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Giving of excellent service to the people is the utmost consideration in every

establishment. Further, it needs a proper and excellent service for customers satisfaction and

avoid problems in dealing those company bloodline. Being part of an industry is interesting and

at the same time difficult. And a challenging one in which employees should attain a good

quality and standardized services that will satisfy the customers and avoid commotion.

Dealing with customers is not easy especially in a big establishment and for as we all

know people have our own deference’s and uniqueness which we have to deal and appeased.

Each worker will encounter problems that may cause trouble not just only to the company but

also to the valuable customers. To analyze this problem, mentioning its causes is necessary. One

of them is nervousness. Nervousness means having tension to the things that are doing that

would end up of messing up. Nervousness is experienced by the workers who carry out

activities with unfamiliar people.

In the brasserie, customers are the heart of their business. That's why they always take

care of their customers and make their customers feel comfortable. Hence, owners and servers

should have their own techniques to overcome those problems so, in that way, customers would

like to come always in the restaurant. Servers must do their best as they can. They should not

offend the customers. They should be more careful of what will say to the customers because

what comes out from their mouth will mark to the customers' minds. Servers need to show their

sincerity, kindness, and respect in dealing with them.


If you clearly specify to the customer there is going to be a break, that you need time to

find a response to his question or find a solution to his problem, it is not a big deal. Customers

are/or being put on hold if you tell them you need a few moments to research their issue. This is

the time that you can use to respond to another customers.

Dealing with angry customers is part of the deal you are entering a customer service job.

There is no escaping it. There is a long list of advice spoken on this subject, and the reason is that

it’s really not easy. If you are to take a single line to give your own advice, it is “remain calm


The present investigation deals with food and beverage services, which will identify the

quality of the establishment's services and the common problems encountered by the workers

during the work.

The investigation of this problem was realized by the interest to know why workers

encountered problems and whence it affects the customers and the company.

This investigation allowed the power relations between the workers of the company and

the customers. On the other hand, to establish the level of capability of workers, as well as its

skills to work.

Deepening the inquiry from the perspective of the other people was an academic interest.

We are also interested in providing recent statistics on this problem. We choose this topic to

know the problems encountered by the servers and owners in running a restaurant. Also, for us to

be aware when my group will do an immersion.


The research will be conducted with the use of quantitative research approach through

descriptive-normative survey with the use of questionnaire. In the survey with the workers, the

items of the questionnaire have defined number and were outlined with topics on the common

problems encountered in dealing with the customers.


The researchers delved into the following theories which have substantial emphasis on

the conduct of the study:

Laissez-Faire Theory. A theory of Tanya Robertson (2018). The laissez-faire theory of

management is quite different from the other styles. Laissez-faire restaurant managers tend to

have little involvement in how the restaurant staff completes their day-to-day tasks. In some

high-end dining restaurants, where the staff members are highly motivated and capable, and this

type of management style may work well, and even will be appreciated. In fast-food restaurants,

where the staff tends to require more supervision and direction, this management style could

prove disastrous. A good laissez-faire restaurant manager will know when to let the staff do their

thing, and when to pull in the reins. A bad one will take this approach to avoid work and


Systems Theory. A theory of Madison Hawthorne (2018). Managers who

understand systems theory recognize how different systems affect a worker and how a

worker affects the systems around them. A system is made up of a variety of parts that

work together to achieve a goal. Systems theory is a broad perspective that allows

managers to examine patterns and events in the workplace. This helps managers to

coordinate programs to work as a collective whole for the overall goal or mission of the

organization rather than for isolated departments.

Theory X and Theory Y. Another theory of Madison Hawthorne (2018). The

management theory an individual chooses to utilize is strongly influenced by beliefs about

worker attitudes. Managers who believe workers naturally lack ambition and need incentives to

increase productivity lean toward the Theory X management style. Theory Y believes that

workers are naturally driven and take responsibility. While managers who believe in Theory X

values often use an authoritarian style of leadership, Theory Y leaders encourage participation

from workers.

Legal Bases

This study is anchored on the following legal provisions:

Republic Act No. 7394. This act shall be known as the Consumer Act of the Philippines:

Consumer Product Quality and Safety. It shall be the duty of the State: a) to develop and provide

safety and quality standards for consumer products, including performance or use-oriented

standards, coeds of practice and methods of tests; b) to assist the consumer in evaluating the

quality, including safety, performance and comparative utility of consumer products; c) to

protect the public against unreasonable risks of injury associated with consumer products; d) to

undertake research on quality improvement of products and investigation into causes and

prevention of product related deaths, illness and injuries; and e) to assure the public of the

consistency of standardized products.

