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Society of F W m h m n Engineers

SPE 24082

Airlo* Fireflood: Comparison of Field-Scale Performances

and Economics
H.J-M. Petit,* E.P. Valentin,** and J-P. Desmarquest, Inst. Fran~aisdu P6trole
'SPE Member now with Howell.
*'SPE Member

Copyright 1992, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the Western Regional Meeting held in Bakersfield, California, March 30-April 1, 1992.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author@). Contents of the paper,
as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author@). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect
any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society
of Petroleum Engineers. Permissionto copy is restrictedto an abstract of not more than 300 words. Illustrations may not be copied. The abstract should contain conspicuousacknowledgment
of where and by whom the paper is presented. Write Librarian Manager, SPE, P.O. Box 833838, Richardson, TX 750834836. Telex, 730989 SPEDAL.

ABSTRACT Based on results for one inverted five-spot, it has

been found that scavenging of the oxygen fill-up
A comparison of oxygen and air fireflooding is presented behind the burn-front is not detrimental to the oxygen
from the technical and economic points of view for three fireflood process when followed by waterflooding.
specific applications produced by in-situ combustion. By comparison with wet oxygen combustion, this
In order to evaluate the economic interest of using of technique may lead to higher recovery factors at
oxygen instead of air, a technicc+economic assessment was slightly higher technical costs.
made of the supplying of oxygen. In the three cases Regarding the field developments examined, O2 wet
examined, supplying pure oxygen at wellhead pressure is combustion (simultaneous O2 and water injection) is
always at least as economical as air compression with an definitely the most efficient process for deep hea-
equivalent oxygen flowrate. It is all the more advantageous vy-oil reservoirs.
as the flowrate is high and the injection pressure is low in the Finally, the various processes and injection strategies
range examined (10 to 30 MPa) and considering the applied to the three cases examined were compared from an
development strategies used in this study. However, the economic point of view, which considers 021air production
difference between the two techniques is sufficiently small to costs, recovery and field costs including the additional costs
take into consideration the implementation conditions and of oxygen over air (safety, cleaning, completion).
performances of each type of gas in the recovery process This study gives a complete determination of key 02/Air
itself. fireflood parameters for the field of application covered by
3D field-scale combustion simulations and analytical the cases examined.
calculations were carried out to evaluate the real technical
advantages and disadvantages of the enriched-air combustion
process for three idealized applications. This study includes INTRODUCTION
the effect of CO, dissolution ( 4 combustion) and the water I

injection strategy (wet combustion, following water drive) on Fireflooding or in-situ combustion has been extensively
the sweep efficiency. applied to heavy oil and tar sands over the last 30 years.
The technical part of the paper leads to the following main However, about 90% of oil produced by EOR techniques is
conclusions: by thermal methods, and the contribution of fieflooding has
For a thin heavy41 reservoir, it has been been small.
demonstrated that it is not possible to use air in a Despite many successful projects, the industrial interest for
6.25 ha (15.4 acres) inverted five-spot because of the fireflooding has lessened in the last few years because of
air injectivity limitation. Oxygen clearly has a several commonly cited factors:
technical advantage in this case. The most evident is the market price of oil which
On the contrary, injection of oxygen instead of air is affects most of the EOR industrial projects.
not recommended for waterflooded or steam-stimula- The capital costs required to initiate a commercial
ted shallow reservoirs. fireflood project are higher than those using steam
injection processes (which continues to be more
References and illustrations at end of paper widely applied).

