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SAXON SERIES IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE GRANT TAYLOR, Consulting Editor MASTERING AMERICAN ENGLISH WITH RECORDED EXERCISES FOR INTERMEDIATE AND ADVANCED STUDENTS: BY GRANT TAYLOR, Astocite Professor of Engh Director, Amer Caf Language Institute, Dision of General Education, New York University: Formerly Asitant Director, Foreign shusent Centr, ‘New York University Lctrer in English, Columba University ASSO {ate Ear, Thorndike Banhart Compeehensve Desk Ditonsy. ccraw 800k Company Newyox St lode SanPrandeco Auckind Gogo Hamburg MASTERING American ENGLISH apy © 150 ceo ok Company nat eer SAXON SERIES IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE GRANT TAYLOR, Consulting Editor LEARNING AMERICAN ENGLISH MASTERING AMERICAN ENGLISH PRACTICING AMERICAN ENGLISH AMERICAN ENGLISH READER ADVANCED ENGLISH EXERCISES MODERN SPOKEN ENGLISH MODERN ENGLISH WORKBOOK MeGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, INC. PREFACE “Masering. Amercen Englth is» comprebeasive exercise book for use ‘with adule students at the intermediate and advanced levels of language learning, The text is divided into two sections, The exercises which ‘comprise Part One, the Intermediate Section, make an effective and ‘once review of the Fundamental language materials trated ally in Learning. Amercon Englith (Saxon Press, Second Baton, 1956). Part ‘Two, the Advanced Section, should accommodate extensive practice with those more complex features of Baglsh which demand of the stent 2 god contra over Fundamental ‘The teat is bused squarely on the principle that language mastery is achieved theough (1) awatenes and understanding of the common sentence pattems of the language, and (2) constant and thorough practice with thew patterns. The text is futher based on the premise that awarenest and undestandiag. come eatully through practice “There are, therefore, few grammatical explanations in thi book, A though standard grammatical terminology has been used in the titles of the exercises, this is intended as + guide for the teacher. Insofar 1s posible the taden’s stein is called to the grammar and strc ture of English through examples which serve as putters for the practice materials which fllow. Under ondinaty cicumstance, teachers need no special taining oF Dackgiound in languages of Knguisis ia order to use this text. The cxamples in the various exercises or the exercises themselves are lmgehy self-explanatory. To lend 10 the Mexbity of this text in many it ferent language teaching or lening situations, the eental language structure has been presented in + very large numberof short exercises, While each exercie is an independent wnit and can be taught as such ‘or used in connection with other cass materia, all 312 exercises have bean arranged in a logical sequence which some teachers nay wish 0 follow. Inpaticular parts ofthe advanced section, it may appeat to some teachers that the exerciser ate too elementary, In sich cases, how: ve, the exercises ia question are either (1) prepststion for related but more dificul subject or (2) subjects in which, for various seasons, sdvanced stents are frequently decent, Materng American Englch does oot coves the ene grammar and structure of the language. It does deal with the major features, et pecially tose ia which English eile in igs method of expetsion frm Spanish, Geman, Russian, Japanese, and ote Languages, In this com rection, a large number of the sentences used throughout this text scully had dei source in compositions writen by aatve speakers of those languages. Furthermore, the materials in Mattering Ameren English bave been used and Wovoughly tested in many kinds of clase, situations and with students of many diferent natinalies at New York Univesity snd Columbia University over «period of si years “Wherever possible, the execites have been 4 constructed ap to make tem suitable for either otal ot waitten pracie. Whenever possible, teaches should try to employ both methods of intuction, Repetition |, of coors, extremely valuable and important in bulding automatic contol over sentence stucuce. A tape recorder can be used very ffecively for this type of practice. Yn this regard, many of the exe: iss in Mastering American Engl are stable for tape eccding and se inthe "language laboratory Partial answers to the exercises have been incl in the append ‘Thus, students wotking at home without the aid of a teacher can check to see if they have stated theie work corey, Complete answers have been given for the exercises on twosnord verb and prepositions Since thece are few soutees from which students can obtain this in fours, ‘The author wishes to express his gratitude this colleagues at both New York Univenity and Columbia Univessy who were helpfal in sing and constructively cetiing the materials which went into Mas: tering American Englvh. ‘Toe suthor would also like to extend is thanks to all his studens of diferent aationalies, many of them teaches themselves, who made valuable sggestions and contbutions to this textbook GET. New York, 1956 owt aed dove) i megane The vets om, ad eso snd nese Bese ese ese forme ‘rs es eet fre En ron etn esd itt, oe ‘Tee brea thee ad ree i ‘tbe f Li Eat # eu re ff a i i CONTENTS gene tee gain Bary, ree. bea Bees eee ioe ae 6 pe ere, Review: uetion with uments Sees Using the fare tense 2) ‘Queins: he fee mt i tn: te fare wah fo leptin: he frre wih ‘Nees: Be fore iho ‘aig the fare tee) sing the Te tenses (8) ‘A Tepe New Yor Gueios, A Tep to New Vos” — Seb te at we oh es Seotich ch tose many foes onser erro Rocy. quali od wl Rover: drone wih do ever: Srsing questions Stee mover gaa ‘Wilan Howasd Hot retin tt Mer Hat’ life titan ant yout Eg = 7 sent et ye Serna sie facies Day i Sethe tha le SESS he ies alee Gana eos Seema uae Memes SEs SS win nt sr eee He foie bec ares es Sap ine ee a ioe SSeS ae Sen eet Fe |] one 8 - sre es Ei te Se Strat ea Se Ww ated pes Nijcine oat The rs si ala mare The word aledy ad et Review ail aed a yeh {The'woede ayo 0 ter Word ore trguency wad ‘Word ore. sev Word order: pe” “anne ord one: dae ads Weed Sie net ta indi us 118 1% i 2 13 ADVANCED SECTION. ie ‘he ps tose v2 the pede olan pape Using the coninwoaa petecr Wecijng ici ed she Ut cis ol eC) Shed Gyn ing eidthe wdvais Hewett ve soe “Ti wed a Sr Cane th is Mth at many in pts (Geoen camptios venin, The He Bae Specs nih te a See hci compan) ee ‘ate pase ‘Spring hy" ar Ze pee oo ‘Usd tnd be ale i) seasing dvb” of a a 1 a9 rd “0 2 Ug or aad be te AB “gato A ‘he ft ne el engl oa Nees wi bid ad cog 194 (bos sol dg ASS Siprning oct JAE lene of met ad Be 137 eedon wth atta hae 158 Seger: th mt and bore 18 Belew: getin fount 10 even: Spa forme 18h ever ini fos Hee even, te perp She tmp Meng” Bevew imple queso forms 168 Rew. copies forme 106 (yee ater Cae “he lniive © stow exon Re ibe wir ade ee s FEISS oe ini thee oem oe ee Seinigees ie Inlive ve ened (1) are Inamiine pend (2) lS Te mane er es are Reviews ininive we pened 377 ‘espe mie th ace id ne 19 ‘Te word ha ion (1) 181 ESaieg ai Waa te as eens Shah sees [Now das wih gn vols “199 ears Ce shou nseing =o 203 SESE ptcing wc ra oe ol he eon so Yok ite Seas See ce the pera put ese 209 SRixe theater 210 Belew: sequence of tenes (1) 2 Hvew: scence f tenes (2) 218 SSE ew ae 2 Dire inte speed (1) — Da we inet eck Bisse ret ech G3) — Bigs vous och (0) Pelee ane es Spek Seth gen fom of Se Wing dee im New ie Gan el he ai aes Sowing eae orp” a8 Wing da of ea fe : - ca ig wi ans Stompin wie Swing,“ uh oie ei tg dau of opoiion Wrtng snes of Somparncn 252 ‘Wang hse of pie 288 Review eng cates 2 Reophalng cue of ie 235 ‘Te Goto pe ene 2S ‘The ample put te dice pt) enn 257 ete pat tie 28 ‘Te ies tv te oats @ ” 29 pte pat tee Se ‘The fol put ve the pl pe 241 The pent un henge pein the fas 248 ‘The contin fue ete 344 ‘The Simple fatre we eins fue NS Se Foners Teel oan eal conditns free (ad etn edi tis 3 Bea edn: general "380 Uta dios eae sc wring conde otnces 254 Went rerl nercs 88 (hing ase afer the ve ih 256 Kovew: conden semen 257 Roiee: ing endo Glew view of he ter 259 ‘Seema forme wih dp ae ‘The Saal pr wid wd ash Pe Eeentgg mb ESPs ear “Aig open Expressing oe ‘with ave Sprig “oes inthe put 208 Inlistiog “samp ih at 268 Recon hp 70 sea ea aerng “vin” with I i am i con a3 Enpreing peel” wilh ed ab nang Bevew ‘sg sais a8 Teese nie afer jet ot puis byes 207 Unebanaing fomerd nes 278 Using two weed ves 9 Preps with ward ves 200 Word der (1) fe ‘Weed order (2) fe Woed ster (3) rnd onde (2) 24 "ihe Tae a My Nike en of Aix 2 He oberg lant za ie Ser ie Suet Wate sad Dat ener ane Ss et seit cor a son i Pa Sere ce eee eo eeee § Simi oa i pee pas “Th Ebene 0 sad for team Eres sear tie Saka APPENDIX pebey egesse & geese ge y ii INTERMEDIATE SECTION THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA every Day Sead is wy Sade va al, Jhmes Johnson is myname. I wack nthe tain ofc ofa big company. ‘Twenty people work in that oie every day. Mr. Wilson is my bons He works very hard. Almost everyone works hurd. Of course, « few pape dont work hard ‘Me. Wilton has a private ofc. He also has a secretary. Mis Stewart is his scary. Sh helps Me. Wilon. She dost help me I dont have 8 rate ofr, But I ave my own seeretary, My seretay is Maty Petes Me. Wilson mets ail ofthe portant vistors. I don't meet visor, Mis Stewart doesn't meet wstors ether, Mr. Wilson talks to vistors T ‘asionaly talk to vistors to, But I don't usually talk to vistors, ‘Me. Wilson weites many letters every dy, He sends many letters 10 users. I weit letters too. I send letters to other companies Bt f ont send lees to casters {often study satin. ‘Then I writ reports for Me, Wilson. He studies the septs carefully. I get the statics fom my assistants I ave two Asstots, Sith and Green. They help me very much, They dont wae They collect information fom ther people. Then they give the infomation to my seetisy. She cles information ftom ater people (00. Then he gives the information tome SEL Esse cst wete reports. But she writes many letess for me ss opens ny mail. She reads the mail carefully. She pes me tne poparantletcts She doesnt give me the other leter, fead the im tm ees oo, The Farin the lately een soos “he other letters ” ” 2 THe SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE qupsTiONS AND NEGATIVIS 4 ‘ashe seni pst eof eh verb We the vob nthe Bn pe ee ros gestions tht te sy ey Dy Ane Be goats ih 1 (work) 1 ook in the main ofce 5 tot ema 2 (work) Me Wilson works very hae 1 Does Me. Johnson woik fora big company? 3 (work) Almost eveyone vecy hae Yer Mr fobion works for «big company. 4 (oork) Wenn from 9:00 aan. 1 5:00 pa, 3 (hare) Me Wilson private office 2 Do the two men wotk inthe stme room? 6 (bere) 1 ‘ny own sexe [Note two men dott work i he same rom. 7 (ute) Mis Peers eters for me 8 (write) 1 report for Me. Wilon 3. Does Ms Johnson have a private oe? 9 (amis) Me. Wilton nthe teports 4. Do the two men have secretaries? 10 (ads) Lenssen the information earefll 3, Does Miss Stewart help Mr, Jonson? 11 (read) My secetary all of the mail. 6 Dees she Help Mi. Wilton of Mr. Johnson? 12 (ead) Vannnonen ony the inpotat eters. 3 De Me, Wilson and Mf. Jobnon work bard? 18 (collet) Smith and Gree information. 8. Does Me, Wilon met the important wstors? 14 (Gollect) Miss Peters. information too. 9. Does Mr, Johnson tl tothe vistors too? 10. Do Mr. Wilton and Mr. Johnson write many letters? 11_Do the two sereares write ltrs to? : 12. Does Me. Johnson send letters to esters? 13. Do Mr, Wikon and Me. Johason write reports? (Cage he 14 Does Me, Jtnson sty the reports cael? 11 9 tothe ofr every day 15. Does Me, Jbnson std the sais cael? He goes tothe ofice every dy. 16. Does Mr. Johason have to asians? 2 L-wete many Teter every da. 17 Do Smith and Green give the information to Johnson? ‘She writer many les evry day 18 Do they ive the information to his seretasy? 3. Tead all of the important lees 19 ‘Does Mis Peters give the information tobe boss? 4 Tudeh reports vey cael 20. Does she give the information to Wikon or Johnson? 3. Thave a peivate secretary 100 231. Does Mis Petes write reports every day? 6 1 usually work inthe main ofc. 22 Do Smith and Green wie report 00? 7H meet al ofthe important vistors 23. Does Me, Joheson open the mall every ay? 18 get the information from Miss Ptr. 24 Does Mis Pees open all of he sul 9° Lalways give the reports to Me, Wilson 35. Do Smith and Green open the mal too? 10. Tanswer al of the important leters 26 Does Me, Johnion read al of the ral? 11 I send letters to many other companies. Dost Mr, Johnson answer all of the letters? 12 talk to Smith and Brown every day Does Me Jobnton anrwer only the important lter? 5 DO AND DOES IN QUESTIONS ‘Wie doo dows the Bink ce ech sno 1 Do the students eudy hatd every day? 2 Desi Mer. Brown goto hit ofice every day? 3 you want cam and sugar ia your cole? 4 te cildeen goto bed sexy eat? 5 that gis come from South Amecca? ‘ yo know that alan student? 8 ° [Miss Stewart prefer coflee or tes? 2 youe English lessons seem very dificult? you have # good English diionary? 10 (Me. Moote teach English or history? 1 the Johnsons watch television evry ight? 2 Johnion and Wilson work inthe same ofice? B jou write reports for pour bos every day? 14 those two women understand that lesen? 6 DON'T AND DOESN'T IN NEGATIVES ‘We dont 0: dev to Hack pace a ch cle 1 We listen to the radio every night 2M Johnson have a private ofice 3. The boys study a the libeary every day. 4 These exercises seem very df, sit ‘aia very much in June and July 6 The men alvays eat at that aeteria a estat that cafeteria every dy. 5 Miss Peers 9 The Wilsons 10. Smith and Green M1 That ell man 12 The people 13 Mex Moore 14 Miss Granieo vie reports foe her bos. watch television everynight teach English this schol ork for es company speak English very vel, [Bo tothe store every dey oy tat history cat Bea is or, Seay Be ves veal My name is James Jonson, Iam the ofce manager of the Ajax Com- pity. Tam inthe offce of the compsny now Tam siting at my desk right sow. am working on «report for Me, Wilton, He is ny boss. Mis Peters is helping me with the report, Sh i my secretary. She is sting beside fay desk. But she ist weiting in her aotebook, Iam aot dictating to her at this moment. We ate aot working. We are esting for a few minutes, I am looking sound the ofc right now (Me, Wilton int working in hie offce. 1 see four people atthe end of the room. Mr. Wilsn is with the people, He is taking the people through our ofice. He isting the people aboat our methods. They ae listening to Me, Wilton caefly Mis Steware is wearing blue dress today. She is siting at her dese ‘She is talking over the telephone. She is writing in her notebook atthe ‘ume time. Someone it giving important information to her over the telephone right now ‘There are twenty people ia the soon. Everyone is wotking hard eight ‘ow. Three or four people ate weting letters. Some people are studying ‘important papers. Smith and Green ae nt hese cght now. ‘They ace not iting reports. They are collecting information for me ‘het some noise inthe hall, Thete ate theee workers thee. The three ‘en re fing the floor inthe hall. They ae talking and laughing. They *€ aio hitting the door with harness, 8 THE VERBS AM, 15, AND ARE ‘Wile a ov a Tate Dak ce Teh sree 1 Me. Wilton. talking to visitors eight now. 2 Lam siting’ at my desk right at this moment. 5 Miss Peters helping me with a report now. 4 We ‘working om the repre sight noe 31 looking around the ofc at this moment. 6 The people listening to Me. Wilson carefully 7 He +. telling the people about ous methods 8 Someone talking © Mise Stemat eight n0%. 9 She talking and writing atthe sume time 10 Frere —.--- working very hard sight aow. 11 Same people studying important papers now. 12. Smith and Green collesting information 20¥. 13 The men Fixing the Hoor in the hall eight aow. 14 They al making much noise at this moment 2 ‘THE CONTINUOUS PRESENT TENSE Une te coninaos preset tee ech vob, Wie he ye nthe Banke ye He ir working on a report right now. 2 (andy) Weare radying some important papers 3 (help) See — ‘ne with the teport now. 4 (i) Themen a theis desks now. (write) The two girls leers no. (work) Everyone very hard right now I iy bows and the visas. to Mr. Wilson caf "to Mis Stewart 209 leer right now information 5 6 7 8 (liten) They = 9 (alk) Someane 10 (Wctte) Me. Adams AL (Collect) Smish and Green 12 (alk) (erie) 1B (talk) GR) te men nnn and She at he same time, tight son {QUESTIONS AND NEGATIVES 10 ‘ee aa te ny RG Now Aner Be i With 1 Is Me, Johnson the ofce manager? Yes, Mr Jobon it the afce menage. 2 Is Me, Wilson ia his peivat ofice now? No, Mr. Wilton itn bit priate ofc now. 3. Is Mr. Johnson sing at his desk right now? Yer, bi, Jobnton i ating ot be dese vght now, 41s Mr. Wilson working on report a the moment? No, Mr. Wilion iit working on a report at the moment Is Miss Petes helping Mr, Johnson right sow? Is Mis Petes siting at het own desk now? Is Mr. Jobnson dictating to Miss Petes now? 1s Miss eters wetng in hee notebook sight now? ‘Ace Me. Joheson and Miss Peters working on report? ‘Ate they working on the report right a this momest? ‘Ate they cestng fora few mines? Is Me. Jobotoa locking around the ofice sow? 1s Me, Wilton in his private ofce sight aow? Does Me. Jason see many people in the ofce? ‘Ace the four customers with Me. Wilton now? 1s Mr. Wilion with th four vistors now? 1s Mr. Wilson talking t the four people right now? ‘Are the people listening to Me. Wilson carefully? 1s Miss Stewart sting beside Mr. Johnson right 20x? 1s Mis Stewart talking to someone at this moment? ‘Ace there very many people inthe oie 20m? ‘Are Smith tnd Green inthe main office now? ‘Ave Sm and Gren beling Mr. Johnion now? Does Me. Johnson eae ois i the hall sow? ‘Ate the tice works talking and lavghing? ‘Ate they alo hing the door with banners? RORGNESSESAGESHE Som vas [PRESENT TENSE NEGATIVE FORMS. Thaw as was ov ow ot ith DS pce i ach sence He iu listening to the edo rit now. : 2 He doco’? linen to the radio every evening 3 We tetching a television program now. 4 We on wate television every day. 5 They wn study thee leone afer cas 6 They stadying their lesions ight now 7h ‘ining very baed eight at the moment ai con fain very much during the summer. 9) Me. Johnson ne eating is lunch ao. 10 Me, Johasoa —— vay eat at that place nt enone $68 ay students in that room, nd hear anyone inthe hall now 13 They ike ilk with their meals. 14 They have enough money for a aew cat 2 PRESENT TENSE QUESTION FORMS ‘Wee da docs ae oF am athe Bok mae Ie ech seme 1 Do the men come 10 work at 9:00 every moening? 2 “Ave the men coming into the room right 200? 3 you lean the new words in each lesion? 4 LL jou teaming the new words sight now? 5 IMs, jonason work for the Ajse Compsny? 6 Mr, Jobin wosking on 2 repott sight now? 7 She sully si inthe tid cow? eee 9 you read many books every year? 10 Jou reading an interesting book sow? 1 the students need belp with thee esons? 2 this lesson seem very dial to you? B you remember the name of that book? 4 you understand all of the words very well? ‘SIMPLE PRESENT vs, CONTINUOUS PRESENT ‘ie the coe eof the vein ach sence Chose Between the wpe poem em andthe contuaor pres ke He (work) hard every day. He (ald) to Tom nom: He works bard every day He is talhing 10 Tom now. Miss Stemare (look) at the senspaper now. The cildeen (sleep). for two hours every ften000 ‘Those two fellows (x) the car right now ‘That French gel (speak) English very well Uncle Walter (eat) dinnee with us every Sunday [My fiend (enjoy) hamburgers very mich Join and Frank (uri) letes at this moment ‘Me, Johason (work) thiry-ve hours » week, My sister (need) some money for her books 1 (rain) very much in the United Seats, Me. Brown (fa) his ils once 2 month ‘The student (look xp) that new word right now, Me, Moore (seach) English trom 2:00 t 4:00 pm. Me. Moote (begin) the new leon sight aow. 1 (owe) my fend two dollars and Sty ces, Sith (watch) a baseball game every Saturday. Mis Petes (alk) to Mr. Jobson right now. Pictse (now) all of the new words vey well now We always. (40) our Engh esos cael We (do) exersisethieeen right at the moment ‘The sun (get) very hot daving the afternoon, Alice and Mary (put tay) the dinner dishes eight no Me Maris (ea) an intering ak tot Lan forts often (wend) out Tuesday night meciogs. Me Berg. (lll) tobi teacher about that mistake, ireuendy (do) my homework on the bor (do) the nex to last sentence right now ‘The teacher (close) the doce at nine o'ock sharp, 1“ {THE WORDS THIS, THESE, THAT, THOSE hows tro Hee ‘Chace et 0 tae 1 hic bine. 13 ‘Ta ma ee aw? FR Berto, 16 Arie suena? Fem Reals uceing, 17 le fur nto? (petis re hid, 18 Are yor glows? SL Dap aise 19 Te boy ening now? 6 oT se ee eo 20 Ase aes woken? So Rha Bien dia SOUSA ae Aer fords tenen, 26 Dons men aed Engh? Tevey bevy, Dock woman ko oo? es i Tec very cy a feel aoe ae 27 Do ons belong on. desk? Mom pon 3 Does got = dave? 15 ‘ether iad Yew 3 the oom wih he words (gesons, Nate te amples 1 atable There ir @ table iw she room. Ie there a table in tbe room? 2 chairs There ae chai in the room. ‘Are there chairs in the room? 3 2 picture 11 two doors 19 big ee 4 desks 12a closet 20 some worsen 3 ablidboard 13 some men 21 a prewy picture 6 esis 14 thee maps 22 many people 7 atelephone 15 a-wastebasket— 23. a small man 8 windows 16 ld 24 four chairs 9 ang 37 many chaise 25 muh light 10 people 18 an asirsy 26 many lamps SUBJECT AND OBJECT PRONOUNS 16 “iba pronons forte alae words enh wetnce NOU the Bat 90 canes 1 The boy is reading she book He is ending it 2 The radont ace clking to Tom. Thay ate talking to him, 3. Mlary i studying bet lesion with John 4 Mr and Mos. Jobnion esjoy tlevition very uch, 3. That fellow undesstands the lesion completely. 6 The children lke their reaches very much 7 Do Charles and ‘Mary like tht Bgl book? 8 Is Misr Brown explaining the lson to the students? 9. The women are talking about the pay. 10. The man is moving the fumiare ito the oer soon, HL Those people need the money a8 soon as posible 12 Join aed Frovk ate writing the later sight now. 13 Frank and I usually meet our frends at the corner, M4 The 1wo gids ae potting the food on the table now. 15 Ate the men speaking to Me. Wilton at this moment? 16 The teachers spoke to the students about that mate, WT Job, Front, and 1 are studying she new words now. 1. The waters always washes the tables eatfll 19 Does AM Brown buy her gracrey at that sore? 20 All of the stems enjoy baieball very rch 21. Bunty sends a lett to ber parents every Weck 22 Mr. Haws is helping that itadent with the lesson 23 Do Bill end you vend that newspaper every morning? 24 The people don't like the mews very tach 25 The student is wing the explanation ibis ootebook. 26 The police protec the city day and ight 27 The policeman i ving a ticket #0 tht women 2% The Unied States consists of Biltyinlvidel sates 29. The teacher i explaining the words to Mi Grower 30 His frends always enjoy is hes very ch y THE POSSESSIVE ENDINGS ‘Wie te cet pours form of ch word fo partioe ede bt is pry (Franky English isn't vey. good That (gi) sumer st Buti 1 (Elen) tis pet. 2 3 4 5. The (fils) new apariment is lovely 6 ‘The (Joye) books ate hee Me, (Brown) ton kaows Bil and Tom wel, ‘That (man) brother works for the Ajax Company. ‘Those (men) coats ace in the other closet. 9 The (student) books are on his desk 10 The (students) papers ate in that deawer 11 (om) (frend) ster lives in San Franco. 12. (Fred) (porns) house is atthe end ofthe nest Block 18 SHOWING POSSESSION ‘Sow ponenion wit 7 oF 0 of AMD th Wace, Nie Ge ht (40 ‘sample ‘The man's name is anual The te ofthe book i shor. (decor) (effet) ison the tes foot 1 (man) (name) i vnasal, 3 4 (able) (les) ace 20 very song 3 6 (book) (Hil) i shor. oes Mr Jabason know (price) (car)? Do Alice and Betty know (60) (rend)? Dees angone koow (bvght) (that wall)? (oats) (women) are inthe dost in the bal © (sable) (swrface) is no very sn0085, 10. (cover) (ook) yellow and blac, 11 The stodents usally write 09 (paper) (Both side) 12 All of out nutenses ae in (ran) (cer. 13 Me. Haris is wing t0 (eden?) (lathe). 14 Mes Edoa Wilton i (cant) (MMi Stewart) 13. The two woskers are repaiing (boaze) (re) 16 (wew car) (Jobn) is cersiny very beni {IME POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES 1” eet he tle word or nore wih th re pave slave Nae (hee reo example ‘The men is dying bis English asignment now [Misr Peters is wen in er notebook right now. They usually ext Tioch atthe Rite Cafeteria We away seady English leone very carefully That gl always takes very good care of cates ‘The cilden see playing with toys right now. aways pat Pens and penile inthe second drawer You don't 30 English lessons very cael Tom and Bill sre walking bome with. frieads ‘Mrs Brown seldom drives cart fice Miss Dusit ie wing site's book today We wet levers to frends once or twice 4 month ‘Mand Mrs Wil ae siting in iin toa Bow You and I dost spend money very carefully, {IME POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS 20 Si Note he ee two ell ive pont fr be works paias bad ae el ‘That book is (my book). That book is mine. “Those ae (br pice). Teaeate acs, ‘Allo tee magne ae (bt mage). sl “howe cgnetes onthe able a (my ose) [All of thee papers (your pape)? ‘That newspaper onthe det (ber newipoper). ‘Tat big whe Bouse onthe commer i (ther bon) Iss you pe or (te Beowr's parse)? ‘Are tore my ovrsots ot (Bit overboe)? ‘Ae these wo Books (our Sols) (oy Boks)? Elatds ew st and (my new ut) ate ery sm “Their bose and (oer house) se bath on the se block ‘Tat eed ar foot of (pur cr) i oy tbr a) 1s th Baplah book (jou Boo) or (i ser ook)? eee NORTH PLAINS A susues oF A LARGE CITY fouowine pmcnons at FINED Ea adc fcc eal, °° PP "6 Then ok ne a 1 Where do ran is, Smith ive? “You se tthe comer of Main Stand Ch Stet, Dive est to the rd op igh Tur i Tao lef atte eel, De © Hallock Sect and tun fo your lft Sep a the thd owe on year nike 2. Whe i ibe Booth Shoe Soe? YY aca the corns of Main Ss nd Weith Stet, Walk wet the td sop light Tan le Then tum sgh atthe newt come, Go to he td sve on your sight 3. Whe doth Browns fue? You arin font of Jefeson High Stl. Drive wet on Liber to Ball Mate argh tum, Css Hudson Avene and take Branch Skeet to Cedar Tern left on Coat Set Is the second boon your Ie 4 Blase ge me the diesions to Me, Joni bone. ‘You tthe one of Bel Set ad Gotan Se. Go north on Ballo liteny Avene. Make ath tun on Liber. Take key {> Green Hil Road, is house onthe atwest corer of Wont Suet and rece Hill Rou. ving pmecions 22 Give te com direction for Flowing ao 1 Ym at the corner of Colas Siret and Branch Stet, Peate give me the dzetons to Greenlanne Park 2 Tm at Feaklin Srect and Merit Road, Please direct me to the Cate. Sebo. 3. Tim atthe corer of Maple Avenue and Cedas Stet, How do I get to Ieffersom High Seboo!? Tat the emer of Worth Stet and Hudson Avenue, Please give me the ditctons to the Public Library. 3 Tim at the comer of Bell Set aod Holbrook, How do I get to she Court Howse? Tm at the comer of Mesrit Road and Libety Avense. Whete is ‘the North Plains commercial seton? asl POUTE REQUESTS aE PAST TINSE OF af 26 ‘hangs ta orl vod sion f> ple eqns Une to forms Nace det Change de verb in ech seine t De fa ee ae 1 He i in is ofce 12 Ir the teacher hee? 1 Open the door. 5. Fish your work He war io hit ofc, 13 Ave you very tied? Pleare open the door 6 Come back soon 2 We are almost ted 14 Am I right of wrong? Would you pleate open sbe door. 7 Call me before 5:30, We were almost rudy. 15 Are the lessons easy? 2 Come at 7:30, Mail the eter today 3 You are very late 16 1s the sandwich good? Pleae come at 7:30. 9 Pas the supse You were very late AT ve you in that class? Would you please come at 7:30, 10. Tall me the answer. 4 They ae at work 18. Ir that book ineresting? 3 Give me the magazine. 11 Bring t to me 5 Tet in that deawee, 19. He it notin the room, 4 Shut that window 12. Return those boos 6 She isin New York 20 Lam not vey eed, 7 Lam very ted 21 The man isnot but. That ir suprise, 22 They aye not hungry. 24 [NEGATIVE ORDERS AND REQUESTS 9) The men are angry. 23 Miss Brown 1s not here. ‘Change mew cde sad drei To poe roe Une two forms Note the 10 Me Hors is there 24 “Those are not very ea) fn wo expe 11 You are on time 25. That ir not dificult, 1 Shut the dor. Call me after 5:30, 5 Dont sha te door & ‘Bring your fend toy eer ae a Plse do ha tbe deo, 4 Tall hen about tha, NN ieee 2 Sion the of fut your cnt tere Dont ti on ibe soe 9) Tur off the gt ‘re he pst es or af he vet in pret ln dh sete 1 We (fi) the work yey, We fied the work yet 5 i oi cnt, Ran 2 Fan Goren) se enya ied a gh 3 tei tie Uh the ble ak 3, Me tke (expan) the eon ows ey ely. the ce 22 Tall tome ww 4 Glide) tht toi abou Prades Wik’ ie 3 Tt conpey (re) twenty sew des st yu 2 suacesnons win urns & The sles (dy) tae wo loan pve. ‘Change these onder and. dvecions to suggestions with lor Write the eptive 7, Eresone (eion) the party very moch at night. ‘The deiver (atop) the bus very quickly. foum ba Notee te to example 9. The clesk (cour!) the money eo oe thre times 1 Call Fred tonight 5. Read the newspaper, 10 My ttiend (belp) me with my homework this aftemoon ers cll Fred tonight & Walk to schol tod. Wi Me, Besg (dese) his trp to unas case yesterday aft mt cll Fed og 7 Lim oth lia 12 My sister (ey) in Europe fortwo and» hall months. iy that Lesson no 8 Ser tht movie 2 All of the sents (copy) the asignment carey Lett study that lesion now. 9. Notch een tog. 1 The secteaty (omit) two oe tee mame fom the Lats not study thet lesion mow. 30 Fri the work tom : se names from he Ui 3. Visit Me, and” Mis. Moore 1 Goto the sore 4 Lear those words now. 12. Study those ewe lesions. 28 THE PAST TENSE OF IRREGULAR VERBS ‘Un he pu tn fo of the web in panies io ech elec. Che out tose wale fs of teats vers ine spenc oy opr We (go) to a cone. We wen 10 conser GELS 7° 2 He (bing) has faend. He roche fd Peta (ee) «coo in Poa We (fn) Mis Seats ps under» chi. Mi. Beg (pet) to the teacher igh fey Cs Me Jhon (par) alo the paps ins bref: 5 You (mabe) eel mises the lst exis 81 (tink) 0 cope of ee at Beatty. 9) Mec Harn (el) the sate th answer fo te guetion, 10, haces (lene) or Califor he as 11 Me and Bis Wilson (ei) the ol House mow pe 12 The Wibons (bid) sew hse in Noth Pia 15. Allof the tudens (vad) the aspen fly 14 We (eu) hunch a the caters with or feds 29 evi OF TH PAST TENSE ets pte loool te wo pan in hemes 1 They (ul) thei House. They sold he Bouse 2 Ty unl tote cone, THe wld be tre, 3. We (liven) 0 tat sao program ist eight 4 Me joton (ride) dowstown with bis frend toda. 5. The two men (cary) the frniare very crf & Protec Taylor (each) fret eae lat yea 7 The students (pce) the new words afer the das We (ipod) two and & half wees in Los Angeles 9 Everyone inthe audience (enoy) the pofeser's speech. 10. Me. Wien (drive) hs ear fo work tit morning 111 (repeat) each sew weed fou or five tine. 12 The seaeaty (put) the dion beside the ypewites 13 The rn (op) inthe mile ofthe afemoon 14 “The Bowas (recee) alter fom then evel day ago QUESTIONS IN THE PAST TENSE 20 Ghange te Glowing semen to Gatun Suly the few Gree amples ret : a 1 They fished the work “They spoke to John ‘They were i tei ofc 2 Did they peck fn? 4 Me, and Mrs. Wilson visited their friends in Detroit. 5 The teacher tld the sudents the astwer to the queon. 6 That movie sbovt Wilon's Hie was intessing 3) Mr Hare expaied the meaning of the word to he 2 Thote men fom South Amenca weve at the meting. 9. The sues sued caefuly forthe examination 10 The Wiens sold thelr hoe ata low pre 11 The last eso was very dif for the eden, 12 Thek fends watched tat television program It ight. 13 The man tad the istration in the Fok very crf. 14 ‘There wete many people atthe party last aay night (NEGATIVES IN THE PAST TENSE an {Gage the Flowing sates cp, Say the Bok thee sampler Sag, faovne reps, aly pe re Hee worked very hard. He did's work ory bard. He deove very catflly, Heider drive cory creuly He was at the meting, ewan? at fhe meting ‘The secretary copia the names Hom the Tit cart Alice ate lunch atthe cafeteria with her finds ‘The students were ready forthe examination, ‘Mz. iris taught at Eastern University lst summer. ‘The teacher aoticed the mistake in that sentence. ‘The lst two lesoas weve very difclt for me. ‘The stodents brought thei dictionaries to clase ystnday. The director agred with hi assistants on that rate, ‘Thete were many people inthe audience last night ‘Mr. Johnson preptted that tepot for Mr, Wilton. Our fiends went to the movies with us on Saturday night 3 4 3 6 ° 10 u 2 B 4 2 “Me BROWNS! TRIP” {ne We pon ne fom of te vb a arate ach tee ‘The Browns (late) a tip ‘They (go) to South Ametic Fist they (dice) to Miami ‘Thea they (fj) to Havana, Cuba Next they (late) foe Mexico ‘They (spend) two weeks in Mexico. 7 They (have) a good time in Bogs, 48 The Browns (se) many interesting things in Quito, Beadoe. 9. They (write) many levers to their friends from South Ameria 10. The Browns (buy) unusul gilts for their fiends in Bolivia, 11 The whole wip (cut) the Browas about two thousand dell, 33. “Tut pwOTOGRAPHER” ‘Use ep ts For of te ve ores each Sentence 1 Feed (buy) a camera from his fend Bal ast month 2 His tend Bill (el) he camera to im for eighy dollars. 3. Fred (juy) forthe camera in cash 4 Fred (Anew) almost nothing about photography a the time 5 Bill (give) Fred « book with complete instructions 6 Fred (rrad) all ofthe instructions very carefull 7 red (Arp) the camera ia a case for protection, 8 Then Fed (tate) pices ofall of his fiends 5 OF couse, Fed (Bold) the camera very carefully. 10 Fred (Veeve) the los ata photographic store the next day. HL Fred (get) the pictores back two or thee des late 12 All ofthe pices (come owt) very cle 13. Fred (bring) all of the pictures to clas yesterday. 14 Bill (ie) all of Fred's photographs. 15. Bill (1y) all ofthe pctres were very good 16. Fred (pat) two or thzee photographs in his bilo 17 Fred (lend) the other photograph to his mother and fates ve pane” 34 ‘Bete pu ter form of te vet a ut Ta eh see 1 My wife and ¥ (go) t he party at Bills hose las night 2 My wife (wear) her new silk des tothe pat. 5. The pany (begin) at eigheshiny, but we (lee) at eight 4 We (met) out friends thei house before the pat: 5. We (drive) ous ear to their house 6 Our iid (vide) to the pany in ur ct. 7 Fedtunately, 1 (kuow) almost everyone at the pay 8 My wie nd T (speak) to mow ofthe guess 9 Bveyjone (ea) lots of sandwiches and cake atthe party 10. Everyone (dvi) 2 le of coe and beer atthe par M1 Me. Brows (il!) us all about his tip to South Americ 12 Town and Feed (bring) a guitar and an accordion tothe party. 13, We (ung) all of ou favorite songs atthe party, 14 Everyone (ete) a very good time at Bills pry 15. Alter the party, iy wife and I (fel) red and sleepy “me 9a DAY 35 {re the ps ene Fors f he veh ie pret a ah Se 1 Yesterday (de) very bad da for me 2-1 (begin) the day with an accident. 3-1 (eat) my hand with roe blade 41 (forget) abot the mesting 5 Then I (ear) my new st 6 ® 1 (bet) om baseball game net. Unfortnaely, 1 (lore) sy money “Then a thief (14a!) my bilo 9. Fortunately, the police (cach) the thief a litle while lates, 10 Late 1 (fall) on some slippery steps and (bur!) my ar. ML Then a litle boy (throw) a ball and (bit) ae accidentally [Next an angry dog (Bie) me and (tar) the seat of my pans. 13 Alerthat, (fall down) gun and (Ore) my new watch, M4 Asacimar, I (jud) 4 tendollar puking ticket on my cat! 36. ‘QUESTIONS ABOUT “THE BROWN'S TRIP” Did the Browns take a tip las summer? Did the Browns drive to South America? Did Me. and Mes. Brown spend mach time in Meco? Did they have a good time in Bogets, Colombia? Did the Browes write letes to thei frends? Did they bay gifts for theie frends in all of the counties? QUESTIONS ABOUT “THE PHOTOGRAPHER” ‘Did Fred buy a camera from his fiend Billo He! ened Did red pay very och forthe camera? Did Fred Kao aft shout potograpya tht ine? Did Bil give Fed a book wth complet nso? Did Feed tae alto picture of sends? Dil Fed pu ary hoop in is ik? QUESTIONS ABOUT “THE PARTY” ‘Did you goto party at Bills house lst night? Did you mest your frends before the party? Did the party Begin at sevenchiny or eightthcty? Did everone eat sandwiches and dink coves at the paty? Did everyone have 2 good tine atthe party ast night? Did Tom and Bill bring musical instruments tothe party? Did you feel very tired and sleepy after the party? 