Republic Act No. 10611. This Act shall be known as the “Food Safety Act of 2013:

Basic Principles of Food Safety. To ensure food safety, the following general guidelines shall be

observed: (a) In determining whether food is unsafe, the following shall be considered: (1) The

normal conditions of the use of food by the consumer; (2) The normal conditions maintained at

each stage of primary production, processing, handling, storage and distribution; (3) The health

of plants and animals from where the food is derived; (4) The effect of feeds, crop protection

chemicals and other production inputs on otherwise healthy plants and animals; and (5) The

information provided to the consumer. This includes the information provided on the label or any

information generally available to the consumer. This should aid consumers in avoiding specific

health effects from a particular food or category of foods. (b) In determining whether food is

injurious to health, regard shall be given to the following: (1) The probable immediate, short-

term or long-term effects on subsequent generations of that food on health; (2) The probable

cumulative effects; and (3) The particular health sensitivities of a specific category of consumers

where the food is intended for that category; and (c) Compliance of a food product with specific

standards applicable to a specific food shall not prohibit the competent authorities to take

appropriate measures or to impose restrictions on entry into the market or to require its

withdrawal from the market, where there is reason to suspect that such food product shows food

safety related risks.


Review of Related Literature

An effect and efficient response to the complaints from customer is an essential indicator

of a service-oriented company's performance, especially for a high-end restaurant chain group.

Complaints reflect the needs for improvement for a restaurant, such as food taste, quality and

quantity, speed of services, price, service attitude, decoration and environment factor, and

sanitary factor. Customers have strong demands for quick responses to their complaints


The paper overcomes the deficient approach of current (as-is) complaint handling

through process reengineering. In this study, a (to-be) framework of complaint handling system

is analyzed and developed for a Japanese restaurant chain. The operations between the head

quarter and branches are studied to show the benefits of proposed complaint handling process. In

the first phase of the study, the as-is complaint reporting process is depicted. In the second phase,

the to-be complaint handling model and its process are defined using a formal integrated process

modeling (INCOME) approach.

The new framework includes complaint reporting, compensation diagnosis, and

complaint analysis. Furthermore, this paper also discusses the decision supports of complaint

resolution automatically by the system and its benefit comparing to the current practices

(Trappey, A., 2010).

According to Kimberlee Leonard (2018), customer service representatives are a

company's first line of dealing with customer problems, complaints and discontent. It can be

difficult to help customers who are lost in emotions and seemingly unable to get reprieve.

According to Kristin Robertson of KR Consulting, "empathy absorbs emotion," helping get


customers into a state of negotiation rather than complaints. Implementing empathy training and

helping customer service teams mitigate dissatisfied customer anger helps retain consumers,

creating a win-win situation. Holly Mc

According to Gurgan (2018), customer complaints are an unfortunate reality no matter

what type of business you operate. Dealing with angry or upset customers can be difficult,

particularly if your staff has never been given a standard protocol for handling complaints.

Teaching your customer service staff how to respond appropriately to complaints and

empowering them to offer resolutions will help you retain clients and improve client satisfaction

with your services or products. Both supervisor-led programs and programs by companies that

offer training services can be helpful in training your customer service staff.

Related Studies

The following related studies both foreign and local are viewed and presented by the

researchers because of their relevance to the present research.

Pantaleon, G. M. (2013) researched on problems encountered by the employees of

selected hotels in Batangas City, Philippines. This study aimed to determine the demographic

profile and the problems encountered by the hotel employees with their management and with

the customers and discuss the significant relationship between the demographic profile of the

respondents, and problems encountered with the management and with the customers. It also

aimed to establish a plan to solve the problems encountered by the hotel employees. The

researchers used descriptive method with forty-five (45) respondents. The employee’s

encountered problems with the management are incomplete equipment and facilities, incentives,

company benefits, holiday pay, special treatment and problems with social behavior with co-

workers that affect their performance at work. On the other hand employees are faced with the

following problems concerning customers such as: demanding, messy, impatient and bossy

customers that caused stress on the part of the employees. However respondents disagreed on the

issues on management having no specific job description, pressure from boss, manager being

bossy, company policy for promotion, unfair advancement and employees discriminated by


The research study of Wirtz, J & Jerger, C. (2017) reviews the service management and

marketing literature on managing people with a particular emphasis on managerial relevance.

This review explores the market and financial results of managing people effectively,

emphasizing that it is probably harder to duplicate high-performing human assets than any other

corporate resource. The challenges inherent in boundary-spanning frontline jobs are discussed,

including role conflict and emotional labor. Next, recommended HR strategies and practices

related to recruitment, training, empowerment, service delivery teams, and employee motivation

are reviewed. The literature review concludes with a section on service culture, climate, and

leadership. Each section is complemented with further research suggestions that emerged from

interviews with eight academic and practitioner experts. The last section outlines six themes for

new research opportunities with high potential managerial relevance; they relate to (1) the

financial impact of HR practices and strategies, (2) motivating service employees, (3) training,

(4) emotional labor, (5) dealing with rude customers, and (6) the impact of technology on

managing service employees.