There are technical problems relative to the control unit cost per barrel enable the current economic merits of the
and the monitoring of the process, and to safety different in-situ combustion processes to be evaluated.
factors associated with gas containing oxygen in an
oil field environment.
In fact, other technical and economic factors can also TECHNICAL EVALUATION
explain the present stagnation of this process. Fireflooding
has suffered from having a typical domain of application To cover a wide domain of application of the in-situ
which covers thin, deep, medium to extra-heavy oil combustion process, three reservoirs were examined which
reservoirs. Steam is often applied to the best reservoirs, and can be considered as reference cases for this process. These
generally in-situ combustion is considered as a second-choi- idealized cases are taken from fields where in-situ
ce method, once steam is rejected. combustion has been tested or applied on an industrial scale.
Although steam injection is the preferred process, in-situ Two cases (field B, C) concern deep to very deep reservoirs
combustion is applicable to a wider range of reservoirs and is where steam injection could not be applied. The first one (B)
recognized to be more efficient. As mentioned by Burger ', is thin, the second one is thick (Table 1).
the energy yield for combustion is much greater than for The third case (field A) is a shallow reservoir containing ex-
steam drive. That is because for in-situ combustion, the fuel tra-heavy oil. For this case, steam stimulation prior to
formed from the heavy ends of the crude oil is generally fireflooding is needed to obtain sufficient injectivity.
completely used to feed the combustion front, and the amount For each case studied, the reservoir was assumed to have a
of oil components, either hardly producible from the steam-s- large extent and to be produced with a repetitive well
wept zone or burned in the volume swept by the combustion configuration scheme (inverted five-spot), so that only one
front, are of the same order of magnitude. In this process, the pattern element with close boundary conditions has been
heat is released to the immediate vicinity of the zone simulated. As such, 3 D grids have been considered in order
containing the displaceable oil, limiting the heat loss out of to simulate a 118th five-spot pattern.
the formation. IFP's multipurpose thermal compositional simulator, SARI.,
For the Western world, heavy to extra-heavy oil reservoirs was used to perform the simulations.
are mainly located in Canada and Venezuela and these
reserves now represent more than the remaining reserves of Combustion Representation
the United States. A large part of these heavy-oil reservoirs
are multilayered andlor deep, seriously limiting the use of To represent the combustion process itself, we assumed that
steam injection. The question is how to recover this a constant amount of coke deposited ahead of the combustion
considerable potential. front would bum in contact with oxygen according to a
O~~gen-enriched air fireflooding has generated kinetic law of the Arrhenius type. Our representation of the
considerable interest in recent years. Field tests have reaction scheme enabled the problem to be simplified, and
demonstrated the technical advantage of injecting oxygen enabled other reaction kinetics, such as low temperature
instead of air, i.e. the possibility of using it in low injectivity oxidation and cracking or direct oxidation of the oil, to be
reservoirs thanks to the decrease in the amount of gas to be suppressed.
injected. Of course, these phenomena can be taken into account in the
From an economic point of view, oxygen suppliers (2) have present model but accurate kinetic data for these reactions are
recently shown that the use of oxygen is cheaper than using difficult to obtain in the laboratory and difficult to apply on
air for large-scale operations requiring high pressures. field-scale because of the influence of the 3-phase
Moreover, the high CO, content of the exhaust combustion hydrodynamics on residual oil saturations ahead of the
gas (90 -95% for heavy oils) can be recovered and reinjected combustion front. This point has been already discussed in a
in nearby C02 injection projects. previous paper and systematic studies on the influence of
The results published on oxygen fireflood field projects are the grid block size on the reaction scheme have been carried
too limited to enable the advantages and disadvantages of out by numerical modeling specialists.
oxygen versus air injection to be classified. For our purpose, available values of the coke laydown
The present study directly compares the performance of obtained in the laboratory for the considered oils were
oxygen versus air fireflooding. introduced in the model. As all the values needed to
First of all, a numerical study based on laboratory research represent drylwet combustion were not available, an
has been performed, covering the dry/wet and extensive paper review on this topic has been consulted 1A4A6
airlo, combustion processes for three specific applications. leading to the results presented in Figure 1.
The three fields considered were produced by in-situ Two average curves were established from results issued
combustion. Of course, the numerical study was based on from laboratory tests performed on more than 10 types of oil
simplified and idealized reservoirs (no heterogeneities, classified in the heavy and medium ranges. For several
regular spacing, etc.) in order to limit the varying parameters. pressure tests, these curves show the evoldon of the coke
Then, a comparison of costs for producing oxygen and air laydown reduction during wet airlo, fireflooding. These
under field operating conditions was made within the curves have been established for a water injectedlair eq. ratio
framework of EOR operations using in-situ combustion. of about 2 x 10-3m3/Nm3eq. air.
Finally, a complete comparative economic evaluation was For the three types of oil studied in this paper the values of
performed on a field-scale basis, considering the recoveries coke laydown introduced in the model are reported in Table
and field costs of the processes. Economic calculations of 2. These values were sometimes available from reports or can