39 QUESTIONS ABOUT “MY BAD DAY” ‘Was yesterday avery bad day fr you? Did you cut your hand with sano Blade? [Did you forget about that iaportant meeting inthe morning? Did you lose all of your money on the baseball game? Did you fall on thote slippery steps and bare your arm? [Did 8 dog bite you and tee the eat of your pants? Did you gets parking ticket fom a policeman? REGULAR VERB QUIZ 1) 40 Sela the ce veh foreach wes, Ue ch web ly once Ue aly the ps tse Yoon of the web hoose | 1 The boys went home an bout ago feel 2 That tee thee fet last yat tate 3 Bil 1 prety te fom the rack, wend an ‘course im American itor. go V | 5 The lite boy the glass window inet 6 Alice her pen at school yesterday. Tove 7) Mother ‘sey sick this morning nnd | 8 They 1 Teter to Walter yesterday fall 9 We his speech on the rao, Bow — | 10 The wind ‘very aed as aight gow | at Ton the comer for tal an hour break | 12. We out fiends these at 5:00 pam fut) 13 He fon the ce and his arm. fear REGULAR VERB_QUIZ (2) a ‘See the coe wee for ch wets. Use eck eb oly nce Um oly te Flee form of he te brild | A Las yar, this lt began at 8:30 po. be 2 Mary on the aipery steps today. fa 3. The Browns new bout las ye feet 4 The thet jewelry fen that sore ty 3. Mis Devs to Cab with er ster be 6 Fak se ong leer lat werk id | 9 He ‘is and with aarp ie ter |B May her new esto the pay ae 9 Bil ie Biteen doles yesterday een v | 10. The man the doe very gue wie” | a1 Me Wilton the cat ctl die | 12. Ste the diioory bese he pense. ind 13 We tappy Bese ofthe news tt | 14 The dog ne and ‘oy ot ear ae REGULAR VERE QUEZ (3) ‘hoos Ue pet wh fr ach womens. Use ech verb nly one Use only Spee oom ofthe eh dup 1 John vn- the answers 10 the questions p MOT Madde ee a Be | hector ana ee | Sa tear & |; ooo ee, ty |b ea? es aeige tS |S Bey do ese ‘ie | 6 Mei a ee Be |S wes dln ee wend pot | 8 Onin Tied te pay Bot VA Ste =e se fee a ecco are ea M5 Te ser te oped “ matouan vans a 1 ‘Ghose te corer ve for eh see Use exch vib only one Use only {Be pt tue fo of te ed seach | 3 Tre men foe Chicago lst Tosa. ‘in 2 Fak te moo with his fend ride 3) Moore = Amenity st yet veer 4 They mca the news fom thei ind fegn | 3 The nudes the stacy eal ewe | 6 Ouraar the ote ca very hat je | 7 Fred Wis od cat to Me. Browa # She her braclet unde 2 chai ft 9 Fret the canes fom Bil ‘peat | 10 Fed forthe comers in csh by | noe to bis boss about that mater ie 12 The menting ig wt | 45 She {he paper ino two pices reat | 14 Moe Davie 1 pit in he cont REGULAR VERB QUIZ (5) » a poe pin gp mans ie a wh oy Ecpoarits yo Ce ring | 1 Ourteam the baseball game yesterday, a 2M. Smith his job last Thorday Tresk | 3 The other suit onan me Very wel catch 4 The man on the rope With a knife, tow | 5 The boy. the bater on his bread, dive | 6 My brother tne twenty-five dlls iw 7 The boys the window with a ball in 5 He the Ball 19 m6, 494 Tenens by 9 The teacher in frat of the blackboard gut | 10. Frets new camera cighty dollars. prea | 11 The Boowas 1 new house last month con 2 We ‘e Gncagati in fve hour end — | 13. The sadenss thee ditonaries to clas, Ind MRIGULAR VERE QUIZ (6) as Sa he eee vib foreach wenence Ue eh verb el onc, Ue oa the tte form of the vo find) A He cnn the ne ofthe Book tow | 2 Se the pape int the wana a 3 The mowing 1 eight lack sharp mie | 4 He ‘Rone unr the books oo 3 To the seat it behind Prank. tte |G You some mistakes onthe tes eo |S they fifteen dla etry £ & We on the come fr allan hou. stn | 9) The ys the ig Boe very crf fore | 30 His new sit eighty-five dolls. Pep |i Tom and Ed oc dane wth Hani fe |e red aad wh aryl i [a we urea ios guage lat wit M4 Edwards ew aut im very well a REVIEW: QUESTIONS WITH BE aig Be inne eens ine Sly Oe Bt ee 1 The men ae here now. 2 The men ae working now 5. Thece are students i the room, 4 anki taking a couse in German thi semester. 5) Te house sight next to tice ie Mr, Johnson's 6 The lst lesson was dificult forthe wadents 7 Miss Peers is weting leters for Me. Johnson sight now 8 There were a Jot of people at Bill's party lastnight 9. The men were very teed after ll ofthat hard. work, 10. Smith and Green are collecting information for Mr, Johnson BL These are many cles in vat big depariment sore. 12 Seis raining very hard right ow. 13. The man ia front of Frank is Mr. Anderson 14 Me. Browa is eeading the evening sewspaper right now. Ave the men bere now? a7. REVIEW: QUESTIONS WITH BO Gag, lowing seen iota SOB Oe te eA ‘The man drives very fst. Der the man drive very fast? ‘The man worked very hard. BEF Ze man work very bard? ‘The man spoke very fast. Did the man speck vary fact? Me. Wilton fist Los Anges tae ome ‘Those two women come from South Ameri, ‘The secretary understood Mr. Wilson's insrctions completely. (Mr, and Mrs. Johason botiowed the money from a bank, ‘They watch television every night of the week, (Mr. Moore teaches Eagish from nine o'ock to eleven otc Miss Graiero always does her homework vey carefully. 11 Tom's fiend pur his hat snd overeat in the dost, 12 Me. Johnson works thieyfive hours = week 13. Miss Pees wrote all of the reports for Me. Johason, 4 The mo mechanie did that wode very quickly se FUTURE TENSE WITH WL ia th Gs om ofthe oe pts a eh pee Cie ely Be et ewe Sy at Bee He wit leave ery tomers, We wl sce Fw next wk Thy wil be bre i fen ones ‘The mecting (begin) a ne dock tonight. 1 He (leane) ely tomato 3 4 51 (pine) Me. Biown your message tomorrow aight 6 We (ice) him next week “They (be) here in ea mine, Mr Moote (red) Sat sory tothe students next Monday. ‘The janitor (Jock) the door 49 the ofce at 6:30 pm We (sere) an important holiday two month from AoW, 9 The men (bv) hee at onethiny thie atemoon. 10 I (remind) Me. Wilson of his appointment with you tonight 11 Me, Johnso's wile (buy) rfrements for the party 12 All ofthe people (Be) ready atten olock tomorrow morning 13 Mr Penayweghe (rere) 19 England 2 werk from tomorrow. Ose finde (mee) ut atthe sobway sation a8 five ood UsINo Har FUTURE TENSE (1) “a he eho each etn to the fe tne wih wl Teco Seco ute (Saas ny ooo, a 1 We ae lunch with John, We will et lunch wth John 2 retuned and shed im, Cal rtm ad ak i 3. John spoke to the dtr’ scretay abot ha mater. 4 Chaser went to the movies with hit Hinds Last night 3. The Wilson few to Bra and Argotna lst yea. 6 ‘ The cle weaped te package ad gare ber the change Ove guest a aon allo the cy ding tee vation “The dene wot depo of sy foe the tae 9. My fend Blard let me the money 2 week a0. 10 Billo is camers o Fed and ugh ew one 11 They eed that iol sve dice weeks 290 12M Johason wore hit new winter oreo Work 13 My secretary goo the oe on ne hs moming MWe got up ey and hour beak at 730, a ‘HE FUTURE TENSE WITH GO ‘Une Oe Tore mow ol Gin wo pects in ach atnce Use oly te Fie enue wat ga. Say the fe four examples ea 11 (finish) it next week, Lam going 10 fish it next week He (jo) there tomoetow. He if going 10 go thre tomorrow. 3 We (be) at the meeting Weare going 1 be at the moot 4. T (een) tod (ah) hi. Ta og te ror odo Fe 55 ‘The teacher (explain) the next Teson to tomorow. 6 We (atend) that conference ia St Louis next_month 7X (study) my English lesson with my fends tonight 18 Me. Wilton and Me. Johnson (Be) in the offce all afternoon, 9 We (go) to the movies with out fiends tomorow aight 10 Miss Andecson (insite) all of her tiends to her party 11 Me Harts (each) a diferent English class next yea 12 My brother (go) to Baltimore with me nex: week 13. The men (repr) the cool ofthe house the day after tomorow. 14 There (de) an important meeting here next Thuceday evening a USING TE FUTURE TENSE (2) ‘Gunge eyo ech src ofa tee wih we es, the epson of tine (ange yea To toma ee kend ‘We went there lst ight. We are ging to go tere tomorrow nigh Tan hi to dy ago, Pam gob ter tts ds Fo ome The sents read the asigment carflly yeeay Jo spoke to Pofeoe Talor abot that lst Tursay ‘Me and Ms Brown bought 4 new boue last ya. Me. Foster quit his jb with the Aj Company 1 sent my fend sleet and told him about everthing Me. Moore was the teacher ofthis clas la year. She picked up the paper and thew i into the wastebasket “Tom and Bill bad inner with Me Moote and Me- Harti Ms, Jobson wore her new spring cont the party yserday “The president made an inportant announcement ver the ea. My site bought a ncn winter overcoat this eke ‘The Browns sold ther od house lat year and ought 4 new one QUESTIONS. THE FUTURE WITH WiLL 32 Geange te Following steers 10 queen, Nove th eal Will be go by tain? 2 Will they be there? 3. Me. and Mrs. Wilson will ative in Detroit 0a Monday. 4 You will finish all of the work before tomorow. 5, Many people will attend the meeting tomeuow sigh. 6 a He will go by tin, They will be there ‘There will be enough food and coffee for everyone Al of the students will copy the lit of words fram the book Me. and Mes. Anderson will be in Madison 2 week from ow, 9 Your feends will help you with your homewodk tonight 10 Me. Johnson will mail that important leter tomorrow. AL Dinner will be ready at 7:00 pam. tonight 12 The messenger will deliver the package to your house. 13 There will be an important announcement over the eadio tonight 14 Mévand Mr Andevion wil etn from New York by tia. QUESTIONS. THE FUTURE WITH GO. 33 ‘Gang the flowing statment to gamtons. Noize the ene: Ie be going to leave carly? (Are they going a be thre? [Bl Brown is going to eat lunch with us Today. Me. Foser it going to gut hs job with the Ajae Compan. 1 He is going to leave ealy 3 4 5 All of the students ate going t0 go to the lecture tonight 6 ® ‘They ae going to be there You are going to acept his offer for a job with that company. ‘There is going to be 2 pary here next Friday night His fiends ate going to leave here the day afte: tomoriow, 9. Professor Moose is going to explain that leson to them We ace going to watch that television program tonight M1 Bodh Fred and Tom are going to be at the meeting tomorow. Mrs. Johosoe is going to west her new dress this evening Me. Brown is going to take his vacation in Auput Frank's finds are going to go tothe movies with s tonight Py NEGATIVES: THe FUTURE WITH Witt Change he Gloag moo wei: Say the ample: “He will explain that leson, He won't explain that lzton. ‘We willbe atthe meeting, We wont be athe meting. (Our finds will go to that pare of the city tomorrow: ‘The Anderons wil leave California before January tenth, Me, Jason's secretary will be in the office today. (Mr. Berg will atend his English class tonight. ‘There will be a meng here next Thorday evening ‘The Andersons will stop in Denver om their way to New York Miss Petes will finish those zeports before Wednesday. Frank and T will be at the library this afternoon 11 Uacle Daa will ext dinner vith us next Sine. 12 We will seed your help with that work tomorrow 13. The students will be eeady for the examination next week. 14 Wilson will cad Mr. Johnions reports this afternoon, 35, NEGATIVES: THE FUTURE WITH G0 (Change the flowing toners nepive,Sy the exci aaa 1 They ace going to resin. They are’ going to retu 2 She is going to be there, She sin going 10 be there. 3 The Browns are going to buy a new house this yea 41 am going to answer John's letter this evening. : 5 My fiend Frank is going to join that cub ‘Miss Stewart and I are going to go shopping this afternonn, 7 The Johnsons’ fiends are going to be at the party 8 Tam going to ask Me. Wilson for his advice inthis matter. 9 The wockers in that company ate going to join a union 10 Pierce is going to wotk for a degree at the univer. 11 The hess is going to hice another asta 12 There are going to be many people here tomorow night 13. Smith i going to accepe Mr, Wilson's offer for 3 job. MWe are going to listen to that cadio program this evening, SING THE FUTURE TENSES (3) 56 Te the fate with go ie ple ofthe Fare wah wl 1 Lill leave very so. 2 He will be zeady ate 5 Lol mail the eter to my brother the afternoon, 4 The president will make an important spech tomoer%. 55 ‘There wil be «concer in the park on Feday night 6 We will eat dinner 2b six of soehity tonight 1 # am going to leave sory soon He i going 10 be ready at fee, ‘Mr. Sovith wil met us cght ete alter the meeting ‘Will you be atthe library until four ocock? 9 She won't clean the house until next Monday moming. 10 Our guess will leave for Wissonsin tomoseow sight. M1 Will you stop in Miami on your way to South America? 12 Will Me, Wilsoa and Ms. Johnion be inthe office tomoerow? 15 Thete won't be many people in the ofce this afternoon, 14 The plumber wil the leak in te bathioom tomorow. UsiNo THE FUTURE TENSES (4) 37 ‘Ue de Fre with wil pce oft Fanze wg. We ace going to go tonight. We will go tovigh. She is going to be there to. She will be shove toe. Our teacher is going # help us with that leson, Miss Granies i going to meet us after class today. ‘Are you going to accept Mt. Wilton's offer for a jb? Tim going to sly cy atignment with Fred tonight His friend in’ gong to lesve until next Thursday or Friday. ‘There's going to be an important meeting here tomorow, ‘Are you gong to be in your eflize tomorrow aftemoon? 10 No, Tm not going to be in my office tomorrow afternoon. MIs Mr. Wilton going to hte = new secetary next week? 2 Me, Johason is going to side to work with Mr. Sith today. 13. We arent going to go to. Miami by tain this time 1 tm going 10 return all ofthe books to you tomoerow morning. “=a TU To NeW YORK 38 hi og. Rady the we of the var cell Me. and Mes. Anderson are going to take 3 tip from California > [New York: They wil leave California on Sunday. They are going 10 g0 by sit. They will arrive at the airport at 2:00 Sunday afternoon, The ye will leave for New York at 2:30. Therlore, they wil arrive in [New You that night. Thy are going o say at ble near Times Sune. ‘They will er up eatly oa Monday. They will ext breakfast and Iuave the bot! before nine cclock, They ae gong 40 walkthrough the aren berween 3h Stet and 42nd Set, They will art at Pensylvania Stion at Sth Steet. Then they will go to Magy’s and Girbel's, evo of [New York's largest deparement stores, Sath Avenue. They will 250 ss the elles building in the world, the Empce State Building (1472 4). They are going 1 go up tthe top ofthe building. They wil ze all ‘of New York City fom there. Then they are going fo wal to the Metro- soltan Opera house andthe famous New York Public Libary, They are {foing to 50 '0 bed cacy hat night, The will be very Seed. “They are gong to walk to First Avenve and 42nd Steet on Tocsday Bot onthe way, theyre going 12 1p at Grand Cental Station. Then they will go tothe beaut United Nations buildings slong the East Rives, They will go on # guided tow though the buildings. Next they ‘il walk down the set to the New York University Bellevue Medic) Center between 3th Sueet and 0th Steet. Then they wl tun to thet bel. They’ gaing to ext dinner with somne old friends that evening. ‘SUIBE 70 MAP ON PAGE 1 Tm, Seary 2 he Por Gator Be Je es Patina See “tgs UReata neha” See Le de Baton ce Metepia Suc iwe Rew Yt ite eure Goat eee ascii, Gh ie a Pitas Sate ate Te Hate ata fearless Fak Mac Nae, Or, acetate TEE F BR ets ee eR an Mae ot. ge alg oer as Pa. a Canela de Bae Cena Vote. hone Fook ee its Hae cy Ce Nera E Beata Se ce "A TRIP TO NEW YORK” (cont) ‘They are going to wall along Pack Avenue and Fifth Avenue on Wednesday. Mes. Andeton ir going #0 buy presents for bee relatives in seme of the ith Avenue stozes. After tha, they will go west tothe thes fer dati between 40th Sicet and 46th Steet. They ave going Zo attend 1 popular Broadoay play that evening ‘Me. and Mrs. Anderson will se the area north of 46h Steet on ‘Thursday. They will send several hours at Rodkeeller Center. They sell ce the Radio City Masic Hall thereto. In this sume general aa, they wil also vit the Museum of Modem Art, the Writsey Museum, the Temple Emanu-l, St Pac's Cathedral, and Hunter College Finally hey wil go cossiowa to Madson Square Ganden and the New York Coliseum at Columbus Cie, "They are going to vc the zo in Cental Pack on Friday. Tei other stopson that day wl Be 3 the Metropolitan Museum of Ar, the Museum ‘of Natueal History, and the Hayden Plancasium. They ore going 10 catend a concert at Carnegie Hall that evening. “They are going 10 dee tough downtown New Yor on Saturday. ‘They wil see several large beidges along te Bast River, They all go through Greenwich Village At neasby: Washington Square, they are {cing fo is the dowatown seston of New York Univesity, one ofthe Taggst universities inthe world, After that they al wisi the Bowery, CChinaown, Cy Hall, Wall Steet and Batery Pak. They wil rich tele ay with 2 tip to the Statue of Liberty on Bede Hand by fey boat, ‘The Andersons are going fo vist Columbia University at 1160) Ssreet and Broadway on Sunday. They will aleo zee the Catedeal of St Jobn the Divine, the Rivenide Church, Grant's Tomb, and the Inter rational House all inthe same general ate. They will meet stents 38d vistors from all over the world at the Teterational House. Laer i the day, they ave going 10 drive to CCNY, Lewisohn Stadium, the Polo Grounds, Yankee Stadia, and the Cloisters at 298th Steet, They will end ther day a the world famous Bonn Zo, [Me and Mrs. Anderson are going to retum to California by eo Tn this way, they wil ee anh move of the country They sil gor ack to Los Angeles on Wednesday. OF course, sey are going to. dereibe theie woadefal trip to all of thie frend QUESTIONS ABOUT “A TRIP_TO NEW YORK” Gre enplcesnvwer for ih ofthe Flowing quo 1 Are Mu, and Mrs. Anderoa going to take a tip? 2 Will they lee Califoonia on Saterday ot Sanday? 53. Ate they going to go to New York by tein or by air? 44 Will the plane eave for New York at 8:45 or 9:15? 5. Ate they going 1© stay at a hotel on Pack Avenue? 6 5 ‘Ave they going to eat breakfast and lave the hotel early? Will they have mich toable with ditcions in New York? ‘Ate they going to sce the Empite State Building? 9 Will they go to the 200 in Central Park on Monday? 10 Are they going fo vist the New York Public Libary? 11 Will they be very iced at the end of their fist day? 12 Ate they going t0 go to bed very late on Monday night? 15. Will they go through the United Nations Buildings? UU Are the Andersons going to go to their hotel after that? 1S Are they ging et ner wth fends om Today i? 16. Will they stay at thet hotel on the following day? 17 Ate they going to go 10 the downtown section on Wednesday? 18 Are they going to walk along ack and Fifth on Wednesday? 19 Je Mrs Anderson. going to bay presets for her relatives? 20 Will the Andersons attend a Broadway play that night? 21 Are they going to spend time at Rockefeller Center t00? 22 Will they visit any museums inthis same are? 23. Are they going t0 vat the 200 in Centeal Pak on Friday? 2 Ave they going to drive through downtown New York? 25. Will hay see Columbia University or New York Universiy? 2 Are they going to dive through Greenwich Village 100? 2 Wilt the Anderions teuin to California on Saturday? 28 Are they going to se the downtown section on Sandy? 2 “Are the Andersons going to vist the Internationa] House? 30° Will the Andersne describe their tip to all of thei friends? x Ace they going to retuen to Califunia by plane? 32 Will they got back to Los Angeles on Wednesday? ‘Ate the Andersons going 10 go to New York next year? 60. _MucH MANY, AND VERY (1) ‘se mar yo 7 Te ne ae Fer Fach eee 1 We made... sandwiches. 2 Did you buy ~ ‘mest? 3. The food was ‘eiious, 4 We bought food forthe pat 5) The guests drank ‘fee 6 Was the coffee strong? 7 Lenjoy coffee — 8 Td deine le 9 You did’ iovite ‘goes 10. There were M1 There wae 12 There weren't 13. Mary and Louise bought ——— _laseson the table in the dining oom, milk and coffee in the kitchen people a the party last sight brezd for the sandwiches M4 The two girls used pieces of bead for the sandwiches a (MUCH, MANY, AND VERY (2) ‘Ue mach, many, oF wey JU Bake space or es Ta ah eee 1 Ove as two Engi lessons were long. 2 The students had... diffclty wth the last leson. 3. Did you have trouble withthe homework today? 4 The lat leson was lificalt foe everyone. 5. Did you spend time on your homework las night? 6 wrote each new woed inthe lesson. mes 1 ° Does your Eaglith teacher give you homework? Me. Harts, our teacher, bas 8 sles voice. Our teacher speaks slowly and clea. 10 We letzn nn. new English words in cats every dy. 11 Does your friend Roger spetl an. ns English? 12. Do Me. Meyer and Mr. Berg speak English well? 13. On the whole, the English language is ay 4 people allover the world speak English these days ‘ALOT OF AND LOTS OF fa ‘aed exprei lof ala of far wach oe mony ah ence. 1 Jobo spends much time on hit asignments. Joke spends lor of une on his assignments. John spends Jos of time on his asignmets 2 There are many people in the anditocium now: ‘There area fot of people in the audosium now. ‘There are ots of people in the auditorium nom, 3. The students lara many new words every day. 4 Mr Bulingon drinks much coffee every day. 5. There are many shove words in dhe English language. 6 Miss Cunningham pots much cam in her coffee. 4 That student from Japan has many frends in this cls. Frank eeceves many letters from his frends and relatives 9. There are many Maden inthe classroom right now. 10 We had much trouble wth the sentences on tat page 700, 100 MUCH, AND TOO MANY oe ia the Hk yace eh tee 1 The waitress put. eam and sugar in ny cole 2 You made mistakes, Write the lesson again. 3 Me Duncan gave us. hamework. Tk was iit 4 There ace people in thi com. Tes hott 3 You spoke. fast and sed acd words for me 6 There ate oon PEE ANG nn ferent cows in tis room 7 The radio is - loud now. W's making oie 8 1 drank coffee and ae sandwiches Last sight 9 These ace things ia the sitcse. I's heey 10 You put eater i the glasses. They nn fl M1 That old house gage aed Bas coo 108 31 That program has sdvetising and... interuptons 13. That work too. time, It was. trouble for ws M4 That fellow wet. impatient, He made mistakes tne a THE WORDS SOME AND ANY oe sons ov aay i he Bak pice ach snare Sythe eae “Thote are sme students nthe so0m nom, ‘Are there uy students i the elxsoom now? Thad some trouble with my homework lst aight 1 ide’ lave any trouble with my homework lst night. ‘These weee ‘esuifl plcures onthe wal ‘The students didn't have Aifcalty with the lesen. ‘The children ze eating ‘ce cream inthe kitchen Martha doeso't want dessert afer dinner tonight Ave there igure in the box on the table? 10 Me, Duncan didn't give us specif insrctios. 1 Ave thee esta hai inthe other dastoom? 12 Your secetary has 13 Tm sory. I dont have 14 Did the teacher make Important messages for you information aboot that ‘comments on your paper? ey SOMETHING ve ANYTHING se somali oc anyling im te Wank ace ech weet, 1 is thee. ‘on Me, Cowell's des sight now? 2 Yes, Me Cowell put there few minutes ago, 3 Did you say to Mr. Lewis about out plans? 4 No, Fide’ say 2 all fo him about our plans, 3 Ie there in the middle drawer of that desk? 6 There sa there. 1 looked inthe deawes, 7 Did Mex, Benson fd inthe boxes inthe closet? 8 Yes, she did, She found Inthe small red box 9. Is Me. Evans going to tll ut about his exp? 10 Yes, he's going to tell us aboot his trp M1 Did the girls bu at that depaztnent sore? 12 No, Alice and Louite didn't boy st the store today. 13. Did the mailman bring -...-—- for me this moening? 14 Yes he did, There's for you on the des in your room. SOMEONE vs ANYONE 66 howe somcone anyone fr te an ye ah eee 1 Listen! These is 1 the Foot door 208 2 Mr Benson di’ tell abost his suggestion 3 Did you see inthe ball ouside my ofce? 4 Frank doesnt have a book, He let isto. 5 "There will be in this ofce before 9:00 a. 6 Please dot sell shout this matter ui ltr. 7 Bid you ask to hep you with the work ror? ssn eft this package on your desk Phis morning 9. Pleste give this envelope to in Dean Browa’s office. 10. Do you know. in the advanced lass? LL Thete wast in the offce after 5:30 pan 2 told Me. Duncan the news a few miowes ago. 15. Me, Meyer did't alk to sbost his problem. The secretary is speaking to ‘on the telephone now. ANYONE vs NO_ONE 7 ‘Gane anyone or wa on forte Bask ace eh sacs 1 There was a8 the information desk eis morning. 2 There isnt fn Me, Browa’sofce right now. Be finished the examination before three o'ock 4 Joi dt ee in Dean Brown's ofc 3 John saw “a he hal ouside the ofc either 6 Heian noice nthe other room. He's sur of Gut 7 inthe whole cats knew tat word 8 Plewe dat fel = abot this ut net Pada 9 wl tell ab your pln nti hat ine mows thing aout this cept you and me MT dont now ia the ater two English cases 2 aw trom our clas tthe meeting yesersy. Be aid anpthing to me aboot it atthe meting The dhaiean did’ get sggesions fom i the audience. an DIRECT AND INDIRECT OBLECTS PART ONE; THE INDIRECT OBJECT WITH TO ge the postion of the word ot wor in Has (We nktet objet) and SET Pua cael eta OD 1 Fred gave the money to me. Fred gare me the money. wrote a leer 9 Mr. Holt, 1 wrote Di Holt a letter ‘The agent sld the howe to Mr. and Mrr. Hanon We gave s bictday present to Marthe yesterday. ‘Me, Johnson sent a letter to th fify Company. Did the boy throw the baseball toi frend? ‘Tom handed the books and envelopes to. me. ‘Miss Wilson seat some beatiful fowers ta. (Mas, Baker wrote leer to ber som las Friday Please give your paper to me right now. ur fiends sent the package to 4s the next dy. “The teacher told an interesting sory 10 the sadent 1 showed all of the photographs to my frends Profesor Moore gave some excellent advice to all of ws, ant two. Tie NoMCE once wim 70 armament hte te) 2 Wee he Me som 5 BoB ce dhe es & tn 2 By iy ti a + Bh yt bart 1 hep te eso lp igh 2h MES til Nl fs EVIE, THE PRESENT TENSES “9 Ee ees fa oe oh rig aE Mees emia £2 Log ‘Setar inl 1 Toften (lore) town over the weekend Mis Pte (at) the telepooe now ‘The cildten alway (go) to bed en Mis Jobsion (prepare) dines now. Leck! That boy (Gen) ino the howe Mis Melick (endertend) thse word “The students (is) their papers now 1 (reed) some money for my fextook, 9. The guess —(ustch) that television program now. 10 We (reine) the use ofthe tenses io English this week. 11 Yeu, Maire. (won) some cake and cof. 12-1 (go) 1 bed around eleven odode dutng the week 13, We never (go) to the libmry in the evening. 14 Me. Hae (eu) English ftom 2:00 10 5:00 p.m. 15 Me and Me. Stewart (fy) 10 Califia every winte 16 Daniel Som (work) tinyeighe hous a werk 17 1 (bea) the mond of motor oie! 18 Our Engh class always (tar) at 830 p.m 18 1 (read) an intereting bok about the Civil Wa 20 Me_ Sets secretary (it) at sootber desk today 21 The weather (ger) very Bot bere in July and. ADgu, 2 My feed (utd) bis agldh lesen one hour ery nigh 23 -Me, Rockwell (joy) is bls st the end of every math ‘Tat tall fellow io my case (come) from Grete 2 Poofeser Moore (rite) another bok about English 1 (an) vey nc inthis tegion in the spcing D Frank (hove) bad cold. He (tbe) some mediine for i ‘hae depart store (have) big ale on shoes today. 2% Listen! 1 (hik) someone (hnok) at the front door 1 (ie) the aisle now. He Come) in hi ditection, Me Berg always (do) bis English lesions very cereal. 32 The students (do) Exercise 69 on page 4D ght B0¥. 70 REVIEW: QUESTIONS wrth ‘hangs oe Tolowing Sonn single quan, Notke th example 1 that man Bp. Harris? ‘Ave there chars in tha 100m? be sndying right now? Will they return 1008? “That man is Me. Haris “Thete are chats in that room. He is studying ght a0w. ‘They will retn Soo, ‘The last leson wat very dial forthe students Me. Meyer is listening to the radio sight 2ow. “The Andesoas will wave # South America by ait: Alice is taking a coutse ia history this semests Mr and Mis. Kennaly aee going to stay at 2 hotel 10 There were 4 lo of people st the pany la night 11 His frends will get the tes at Grand Central Staton 12 The men were very tied afte all of the hard work 15. Miss Stewart is going to be busy this afternoon, M4 There will be a meting here aext Tausday sight n REVIEW: QUISTIONS WiTH_ DO. (Conge te Folloning vats to single ston Neti the camper Dot Fred drive carejally? ‘They stdy every evening, Do they study every evening? She bought « new dies, Did she buy « mew des? Mr. Harper walked donatows with hi fend ‘The students in that clase always work very haed Me. Willams knows Profesor Mooce very well ‘Tom's fiend fished all of the werk for him, Miss Stewart wore her new spring. dees yesterday, 9) The students had trouble with the fist part ofthe leson. 10 Martha does her homework for this cass in the evening M1 The two plumbers did the work in the basement quick 12 Mr. Berg always comes to thie cla on tine 13 Miss Cunningham pat the money in the top desk drawer. M4 Al of the students understand the ast two lessons rod drives carefully. REVIEW: WRITING QUESTIONS (Gangs the following stones to Single quo 1 The men are waiting in the otber room now: 2 Carol learned sll of the new words by heat. 3. Ove teacher will explain that leon #0 us tOmDCoN 4 That depanment store is having big sale today 5) Mr. and Ms. Hanson are going fo write to os fom Tal. 6 7 5 Mr. Kennedy usually leaves hs cat in the alle. ‘The stodents are copying the senence from the blackboard ‘That fellow lowe it temper during the argument 9) The mechanic did all of the work very cxetlly 10. The sens’ pages will be on Mr. Crowell’ desk 1M Your fiend bad a good time atthe party lst aight 12 The mex wll finish all of thei work belore next Feiday 13. Mis. Wilson took her site dowatonn in her ca 1M His secrtaey sent the ltr to that company by alemail REVIEW: WRITING NEGATIVES 73 (ange te folming wert to neve Sky the eample real 1 Frank knows that word, ran doesnt now that word 2° Tom is studying his lesion now. Tm in sadying bis lesen now 3. He will be there moriow. He won't be tbe tomorrow: 4 ‘There were many people at the meeting. ystsday. 5 My fiend always studies is leone atthe library. 6 Me. Hans taught this same Englih class lt yea 7 Fred's cousin sll get back here Before two-thiy 8 Profesor Moore put some papers on his detk 9 The students ate talking to thie teacher ight aw. 10 Daniel Soto does bis Englth leon in the. afternoon You had the sight answer to that question on your papet 12 Me Johasn's secretary is writing eters for hin sight now 33. Fam working om my English assignment ight 20%. YA Mrs. Franklin called er friend and told hee the ews 15 My assitant will have enough tine for that this week oa SHORT ANSWIRS To QUESTIONS Sy SELES tte ects ely tn tts wh (QUESTION SHORT ANSWER 1 Is Mex. Smith in the other room? Yes, thei 2 Does the man like strong coffee? No, be does 3 Will you be ready before three o'clock? No, J wow’ 4 Is there going to be a meting tonight? Yen thre i 5 Is the alasm clock ringing right now? No, it it 6 Ave the students ready for the tes? Yeh, nn 7 Do these students wosk very hard? No, cone 8 Were the last two lesions dificall™ Ye 9 Do you want a chest sandwich? Yes, 10 Was there 2 book on Me. Crowe's desk? No, 11 Did Mee. Burke’ sister go with you? Ys, 12 Will Marjorie answer the phone for us? Yes, 13 Did the men move the fariure? No, 14 Ate you going to study German? No, 15 Were there many people at the concert? Yes, 16 Do you know the answer to that question? No, sons 17 Does the bus stop at the next comer? Yen, 18 Will De, Duncan's speech be interesting? Yes 19 Dig that woman find her pose? Ne 20 Was there a chat in the other toom? No, . 21 Will the Browns tavel to Spain by boat? No, 22 Is the weather watm in the spring? oc 23. Are you working on your asignment? Yen 24 Dees’ Me. Berg study every night? Nees 25 Will this be enough money for everything? Yen, > 26 Were thee enough sandwiches on the plate? No, 27 Do your friends ike the United States? Yen, = 28 Did the women attend the meeting t00? No, 29 Are the chilten.alesping right now? 30 Was this a very difcule assignment? ynuusAM HOWARD HOLT” 75 William Howard lt was born in Ciao i 1906. He Ined shee with is pret 912. "Then bs pets moved to Devo He and it evo brs fied Hapenty cl to Devo Re Efile 1920s fae sae bass a New Yok thee for Therloe be atended igo col a Sat cy, He eat to Figen High Schoo for four ens, He revel i lon Jn 1924 Untoranatly, be dit hve ewough money fo fmeniy chesibn, Bt st fb wes te cts of soe copy He woke tere fr two yas, He was eaten bekiepe, He Sued Mis Mare Soda in 993. To 1926, ie beam asl for etal pod co puny. He id ey tet tl. Teo, Te pte jobs most net He ad i wile tore i Hoc ose be fod +h He wated is ovm base Mia i 3928. Unfornately, i Ba ie fated ae ony sx mein. Heal $00, Then he ws tls manger or a al nan: compotion fr ax yexs. Between Tar tnd 1934 Me, Hot ands wile fad for chen The Bt hd wn fom in 1927, dtl das orn 193, 36, MH red ate basis He calls bss the Jl Box Goopuy. His basins vat ery ces a ede tf ee. ean swf tell vo Ca, Vener, Calo, ea and tee ‘South American countries several times between 1942 and 1944. He lend Spa very well ng that tine. Ti olen, Thoms otto Buee Uri in 946 Me Hl etd from ste Bot Stein 0. head hs wile moved 0 Boop fx oat Years. Their daughter Marjorie lived in Europe with them for 2 year. Se lened Re in ny Sire Te shes tens geod ‘fom the University of Wisconsin in 1953 and 1954, Thomas got mat- telat ands toe ne” Mae sl png xa % woking from ata se at Dig Sate Ue. MG Hai gringo hos on fo, He aging aires bee ws once hs education Me sted fo Ju a> He w te ve de ee os om 1 QUESONS ABOUT MR. HOLT'S Ure ‘mer Ue Flowing Gntlons soo he wary the Povo BAe 1 Where was William Howard Holt born? 2 When was he born? 3, How long di he live in Chicago? 4 Whete dd he finish elemen tary school? 5 When did he finish elementary school? 6 Where did he go in 192177 In what city did be goto high schol? 8 Why tide attend high school ia New York?” 9. What high school did he attend? 10 When did he receive hit diploma? 11 Why dide't he go © a university? 12. Where was his fit job? 13 How long Aide work forthe shoe company? 14 What ws his postion in that company? 13° Whom aide marry? 16 What was his wife's maiden same? 17 When did he matey her? 18 What did he do ater that? 19 What kind of company did he work for? 20. What Aid he do for tha company? 21” How did like bis job asa sler rman? 22. How maay months did he work asa salesman? 25 Where id he move alter that? 24 What sate did he and bis wile move to? 25 When did he start his own business? 26 Where did he start his own business? 27 When did his business ful? 28 How mich ‘money did he lose? 29 What kind of company did he work for next? 30. How long did he work for that company? 31 When was the Holts fist child born? 32 When were their other children boon? 38 How many children do the Holts have in all? 34 What did Me. Hole doin 19362. 35 What di he name his business? 36 How ‘id his busines do? 37 What countries did the Holt visit in South ‘America? 38 When did they go there? 39 When did Mr, Holt learn Spanish? 40 Where did Thomas go in 1946? 41 When dit (Me. Holt rete from active busses life? 42. Where did the Holts move thea? 43. When did the Holts move to Europe? 44 Who went to Europe with them? 45 Wheve were the ether cildten? 46. How long did Masjsie live im Europe with them? 47 What language did Marjorie lene? 48 How long did it take her? 49. When did thie two other sons graduate ftom the Univertty of Wisonsin?. 