The researched study of Kattara, H. S., Weheba, D. & Ahmed, O. (2015) reveals that

all employees' behaviors, either negative or positive, are highly correlated to the customers'

overall satisfaction. The study traced the impact of behaviors on customers' perceptions and

overall satisfaction through studying the relevant literature and by gauging opinions on the

impact of employees' behaviors on customers' perceptions of quality and their overall

satisfaction. Findings in this context confirmed the correlation between these variables and their

consecutive and exchanging effect. It was also concluded that employees' behaviors have great

effect on overall customer satisfaction regardless of customers' gender, nationality, and purpose

of visit, number of visits and length of stay. Finally, the study ends up by offering suggestions

and practical implications for hotel practitioners to think strategically and implement effective

tools to motivate employees towards behaving positively with customers.



 Laissez-Faire Theory by LEGAL BASES

Robertson, T. (2018)
 System Theory by  R. A. No. 7394
Hawthorne, M. (2018)  R. A No. 106711
 Theory X and Y by
Hawthorne, M. (2018)

Common Problems Encountered in

Dealing with Customers

 Data Gathering Collation and Tabulation through
a questionnaire on:
 Profile of the Respondents
 Common Problems Encountered in Dealing with


 Analysis and Interpretation of Data

 Statistical Treatment of Data
 Findings and Conclusions


Figure 1

Research Flow

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the common problems encountered in dealing with

customers of KEW Hotel at J. A. Clarin St., Tagbilaran City. The findings of this study will

serve as the basis in formulating recommendations that would help the workers to cope their

problems encountered and help the management of KEW Hotel to improvise their customer

service to attract more customers that would lead to a booming one.

Specifically, it intends to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age

b. Sex; and

c. Civil Status?

2. What are the common problems encountered by the workers in dealing with customers?

3. Is there a significant degree of relationship between the workers’ encountered problems

and their overall services?

4. What are the possible effects of the workers’ encountered problems to the following:

a. Self

b. Customers

c. Company

5. Is there a significant degree of relationship between the respondents problems

encountered and its possible effects to the following?

a. Self

b. Customers

c. Company

6. What are the findings and conclusions of the study?

7. Based on the findings and conclusions, what recommendations may be formulated?

Statement of Hypothesis

This study sought to accept or reject the null hypothesis:

Ho1. There is no significant degree of relationship between the respondents problems

encountered and its possible effects to the following?

d. Self

e. Customers

f. Company

Ho2. There is no significant degree of relationship between the workers’ encountered

problems and their overall services.

Significance of the Study

Students. This study may serve as a guide and reference for the students. This may help

the students to know the importance of training in the field of work. Also, by this, the students

could improve their performance and outcome in the future.

Respondents. This study will give insights and information to the workers particularly to

the servers. This study may help them to solve their problems at work. Also, they will get more

ideas on how to deal customers and to have a prompt service.


Administrator. This research study will aid Mansasa National High School to let know

the administrator of how important a training is. Also, the administrator may always recommend

training to all graduating customers. Not just as requirement, but also for the goodness of the


Teacher/TVL Teacher. This research study will help him/her to his/her lesson. The

teacher may not forget to remind the students on the importance of training. Also, the teacher

will encourage students to undergo training.

Manager. This research study will give insight and information to the manager about the

workers problems. The manager may help them to solve their problems. Also, the manager could

guide and assist them to their work so that the workers performance will improve.

Future Researchers. This research study will be useful reference to the future

researchers who would plan to conduct the same study.

Research Methodology


This study adopted quantitative approach through normative description with the used of

personalized questionnaire.

Research Environment

The research will take place in KEW Hotel located at J. A Clarin St., Tagtbilaran City,

Bohol, Philippines.


The respondents of the study will be the employees and employer of KEW Hotel. The

researchers choose KEW Hotel as respondents because it is related to the researchers’ course.

There were 17 respondents, specifically; there were 11 males and 6 females.

Figure 2
Vicinity Map

Table 1
Distribution of Respondents

Distributed Returned
Male 11 11 100
Female 6 6 100
Total 17 17 100


This study made use a personalized tool. This personalized tool was designed to check

and help identify the common problems encountered during work of the servers. This consist the

reasons of having encountered problems. The Likert scale was used with corresponding

descriptive interpretations:


1 Yes The respondent does encounter problems.

2 No The respondent does not encounter problems.


1 Never The statement is never describing your problems encountered.

2 Rarely The statement is rarely describing your problems encountered.

3 Sometimes The statement is sometimes describing your problems encountered.

4 Always The statement is always describing your problems encountered.


1 Strongly Disagree The statement does not really describe the possible effect of

encountering problems at work.

2 Disagree The statement does not describe the possible effect of encountering

problems at work.

3 Agree The statement does describe the possible effect of encountering

problems at work.

4 Strongly Agree The statement does really describe the possible effect of

encountering problems at work.

