Music Video Booklet

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Little Miss Pipedream-

The Wombats
By Joe and Lexi

The song will start with the guy who puts a tape in the tape recorder showing the title of the
song and the title the tape. The tape doesn’t play so he takes it out and turns it round showing
our names. he then blows on in and then puts it back in and the song plays. It shows him
getting ready in the morning following some of the lyrics like; "Because I'd cheat a priest just to
get to you..." where he throws a bible in the bin. There is then the parallel edit when the lines
about the girl come up showing her in a reception of a doctors. After the first chorus i will switch
back to the boy having left.

On the middle bit he is sat on a bench playing on an old school video game console the girl
walks past and looks at him, he drops the Gameboy in a nervous shock. There is an awkward
meeting till she walks off. he sees her go into a pub and follows her sitting on the other side
talking with her other friends. There is a sort of time-lapse of everyone leaving the pub and him
about to walk up to her table when she is alone but being knocked away by someone in the
pub. This is also a match cut to him accentually bumping into her and she is dropping all her
stuff like a typical love scene but instead of him helping it's another guy and him being pushed
aside again.

It ends with a montage of scenes where he fails to get any connection with the girl. All the
scenes are classic scene you would see in a romantic film.

Why are you producing this production?

I have chosen the song by The Wombats because from my research they have an older feel to
their music which can appeal to the target audience. From My research I also found out that a
nostalgic vibe is really good to go for so making seem like it was filmed in the 90s (if it works)
Pre-production- 18th October
Filming- 8th November
Editing – 22nd November

Target audience
25- 40

What they want to see

To get a nostalgic feel I have been told that fresh
prince really captures the 90s and I should
replicate the same mise-en-sence as the show
to get that nostalgic feel they are looking for.

What you are creating based from that research

I am going to use a lot of the mise-en-sence from fresh prince. I am also going to have
a plot that is reminiscent of 80s to 90s romantic comedies and the failed attempts at
trying to get a girl.

Where the production will be aired (why – based on target

A lot of them don’t watch music videos but if they were to, they
said they would watch it on YouTube.
Production schedule
Story boards
Location recces

Type of room/area:

Location Address:
Higginson park, Marlow,

Sat Nav details (Post code):

Nearest Train Station:

Marlow train station

Nearest Bus stop:

Marlow west street
Lighting Information: Solutions:
Day light and it is outside so no extra light. We will be filming in day, so we don’t have
to worry about it being too dark.
Sound Information: Solutions:
There will be people going on walks. If we film in school hours, then there will be
less noise.
Power Information: Solutions:
No power will be available. everything we need should be charged and
ready for that day.
Hazards Solutions:
 Falling in the river  Make sure to ask before petting
 Tripping over someone’s dog.
 Getting attacked by swan (thanks  Make sure none of the scenes are
Charlie) filmed to close to the river.
 Getting attacked by dog  Make sure actors are aware of their
surrounding and warn them if they
 Make sure to not feed the swans.
Type of room/area:
The ship, Pub

Location Address:
23 West St, Marlow

Sat Nav details (Post code):


Nearest Train Station:

Marlow station

Nearest Bus stop:

Marlow west street

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Lighting is good there is ambient light from We don’t have to worry about it being too
the pub lights. dark because we want a sort of dark
Sound Information: Solutions:
It will be filled with people talking. we don’t need to worry because you won’t
hear anything anyway.
Power Information: Solutions:
There are available plug sockets in all we won’t need any if everything is charged.
places we need to film in the pub.
Hazards Solutions:
 People at the pub  Go at morning time so there is less
 Tripping over chairs, tables and any drunks.
other obstacles.  Make sure actors are aware of their
 Slip able floor surrounding and warn them if they
Props list

Item Item Description Who uses When it is

it used
A retro games boy Throughout
console from the

A religious book. boy ‘cause I’d

cheat a priest
just to get to

A device that stores boy start


A device that plays boy start

Used To clean your boy start

Old telephone. The girl In her first


Pieces of paper The girl In her first

made to look like scene
assignments and
just things you
would see on a desk

For hair too make it The boy In his first

look ‘cool’ scene

Cereal The boy In his first

Probably semi- The boy In his first
skimmed milk form scene
any shop.

A bunch of flowers The boy For the scene

he finds to give to where he
her. gives her
flowers, but
they get
ruined before
he gets the

Contingency plan
If there are going to be any problems with the chosen locations, we’ll have to
look for different places that would allow us to film there and also that would
fit with the theme of our music video. When it comes to the actors playing the
main roles, we’ll take to think about back-ups and find people that are
available to play. We’ll have to re-arrange the schedule so that we can film at
a time when everyone is present.

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