30. When id Thomas get marsed? 51 How many children do Thomas and bis wife have now? 53 Whece is Marjorie ging to xhool? 53. What is Mr. Hole doing at present? 54° When willbe finish his university depree? QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR ENGLISH CLASS Ea ‘wwer tbe gues show your Fnglah ch. Rend te qoctons ally ‘Neste postion‘ all ead the geste. Compe he poston of The monde the guetion wth epost af the words our ane 1 Why are you studying English? 2 Why did you choose this school? 3 When did you start your Baglish courte? 4 How long ago did you start your class in Eaglsh? 5 At what schol are you ‘tudying English aow? 6 Where did you study English before this? 7 How many years did you study English before this? 8 What is your teacher's name? 9 Whois your teacher? 10 How do you ike Your English class? 11 What i the name of your textbook? 12 At Wat time does your English clit begin? 13, How Long. does your English class las? 140 How long iv each class period? 15) What do you do ding the fs ten minutes? 16 What ate you doing right tow? 17 What ie your richer talking about sight now? 18 Ar what time is your las over? 19 How many clases do you attend each reek? 20. What lesion are you studying this week? 21 When do yes usvilly study your homework? 22 How much time do you spend fon your homework? 23 Whom do you study your lessons with? 24 With whom do you practice proauacition? 23 How many sen tences do you write every day? 26 What did your teacher talk boot esterday? 27) What is your teacher going to tlk aboot tomorow? 28 How many hours ae you going to study at home next week? 29. How often do you speak English outside ofthis ass? 30 When 's your tescher going to pve an examination? 31 Which leison was, ‘he most difcalt for you?” 32. What things give you the most trouble? 38. Why do there things give you trouble? 34 How many new words 4d you learn yesterday? 33 How many English words do you know fn all? 36 How many exercises are therein this book? 37. How "any pages are therein this book? 38 How many mistakes did you make on the last exexise? 59 How often does your teacher dictate Seotences to you? 40 How often does your teacher give you 3 Yabo larytes? 41 How many exercises does your teacher assign each werk? 2 How often do you waite levers in English? 43. Which exec {He you welting right now? 44 At whit time did you get to school today? 45 How did you get to school today? 46 How do you "ally get to school? 47 "Who sts beside yo your asrcom? 7 QuEsTIONS tour Your ure ‘Asewer pee qos tat yoo Wile Rend the quo eal, Neti BEE athe Teon words be, by four Ada mary, ‘ow long =) 1 When were you born? 2 How old are you aow? 3 la what city were you born? 4 What county do you some from? 5 What Js your native language? 6 Where did you go to elementary school? 7 "What otber schools dd you go to? 8 How long aid you study English in your country? 9 How big is your family? 10 Where o the other members of your family live? 11 How many bethers 4nd sisters do you have? 12 How long did you attend you lat school? 13 What subjects did you study? 14 Whae was your favoitesob- ject? 15 When aid you get marred? 16 What is your wife's (husband's) same? 17” How many children do you have?” 18. Why did you leave your eountey? 19 When did you ative in the United States? 20 Whee did you live during World War II? 21. At ‘what school ate you studying English? 22 Why did you choote this ‘eheol? 23 How well do you spesk and write English? 24 How long are you going to stay in this country? 2 How long are yo soing to study English? 26 Where do you live? 27 What is your suddress? 28 Who is your best friend? 29 With whom do you live? 30 Which city do you prefer, this city or your hometown? 31 What is your profession a this moment? 32. What do you plan to do in the fsture? 33. Why do you want to do that? 34 Where do you utully go over the weekend? 35 What do you usualy do fon Saturday and Sundey? 36 What did you do last weekend? 37 What are you going to do next weekead? 38 What i yor favorite sport? 39 What is your bobby? 40 How mach time do you spend on your hobby each week? 41" In which bank do you keep your money? 42 How many fiends do you have inthis city? 43. How ‘many of the students in your English cass do you know? 44 When did you have your last vacation? 43 Whea ate you going to take yout ‘ext vacation? 46 Where ate you going to go on your vacation? 47 ‘What are you going todo ater this semeste? 48. At what tine do 78 tually ge up in the moming? 49 At what sine do you get up o Sseuday and Sunday? 50 What kind of breakfast do you usally et? 51 Atwhat time do you usually leave home? 52 How do you usally {et to work (or school)? 33 Where do you generally est lunch? 7 iy for ach quaen, Had We Som anes 3 Be ANSWER 1 snow Aid you put your books? (On the desk 2 non did you speak to Mr. Adams? Two days ago. 5 “uu do you need the maney now? To bay 8 suit 4 wil they arcive at the sizpost? About ten eeoc 5 Lous did. that scident happen? [AY the intersection. 6 tare you going to go home now? Becsuse i's lat. 7 4 you Keep your ea? Ta our garage ® Aid you go tothe lbery? To get a book ° does summer stat inthis countsy? On June 21 ‘were you late for cla today? mised my bus will you spend your vacston? In New England. Spseeteis pea? el pie snc arene wo teuteria ye 2 ae 1 Me oven set ly (5. an Sd 6 Pit ik a ha ty John borrowed a dictionary from his friend. Fo a ey Tonto me a fw hy Meee nt “They sent the laters tothe wrong addres, Fea a ee nk ty Mc a he edi ee Bi gel mehr oe see te Ban hap ae ly ee mg Wy will. ONY eee Sao aun a Tue mxecurives DAY" ied tis chile ally Then saver ie quaions jp he oot cree Foradil psins cute ll te vite dst ie pot tee He ges up at 750 in the morning. He takes shower a 7:45 am. He ges dees at 6:00 am. He eats his breakfast 2¢ 8:20 am, He leaves for the office at 8:40 asm. He takes 2 taxi at the comer at 4:45 aan, He gets tothe offce at 9:00 aim. He dictates leer this, secretary at 9:30 am. He reads the morning mull at 10:00 am. He {oes out for coffe at 10:30 am, He retorne tothe ofce at 11:00 am. He hat a conference wth the other executives at 11:30 am. He Lewes {he ofc at 12:30 pas: He as his lonch a the Plza Hotel at 1:00 pam He returns o his ofce a 1:30 pom. He calls his secretary int his office 440 1:45 pm. He dictates answers to the morning mail 2t 1:45 pa. [He meets important visitor between 2:00 pam. and 3:00 pm. He di. ‘uses problems with is two asitnte between 3:00 pm. and 3:30 pam He makes most of his important telephone calle after 3:30 pm. He [gees over the company reports between 4:00 pm. and 4:50 pm. He catches taxi ia fot of hi offce at 5:45 pm. He gets back home at 6:00 pin. He eats dianer with his wife and children at 6:30 pam. He teads the evening newspaper between 7:30 pm. and 8:30 pm. 22 QUESTIONS ABOUT “THE EXECUTIVE'S DAY” The ares wort (or the Hak spaces in ch queton, Note: Te 0 SHU ean ed Soteneakeel 1 At what ime doer eget ap jin the moring? 2 At what time a shower? 3 At what cine bis breakfast? 4 At what tine for the ofce? 3 Ae what time oo 4 taxi at the comer? 6 At what time on one the ofc? 7 At what time oa leters to his secetay? 8 At what time his uch at the ote? 9 At what time fanenecs to the mail? 10 At what dime important visitors? 1 At what time CI his telephone cll? 12 At what time the company reports? 13 At what eine the evening newspaper? Eirrastoreise inner wth be Fol? WHO, WHOM, WHOSE, WHAT, wHicH Say ee eens oe save al, Po al ee Se ot a $e Ge quetine wath Stent woe see ‘Se of the queen be en aed der Indes with QUESTION EB ANSWER ‘Who invited George to dinner? 9 The Taylors Who(m) did the Taylors invite to dinner? George. ‘What did the Taylors serve for dines? Roast beef ‘What happened alter dinner? [Nothing special ‘Who used Mr. Berg's dictionary in class? Ms, Kramer, ‘Whose dictionary did Me, Kramer use in clas? Mr, Bets Whose dictionary is on my desk? Mine, Which dictionary is yours? There are two, The small one. What is the name of your dictionary? "Word Guide” Who is going to speak to Dr, Duncan? J am. ‘Who(m) are you going to speak 10? De. Duncan, ‘To whom is Me, Burke going to senda letter? To the edits. Who is going to send a letter to the editor? Mr, Buske, ‘What is Me. Burke going to send tothe editor? A letter. ‘What supplies the power for this motor? generator, ‘Who supplies the elecccty fr this building? ‘The Blecre Co. ‘What color did you paint your house? Blue and white Which color did you use the most? Whit ‘Who sent that package to Mis Davis? 1 sent it ‘To whom did you send that package? To Miss Davis What did you send to Miss Davis? ‘That package ‘Whose books are on that table? Dick's ‘Which is Tom's the re one o the blue one? The red one, ‘Who(m) did your fiends meet at the corner? Mr, Kennedy. ‘With whom did you fiends cde to school? With Mr. Fos Who(im) did they rie downtown with? With George Who drove them back home afterwards? George. ‘What kind of car does George have? AA Ford. What model does he have? The new one ‘Whose car isin front of your house now? Mr. Kennedy's a QuEsTIONS wT HOW QUESTION ANSWER aly thse uetions with how, Notice the short aneres a te igh 1 How did you do that work? With some tools, 2 How i the weather todey? Quite il. 3 How often do you watch television? Twice a week 4 How did you get here this morning? By bus 5) How do you like the weather here? Very euch {6 How long will you stay in Detroit? Two months 7 How many students are thee bere? Twenty-one 8 How much coffee did you deiak today? Three cups 85 ADuEcTVes WITH HOW oe aajeives (ip dom, a, 2) ar ow in tae qusions 1 How will your fiends say in New York City? 2 How concn is your classoom (ia square fet)? 3 How fs New York from San. Francisco? 4 How nn does it get in June, Joy, and August? 5 How | is the Bmpice State Building in New York? 6 How do you go to concerts or lectures? 7 How is your English teacher? 8 How were the las two reading asignments? 6 ‘MUCH AND MANY WITH HOW students are there in your English cats? bend is there in the kitchen now? Fetters do you write to your paren each weck? sugar do you want ia your coffee? ‘ups of coffee did you drink duving the day? id you pay for your new winter overcoat? times did you wete the words on the lit? time do you spend on your homework? USING THE QUESTION WoRDS (2) ad tne Quon, Then a7 pope geen word {oy bes eh bow Yor'ec) We Wk pel eh Sete QUESTION «=? 1m ate you going now? * 2 Baglsh book ie this? 5 time is it now? 4 money do you have? 5 one id Bl take 6 was that tall boy? 7 ‘ ° : did you talk to? Tis you brother? flour did. you buy? id you get to schol? ‘Bel is your sizer? color is her hi? will she get here? dbo they come ete? does “peclie” mean? is there a bus stop? put the char here? fe you going to buy? fs Fred talking. to now? were you in the army? id you meet yesterday? do you do that? ig Miami from there? people are there bere? ‘do you want your coffee? ‘will you get 10. Chicago? do you travel so much? ‘will you be in Venenuela? is your brother? lind of cloth i that? ANSWER To the tear, Ws Pree’ 1s eight ite Sevenpve cen “The small one My fend, Fark The caiman, “Twenty yas Two pounds By a ‘The thin one. Light brown Pesbably Monday. Twice 4 yes. Ke means “Rrange.” Av the tex come Roger, Tt A pai of hoes. Me Keaedy ‘Tee yess Baty coun. Basse T exjor i ‘ded miles. ‘Aout thi Eve Wik cea. yi. Vike i Sevest months Fire fet elven. Wee aa USING THE QUESTION WoRDS (3) ted dc cove; Ge quien The spy be appopte quetion word ToMSatee"chon, fow'marh, ec) ia bk pel ach Sen QUESTION ANSWER did you pat ny book? On the desk docs school usually star? In September. give Mr. Green the money? His sister. "Wid he need the moaey? To buy a ticket. books are there? Jim's sce your fends now? ‘At Jin's (house). id Smith leave for Boston? Last Friday is it to Los Angeles? 9 i going t0 belp you tonight? 10 is he going to belp? n- did. Me. Brown say to you? 12 dictionary will you use? 13 Oo eaps of coffe did you dink? 14 oo calor did you pune your house? 13 gasoline do you need? 6 id you go there yesterday? of these do you preter? kind of material is that? » did the accident happen? 20 ig the nickname for “Rober?” 2 did you sped to Me. Berg? 2 ‘dd you pay for that sit? 23 dees that word mean? 24 ago did Me Johnson lesve? 25 are your fiends leaving now? 26 cone did you finally bay? 27 dp you want to get i now? 28 do you like this cay? 29 do you call that in oglish? 30 do you pronounce that word? [ASKING FOR INFORMATION (1) 89 ‘Wate «queen show te ialiced pu of cach sen. Begin ech nen Me qeltion word (oboe, aan be mach). Nae te amples 1 Alice went othe movies lastnight. Ware did Alc go lat nigh? 2. They wil be thre fortwo seeks, How long -will hey be thee? 3 Misr Peters wrote thove eters. Who ese hae laze? 4B Say i onthe nwelfb of Auge 5 There are noenyone Soot in that building 6 Joh is coughing Beanie beat «bad od. 47 The Browns lf for home at se lec. The students studied the iepuar verbs 9 That is Profeor Moon's bce. 10 There were fourteen gust atthe pty 1 Me. Bark bought his new cat lat Setarday 12 Detroit seem banded wiles from there 1 Theie clases usally begin a nine olor. 4 Tm going 10 go brane tbe gome wil be inresing. 45 ‘That customer wants four packages of cigarette. 16 Dowothy bought be pink dest with rhe blue sips 7 We call thous things "godt?" in English My finds beped me ery much yerterdsyaferncen 18 Mr Walon gave the anal report to Mr. Jobson, 2 ‘The whole tp takes about Hwontytuo Bos. Weir going to lok for winter coats at tat department sere. 22 Those two dictionaries Belong to Mr. Kramer 2 Our fends stayed in Califo for three week 1 The messenger ve the packages to Mr. Wilionr sera. 2 Mother put the caps and saucers iv the eapboard. 3% The word “rapid” means “Jt?” on "quick" 2 The doctor will come witkn fifteen or teety minutes 2B The peice of that cart thee thontand dll B De. Duncan's moter syeph poo ld a ‘There will be another meeting next Thurtday or Friday Edvard hat abost saro thowsnd dollars in the bank om. Me. Green wrote fo his brother berate he needed some mone. Py ASKING FOR INFORMATION (2) ‘Wetes quan tbat de Tale pa of ach actnce, Beg ech qn Si gltion ward (al, 2, fou man, se} Nowe te Sapa, 1 The Hols have four hldren, How many children do the Hots base? 2 The accident happened rgb Here. Where did the accident happen? 3 Me and Mes. Hanson ate going #0 go fo Bretl next yet 4 Theie guests lel for home becase i was very late 5. Our classcom is swentyeighr feer wide 6 es sbout twelve Books to the post office from here. 7 The two men setumed to the ofce at three oelock. 8 That modem che cons forty-four dellee plas tax 9) The secretary gave Me. Green «lor of information 10 ‘The mame of that book by Mack Twain ie “Tom Sawyer.” 11 Mr. and Mes, Smith wil return to New York by train 12 The tall man on the left is Me. Browa's brother 13 Those two students are talking about the laut leon. HM Me. Kennedy will leave for Baltinore afer the holidays. 13 Miss Stewart chose she Black dress with the lace. 16 Her sister bought vee pairs of stockings yesterday. 17 Tm looking for my briefcase and my Book 18 The thief gor into the houte through « batement window. 19 Those young boy broke Me. Fyne’ front wiadow. 20. Me. Davis goes to Montzeal wo or three times « yar 21 The Slates’ daughter looks Uke ber gradmotber. 22 Chatles got into touble because be did't follow inuractions 23 The meaning of that word i "iad" or "ambsppy.” 24 Me. Smith put the reports on Mr. Jobuiors desk, 25 The Taylors pained thee house blue and whic 26 Charles asked hie father and moter for zome money. 27 That student has a very poor atitude toward his adie, 28 Miss Peters addrersed the letter to the ABC. Company 29. Wes about four hundred miles t> Washington, DC. 30 The tunel to Beech is wear she Bastry Pak 31° Me. Kaufman's ca i in the alley Behind our Bouse. 52 John's brother is going to study at she University of Waringvo MIOATIVE QUESTIONS ” Gaoge te exenens 1 single ape quinn Mae & conncion #8 So peti. Seip he fro cgi etl 1 He is in his ofce now. Bas be i is ofce now? 2 They studied the leson, ids? they sndy the lesson? 5 Martha is going t0 go to the mover tonight 4. Beuy wore her new spring dies to the pay. 5 There are some shelves in that close, 6 The szudents knew the answers tothe questions. 7 Mr Andeton never disks coffee in the moring The Smith will arive in Los Angeles romero. 9 There is some milk inthe efigertr. 10 Profesor Moote walked to school this moening 11 Me, Jobson will kein hit offce this afternoon 12 Me. Beag understands the instructions in the book. 15 Tha gil does all of her homework carefully M4 The vcepesident was at the meeting last Thursday [NEGATIVE QUESTIONS. WITH WHY o ‘Gang thse eeatves to eeuive quetes with why. Mike coobaon fn ‘aah gutin, Sy the to emp lll. 1 He wast in class yesterday. ‘She did't write that leer Me. Rose Why war's bei class yesterday? 2 Why did’ the wre thas leer? 3 snd Mr, Green were't at the meting 4 Me. Smith dda’ get to work on time this moming. 5 Mr. Meyer dia’ go to the lecture with the other sudent. His secetry wast in the ofice at that tine. 4 ° ‘The Browns area going to go to Earope this year The students didn't write the last two lesons. ‘Those boys didn't study their English assignment last night ‘There won't be aayone in this office tomorrow. George dosn't know the ieregular verbs yet 12 Frank and Joba did't do their share of the work 15. That fellow did't tell me about hit suggestion ntl today. ‘Your paper wasnt on my desk before class this morning A [THE PERFECT PRESENT TENSE (1) ‘Wei the core foo of the vib a prenthos in ech selene Use eal The psf poneat tense. Sly the exper eal. 1 We (vst) that museum. We ave vitited that maceum. 2 Bill (fsb) the work Bil bar fiihed the work 3 A (mesl, ever) by sit. ave never traveled by ait 4 Ms Moore (explain) those two lesions t0 us ated. 5-1 (live) inthis city almost all of ay life 6 8 9 ‘That company (hire) twenyy new workers since June ‘The boys. (mention, ready) that mater to Mt. Brown We (follow) the inersctions in the book carefilly #0 fs Pierre English (improve) a. grest desl since Joly. 10 Bery (copy) all of the new words into her notebook. 11 The men. (9) that method several times already 12 Me, Smith (Crave, never) actors the Atlantic by plane 13 The company (increate) its production by twenty percent. 14 Up to now, we (study) almost every lesson in thir book: 4. ‘TME_PERFECT PRESENT TENSE @) ‘We he cone fom of te ve in pete In ech selec, Ui ol) the pve tne The verb i ie sttoe ae ie vee Chose out teiwers ely wih the lit of ieee Nes in Be append 1 We (Jee) that movie. We have sen thet movie 2 He (have) ‘is lunch aleedy. He bas bad bis lunch already 31 (be, never) there before. 1 bave never been there before 4 Richard” (lhe) thee different courses i. English 5. Mis Peters (ly) in an airplane only two other tines 6 The two git (40, aleady) the diane disbes 9 Tim sony. I (forget) the name of that new song Ms, and Mes. Garcia (be) in this cty for abe moms We (brow) Me. and Mrs. Smith for over twelve years 10 1 (fall) om these steep steps several mes this week 11 think’ Me, Harris (love, already) his hoch 12 I (read, already) hie leter and. (write) a eeply 10 him, 33 Carol and Martha (hate) ots of practice in English 10 fat 14 We (ee, already) Mr. Duncan and. (speak) him about that {ASKING_QUISTIONS, 9 Gangs Boe euement 1 vnple Guo Sly he camper arta. 1 Mr. Green has quit his fb Har Mr. Green quit his job? 2 Wehave already doe that leon, Hare we already done that leson? 5. John has aleady given his bomework to Mr. Haris, 4 Me and Mis. Buck have heard the good news. 4 Beuy has copied all of the new words from the blackboard 6 ‘The stodents have already studied that lesson, 17 Your Eaglih has improved very much since September 8 Those men have doae thee share of the work, 9) The diecoe has mentioned bis plan to the commer. 10. The weather has been very bad this past week 1 Mr. and Mis. Slater have taken good cae of their cat. 12. We have heard that radio program several times 13 My friend Tom has always enjoyed tat kind of work. 14 There have been some bod storms inthis area receatly MAKING NEGATIVES ‘Ghage dhe satenens wo acguiver Sway Ge ample arly ‘We have seen that movie. We eve’ soon that movie Franke has taken that course. Frank a’? tahen that cour ‘The students have writen the lst to leson8 (Miss Peers has finished those leters for Mr. Johns, Me. Harris and Me. Moore have etter lunch ‘That student has had mich practice in conversion, Me. Moore ha explained tht part of the less, ‘Out friends have decided om 2 name for thee baby [My boss has hited some new woskers in the past week. We have dicused that patt ofthe lesion very thoroughly. 1. Me, Benson and his wife ave been here since lat Augus. 12 Tom's sister has told hee patents about her pla, 13. There have been some bad storms in this area recently 1M Weve repaired the hole in the roof of our house 13. Me, Smith hes sid something to Me. Fox about that pobles. 96 7 REVIEW: TENSE FORMS Gags be wie ten aes) te par eae () te ftw (ere und (0) 10 he perfor prevent te Sy the cxamplar fly (2) 1 pens my money 1 Tapend my money. Ap (8) I wil spend my money (©) T bave spent my money 2 They use tha one 7 He sits in that sow. 5 We study English together. 8 1 dtive my ar 4 They discuss thee work. 9. She hides hee money. 5 They have enovgh tine, 10 We go to schol 6 1 do all of the lesions, 11 He takes much time. (0) Dil be oa thee? 12 Does he eat th? Mp (8) Wil beat tee? (2) Har be ten thee? 13 Do you enjoy that work? 18 Do you have enough time? 1M Does he write many leters? 19 Do they copy the sentences? 35 Do you vend many lees? 20 Dots she have mach trouble? 16 Do they explain everthing? 21. Does she do good wotk? 17 Does she attend that class? 22 Do the students practice? (2) 1 aids say there 231 dont say thee, mp (6) I wor? toy there (©) Thanet stayed tere 24 He doesn't work bard. 28 She doen’ use this ene 25 I don't have any energy. 29 They don't semember it 26. He doesn't pay his bis. 30. T dont do much work here. 27 We don't see tat fallow. 31 He does listen carefully. ING meREOULAR vans 8 ‘ae be cote form of the vab Ia prentins i a cee oly The pees present tome. Che our sewers wh the Lat of iegalar vee in Be Spout 1 Me, Harr tengbs English thir wool for fe yes. 2 1 (write) three of four leers to tht company. 5. The students in this clase (do) those two lesons already. 41 (low) Profesor Moore for more than twelve years 5 Richard (rae) eee courses in English at his school {6 ‘These stepe are dangerous. 1 (fl!) on them several. ines. 7 Mr. Kramer (be) in the United States for theee years The janitor (tbat, already) the back door. 9 The students (read) all of the stores in that book. 10 Marjorie (couse) prety dees for the par. 11 I (peak) to my boss shout the problem several tins. 12 That wee (grow) at least five fet since as year 15, Miss King (spend) over eighteen hundeed dollars since May. 14 Mr and Ms. Sigh (bay) a new bouse in Nord Plains, 15 The real esate agent (ell) the Saith's old hovte 16 Charles (bave) 2 bad cold for a whole week 7 Tm soar. 1 (forget) the same of that book, 18 We (bea, alrtady) that new song several tines, 19 Me. Wilsa isn't bere, He (go) out of town for the weekend 20 Mr. Kennedy (wear) hit blve sit to the ofce only twice 211 (ut) in this same seat since the Bet day of clases 22 The money isnt in this dawer Someone (ea!) it! 2 Up to nom 1 (anderttind) every lesson in the book 2. We (bate) absolutely no trouble with our car 0 fat. 3. No one (find) that g's purse and. gloves yt 3 The weather (be) very wh ever sine lat Thorday 2 Me. Andeson and Me. Brown (bse) Ianch sleeady. 28-1 (ee) the Enpize State Building hundteds of tines. ‘We (speak, already) to the dtetor and. (pie) him the message, Grandiother (fly, ever) in an sepane before You (tear) your shiet! There’ 2 hole ia the left sleeve. 1 (read aleady) the customer's letter and (uri) ep 10 hie ee PERFECT PRESENT vs SIMPLE PAST ‘Weis the cara fom of he vob Ie partes In ech snes Chee faye pe pa Se Gamble rev (amples I ward, be tnt) oe pss pent red be barker) Nobce oe tee acl For Milos pace, eer faerie 28 co page 88 2 3 4 3 6 7 a ° 10 n 2 B “ Bs 6 v 8 9 20 2 2 es 4 ey 26 n 2 » » 3 a 1 (see) that movie already. 1 hove stem thet movie alread, 1 ire) that movie yesterday. 1 sa that movie esterday, 1 (read) that novel by Faulkner several times before I (fead) that novel aguin dusig my last vacation ‘Me. Foster (itady) Spanish at New York Univesity lst year Mr. Foster (indy) French in this last since last September, ‘Miss Cunningham (live) in Deteot fom 1940 to 1946. ‘Miss Cunningham (Lire) in New York since tht tine ‘Our guess (have) 2 good time at the party last night. Our guess (bane) & good time ever since their arial, De. and Mis. Duncan (ie) the Coliseum in Rome in 1948, De, Duncan (ie) the Statue of Libery hundreds of time, The Browns (te) in Deuit twice since Chrismas. ‘The Browns (be) in San Francisco the were before ls, My wife and 1 (irael) by ais many times ia the pat My wife and I (rave) to Mexico by ait Inte sume ‘The students (finish, fnall)) that hard exercise! ‘The students (art) that exercise about thre hours go, We (recive) the boys telegram at 8:00 pm. last ight We (send, already) them a special delivery spy. ‘Me. and Mrs. Hanson (vist) Peis before the last wat, Me. and Mrs, Hanson (wit) Paris many times since the We (indy) alos every leon in this book so far. We (study) a very had lesion the day before yesterday. 1 Gane) a ile twouble with my cat last wet, However, 1 (have) no trouble with my cat sce then, We (watch mever) that television program. We (watcb) an interesting program on television lastnight ‘That all fellow (work) here for the past three weeks Formerly, be (work) for the ABC. Company in Boston, (Me. Shaw is my English teacher. He (teatB) ete for six yeas He (finish) his Ph.D. at Yale University seven years ago ae Ruse TUNSES 100 ie he cores form of de ve Tm sah see. Choe ly Be ee psn tee (eames Seay), th comin pees. el Reson Pir arump), oe bet pte ase (ample be Bar write) SOBnona’ pram rte vo Enccke 127 ee ae © We (ind) Sagi niece ce at Sener, My see) Egi st hil foe Yous Ue (it) (et) a eft do SerSnid (op) fh eae edo he moth Ti) ident Gund Cage se se it Ie (an sal) uh tt pr fe Ue Sates id's Caan) ia New You eo mot Tos sais al) at pope ace Ocee Mead akon Foe ive ln 1 fey 1 Gong) flows mae ey Mons sci) a ae dk Cody. Tense ity gl eon op fo ited Gol) frvat ht vin ee Bs Gee oe on som) tom Sth An Wo ae le) tht ew sng vel tense Spot SP tty ints ely rae sepa Bese Candi ems tng ey teen Rema (Loe) ppl ie ee or his er a LrC— dee, i (oe) «hi rt GaP pes ers) ti cy a he, SF” ll) 1 mor en Teo he mo 2 td a(t cy fr ng te Lr “ose ut gee ie) esc cuit sa 2 Dan oo eo) rye bar vee We (oi) Sit cy can Bako 2 2 The Gate Gor geal) ett Ja and © Svea yn (il) no tle on te ere 2 ete mat fl) rn os Alene he Gt 3M" Gen) ath Paton stn Bt BEREEBSESAGESRE See vaunune 101 Compe the sarees pring qutions, ANSWER_PRESUMING QUESTIONS ‘Ao sine the expeted show foment eich eon. Say the Camps very cal QUESTION ANSWER, “The sun is shining ow, ins i? Yen itt Mz, Wilson live there, doem't be? Yer, be does ‘The men haven't done it yt, bave they? Noy they Baven's ‘Ms. Fox did't speak t0 you, did she? No, she did’ ‘That is Me. Kennedy’ eat, in’ i? Yer, in ‘There wast anyone inthe 100m, ws sere? No, there wasn (Miss Peers wasa't in the ofc, Mr, Moote speaks French very wel Your friend dida't see you yesterday, Beaty has writen the Jeter slceady, ‘They wll be at your house tonight, There were some keys on the det, Miss Kent does't have a ef, won Your guess had a very good time, oa ‘The Browns arent esting ht nom, = ‘The workers haven't done that ye, = That isn't Me. Johason's briefest, 2 ‘That bus goes to Washington Square = You have already seen that movie, == Mary didet leave the front door open, Mr. Green went home very lat, Bill is studying Columbia Universi, These are’ Your cigteteh, enn d's brother ished school last yeas, ‘There will be enough enfes for everyone, That ast lesion wasn't very dificult, ‘You study each voebolay lit carefully, ‘The students did thie work together, Bill had enovgh money for his books, The sudents haven’ done that lesson, 102 hoe Before afer, rom, as fore Hk pce ch eee [BOIRESSIONS OF TIME (1 ine n 2 B 4 ‘Our frends will ative in this city 2 WEEK oon NOW: Mr. Benson was bere the week =~ I “The men ate leeving for Cuba the month Rt Fred's brother Snisbed school several years —- Bil and I went to that meeting the sight =a Is. Pere wil return to this county {WO JERS cunnw-~ OW. Our school year ended the month tas (Mr. and Mrs. Fos left bere two. weeks esterday. Tm going to go back t0 school the week Did you spesk to Miss Davis the day conn yesterday? My (ends will ative bere a week ———-- next Sanday. Me. and Mex. Taylor will get back the day tomorow Tram leaving for South Ametice a week e? se paped pene ean odo any work ur ew nt io il to undectind. Do youn pee tone? money 180 [have te fo rend magic or Beware. Ions Fak edo leoe? — -_ ‘There vas much mil athe eget nes dhe as Ulin, == Reson Fe eas difference betwee those two sound Five the Nodes fined thet eompostons of =? Tats do that gow: Thue ambitions al Fpl ina diel Lnguge. Domo you aie? “The all ay =the fat one 8 Me Win dren ou teal or your deer? Do a ete abet thar — Ob, i Pes awe these questions wih "Yeo ‘There were ‘These were tight now. trouble 1 uualy see Me, Wilton on Monday, but... awa Cat nn You come tottotrOW? ans Tm afraid “Those two fellows speak Portuguese, =» Spanish, “There ace... newspapers or maguines around here. ‘There are any books on thote two shelves. understood the fst part, but nn the last par. ‘much time remuine before the final examiation) Students were invited to the committee meeting. “2 person has sid anything aboot that matter yet Tw there way tn doit? — dat T know of Do you live neaby? — Well, far fom bere. “uu many ro0ms inthis building have good ventilation. “well informed pecton agrees with him about tht, ceverone enjopt the same type of entertainment wn business can afford 10 adestie today Ut. ohoson suggested ..tling therm about out plans. ot 137, [COMPARISONS with ADJECTIVES ‘Suiy he campers eons 10. Te eens 11 34, comple fsnpunoe wih the ace pst. Do eo oot my weet 1 The last story was as interesting as the other one 2. Me Slater's house is bigger than our howe 3 Your example is bver thon the one ia the book 4 That brown chair is more comfortable than tis one 5 That brown chair i Terr comfortable then this one 6 Fret t's moe ambitions set the is it Liste Dake the pation of ll he pie ‘Tht wan the wor put of the a 9 Tht ean he mot died ofa the lesons 10 That flow i he eat ambiony set he da Mec Joson was (al tan the ote ello 12. Bene ea ws (neous 4 Jou wet 13M ly ie (poplar) an tat pion, 1M Oacear (old thane, Ketel 15 Tht hig flow was (clasy) of fe plage US The wether (orm) tty than ws Jesse. 17 Baal exon (mac) cee ofall South Anes cout 1 Mave icon ao (ntlige) athe Stes 19, Willam i (mal) by than bs be 20 Las Angele i (ar) tn eth hae 21 Min Peter (hed) ot al the ils nas ce 22 Were bat (Ue) ey with pat han the be one 2 Does your county have (ef) weber ths? 2 (Few) member cane fo the mesing th wek thin at wek 25 New Yok as (any) al ang of ty yn te wo 26 The Empire Sate Bling (al) ang ne weld 27 Elnbeth (charming) woman ber ater 28 (ier) pope tat county spk esc han Gomi, 2 Rogers (tented) san tat Bo. 30 The Gites bought (exonin) co than we did 3B Tite (god) lic wh Fac 32M Judson na ine) pe hee 33 Thala fing mmo a Bape ee, 34 Bl i (gnd) mk tat cs than sone ee 92 svTensirions wir AS ==» AS Gu the words (a) alma ©) pagal ad (©) w Biwi tests Sty ie expe etl ‘That's ascheapas this. (a) The’ almost as ebeap as this. (b) Tha's practically as cheap at tit (c) That's jut as cheap as this ‘The exercise on this page as easy a8 the last one. ‘Theta girl i as petty asthe datk gi. ‘The bedroom is 4# wide a8 the living room, Everyone else was as nervous 9 you were. ‘The Ajax Company hs a1 many employees as this one Mr. Foster earns #8 much money as his brother. Me, Wilson has a8 many zsponsbilites as Me, Johnson. [MUCH AND MANY IN COMPARISONS 139 Tid ch 1 mony te Bank pace a ch voce “The weather i beter today than yesterday Elen Deake is 2 plete gil than her ser. But Louis Deak has more frends than Ellen Thad rote trouble with this Teson than the last one Football is more poplar than socer in this county Thee ae ‘more tall buildings ia New York than in Pais ‘Tom Hanley is « more intelligent student than Harold mote students inthis county study Spanish than German, ‘worse esl with hat method than with this one ‘We got ‘MeRAL COMPARISONS 140 Glee hee comperzone wth te was a 0 fom 1 That other ca the same model This exerci i ferent, the las two exercises Your new det i similar ny new dees ‘The eostoms here atest exactly the same ‘The design of thar house is smilar Your example war quite diferent the one in the book. (Me. Johnsoa's suit is the sme color yours. ‘This morris diferent {ay othe motor onthe market is answer to the problem wast quite the same sine 3 this one those in Cubs, 2 3 4 z the design of this cae x ne design of thi ? 5 vat ede flowing ore wen PE"Gopuntve sad pre Fao Seis owe he on the tod ote alata Mr. Kelly: What do you think about the thee houses? Mrs. Kelly: like the ed house thebestof all Which one o you like the bes? Mr. T havent ecided that yet. But 1 like the blve house more than the ted one, Do you think the red house i as beaut asthe blue one? Me. tink the ed ‘house isthe most modern and the most beatiful of the thee, The ble house is almost as beaut as ee red one, But not quite. Of cours, the whitehouse isthe leest modern of all. ir, That's tut, But the white house is cheaper and more practal than the be house. ‘These is more Space inthe whitehouse chan in the re hows. I also has more rooms than the red ones. Ye, the white ouse i ager than the red oe, but the red one cosis the lest of the theee. Mr Yes, it's the chespe ofall but the redone too modern for me. Begs, the blue house i he most comfortable of the cree. Mess Well, think the modern syle is more practal than any other Kind. Natrall,you'te sight about the size. The red house isthe smallest of these hove The blue house it the biggest. The white house ist as big atthe Blue houte, but tit 25 small asthe red house. Mr. Doa't you think the rd owe i te soll for us? Arr No, I think it's big exough, Don't forget there ‘more windows in the red house than a the white one, Afr. Tha’ eg, but the Blue house hss the most windows of all Tn ado, the ed ‘out an’ as conventional a the blue house. Remember i's ese to sl 4 conventional house than a modern howte. Mrs. OF courte, the white use is the most conventional of all but the price ofthe white howe higher than the pric of the zed one. The blue houte the most expen Of all. Mr, Wel, le’ consider the white howe then, He's not as big the blue one, and it doesn't have ab Lage a Basement a the bloe of but i is apparently the most practical, es. Well, the white hose it 14 modern a either of the other two howes, but maybe isthe best for us. 1s less expensive than the blse house, OF couse, it has th 4 ‘me HOUSE nuvERs ‘ae MOUSE BUYERS” (cont) vat cect: Seeplace ofall, and it has the most garden space of the thee Mie That's tue. Maybe the white bose isthe best for us. I's smaller than the Blue house, bu its bigger than the zed. house. Ie has fener trans thn the Ble house, but it har more rooms than the red one. Mr. ‘Te kitchen inthe red house i nicer than the Kitchen in the Blue house, far the white house as the nics chen of alll. Well gee the most for ovr tnoney if we buy the white howte, Mi. Now I think it’s the most raul ofall Le’s buy it today! (QUESTIONS ABOUT “THE HOUSE BUYERS” 1 Is the ite house bgge than the ed house? 