Data-gathering Procedure

To ensure the smoothness and systematic conduct of the study, the following steps were


1. The researchers wrote a letter of permission to the school principal of Mansasa

National High School and to the manager of KEW Hotel to conduct the study.

2. After the permission was given, the researchers distributed the questionnaire to the

intended respondents of this study and retrieval was made after.

3. Treatment of data was done. This study made use of simple percentage, weighted

mean, composite mean, and one way Analysis of Variance.

Statistical Treatment

In the analysis and interpretation of data, the following formulas were used;

1. In determining the age, sex, and status profile of the respondents and the frequency of

their answers, the “Percentage Formula” was used.

P = f/n x 100


P = percentage

F = frequency

N = number of cases

2. Weighted Mean. This technique is used to measure the central tendency where some

values are given importance over others. This is used to gauge the average value of

response to items in the questionnaire (Ferguson, 1992, 482) using the formula;

WM = ∑ Fx

WM = weighted mean

∑FX = summation of frequency of scale value

N = number of cases

3. Composite Mean. The same scale will be used in interpreting the composite weighted


Sum of the Weight Means

Number of Cases

Definition of Terms

Brasserie. An informal usually French restaurant serving simple hearty food.

Beverage. Something you can drink a liquid for drinking.

Customer. Someone who buys good or services from the restaurant.

Commotion. Noisy excitement and confusion.

Establishment. A place of business or residence.

Satisfaction. A result that deals with a problem or compliant in an acceptable way.


Server. A person who brings your food and drinks at a restaurant.

Quality. Something that can be noticed as a part of a person that has a higher value of

excellence. It also refers to the goodness of the restaurant’s services.




This chapter reports the raw data gathered from the Common Problems Encountered in

Dealing with Customers by the servers of KEW Hotel, J. A. Clarinet St. Tagbilaran City. To

achieve the objectives of this investigation, the researchers delved into the profile of the

respondents, common problems encountered, common reasons of having problems encountered,

and possible effects of problems encountered.

The data were herein presented in tables, subjected to statistical analysis and interpreted

in the light of the problems in this study.

Profile of the Respondents

Age. As shown in Table 2, mostly of the respondents were 21 to 25 years old with the

frequency of 15 (88%). Followed by 20 & below and 26 to 30 years old with the frequency of 1


Sex. Table 2 presented that most of the respondents were males with the percentage of 65

and only 35% were females.

Status. Table 2 shows that all the respondents in KEW Hotel were single with the

percentage of 100.

Table 2
Profile of the Respondents


20 & below 1 0.06 2

21 - 25 15 0.88 1

26 30 1 0.06 2.1

Male 11 0.65 1

Female 6 0.35 2

Single 17 1 1

Common Problems Encountered

Table 2 represented that there were fourteen out of seventeen of the respondents

answered Yes of the problems encountered in dealing with customers with the percentage of

82.35% which is ranked as 1. There are three answered No with the percentage of 17.5% which

is ranked as 2.

Table 3
Encountered Problems


As a server, have you encountered problem/s in dealing with the customers?

Yes 14 82.35 1
No 3 17.65 2
Total 17 100

As shown in Table 4, all items were ranked as follows: ranked 1, item 8, strict customers

with the percentage of 64.71%; ranked 2 item 2, improper handling of orders, and item 7,

sensitive customers, 58.71%; ranked 3 item 1, running children, 47.06%; ranked 4 item 4,

customer is angry, 35.29%; ranked 5 item 5, changes of orders, and item 6, customers who don’t

speak up, 29.42%; ranked 6 item 10, prank customers, 23.53%; and lastly, item 11, spill of

orders with the percentage of 11.76.

Table 4
Encountered Problems

1. Running children. 8 47.06 3
2. Improper handling of order/s. 10 58.82 2
3. Customer's voce losing. 4 23.53 6
4. Customer is angry. 6 35.29 4
5. Changes of order/s. 5 29.41 5
6. Customer/s who don't speak up. 5 29.41 5.1
7. Sensitive customer/s. 10 58.82 2.1
8. Strict customer/s. 11 64.71 1
9. Restless customer/s. 5 29.41 5.2
10. Prank customer/s. 4 23.53 6.1
11. Spill of orders during serving. 2 11.76 7

Table 5 shows that 9 out of 11 items were rated as R which means that the respondents

were rarely encounter problems in dealing with customers. These items were rated as follow;

rank 1 item 6, customer/s who don’t speak up, with the weighted mean of 1.8; rank 2 item 2,

improper handling of order/s, 1.7; rank 3 item 8, strict customer/s, 1.55; rank 4 item 1, running

children, 1.5; rank 4.1 item 3, customer’s voice losing, 1.5; rank 4.2 item 7, sensitive costumer/s,

1.5; rank 5 item 4, customer is angry, 1.3; rank 6 item 10, prank customer/s, 1.25; rank 7 item 5,

changes of order/s. 1.2; and rank 8 item 11, spill of order/s during serving with the weighted

mean of 1.

