look at the possible
definitions of creative writing below:

Creative writing is……

An income tax return

A grocery list
A high-impact polymer used in food storage system
Writing that use language imaginatively

Go for the last one!

“Creative writing is a kind of writing that uses language

in imaginative and bold ways.” Its main purpose is to
enthrall, entertain, and arouse a certain feeling in a
reader. Creative writing is ‘good writing’.

What is ‘good writing’?

Ask the students to RANK THE EXTRACTS.

In pairs (or small groups), rank the three writing
examples from ‘best’ to ‘worst’ writing. You should
discuss the reasons for your decisions with your
Remember: There is no right or wrong answer.

Explain the two criteria for ‘Good Writing’

 Subjectivity
 Objectivity

Creative writing as differentiated from among other

forms of writing such as ACADEMIC Writing
Their main difference is grounded on the fact that
CREATIVE WRITING comprises much on art, fiction and
imagination, whereas ACADEMIC WRITING educates the
audience with the factual information and is strictly
organized and analytical.

C. Abstraction
1. Comprehensive Check
Can you further distinguish any other differences

Answer key:

2. Generalization
Creative and academic writing are two opposite ends of
the literary rope. They are two types of writing that can
be easily distinguished by looking at their traits. The
former is designed to interest while the latter is inherent
in content and is reader’s self-selected.

D. Application
1. Guided Activity
SELF-ASSESSMENT: How much do you know about good

___1. We all know good writing when we see it.

___2. Only geniuses can create great writing.
___3. Good writing can be fiction or nonfiction.
___4. Good writing can be poetry or prose.
___5. Good writing is the short story you insist on
sharing with your friends.

2. Group Activity
Have the students group themselves into four. Ask the
each group to visualize and to create a story out of the
diagram posted on the board or shown on the projector
screen. Let a group representative present the group’s

What are the types of creative writing?
Short Story Grading Rubric

CATEGORY Exceptional (A) Good (B) Fair (C) Poor (D)

Setting Many vivid, Some vivid, The reader can The reader has
descriptive words descriptive words figure out when and trouble figuring out
are used to tell are used to tell the where the story when and where
when and where the audience when and took place, but the the story took
story took place. where the story author didn't supply place.
took place. much detail.

Characters The main characters The main The main It is hard to tell who
are named and characters are characters are the main characters
clearly described. named and named. The reader are.
Most readers could described. Most knows very little
describe the readers would have about the
characters some idea of what characters.
accurately. the characters
looked like.

Creativity The story contains The story contains a The story contains a There is little
many creative few creative details few creative details evidence of
details and/or and/or descriptions and/or descriptions, creativity in the
descriptions that that contribute to but they distract story. The author
contribute to the the reader's from the story. The does not seem to
reader's enjoyment. enjoyment. The author has tried to have used much
The author has author has used use his/her imagination.
really used his/her his/her imagination. imagination.

Mechanics The story contains The story contains The story contains The story contains
no errors in few minor errors in many and/or so many errors in
grammar, usage, or grammar, usage, or serious errors in grammar, usage,
mechanics. mechanics. grammar, usage, or and mechanics that
mechanics; may errors block
interfere with reading.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
3. Evaluation
How Embarrassing!
Life is chock-full of embarrassing moments. When you’re
lying awake at night, having trouble sleeping, do your
most embarrassing blunders run through your mind?
Write about one of these agonizing memories.

Employ imaginative or creative writing. Good luck!

4. Assignment
What are the types of creative writing? p. 12-14

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