be extrapolated from these curves, considering the injection This phenomena has already been observed in laboratory at
pressure, the oil gravity and the waterlair ratio low injection pressure (1 MPa).
(1.5-1.6 m3/Nm3eq. air) used in this study.
Note that the same amount of coke laydown was used for air Field B
and 0, fireflooding.
Indeed, results from comparative laboratory experiments Prior to combustion, 5.4% OOIP were recovered by primary
show little difference, on the average, between oxygen and ah production. For this field, air injection was unsuccessful.
injection for medium to heavy oil, especially for high Indeed, after few months of injection, pressure reached
pressures 39 '. However a sizeable coke reduction was 30MPa (4,350 psi) with a normal injection flux of
observed with a 26' API oil during moderate 0, injections 3. 1 Nm3/m2hr. Reduction of the injected flowrate leads to a
Laboratory tests also show appreciably higher amount of rapid extinction, due to the important heat loss (oil
oxygen to be required at the burning front with increasing thickness = 4.6 m).
oxygen partial pressure, whatever the test pressure and oil On the contrary, 0, injection followed by waterflooding
studied. This effect is related to the fact that the excess leads to a recovery of 37.5% OOIP for the dry process,
oxygen in the burning zone bums part of the oil in place in 31.4% OOIP for the wet one (Table4). Wet combustion
the cracking zone. This result is very important and must be enabled the recovery to be accelerated but breakthrough also
taken into consideration in designing 0, injection strategies appeared more quickly at producer. Nevertheless, 0, wet
for field applications. In order to avoid risks of 0, by-pas- combustion is the most efficient process (AOR equal to 2,078
sing at front and undesirable 0, consuming reactions, instead of 2,365).
moderate O2flowrates must be injected.
Laboratory tests and field experiences 29 '1have shown that Field C
a O,/air ratio of 0.2 to 0.4 for the injected flowrates could be
recommended in general. Prior to combustion, 5.3% OOIP were recovered by primary
However, heterogeneous/fractured reservoirs or extra-heavy production. Table 5 summarizes the results obtained for the
oil field cases where gas fingering and channeling four recovery processes. Here also, wet 0 2 injection leads to
phenomena are encountered, might be poor candidates for the the lowest AOR. By comparison with the wet air process, 0 2
0, fireflooding process, unless field monitoring enables wet injection is 1.5 times more efficient. However, the final
0, flowrates at injectors to be selectively adjusted. recovery factor is lower (-20% in comparison or 12% OOIP).
Field A
Cost of 0, and Air at FieldScale
Steam stimulation
A comparison of costs for producing oxygen and air under
Due to the very low mobility of the oil in place, steam field operating conditions with the following development
Huffn Puff has been applied on both injector and producer, strategies has been made for the three cases examined
prior to the combustion process itself. 6 stimulation cycles (Table 6):
enabled to recover 5.1% OOIP in 4 years. For each cycle, In the first two fields, oxygen was injected at flowrates close
steam was injected during 15 to 30 days, followed by 7 days to those considered for the first year, and it is interesting to
soaking time with a maximum bottomhole pressure of build up development strategies from the present state of
12 MPa (1,740 psi) which is above the parting pressure. development of the projects. To be as thorough as possible in
9,200 t of steam were injected in each well and the covering the range of application of this recovery method, the
cumulative oil-steam ratio (OSR) was 0.123 m3/t. installation flowrates have been made to vary within fairly
wide ranges for each field. This range of flowrates goes from
Combustion phase 1 to 20, i.e. 70 t/day for the first year at field C to 1,430 t/day
during the final production stage at field B. If we assume that
Table 3 summarizes the optimized injection strategies used the ratio of 0, injected over oil produced varies between 100
for the four combustion processes studied: dry/wet 0, or air Sm3/m3 in a favorable case and 700 Sm3/m3in a very
fireflood. unfavorable case, the maximum amounts of oil liable to be
For this field, wet air injection is the most efficient process: produced at the industrial stage would be between 0.5 and 3.5
lowest Air-Oil Ratio (AOR) and best additional recovery Mm3/year at field A or field B, 0.25 and 1.8 Mm3/year at field
factor: 24.7% OOIP. This can be attributed to the low C.
injection pressure after stimulation (no CO, effect during 0,
process) and mainly to the advantageous effect of the N, Method
stream ahead of the air combustion front. Indeed, for air, the
gas flow was approximately 5 times greater than the flow of Data concerning oxygen were provided by 1'Air Liquide for
pure oxygen, and the vaporization of the large amount of Oxyton units having an output pressure of 0.55 MPa (80 psi).
water downstream from the front, especially after stimulation, The oxygen was then adjusted to the pressure required by
is facilitated by high heat transfer by convection. unlubricated compressors.