Table 5
Encountered Problems

(3) (2) (1)
1. Running children. 8 - 4 4 1.5 R 4
2. Improper handling of
10 - 7 3 1.7 S 2
3. Customer's voce losing. 4 - 2 2 1.5 R 4.1
4. Customer is angry. 6 - 2 4 1.3 R 5
5. Changes of order/s. 5 - 1 4 1.2 R 7
6. Customer/s who don't
5 - 4 1 1.8 S 1
speak up.
7. Sensitive customer/s. 10 - 5 5 1.5 R 4.2
8. Strict customer/s. 11 - 6 5 1.55 R 3
9. Restless customer/s. 5 - 1 4 1.5 R 4.3
10. Prank customer/s. 4 - 1 3 1.25 R 6
11. Spill of orders during
2 - - 2 1 R 8
Composite Mean 1.44 R

Table 6 presented that three out of four items were rated as N which means the

respondents answered never on the given statements. These items were rank as follows rank 1,

item 1, Lack of Confidence, with the weighted mean of 2.24; rank 2, item 2, Absence of mind

1.59; rank 3, item 3, Careless, 1.47, and lastly, item 4 still don't know about the task, with the

weighted mean of 1.41.

The composite mean of the common reasons of having problems encountered was 1.68

which was assessed as never.


Table 6
Common Problems Encountered

(4) (2) (1) N K
1. Lack of
0 9 3 5 17 2.24 R 1
2. Absence of mind. 0 3 4 10 17 1.59 N 2
3. Carelessness. 0 3 2 12 17 1.47 N 3
4. Still don't know
0 2 3 12 17 1.41 N 4
about the task.
Composite Mean 1.68 N

Possible Effect of Problems Encountered

Self. All items were rated as DA which means that the respondents were disagreed on the

given statements that could possible effect of the workers performance issues. These items were

rank as follows; rank 1, item 4, Can't serve properly, with the weighted mean of 2.12; rank 2,

item 1, Losing the confidence, 2.06; ranked 3 item 2, getting hurt, 2; rank 3.1 item 5, feel scared

to serve more, 2; and rank 4 item 3, feel ashamed with the weighted mean of 1.94.

The composite mean of the respondents to the possible effect of the performance issues to

the self was 2.02 which was assessed as disagreed.

Table 7
Possible Effect to Self

(4) (3) (2) (1)
1. Losing the
0 5 8 4 17 2.06 DA 2
2. Getting hurt. 0 4 9 4 17 2 DA 3
3. Feel ashamed. 0 4 8 5 17 1.94 DA 4
4. Can't serve
0 6 7 4 17 2.12 DA 1
5. Feel scared to
0 5 7 5 17 2 DA 3.1
serve more.
Composite Mean 2.02 DA

Customers. All items were rated as DA which means that the respondents were

disagreed on the given statements of the possible effect to the customers because of their

performance issue. These items were rank as follows; rank 1 item 1, they get disappointed with

the weighted mean of 2.06; rank 2 item 2, they feel regrets, item 3, they get angry, and item 5,

customers will not go back, with the weighted mean of 1.94; and lastly, item 4, they will lose

their appetite, 1.88.

The composite mean of the respondents to the possible effect of the performance issues to

the customers was 1.95 which was assessed as disagreed.

Table 8
Possible Effect to Customers

(4) (3) (2) (1)
1. They get
1 3 9 4 17 2.06 DA 1
2. They feel
- 4 8 5 17 1.94 DA 2
3. They get angry. - 4 8 5 17 1.94 DA 2.1
4. They will lose
- 4 7 6 17 1.88 DA 3
their appetite.
5. Customers may
- 4 8 5 17 1.94 DA 2.3
not go back.
Composite Mean 1.95 DA

Company. Three out of five items were rated as SDA which means that the respondents

were strongly disagreed to the possible effect of having problems encountered during work.

These items were rank as follows: rank 1 item 3, the income will be in a great loss, with the

weighted mean of 1.88; rank 2 item 1, the restaurant will not be recommended to others, 1.82;

rank 3 item 4, it will cause more workers to resign, 1.65; rank 4 item 2, the number of customers

will decrease, 1.59; and lastly, rank 4.1 item 5, the company will be bankrupt with the weighted

mean of 1.59.

The composite mean of the respondents to the possible effect of the performance issues to

the company was 1.71 which was assessed as strongly disagreed.

Table 9
Possible Effect to Company

(4) (3) (2) (1)
1. The restaurant
will not be
- 3 8 6 17 1.82 DA 2
recommended to
2. The numbers of
customers will 2 3 6 6 17 1.59 SDA 4
3. The income will
- 4 7 6 17 1.88 DA 1
be in a great loss.
4. It will cause
more workers to - - 11 6 17 1.65 SDA 3
5. The company
- - 10 7 17 1.59 SDA 4.1
will be bankrupt.
Composite Mean 1.71 SDA

Analysis of Variance to the Problems Encountered

Table 10 shows the statistical computation on the problems encountered by the servers

during service. The obtained analysis of variance F-value is 15.94072 which is greater than the

F-critic value which is 3.31583 with 32 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis is rejected.

