John Paul Rezendes - My Story

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II. Today im going to tell the story of the last time I took part in a pillow fight, which ended
with me having to go to the ER to get stitches
IV. Alright so it started off as any normal pillow fight would. My brother Thomas and I
spontaneously grabbed our pillows and just started to hit the other person with it. At this
point everything is going well. So the fight has been going on for like 5 minutes and
being completely honest I was getting pulverized.
VI. Thomas, being two years older, was stronger, faster, and he was maneuvering his pillow
like no other. So as the fight progressed, I began to get more and more angry. All I
wanted was to start beating him but he was too good. So he kept beating me and
beating me and I kept getting angrier and angrier until I reached my boiling point. I put
the pillow to the side, (which was where I first went wrong, don't abandon your pillow.) I
put my head down and charged. Now, running full speed without looking where you are
going proved not to be the best strategy. Thomas calmy side-stepped me and ran head
first into the edge of my sisters door.
VIII. At this point I started balling my eyes out and screaming in pain. You know when the
older sibling tries to calm down the younger one so they don’t get in trouble? Thats what
thomas did he was like “dude stop crying mom gonna hear and Im gonna get in trouble”
Didn’t work, my mom came up and was like “Thomas what did you do”. He was like “ Oh
come on, I genuinely didn’t do anything this time! I just stepped to the side”. I was like
“He did it mom it was him”
X. Long story short, my mom made the executive decision to take me to the ER to get
checked out, and I ended up having to get butterfly stitches
A. I know it's not actual stitches, but to put it into perspective it it happened because
of a pillow fight, so it's still a pretty extreme injury
XIII. Ok, so why am I telling you this. The lesson that we can take away from this story
Shouldn’t let emotions overpower your intellect. Another way of putting it is you shouldn’t
let a permanent decision be affected by a temporary feeling.

Almost every decision made is based on rational thinking and emotion. This is why this
lesson can be applied to the story I just told, where I was much younger, or it can be applied to
situations that happen to us today

For example, this can be applied to someone my age if you have ever been in a group
conversation and there’s one annoying person. Sometimes you get caught up in how you feel in
the moment and say something that you regret later, or the other way around you want to say
something but end up not saying it, and then later you are like “Jeez im glad that I didn’t say
Another example would be if someone was “feeling lucky” at a slot machine or lottery
tickets, and lose a big amount of money. This is an example of how even a happy
emotion can override your rational thinking in a decision making.

XIV. In conclusion, the lesson today was that its important to not let a temporary feeling just
made you make the permanent decision.
XVI. Everyday everyone in this room faces a ton of different decisions all day every day,
right? A lot of these decisions can be swayed by emotion.
XVIII. However, the moment you let your anger or happiness or any type of emotion overpower
your intellect, thats where you go wrong and that's where I obviously went wrong.

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