2. Which howe is the Biggs ofthe ce? 3 Inthe red house as expensive 2 the white tower 4 Which touse isthe mot expensive ofall? 5 Is the Blue ous moc rata than the white hose? 6 te ed house Is pra ‘ea than the white house? 7 Which house ithe leet pactcl of al? Dos the white howe hve tore windows than the red house? 9 Which howe at the most windows? 10 Ts he cha in the se owe See thun the Lice inthe ed owte? 11 Which house has the niet iden of > 12 Ts he white owe mote moder than the blue howe? 1B Which toute isthe most modern of P14 I the re ous peti the the white hovie? 15 Ts the blue Bouse as prey as the white Neuse?" Which howe the pete? 17 Ate the windows in Be house more bestifl than the windows in there house? 18. Which asthe mow beni windows? 19 Does the sed house bate Be gaden space than the wie one? 20 1s the Bt one cheaper than ‘hte one? 21 Which ne of the tee isthe cheapest? 9s a eae eee BESS ponahits'a sew cums Sosy he ane engl aay roan A Reet mayest lente 3 He pens (wel) hn you Hees Bt ha go rt tt 5 He speaks (well) of all. "He speaks 1Be best ofall (eae 1 Yenc nM soa lq eens ranean Con as 9 Mee bepses (oy ct st i eters Goce cee it thal ease aes erty eat e me oom epan gee Con ones Fy eerste per rl M weyun wets (ot) bat te pt See cna 1e Repent (0) soap 17 Te ae wf poy ie a) Sept 18 Bow epanttng desh china ene 1 Meier ett oie (one a 2B Testy tpt ea eae Gort ha B wine ceetncntn re (ia eae fe etence Geese Pay hn py eer Menem ote amy ete ae 5 leet oecsa Cayce % East pap tone Gage cree 2] estar ae 3 Tim tarycrces (cape eas uc ete rere ia i eee scree oe ay Ho petite tales Bee ee ee ay 6 The i eo camp In he rane of te eoanes omie de St SSE la of Se wt a action Do ot et ‘opines \ 1 Alice always weloes people (cine) than Bet (2 ‘nice always wotomer people more sincealy than Baty. 2 Alice is actly “(rncere)”peson than her. fend ‘tice i telly a more sincere pert tan ber fiend 3 Me Harvey ores bere (replat) ofall the mendes 40s, Witon wasnt (calm) asthe others in that ssp $Me, Staw explained the Jeon (clear) than you dd & His explanation of the lesson was (lear) than yours 7 Me, Linton Was (confder!) of all the lecturers. (Me, Linton spoke (confident) of all the lectures. 9 Marjoie does her English lessons (carfal) than 1 do. 10 In general, Marjorie does (areal) work than T do it Mrs Caldwell is undoubtedly (aise) of the thee officials. 12 Me Caldwell acted. (wire) of the thre in that matter 13. Louise worked (herd) on those lesions than you did 4 That's true, but howe lesions were (Berd) than the others ADNCTIVE vs ADVERB IN COMPARISONS.) 148 The te cet form of te word in pete in ech pone Me. Meyer spesks English (uen?) of all the stodnts ‘You look mich (happy) today than you di yesterday Me. Harvey comes ese regelar) of all the members. (Geaatifal).boute in the whole neighborhood is that one That house i certainly much (agly) than the one next to it ‘That tall woman is (ambitions) wexetary inthis ofce Miss Wilias wally dresses just (ea) a8 bee sie. ur tind go to Broadway plays (often) than we do. This execie doen sem ste (ony) 36 the Lest one Bil presented his point of view (confdent) than 1 did Wy Charles Watson (food) student thn his bother? Peer Kowalski is (fends) perso ia this fecory 13 Thomas didn't study this Lesson (borough) 38 the last on Well he fad (life) time for this leston than the last one ” vas. Passive vers rouns ‘ings eG wi aie ls wg en wees, Be a ep SES SVG ae ee a? ‘cond example). i [ ae "The books wer taken by John “The boxes were mad td. ‘The two pacages were opened by my secretary. ur homework cored by ou teacher T Tob took the bookr 2 3 4 5, Two buildings have been contacted by that compaay, 6 7 e 9 He mailed she boxes tay. Rat tant an ta yen Tet hg lle by bene oe (ag BE Woot mci edt te pee? (Gotan) Wil tt ge be enh ee rete 0 hth et es emul ye pon ye?" Mt Theis deved os fe ee IE Alef we aoe tpl ys uk at SS Wate au wk Se ht mean? Hewat ey th epee ye eng. 1S Ae cous a pe dre Soar? USING PASSIVE venat Gang hea he pe vo wd eva he wt, Be Ep 1 He signed the letter 2 The secretary opens the mal eery morning. 3. The committee is comdorng that proposal right now. 4 ‘The army wil complete that project next yer, 5 His boss Aas transferred him to another department 6 The letter wat signed by bi Pirin super drier a caveat rath ont tt et we ioe Py Tenaga poe a tng (CRS 5 Biren lire ita” Caraga) we Re peteant kao pede Mt clot nae nak poy 1b is Roost fe fe 8 gon i Bd eat tues miro ea Sc We Bid dr th yee he ie 5 My ot pha ok Ge 5 (ACTIVE vs Passive 147 Te the comet wee Gave & Fine) and Be coe ee fe veh a See 1 Everjone (shock) by the tecrible news yesterday. 2 Almost everyone (eng) the lecture ls night 5 English (tact) inthe schools of almost every nation, 4 That peoposit (consider) by the members eight sow. 5 The atcdene (happen) right here at 630 lst night {Smith (tech) atthe Univesity of Washington since 1948. 7 Ms, Haris (divide) the cis to to sections tomorrow 18 Wilson (borrow) the money from Brown two weeks ago. 9 Not much (129) about the matter since that time 10. My fiend (ure) to me aboot t several times now 1 Davis (promote) to the sank of sergeant last week 12 That event (occa) shorty after the meeting last week 13 All the eudents (bring) poets to the party tomorow night 14_Les than all ofthe can of paint (ase) up 10 cw. 15. More cases in English (Jt) in the catalog next fal. 16 Everything (go) wel 30 far. Theze (Be) 90 touble yt 17 That movie aboot Napoleon’ life (dseppons) me greatly. 1 The mail (delve, weay) t this offce before 10 am, 19. Who (farnith) the fod forthe pinic ext weekend? 20 At this time, much stetion (devor) to that problem 2 Think carfily, Ym suze you (remember) bis ame 22 We (ireat) very kindly by out hosts last Saturday. 2 Me, Wilson (make) some interesting statements yesterday. 2A new textbook (publish) by that company next yar 25. The eosefzom the tains (annoy) me terribly lastnight. 26 That old sed house (build) inthe year 1822 2 The report (examine, wo!) by a committee of experts yet. 2 Cocksls(ceee) to the guests aboot 10 minutes from now. 2 His sharp remais (emberatt) everyone last ight 40 Feed (introduce) to the fellow by Mr. Brown yeserdy. BL Listen to thst thik tis news (1arprize) you! 32 The Ajax Shoe Company (employ) 25 2ew men next month. 33 Only 25 ew sadents (admis) into the depateent in 1955 ‘A second coat of pat (pred) over that suace tomorow. 148. [xPREsSINO “ABILITY” WITH CAN Weegee Gh Bieuenen fark Go) es uation fee wd (Os Septeefota Sythe example nef 1 Ed (go) downtown with us (2) Ed ean go downtown with ws. (b) (Gan Ed go downtown with wi? (c) Ed can't go downtown with 2 Me Lucas (ive) you all of the money tomottow. 3 Miss Cunningham (ply) the piano very well, 4 The students in that class (ipecA) English duently 5 You (fied) many betgains in the stores after Cosmas. {61 (aze) the same key forthe font door and the back door. 7. That fellow (speak) to the diecor on Sunday momning. 8 Mr. Butke (get) someone to subsite for him tonight 9 Rogec (borrow) Mr. Kennedy’ cat forthe paty tomorow. 10 De Hanson (niall, etend) the Friday night meetings. 11 You (43) all of thote things at « hardwace sore 12 Father (read) the newspaper without his gluse, 13, Harold and bis friend (mee) us eight after class today. 49, THE PAST TINSE OF CAN ‘age cor (re ad Far) to ald (pn To the following ete (be Bf ape etl Cod . a 1 ean understand thet pat 2 Can't you go with Me, Fox? 3 Tan see a big diference between the to example. 4 We cant find De. Hanson's addes inthe directory. 5. Can you fiend help you with the dificlt pet of the work? 6 7 5 1 conld wndertand that part CCoulds't you go with Mr. Fox? Cant Miss Cunninghaen find her hat and overcot? ean hear those iea’s voices fom the next room, lizabeth can play the piano, but se cat sing, 9 Why can’ you explain everything to your boss on Monday? 10. No one can predict the rele of the confecence. TL Can't that other fellow take his vacation the following week? 12M, Mendez can't expres his thoughts in English very wel, 13 Why can't yoo ask Roger to help you with the work om Friday? 14 Not many of the students can spell all those words corcectly. 15 Can't you postpone your tip to Boston uatil the following week? (USING CAN AND BF AMLE (1) 150 “econ pce of be ale im th flowing wees Sly the ample, 1 Me, Baske will be able to go. Mr Burke can go. 2 Catol wast able wo fd i Caro con's find it. 5} Fred will beable t retun the money before Thurs. 2 Are you able to understand eventing the teacher say? 5) Miss Peters was’ able to find her gloves inthe drawer. & We won't be able to announce the chaage util nest week 4 Wese't your frends from Boston able to go tothe party? 4 Lovas able to Sinish only half of the leson last sight 9 Which sections werent you abl to do by yoursel? 10 Ate you able to get those tno stations on your radio? 11 Wasnt Mr, Kovacs able fllow the istration in the book? 12 Til be able ¢o tell you much more about our plans next week. 13. Not many of thse sudents ate able to pronounce that sound, 14 Who willbe able to deliver the message to Mr. Franklin? 15 Won't you be able to attend the meeting tomorrow aftemaon? USING CAN AND BE ABLE (2) 151 ‘ie ale in ple of can nthe (lowing sence, Sy he empl 1 They can understand me. They are able so understand me, 2 Werouldn't hear evrything, We werent able 10 bear everyting. 3. You can get that information from Miss Stewart tomorow. 44 Me. Haris can spe tte or four foreign languages 5 Leould answer al of the questions inthe lesion except one 6 Can you finish ll ofthe work for ws by next Thursday? 7 None could explain the exact meaning of the word to me 8 Unforunately, I can? attend the meeting with you tomoerow. 9 coulda find Dr. Hanson's name ot adres in the dretory. 10 Caste you help your fend withthe dificult pats ofthe work? MWe can cetaialy pay hack the money before that time 12 Goulds the stent follow the teacher's insrstions? 33 Why cant Me, Johnson do that work sometime next week? Gould your fries see most of the parade from thie window? Who can translate these two sentenes into English for me? 101 152 EXPRESSING “ADVISABILITY” OR “OBLIGATION” ‘Boal ad ong with he vib in pacts expe adr er lps the ple fate Sue eae ceo, 1 We (invite) the Browns tothe pany. (a) We showld invite the Browns tothe pats. () We ought invite the Brown tothe party, ‘You (ren) the money to Mr Laces a8 son a8 possible Your fiends (leave) now. Is getting ute late, vejone (belp) his fiends and neighbors whenever posible Robert (peat) to Mr Kramer about that mater soon, [Me Biske (177) to find a beter jb with another company. ‘Students (alway, spend) tine on this Lesions at home You (be) litle more carta sbout that in the ftue. Dr, Hanson (tae) a tex home. tsa very long walk, 10 We (urge) all of ovr fiends t0 attend that meeting, 11 Drivers (any, be) courteous to others onthe bighwys. 12 Harold (ey) at bome tonight and (ctudy) his English lesson, 13 You (go) to partes more often and (make) new frends V4 They (writ) that ete to James and (mail) it right away. 133 {THE PAST_TENSE OF SHOULD AND OOH SRE te Oe at ew adem cote Samm 1 Mr, Kennedy should go to the meeting. Mr. Kennedy should hase one 10 the meeting. However, be didn't o to the meeting, 2 You ought to speak to the dietor. You aught 10 bave spoken 10 the diecor, However, you did't speak t0 the dnetor. 3. You should tell your boss the trath about the accident. 44 Miss Irwin ought co send the company check mediately 3-1 should study very hard for the next examination. ‘We ought to et our dinner at «convenient time, Harold shold take seme courses in history. (Mr. Farell should answer that tlegratn 400, ‘You ought to explain all ofthe deals to me. Mas. Wilton ought to say in bed and rest, Everyone ought to do his share of the work You ought to call ber and tll er the news 12 NEGATIVES wird sHoULD AND OUOHT Be QUESTIONS WITH swoULD AND OUGHT Ue ‘eed ae Se 1 1s Sie gs pe mee gS al nh ECLA STR ees Sage ah "You (dp) Fed tomton (4) Yow shad a Belp Peds wre yt gt ts bl Ped tomer (Gs) Nog at atk) Bs a ae game Home a se Bip i tone fot ek Frank (uf) anyone tat hi ua et emt Nr Fsee (are) t th stat ters eck Yu (fe) bd ne vey nigh of he mek Mec pet yf eo bye MM Bae (pir) ht flow ty eve mney i nek We (dey) ny ogo tan ne Wey wing You (nnd) may ep fel i They {eomur) Me Reoy a he eng YOON. The inter (ort he we ft rosy orig You (lo onan Fel tee th homeo mt Sah ind Gre (tet) rows seen yer 133 Se hp bee vin nll wd oh fae Gites SST ‘We (i) rene tomorow. (4) Should we tal eeone smovsch”G) Org we il eroyone onan? Be peat) ol orn.) nl have poke Bi Jenga (0) Ong we ohn poke fo Ba ode? ie) furthers cst Md We (git) be menage n mene when ne le Teal te Kem for ve ut taro og as and) hon eg bee lee oi elec (ab) plain ifr hs ee The muds (era (wa) ar Mos yey We (min) Mite Ms Buy oh uy ent eck My ed nae the ce en ove dn be el Tous nce wel sod (mbes dan ten Pid (nae) Mr ban nde with sto Me hn tee pean (ge) tem yo ese. 103 156 xenessing “NtcessiTy” Pret acTee sy Ge ha es engl os OE "No 1 We (fish) that work before Friday. (a) We mut finish chet work before Friday. (b) We have 10 fish thas work before Friday. 2. Bill (rear) to Balimore tomoerow. (8) Bill rut return to Bal. more tomorrow. (b) Bill as 1 return fo Balimore tomorrow. 3 Me. Keamer (make owt) his income tax report next week 4 You (inform) the police about the accident right away. 5. Everyone (iste) the English placement examination, 6 All members of the club (pay) theie dues before Fuiday. 7 I (finish) this work by tomocrow and (give) itt Me, Wilson, 18 Carlos (work) much harder in order to improve hi maths 9) Ts late! We (alk) very fst to et thereon time, 10 T (cash this check Otherwise, I won't have any mony. 11 Mr. Kennedy (Ayse) yous seply no later than next Tuesday 12 We (be) a the acport ity minutes before igh time. 13. You (wrte)o the exmpany and (explain) even caetlly, wy {HE PAST TENSE OF MUST AND HAVE (Gang i se pe fk em Na tat ne vo ae lo nt Sa i tl 1 We have to eave sight aay We had 1 lee sight Me. Adans st goto Bota, McAdams ba 10 o fo Boon have ead teins fly nest. We mast dive ey fatto get thee Belore eight ood Mr. Wilton tas 0 gett te apr tity sn ea mt tay a ny fe wat Siti ight, Bit and hate Sih all ofthe wotk by tomo igh ‘We mot cals plumber tf hove broken pipe 9 All ofthe members hve to tend the ecg tomorow 10 Harold mat send tla to hi fd ight away 11 Begone hast do re of the wank et Weoesdey 12 Kut vetin the monty to Mi: Lacs bore Weleda 13. Were tosgn the ont and return # ted 1 Our tear fen at expla the sae leon rice 1. Sith has lot the paper and sbi then by Suda. 106 QUESTIONS wi MUST AND HAVE 158 ‘Goange tee seotenes fo queons: Stuly the Rist Ono emp 1 Mi. Hare must leave now. Maur Me- Hart leave now? 2 We have co study that leon, Do we beve so study thet lesvon? 3 The stadente have to fun ia thee papers tomorrow. 4 Byexyone in the dass muse take the final examination 5 Miss Cooningham has to go shopping. this afters 6 Her friend bas to get ready to leave sight now: 7 ‘We have to return those book to the Iibrary tomar Frank had to explio everhiag to Mr. Moore carefully 9 You mut speak to Mr. Bunk before the meeting toni 10 The Anderions have to leave for Denver next Tuesday. M1 Lovise had to leave home ently t© get there on time 12 The stdents must alto wete the other two exercises 13 We most wrap tht package and mail it to Miss Holt today. 4 The students had to study the lesson and lear the new words. 15 The man must ll out the blk and give it to the secetary. (MEQATIVES WITH MUST AND HAVE 159 “Gage te se i te sss te aeive frm 2d ale ay eet AoE otha Alla sel oe nee pom’ CES (ati sty the fe wo carl enc. 1 Carat must leave before eight dock Gaol mast not leave bejore ight o'lock, (peoibition) 2 You have to wite these two lessons Yor dont hase 19 write these two lesvons. (ack of neces) 3 Miss Peers as to cath that check ght away. 4. We must say something to Me. Ada about that matter 5 Dive and T have to be there aa specie time tonight 6 Your fiend mast ceveat all of bis plans 0 those people 7 Weealways have to wite the exis for out teacher. 8 The students had t as for pemiton in order to leave. 9. We mutt ao give the other one to Mr. Wibons seta 10 The men had to show some Kind of identfeation 1 You must belp your two fiends with their homework 12 1 fave to pay Mr. Lucas some of the money this week 13 You mut tell your fends your plas fr next yeat 100, The sdents had to answer allo the questions on the pase 10s 160 REVIEW: QUESTIONS WITH AUXILARIS ‘Cange te (allowing semen and oxpavs to ie qt form He has to leave Does be Bae 1 late? ‘Tom cant do i. Can't Tom do i? Dorothy will be able to meet us here tomorrow, ‘You mut tell your bose about your change in plas Mise Conningham coulda’ find her pute and glove ‘We have to answer all the questions on the page We should invite Me. and Mes. Wilson to the party too must wrap the puckage and ena ie today [Me Stewatt won't he able to attend the meeting 1 should tell them the tuth about the accident 11 The student had to ask for pesmisson to leave 12 The stadents can undetstend thee teacher very well 13 should aot tell anyone about it until tomorrow. He's not able to help the men with it «ght gow 15 You mast speak to Mr. Henderson before the meting ys REVIEW: NEGATIVES WITH AUKHIARIES ‘Change the Glowing satamants and querions to the negative fonn 1 You shosld eal them You shoal’ call them 2 Can Roger helps? Contr Roger help a3? 3 T must ell Me, Keonedy at his ofce today 4 We could hear the man from ehe back of the ror, 5. Thave to get the money from Harold ight away 6 Bil wil be able to lend ws some money next week. 7 You should urge them to join that organization, 8 Can your frends goto the mesting with ut tonight? 9) They must tell Beir bos all of their plans 10 Were you abe to fish the entire job yesterday? 11 We had to ask our bos for permission to leave cay 12 ean think of «few examples similar to that ne. 13 You should have ssid something to Louise aboot it 14 We must also show thore peopl the ether one 15. The employees had to work on Saturday and Sunday, 106 REVIEW: THE AUXILIARY FORMS, 162 Selet te coe word o moh fn he prethans o ech eee Do we SOay ii wold or wore he tents 1 Everyone (mut, Ass) to take the examination tomorow. 2 Stadents (should, onght) spend much tine oa their homework, 55 Bl (ce, wil e able) help ws with the wosk next week. 4 We (mut, bare) leave for home in a few minaes 5. She (couldn, wan’ ale) to nd ber silver bracelet 6 You (should, ong) to wete to them today or tomorow. 7 Jaan (net, fs) Sead out the seprt right away. 15 We (1hoald, ought) invite the Browns to the pay 9. Who (cam, i able) explain that sentence tows? 10. The men (rst, ave) finish the job before Monday. 11 Breryone (shoald,o4pht) have tied tbe more careful 12 The studats (could, were able) understand everthing. 13. They (rum, Bane) to ave you answer immediatly. 14 You (should, ought) not to smoke qute so much 15 We (ca, wos’s be able) to vst you next weekend. aviEW: THE PRINCIPAL VERE 163 ‘se the corre fre of Ue verb ie parents In ech sentence, 1 Which one of them should 1 (buy)? 1 can't (decide) 2 Why do you have (explain) everyting to your bos? 3 How long can you (4e) away from your ofce? 4 When will Mr. Kennedy be able (ge) us an answer? 5) What should we (147) tothe director abou that yesterday? 6 How long must we (wait) here for those people? 7° Why weren't thote men able (fis) the work right away? How many sentence did you have (write) for the teacher? 9 How auch can you (aford) to pay for an apartment? 10 Why should we (ipeak) to him when we S26 bien? ML When most we (vtar all of these books to the libesy? 12 How many sdents could (Hansare) thse two sentences? 15 Why ought Bill (give) them the money before this week? 14 How many memes can (come) to he meeting tomorrow? 15 How far must we (Wall) ia order t get to the Feanlia Hotel? 107 164 ‘Me UMPORTANT. MEETING’ end is convertion fly Nai he woth wares wil dal, Bil: Ace you going to atend the mee. ing tonight? Tom: 1 should go. Un- foctantey, I won't be able to g0. Bil ‘Why should you go? Tom: The speak er wil tlk about job opportanites. 1 ought to kaow all about this subject. ‘As you kaow, Iwill graduate fom school next June. Then Iwill ave to find a job. Bil: In tha case, you ought to cancel your other plans and at. tend the meeting. You should’ miss this meeting, Tom You're right Bot I cant go. Bill: Why cant you? Tom: Doo you remember? ‘Wete going to have an examination in ovr clase tomorrow, I have to seudy for the examiation, ill: Do you have to stidy? Is it a oe ces? Tom: Well, I suppote the expression "have to study" i 00 strong. No one is forcing me. But | really ought to study tonight, 1 should devote the time to a thorough review. Everyone ought to review before an exam. Dont you agree? ill: Yew, 1 do, Tom In that case, shoulde't you study 00? Bil: I don't have to-study. 1 studied ast ght, and Yim sure T can puss it. Besides that, T must aitend the meeting. Tom: Why must yoo attend it? Bill: Have you forgotter? I have to introduce the speaker to the audience Tom: Yes, That's right. Does Fred have to go too? Bill: Yes, he does. By the way, that reminds me of somehing. 1 must aot forget to call him. Tom: Why must’ you forget? Bil: 1 must ‘remind him to being the microphone. AS a mater of fa, T ought © ‘all him right now Because i's geting late. Tom: I can remind him for you. TIl see him in half an hour. Bill: Good, ‘That will help ‘mea lot Tom: Say, Bll, would you doa favor for me? Bill: Soe, Td be glad to help you, What can Ido for you? Tom: Wold you plese take notes during the lecure tonight? Bil: OF courte. 1 fan do that very easily because I ave to keep a record of the mesing anyway. Should Tak Fred to take notes too? Tom: No, that won't be necessary. Well, I have to go now. I'l see you late. Bil: All Fight. So long ad thanks. Tom: wont forge your message for Fed 108 REVIEW: SIMPLE QUESTION FORMS. vos. ‘Gangs te falawingsatenet and arguives fo single eens 1 Tom knows tht fellow, aes Tom know that fellow? He won't beable to come. Won't be be abl ro come? “The mdens understood the instuctons completely ‘Miss Johason does bee homework a the library. “They bad to check everyone ofthe reports carefully. should have weiten to the Browns and explained it All of thoresidents have thet own dictionaries, {ican not think of anything to tell you tight now. 9 You have not received any letters fom then ye. 10. I shouldnt lend tht fellow the money to pay frit 11 Me. Andewon fies to South Ameria evry summer. 13 Tes always hot in New York 2 thi time of the yea. 14 He always has to repeat the instructions for the students. 15 Gasloystaied at Pasadena City College lst yeu. 16 Me, Johaion has already been iotroduced to tt fellow. REVIEW: NEGATIVE FORMS 166 ‘Gang he oring sens td Guat fe opie Fam 1 Lowen to Be meeting, I didnt goto the meeting. 2 Can they go with vs tnight? Clr hy go sith or oigh? 3 The istrctor explained that lon tos yesterday. 4. You should call Mr, Jbnson before nine elk 3 Could your fiends see the parade from tec window? {6 Hon! We have to have all those things ight awa 1 The inside ofthe house has already een pine 1 The Tylor planned to leave forthe weekend to. 9 ‘There have Been sme very had som recently 10 1 had an opportunity to speak o M-Sat eer. 1 Wer sameone i the Mall eusie your ofc. 12 Those tn carpets did the work very quickly. 13 The wsdent df swe all he qurstons othe page 1 ett qe sick at eight doc ths mowing 35 Will you beable to fish the wok before next dey? 109 167 (1) ommUND sunster cay warnarive AFTER Rewite ach seine. Replace the faved more wah & and we Oh fall ‘enue ae inded in het two canter 1 Learning Engh is celly quite easy eit really quite ary 10 learn English 2 Seeing oar olf Fendi again vas woodertl 1 was wonder to see our od finde a Compl hon at ara oe a 4 Siting im one place for 10 long was very uncornforabl, 5. Going 10 that party next week ill be lot of fon 6 Finding examples of that 1s sloose impossible 7 Traveling to Lily by boat wil be iotecesting for wt 8 Understanding that Jellow was very dict for me. 9 Meeting the president in prion was exciting. 10 Writing good compasnions in English is aot 30 ean. 11 Drning rom hereto Seattle takes about seven bouts. 12. Geatng to sco! by bus sully takes me fonty nutes 13. Flying to Carat, Venezuela took ws only eight hours, 163 TE INFINITIVE TO SHOW REASON OR PURPOSE ‘Wee ample seer ach gun, Jn your ater, we the fl ive to show the seen or puro, Sud the fa two esplan 41 Why did you enoll inthis course? enrolled inthis coure 10 improve my Englth ‘What did you close the window for? Lclosed she window to keep out the loud noite. 3 Why did Me and Mis. Hilton go to Los Angela? 4 What did Father go down to the basement for? 5. Why did you have to go to the grocery ore today? 6 What did you go tothe post ofce for? 7 * Why are those two boys running $0 fa? Why shovld we fell Me. Johnson about that matter? 9 What did the students have to do that for? 10 What should we go to that lectce for? LL Why did the guests go home so early Ls night? 12 Why must you and your wife etuzn to New York? 13 Why did Me. Andeton go to the bank this morning? 0 {WE INFINITIVE AFTER ADJECTIVES OR PARTICIPLES 169. ‘Conplie th sete wih (1), fll tive 0 (2) sy whee ae “Satya to xampir etlly 1 Everyone was soery to heer the ba news 2 Mist Willams was pleased 10 receive such a nice gift 3 The students 16 amious ne 4 All of the members wece stisied 5 You were very fortunate 6 His parents were ashamed 7 Don and Dorothy will be eady — 8 verone was disappointed ~ ° 0 n 2 Bl Black was cetialy lucky on In my opinion, that man is un nnn ‘That fellow was very polite Yes, Tm fally prepared —— 15 Your fiends were considerate 4 Profesor Moore is certainly qualied ——— 15 [think you wil be surprised {IME INFINITIVE AFTER TOO AND AN ADJECTIVE 170 Gp the sctoes with (2) the word fo, (2) « fall inl, ond (0) ay ether neesny wor, Sly the Bt two camps full ‘The examination was fo0 log £0 fini in am hour. Mr. Jobason was 120 angry 10 say anything at all formal ‘That work is deftly Me. Green was annoyed Fed cnn etl in bis work ‘The woman wat ‘pect about the news —— SREBES Ces auaene m ww FOR ANDTHE tMnmTIVE AFTER ADJECTIVES ‘Campi tae eee with (1) the pepution for and an ob (2) a {il ntatve, and (3) aay other wecesscy words. Shay the fst two examples, 72 ‘The last two lesne were hard for me 10 anderstand. Or fiends were anxious for us 30 return 10 Chicago. ‘These excise ate pact (Our instrscoe was ready Was that book too boring = Ws interesting and unusual ‘Things like that are cary ——- Ws not very uncommon ‘The box was much too heavy - ‘That subject is dificult Don't you think ie mas range : That shit i too diy = a ‘That spor ie too dangerous Were the people in the audience eager REVIEW: OHRUND AND INFINITIVE Comins the secs wih (2) the gerund for oF the fll nie form ofthe vei in parmesan (2) app athe ctary wot Sythe example. 2 3 4 3 6 ° rs 2 B (leer) was ificl ob eng a of te we err nom tay wie oh mus go tothe Uieey (ge) = I mst go tothe library today to get tha eo book for my friend. Most of the stants were prepared (ener) (write) ‘es the hardest thing for me Tent 16 the grocery sre tis mowing (gt) “That fellow isto undependable” (a) ind) cen tok ge Tong tie. Tm sore they willbe disappointed (or) ‘You should cover the machine (Pott) = (airy) ie ist aboot impouible iad to call Me Wilton (vomind) Not everyone there was plesed (Her) — Gineny rete & Tot of patience 2 me [OERUND AFTER PREPOSITIONS 173 cove pep Jn te ack Face each wc. ie te gerd SAPPY OS fe ve i partes ater the preposition, He always depends. (ge) help from otbeesudent ‘Why did these fellows inst —.- (do) everything themselves? Did Me. Jonnson fly soceed ——.- (sell) his old car? You shoulda’ ely (et) asitance from Frank Me, Foster constnnly wortes (lore) bis postion. cr hos objects (wt) any diferent method Ie Moore dosnt approve ———-~ (sady) late a ight (Me. Wilson forgot (de) that until ater in the afternoon. ‘You must ae plan (bear) from us before Chesemas “The offices spoke. (change) the membeesip rules. The bad weer psec em lee) ts Fda Wee ee pen in — (mat) ta sti eat, Di ou py ti flow = (al) cof our den? Xr Power aed =) ib with that compan. Wer te Bona ces =o (et) loan fom the bak? Sheen pod cw (nil) te wn neh sor tie eve ate apie n- omplt) the wok by Hel Fey (er) Tbe sone wn (pee) Tin ot patclatly fond --u (attend) baseball games, Te ies wv aio ui) na carzom ‘We've ail hopefl nee) them before next Sarda. Why is he so intent (learn) English in a shore time? ‘The police are interened ————-. (wow) more about that man, ‘Ave you accustomed (Bear) those irlanes over your house? Tm red (litany to noshing but complaints all day. My friend is exited (indy) English in the United States ‘The cenit found # new method (Golee) the problem. He won't ell us is zasons ot (Alp) therm wih i ‘There is very litle possibilty. (ind) 2 substitute now. ‘You can get catalog (write) directly to the company. doa have acy intention (mention) itt her at all You have # choice (Geork) harder or (lore) your job. ‘Mr. Wilson has made 3 lot of money (ier) in beads. “Theres relly 0 excuse ————(br) absent from work #0 often. m3 174 imriarive vs GERUND 1) ‘hao te cor fom (Fall live o pra) ofthe we a ch ce (Gt jr ec mh the ase i he sprena [My frend promised (return) the hook vey s00n [My frend promited to rturn the Book very soon ‘Mose people enjy (write) leters to tei fends ‘Mert people enjoy wring leer 10 tei ends “Town avoids (stady) his lessons as long a8 posible, id you offer (irantlate) those letters for them? Davis finished (write) the repott about four o'lodk iow soon do you expect (ste) for South America? ‘Senator Hole refed (eliminate) any ofthe major points, Have you ever considered (ry) something dierent? ‘Ace you going to sugges (rae!) by tain or not? Did they promise (reerse) some good seats for us? 1 would appeeite (Aer) fre you at soon a posible, ‘They should postpone (leave) for another week or 0, TI need (uy) a new winter overcoat before lng Dia the stadets practice (ure) the wot in sentences? ‘Would you mind (wait) for 13 of 20 minutes? We don't dare (ruggct) that possibility to them Why do you always pat of (write) to your fends? Miss Stewart hopes (recive) reply within a few days ‘Those men deny (know) anything 2¢ all about i ur guests don't plan (Ieae) ntl the end of the week, We couldn't resist (rel!) them the whole story. Keep on (study). 1 don’ want (interpt) your work hesitate (say) anything to him about the mistake {don't reall (ree) your briefcase beside that des, His secretary filed (include) several impotant items ean‘ stand (laren) to bis complains ay longer, 1 don’t want (rid) (Jose) hove valuable papers ‘Smith claims (ée) an expet om that particule subject. Please stop (iernip) mein the middle of «sentence. 1 will remember (give) Me. Brown your message Did the man agree (ay) for everthing in cash? ‘That fellow really esens (sake) orders fm other people m4 INANITIVE vz GHRUND @) vs Coos the cst Ferm (al nave perm), of te ve in ach sents, Ree oe Swab abe sooner the spent ‘We hope (rit) Mexico City on out next tip. Joho avoided (speek) tthe teacher abot it. Me. Foster definitely needs (3p) an ovecon ‘The Andesons enjoyed (go) #0 that play He dernaded (ree) the teport immediately. ‘My friend says he plans (stad) Italian next yer. Bil doesn’t wish (reveal) bis plans to us yet. Have you fished (read) that new povel yet? ‘Would you mind (ibn) both of those windows Fred admited (Ero) very ttle about tat subject. ‘You shouldn't pot off (wre) your homework, ‘We would appreciate (receive) your answer promptly. expect (rere) an answer fom the Browns son, (Me, Green suggested (late) before the werkend. defiitely recall (pat) the envelope here on my desk ‘Why did they ree (gee) you the information? really cant postpone (ell) them any longee. ‘We wanted (uy) something 2 ite less expensive How can anyone seit (like) that charming gil? ‘We don't want (rik) (ze) ovr money that way 1 don't intend (tll) anyone about my plans yet For a whie.we considered not (go) with them. “The children promised not (da) that aay mote 1 don't deny not (andeitand) that pat of the leson ‘Why don't you offer (lp) bi with thst work? hesitate (tuggest) any changes ¢ hi ene Geoage delayed (writ) the leer as log as posible dont advise (study) foe very long periods of time He seems (how) 4 grest ded about that subject, T resolved (do) mach better wor inthe fare. Dia you focget (sie) Me Simmons that message? She pretends (understand) everything very cealy. Miss Willams tends (ewaggerate) things 2 great deal ‘The police failed (notify) the mans elaives ofthe accident. 176. {ME nninive AFTER ONDtETS “Ganpiae the ieee with an je nd «fll nv, Sy eet Four Sani ctl 1 The foreman advised me 0 ah for «rite next month ally pervaded my friend 10 ay for two more dae “The students wanted ir Brow ’0 explain the lesion again Everyone urged Bill Black 1 continue bis education, Her mother allowed —— (Our fiends asked Eveqone wanted ‘We have invited a “They did't permit Do his friends expe AI The children begged ——— : 32 The decor advised = 13 The company hited ~ 1 The manager intucted i 1 We Bally pecisded .vso-nvnvevnnnnnvnnnnnnnnnnn a 17 They Bally convinced 18 We actually had to force 19. Did you promise 20 The capain ordered nemo DL Almost everyone told von 22 Why dont you urge = 23. Did your teacher advise oon 24 You can depend oa 25 Can't you persuade 26 Our frends insted 27 Did they ak 28 1 don't expect 2 Stould we remind 30 They won't permit 31 Why cast you hige sn 32 The policeman foreed so 33. They should uige — 34 We didn't want AEVIEW: INFINITIVE vs @ERUND wr ‘ete cnet om (inline o grnnd) of och ve a O, 1 Why did they init on (eore) 30 eck ast sight? 2 takes aboot six hours (get) there from Miam 5 How loog do you expect (say) in Puerto Rio? & We went to the lecare (Pear) that famoxs ath. 5 (Lean) English guckly i not an easy thing & She promised (return) it jist a5 S008 25 possible. J We ate looking forward to (ee) our fends nest week. es very easy (crite) ober people's work 9, You ought to poxione (lee) until next Wednesday. 10. We ioited them (attend) the meting next week, 1 tok the cover off the machine (show) it them. Would you mind (open) bot of those windows? (Shs Sa (Write) good compositions is extemely dic ro Foster did't explain his easons fot (gut) hi job, S82 Did you remind the man (eck) both ofthe doos? ? (uc teacher encourages ut (thik) for ourselves. Te tok ws only two hours (get) there by plane He meson the pssiity of (buy) a ex one 1 Weeame (liter) to the mus, 0% (dieu) i 20 They ave ofered (stow) us bow (work) the machine LHe wants (teach) the stalens (speak) English covey 2 (Tearl) abroad increases oe’ (wndertand) of ie 2B didn’ think of (iy) anyhing 9 him atthe tine We hope (fsb) (pan) the house by Tharday 2 eis imposible (4) that witout any help fom you 2 1 need. (get) new brefase (replace) this ne 2 Were aed of (ofend) them by (ongeet) that. 2 Those ewo examples are uit diffelt (wnderstnd) 2 His boss refsed (comer) (pve) him the day of 30 Horae (ast) his brother (tl) him about Mose people save fora long time (buy) 2 house Me. Mone avied me (change) my method of (40) it “They reat depending on (ge?) a loan (by) the hows ‘The susentsareenoying (lean) (write) English covet ve THE PASSIVE mamive with AUXILIRIES ‘Wee the coer nine form of he verb a prenes In ech setae ‘Stdy the ft two example areal T That work muse (complete) Before tomorow sigh That work mut be completed before tomorrow nigh ‘These machines ought (inipet) once 3 yeu. These machines ought 10 be inspected once a Yar 3 All seats have (verre) at least 2 week ia advance 44 That information can (obrin) a the information desk 3. A different method should (2m) in the future 6 All accidents muse (report) 10 the police iemeditely ‘ Much mote atention shoold (devare) to that problem ‘That assignment doesn’ bave (complete) this were 9 The satitie in chee seport ought (check) vety cael 10 The entice amount must (repay) within twelve months LL Examples of that sore can (find) almost everywhere 12 Past of the work should (arigr) to another department 13. The final examination hat (Jake) by all adent 14 That part of the jah can (do) anytime Before neat Feds 179 INFINITIVE vt OERUND (PASSIVE FORMS) ‘Wie he cre fm (ane o pind) of vb prt nec ‘rome cy he to cng Gr a 1 That fellow seme (rit) by exesjone. That fellow seems to be tuted by everyone 2 Dont you real” (i) about that by Me. Bue? Dow's you reall being told about tat by Me, Burke? 