Hence, there is a significant degree of relationship between the problems encountered during

service and the overall services.

Table 10
Analysis of Variance to the Problems Encountered

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 11 0 0 0
Column 2 11 33 3 5.4
Column 3 11 37 3.363636 1.654545
Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 74.9697 2 37.48485 15.94072 1.92E-05 3.31583
Within Groups 70.54545 30 2.351515
Result: Significant
Total 145.5152 32 Ho: Rejected

Analysis of Variance to the Possible Effect of Problems Encountered

Table 11 shows the statistical computation on the problems encountered by the servers

during service. The obtained analysis of variance F-value is 121.5294 which is greater than the

F-critic value which is 3.238872 with 19 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis is rejected.

Hence, there is a significant degree of relationship between the problems encountered during

service and its possible effects to self.

Table 11
Analysis of Variance to the Possible Effect to Self

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 5 0 0 0
Column 2 5 24 4.8 0.7
Column 3 5 39 7.8 0.7
Column 4 5 22 4.4 0.3

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 154.95 3 51.65 121.5294 3.2E-11 3.238872
Within Groups 6.8 16 0.425
Result: Significant
Total 161.75 19 Ho: Rejected
Table 12 shows the statistical computation on the problems encountered by the servers

during service. The obtained analysis of variance F-value is 148.7143 which is greater than the

F-critic value which is 3.238872 with 19 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis is rejected.

Hence, there is a significant degree of relationship between the problems encountered during

service and its possible effects to customers.

Table 12
Analysis of Variance to the Possible Effect to Customers

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 5 1 0.2 0.2
Column 2 5 19 3.8 0.2
Column 3 5 40 8 0.5
Column 4 5 25 5 0.5

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 156.15 3 52.05 148.7143 6.78E-12 3.238872
Within Groups 5.6 16 0.35
Result: Significant
Total 161.75 19 Ho: Rejected

Table 13 shows the statistical computation on the problems encountered by the servers

during service. The obtained analysis of variance F-value is 30.99242 which is greater than the

F-critic value which is 3.238872 with 19 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis is rejected.

Hence, there is a significant degree of relationship between the problems encountered during

service and its possible effects to company.

Table 13
Analysis of Variance to the Possible Effect to Company

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 5 2 0.4 0.8
Column 2 5 10 2 3.5
Column 3 5 42 8.4 4.3
Column 4 5 31 6.2 0.2

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 204.55 3 68.18333 30.99242 6.72E-07 3.238872
Within Groups 35.2 16 2.2
Result: Significant
Total 239.75 19 Ho: Rejected



This chapter presents the summary of findings which were analyzed and interpreted in the

previous chapter. This summary formed the basis for inferring conclusions and offering


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the common problems encountered in dealing with

customers of KEW Hotel at J. A. Clarin St., Tagbilaran City. The findings of this study will

serve as the basis in formulating recommendations that would help the workers to cope their

problems encountered and help the management of KEW Hotel to improvise their customer

service to attract more customers that would lead to a booming one. Specifically, it intends to

answer the following questions: What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

Age, Sex; and Civil Status; What are the common problems encountered by the workers in

dealing with customers; Is there a significant degree of relationship between the workers’

encountered problems and their overall services; What are the possible effects of the workers’

encountered problems to the following: Self, Customers and Company; Is there a significant

degree of relationship between the respondents problems encountered and its possible effects to

the following: Self, Customers and Company; What are the findings and conclusions of the

study; and based on the findings and conclusions, what recommendations may be formulated?

Statement of Hypothesis

This study sought to accept or reject the null hypothesis: There is no significant degree of

relationship between the respondents problems encountered and its possible effects to the

following: Self, Customers and Company; and There is no significant degree of relationship

between the workers’ encountered problems and their overall services.


Profile of the Respondents

Mostly of the servers of KEW Hotel were 21-25 years old (88%). As to their sex,

generally of them were males (65%) and an excessive percentage of their civil status is single


Common Problems Encountered

Fourteen out of seventeen of the respondents answered Yes of the problems encountered

in dealing with customers with the percentage of 82.35% and three answered No with the

percentage of 17.5%.

All items were ranked as follows: ranked 1, item 8, strict customers with the percentage

of 64.71%; ranked 2 item 2, improper handling of orders, and item 7, sensitive customers,

58.71%; ranked 3 item 1, running children, 47.06%; ranked 4 item 4, customer is angry, 35.29%;

ranked 5 item 5, changes of orders, and item 6, customers who don’t speak up, 29.42%; ranked 6

item 10, prank customers, 23.53%; and lastly, item 11, spill of orders with the percentage of


Nine out of eleven items were rated as R which means that the respondents were rarely

encounter problems in dealing with customers.