For each application, the supply of compressed air provided air are higher than those for the previous sites and are
a safety margin of about 20% all during production. The practically equivalent for both processes.
planned duration of production was 15 years, with a stream
factor of 360 days per year (8,640 hours). Remarks:
For all the cases considered, the cost of compressed air was
calculated on the following bases: The production of compressed air represents considerable
Electricity: $0.04AW investments for the operator, whereas oxygen separation and
Cooling water: $0.03/m3 compression installations are entirely accounted for by the
Linear depreciation (10 year period) supplier, who promises to see that production specifications
Interest: 7% of depreciable capital are met In this latter case, the technical and financial risks
9% of working capital remain limited for the operating oil company.
Operating cost: 7% of plant cost
Cost assessments do not take into account any residual value Effect of Injection Pressure and Gas Flowrate
of partially amortized units at the end of production.
In order to evaluate the effect of pressure, a field case A has
Field A been extrapolated to an injection pressure of 27 MPa
(4,000 psi) which corresponds to that of field B. In figure 3,
Compression to 10 MPa of 750 tlday to 7,000 Vday of air average costs are compared for both injection pressures. The
(24,150 Sm3/hr to 225,000 Sm3/hr) requires the progressive difference between the two cases is relatively slight. This is
use of five 12,000kW centrifugal compressors, each with due to the discrepancy between the compressor cost which is
8 stages having a compression rate of 1.8 per stage and proportional to the square root of the number of compression
intermediate cooling circuits. Each unit is powered by a stages. Note that two supplementary stages are needed for
12,500 kW electric motor. the extrapolated case.
Figure 2 presents year by year the evolution of the average In figure 4, the three high pressure field cases have been
cost of compressed air, expressed in $It of oxygen equivalent represented: fields B and C and the extrapolated case issued
based on the cost of supplying oxygen by l'Air Liquide. from A. It is shown that the cost of compressed air is more
For this application, characterized by a relatively low affected by the injected flowrate and injection program than
injection pressure and a high flowrate, the cost of oxygen for by pressure.
compressed air is always higher than that of pure oxygen, by Field C corresponds to a lower initial flowrate and
about 28% at the end of year 15. had the most important variation between the
beginning and the end of field development (injected
Field B flowrate multiplied by 10).
For fieldB, the high initial flowrate was only
Production from this field by in-situ combustion requires multiplied by 4, leading to the use of high capacity
the supplying of 1,750 to 7,150 tlday of compressed air at compressors and therefore, to an important capital
27 MPa. The operation can be achieved by the progressive expenditures saving.
installation of three 18,000 kW centrifugal compressors with
10 compression stages. Economics of Air and Oxygen Firefloods
This application is characterized by high pressure and high
flowrate, but it varies only by a ratio of 4 between the Economic calculations of unit cost per barrel have been
beginning and the end of the production period. This calls for made for the three oil fields with the following assumptions:
the installation of a high capacity compressor from the very
beginning. Capital Costs
Likewise, the need to compress pure oxygen from 0.55 MPa
(output pressure of the separation unit) to 27 MPa takes away Drilling, completion and piping:
some of this process's advantage. However, it,is still slightly
more economical for production as a whole (about 10% at the For field A, infill drilling and steam stimulation were
end of year 15). needed to create communication between wells. So, 4 ha
patterns were changed into 1 ha inverted five-spots. The cost
Field C of both air injector and producer was estimated to be
This application is characterized by a high pressure The cost of the same wells were $460,000 and $1,200,000
(30 MPa) and a relatively low flowrate, but one that varies by respectively for fields B and C. The additional cost of a wet
a ratio of 1 to 10 between the beginning and end of injector is about $95,000 per injector and $70,000 for a O2
production (350 to 3,500 tlday of compressed air). injection well.
This development program involves the use of a large These additional costs are due to the use of alloy tubing for
number of medium-size compressors, i.e. four 7,500 kW wet combustion instead of coated tubing for dry combustion.
units with 10 stages. Special completion design must be considered for 0,
Considering this configuration, the average costs for injection (wellhead, tubing, packer).
supplying pure oxygen and oxygen in the form of compressed General expenditures including water wells, pumping,
softener, manifolds, power installation, pads and oil-treat-