3. Me Foster hopes rarer) to Chicego by his company. 4. No one enjops (deine) by atober_ pase 5 I abrnlutelytefoe (chet) by them in that manner 6 We would apprecate (inform) about the mater promplly 7 Natrly, I woud like (promote) to a higher poston Mz Andecon wither (notify) itt 48 s000 at pone, 9 That author does mind (crtne) by his fends. 10 The whole problem certainly needs (comider)” very cacfl 11 That fellow coulda avoid (dr) ito mary sevice. 12 I really dida't expect” (trodace) to the president 13 OF corse, we intend. (pay) in fll for all of our serie. 18 SHORT ADOIONS With TOO AND ETHER 180 “tke scion to de srgrcs wi he proper Vb aad fo or eid Sey te Sot four eral tally. Bill doer 100. We ant t00, 1 1 ike dase usc 2 They ate working right 20w. 5 Mr. Brown did't meet that man. 1 didnt either. 4 Alice won't have enough time Baty won't etter 5 Louise wasnt at the pat. Math cn 6 The Mootes wert to that concert, We ween 7 should study for the examination. You 8 We don't have eacugh money They - 9 Weve already. done that lesson He 10 Tm act going to go tomer Roger 11 Her brother can apes Spanish She 12 Fank dida't know that word Fred - 1 Alice bought 2 new spring oat Louise 1 You must make 4 decison s000, I = 15 Not many people enjoyed his speech We SHORT ADDITIONS WITH SO_AND NEITHER _ 181 lke short atone wo eee senencs with 10 oF vibes ad the proper verb Say the St four ceampesctfly 1 Feed usualy works on Suturday So does Frank 2 They could ndercand eveything, So could we 3 We wont be at hit meeting Neer wit re 4 “Te gis ida’ get there on tine, Neier di 3-1 know Me Hutt very wel Teo 6 ‘Thay bavent had any touble yet he 7 You should leave fr home ey. ve © We don't vsilly drive to the oe ey 9 Mr, Howell cast came tomorow Ba. 10 Shes en thre sere tines we 11 fall on tose lpn steps, = te 12 Those students werent absent a 1B. Martha would Tike t0 lean French, at We didet finish the work yteday, vem hay 8 Yam going to wite + leer 0 him we ns 182 CONTRARY SHORT ADOTIONS Make + ny Ha allan © och tence. Sadly te eal eal, 1 Tom and {can go with you, but Chases can Me. Kramer dosn't know that word, bot Fred doe. 5. My friend undevsands the Lesson very well, but I don 4M brother won't be at home tomorrow night, but 1 55 -Mr. Jobnion has seen the annual report, but we 6 The other students did't enjoy the trip yesterday, but L 7 Harold and {ride co work on the subway, but Me. Green Almost everyone had a good time lastnight, but Mary 19. Daniel Soto cant work 09 Saturday morning, but Ralph <.- 10M friends ae going to leave ealy today, but 1 11 Ma, For wasnt at the meeting, but the other men 12 Tom has to stay hore and study tonight, but we 13. Mary Petes comes to work on time, but no one el 14. Mr. Meyer speaks Bngish with his fends, bat Bil 15 [finshed my work on te, but aone of the other students 189. AVOIDING REPETITION IN_ADDITIONS ‘Avoid epning words by cing the wldion these sree, Say he fn two hungcy ctl Note tt the ner 10 ir net oie, 1 We should invite them, but we don't want to invite them. We should invize aber, bat we don't want 1. can't go there now, but I plan to gp there tomorow. T cat go there now, but T plan 10 tomorow. 3 My friends stay overy nigh, but T dont eed to sty every nigh 4 Chaven' writen that letter yet, but I intend to wete i tonight 5 Tm mot going to se this ticket. Would you like to ue hi ticket? 6 Noone ese did that wodk, and I don't intend up do that work eke He would lke to finish it today, bat he wont be ale to ish i od. Bill docest want to leave now, but he has to leave aow. 9 They can't ist us tomorow, bu they hope to vist ws exe Frida 10 Alice hasn't read that bok yet, but she plans to cezd that book. 11 Why shou | ad for permission? I don't have to ask for permission 12 havent spoken tomy ote yet, But Tough to speak in vey 08 15 We did't sign it today, but we'e going to sgn it later tis wee 120 ‘That lawyer wil be thee, = Me. Brown wet home lite IVIEW: ANSWER pRESUMINNO QUESTIONS. 184 Gaplee eh quion. Ten ply Be antl doe awe (QUESTION SHORT ANSWER 1 Vinginia can come, cn’ se? Yer, she can, 2 Mt. Sait lives in Chicsgo, doen’ be? Yer be doe 3. His ac doen’ star easly, does #7 1No, it doe. 44 Tom and Bill ze't working, No, — 5, You can speak Rusia, No, 6 Frank saw Mr. Wilson, Yes, 7 e 9 You had a good fie, men ? You havent done that yey wnrnnwnnm? ee ‘These wasnt any cafe lft, a) ‘Those ae your cgattes, ? ‘That i Frank's sotebook, = 35 Students should study bard, ? 16 Miss Adams wast able to ge iy? 17 The lock dda’ work propery, > W_ That fellow won't he shez, > 2 > ? 1B The plane lens a solic, 2 Thee ae any people thee, 2 That arco que abi 2 The bus han et ye 2 Me Meyer an spa Geman 2 Alcs and Fed Severn, 23 You shuld wre the Wis tm) = 3 Tat ses tobe cme, 2 They didn’ do the wok, 2 Tha book ha enough xc, 5 T don't have to do it now, 30 i pac gar i ce, ist ining no 32 The men have returned already, REVIEW: USING QUESTION WORDS ‘Ak « quston io ie Galil pat of ech tec Un Onegin ‘Made Bib dow ow mac Bil lives in Patadena. Where does Bill lie? tis fifteen fees wide. How wide is it? ‘They ae going to leave on she swefth of Jay must goto the bak 2 cath beck “The bridge across the tive sear the actor. “The whole rp takes about ax our and a hal. “The fos packages ill be seat by repsteed mall Maths can bottow Virgin's bigele tomorrow. Mr Meer seems to fel mach beter this morning, Ws about four bandred males to Philadephia, ‘The one inthe midi belongs to Mr. Wilson. ip Brow dictated that leer to Mis Adams We should meet the Browns atthe Lincoln Hotel. ‘The peel report was peepated by shoe tuo men. ‘Those fellows ate talking about she announcement Mas, Ford had to goto the store 0 get tome super. Baty forgo 1 bringer ditomary 1 clas ‘They'e going to sayin Cabs for to months “The word "crany” mans “inane” of“ pryebatie. ‘That i Mr. Andevion's new bifese ‘We cant go tonight becaaze we have to sty. He should stedy English fo mprove hi prowuncaton ‘The presiden sent his reply 9 our secretary Accident st e reported the police immediatly. [My English clas usualy begins a eighth plan to shop foe a new summer sit and bat ‘We have to have your reply before next Tuesday You shouldnt sy that Brceae i not polite. (Me. Adams frequently goes to New Yotk on busines. Examples of tht can be found almost everywhere You have to register ‘omorow at ton oock, ‘That is usally done by « diferent method Mrs, Andeson bought «winter coat fot bee tip, “They need very ie belpin onder to nish the job, INTRODUCTION To ADJECTIVE CLAUSES 1 allot He 186 heey selene, (2) Todi the ie mba ad veh Oe ised tte of tbe tained Heenet case ° wo ” B “ 1% HCOGNIZING ADJECTIVE CLAUSES Fe bce [ “The book which Iam reading i very interesting Everyone dhe [met at the party congtatulated re. ‘That was the best movie tbat Pe ren thi year A Isthis the letter the you svated me to mal? “The fllow whom Jom recommended 10 as was very seliabl. “The house which you liked so well ba seedy been sol. have los the boo sehich 1 bomowed from Tom. ‘The student who ir walhing with Fred i in my clas “The police cough the thief who bad olen the momey. He cide’ remember the man whole mame you mentioned. Tsai the Set thing which came 10 my mind Inthe sver that flows rough that sou very large? “The actor tht played that role cones from England, “The program tha we listened to wasn't very good Have you seen the House whic is being built next door? 137 ued the deemdetadve ‘The dress [which | liked the best] was too expensive Fred lives inthe house that you saw on the comer. ‘The fowers which you grve me are in that ve ‘The man who sole the money hasbeen ciught Did you mail the two letecsthit were on mp desk? Tred to read every book thatthe teacher resommended ‘They accepted every suggestion which we made, ‘The man whose wife you met teaches a that university. ‘That car which John Bough i at leat ten yest ol ‘The story that he told me can't possibly be tue. ‘That's the gir) whom Pred and Tom were talking about Who aze dose students that are talking to Tom? ers the book which T mentioned to you ystrdsy ‘The house that I ive in isco East Lincoln Avene Me, Wilso i the Kind of person that gets celts guihly. ns 188 “THE CONNECTING WORDS Sele wo, whom whore ot wb forthe Wk ia ath wnence. Then pat Bete ond Nj cane 1 The bock we ae reading now is very interesting, The book [which we ate reading now] is vxyintereting. ‘The fellow 1s walking with Tom isin my clas ‘The assignment ‘we did yesterday was quite easy. ‘The man you jst met isa very famous weiter. ‘The rumor we beard yesterday is aot tue Hes the kind of peson = We met woman sn. ‘The police caught the man es results quickly, ‘ame was very unas had stolen the jewels, ‘The sew model, “hs jst come ou, ithe best 9 fa He's the man installed our electra! equipment, 11 The box ia She pu ehe gilt was very attractive 12 The bouse —— ‘Smith lives in i located on this street 13 The teacher aboot she spoke was my teaches lst yet 14 The subject, you weote about interested everyone 15. Miss Fox belongs to an oxpulzation-. assis hogptl 1 CONETING WoND Fut ‘hag elit wd wo Slo oo Tr angen oi eon oo Tax pata 1 Thre pages cai te al ‘Thai page [wh eae ie aa), 2 He said the first thing shat occusred to him. 4 3 Tne mint Serto manages 4 The bn dar Te yb oe 3. Th nin atl tho a te wl é sth the puget you wasted eto ee? 1s estan ht ite dia to explin The door at he seamen wu rey compete 9 The eon tat were staying sens ate ey 20 He uid something tu eye shoul ene 11 She dna kno the pron they memo 12 The pare har them itt fore toe 13 Hes temas re wil ak cof te mate Mi The one ny str Ace went oem sd yellow at PREPOSITIONS IN QUESTIONS 190 ea quction nt he taled pur geet Wie the urine the reset rs) dad). Nate se poston of Oe prepa 1 Those two fellows ae ttking about she election. (a) What are those to fellows talking about? () About what are thore 10 fellous talking? 12 ‘The men spoke ‘© Me. Wilson yesterday morning. (a) Whom did the men speak to yesterday morning? (b) To whom did the men speak yesterday morning? 13 Thomas and Frank are wating for their friends. 4 That young couple got the money from cir peront. 5) Mr. Kennedy has invested his money in stocks and Bonds 6 That dificult excise ison page one bundved and sity. ® “The teacher talked about lait in cas this moming. “Tom's tind devotes most of hit tine to sadyng English 9 Maia Pees was born in the Dominion Republic. 10 Mis Cunningham is shopping for a sing cout 1 The four salesmen ceprt fo Mr. Jobnion once a week, 12 Me, Wilton's secretary pot the leters in the fost eaves. 13. The chairman objet to oer saggesin at the conference. 14 Me Andrews son is studying meine at Columbia Univers. 1S. My secretary addres the lee to she fify Company. 16 The men should connect the rope 10 te fot inthe middle 17 Me Gregory is employe! by she AIBC. Supply Company. 18 ep ny toney to tbe Fit People’s Sng) Ba 19. Mie Stewart sett the menoandum to Mr Gres ofc. 20 We sayed the Longe tine in Breil and Veneta 2 Me, Philip insisted om chwnge om metbod very song. 2 Bvenbody was very excited boat the presidn’'s anrouncement, 28. You can cover the opening with pee of meal t pte 1 T confed this word withthe word "imminent. 2 The inrance aget Soul ge We rept to Mr. Bark. 26 The treasurer eaplaned the plan to the board of decir. 2 The stdents had the most ble with the ftp of the lexi 28 You sould sit your appzaton to me ate he inter 2 Those people complained to me aboot he amount of we 30 ate. Soth and Me. Wilton wee aeguing about the anna apo us 191 {HE WoRD THAT IN CLAUSES ‘Ghnge ude, wom, o whi tht Make way ar accouy chnges Sud ‘he cramer tly Note he pono the popenan i he sed sample 4 The house which the Slaters bought is very smal, The Bouse that tbe Slates bowgbt is very smal ‘The subject about which Profestor Moote wiote i intresting The subject thet Profesior Moore wrote aout is intreting, 3. The movie which we saw lat night wasnt very exciting, 44 That fellow ie the mechanic who fixed Smiths ca. 5. The speaker to whom we litened mentioned tht mate. 6 8 ‘The woman about wham you were talking is here now ‘The car which Bill bought from Me, Smith cos only $800. ‘The apartment in which we Live is on the twelfth Boos 9 The man who called today lee this mesage for you. 10. The paper with which you weapped the gifts was very prety, ‘The man about whom Alice spoke teaches English bev, 12 The picture which Bob took last week turned out quite well 13. The person to whom Me. Green wrote answered his questions 192 [CLAUSES WITHOUT CONNECTING WORDS (1) Copy the sects W pombe, elniae the ord eho, ukom, wh or Hh le tone css, the conning word tan at br sinned, Sythe example [Nate the pion of the prfostin in the seca example ‘The church which we vsted last Sunday was beautiful The charch we sisted last Sanday wat been ‘The house in which Mi. Thompion lives isn the cone. The house Mr, Thompson lives in ison the comme. 3 The camera that Fred bought from Bill was expensive, 4 Have you read the postard which the Browas sent us? 5. Heres the book aboot which you and 1 were talking yesterday 6 The part of the lesion that's the most dificult is this one 7 The man who owss that store knows me very well 8 The women whom you met at the party are all noses. ‘The accident which Tom and T saw happened late lst night. ‘The fellow that told us about the stuation knows all the dealt The house that is Being built on Cass Sweet wll be quite lB ‘The teacher that Tike the bet of all is Profestor Moore, ‘The people who are ia the same groupe with you will belp yoo 16 smo Avs sentiment i cee mee pha)» hill oft oma cote ede. 1) Peston ae Toe top ue walking npr, Those boys who are walking together are brothers 2 (4) The eon wae {Wea te ne ene 1 fen th wet yay wate. 5. (4) We lw tin nv wl Temm vere tow 4G) Toe ome tlnged B He saivng we ar oo 5 (0) Sapte om pc etd {9 Tae pote tac a 6) Ist the te? (8 Yeo eamed eso lee eer 1 (a) The sevens alin hs das (8) etn te es (0) Hep erin Dn — 9 () The mehr od he iat (9) Wend te mata 10) handed he tegen (8) thew ad aed 1G) Stee emer he ale {8 Se nd towel eat we 12a) The ly wil eyo a pacage. (8 FA wo et pment 1 () Dig by tat mt? (8 You Toad at tt 1) That fal ca soon pe (8) Yoo spt oo elo who which i” wring ADsecrive CLAUSES 194 ‘Aid an jecive dhs ech vas We aed The 1800 Which nn The mua who —_ was vey dial : ‘sed to le next door 10 up, Have you zed the book wich ee ‘That was the fist thing which ‘The principal speaker whom ‘The house which Everyone who ‘The putt which Is thatthe same fellow who “The organization which 2 3 ‘ 1 te ag 3 i vy bets é tata vey ietig hon ; Tae set very gy of : at eid one 5 aan © otc shots we 11 Did you tad the mapuine aie whieh ame 12 We didnt know the son whom nn or er gc 13 Te flow ule nnn eed fen Bos sett u % % b i » 2» he tig which oe att stange mae Mr Buske the Kind of pein who The exewe hi nr diet sam vey boone ok Frank Win, won wl be tthe ering 8 That bok was ot ofthe Bow whch Amin who oe i sls vay pal Have you ever been employed by 2 company whith ne? 21 The oly tng br wat 2 Kowa cco 22 Prienor AG Mowe, wo il be our poe 2 The git shar - ‘is ey wl 24 sell exp uiking wo pple thay = 25. There was senthing stow! the sunion War 26 The ppp ofr which = nas ken svc yas 2 The alow br ee Me, Howell bee 28 The mesg as ett nw bad od 3 Tee gal som sou ued otto bes od fred 30 Tae balding thr in was blk ong tine 3 Bt The howe whieh ‘elngh othe mn tt ne 32 The on obi isthe une om which 33 Hes fellow uo td whom HM Thats the bulge be [USING ADJECTIVE PHRASES 195 ‘Frorten the adjective clause to an adjective phrase. Study the fret two amples eta. {The man who i talking to Me, Wilson is the accountant. ‘The man talbing to Me. Wilson ix the aconntante ‘The hook which vas taken from tbat desk belonged to me. The book then from that desk belonged to me 5. The fellow who is walking with Edward is his bother, 4 ‘That's a book which i kaown by almost all children, 5 The answer that i wualy given to tis question is inadequate, & ‘The message which was delivered by them solved the mystery. J Have you seen the house that it being bulle next to outs? A man who was commended by the agency will come tomorow. 9 They boughs the houte which was formedy owned by Mr. Brown. 10. The teacher ho is subsiting for Mr. Moote & fom Ohio. 11 The firm repaired the boat which were damaged during the storm, 12 Is this the book that was recommended 10 you by Mr. Harts? 13. Did the man that was appointed bythe committee accept the job? /ARTICIPLES BEFORE NOU? 196 pagmcipuss saront NOUNS _196 Une the correct participa form of the verb fe pvenees the Wane tee, Say the fiat two oxamples erful. 1 (follow) Te aden wil tate flluing wor 2 tbat) The apne wil phe oer a 3 Gp) Tat compny sls oly mecandie Be There owed or tee of the sk 3 (de) Mis Pee stand a = acon ast ee @ (etn) My famous tos wie Soke under umes. 3 (eat The ne ulng mil be ra dow nest ye & (ied) The ple eon the n-ne weliy goed. 9 (wing) The epee lel doin hose ro 10 arone) The ple and uy found the man aly. Udy) The nove ator in ht pay ao # ee (ie) ‘That ows enya 3 (ire) Theres wed downto et fr mit. 1 Gc) ‘Tha ig ce sae els tof fd “The temperature went below the — pint lst night 129 WS (fee) 197 tmmopucTon ro NOUN clauses til esto ep ca aS © I 1 His ect dt be we ey bay. Do you thik bt sey weil pret wl? 1 do spp that he east ete aL Do you elit hat needy ae are wits ya?” {Arathi a1 hace the ee 1 gue tha be doo pla ogo th bs ads He adel tha he had eyed te gret Sel Did ste mestion sa he ad aey Soe to Bi? He nated vt he wold fue te ofr Don't forge ht you het ean Bere no 1 Late atume ses gor tobe espentbe 12 Weeds tl hom arte conn a 13. fslly convinced hin ab a song 14 Plsesemind ex tha he ha apotment 1B Thad porte Mr Jobson te ld lp Bi 2 RECOGNIZING NOUN CLAUS Bur bade [| eand the pedi oun cae inh ec, Then sere ‘he pene and omit the wordt se begining ofthe deponcs hoon Soe 1 don't think [that I can go tmessow 1 don't tink I can go tomorrow. 2 My teacher says that the text willbe dificult 3. Brerpbody believes that Smith will be chosen, 4 T presume that you did’ like that movie, 5. Have you heard that Jon has a new eat? “ We didn't know that he had enough money. 1 gues that she has't heard the news yet He hopes that they will seep his appliaton. 9 The man denied that he had olen the money. 10. He pretended that he had understood everyhiog. 11 At the last momen, I decided tht I couldn't go 12 Remember that we have to leave by 10:00 pen 13 He didat notice that his sleeve was ton, M4 Mr. Aaderon though that we did't know about i 10 NOUN CLAUSES WITH QUESTION WORDS 199 i) he imple mbjew and vat fr the oie sens ane G@) the a ead a To he talced non se. Sti the word det ci Cr = ——C—rt—se a ~— Lr | ~~ {ne'nan tly fend ot whee Hod wee Dist pur dao ak tr fd et LULU a Lr——— oP pew hts wile we nx Jer Ta have you SOc wh ow of hm yo a by? 15 Fy aot enn wh some hal ie EE Nev eoc te lw ho lb a mating ih 1S Ms Pec wr he ad ied orm NOUN CLAUSES ve ADJECTIVE CLAUSES 200 wes | | woud te depict da each cin Wily de Tee adele Eine ot ama cane. Soup te emp T The at [that you bought] is prety. (adjective clase) 2 Alice sid [Ubi wat too expensive). (oun cause) 3. Mc. Anderton knows who told you te news, 4 All the men who tended the class were doco 5 Tevjoed the nove which you leat to me last ek 6 Leant remember what you tld me about it ? ‘ Do you know te man who i walling wath Mi. Brown? ‘We did't Inow who fad suggested that plan to them. 9 Tdortkoow the flow that ou mentioned ast night. 10 1 give Martha the Leters tht T-wanted er to mil 1 Lb1d Martha that se shold mall them ght ava 12 The pond they se Bad been mae eal ast week 1B Hive you seen the pire Bil tok seve days ag0? MMe Kents sey sail he bad alealy Tet for Ching 15 The pr ofthe lon tas ot diel foe mei ht one bt {THE WORD Thar IN CLAUSES (2) 202 201 WHat ve wHicH Im clauses (Ghose wha © wi Tore Dhak Im ech vnc (PART ONE) 1 Did you understand uuu the teacher txught us today? 2 Did you understand the part no-nons the tater discussed? 3 I dont recall the sty you are talking about 4 dott recall YOU said about the story jesterday 3 Tawa eo «ry wns Bab a tpi ding 7 8 Our fiend did’ fell us wonnna-- Me, Foster had sid to er, ‘The used car John bought lat week has 4 good motoe. Gan you tell the students nn the population of Cuba is? 9 Thats the house the Millers were talking about. 10. alays read every book the teacher recommends, 11 Smith didn’t reveal he had discussed with the distor, 12 I gave Helen the boxes... T wanted her t deliver for me. 13 Ttold Helen She should do with the two boxes, M4 Fred cepeated the same things you had aleady told me, 15 Did Martha boy the one she liked the best of ll? 16 Martha dido’t mention the price of the dees was. (PART TWO) you think aboot our suggestion. T recommend for you to do 1 tied to do everything you wanted me to do, Did Me. Wilson tell you. happened at the conference? A Please tell oe 2 3 4 5 TL havesevel books ‘ & Mr. Wilson was so busy today shar Ss 7 8 ° 190 SHOWING “oPposmON” With ALTHOUGH 1 2 5 4 5 6 ‘ 9 0 ” a B ane clauses OF OPPOSITION 230 Oe Tah snes a dpi dame of Opeton Boo he Sod igs Sly eo te Sap ay Das sb spper ros, be re is at toy. (Aiba th ods wre Sipey be oe sa 0. Thought het ced ef peo Job's ae bgt tat wed ex aonb fb ed add ape Mz Walting i spent ave deplebr ap tap of he an we wet fora kin the pc lait Bi lk of sanction tat ma sa god postion Tht soe pes cl sp ois ited ebay. Dusfie be narow ses nth cy, any people eee tn iit of yor obs, Tm png to mentor my pla, cand went to work ested deeb bad ld tn ip of lines lous des goed work Dasite the bghco of Ding oe, tee ae any aang inp of sl th note one, Vento sep innediely agin tld al fbr feds te sce dete ber rie 231 Fraie completing there nels 1 2 3 4 3 6 * 5 » & » 4 % Altbough many people attended the meeting, . 1 dda’ tell ny frends the news although Although Me. Minsky does’ speak English well, Frank won't be able to come with us although Although ao one helped Me, Laces yesterday, = ‘My roommate lent me some money although = ‘Although she has never complained aboot the ise "seldom go tothe movies diag the weck although : Although Futhec dda’ promise to come akong, : Some people enjoy operas and cones although ‘Although we dont have very mach fee time, ~ We won't beable to meet you tonight although : Although I can't help you tomorow meoming, - Mz Simmons dda’ tell me sbou although - ‘Although Me. Shaw teaches only twelve hours a week, = [WRITING CLAUSES OF COMPARISON ine gh siece with ap opropte ce of compton indice Gein Rtnaer a dt ig nade Ss t's Weds BO ‘etate Taa onpage 120 befre weeny th eee 1 The weather is much beter today shan it was yesterday. 2 My fuend Peter works jst a hard ote eter stadent de 3. Mr. Shaw's speach was more interesting — 4 You speak English just as well = 5) Do you always dive as carefully 7 = 6 232 ‘Thete are more students in this class : ‘You look very mth happier today “That brown ction dees i les expensive nm 9. Are you Suding harder this semester 10. Frank doesn't seem to be as nervous LLU bear les dffereace hetween those two words — 12M, Wilson has much more eaney = a 13, Does Mr. Moore have as many students tis year = 14 T sually enoy television programs mote a 15 My secretary usally gts to the ofie eter 233 [WRITING CLAUSES OF PLACE! ica of ice wn wh» det ce of pice Sly eB Soe Sey . Cae! 1 Would you plese pr those books back were sey belong. 2 Everywhere we went, we Sn very oma hing 3 Plae don st where 2 ~ 4 Jost pu yur coat and bat wherever 4 3. Whereer you wil alan Bd ch pve 6 We saw camper of nepletcrenwhire — 7 "ve topped and asked for informatio, ® 9 Every place ‘You can patk your car wherever Unfortunately, there's another car ght whe ——nocnnommn ‘omeone or ater obey, 10 Bveryubee . 11 That police station is located were z 12 There are uly police sins whee omens 13 Beery pa Whe pope sted a os ean 1 This toad is very dangerous where - AS Roads are vey dangerous wherever 132 sEVIEWs WRITING CLAUSES (onplee ch ieee wih an oppepEE dae COGNIZING CLAUSES OF TIME "You should waite to Mr, Lane becaue 1 put the money in ny bilfold 0 ~ We didnt diacue the mater although My teacher gave me so much homewodk that ~ YYou should not park your car where - ‘made too many micas, s0 a ‘That fellow wosks much harder shaw — I was such a dificult examination thar Jas pot your hat and cout wherever = I didnt go to the meeting with Bil ecaure = [Mary could’ ind ee umbels, 10 - Please leave everthing right where Sonn Me. Shelton din’ accept ou afer although have to lave a mesage 10 that ——— [My frend cant help ws tomotzow because ‘The wind was blowing so hard yesterday that — 235 ‘eke [ snd he Up Ge fie fn dh ce Sly Seale tl 3 4 3 ‘ ® 5 » 2 B 4 er nee tse cet of ee (Ove fiends will wait for ws here until we get back (Oar friends will wai for usher [ail we get back]. ‘Mis, Howell cut her Sager while she was slicing the bread. ‘Alter Uhad asked her ewic, the gl fall told me hee name “The maid is going to clean p the house before the guests azrve’ ‘When 1 lft for work tis morning, it was raining very bard Pease don't sy anything to them until we'e sure about tha. ‘Sine I lst spoke 10 you, Ihave bad a lot of trouble wth my ca ‘As we were getting out ofthe ca, the car started moving forward ‘While you ate geting eeady, I'm going to make a telephone cal, im going to ask the teacher a question after the classi over. Before he graduated in June, Bil ad aleady ben offered fb ibe waiting right here when you come out of the bulding nti Tha actualy seen it nse, 1 could hardy belive it We haven't received one letter from him since be left = month ago. 133 236 he CONTINUOUS PAST TENSE ‘Ue ol te contaos pt an of he in pete in ch ete Ne erg tan pt i Seen a ssa ocr ol (ad a eRe oa hh na eS ea The truck (go) very fast when it hit ue ee Tha tach wus going ery fst when it bit ont ca “The Andetons (ea) thee diner when we acved ‘When Ife the house thi morning, it (rain) very had ‘The handle broke jst at they (more) the heavy box oto place. [As we (crv) the tet, te policeman shouted 8 us. ‘he aden (writ sl) ele papers when the bell rn When we atved at dhe meeting, everone (dices) the Sead the newspaper wile David (get) ready to leave. White T (walt) around the pack, Ysa ewo diferene scents, Fred (argue) with George when we walked ito thei oe. 11 When thee son got mated in 1947, the Sith (le) in Deo. 12 Tuite the lees while Edward (Jad) ove the tlepbone. 15. Theman motioned 10 us jus a8 we (get) teay to leave te sor 14 Howacd (i) in the cafeteria with Virginia when we saw im. 15 While the man (write) the check, 1 glanced tthe contact gal 27, THE SIMPLE PAST va THE CONTINUOUS PAST ¢H ‘Wie he ar frm of eh ve i puree Ue oly he ipl pe {erpl-fe sot) te comin ste (emp be we pln) 1 Mr. Carlson (lh) to anotet man when T (ee) im toda. 2 AST (con) the street, two cas (race) by me at fll speed 3. When we (meet) the Burkes in 1954, they (live) in Cleveland 4 Our Enplish teacher (give) ws an examination yesecsy 3. The boy (fal) and (burt) himself while be (ride) bs bieyle. 6 Bill (have) eeskfast when 1 (stop) at bis home thie moaing 7 8 ° When I (eeve) any ofc as night, (rin, wil) very herd. Me. Brow (borrow) the money fram Me. Wilson two weeks ‘That tourist (Joe) his camera while he (wal) around the cy. 10. The two men (epee) about the plan when T (come) into the a UL One hosts atthe pacy last Saturday nigh (teat) ve very kindly 12 The telephone (rng) while T (le) oy shower this mocning 13. Atte begining ofthe semester, this class (seem) quite ef 14. The teacher (interap) ue just a8 we (fsb) the las page 15 Dorothy and t (lease ju) the house when the telephone (788) re anus past nse 238 Seale ne pt wa of eh wh pom Np a hte Petty foe cmnads)accn Stay et exe say When the alain (ing), Fak Gump) ost of bed icky When the clam regs Penk jp oot of bed qk 2 Toe miment | (woe) the mas nary, 1 (cal) an abulac, 5 , When te teicher (per) te doy, the aden (op) talking 4 -The mine we. (ber) the nen, ve (ind). then lepam 3. When | (ie) the loud ch cud, | (on) f0 the window When Donald (19) tie, Doty (wind) at me set Thermament{ (ge) oof he plane 1 Ce) them a he ge. When the eletor (sop) athe ten foe eveyone (get) oat 9 When (e) te fre rc 1 (ton) my bake edly. 10 Mr Kelly (il) the manages sou the nex te (happen) The ret tine Mary (ce) Har, se (fhe) him the mesge {a When I fat (ait) er the amount of tic (rpise) te 13. Bvery tine te dnl (ng), Ber (an) tthe doo pice 1 When the man (ap) bt gern the og Comp np) immedi. onmNUOUS Past c) 239 Iasi fm ow in urtos_Un ol Jl woe {eswepe: ihe worded) he onus pst fee (cmp: sbe mar Sveig) 1 Charles (alt) to Professor Moore when I (see) him. 2 When the dents (hear) the bel tey (get ap) and (lear) 3 My fried Louie (by) new ting font as es 4. We (en sl) ow Ger when Mis and Mis. Holt (anv) ‘Me Hare (ot) mest my plane the et tne Be (4) ‘ : 5 Just aT Cleve) for bore, a dent (1p) me inte all, ‘The tain for Miami (lene) Grand Cental Sation at Sve ood “The moment he (Heer) the news, Jim (cll) me by telephone. Since you (Jere) lst year, many undsoal tings have happened. 10 1 Gee) abadacidet whe (eat) for ou on ths come The two men (dias) the eeton when we iternp) then 12 The agent (Fell) Me Lane bose in Nowth Pain low pie 1B havent seen Rogers al since he (moee) to hi ew apartment Catherine (sete) at us happy 8 500m a she (le) dee ‘When Me Shaw (atop) uve (word if) onthe lst seton 39 Mo ‘THe pamrect PAST TENSE ‘Un oly Ue pele put Wn of te et To uae fn cach sentence, 1 Almost everyone (Jets) for home by the time we asived “Almost everone bad let for Bome by the time we aried. 21 (ie, never) the Louvee before I visited Pais lst year 1 bad mover seen the Louore before I hited Pais last year 3. We (wal) no more than ‘wo blocks when we mee Fank 4 After fm (read) the mesage creluly, be weoe a spy. 5 Me Sich (leave) sbout five minutes befor I called is ofice, 6 The manager (close, jut) the stove a moment before I got there 7 The men let the oftce alter they (receive) thie instructions {& Harold couldo't leave for home until he (complete) exerghing, 9 By the time Bill and I got there, the meeting (start, ahead), 10 When I saw David in July, he (fish, amon) bis new garage AL Tealed Me. Fox jut ae soon a8 I (cheek) the ceport careful 12. Befoce ou mentioned him, | (er, never) ofthat auth. 13. The man wouldet leave until he (vcete) a definite answer, 2 ‘THE SUMPLE PAST ve THE PORFECT Past ‘Woke te count form of ech vets in prthnes Ue ely the singe pa Tene (campy a) of ie fortes tse (emp: ba ea) Aotie Bares 253 Sad Ss bade weedy wr ee : 1 The druggist (ese, already) for home when we (ge) to the so. 2. The Andevsons (move) ino thie new apartment lat wet, 3. The next time t (ice) George, he (Bae) diferent cat. 4 Dorothy (sign) the check and (give) it to Dr. Davis yesterday. 5. When John and T (et) tthe theater, the movie (star, alrad) 6 Whenever i (an), Me. Gilbert (take ont) is 83 umbrella 7. When I (see) Athue in May be (write) 230 pages of is ove {8 After the war, many worker (rete) to their hometowns. 9. Everyone (cat) dinner by the time we (ge) to the ding roo 10. When the policeman (soa) at me, I (aap) the ca immedi? 11 Since T (peat at) to you, 1 have had no trouble with my <8 12 We (1mm of, jst) the lights when we (bea) someone atthe dom 1B. Our friends (aie) in Los Angeles onthe eighteenth of Ocbbs 14. The same day Bil (aie), 1 (recive) a wite fem bis Cab 15 When Father (rer) from Jowatowa, 1 (prepare, ready) diet 136 {ME SIMPLE Pasir FoR FUTURE ACTION ma ar ci yng ae Spe pO ae BEST a ci Sah alee eel oer es Sie ea en ea ie ape es a 1 Harid wil ge Caterne your menage mbes be (ie) Be Harold will ge Catberine Jour metege when Be tet Br. O) 2 Tbe ready ole for ome wen fed (aie). 43 When ne (ge) te photographs, wel stow thon co you 4 gin an wl a eh Ber wl Rah) Bk Before Me Fox (lene) for Det, bell explain ts you 6 After te play (Be) ove, well mee ou info of the teste. 4 Mis Irwin wl help you ss son a she (i) that leer & The two drivers must ot lene until the pie (ge) Mee 9 The next ime | (ie) the Gilberts, Il ak then about i 10 Well pay forthe matrils when the company (deliver) them 1M. You sould ask the Koss shout before you (make) 309 changes, 12 When Me. Wilson (return) from Der, were ging t tel him I wan to speak to Boesr Moorea soon ashe (He) fee 1M After theca (Be) over ak he teacher about that sentence. TMG SIMPLE PRESENT vs THE FUTURE 243 Wa te cones form of. eh veh In putin Uie only he single pent Ia (aie in) te fatal oo nfo eunge B lTe teh sr gay 1 tn) 1 We (send). you a telegram as oon as we (ari) in Chicago 2 When George (come) this afternoon, he (Bring). his frends. 3. Me. Green (este, not) the ofce until you (call) him, 41 (speak) to you abou that matter after the meting tonight 5 Assoon as our gues (aree) tonigh, we (ree) diner 6 7 Mr. Hendevion (make) two pulages of cigteter 3 day 1 (bop) you nth our homevork as scon as (fib) this ter We (iend) th company check when we (revine) 2 il 3 The company (deiner) the metal to you nex Wedresda. Ale and (wa) tha come til you (come) with hee. The next kine (Go) tthe ibeary, 1 (fer) that ook fo ou My frend Me, Wion (brow) Profesor Moore very wel ue tends (6s) ere, when Lose (rtm) tom soa Dentt worry! We (itr not) diaser util everyone (ge?) et ‘When Mis Stewart (come) bac fo unc, pve he the ese 7 2a6 ‘Ue only the cennaoc Fare tens of he wah in THE CONTINUOUS FUTURE TENSE ihe in ech sete, [Neetu conanacs frre ete Geib sy san nc contin al (ins pooh as Teche inte Sel be cane meee ‘We (ust) for you when you get bask tomoeom. We wil be waiting fr you then yon get bck tomorow. 1 (work) on the repo when you aeive this afteoon “When he ceeives his diploma, his family (sit) in the audience 1 (uit) for you right here when you come out of the building Ws to ealy. Our ends (eat) dinner when we aie By the time you ceceive thi leter, we (tapl) through Spin We (live) inoue new house by te tie Ontimas come ‘When you retin wih the at, 1 (pac, still) my sites. ‘The shy is dack. Ie (rain) by the time we'e ready t0 leave ‘When you come to Room #10, 1 (work) atthe ded inthe ret Dont call me at 2:50. 1 Gineriew) job applicants a¢ that tn, Js aboot that ime, Me Fox (diate) lees to his secretary. Frank (uuit) bete for your telephone cal eleven o'clock, ‘Ac this same time tomowow, we (drive) throvgh Penneyvanin Don and Dorothy (lve) in San Francico a this time nest yas, SIMPLE FUTURE ve THE CONTINUOUS FUTUR ‘write the cot fozn of exh vei i pteteres, Coote Dermen te sing {ite tee era: be ail we) tthe comiuos fue Yee ( Beeb ent 1 (piee) Mr. Harris your message when I see him tomorow. Me. Bink (coir) the Atlantic by the time the news reaches bin. ‘When you go ito the offce, Mes. Roland (it) x the foat desk Our English teacher (explain) that lesson tus tomorow. