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To whom it may concern,

I am more than happy to recommend Emanuela Niemiec for the position you are
hiring for.

I was one of Emanuela’s supervisors during her time at McDonald’s as a part of the day
staff team.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time working with Emanuela and came to know her as an
incredible team player. She is honest, dependable, and hard-working. As well, she has
an impressive work ethic and is always going above and beyond to help the team.

Her customer service skills and efficiency were a pleasant bonus and a great help to
the busy day time rushes. Emanuela is a very quick learner and used these skills to
keep up with the fast pace of the daytime drive thru. Her cool head and sense of
humour helped relax her co-workers during busy and stressful times. I did not see any
issues with her compatibility with any of her co-workers.

With all this in mind, I confidently recommend Emanuela to join your team. As an
honest and hardworking employee and an overall wonderful person, I know that she
will be a beneficial addition to your organization.

Please feel free to contact me at 226 452 0982 if you would like to discuss Emanuela’s
qualifications and if you have any questions whatsoever. I would be happy to answer
any concerns you may have regarding my recommendation.


[Caroline N.]

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