ment facilities are estimated to be $2 per barrel of oil On the contrary, injection of oxygen instead of air is
produced. not recommended for waterflooded or steam
stimulated shallow reservoirs.
Operating costs Based on results for one inverted five-spot,
scavenging of the oxygen fill-up behind the
The cost of water injection represents $0.5/m3, whereas burn-front has been found not to be detrimental to the
produced water and oil treatment respectively cost $1.5/m3 oxygen firt$lood process when followed by
and $l/bbl. waterflooding. By comparison with wet oxygen
Considering that 0.6m3 of C@ is recovered from the combustion, this technique may lead to higher
combustion of 1 m3 O,, the resale of CO, after purification, recovery factors at slightly higher technical costs.
its transport (100 miles) and pressurizing for another EOR Regarding the examined field developments, 0,wet
project represents $0.01 per cubic meter of oxygen injected. combustion (simultaneous 0, and water injection) is
definitely the most efficient process for deep hea-
Discussion vy-oil reservoirs.
Table 7 summarizes the results obtained for the three
field-scale applications of the combustion processes. BIBLIOGRAPHY
This table clearly shows that the cost of oil produced by
fireflooding is very dependent of the nature of reservoir and Burger, J., Sourieau, P. and Combamous, M.,
type of oil considered. For example the cost is doubled on Thermal Methods of Oil Recovery, Editions Technip,
the whole, from field C to field A. Paris, 1985.
For shallow reservoirs having a high water saturation Hvizdos, L.J., Howard, J.V., and Roberts, G.W.,
(field A after steamflooding), it is of no interest to inject 0, "Enhanced Oil Recovery Through Oxygen-Enriched
instead of air. Combined injection of water and 0, tends .to In-Situ Combustion: Test Results from the Forest Hill
quench combustion and to accelerate the breakthrough. Dry Field in Texas", J. P. T. 35 (7) p. 1061-1070, June
air combustion remains the most efficient and profitable 1983.
process. Petit, H.J.M. " In-Situ Combustion with Oxygen-En-
Thin and deep reservoirs are typically indicated for oxygen riched Air," Paper SPE 16 741, 62nd Annual
fireflooding (field B). Wet oxygen injection is more efficient Technical Conference and Exhibition of the SPE,
than dry oxygen injection followed by waterflooding for Dallas, Texas, September 27-30, 1987.
scavenging heat and oxygen stored behind the combustion Hansel, J.G., Benning , M.A. and Fernbacher, J.M.
front. However, the cost of oil produced is approximately the "Oxygen In-Situ Combustion for Oil Recovery:
same. Combustion Tube Test," Paper SPE 11 253, SPE
For the thick and very deep reservoir (field C), wet oxygen Regional Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 3-6,
fireflooding is the most efficient and least costly process. 1982.
Combined water and oxygen injection boosts production, and Shahani, G.H. and Hansel, J.G., "Oxygen
then enables additional patterns to be produced at slightly Fireflooding: Combustion Tube Tests with Light,
lower cost. Dry oxygen followed by waterflooding is also of Medium, and Heavy Crude Oils", SPEDOE
interest and could be envisaged in the case of a lower Paper 12726, 4thlSymposium on Enhanced Oil
injectivity reservoir for which combined injection of gas and Recovery, Tulsa, Oklahoma, April 16-18, 1984.
water is limited. Figure 5 shows, for the four processes, the Garon, A.M., Kumar, M., Cala, G.C. "Oxygen
evolution of amounts of fluid injected and produced during Fireflooding - The State of The Art", Research
the project life. Conference on Exploration for Heavy Crude Oil and
Figure 6 shows the breakdown of the cost of oil for the three Natural Bitumen, Santa Maria, CA,
fields produced by wet oxygen fieflooding. The cost of October 29-November 2,1984.
oxygen by itself represents $2.5 to $5 per barrel, that is Donnelly, J.K., R.J. Hallam, J.A. Duckett "An Oil
between 16 to 33% of the technical cost. Note, for field A, Sands Oxygen In-Situ Combustion Project", 3rd Int.
the importance of the "other" (14%) including the cost of UNITARfUNDP Heavy Crude and Tar Sands Conf.,
steam injection. Treatment of oil and water represents Long Beach CA, July 22-31,1985.
between 16 to 33% of the total cost. Huffman, G.A., Benton, J.P., El-Messidi, A.E., Riley
K.M. "Pressure Maintenance by In-Situ Combustion
West Heidelberg Unit, Jasper County, Mississipi",
CONCLUSIONS J.P.T. 35 (10) p. 1877-1883, October 1983.
-For a thin heavy41 reservoir, it has been
demonstrated that it would be not possible to use air
in a 6.25 ha (15.4 acres) inverted five-spot because of
the air injectivity limitation. There is clearly a
technical advantage for oxygen in this case.
Table 1
Main reservoir characteristics