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor (live) in their new house by ne speng 1 (ory) to explain i o the students when they ask ene about We (war) for you right here when you return at 8:30 pam “The Browns (Intel) thovgh New England a this tme tomae0™: When we see Mr Johnson tomortom, we (remind) him of at. ‘When you come today, 1 (word). at my ded in Room 12. Don't take so many books. Your sutase (weigh) 00 euch Ws too ealy. Our friends (eat) this dinner when we get thet Mary (give) othe information after she has spoken to Fred Jick sys be (return) the money t0 you at two elec tomoxo™: 138 ost reaves” 246 rth ne is (met) Me, Foto 194, the (coder) the. pouty of (dy) foe cg languages asin He sid that be (Jer) Svething that he (edn) about Lato and Fregh in high choo, Thy languages be (Ss) (Gel that tine (HE) Spanish and Pore: \ ocse, I suggested tat be (ay) those la [pases inthe Divison of General Education at New York Universi. perfor, be (ell) at that ago in 1950 ‘erty tend (HINA) (aly) a New York Univers, be alltey (B) to Sout America fora year, Since he. (beltever) hee Kore, be (ey) (ll). the famocs cies of Colombia, Vergrca, Bags and Argentina, He ited Slo Pro so mach tht be_(coDider) (GB) these mc lager. He evenshowghe that be (ely) (Be) thee forthe rest of his life. Before that time, he (bop aluays) (fit!) a place sith a He clinate,, Therefor, So Paslo (os) (8) ral pase Howerer, te. (ipendShinaly) al of is mgoey and (/e) (rll) Now my frend Mr Foee (yB) (21) Pace ext yar. He (ufbey tor Pais on March 15. Nataly, alls fends (32) there (3) “gondiye™ when bis Bont (lll), When be (081) is ie Teer tous on Marsh 17, be (coal) the Atte Ocean Mr. Fores be (ei), Belg, Hllind snd Germany 0 the se pow tbe atin) of aay sou te eviiies, Therefore, he (appre) (fi) all the famous place stich be (Pid) about wo many times inthe pss ‘a.Mr Foster relies tnt he (Un), French and German before be 8) to Barope. Atthe moment, he (fAte) a course in French in prep Anign forthe tip. He. (HH) French ¢ que ery. OF cours, be (beSever) in France up to now, 0 he (Bde) litle opportunity (Bar) Freeh (ipfld) by nates. Last wk be tld me that he (lds) Ge fin at New Yogk University nent semeter. Homene, at preset, 1 \ehge) him (sabe not) a course in German, He (wlth) very hard every a and in addition, he (attend ready) 2 French clas. Yim sure that ‘be (hate) no language problem in the other countries when he (f¢4) Many people in those counties (andetond) Engh ot Pech 139 Pd seat conoimiont: rTURe Sg Tea Abe a am 1 The eae will episin hat part 0 yout you (a) in Te sere wil pein ha ao ou Jou 21H (ine) wl poay go ote py I] Hargis es Tel okt go te Joh. Nou wae enough tino etch ion (g) bee el Te Tom (re) Mtv hel ge hx your meng ‘We are going to leave tomorrow if the weather (be) good. I boy ie, nt) ts wen cn she ngs Xa he xe? Wily nd ne te money you ge) our heck orn? It (lcd) toi the bv os spin Wank We wl ger ilre sige the ein or) ne TEM Bato (eed) oyun, Tvl ou ih ay, Father wills get be ny fe (ae) His uve Type (e a) ove eft theft hve an ‘ie eer il get mpy sme (at) ta mie pn Hamme (8) Tryout wil elm al back te ay. 248 \WRITING CONDITIONAL SENTENCES Paci completing te filing codoal stn Profesor Moor wil help you i - - 2. TE ith goes to the post ofce, — 3 Twill explain everthing to Harold if —— 4 1 Tsee Me, Miller atthe meting, 5. Lam going to buy Me, Smith's car if 6 8 Te yu have any rouble with that leon, Bland I will wait for you sight here i If the weather is bad tomorrow, 9 What wil you do if 10 I Lind your purse and gloves, ~ 11 Daniel wil not understand you if - 12 I you study thee leone carefully, - 13. We'ee going to goon a picnic if 14 If no one answers the telephone, 15 What will ou sy to Me. Cole if ae 160 1 inno rm as teers ime eat Pa plaka na pop how tm he we 2 igor ny Stile a lw 2 Ener ae ee ; If you have any eroble withthe machine, please call me right sway 1 the mailman —— If the sadents don't understand you, 9 if anyone any 1 hin to leave a message 10 If you see Mr Johason today, : 1 you lok up the words in your dictionary 12 If the plumber cmey this alterooa, . - 13 If the dog just tall to hie calmly. 14 Ifyou don't have enough tine 10 finish, ~ {EAL CONDITIONS: GENERAL 250 Ritch th teks tng & condo gel th “= 1 EL (make) a mistake, the teacher (find, alieys) i I}. mabe a mistake, the teacher away finds it 2 My dog (bark, aluays) if he (hear) aay stange sounds (My dog aluays barks if be boas any srange sounds 3H policeman (tee) anything umueval, he (report, aall) it Mary (call alwaye) Me. Geeen if anyone (ath) for information 5 HEL (brow, no) the answer, 1 (admit, away) it eight aay. 6 A teacher (Be, alway?) happy if his tudents (study) aed ° he tnin (get) t0 my sation late, I (get) to my office Inte Joho (get, aay) angry if ve (tay) anything about hie accent I the newspaper (predict) sain, be (cary, alvay) his umbrella. 10 The stockholders (get) dividends ifthe company (mete) profit ML Ie there Be) say doube about a case, the jury (Be, niall) lenient 12 Mr, Nelion (drive, seldom) 19 wodk ifthe weather (He) bad 13 Wwe (understand, not) him, Me. Shaw (speat) mote slowly. 14 Farmers (complain, aligys ii (an, not) enough ia the sarsnet. 161 251 UNREAL CONDITIONS: PRESENT AND FUTURE ete spe pat ten of the re i pretense ene fe (G5 a hate sion ch uly optae (2) acon Dae cneny the rath atthe prc ime. For hep tet fe ap (Sores wed afer Nowe thatthe pa foe tee ned two” Cae 1 ET (Lave) the day of tomorow, I would go tthe beach 1 bd the day of tomorow, 1 would go 10 the beah, 2 EL (hate) 2 milion dollars cght now, 1 would retie YT bad a milion dollars right now, 1 would retire. 3 UT (be) the mayor of this city, T would change certain things If L were the mayor of ths city, Pond change conan thin, 4. TF hat man (work) harder, he could earn more money. 5 T-would gladly tell you the answer if I only (now) it mysele 6 Don and 1 (bare) enough money, we wold buy «house 7M the weather (be) better right now, we could go for © wall, {8 That student would get mach higher matke if he (ctady)_ bande ° 0 IE Me, Smith (call) me, I would explain everything to him. [Mr Moore would give up teaching if he (eroy, not) itso much 11 TE (be) in your place, I would accepe Mr. Anderson's ofr, 12 People would undestand you beter if you (ypeut) more carefully 252 WRITING CONDITIONAL SENTENCES Paice campting te follwing condi snin A Ifthe weather were beter today, . 2 1 would be & ailionsice if = 3 If we had a differeat English renche, = 4 We could play a game of cards f = 3. TE everybody deesed the sme way, ~ 6 1 wouldn't do that i nen — 7 ICT had moze free time, = - 8 No ane would be happy if = a 9. Hf spoke Japanese ues, 10. Your suit would look beter if UL ICT knew all of the deta 12 Almost anyone would be frightened if - 13 UT had the day off tomorrow, 7 14 The world would be a beter place if — 15 If Alice wece + litle move cateful, 162 Lnant conomons: rast 283 noes seer em pees pe oe ae Ree pei a eT cele te be pe E meas an rh, tae a, 1 Af pore (bone) the money, be wold hve ti 6 a 11 Gls baa tbe mone nl Br et 0 a Tooley pte © Fok (re) i yey {Teal are ote to Pak falter im otra. 5. ite wener {Ge} teen weld bref Pio eng 4 ice wot tate tayo the wth if you (ut) hr at 5 tego (ins) it hare ou weld Save ped eto 2 Tata Save ou sone money if edn) ego $ tere (0) tp compas we wal have rd se tes 4 Wecall hve pein Fe a Prin fe Come). 9 poe (ah ni) ne Tel cl hve gen othe sneer 10 Bil noid have ake ave potopainf fe Cz) me II eTom (Ue) here ysay esd hve et ie si 12 We would fave bog tn noe th pace (be) aie owe 1S ey (ned) ap help with he wok ey would have ced ‘wee CONOMMONAL stHTENCES 24 Fre oopltg te ong coli ae 1 Ifyou hed taken my svc, 2 Toul hve hd Ios tbl fo 3 Fanon ad eed me swt 4 Ourop ak old ve ed 3 é : TET had been in your plac, Bil would’ have ssid anything if you had followed my ineeuctons, ‘You woulda’ have lost your money if 9 I Jobn fad taken beter caze of his ct 10 We coulda have gone 0a our trp if 11 If you had only tlt your house earlier, 12 Ie would have been much beter if 13 Adam watch hada been five minutes slow, Y Things would have been diferent if 1S IFT had been born a century apo, 163 255, USING THE WORD UNLESS IN CONDITIONS SPE waka gg Fm ne lenin Tif you don leave immediately, wil cll policeman, Unless you leave immediely, 1 wil call «policeman 2 red would't do that fhe didnt have your persion Fred wouldn't do tht unles be had Jour prmision. 3. won’ bother to cll you i 1 do't bea frm 3. Brows, 44 you did’ agree wit him, Chutes wouldnt even suggest i 5 Wecant wee to Me. Suki if he docs’ vend us hs adres 6 Mf you don't soy harder, ou'te going to fil the examination, 7 Lemoulda’t have believed i if I hada seen it with my own ees, If she does’ start he letter now, shel have to doit tomorow. 9. The lanyer wouldat say tat if he didnt have stong evidence 10. If you don’ invest your money wisely, you wil lose al of i 11 Lwoa' say anything if Seth doesnt bing up the matter hinsele 12 If no mote guess come, there wll be enough food for everyone 13 Our dog woulda’ have baked if he hada’ heard stange sie 14 If no ene complains, wel leave everything just the way iis ow 256 ‘USING CLAUSES AFTER THE VERB WISH ‘Wine te coe form ofthe vr In puetbses ia ah sence Nolet Tons of We ve mae eli dacs he nee ws to nate ae “Sweaty eval or) psa Ge sr hey wrt sad $C El se thy oe, Be ena scne aay 1 Lwith you (rte) mote carefully in the ftute, 1 ish you would write more carSally inthe fate 2 Twish my uncle (Be) bere now to give us sme advice. 1 wih my ancle were Bere now fo give ut some advice 3. Twish T (hnow) all about ehis matter several week apo 1 wish I bad know all about tit mater reveal weoks ao I wish 1 (ave) moze time now to help you with your leon. wish 1 Grady) psychology when Twas a cllege student I wish someone (offer) help me with that work tomorrow I wish ie (Be) pombe for me to help you with t yesterday. wish it (be) ‘a Hide warmer in this room. feel very cold wish it (rain) tomoerow inorder to col the sta lite 1 (pay) attetion to the teacher's explanation yesterday wish our teacher (explain) that lesion to ws agin tomorrow. 164 1 LUVIEW: CONDITIONAL SENTENCES, 287 ‘ppl he cone for ofthe verb or vers partes in ech sree 1 If we (receive) the news sooner, we'd have written t George. 2 Tm sure they (give) Elen the ifcuatio if they bad it 5 Ik policeman (ice) an acident, be (ake) the dives’ names, \We'e going to buy the furniture if we (borrow) some money ‘What would you do tomorrow if you (Be) 4 millonsice? 1 you (go) downtown, take thie leters to the post ofc I don’ think you (Believe) me eve if Told you the tth about i 1 Gatl (be, ot) 10 catless, be woulda’ have lost hs god job Please (lee) a mnessage if anyone (call) while I (Be) sway 1 (accep, certainly) Mr, Lane's offer if 1 were in your pace | “The accident (eppen, never) ifthe driver (ere) the sop sgn. 12 Ik Lage numberof guets (coms), they we the other scom, 15 1 know Louie (tll) you if she (go) to the party lastnight 4 Ifyou (anderstnd, not) the instructions, read them agin. 15) L woulda’ accept that ob even i the manager (offer) ito me, YNVIEW: WRITING CONDITIONAL SENTENCES 238 2actce completing the cenoal sence 1 Many people would be in accidents if 2 If my fiend had taken my advice, 5. Can Tretorn tht dee tothe store if 4. Unless I get the money before tomorow, 5. My brother would have weten to me if 6 ® ‘What would you sy to your boss if 1m auce Dor wouldn't do tht unless — a TT hadn't spent my money 30 folisly, 9 My grandfather always gets mad if 10. eveyone agreed with you completely, 11 Things would have been quite different if 12 you find anything you don't understand, 13 That fellow won't give you the money unless aa, M4 Ifyou had been # tle more ambitious, - 15 Almose everyne could afford 2 new hoose if 16 239. GENERAL REVIEW OF THE TENSES ‘tee oe frm of he veh oF vrs I pets fnew ec 1 At present, my fiend Arthur (write) 3 ‘long novel about the Civil War, 2 ehiak his book (become) 2 “best 7 seller” when it (public) next yea, 2 3. Anhue got the original idea for the book while he (g2) to college 4 When saw Arthur last Jone, he (erie) about 125 pages of the Book, 6 Authur i very prolife, He (write) four books and 43 articles. 7 Although Athi enjoys wsitng, be (like) to bea history teacher, |& We would prefer that Me Hill (ipeat) to Mr, Hull biel 9. K-stongly suspected that Me, Hull (speek, already) 0 Me. Hall 10 Mc. Hall will speak to Mr, Howell before he (leave) the ofie. 11 Me. Howell, our dtecor, (work) for this company nine year. 12 Mz, Hill interrupted Me, Hull while he (peek) to Me, Howell. 13. Dost you thisk that the subwaye (eum) behind schedule lately? 14. Yes, but at tis time, much attention (devote) to thet problem 15. Ish hat I (brow) more about that particular problem than Ido. 16 When you have read today’s paper you (wnderizand) everthing 17 The planet earth (move) around the sun once every 365 dip. 18 This fact (prove) by Beabe and Kepler more than 300 years ago 19 Well meet Alice atthe cenet. She (wait) when we (erve). 20. AST (go) to work today, I saw Alice on her way downtown 21 Whenever I meet Alize on the see, she (wear) something new. 22 ie (rain) very mech in this part ofthe country every spring. 23 When (leave) my ofice last aight, it (rain still) very bard 24 The radio announce sid that it (be) cloudy and cold tor. 25 Bre since Jim (win) that $60,000 contest, he (refuse) 0 wok 26 Jim will never look fora job unless someone (oree) im v0 doit 27 Te Jim (ain, not) tha contest, he (reign, no) fom his god jb 28 When I discovered rny camera (eal), I called the police a one 425 The police think that the camera. (fae) sometime during the Ot 30 IFT (tae) the camera with me yesterday, all ofthis (happen, 8) 166 {HE EMPHATIC FORMS WITH DO 260 oe gem, no eee G) 08 ©. eporng p ak. Gee he empl oem of ene sen on ut tee (espe ds Seok bode he sey Oa wt) fs appnpieveeae ak ES i Say tok 9 only 2 1 (a), Me. Smith si John did't write the letter (b) But John aid white the lett I saw the lee, 2 (2) Did Frank wate the report you assigned to him? (b) He dldvt do all of it, bat be dil do the fst part. 3 (a) OF course this seems dificult You did't study i, () Thats notte. sonnet Look at my notes! 4 (2) Be head that Cael doesn't attend clase regulary (b) But Carl lass regularly! Tm sure ofthat, 5 (a) Thought that you were going to finish the seprt yesterday (@) Wal, ‘it W'S on your desk now. Take 4 look. 6 (a) The man ssid that you dint give him the mony. (6) Hes weong. 1 it to bim! Here's the receipt 7 (a) Since you don't ever wear this sui, l's give it away. () Leerainly fal Doo give i away 8 (a) Did you spesk to the dtetor about that problem? (8) No, didnt speak to him, but F co his secretary. 9 (a) Did his secetary cll wp the men to tll them about it? (8) She did't ell Joho, bot she Fred and Edward 10 (2) Does that fellow like football or Basketball? (8) Well, he does like most spots, but he baseball M1 (a) done hin I know ehat tll fellow. What's his same? (8) But you him! You met him just lst werk 12 () Did Eleanor buy # new eping hat yesterday? (6) No, she didn’t buy 2 hat, but she. 2 new purse 5 (a) Your English teacher speaks Spanish, docin she? (b) No, she does't speak Spanish, but she Portuguese (a) You pobubly dda’ cea the instructions in the Book eatefully () But them eateflly! I even copied them! 167 261 Te wasrruaL PAST WITH USED ‘peas Maal sc fo ek wi he ech nd and he fll te af lie veb in pacts in wth sence (crple: 1 sed fo wor, e aid i ete) ame St ph t's tt don es 1 Me. Smith (smoke) cigts, but he does any more ‘Me. Smith wied 10 tmake cigars, bus be doesnt any more Bill (word, not) very baed, but he does now. Bill didn't ase 10 work sery bad, but be does now. 31 (enjoy) “detective storie,” but [don't any mere 4-Me. Shaw (each) in the morning, but aow he teaches night, 5. Many years ag, people (travel) by horse and buggy. 6 Mary (ge, not) t0 work on tne, but she does nowadays 6 Me Neon (walt) dbwatoen, bat ow she takes the us ‘What fas upped? Tiomas never (de) is wok poy. 5 Jobe aver” tne means sop, bt be dem ay oe 10 When tas du, T (ead) he eae nee Sty 11 Werner (lite) tht kin of fod, bat we often sve sow 12 1 (ply) the pan, bat I have een bedi for yo om 13 1 len no) cel mse, bot Ite to pal ow. 302 Te EXPRESSION BF USED 0) wit Sow conn cede 0 Sanat (a Be Suh 1 We ae acutomel io the mabe of the slants now We ae ied 0 the ote ofthe eipens now 2 Tam acatoned to wotting sigh Te dost bth {am wed v0 working ot night. dost boter me, 3. We te ncaomed to he fat wether hs ly oo 4. He wies poorly. bu Tm acusomed to hi wing by 208 3 re you aatoma wo Unig in aul apron? & Me Svs i trwoned fo dekng Attar ce 9m 4 ln your food acutomed fo tvelng by sion pet? Were no scsomed ty Beating soma Eng every da 9 That sun on Swelen seasoned 1 eld venie 1 Mate et seroomed to Amen popeli BL Ye Em not scared seeg ob many at and tc 12 Mi. Mowe b seul tenga dfeet ace 16 TE EXPRESSION 4T USED (TO) 263 ‘bot gr acted (0) set ted (0) ia le of Boo mon (oa a il ly ep “ 1 Tm becoming scouumed to the climate in this county 1m ging ecustomed tothe climate in thi county. {tm geting wed 10 the climate in tht coniry. 2 You will become sceutomed to hesting English everyday You will get acuctomed to Bearing English esery dy. You will gt aed 10 bearing Engl every dey. 1am becsming accustomed to this weik Ametican coffe. ‘You will soon become acutomed to taveling by bus. We son became accustomed to the costa obec of the talc “They will become accustomed to the food hereafter 4 while cant Become accustomed to this method of learning English Peter soon became accustomed to writing everyting in English J eoulde’t brome accustomed to the confusion in that ofce ‘You'l become accustomed 9 your new working hosts very 400, THE EXPRESSION BF suPPOStD 264 ie he cone farm of be pov with te fl dive Tam ap Feed We fe a pet ow es eb (Geo) ember: the se ft pt tee for mp atte akan id a eas L Dean Brows (eters) before next Thursday. Dean Brown is supposed to return before next Thurday 2 The work (finish) yesterday afternoon, The work was suppoted 10 be fuited yeteday afternoon Me. Johnson (get) back to the offce before tice oclock, Wren be reuns, Me. Haris (go) to Dean Brown's oe, We (mest) out friends hee yesterday, but we did You (be) ceady 10 lave a eight dock tonight The plane from Miami (get) hee ten minutes fom AoW: 1 (mail) his ewer to Me. Fox yesterday, but I feng You (sign) your name on the lst line ofthe cote. Everyone in this office (word) from nine to five everyday ‘These packages (deliver) 10 the Ajox Company tomorow. 169 {xpREsSINO_“EXPECTANGY” WITH SHOULD Bape pen ee ne a Spee fos YEeED Re Ben Seni hve ried) spi het the scion oto, (Out friend (arive) rom Boson tmpotiow morning Our jriond should aviv from Boston tomorrow moming, 12 We (receive) telegram from Ms, Cole as ight We sbould have received telegram from Me. Cole lat nigh 5. You (beer) frm the comsittee today or tomorrow 4 The plane from Boston (aie) more than an hou agp. 3. The committee (approve) the plan at the meeting tomorow. & Those men (fish). that wok two ot three hours ago 1 265 Wait right here. We (lx) back within 10 or 15 mince, “That eegulation (cause, no!) you any trouble inthe Futsre. 9) The next exercise (be). very easy for you to understand, 10. The last exercize (be) very easy for everyone in the class AL You (see) much dficulty with the leson for tomoerow. 12 You (hase, not) any difclty with your homework for today 266 ADVISABILITY vs “EXPECTANCY” = alg mace anf nde te aig Cite re rei Wo sat. Kee Bee BE nyt 1. You should work harder. [advisabiliey] 2 They bold vee om. fxg] 5 ow shout ved hat bok isfy 4 Tac wo bowl abe you 5 ng $ Tadutd write eters he son Rel onl hare avd by th tine 5 oar ee bowed Tet ne. The Tap wip Freed aly sal he very seeing 9 Mis Wits thud te ta, no fa ie oh 10 Weld be hand rm sr tins og be thi te 1 You boa oad yng to yore she a ae: 12 Mand Mey Andean sod bebo iin fe mines. 10 Wench pany ay 8 OT 170 PRESSING “NECESSITY” WITH AVE GOT on eb ce fe lie fae ool slerustirera tesa teal ain is ol eke ge Bed Leas ts Tego eh 1 You ml goto he das ofc gt ava, QED Torker jotiielansfeengioey Yarn pore govt teas afc ngs aary, 2 Fel ut ial of he wor by oe mero: Fred ha oft al of oe work 0) tom tno Feeds gotta fh al of te work 6 oon om. Were gh ur bos gordon forking ah. U yor sate me one, ou mst os ae Catg ap be etn up the ero ‘Weim wie te ne fre Ison fr moro Xr Sw saps eeqone ute te al eamington Tre goto tn ba righ vay ender toe ts cick iyo plo goth on yu get ea gh ow 12 Melt Knws she mat Bh tht wok ere wy. [DPRESING "NEES THE AST 268 th btw all ve (ado ho eer ees er i acer at DSc ase a eee | 1” De Davis ms lve fr home ttre to ose Dt Dai ado eave fr Boe before eo ook 2 The meacge ot er he eo psages oy. The mesenger ha oder thre oo package tly 3 Weve gro un Baus donot mar Ve hed orn Ed sony to Bn erty. The decor mut fh at ep by 420'pn. ty Mr Bown bu fo mes tip Pips net nek Thee po lout te aplenty Weave ts lea he man of of at em. Tye mus oo is dre of i wat tena, Mir Stewart's gt lee tee ey ten a0 Edverd sy wets the tony etre Wee, When fro eu weve pt enn vein 269 INDICATING “ASSUMPTION” WITH MUST Fa Seppe ita of ie eth passer Sade oxen ety 1 Me, Foste int here, He (Be) inthe ote room, ‘Mo. Foster iit bare. He rut be i the ober room. ‘The secetary waso't there. She (fe). ome already The secretary was’ ther, She matt bave gone Bome already 43. Liber someone atthe foot door. Tt (be) the mailman 44 Iedont see the package. John (mail) it yesterday. 5. By this time, your fend Thomas (peat) English very well ‘ Br oeos tie Heal wn bed Mmm ewe hy) sy pacing oy el og ob Wintantdae et nos MMe ee Pee a 1b Teen fae Se ope ty ea a ae ey ee 20 mca’ Ae See cers Sa STLG aa aries Ter inh oe (ey MR Shela, Sey cia gee ny es ia yp SONG Pa ea ee tn Yon tat anyon ist ne we catty ee nt re eto Mutt egy Oa etna en et ely oe pl cep © fh re er ta 2 Soha ty eh ian gt m USING MAY FOR “PERMISSION” OR “POSSIBILITY” an ‘ewe thog sees ung the slang verb may (© haw "pamnion” of Fembitys uly he Bok tee example area 1 Pethaps your frends will return tomecsow aight Your tends may return tomorroms might. [possibilty] 2. Ws possible tat Me. Johnson wor't seve oa tine Me, Jobnion may not arive on time. (pssiley} 3 You have my permission to tell everyone the news Yeu may tell everyone the new [permission] Possibly Mary will know the answer to your gueston You have our persion to leave whenever you're ready Ie poste that Bz, Kennedy wil do that for you, Perhaps Me. Howell, the director, won't agiee with you. ‘You have my permission to try that method if you wish to. 9. If you as the men politely, posely hey will Rel you with 10. Maybe che work wil be alot easier than ou expect itt be, 11 IPs possible that ehere wil ot be enough food fr eveyone ee ie Shine CaS iy el SENAY iy Me [XPRESSING “ADVISABILITY” WITH HAD BETTER 272 We the informal expen fd borer (with te a jae), in pce of isting al Sea, the word Ba ly cited Ud roe pd eer i)” Sa ie exes carly, Notte te eine fore 1 Tes geting quite late. We ought to go home very #00, it geting quite late. Wed battr go bome very toon 2 You shoul not say anything to Mi. Wilwn about the mate, Yond better mot say anything to Mr. Wilton about the mate, Soult we expaia exactly what happened to Me. Wilson? Hadn't we beter explain exaily what happened to Mr, Wilton? You ought to buy yourself a new sie and overcoat Tes much too far walk, Miss Stewart should cll tax Shoulda’ the children wear Something very watts today? You shouldn't leave the building util you get peemiston. 1 thin we ought Sead s telegram to Me. Holt right am. Shouldn't we tell them that we won't be ale to meet them? ‘You shvldetleve your eatin Frnt of Mr. Kellys garage rare on anmevane sano wt wows - a bet OS beste araceamtinedatas ngs Bape een aii aes FTE wee te ele tml eng Fins paepepieararoriel 2 Upmeaed mang renner erg ey an, 5 oe Se tl 1 ered" rte ios nr pt 5 ae ey abet a 3 ea eee etn Sou twa Ea Kany rine beer erenn a ee te a aig 31 See eae tee ted Pa eer gripe cayenne os 2 aay mt ey sigh Se sory pe 3 ody atte et ter pa ee Sr wn wos an Ree peal aote ea ie Cama a a nach ste Sowid Wt ten conned (PY rate gy ed rahe wort) Sih the eae Tenens ciety Nate the ep for TT (walk) downtown this afteroon 1 would (U4) rather walk downtown this afternoon Wonld you rather wal downtown thi afternoon? Would you rather sealk downtown thir afternoon? would (Pd) rather not walk downtown this efteroon. 1 (143) at home over the Chvstmas holiday 1 (line) in New York than in Washington, D. C 1 (oe) in the fst sow of seats than in this one. 1 (lel) Me. Andecion about the problem myself 1 1 (at) ay lunch now than Inter inthe day. (nce) you in the lbby ofthe building than on the comme. (Geork) for avery lege company than fora small one 1 (sty). at bome tonight and write my Engi leson. 1 (ware) television program than go t0 the movies 4 1 sv uno AURARES ars ‘a eto te oli 1 May we amok in thi am? 2 Yond beer Fmt swear 48 overcoat. Otherwise, you may catch cold. 3 This lesion i very eay. Tt shoulda't take mich of your time, 4 My fiend couldn’ ol tell me who would be a the party. 5 I've got to f) complete all ofthis work before tomorrow night Gon ought wo hae paid ove testo fo Jour PRD ves nae you alee sl a oe fsther Ue ere than fn Chicago. Edwed sma ave been dtpoitd when you tl hin the news. 9 Would you Bate iow down. Tat walk gute fis 10 I ou cat cond Jour tee, you sold get io games 11 You tt ot {vor aot tht ange, 12 Fount we don't have © py te wey ack igh wy 13 One gt sold aie los sy ment sow. 14 You out fo have been more attentive a as ths mening 15 We could get wed tothe vay of dig things. 16 ater no 1 with you tog Ihave a great dal of work which should do 17 Ted cnn hin but be wou lien fo me. 18 femast Be apt lite fense eveyone fas led gone home 19 You may we Gir aytine you vane. 0 1 could understand the lesen, Jen had to help me witrit 21 Do you want sme caer? — Yer I wold ke ome 22 De you thik tht you shuld sees doctor sight way? 2 Brn though ened shuld fave gone fo the eouny ese. 3 Our teacher id me die have to sow al of the uric, 29 We srt rt forget ok the teacher aout at mate 26 Hat you be ‘ews wt tomorow and make your dcson ten? 27 I woul ogg hat you ty diferent etd ex tine. 28 oppose Told de at kind of wotk if Thad to. 29 Frankly, I would prefer wo stay 2t home and fed tongh 501 wih at Jou ould ay with ws fora fw ore ‘days. 31 Must we turn in cur homework tomorrow morning? 32 You shou avec or feds and ld them te news 331 it do the fire part of the lesson, but I did do the last half. 34 Would you ind ‘aking litle mre sol. 39 Alice mst have fede ep Yesterday. 36 Do you have to return? Can't you stay a while longer? ry 276 THE SHORT INRNTIVE AFTIR_ OBJECTS Complete pnts wih op Gigs and on infnive Renamer he aoe ‘Séplie sed ale theses he onal we fe ber, bap, (nue sno chs Review Bor 176 on ne 106 ble wing th oS, Ge Eafe example eal 1 id the foreman permit the men 4 leave before fveo'ock? ‘Yes, the foreman let the men lave before five o lock. 5 Does the gie's moths force ee 1 study everynight? 4 No, the girl's mothe doesn't make her study every nigh. ee ne a = {6 Did your friend help — ° Shoulda’e we remind thik 1 hed ‘Almost eveiyone expects 10 Why don't you make 11 Oue teacher won't let 12 The boys parents wanted 13 Werelly vo 14 Think we should watch 15 We finally had to ask a7 {WE PAST PARTICIPLE AFTER OBJECTS eg ge ey a lind he ae eva go of snd te Bk C5 Sat a we caps al. 1 Me. Wilton had the man take te tlephone ost ofthat ofc ‘Mr. Wilton bad th telephone taken out of Yat oe 2.1 go the man to delves all of tbe packages yeteay. 1 got all ofthe pathages delivered ested. ‘We ad the jor cep at old chi several day go. George ally gota mechani to Bx the motor of Ki Tbe a capente coves te Boles i ht wall oto Mx Kelly gt the butcher fo ct tbe met ito sal pe ‘We usualy have that man wash ou ar nce awed tm going to get him ochck tov opr very eal 9. You'd beer hive someone ait your bore ey #00, 10. Wihy dont we get te else to put te lig on ths wal? VL We relly cupit to have someone take tat od abbith away 12 Joo aid hed get someone to mal he ltr toon. 176 UNDERSTANDING TWO-WORD_VERES 278 ram heli of woads a te fp of the be at he come om fo fel te inlclcl tee-word fon fo et olwing ssn. ewe te Stee hing te sea diver omit sesenble lacus postpone return display epare to een” Feloer tele amine eet vi frente present submit ccspyfegure—olete 1 You will have to cat down your living expenses litle 2 Imus sink that matter ovr carefully before Tanewer you 5. That company is going to pa up + new building on this cornet. 44 Fis of all, the company will have to tar this building down. 5. The to gil ke afer their moter very much in appearance & Look each sentence over catfuly. Croton? the incorrect words, 7 Me, Foste’s new jab tem to feke ap all of his spre time We had to call off he pinicbecaute of the bad weather. 9 Link dat problem wl cl! for some very caefl planning. 10 Those books are overdue, When ae you going to sake them bark? ML When you make xp dat is for me, dont leave any names ont 12_Bveryone must ar is hi income tax eeport before Apri teeth 13. Tha woman cenanly tried very hard to abow off her new jewel. 14 Whee Iwas looking through my paper, came ares this piste, 15. sugges that you fal the matter over with your bots st ofall 16 Did the worker carryout the foreman’ instructions crea? 17 Isthe committee going to tare down Bis application for admission? 18. Should we go cee the leson now or put i off unl later tonight? 1 How many people do you expect to show up 2 the meeting tonight? 20 ahiak this storm will Bold p the fight to Washington and Mise 21 There ae same niceties here, Why don't you pick out ne oF 0? 22 Tried to inerupt the two men, but they won? om agsiag anyway. 2 Gar it ou right tis mite! You'e making too much nose! 24 Those thee letters are an abbreviation, ‘They stand for something 2. Our teachers strict. He won't stand for any nonsense in clas. ro 279 USING Two.WORD viRBS in te to Sink spams le ole te gn! web whe Bim eejeRemehbti thetrowrd we Scpanle OF ojos pron mom’ pretde te pide 1 Ifyou fad any unnecestry things on the list, cos them om 2. Tillike to see the Coles new house. Why don't we call om them? 5-1 submited an application, but the committee tured 4 We didnt arrive there uodl late because the bad weather held 5) You can't act that way here. No one io this group will sand 6 I dont know Mr, Nelson's addres, bot 1 ean find easy Lean ook Look it wp! enn it the telephone book. 7 A mised two asigaments T muse make ‘fore Monday. 81 think this blouse is your se. Why don't you try ? 9) He fel bad about his failure now, but hell get mn on 300. 10. Heres 2a appliation blink for you. Fil crea ET hate new shes because isso hed to break 12 Dont offer Me. Green any coffe. He doesn't care seal 13 Ifyou don't understand i ow, you'll probably figure late 14 T wrote the Lesson lastnight snd handed 15 Mes. Kelly had a good job, bt she gave 1G This coat is uch too warm. 1am gong to take 17 You should do things on tine. Don't put 18 Ifyou goto the second counter, the cer there will wait this morning to get marie 19 Bill bought some paper last week, but e's used seedy 20 IE that word doesn't belong there, why dont you take Ba 21. Since Fred could't find his mistakes, I pointed ote hin 22 You can ride to work with me TU cll at eight oldock 23. Your question wat embarsasing. Why did you bring ? 24 Ifyou keep on weating that sult everyday, youll weae = 25 Whenever you dont know a word, look in your dictions 26 If Peete doesn’ understand tat lesson, Tl go ‘with him 27 Lean’ find the papert now, but Tm sure I ean ae. 28 Ed is dependable. You can always count to help yo v8 PREPOSITIONS Wit TWO.WORD_VERIS 280 “Sippy the cones spon tm te Sank space Im ach pen Che your Be Sid he Ge the appnsie 1 Everyone laughed at a's joke, but I dda cateh on i 2. I done have # book today. May I look on you, please? 53. George relly goes in. tennis It hie favorite sport. 4 Before they hire anyone, they check up... is backround, 55 Ion’ see how you cin put up sch bad working conditions 6 When 1 was a child, once tried to run away... ome 7 The Coles ae probaly home tonight. Let's drop in ——- them 4 You should always do your best to get slong -. other people 9) We like to get away...» the city during the hot summer oaths 10 you walk fst, you can atch up them in the next block 1H The mote ofthe car won't start We have run out gas 12 Whee did you get back your vacation in France and aly? 13 Are you anxious to get back work after your vacation? 14 Do you and Martha plan to go back... Europe again next year? 15 People often look back... thee childhood a8 2 very happy time 16. Its impossible to do away... clasroom discipline completely. 17 What time did you get through —- your asigoment las ight? 18 Me. Kessedy sid that he was going t go abead —.. his plan. 19 Why doa't we get together him in order to discuss the plan? 20. Youll have to work hard to make up. the time you've lot 21 Te prefer not to play gl today. I really don't fel up ——. it 22 You should try o keep up... the other students ia your class 23 Be careful! Watch out. care whenever you cos the sree 24 they insist on it, T suppose well have to ive in. them. 25. Tdon' think Lcan get out. going @ that meeting tmorrow, 25 How is Me. Kovacs geting along — bis asswork these days? 27 Hang on that end ofthe box very tightly. Don't lt go of 28. That fellow violated the ules, but he apparent got away i 2 1 don't want to beak ia their conversation, Tl wait here 30. Gee away. that fence! Keep away those electical wires) BLT june cat go on this work any loge. Tm too discouraged, 19 231 woro on In mo gam he ov ad eins nm age (1 ot Gorn onder Pt the sentence cert whch eat the betta ets ‘eral ede, Do not Sd or simute ay weds ov errsios 1 Donald bought a [ green - litle } jewelry box for hs wile: 2 The man made a [plastic - square} cover for the box 55 Bred wr given tht [enasual «modem ] pocket watch 4 That moteur has [ aciet- Egyptian - valuable vases, 5 My lather always used a [ hing ~ long - bamboo ] pole 6 8 9 My [ sons friend's = chee } were all atthe meeting “The gu retuned [ to the library» promply ~ those books } ‘The wind takes [in the fll the lees = from the tees] ‘You can see [good programs - at night» on television ) 10 Mf. Meyer sts [ carefully ~ his lesions - every sight] 11 That fim exports [to India = mich machinery» every yest]. 12 The profesor dcstes [in class= to us ~ short sentences] 13 Mr. Smith sold [ to Bill Benson - his old exe - lst week J 14 ‘The man gave [ the money -eloctantly - the bill alee } 15 Anna had to go [ to schoo - ducing the war - with boys J 16 The Taylors were [ia Bogota - ls yar - for two months } 17 That employee gets [tothe ofce = every mocring «Inte ] 18 John worked [in Brook - for one year - in a factory J 19 Those people can't conceal [ forever - the tth = fem Ws } 20 ‘The man asked [ for the rent» in advance» the tenant] 21 L ated to take [right back «the ship-to my county ] 22 Hallowed himself [two years - completely - to fish it} 23 U hope [ my English - quickly «to improve ] by studying herd. 24 George said was [ yesterday - in the city - quite col } 25 Basball was [ in Europe - almost unknown - until the war J 26 These things semed [at fist» to me - quite unimportant] 27 is fete [to speak - cura «for me ~ Eaglish J 28 Toa’ know why [ didn't - sy - the man ] anything t9 me 29 Wha [ will. sxy- your fiends ] sbout this change in pos? 30 Mr. Cunningham does’ know whose [ that = cat ] BL When [ were - they ~ ia Pas J, they vsted the Louvre. 32 Where [have - gone all ofthe students) since fast week? \WoRD onDsn (2) 202 “pow cyte wars nd peeian wibla th Radka (] we a0 Bene oder Auf we Geer atcha i the bck ttt ‘Sel cic, Dees add or elimi any word) or expeine 1 Plerte suid he liked [ than television «better» movies} (Our dog Sok likes to play with a [subber- soft} bal 5 Tsu t[ has = ben - ied ~ never befoce this tne 4 How [can = believe = you } such a par excuse? 5 No-one here stems to know whose [ it» bile» that J {6 ‘When [did - are «your visitors} tthe tain sation? 7 in sre tat [ will be always] 2 ouree of dial 1 asked hee when [ had = frithed- her huhind ) the nok, 9 She explained [ agnin =the pat «tome «about verbs J 30 [haven't = Been ever = you] ite that famous building? 