Three out of four items were rated as N which means the respondents answered never on

the given statements. The composite mean of the common reasons of having problems

encountered was 1.68 which was assessed as never.


Possible Effect of Problems Encountered

Self. All items were rated as DA which means that the respondents were disagreed on the

given statements that could possible effect of the workers performance issues. The composite

mean of the respondents to the possible effect of the performance issues to the self was 2.02

which was assessed as disagreed.

Customers. All items were rated as DA which means that the respondents were

disagreed on the given statements of the possible effect to the customers because of their

performance issue. The composite mean of the respondents to the possible effect of the

performance issues to the customers was 1.95 which was assessed as disagreed.

Company. Three out of five items were rated as SDA which means that the respondents

were strongly disagreed to the possible effect of having problems encountered during work. The

composite mean of the respondents to the possible effect of the performance issues to the

company was 1.71 which was assessed as strongly disagreed.

Analysis of Variance to the Problems Encountered

The obtained analysis of variance F-value is 15.94072 which are greater than the F-critic

value which is 3.31583 with 32 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis is rejected. Hence, there

is a significant degree of relationship between the problems encountered during service and the

overall services.

Analysis of Variance to the Possible Effect of Problems Encountered

Self. The obtained analysis of variance F-value is 121.5294 which is greater than the F-

critic value which is 3.238872 with 19 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis is rejected.

Hence, there is a significant degree of relationship between the problems encountered during

service and its possible effects to self.

Customers. The obtained analysis of variance F-value is 148.7143 which is greater than

the F-critic value which is 3.238872 with 19 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis is rejected.

Hence, there is a significant degree of relationship between the problems encountered during

service and its possible effects to customers.

Company. The obtained analysis of variance F-value is 30.99242 which is greater than

the F-critic value which is 3.238872 with 19 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis is rejected.

Hence, there is a significant degree of relationship between the problems encountered during

service and its possible effects to company.


The following generalizations are extracted based on the foregoing findings:

1. Most of the respondents were 21 to 25 years old; most of them were males; and as to their

civil status, all of them were single.

2. It was found out that there were fourteen out of seventeen respondents who encountered

problems during service.

3. Also, it was found out that the number one problem encountered by the respondents

during service was the strict customers.


4. The survey revealed that there is a significant degree of relationship between the

workers’ encountered problems and their overall services.

5. Also, it was revealed that there is a significant degree of relationship between the

respondents problems encountered and its possible effects to the following: Self,

Customers and Company.

6. To the possible effect to self of encountering problems during service, can’t serve

properly got the highest number of response.

7. To the possible effect to customers of encountering problems during service, they get

disappointed got the highest rank.

8. Lastly, to the possible effect to company of encountering problems during service, the

income will be in a great loss got the highest rank of response.


The result of the study revealed that the respondents usually encountered problems during

service. This implies that encountering problems during service has a great impact to the self,

customers, and company. The manager of the hotel particularly in the restaurant should address

these problems. Moreover, widening and enlightening the personal outlook and self-assessment

of the workers of themselves is of very necessary for them to ponder the problems they usually

encountered. Workers need proper guidance and assistance to the manager represented by the

guidance in dealing with different customers, particularly the new employees. Wherein, he/she

should encourage workers to work promptly and have a great performance.


Workers knowledge and skills in food and beverage services should be qualified enough

to the work. Its purpose is to have a good performance and could contribute good services to the



From the given findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are afforded:

1. The company should have a training program to the employees to test their skills and

performance before entering to the real work.

2. Also, the manager should take remedial actions to the employees’ performance issues to

for the improvement.

3. The employees should be open minded and have a serious attitude upon doing the task.

4. Also, each worker should undergo training before entering the job because food industry

needs high qualifications of performance.

5. The workers should make their mistakes as a lesson or a motivation for them to have a

strong will and a good performance in the future.

6. To the employees, to make their job prompt, having a positive mind, persevere and

confident will be a great help.


[1] Robertson, T. (2018). Basic Theories of Restaurant Management: Laissez-Faire Theory.

[2] Hawthorne, M. (2018). Management Theories and Concepts at the Workplace: Systems

Theory and Theory X and Theory Y.


[3] Republic of the Philippines. R. A No. 7394: Consumer Act of the Philippines. Chapter 2.

Consumer Product Quality and Safety.

[4] Republic Act of the Philippines. R. A. No. 10611. Food Safety Act of 2013: Basic Principles

of Food Safety.

[5] Trappey, A. (2010). A Framework of Customer Compliant Handling System.


[6] Leonard, K. (2018). How to Use Empathy with Customer Service.

[7] McGurgan, H. (2018). How to Train Employees to Deal with and Handle Customer’s



[8] Pantaleon, G. M. (2013). Problems Encountered by the Employees of Selected Hotels in




[9] Wirtz, J. & Jerger, C. (2017). Managing Service Employees: Literature Review, Expert

Opinions, and Research Directions.