Depth (m)
Thickness (m)
I Pattern size (five-spot) 1 ha (2.5 acres) 1 6.2 ha (15.4 acres) 1 6.2 ha (15.4 acres)
1 Gravity (OAPI)
100,000 (at 15.5OC) 1,000 (at 85OC) 6 (at 105°C)
Porosity (%) 30 27.7 14
1 Permeability (mD)

Reservoir temperature ("C)

Table 2
Coke laydown (kg/m3)
Field A B C I
Dry AirlO, 42 48 22
Wet Airlo, 29 38 19

Table 3
Field A: Results for one inverted five-spot
Gas injected Water injected Oil produced I AOR Add. Rec.**

Wet Air
4.8 7.0 3.5 5.2 11 23 30 30 13
Vertical air or 0, sweep efficiency: 0.175 (for injected gas calculations)
1,322 24.7
Critical flux at front: Air: 0.8 Nn?/m2hr 0s 0.2 Nn?/dhr
* including 11.1DP m3 by waterfloodingafter combustion
"additional recovery for an inverted five-spot

Table 4
Field B: Results for one inverted five-spot
Gas inj. I Water injected I Oil produced I AOR I Add. Rec.**

Hypothesis: Vertical O2sweep efficiency: 1 (for Injected gas calculations)

Critical flux at front: 02:0.4 Nn?/dhr
' by waterfloodingafter combustion
**additional recovery for an inverted fivespot
Table 5

Dry Air 25 35 35 35 - - - - 35' 35.35' 45 27 20 17 2.8 1.3 1.4 1,142 71.3

Wet Air 25 35 35 18 - 17 35 35 - - - 46 29 33 9.1 - - - 969 72.7
Hypothesis: Vertlcal air or O2sweep efficiency: 0.28 (for injected gas calculations)
Critical flux at front: Air: 1.5 NmS/dhr Op:0.3 Nms/m2hr
by waterflooding after combustion
**additional recovery for an Inverted flvespot

Table 6
Field operating conditions
Depth (m) inj. pressure (MPa) Fiowrate in 0, equivalent (tld)
Field Field Years years yeam
A I B I C A I B I C 1 1 2-10 111-15 1 1 2-9 110-15 1 1 2-9 110-15
450 )1,43013,350 10 1 27 1 30 150 I125*I1.400 350 1120'/1.430 70 170* 1700
'annual increase

Table 7
Field develovment: main economic r,
Field A I
Field B Field C
dry 0, lwet 0,ldry airlwet airldry 0, lwet 0. dry 0, wet 0, dry air wet air
Oil production (Mbbi) 81.5 81.7 109.9 103.6 50.1 57.8 64.3 85.5 47.4 58.5
Air Oil Ratio 1,572 1,659 1,331 1,325 2,377 2,080

Figure 1: Coke laydown reduction vs pressure

Figure 2: Unit cost of air and oxygen

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5
Figure 3: Unit cost of air: pressure effect
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 t 3 1 4 1 5

Figure 4: Unit cost of air: effect of injection rate

1.800 Id

Wet o2
1.m IS

Wet Air
1.m 1.6

Figure 5: Evolutionof amounts of fluid injected and produced on field C

Field A Field B Field C

Figure 6: Breakdown of technical cost

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