11 When [ have done = you ] that pat, sbow tt Mr, Shaw 12 The owner charged ur his (ssul = high ] pac fora 15. Ti tht you ae [ hat sel = 0 each = enough «all J 1 She inbred [fom in -n 193 «millon dlrs) 1 Teast think [0 improve «your pla = of anyway at all] 16 That author was [in England = wnkrown nt a yea 9 17 Judge Parker tac «[ leg = ew} concep i tha cae 18 How {could lrow » posi = they] aboot it 00? 19 Lea’ imagie how [ebld = koow = poly - they ] abou it 20. Yow caning [bythe door at the de: aout that 21 The ty bar [ wellorgeied - but wo ] compan 22 atk my frend Thomas what (leon = ode’ = J. 23 When [fad Siskel = Ale ber spec abe sat down 24 When [can - expect = ne] oar fom you regain this? 25 He said twas « [square wrapped in cth- jet - had 26 Who {can = explain» tat put] forthe ret of the students? 27 Shes & peson sbom { wll hve - you ] much confidence in. 28 ‘The [ along the edge -omaments «small } were removed. 2 Lara now mu | them al cst tpt Cana 29 Me matoned [ known hy everyone = man = Shakespeare 31 The Wilsons ie i ht [ Bg bck ] manson om the Bl 32 whee work But [ll ee eposibies»bosbands «Pave et 283, ‘worn omnes (2) “Toe onds ad cprciow ia tu fllowing ws won he cee ode, TE Sow spel sence cements Tne tht nora potions Do oe add elimass toy str er expeane Cape she fat ord Te ih sete, Sd UBD te proper pununfon be ted of the serene 1 everyday atthe school cafeteria - out lunch - we dont eat We dont eat our lanch at the reboo! cafeteria every day 2 those fellows will -semain how long - in Washington, D. C. 3) an offal = about tie ele - a question =the two men asked 4 Mhote name was Pras: lved at that time in Poland» weiter 5 the lowers to se» it's wondettal in the spring - come to lie 6 ace ine - the poise - and «the coat Sith the ted colar» withthe handle 17 this fine sport» don't = enjoy = why you Americans peas tll me 1s ttewng =O mam = th dg {only inthe winter - lives -in this part of the county ~ that bcd 9. totheir daughter for her birthday «2 bracelet «they sere 10 television » watches «seldom - during the afteacoa - my wife 11 for most artis «is - Paris to work - avery good place 12 those letters - yesterday - to Mr. Fox - delivered - the postman 13 the eat-to the country - drove last weekend -the two men 4s very interesting - on the table ~ of the glass bow! - the shape 15 today ~cold- iit - enough - fora heavy winter overcoat 16 was to me - the whole idea - new and unusual - something 17 the lage ted houte- i - Mr, Anderson's - next to ours 18 were Bnished - more than 50 the manager sud - in two days 19 the two witcaser - moved «the man - to his wife - closer 20 the examinations» 20 for = have = taken ~ how many students 21 to anyone's face = adds warm smile ~ always ~ chasm 22 to understand - was - for me» the last Lesson» very dial 23 two times - they have visited - inthe past week» that museum 24 to improve - the sdent - held have © stady harder - realized 25a very easy decision thats certainly ot 19 make - for anyone 26 cars at very high speeds «is exeemely dangerous - diving 27 what Me. Shaws had sid the students -confsed-for a whi we WonD onpen (4) 1 3 (pouty) 4 3 6 9 0 " 2 8 4 15 6 9 20 a 2 B 4 cS 6 7 = » x0 a 2 3 M ‘ach nese and Hd the aed word 0 he enone a Bw Pallet bees tale Sasa say cies wore [atmoxt} (ait) (reir) [ut [omy] {ato} (later) (rely) {ever} {ever (nor [eden be (Barty) {aly {beer} (uty {rh Tim (lone) (oley] (day) {ro (reve) [rw] (otter) {eur} (tate) (uteoy} [he mont} (dled) Ue [more] My fiend Albect got lost oa his way over here. Love, hat, and fear are sbetact words, How can you consider such pclae suggestion? We atend the schol programs on Tuesday night. He is eudying English atthe University of Texas. am teingt help you with your English eso, Does thir teacher ak them dificult question? We expect 10 visi Swine in the imme, Do the student in the cls live what he sid? [think he weote about tha subject before Flauber ‘Those stents used t complain about their wok 1 had to ask them to smoke in the other roo. ‘Ordinary people have that kindof oppor Have you heard anything fom Mr. and Mis. Fox? Te was so dusk we could se the signs along the road Plan your composition caretlly before you begin We will be able to undestnd our own castors. T don't agree with Me. Hasson that subject, Ym sate they contain exactly the sme materi ‘Thee i one more thing I mus tell you about ‘The two Cuban students have not been in Florida. ‘The teacher has 9 explain everthing carefully. Thad to study English geamunat, and I hated i Many people had suficiene interest i the subject. ‘That possbliy has been considered carefully ‘They have visited the Yellowstone National Pas Fred does his homework a the public Hbeary Doris coulda find her puse, and I couldnt, 1 ehik you'd beter change that Last statement ‘Why is that pare so dial fe you? ‘The pds hate mas what attracted my attention Gzeen submited eeport to his bossa once. ‘Do you chink that Howatd did 2 very good jb? His the teacher sid anthing to you about that? 183 235, re AVEER’ ‘Ma the eae wie ta J he Doak ypc W ence “There i 0 past of orld which Ihave not wsited. I ave te. dled through — thickest jongles of Afra and upper regions of “Amazon. Ihave been through —Tsj Malal, Vaca and Lesaing ‘Tower of Pisa. Ihave even gone to .Seven Wonders of Word [wonder if you can tell me names of seven gre seuctate in tis ‘group? T have been over —Cabs, Philippine Islands, — England, and Soviet Union. Thave touched. top of Empise State Buldig, pes fof --Mount Evert, and... range of Alpe, I ave drifted on Rhine Rive, Lake Vizora, Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Se, Gnd Gulf of Mico, Thave been dough reste of». New York, Beilin, and Singapore, Ihave wandesed through Balkan, .Neat Est and Scandinavian Peninsula. How many of thete things have you done? have passed through House of Parliament in. Great Bis through White House in — Washington, and through ..Keemlin ia Moscow. I have been to -.Colium in Rome, ».Acropoli in ‘Athens, —-Louvee in Par, Lenin's Tomb is —-Rusi, and ‘Statue of Libeny in ..New York Hatboc. 1 have been in Tess, laigest state in United States, in .enenvela, nother fate of South America, and in -Republic of Panama, spt by Panama Canal. Do you think that you cold locate all these place fo your map? T have been through Orient, over length of — Long Island, sand down Park Avense. I have taveled down — Missi’ Rives lover Island of Formosa, and around .enize Australian Continent TThave gone though sited Nations Building and Imperial Jopanese Palace. Theve been through all counties in — Americas, in all cts Jn Burope, ad from one end of. Bish Commonwesth to ote. Atthough have gone to ..Columbia University and ... MAT» ‘Saint Andeews, Oxford, and —Sothonne, —Univessiy of ~.G ifomia, Pennsylvania State College, and —Rensilaer Poytesie Institut, I did't Leen geography in these schools. Now can you gH® who Cam? wy musTaKE” 286 ‘Grea te, « oa for uk Hak foe Following wenn T lve ia stall ovte in county. There ie —small cy few rls sway. Going to —-cty is 80 problem unless you are ia bury, ‘There is bor which stops at litle gas sation opposite our house, but driver of —bus never caries natch or pays aay attention (0 printed schedule which be distibutes segulay. Theefoce, when 1 fave appointment or -imgostant engagement, 1 aever depend on ‘Weston Transporation Company (name of ~.bu line). ..weele go, [wanted to go ito city to buy -sie, However, I was expecting gst 10 come to spend evening with us, 90 I wanted to get back to r-house early. In order noe to ose any time, I deove t0 city. 1 pked in font of —oneour putking meter, When I retuened with suit, policeman was standiag there, meter indicated — violation, Thad been away move than hour. poicanan was puting —pstking ticket a car. T teed to persuade bim to tear up —tiket T som relzed this was ..1waseof time. When I wen to Court House week Inter, found out fine fo ..vilaton was five dll “TWE IMPORTANCE OF ADVERTISING” 237 ise «ot a fr eck Bank io Fling sion Tn mile of suse lye, ay wife ad Ewes out for Sunday drive Soc ie wast dy, we drone smo state beer, dita of 40 07 30 miles. “On way buck we sopped in ~rll village. We tad —sundvich and cup of colee in oly ceturit in illage, As we were leaving, we noticed Soule tad tanaged by «ad Indian “hee was wsiny paimed sign abone sand OF os, we went over {ee cerca he was selling pop’ name Was Basking Fox. ll Indian was reuing book, name of» book wat Modem ‘Meeting. We aid that twas ~-snprtane bok. bok bad taught imporoce of advertising He then told us tht he wa ging ta Soleine stand. He had odeed new neon sgn 4 rae tiny Bed oe. Alter we had let, tld my we that litle knowledge "Ad be dangerous thing 288 srrMe JNCK_OF ALL TRADES” "SUGAR, WATER, AND DUST” 201 ‘Add he ov of te lnk aces aco Bi ei ea ee led from ie long wine Iman has to be ..combination of carpenter, plumber, elec eee cman bas to be combination of carpenter, pl oe ein, and —achtest these days. When —leak develops pipe fr _alauet, head of family is expected to repait leak. If there 1B laced for new addition to house, his wife, —childtes, and _scighbors all expect bim to do hinself. If electrical wing feeds attention, jac of all trades (Father) is called by other members of family. One of ~ main seasons fr this is high cost of Services of carpenters, plumbers, tc. On other hand, men take pride in having ability or "knowhow to do these things 239, ue arTeR as ‘Add fe oo oo te Bk spaces mee -petion can have ..jnteresting life after age of 65, OF couse, this Gepends on person and —attude which be has toward life Here is example. man who had been in large company before retiring started - community center devoted to —interests of people over 6. He later sated - company for —members of community -compiny was succesful. Ii now one of largest distribu. “coutey. At age of 70, same man learned house, and wrote book tiled —Benef of automobile parts in foreign language, bile of Old Age 290 “THE JAGUAR AND THE WiLD P10” ‘Aad te a won Ua he Bank ope ne When hunters visit southwestem part of United States, tht often id large catike tacks along ground. These tacks are made by spotted jaguar, greatest hunter ofall ..North American ails and largest member of at family on American Continent..." animals have favorit food. —favoite food of. jagoaris wild Pi ld pigs move in —bands of fiten to twenty. They have outage and strength in group. Tonce read story about count and strength ofthese wild pigr story ponted out tha these pi sometimes even attack . human husters. AS — result, jaguar tt to find wild pig which has been sepacated from pack and aad wild pig 186 Sugar is one of most important plant products, Word sager applies to more than 100 dtintve substances, eah with scenic name. Sugar ‘mos commonly cbuained from plants is suctoe. When it has been reine, spar is cololess and odorless, Howeves, suger obtained from ‘ap of maple tee tases diferent from sugar devived fom juice of suger beet Impurities acount for difference in tate of two forms of sugar, Sogat is produced in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and. Ameria, Sagat which comes fr Cuba is largely cane agat, Sugar fom mid este pute of United States is lage beet sugar WATER Water is necessity for sustaining life ia plats and animale, Men have always been interested in nature of wits, At onetime, wate was considered to be element, Most water is dested from ocean dircly oc indirectly. Water which New Yorkers use does nt cime from Hudson River. Water used in New York homes comes fom large reservoirs. ‘Water in these eeservois i putifid, However, absolutely pure water is probably unknown. Lake water is elatvely pure, especialy in moun luinous regis. Most people think spring water ie pur. Howevet, water which comes from springs sometimes consis lage amounts of two types of salt. "Therlore, water in your springs should be analyzed, bust Dut is great inconvenience to housewives Iti difclt problem Dax causes hosewfe hous and hows of housenok week, To make things worse, dust always seme to settle in met inconceivable places ast which comes from chimneys seems to speead evecyuhere. Coal ist is one of wows types of dix to wpe up. In neighborhood where Te live, dist fom Ajax Factory in nest block causes us trouble. Edges, our windows ace coveted with dust n es than day. Dust on surfaces, Ff tables in cur apariment is ct quite so ifcale to remove. T know aracteriics of dust very well beause my wife frequently aks me "© wipe up dust on desks and bookcases in our apartment. 17 292 ‘ME FLAG _OF THE UNITED STATES” The ses th, « and aw hve Ben omit trem the flowing sin. "Saply the esse Sey aes Story of eign of flag of United States of America is interesting. OF courte, Bag has not always been sume ia appeacance. AS ature of ation changed, ppescance of Fag changed too. Various elements of present fag have diferet origins, Covntty was founded by people of otber lands who cane to New World to create new nation. People sho came brought tations across ocean to shore of America, Among tadtons they brought was that of wing ancient symbole on banners. Origin of patie of stars and sripes pues back into dacknes of history. Str is snbol of sky. Stipe is symbal of rays of light which cadatefeom sun. Through centuries, fom ancient to mderaciilizstion, ar and stipe have been cimon syabels co fags ce banners of nations, empires, companies and eten individual QUOTATIONS BY FAMOUS AMERICANS Ta hen ont fe fling gan Bet teteat Sig MotSa aa {1} ibeny, when it Begis to take roc, plat of rap growth (Gorge Washington [2] God wh gave ws eae os Ue at 8 tine “Thomas fifferion [3] Goods sony nvesent that ee fa, -DuidHeny Thorn [4) Sao nen beeen ack. Sel itt sect of ces slpb Waldo Emenon [3] One of gree tous of tng of oor courte hat Ben poring pit cal Coalge 6] Pit leon i cis i that ecient serene ssl tegin at home. “Care Ene Fgh (7) Sep tongue onl gl toa tat gows Kener wth contr i. Basing ving [8] OE Ais edhatin into et enprneot of ssn Sete [9] ie yrs bundle of He things. Olver Wendel Hotes (1) yet in democracy bese i ies ens of every hun bi Weodow Won {11} Not one etn tusund els down overwork Pil Neton USING THE WoRD SOME Seite ores a ana elas Sa a 1 hk dois eo iol it 2 etal gue a ae tocng on ee 3} LENS oy sig osama 1 RAS Sy i ue ae oe 3 iat end ot rng {a aed Swe tgs netomat and Galo : Alterna, the teacher made ~~. comments about oar mistake threeroom apartments in thit new building cost $300 9° He has wien... articles for mn magazines for tity years. 10 That Fifth Avenue sore alle —- inexpensive dothes, AL All ofthe children in dha family bave —-- unusual names, 12. Our English intocor wrote... examples on the blackboard USING THs WoRD OrHER 298 Tach veion dane one of tind Tome of thr for eh ante, ANOTHER, THE OTHER, ANY OTHER, SOME OTHER 1 That builing i aller than in the city of New York 2. Yes, those two examples ace core. Can you give me one? 3 Treceived lee fom any fend in Bail ay. 4 Are tere... quewions before we strt the next leon? 5. Yout composition is mich to thor. Write page of 0 6 [relly cant go sow. TIL have to go with you —— day. 7 Then well have to go on Monday, T doa't have the tie. day ANOTHER, THE OTHER, THE OTHERS, OTHER 1 had two copes of it originally, but I can't find 9. Childen shoud be taught how to get along with 10. Gan you think of vn example ofthe sume thing? 11 Here ze four boxes, but I can carey only two, Please bring 12 A student as much less Uberty there than jn ——--- counties 15H couected a few papers, but be had 10 tm £0 dD nan 14 There ate two teaons fr thi. You know the fst. Tl tell you — 9 296 PREPOSITIONS IN EXPRESSIONS OF TIME (1) ‘See he con prepotin fre lk of Banks in ech ater ere fete posites re bon ard expan te dere. Use any flog prone IN, ON, AT, BY, FOR, TO, FROM, UNTIL, SINCE, DURING 1 He atid the bout would be leaving the dock 25 minutes, 2 My friend Bill Alle mated his sweeteaet, the war 3) Mr. and Mrs, Harriton fave been in Colombia lst Avpus. 44 Those men have Been working onthe motor... thee houts now, 5. The contactor hopes to fish the entice job. Apel or My 6 The messenger wont get back here later chi #enoon 7 That student has been here the begining of the semeser, 8 We tink te thief broke into the hoose sometime the nigh. 19 She said she was going to ceturn to Detot the tenth of Angus 1 All of the gues had finished eating dinner... ten eck, U1 The Andersons lived in California two o thee yest, 12 Pierre made his fst ep to the United States —....Ocaber 1948 twelve mites fiteen minster 13. The tesin will leave Pennoyvania Staton 14 Wait right here for me. Ml only be away ~ 15. Ove friend Bob is arciving bee a week nent Satay. 16 Mr. Johnson sud dat the meeting would begin 6:30 hap, 17 nu yesteday [thought that the man hd rally eld us the tat 18 old my bos that I would be there an hour of more 19 Do you know i Hele’ parents plan to tay there... October 137 20 We haven't seen our friends the Moores last Tuesday. 21 Me, Foster worked there... quite late he evening 2 the time Uncle Robert gets your lets, i wll be to lat 2B. De, Westman’s office hours ate 10 a. 3 Po 24 The two children stayed awake leven o'lck last ght 25. The deer has never said 3 word about the mater... dhat Hime 26 You returned — Jly 1945. Iwas in the army... that ime 27 The clerk sid he would ty to have everthing ready =~ te 28 a ong tine, everyone wondeted if that method could be oe 29 -Mr Koval works in factory — the day and des ight 30. Our boss, Mr. Howell har worked fortis company the Wi BL Dean and Mis. Broa wl ein Oregon une ~— Sepenbe 90 [PREPOSITIONS IN EXPRESSIONS OF TIME 2) 2 Je the cove pepo for the link or Bagh in ach stench Seino pose be bth and exp he siflerence. Ue oly te (lowing prebes IN, ON, AT, BY, FOR, TO, PROM, UNTIL, SINCE, DURING 1 The doctor eas busy with another patient ou. the time 2 My wife and T make tips to nearby cites time time 3 nnn 90 ine all, he had leamed to speak English Avent 4 Just that moment, we heard a loud cash outside the house. 5 Once. 4 while I enjoy esting at = French eexaurat 6 Edward’ command of English it improving day... day. 7 Tdon't think Me, Holt plans to sty in Eaplnd very long The captsin ordered Sergeant Hardy to leave ——- once 9° Homard drask three or four cops of cofee ——. suceson 10 We got thee jot tine to see the end of the program. 11 We had taken stain onder fo gett he meting time 12 The distor has dei fo do something abot that =~ ls 13 the Begining, everthing seemed © be diel for ws. MT drove drown the meaning, Dorothy prepared dine, 15. ecasion, weeny sein 4 good Broadway pn. 16 Both ofthe men mere tying #0 speak... the sme tine. 17 the end, we desided that Hary wa ight aboot that mater. 1 Would you plese ty tobe much more careful. POW on 19 pee, Arthur is working 60 ove about the Gil We. 20 Tim ually completly exhasted —.. the end of the day 2 times, Lek a though T sol neve be able to Bn 22 Plc aubit your reports 10 me Thursday an the set Bs T could harly believe what he man had sid to me 2 Think your suggestion is probably the best one the long rn. 25 pe ite tne hi life, he did't argue aboot anything! 25 Do those men umally get pid the week the month? BU hope that these conditions wil be changed he four. 2 once, not one ofthe sess the class made 4 mistake, 2B We ely dont know whet expat one day an he ent 30 the past, people did great del of work by hand BL The gis ually go fr coffe tbe mide ofthe afternoon st 298 PREPOSITIONS IN EXPRESSIONS OF PLACE (1) [PREPOSITIONS IM EXPRESSIONS OF PLACE (2) 299 Sel the cous pep Fre Banko Bank in xh ence Bete ase seveal pomiilicy explan the siffennce in meaning aeuly 1 3 4 3 6 7 5 ° wo n 2 B “4 1s 6 ” » 2 * 2s 26 n es » 0 a 2 a ‘The tllest building... the wot is located —. New York City Wes 3th Sueet Madison Avenue and Pak Avene, ‘The busines offce is the Sith Boor. that building, Our ofce ik. 165 Main Suet. Its. the pow ofie. I diove the block slowly while Mastha ran the soe (Our friends drove wn. ut =n. their eat but they didn't se us ‘They meet us. the commer Broadway and 8th Steet always g9 oo Work oon Bos Do you tide. the bs to? Did Ed park his cat font... the hoste or. the deveway? Your friend can patk his cat —. the alley. 0x house. Wisconsin nom, the Univer ‘Malton Avene when I exw int, Joe is going — school the University The Smiths live West Chestnat Steet Mr. Kennedy was walking Pleate be carefull Walk —~ the sidewalk, not the eet, ‘They leave —. England —. the Queen Biabeth tomorrow. ‘They sop —— London thei way ——-- France and Italy ‘They plan to atsve —. London —... Tuewday of Wednesday. ‘Are you going to go — Spain... way .. New York ot Miami? TE you don’ deve faster, well arive =the tein station Ist (Mr. Gomez was bora Sow Americs, bat he moved... Cab. Bill and Tom deove -—- Washington .... New York. five heats. (Mr, Hazrisn parked the car. leas teen fet — the hyn Fred's sister sid be was't —— home. He must be -. schoo Thelieve Fred's... towa, He wasn't... town last week ‘That's igh. He weat Chicago a busines tp ast Monday Turn the lef. Me, Shaw's house isthe thd one ho ight ‘There are people who dont care for driving .. long tunnels How far is San Francie... Los Angeles = Kilometer? 1M. and Mes. Andetson live jst a few blocks = rank’ boost you cant get the house the door climb... «window ‘There are quite a few tees some sections. thie iy Father head the aise and rushed. dhe tai the basemest ‘A sudent South America has the apartnet right mine wor ‘ct th crc peonton fr the Bato Bins fc sence TF there Seine poker engl We aes te msnng ctl 1 Did you put those packager oon the drawer of the shel? 2 You aill'ind moch information the appendix this book 3. Did Dorothy hear it. the tio or See st... television? 4 The lesson this page i the easiest one. the whole book 5) The carpenter went and... the ladder thee of four times, {6 What time do you vsualy st ‘bed. the morning? 7 Bis roommate hong the photograph the wall his desk 8 A monkey escaped .. the x00. jumping —- avery high fence 9 When you are anay home, things always Seem more difcule 10 The bal fll, the chil’s baad and elled -... a chat 1 hin that Dave's brother was the army. thee yeas 12. He pointed the rope which bung ——- a hook far ou heads. 15. Catherine took her new dress the box very cazefully 4 He carid the box . the stars the attic. his shoulder 15. Harold sits... one side. Alice and James sts the ote. 16. Alice its Harold and James te Sis row —— seats 17 Thepart the foor the rag needs to be washed and waxed 18 the way ~ his offce, Mr. Brown has to come his allway 19) Please move the eis the asl, Theyre =. my way! 20 Texjoy sling 21 ‘There's some shade 22 The aisplane few the ocean, bat I prefer swimming. lakes. that tree, Lets st. the shade the heavy clouds in order to mis the storm. 2 The min dug many small holes... the ground the sidewalk 24 You shouldnt sleep... the groond . ight. 1s much too damp. 25 He added the words the bottom «the page 26 ‘The boys had to wait lie tn ge the Hck 27 the dick, couldnt read the word the sgn 28 Dont sip the shingles and fll ee root 29. Ther’ dst — the elges dose two windows 30 Fred put the ladder the side the building BL Allis fiends came. .the gradation ceremony. 32. The sudents relatives were... the audience too 38. The student looked handiome his ep and gow, 195 300 USEFUL 1OIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS COMMON IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS 301 {Ist eco peponton orth Wisc epee in eth ofthe elle Saar he coe pepsin fr Ue Kamae cease Flowing 1 Robert resembles his geundather —- many eipect 1 All all, we had 4 wondetfl ime duiog our visto. le eee eee ao 2. The elevator fat runing now. Te mt be ~ der, 3 He works very hard, or — enya, be ives tht inpreon, 3 cute, Ed ha ear the newt, fa he tld me abou it 4 Carol didnt sem to be exited" te lent shut the news ae era pac ig a a 5 The den sid had to tke est twelve ces 4 seme. oy ese eee are ee ee aaa 6 second shoght, peeps you ae sight boo hat mate. & Mr Bartha,” quite bony and coulda walt fot 7 You don like i do you? —-- the contrary I love 3 Would you like t go =. a walk the pack this alternoon? 4 ea thi is only temporary anbattate fr the other oe. ne er ees err cee 9 Were you able to make ute the Book I let you lat week? pire ieee alee eer 10 This tole delicate, that cate, well we cael 1h ae eo peer 11. ete anyone cals forme tl hin I be Bak Le ltt Fe) aay asprin eer 12 the event on» trouble, call me at my ofce immediately fel Gee paper ot alee else eee 13 Tim going toate tha mater wth him ce and al 13 Tes always beter to dy voeabulary connection reading, Se ac a mae st Me wn il ea oor dg nd a. 15. -— the momen, Me, Ber one danger a, lag hi 15, We ad to pospone the picnic account the bad weather, 3G — he oe fu 1 man ll my ote win tak gmc eine do sphg hoa 17 n= the other hand, 1 don't want to lose my good poston here 1 Tye amoral the gus on pag etl 18 The weather here ike the western my eountey some eat 8 They are going 0 go = Tnly 2 way 2 England and France 1B Wee s very pod plan. one thing to complied 18 They are ing tg = Tai Way = Eaglrdand Pe 20 4 wy, too bade did tke advantage the oppor 5 page es 21 Just ~~ hand cant think of any othe way to han tbe matt 21 Frank as to work night order to ean some extra money 22 Whats the wie telling him the truth? He woulda belie i 22 Du Me Reon pol Ma feet oe hou? 23 Well this patie cae, I believe that you are mistaken. 23 Weare ceil looking forward our tip. Hawa and Japan. Healy think hat Frank's sggetion i the qution Sr ped the wtaog bode Pag dat ths montng 25m sony, bt 1 dot have anything ~~ mind to snget eke. 25 Profesor Moore called my attention -- that partialae mistake 326 nthe Way what di ou think abou! te mone yousaw yesterday? 3g, POUSERS Dit nn ate teeny to anderstand. 27 with he woul ome. the point He never se what he tik 27 genera, tat i tae However, there are many exception. 28, Why don't we take a chance —- fiving ou frends athe Mbar7? ag THe veacher std we had to Team all these expesion Beat: 2 Profesor Moore takes great intrest communis aie Spence teats Pye 30 Prol sid Me. Fox was far the bes salesman in the company 30. Whats the mater” Howard? He scone to be voy 2967 31M tind want to get sid. is ca before be Teves for Mis freee tea eae pee ne eae et 32 Alls sudden, the man in the ca aad os po bi bakes Fo pee rar cee recep es 33. Me, Meyer tried to tanate the whole arte word word Oa) CELE ca eter eae eee 194 95 302 [VERBS WITH ALLIED PREPOSITIONS (1) mich thors. 2 Weert tnd oii te he 3 Why op gulp tse ah sal ate? 1 fl Mas es eel btn 5 Mr Howey tn some Geng =» on Ty loved ie ie tin png 5 Ai la igen oe ng pe MEd ite Ug tae > Soe tmp eh se se Mt I the tee ng Sapo mr en {2 Yon st pu spin ae My 13 Me Gen sh eld mtn id 4 Brot usd ee ete pr i se? 15 Pay ie enclng yo ag n {6 Thecrmaly neem peat pope hing se mtr 17 Toad a ah tty ig 15 Th wo compan gr hese Send oa °3 Ta enya yor macy Le hen con 2 Da be Sac oe company spc et pr pla? 2 Dap fly sed ng ty soe? 2 We spaced host hanks oe ome B weceert she omit hon eval we tpn 2M Dontyontnt jd scm je ple? 3 tay seg Statin str 2 fost atx cin a onde 8 ie ine 27 ter dnd on net a lw a on oe 2 twa oreo eg stig «i ny 5 Rote spuds sing tect 2 Tihats cayenne he mo gen ete 32 You really shouldn't boast ‘your success ‘other people 35-1 wy es Bing ta ae 196 VERBS WITH ALLIED PREPOSITIONS (2) 303 ‘tthe cre pepoitons forthe Bank ces te Flowing tne 1 That man ceminds me — my granites. 2 Lreally respect that man — his honesty. 3 red wos his brother @ great dea 4 Sometimes I wonder an that ery much 5 Well advise them our change in plans ‘ 1 5 ° RESSE, 87p, em going to apply a cbolarip thee ‘She will prot ———— her work in thi class. Fd better ware my friend... hat S000, that inthe font office, 10 Can you acount all the money you've spe since you served? 11 think tht well have to eliminate some names... those Lis 12. Sie ifs important, would you atend that mater right away? 13. Lrelly don’ see why you objet ovr suggestion $0 strongly. 1M Why don’ you plan. esting ws here shortly after ve oilock?™ 15 Unfortunately, couldn't think. anyeing to suggest a that tm, 16 You should think... thie mater carefully Beloee making a decision 17 think you ogi to apologize. Vigiia your eade remarks, 18 George i a dependable perton. You can eely im to lp you 19 When you read the newspapers, jou should watch tht arte 20. Father says i's hard fo ditinguish one make of car ——— anctbes, 21 Ion’ think ha they approve geting the money in that way, 22 Thomas has changed a por tudeat 2 goed one overnight 23. Some people seem to enjoy gosiping -—. other people's affairs 24 You should be able to interest dose people... Yur new invention. 25. Please dont lean that wal, Thete’s fresh paint that W 26. Frankly, I dont care to argue. you ~ tat pariulr subject 2A thie layer of paint will protect the wood the ran and snow. 28 Be sue to thank you host snd hostess having you to teie house 29. Could you supply us... sever ore copes of the announcement? 30. My fiend Artur i sl working... his novel about the Civil War. 31 His friends have constantly encouraged him hit difelt work 32 Arthur told me he hadn't decided a name for bis new novel et. 33 Alter you've done this page, refer the answers inthe appendix. You can inguire ww 308 ADISCTIVES WITH ALLIED PREPOSITIONS (1) “See he count prpaons forte Bok spacer i the fallowing seinen Were yous frends sucessful... geting loan from the Bank? Fim sure the explanation inthe book willbe quite cleat you ‘That type of Deiel motor is definicely superioe any oter type. Mes. Parker was very upset. the news of her father’s deth fm not familie. his name, but is face seems familiar —. me I certainly hope thet David ip wate —..all the peoblems involved ‘We were very grateful ou friends all oftheir asistance, My fend Howard is very eadusasc... his new equipment. Don't you thiak you should try to be friendly... our elasimater? 10 You should try tbe considerate... other people’ feelings 11 Tmconscious. thee flings, but I'm afraid offending them. 12 Mr. Anderson i eesponuible iting snd fring employees. 15. That type of musi quite popular teenage boys and gil 14 At present, my daly expenses are just about equal... my income 15. Fred is capable. doing beter work than he's doing a presen. 1G We wece very doubtful... hit ability to finish the job by hisel. 17 Ace you postive... tat? 1 Bod it extremely diiclt to believe! 18 Yes, merriain it. Why do you seem to be s septic «7 19. There's cally no need for you to be aes... the examination. 20 ‘The stident ace very ansous the result ofthe examination. 21M, Berg was proud. his good marks on the English examination 22 My plan is similar yous, but it’s quite different ...Pank’s 25 Ue this plan ie eatisfctory~.. yu, TD peesent it othe commie 24 Can you tel me how many men were absent. wotk Last week? 25. Pierce sid he had become qute fond —. American hamburgers! 25 We're sill hopefl hearing fom ou fiends before Sturay 21 Aer next weekend, Il be completely free all my wouties! 28 That fashion magazine fll. advertising for women's clothe 29° George it sill very loyal... ht frends despite their argument 30 That man’s personality makes him unt —. any higher posioe 31 Thin gloves like these arent very suitable that kind of work 52 He's generous. hs money He's generous giving to chasiti 33. A good basic knowledge of English is essential... advanced wok 198 [ADIECTIVES WITH ALLID PREPOSITIONS (2) 308 Sethe cnc opis forthe nk spices Te Tallonng > 1 My fends and 1 nee very happy the esas ofthe ton Ie Seed pte event hi bouvior tht he west ied 3-1 could tell his Fe that be wat very angry ome, 4. Re was ceainly kid. you belp me wth that iia wo 5 Well, ou were ey kind me whe asked ou foe soe Be {6 Tish Cael would tea vacation. Ie would Be god ist 1 Sait’ good pers to work —.. He's god is emp 8 you 10 come ti evening to lp ws with out #o Teva good ememberng peoples os 9 Unforunately, Tam 28 good profesor Moore i auays very patent. his English set Bll should subeit an application He’ eligible —- menbestip 12 Wes gute apparent. me tht be’ eng a cance tod 15. In my opinion, taveig by ai i pefeable eavelng byt 1M The salesman said tit overcoat was ential he otto" 1 Dorothy likes that ind of soap. She says it's ey ee Ba 16 Do you think ths drs appropriate. tat kind of 028%? 17 Teast understand why you're jelous ~~ your finds 18 Ke was thoughtful Martha to sed yu a it on your bith. 19 Fed said the weather was peist taking color photogrPt 20. You should try to be more toleant —-. other people's opines 21 Our foreman, Mr. Howell is aays very etal ~- ov ot 22. Mis, Wagner is dependent. her son Richard her iH 23. At the moment, one lla is roughly equivalent thre POS 24 Dogs are usually very faithful... their masters if treated propel 235 Youll find hat this too very sf. many ferent tHE 26 That sew product willbe avaiable... the public late nest YH" 27 The new mode is deitely inferie the ld one i my PER 28 Some teachers ate mace Hberal their stents than ote 29. Since it was the mans Bt offense the judge was lenient bi. 30. Don't you think 2 smaller woul be adequate our purr BL Feankly, {think Roger is incapable. handing such bard 32 aint i fine certs Kinds of surfaces, but moe = 33 The police wee picious the man's very peels Beha 306 PARTICIPLES WITH ALLIED PREPOSITIONS ‘eect cove prepeiions forthe Maa spice fs th flowing sees, “Allert suid he wat very ashamed his friend's bad anaes “Tom is very devoted hit work. He's well qualifed i too We feel very obligated. out friends — het kind assistance Although his ame i the same a8 mine, Tan not seated him. [Mary macried « wealthy man. She got cated... him lst June She mas engaged —— hin for tea months before they got mace [Now shes engaged —— decorating their new hore in North Pls. T cetaily hope Aatnur is prepared... 2 great deal of ein, Antu is quite acustomed «receiving etc by this time 10 The comments Antut's tends made were not plessing bie, 11 That textbook is intended... beginning and iateamediae students 12 don't think that Im acquainted — that paticular textbook 15 John was a0 ticed ll the hard work that e could hardly move. 14 The clerk said be was tired... heating complains day ater day. 15 Our conference was intecruted ~. telephone calls several ines. 1G. Kas confused... what to say. answer — his unusual question, 17” Barbaca has been very concerned her mother’s poor bealth 18 All the executives wete stongly opposed any radical changes 19 When I read that article, Iwas reminded -— 2 story by Fault 20. Mr. Moore i often taken. a stdent because he ook 50 young. 21 My English teacher sid he was quite stsfed my casswork 22 Paul is interested... geting some infomation about that cllege. 23 Of course, almon everyone was happy and excted the news 24 Me, Butke is employed... a large comporation a consultant 25 I don't think Mf, Anderon is convinced. Bat mas’s honest. 26 A targe amount of money wat stolen de Bak ding the night 27 The police sid a wellknown crininal was iavlved the bbe. 28 Iehink Marths was pleased —. the gilt 1 gave ber fr ber bith. 29D W.K. Davis is regarded te leading specialist in that ld 30. That hotels well koown it pleasant atmosphere and five food. 31 Me Millers expense account was incessed $2000. $3300 32 Don you think Mary's new spring cou is very Becoming Ber? 33 Tam very indebeed you all of your kindaess and attention 200 {THE PaapOsiIONS AY AND WITH 307 ‘Choose fy or wih for ech Bank space a i Flowing vnracee 1 Me, Wie ud tl ow psogaps had bea en Ger 2 Gauge nk al howe pote = a expe eames 5. fc tld me he motor ben uted a ve ood mene 4 Tre mene ws fi te ald ts opera al } eset leaf ey Tung ead ad pu inte moe 6 He adhe toc oud oak to wel bed and prs 7 We'voefightned the ad pls, At, Browns shes vow cnr med 3 Mpemaday"soparnnene kG 10 We flattered Jim a great deal of praise. _ 11 We fanered him _- telling bi nie ings ey 12 He ws vey dacd lof ow pase 13. Hacld snopes tt cmon adie U4 He aye tpg vey dae 13 Wewes samy ht momen re 16 Sieben toe vary er md bt the ered Bese 17 celeb Fn sae tu el per vey ply ie fenating ose, be nil Bane ver Poe ger. 19 Rigi ow, ean peck Engi olf a ea de of Sealy. 