[10] Kattara, H. S., Weheba, D. & Ahmed, O. (2015). The Impact of Employees’ Behavior on

Customers’ Service Quality Perceptions and Overall Satisfaction.


Appendix A

Mansasa National High School

Jimenez St. Mansasa District,
Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines

February 19, 2019


Mansasa National High School
Jimenez St. Mansasa District, Tagbilaran City

Dear Mrs. Samuya,

Warm greetings!

The undersigned are presently conducting a research study on “Common Problems Encountered
in Dealing with Customers” as a requirement of Inquiries/Investigation/Immersion subject.

In line with this, the proponent would like to ask your permission to allow the conduct of the said
paper of which the researchers will go outside the campus. The instrument used in this paper is
survey of which the respondents will be in Lantaw Restaurant.

Attached is the research tool for your perusal.

Thank you for considering this matter.

Very respectfully yours,



Noted by:


Subject Teacher Approved by:



Appendix B

February 19, 2019

Mr. Ariel Lumbres

The Manager
KEW Hotel
J. A. Clarin Street, Tagbilaran City


Warm greetings!

The undersigned are presently conducting a research study on “Common Problems Encountered
in Dealing with Customers” as a requirement of Inquiries/Investigation/Immersion subject.
Furthermore, the researchers would like to ask about 5 to 10 minutes during the worker’s break

In line with this, the proponent would like to ask your permission to allow the conduct of the said
paper in which servers/waiters/waitresses of KEW Hotel will be involved. The instrument used
in this paper is survey of which these servers/waiters/waitresses will be the respondents.

Attached is the research tool for your perusal.

Rest assured that the data gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you for considering this matter.

Very respectfully yours,



Noted by:


Principal Approved by:


Appendix C


Mansasa National High School

Jimenez St. Mansasa District,
Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines

Dear Respondent;

Good day!

We, grade 12 students of Mansasa National High School are conducting an investigation study
on the “Common Problems Encountered in Dealing with Customers” as partial fulfillment for
our Inquiries/Investigation/Immersion subject at Mansasa National High School.

Please fill-out the needed information stated below. Your cooperation is highly appreciated. Rest
assured that all information will be kept confidential.

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.


William M. Tuson Jr.

Jomari I. Ampolitod
Marjorie B. Caduyac
Rowena A. Ellorig
Christine Jade O. Vallente

I. Profile of the Respondent

Name (optional): ______________________ Age: ___

Gender: _______ Civil Status: _____________

II. Common Problems Encountered

A. As a server, have you encountered problem/s in dealing with the customers?

□ Yes
□ No
(if yes, continue to B; if no, proceed to III)

B. What problem/s do you usually encountered?

Direction: Read carefully and put a check mark (/) if you encountered this/these
problem/s and on the right side, write A if it is always happening, S if sometimes,
and R if rarely.

□ Running children __
□ Improper handling of order/s __
□ Customer’s voice losing __
□ Customer is angry __
□ Changes of order/s __
□ Customer/s who don’t speak up __
□ Sensitive customer/s __
□ Strict customer/s __
□ Restless customer/s __
□ Prank customer/s __
□ Spill of orders during serving __
□ Others (please specify) ________________ __

III. Possible Effects of Problems Encountered

Direction: Read each item carefully and put a check mark (/) if you strongly agree,
agree, disagree or strongly disagree on the given statement.
(SA) Strongly Agree (A) Agree (DA) Disagree (SDA) Strongly Disagree

1. Losing the confidence.
2. Getting hurt.
3. Feel ashamed.
4. Can't serve properly.
5. Feel scared to serve more.
1. They get disappointed.
2. They feel regrets.
3. They get angry.
4. They will lose their appetite.
5. Customers may not go back.
1. The restaurant will not be recommended to others.
2. The numbers of customers will decrease.
3. The income will be in a great loss.
4. It will cause more workers to resign.
5. The company will be bankrupt.



Name : Rowena A. Ellorig

Date of Birth : October 19, 1999

Place of Birth : Candelaria, Zambales

Civil Status : Single

Parents : Mr. William Ellorig

: Mrs. Antonia Ellorig


Elementary: Olongapo City Elementary High School

High School: Mansasa National High School



Name : William M. Tuson Jr.

Date of Birth : March 09, 2009

Place of Birth : Poblacion, Pilar , Bohol

Civil Status : Single

Parents : William Tuson Sr.

: Corazon Tuson


Elementary : Pilar Central Elementary School

High School : Mansasa National High School



Name : Marjorie B. Caduyac

Date of Birth : October 11, 2000

Place of Birth : Sierra Bollones, Bohol

Civil Status : Single

Parents : Mr. Antonio Caduyac

: Mrs. Luzviminda Caduyac


Elementary: Cahayag Elementary High School

High School: Mansasa National High School

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