2B Horever he oer les mal undead ig is and The hols in ht wall were epied te pene ote. 2 The capone ove the hls in te wall ies of word 25 The pn sped te wall pung oad nt the Pl The aude tat Secs the bosom oe Eh c 55 They deorad Ge sine arian” ben ser 2% ‘The aioram ws aos deormed prety pase ltrs 2 Eb ougt we halle Ata ot emt bout is ok, 2 Do yok Arar ead er etm of is ork? 3 Yeu dy hak we offend Avr enn sock 2° Pa diepponted ne csbg lp es my prc 3 Aiough leu dnpid = brett soe hn 32 Yount ae Rone repaints about a a fe 35 Ward yous un png tte ings ot He? 308, THE PREPOSITIONS TO AND FOR ‘Fo he Taled nde Set ere dr object and ale prepontion Ieee for Review Betsy 8 and 6) on page 4 Dafne dong th ace 1 George gave me the box. 2 We bought Doris gilt. 3 My bother is going to leave me some money tonight 44 -My friend Jobn lent me seventen dolas on Feday aight 5 Ms, Facelli geting ber young deughter a glass of wate. 6 7 8 George gave the box to me. We bought « gift for Dov Me, and Mes. Harvey gave ay the theater tickers yesterday. ‘The dzecor offered she mas the best job inthe deparent. I think this new method saves asa ot of time and trouble 9 That student showed A Moore his homework before cass 10 Catherine's grandmother made her a bestifsl evening gown LL Me. Hass teaches American students Pench and Spanish 12 Howard handed me the newspaper and ponte to the hex. 15 Mes. Box bought bere « ew spring cout snd hat yesterday 14 Robert Wagner sold Toma bis old Ford eee weeks ag. 15 ‘The people gave as a grand demonstration when we atived. 1G The students sang ar some fll songs frm thee county. 17 Margaret's uncle built Pel and bor a beautiful new home 18 Would you please bring me the books just as soon as posible 19. Richard's cousin James found him a place to stay oveenght 20 Tcertsnly eget casing Tom and yw all of this trouble. 309 Arran ve APTERWARDIS) rw ror), Ua pn och of allowing ete ern eT ee ee sac Fiat of ll we bad dane togethe we ment tox movie We ment shopping fs fal. that we met oe ied Tango dowatown with you now sod fish my work Fist went to Grece and ly. that {ew to Pai. wn the last eleion we didnt heat any more aout thet Deane tht they had old wth th a all Ta we tad argued for while Bil Gnaly gave in to ST tht we edb bad any trouble wih ou eighboxs: TT tht flow sed me if Telly sean what Tad si we had sted that everthing ele seemed to be dest Seavovacn- J {THE WORDS AS, SUCH AS, AND LiKE 310 ‘Chae like forthe Bank spuce oe serene Inte tov sateen Ia eh eth ke ad 'eh cla be "Sd the empl eel 1 Me, Doe accompanied the president as a special eepeesntatve ‘This example is (just) “ie the oder one which you showed us. ‘The prope always wore dick clos lie Back, brown, and gry. rhe people always wore dark coloes sa ay black, brown, et. € uit diclt for a steanger me 9 meet Americans Close relatives... uncles, cousins, et. usally lived neaby. all of you know, ths is an extremely serous problem. (Cildood i. the very beautfl day which precedes stom 9. Father's behavior alvays served a good example for ut. 10. There is cally no ty inthe whole world»... New York all big cites, New York has its own special peoblems 12 Altera whit, it seemed to be the same —-v it had been before, 13. Talways chink that people... tht area menace to society 14) Everyday I spent on that ship wemed century © me. 15 Tvsh you would accept thi... token of our gettude 16 enjoyed all the school spores. soccer, baacbll and 0 forth, 17 A good teacher never treats his students... cildven, 18 on a former ofc, you ae ented to certain privileges. 19. That sciemist, .... many others, left his county on a BOY 20 In my country, we don't have nie appliances ....-~ dish washer. Arten ve tara an (Ga afro lat for the Bak oe Im each of the flowing eae Ad ‘om (7) to tee tenets ‘hese ney 1 We had a chance to speak 10 the men sono nthe evening. 2 We spoke to those men in thee ofce the meeting 3 Twant to speak to you oon. but I ean't do ight now. 4 Tm going to a meeting now but I can speak to you. eat 3 A litle while... he asked me what I intended to 34 6 4 litle while he eeturned with notebook in his hands 7 we had dicussed the matter he agreed with vs completely 8 the conference we mentioned tat matter to him again. 9 he sid that he would ty to meet ut. the leeaze 0 "had said that to hi I reslized tat ¥ ad made « mistake 205 312 “mus ure of A sruoen” ie te cet Tam oa Woh posi he log et. While I (walk) actos the cpus the the day, 1 (eet) nyo end Joe, whom 1 (ie, not) sce aly twentieth Nataly ve (top) (tall) to each oer fora few fiat ake bien how he (3) ia hit Clases this semester, He told me that e (tke) couse in English ths sete He fac that he (Complete) the elementary couse to semesters before, and by ext semester, be (be) teay. (ake) the most diet Engh course (ffs) 3% thi school Until now" he sid, "T_(ake, aways) the tele ces wich (ke) + mininuc etme pogtam for sfrign sunt. However, I (ercll) for teen or egheen cedts next semester. ‘Thea 1 (se tut) so much de. You se (teres) in (get) my degree a 000 ‘ posble” He abo sid tat be (ask, alread) is vor for pe ‘mition (lake) more cei the sex senexer, and his adie (ate) that (Be) ite posuble Baus he (ge) sch ood asi al of tis previous English clases Tam glad (hea) that you (Ike) such good progres 20 fe,” 1 (33) to fbn, Then Fahad im if he (tll) me the set of his succes. Before Tell ou what he (ep), T stould explain at John (Ge always) avery get stent OF caus, hs wll Be qt obvious to you when you (ead) the ext paragph, This is what he (39): “The set of my sues is spl, Pete. Fst of al, I elase (oealect) my sien as some sadens (do). [am always pepued (Cee) i class never pretend (koow) those tings which 1 (sul tn) yee arr ty (avid) (wite) the aigaments Tnever objet {0 (sod) the ine point of Elis german I ar avaye its in (learn) something new about the Engl language. Lest (30) € the movies with my frends i 1 recall (hae) new Ealsh Leso0 (study) alvaya manage (uly) at lst two ours a day. T never pitoff (st down) st my desk with ny textbook I dot heat (SY 8p) uti very late (Snish) my aignmente I dont mind (gv up) sy time fr sich an important thing 38 (learn) English This know 204 {TMU FE OF A STUDENT” (cont) a2 ‘edge (prove) (be) invaluable to me in the ftur. There! It it simple!” ‘You (think) that 1 (exaggerate) what John (S37). However, 1 (assure) you that it (be) the th. Wel, 1 tld Jon I (be, not) sure that hit method. (be) simple "But you (deserve) “a lot of fred for (work) 0 ard,” added, “I (think) you are very smart, (deve) all of your time to (improve) your Eaglih now. When you (Ge) ino the (advance) section next year, you (eile) how im portant it (be) (have) & good foundation ia Englih” OF course, 1 (ecouage) John (keep up) the good work to. I gave im te name ofthe book I (use) in my English cass several months eae. 1 0g seted that he (buy) it and (read) it Then we (discuss) what my teacher (tell) me about the course Joba (take) the (Fallow) semester, ‘After at, I mentioned to John that | (have) a litle dificuly with my couse in French at the moment. {tld him I (ake) the tame course the previous semester but (il) (pass) the nal examination, 1 ad mitted to bie that 1 (study, aot) very hard the lst semester. “Now Fealize how foolish that (be), I wish that I (be) more diligent last sees” Tai ‘After my explanation John felt sre that | (pass) my French course the previous semester #1 (study) regularly, OF course, 1 (eee) with him. Then I tld him about the conversation 1 (had) wth my French teacher, Me. Goulet, just before the examintion las semester. Me, Goulet had said, “Mr. Grimm, 1 know that you (touch, aot) a book since the time you (enroll) in this course.” Undoube ly you (lll) this (come) examination. You (force) (cepeat) this coure next semester. When that time (come) , you (do) mach better work than you (do) op to now!” ‘Alter (bear) that, Joa sid 9 me, “Right ow, fT (be) you, 1 (plan) (study) every nigh. You (get) good marks when you (be) in igh school. Ha fat, you (consider) (be) the best aden in your clase. Thete's no reason why you (get) good marks now:” 1 agreed and ‘Promised that 1 (work) bande in the fate, 205 APPENDIX MIASURIMENTS: ENGLISH AND METRIC EQUIVALENTS He canons MME LINEAR MEASURE yee en a tenane Ae is t fche 5 eos o set emine Aa Oe eS a5 Flos ie i fc 8 foe = WS mt eae 3 ie 1S feo 3° ey = tebe Sonn ach ia 1 sce & iy = tae 5 8g fe 1 cue 2 sey = ite oan Se 3 oe ee 3 Soe 32 © sha | ARE MEASURE 10 ten 20 twenty 100 one bundeed sat Soc 1 aque fn 1A gute bes = 929 ote om 200, two hundeed 10,000 ten thousand 2 squae yard 9 square feet (0836) square m. sie td inte SS Mel oxsne is Lea 2 Sey Date 2000 two thousand 1,000,000. one million 1 see site 0 ecres Fcdhspepe 1 Se ee {Se ue cm = nae ‘ith eleventh 2st twenty. fest 1 besos 7 : = fo gam, ay Seta Luguio MEASURE 13th thirteenth ‘Souh thirteth ae th fourteenth, “40th fortieth 4 ance (oz.) Ocul cm. ts. fftecath Soh Shc 1 US. pie (ee) 16 ances 2479 lier Tah siete Go sti 1 Ing. ot 2 cones 2391 he Om feces Sah Seah LEE een 5 TUE le ‘to Seek kat Soa 1 pe 2 np U8 te tom been Sah sch Pubs en 2 tute 2783 fe Sh GeonGah Sava 1 hey fen ‘mp. ga woe ay ie oy = apt Loser BS. que 4s, monstany uns DRY MEASURE (WRIT) bitis"(earen NONE coms (SLvER MoweY) = a5 Somme yan Sa Soy ye i = 20 aoe : ee ——r—“— ‘800 00 wy as as wee 1 fetes 5 re 8 nga $10.00 oF $10 ten dollars 10 oF TOY tem cents ie ‘901 Kilogr a Oo ae oe 1 Biognm (iz) = 000 ges te pnts $ 5.00 or $5 five dollars $08 or 5¢ five cents oe 2 oer ee vat srt sh te tle omy er te te ieee se sae oo Rare arin ea ae ar eeirooe $125 awe nt ne es ar and 2 oe Spree GS ASN Wert 38s itty che al oy IBSEN hae vt ied 030 ae hn at) sey nd yc, do pee COT Stal ol el stay ore Te tinny Teo Ninna pr [ass feraprahe ta peshoraln stor 206 aor TEMPERATURES: Fohronhelt ond Centigrade (Colson) Equivlonts ——FARRENTER —~FAHRENTETT ~+ CENTIGRADE Masi by 8. Deby AMIE. Sib 22 Magy by 8 Die by 9 THE DAYS OF THE WEEK Sindy ‘They Thareiy sty Moniey Weseray Feds THE SEASONS IN THE UNITED STATES ‘peng sani a wit Mant Jane Sepeemter Drenter Apa aly Chater aur iy ‘oot Noventer Feb [CALENDAR OF HOLIDAYS IM THE UNITED STATIS New You's Day a yt Tnole' Bialy Tr Ray 12 Waingon's Bie Febnaey 22 ater Sndey Ip March or Apel Mens Day Darna Independence Day ay a her Dap Tit Monday in Sprenbet Erte Dap Fat Tue ia Novenbee femtce Bey November ft ‘Tantnhag Day Lat Thay in Novebet Chien = December 2 (any ‘Aswan (Ain) ‘tse (Ase) Gites (ality {olrto. (Can) {Coane (Coon) Debrare (De!) eit (El) Gore (G1) Mais ty Iodine (nd) Konus (Kane) enc (3) sons (La) Maine (Me) Magiaed (4) caprrat Money ile Rock Steument Hafod Dover Talib ‘et Speinaile odin Dee Moines Topeta Font oe Roage Agua Arapais Masachets (Mass) Boson Madigan (Bch) Moneot (Man) Misiipps (Mi) Mince" (Mo) Montns (Mbt) Tang Jahon Jefenon Cy STATES OF THE UNITED STATES AND THEIR cAPrTALs Nebuida (Ne) Lal Nomis (Nev) Garon Cy [New Hampshire (SCHL) Conc New Josey (NJ). Teno New Mesto (NAC) Son Fe New Yoo (8). Altny Neth Gioia (S.C) Raleigh Nowh Dito (ND) Brack Oke Catena Otishara (Ok) Okla iy ‘Orgen (Ore) Salem Peanpain (Px) Harburg Rhode Is (RL) Providence Seuh Cain (6) Colaba Seah Dakoa (SD) Pree emesee (Team) Nadwille ‘Tea (Tee) asin Usk Sat take Cig Vermont (Vt) Monster Vigan (V8) Rican Wasbinton (Wash) Olimpia ‘West Vega (W.Va) Chareton Wisosia (Wis) Masion Wroming (Wyo) Cryenoe THE UNITED STATES — 1950 CENSUS ‘THE TEN LARGEST STATES. New York Caitoris Pessyania Minot hia Magn New Jesey Mascot New Cuan sasnasa rosagzs o4sso12 72376 7916627 amet ear 4833399 ‘e516 ‘THE TEN LARGEST CITIES New Yok N.Y. 12911554 segs 5193364 ae Angie, Gl 4.367911 Phindlpha, Pa 367,048 Dee, Mich no16197 Bown, Mas 2309986 eee, Ohio 1463311 Waning, DC 16089 ina, a npan3ts 2a 9309 9) i e2m9 a ‘et o¢ re eos epg sent etree ft vem sont og ore 24 out lo TASS Ve BATTOW AID (01) 8uaA aH weegprent] Me eat 2a Fay wart toaey | aoasaza | aoadad somroeremrat | SMM ¢ md? ont arog aon | anasaya salt sass (oanssye TATESY ares ‘araDiLava 80 aNTZD) sanunay WO OMo BML sve sununae oat e229 2489 (00) eeataun(ey | rasa = panok stam mt | GUNBERED 7 saat on (0) Seo) camera |e ae SArseva TATED, oe am “FALLINIGN 3 smoot ammo | aNaSEAL oat a =] wvinoan om a ae Papen = wwinosy wos ome ear | ad aor) °8) avaanas® ‘mor awe | mabsaw | ig ten ‘SHABA 40 Suva TaIDNId BAL BOTOD waaA HL SaSNL PERSONAL PRONOUNS AND ADJECTIVES SINGULAR COMMONLY USED IRRIOULAR VERBS Ho Je] fg Eaelelz| E)E|E i) i ARAB eid eR) ald] gal? so ae £12] 9 chun Gels Blais RHF lel ay o tt apie FA j 3 2 ele|iel | lelsle] HG ee 7 EGE Slaleieisle| lslegl E(P220 al)Y/3|=| |e]ela] els] HELE 8 3|f| S4 y-jeelale| [eel] Bled ee |e 5% 8 1385 Bh E GEER eRe, mee, | pak pte een fit ft emt | dea a as fing sng wang | Minton on the eastern | Bhd Pound Sound tech trap tage | ering Dag rung Set BSS ela a ae nae Shh is et ue the arth nein to Sn pt ge ee meet ene NOTE, Sinn geil ey Sele Tt SSO aay Sh se Sy a Se le HST ae Ga teee as areas a me COMMONLY USED CONTRACTIONS 1am to stvold od yon ae pave Spots jad ie Ber te ke tes ie we mt seal es A Thou oor Sat ie thes aoe ta Bete is coud at anki wo ie fun oot ah Fine, Fein PE fe, SEE? Os Bee 2S Spt tem) Boe one Pe ese) 12 ron ve tt tae) rd Gon Se Boe, au LUST OF COMMON ABBREVIATIONS AB. Bidder of Ane eM RB. Marth Tae cui | Gen, Tee nom, Miser of Sin fom Bceor of Ans icon a Science Cates coped Coat one ‘Sopare Coty ‘ale tease Coe fonj, norton ey rons, Carpnt Ba. cnr nbc ‘fecrtnt Sea Date of Ctanbia Decor of Dicaty actor of Dena! Srpry eget) Benownt Biber fon Soe tweve Be Decor Bie, Boor of See z ea Ea Elle, dies ELD, Bator Floaon Eek. Enplinr Engin Eup Eee fal, ind thes ms, Be Peer and 0 foot |B £ Facer ® fob ere on oud as fry moti Sie nin he ay Semicon fora games Bocce beset ose Reece: tha Ps ine ame pace aon seni Tape quote itdote Bre of Ls Peete ‘ere (OE saogs pene Limited ae iil ater of Ans Nir malts Barer of Medicine exter ich gener manana ‘eve al of Mr Si Mader Mikee Mion Pe Dime thle Cie.) 1 Biel ota ram tee Noonan wor LUST OF COMMON ABBREVIATIONS (Cont) ie. ork Rev ERD, + conty wo the cutor of sa nprpet to aes maa sone sorte SAIS ye coat Peteaph cS a of Piophy ee Pest Bia Repti: serene Real tet Timp name Ge a0 ole: May Tad you'r the need Sse conc sal vey Fre Delney Income and ingle BN, Ese, 5 ‘ay 'T ak toad fr run ate dt ste a Seg se = oe = = BE sas ae a mes Sais, ye on, i nly iol or cr won i Mr won St sof Pip ae United Sei, ‘rgb in poston than te speel. ac euplt May Ya you's union So ABBREVIATIONS: MONTHS AND DAYS Jouay Febny Marc Aue ok November Deenber 26 sn Mow Te Wel st ANSWERS FOR INTERMIDIATE SECTION (EXERCISES 1-126) 23 wide A wok 5 at 6 have 7 wets 8 we 9 sie 10 say 18 sen {a fed 13 calla 14 calles 33 He (Sh) faa of the important ete ‘ae (he inte eps ey ctl. 3 He (Sh) ha a pate say ton le (She) analy es the mn ce? He (Sh) eel he report wtar, 8 He (Sh) geste infomation fram Min Pees 9 He (She) nays gine the ‘eons 10 Me Wilan. 5 3 Det Do 5 Dor 6 Do {Bact © Bo $'De 10 Dees 11 Do 12 De 1} Do 14 Do 6. Udon ? deci dan 4 dont s deen 6 chat 7 dont 8 dona 9 dont 0 deat 11 doart In dane 15 doe ti'doet 3 ing 4 ne woking 5am loking $e liking Sat isenng 7 isting Wis aking 9 alg and wring 10 wot ing 1 ae studying 12 ae cling 13 ne fog 14 te sh making 93 png ate ating a wing te woking 7 4m watchog 6 ae nesing Sur king 10 cating TI ne calling Tes leng and weting 13 a taking and aghing 415 act watching dot wah dont dy 6 Studng 7 nt rsing 8 dose van 9 at eng 10 dana seats et It Ao ee 12 dont bear 15 dant ike 14 dog fave 23 Dot Are Doe 6 1s 4 Deer 1s 9 Dp 10 Are 11 Do Tz Dues 13 Do 14 Do 13-3 ooking sp 5 ae fing 6 speaks 7 es 8 enjoys 9 ate wang 10 works 14.3 Th 4 Those 3Ths'6 These) Those 8 Ths 9 Ts 17 tat 36 tone 19 that 20 hose 2 a bathe 25 those 43 Sh stying Rr lean with im 4 Thy eo) ‘xy ch. 5 He undetands i campy. 6 Thy Uke ten very ma 7 Do They ie 2? le the expaing th oat tothe? 9 ‘Tey ae king tnt 110 He i moving lo the her rum. 17.3 Franke Eogisn- 4 That fils ane ne 5 The gle new apart Me Bw son 7 Tht ‘Bins hater Thane men's cont) The sent Sok "10 Te aden fares. ti Tom Inends ster" 2 Peds paca howe 183 The ators otce "4 The le of the able. che pce of he at? 6 the Ie fend? 7 the Beh of that wall? 8 The momes cous 9 The face ofthe ube 10 The cower ofthe Book. 19 3 ie 4 our > ber Gite 7 my B your 03 hs A mioe 5 yous 6 hes 7 this 8 be 11 410 Hotootk "2 117 Bunch Se 3206 Cer St 4 siz Wor S. 26 They wus a wok 5 Mewar tn at deawers 6 She as in New Fos 7 Poor ey tacts & That mas 4 suipee 9. The men we 206 OMe, Mate war the, 27-3 berowed ") eaphned hed > be Geode 7 enjoyed § topped 90 4 Did Me and Me. Wilton vit he vende in Det 3 Dil i ace el the stan apes te usin? ar tnt snns shot Was fe ncesng? 7 Did Me Har explain te ‘eng shed he Wow teow fom Suh Aa ‘Being? a0 a abot) 2 of 35m Fam hn) 261027 with 2 of Jn ouy 9 to, for 30 or of (itu!) S20 MNT. sil 6 ay oe Pasied any mor dail Wa seedy 3 ye 6 aeay 7 pe 8 alent) 9 ye Yio i alcay > yes ill yet ll 627 aeady 120.3 too (al) iy te so (as) 9 an N2Y 1 dona 2 m5 Shee 4 1 3 She fa (See tot) 6 Woeret 7 fm 8 dust omit 10 nt 12 Wee TS le ta wnete15 Wises 16 Theres 17 Thats 18 dint 19 Whol 20 Weve 2." za wont 30 — 32 Ths pt (There ot) 33 havent 13> Willa fay Rb ly wT le went eM od Min Haney soy ae 9 Do you hays S10’ Dorothy 2 veer eat 11 Why dont ta tent eer tte 12 Me Wile re Fastin i Hive you ces lend 19 Te det savas i oe bere ed eS Hr Reo Toa 3mm Fo ehe movies with your fies athe lt doubly 4 "x the Tir for ee bors. “noe an "tine" 2 very well pow, 3 for 190 ou rey a gue ely the emigg RS. 2 her Tent = Nome So} Slag’ Ty pbk te oR our Redd es ‘witht soy SiBeuly yeteday 5 my. dionary from ty ede last ht Se much elle a Eckl thie mocmng lunch oh them afer te ‘pecing "126 2 her tiptoe ever tet 3. he wife Sowers neg woth Teeth tans the snd acs. 2th apr # ae fr Be things Be" Moore her mewn fe de, ANSWERS FOR ADVANCED SECTION (EXERCISES 127.912), 127 knows hae weed 3 ave ending trae 3 far Ine 6 Bas et Eatuted ue jut ben guadated) 7h epeong & he mae 9 eat {G'hove wen 1 clr 12 in wing 13 Dut ned 14 i eng 13. Be Caled "Van sald 7 ha worked Senpaed 4 hat Bem 3 pent 6 BATE a9 sever sen 7 eed 8 as saed 9 have spoken 19 wat 1 hve ted 15'ha ore sen 15 have oot (havent) foe 14 bad 19 hare ad 130.2 ree ing en ga bm outing = 7 Su stendy been ting V3" esl happy 3 god @ way, wel Spi god 6 qucly, cstonly 7 eal 196. cactly, out py 3 pp any Tbe bay's ‘tly, expensive 6) 7. ety 136 t no? na 3 hat 4 no an" ao ew ant) 8 hot (on ‘ro, dot (do out) 7 n0'8 in ast 9 ot 10 oat IT 90 12 at {s'rok mo 10a Dont 19 oot 437 it' ws moe el than. 12 eet pou 13 is theo pope ia Me ott She camace ofthe Bre payer 439° Tuch 2 ach 3 many 4 tach 3 ch Simany 7 much 8 muy 9 much ¥40 I? fon) oat to 6 fy TH {frm 9a 142 Tos any 8 --mie he Bah.” 9 beer tan to nis thvoughy 1a the bor of "td eater tan WS" et 16 Sees th 17 “aocoer hn. 18 the mow (at) lly of 3S} a ain thy. @ lim 3 mores) ley thn Ge ewe than ours"? the mot (ess) cable Of 8 nthe mot (is) ‘enemy of 9 —ore (le) area han {do 10 more (es) sl ee the wat of 2 theo Cli) ay den 1 hder than 148.3 psec Opened the two guages {Oar sors ot hava. 3 et comply bar teed oo fulding. 6S (ey, ce) dda sean ht room fly yorray. 7 Tie sen a ong the tk now V46 2 The rl Oped bythe stay rey Storing. 3 The propo siog onaeed bythe core ght sow. 4 Tat ot wil be complecd bythe my nest ys He babe ued [note depict by hs bs ¢ WH the sanoucenet be dtsed by Soper, Ta ining wi ot at in yay ‘api spoken by + luge aber of people” VAY Teas soe 2 ejoed 1b tghtt is eng coor > apples! & har tag il vide 8 ter sed 9 is bea sd 10 fas witen iw rome fected 93 wil Bong ‘Phare been wed 15 willbe Intel 1621 Ms Fold Scan 4 na 3 we ‘he Goth 7m 162 Thy die els be mae Se 5 wat 173 2.00 dang. 3m ling 4 on ping 5 shou long 6 0 008 7 oF stiying ae ding9onheving 10 abst (1) angng 1 fom ing 12 forming 13 for taking 4 of long 19 in gting Te Of ao) facing Bs omitg 1 et rang 1 ft Sat or) ‘sing Tsing 22 on esting 23 wig 110 betag 23 of eng B6 abot (ove) sttying 2 of (Ce) solving 28 foro bling 29 0 Sing 50 by witing 31 of tioning 5 Of working rere nung 39 by. (am) ‘nveting fr being 174.5 sping 416 tania wing 616 ere cle eying 9 tare 10 fare 1 hei 12 leg 13 too 1e'sing (wating 16 to gt 17 wing 18 to rare 19 Seog 30 lee ling 22 suing fo mtr 35'0 ny 20 ng 23 nae 26 ein 7k ning 28 19 erat 90 Gee po 9 125 Sa Po wv M0 haoing 11 t 2 wng 2 hing 9 ‘now 30 1 do 3 fo ge 32 t unsound 93 fo cage 177" Tang 2.0 a 4th» Legg [hich tre eed jonerty) 6 [ato gets cele ily. [7 [whese ae ver Thana | [ho fad olen the ewes | 1903. Whom (Who) ce Thomas ted rn wing fo? Be wm ne Fem and Fe wating? Wham {Givoy id Dat yong cole ge the cog fom? ‘Fm wham id tht Young couple pt the any 3 What bur Mc. Kenedy ined i money Teele war Eas Me" Keoedy invested hi money? 6 What page is at ‘ied ttc on? On wha page tat Gt tee? 9T 3 The Speer hat we Lntcoed fo menioed at ater 6 The wma the you wee {Bing stows fe now, The apatmeat that we lie ia son the twelfth {hora se toow the man who we (Oat) oak vey well 4 Theat fet) (a) he denag nw former Beloge! (0 9 Tpke to he Frofenr Sho (at) teacher tha bj yonerday 6 este leer (mic) fina) yor sured net dine? Y98 3 The fellow wing we Efwad is is omes4 Tht tok kow by alent al cen 9 The sower wal en tots seston insu The menage evel by thm ned the te 186 Sinponed 4 tonne doco 6 med Yexsing® len 198 Pita the tet wil be di | 3 [tat Sth wil be sen] (at Fos did't tke tnt movie] 3. [ot sb fe + dew ca?) 200. 9 [who a you tne seer} noun Uae [who atended "he ds} adive dae Sifehth you tot to mela weck | sjeive ine 6 at pou told he Asati )"poun cue 7" who te waking. wa Me. Brom] aleve {ince © fhe had mgseted te pln to tiem} oman cee 201. (Pc ‘Oney # wae asic hich ha shh hut 7 which & Wht 3 hich TO wich th wh 12 bik 1), what ih 19 whch 6 ht Boa "(rie sort ihe Cn ost ote Te seers 6 9. and 12) 208, Pee see fallow the itracion Tom a gies 3 (Tae costing ert net Pe et) dcr It ie ck Slit Wetgey 2001 The man sho (at) siting by the done ? Cloned word eo Teed) stm” of eden et aa oom mbee the Bend of Majors i fated. (A cooneing word i act ego)» Pas ty fo remember whut you dif (A ceasing ond Myo eeqeed) 7 The butcher ‘who (tht) snd ee the sia #8 onectng wor! toot regued) 9°T wonder whee bk and apes Toe WeT0 (A coonating wed is tetrogened) nS Teta cell You wher Qhey ave 6 Lets ask thon when thy ate levng. 9 Pee explan Snip you were shen 10 T cant ondeweand why yor det rte 11° Be {See why you Bught i 12 Can you Bnd et wh tht el faow i? 13 dart kaow who is dang the work. 14'Can you tell me who wrt sie <> 15 T cat iagiewho(s) thy ‘avited” 206. 3°T knew hat bse sid «Ny fend ehered Thaw gat 9 The sesppe ae Sata the profesor aught 6 Fred though the midets nee tlkng Tie aid the menives wee dacusing 209.3 1 hough ht Cale fad ever seen. 4 Bll side had frgoen. 5 Their bow reported th thy id had @ I ssuned tht you had had -21Q" Harald thought be could tis seer sid he would return. My frend tought weld Sc. '9 Me. Kahoman said he cold dep 101 soposed Walter would fish 11 "Johe sid jou ought to send 12 The mage indicat he sald be 205 ‘3 Bul asad than hes they weve ling 6 1 coulda Tnigine what 'be ‘had found. “He Girt know whowe ook tht wat "Bator Be tell you who would help to) 9 didet nk then when Uy (ald cone, 10_Did be exlin wip’ be tad been abet? TT Dida se Snenon nat ake wanted? 12 couldnt tenember which coe mies 15 Brows dist say hen we sould lene, 14 Did tbe ak bs bow such icon 15 T forgot 19 ask Bd how far was 216 ad 6 tling 7 id 8 fold 9 said 10 sid 1 au tld 42 ted 15 ty 14 el, ld 1 tld, eid 2175 1 aid (ht) I ceuldat andestund tov two eos i all '¢ Carine ‘aid (Uat) she tw thse two. git uty well 3 Gases tid me (Chat) hesbad to levee ice before S00" pam. 6 Me ‘hen aid (that) hs szeary todo fled he wok. 7 Gerke remake (ar) be colds fasily fish the wore by tat te 218. 3. The feeder sted how wel Mir Wang spoke Enplih. 4 The spent asked) when ‘linn! to lev for South Ameria, 5 ‘The woman shed me whece se nd the dnwtors ofie. 6 Fred sted me what T would fer hin for da (hs) tame. 7 The tesa sie hen be bad” ¥o tn that (Gis) ryan.” 219° 3 My end asked me if I ojjed my Eapish cate, My fiend sled me sbober or not Uexjayed my Eaglah dam The. die: filed if eyo old be teady to fre by tn. 3 Prank nked ef T fad piven the lees to Me. Wain. Pank aed. me wheter ee not T had ‘hea the lates to Mr. Wison, 290.3 The teuher told ut to write Oe few evo eavcies 4The ten deeced ur (Wom bee) to ra le the comer aed ive to blocks. 5 My feed ated met show Nn all Of the phowpaphs. 6 Me Laze's wife tld hin oot to leave he cat ot {Be dat. "226 6 40 (0 dat) 7 Reuse #20 (0 tat) 9 Sage 10 beet 320-6 10 7 50.8 wih 9 so 10 su 290.3 Me Walken Is supeingy Active altnughbe i gute ld. 4 Akiough wat ainiog, we went fot 4 ‘ale in the pk, 5" Athough be tno melleduaed that an ans good foskion. 6 that went spoke fuenly alhogh is vocabulary i like 38" 7 (she me mas slog the bred} 3 [Afr Tad asked ber ewe | Teco the get ative] > [When lt for work the morning | 6 (lsat weve sure about tat] 297 1 Me Carbon was tang fo anor ‘nab when Ina him fay? Ar was tong these, two ct ed by mw at fal sped. 9. When we me the Borer in 1984, they were long I Gevcand 4Our Engh ter pov asap cximinaton yeseray 3 The thy fell and fut hia while he war clog hr gee © By fe wae ving bis beast when | sopped a bin Bowe th’ mommng. 2981 Chics ws tng to Prletr bore when {sw hen? When the rodents earth tll they gt op and le 3 My fend Louse Bought 2 tew pag Cat lat weck 4 We were sll eng cur cone when Mr and Mes Holt Srived 9'Me Harey sued me atoit sy pls the net tine be saw ee Ghat a Pivot leaving for fone 4 student oped ie ie the ball” 264 1 ie draggin heady lee for ane when we ot tothe sore. 2 The Andesons mote inl thet ew apeenent it week, 3 The nex sine T ‘By George te bade deen ct''4 Dowty goed the che and rt ve De Duis yeep. 5 When fabn and I got tothe thee, the move fad aleady sane 6 When roe, Me Gilet tok tat hin ld Uniti 243 1 We wil od you 4 ep soon at we tie in Cig. 2"When Gestge comes this aernoon hel ing hs fords. 3 Me Geen til not lene the dice tl you cli hs 4 ml spat 900 boat tt Teter afer the meding teight 5 Ax son ar car pact seve thy we ml seve dinner 248" wll give 2 wil be cronang 3 wil be ating TSH erga Sit be ling 6 ll ty” 246. vet 2. wae cndrng 4 ck maching bad frgoten 3 fad laced (lene) "G7 wate to lee 4 ere'9aady 10 coroled 11, 12" bal Gnihed (Gnubed) ching 14 "Uecided tg 18 Bad never ein 1617 ejoyed visting 18,19 comers ‘aying 20,21" eeld jy Uving 22,25 bad aleaye hoped tod 4, 23 med tbe 26 fully spent 27,28 tas forced to feuro 2AT gat seh S's dona lke 7 pt 8 deide 251 4 wasted 5 kacw 6 bal 7 were 4 audit 258 3-bid een 4 Bud adel 3 Bad staid G bad nt Cac) Spent 7 bad ben 6 hud svied 288 3 1 wont Bother co al ou soles T Fat from Mt, Browa. 4 Ualew you age with him, Chis woul ea fgee 9 We care note to Me_ Senki ula be sens wh his aide 1 Untes you study hater, yoo ging fo fal the eamiation. 296 4d 5 tad sed 6 would ifr 7 hed Ben '260""5 a study 4 does tend 53 aid nish 60d give 7-do wear 8d apes “277 3 We bad th old ic tpnnd sve at go Gege fell go the motor oft at fred, S711 have te bok in tt wal conaed tomorow, Mes Kelly ft ato ito all pce 7 We sully hve our cat mated net Syst Si'm gong t pet five tors checked very Gel 278 1 ot owns teloe 2 thak over = comer 3 put up. eed 4 tat dove “Tolsh > take afer = soomile € lok ores exeming,crm at dee 5 take'op»ocapy al lf «cancel 9 cll for -raure 1 tke bu = (0 1 make up = prepare lave at om 13 ttn in= nome 13 show of - Sp 14 ane sos" dacveed 13 ae oer = dur 16 ay oat = ewe 17 fn down» eject 18 Bo vee" soi, pol af = pose 19 show SP 2 appa 20 hold up « dey 21 pice oot « st 22 ent on = contin 2s oat sop sod for seprsent 28 sand relents 270 9 foal i avo 4 held wrap sand ort 6 fod tot,’ up 7 ake them up 8 ion 9 get ert 10 fil ow Vt brea tenia ce foe 1275 dpue't ou 1 Bendel tit gave up 16 ake off 17 pa de ‘ff 18 wat co'you 19 wed up 20 tae Ko 24 pied hem tl 32 ll for you ® ig t op 20 wet eat 23 Kok uprd6 po reef ZT ra 20 th 26 St in 300 2 th 9 et Sth 6 rn Pom a wih 9 rm 10 with TD of 12 fran 13 to to 19 om (spon) {ore 17 wh I with 19 wih 20 foro. 22 wih 33 for Oh 25 of 25 wt () 271028 wih 29 on 30 fe, om 3 oh 2BT 1 hile free 2 sqare pase } uma! modem vile ane Bayan $ lon Etmtoo fing 6 fnends thee som tio’ toe to te Ubery pomp the leaves fom the wes nthe ill 12 sb etents to a 14 he ut collar te money tecuny 16 in Boga Tor two month las Ye Ts in a taco in Brot fer one yr a0 the huts tor theta it sane 21th hip Fi ck 0 ny ou 22 tw Ye eh ope 2 to improve my English gaily 4 gute col a he hy yea 20 eimparan foe at fst ar smo oe Englah coe 28 he Sa {Ea sy. 29 will your fends my 30 cht DN thy ere in Pah 32 hive al of the students gone “282.1 coves bt than son 3 has eer been. tied 9 the put ahot sobs to me apn 10 havent Jou tet Fen 13 tt enough Yo each Sat sl 13 of ay oy at al import our pan 8 could thy psy taow 19 ty cold poly know 20 Shon {ef ek byt Uae 2s tpt 2 tl Ib 25 Bae que cbjew weapgel in cls 20° Sakepene, a man knoe by tveyone 32 hasands uve all the tepensbtier 288° How log wil thant lows min i" Wishagio, D.C? 3 The two ncn ated an fal pen tt ha le A wee uw nanet Pt ed iPolnd tht tine. 315 wonderful se the ower cae te the se 6 The pune wih te une andthe cout wth al ate mine 7 Pre fell we why Jou Ametcio.dint enjoy tis fing sport. That rd Tere ‘his feof the county. oly in the winter 9 They set a bret tht daigher for ber birdy. "10" My wife sda aes teeisonabing Be atermonn "2861 Ate snot got lo” 2 ae ata ook. 3 How an yea pouty conse. ¢ We rly seas He Sah sing 61a ely ong 7 Does te tare sepa {tne the nanner 9" ealy Reve. 8 he even mre ea wire Pub) "Thon seden eves sed. compan 12 at to smoke. 15 We culd hardly see "16 Almay plane 19 aur owe Astana beet 0 stl doot apice 19. thy tlh cotain. 20 These 1s one eee thing 24 Not many pose 28 (ony the wore te names whieh rquee the etnie aide hive bee ccd hee) te Word the thckew jing, the uppers of the Attn, the Taf Ma, the Vaca the Leng Tower, te Sie Wonkette Wate ane ofthe sve grt sar, te Philip Inte Svcs Uno the op of tne Epc Sate Bling te ps fe whe age athe Alp the Rose het th alan Oran the Caen Ste Gal, te et te Blan, m4 the Near Eat, the Scninvin Pela te Howse, the White Howe, IKE Reena the Catan, ie Actpaiy the Lowe, the. Sue the large fe ithe Untied Sten the ohooh Repub Pana Cae Oreng, ihe Ieaghs the, Atnopps River the land the ete ‘ncaa Comnet the United NatoneDuiling” the Imperal Jpuose ‘Min, al he smut inthe Amerie all the i, the Break. Common Teall othe oben the "Soon he Unive, te wind 206. (Only Toe wart oc met whch reqite the deat’ indete‘etle have ‘ap ueleded hae) smal bute inte cous, sl cy few als, (Oe ips ms hur, sh, te Ute gustan, tbe deer of the ast Tah, te patel shel, sm appniment oe (sa) spr engagenet {Re Weston Trasortion Company. the sume ofthe Bs ie, a eck 280 the ci, a oes the een, the bane ee gage, the. 200. (Only those wor or numer hdr rogue the debit or nde ape have ben Inco hee) the tuthweses pst ofthe Usted Suen, along the pow, the sputed jgug, Degrees eter the hig member of the eat fay tn te Aetan ‘Conte, » toe fod, the favo fod of the jaa, the wild pa» sro. soy, the cosage and (Be) stength, the 0. as 1 foul the apun x wld pa pucks the wld pg 291. (Only those vous nancy ehid topire ieieare of Indefoe aele bive Been secs ee the most inportsot pat produc, The word sug with scenic une) The Sugar mon commonly okuined, the gat obied ftom the ap GFe maple tn the sugar dived fon the pce of the spe bet, the ‘Tieecs the few farmy the Ansan The par ich comes, The tht ftom the endwoten put of the United Sats -299" (Only tose werd ot umes hich rors Ne defite oc inefnte fave ben cided ete] 2 Pun [2] The god. a the mine Sine [3] the only iveimet (4) the Ast ete (5) One fie greater sources of the arent the plnerng spit {oye fs esn [9)°A sory fonue i the onl ged tal [a] he Bet Gay [o] spe bone [10] te eeey [11] + Senn’ 295 1 amy foie 2 moter Sant, te oer 4 soy ther 3. anater 6 some oer ercter) any eer the ther 9 other TO antbr 1 te ober 12 bet 296.1 in 2 ding 3 tase A for 5 by 6 wt 7 since 8 dating 900 10 by Tito (2 ie 297 Lat? fom, tim at hat 10 6 by 7 for 8a Ponti he i ad it Ao a sm 2 Tat) ai at 2 by, at 25 a 26-10 29 fo in 26 by, by 27 i 28 3 fom 3 ap 3 Une 3 ee) (cess, open) around lato (in) & by (pas), sn 7a (on), of 8 1, S29 it 10 in behind 1 Smo 12 0, by (oat, poe) 13 ao (Gy down) on in 13 for, 00 36 4, om 0-17 18, on 8 to, Df 15% aan 021 Kom, 22 a fam 23 at at 24 cue In 29, 9 25 fon 37 thaugh 28, 29 fam 39 int), ough, rou C2) 5i if dow the sas the bones (op th i fom te esr) 35 fram, oppte (ates, ove elo under) 2991 in on Pin of 3,00 (Grety on don, oy doen 6 aay io 70 above (over meat BY) rom, ty, one 9am ou fy ade otdennt) AT In for 2 1 CH ns fim stove 13 out of 4p the ste the aie (down the ee fom the ch, oa 13 anf e916 between, i of 17 of ander (unde) 16 om, 1 (om), svugh (down) 19 ost oi 20 ana ander (wernt). 22 above (ove, aund) 23 fy along (oe, by) 24 on, af 29 ah of 26 in (Go) 2 inom 28 0m off (Irom) 29 song on), of 30 apis, of 3 32 ln 33a 300 “Tin 2'on 3 at Soin 3 at Goon Tg 6 at 9 of 0 in 11 in 12 of 13 for 14 by 13 an of 16-08 17 on IB 1919 foe 20 iy of 21 olf 2 of 23 In 24 on of 29 in'25 by 7 t 28 19 3.90 by Bi of 32 of of 33 for 3011 in 2 out of 3 of, 4 before 5 8 8 in 7 foe Jn (hough) 8 for. in'9 at (behind), ca 10 of for 12 afer 15 i tri 1 fof 15 om of $6 der 170 om a 18 tr by, of 19 hs Bo in of 2a 28, of 23 fy to 24 by 391926 for 27 Ta 3 by 29 mt oF 50 wih 31, with 32 on 33 by 902.1 with, In 2 to, alow (over) 5 with abut (ote) to fr & inte, by, about (ore) 7 fr 8 with abot (ore ig, on) 9 wih (api), for 10 eam 1 of 12 10-39 i914 from (Gon) 1S Hom 16 to 20 som, anew 18 tm for 19 from 20 19 2 S52 2) of 24 shes 2 tom to 26 into (in) 27 from, a (oer), 25 fo 29 fom, aboat (3) 30 of 3 with 32 abet (of, t 33.08, fr LF foe 3 souk (oe) # abot 3 about (of) 6 for 1eom 8 stove (ct) 9 stout 10 fT) from 12 15 ft 14 on 15 of 16 abot 17 to for 18'en 19 for 20 fom 20 of 22 fram, to (ina) 29 abou 24 in 2 on (Gains), 26 wth abou (ovr) 27 fem 26 fr 29 with 30 00 31 in Stan 38 to 3041 ia’? to 310 4 over (ow) 5 wih 0 6 of 7, for shot (ova) 9 wih 10 af Ul of, of 12 for 13 with 14 to 19 of 16 af (about) 17 of 18" of (eat), of (bout) 19 of 20 abot (ver) 21 of 22", fom (Una) 29 19 (wih) 24 Fem 25 of 26 of 27 rom (ol) 26 of 29 to 30 for 31 for 52 mith, aout (2) 33 fr (o) 3051 abaut (er) 2 fram 3 from (oy, abst (oer) 4 of 3 10.6 for 7 fon to 8 of 3a 10 with 11 for 2 1, for 14 to 15 om 6 for 17 of (oe, thou) 18 of 19 foe 20 of 21 of 22 on, for 25 to 2 16-28 for 36 %0 27's 24 wah 29 wh 30 for 31 of 32 for, fr 38 of (hut) 306 1 of (over) 2 1, for 3, for 4 5.10.6 WT 8 for 9 10 1611 for 12" wih 13 fom 14 af 18 bp 16 abot (oer) int IT abut (over) 18 16 19 of 20 for 21 with 22 25 abut font) 2 by, 3825 of 26 from 277 in 26 nih 29 at 30 for frm, 32 33 te fe 907 by 2 th 3 bp with 9 by 6 with 7 by 8 with 9 by 10 wh 11 by 12 by 13 wih 14 by 15 by 308) 3_My bother i going to lve some money foe tonight My fond Jahn le svete alls to fe 00 Fed igh 3", Pall i peing «ge of wae fr et young dager 6 Me and 1g Harvey pve the ther cero ut ponray. 7 The rear ffered ‘he best jo te department to the man. PL thik this ‘sew method ses 1 "ot of me abd tole for wt 9 Tut tude showed is homework to Me" Moore Sfoe cate 10 Catherines gandnather mace Seat evening (owe for bee 209 I aiennde 2 ate 3 aerate A afer 9 ater 6 ae ‘Pads afer tate 9 acai 10 ater BVO. 3 ke Gath m (ke) 7 ike 9 arto lie tt ike 12 a0 SUA 1 nee 2 afer $fer ater 3 Uae 6 iter afer air 9 er, ae 10 ater 26

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