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APRIL 2019
(TSh1,000, USh2,000)


TSC blasts Jubilee

for frequent strikes
Commission says Sh11bn over 5 years needed to make Education sector A+ PG 4/5
Mother tells
of generous
and loving

Ivy Wangechi who was brutally

murdered /FILE
PAGE 2 EASTER RITUAL: Faithful holding palm fronds parade to mark Palm Sunday at Holy Ghost Cathedral in Mombasa yesterday / JOHN CHESOLI


Brace for burning Shocker: Sh9bn Auditor says Spurned lover

temperatures budget cut for 20,000 new units who hacked Ivy
this week — Met wasteful counties urgently needed goes to court
2 THE-STAR.CO.KE Monday, April 15, 2019


‘Sweetest Ivy’ a family

KDF chief’s term
expires this week
role model, says mother STAR REPORTER/ Chief of Defence Forces Samson
Mwathethe’s term expires on Thursday after serving

Bloggers condemned for creating a slay queen they don’t know four years.
Mwathethe is a naval officer and is supposed to be
replaced by his deputy Lit Gen Robert Kimbochi of
the Kenya Army.
The KDF Act states that the Chief of Defence Forc-
MOSES ODHIAMBO es, his deputy and service commanders to serve a
@MosesAliwa single term of four years or retire upon the attaining
of the mandatory age. The law gives the President
For Winfred Waithera, mother of powers to extend the term of office of military chiefs
slain Moi University student Ivy for a period not exceeding one year.
Wangechi, the day she received a Mwathethe was appointed on 17 April 2015. In
call from the school’s health sci- military tradition, the top seat is held in rotation by
ence dean remains the darkest in officers from Navy, Airforce and the Army.
her life. He replaced Julius Karangi from Kenya Airforce
She told journalists at the fam- and the next CDF should be the senior most Kenya
ily home in Makongeni Phase 10 Army officer – Kimbochi.
Estate in Thika yesterday that the Mwathethe has held various command appoint-
departed student was the family’s ments such as Vice Chief of the Defence Forces,
role model. Navy Commander, Deputy Navy Commander and
Waithera recounted that when Navy logistics Commander.
she got to the university, her Karangi was appointed on July 13, 2011 and
daughter’s friends told her of how served upto May 4 2015.
Ivy, as was nearly becoming a tra-
dition in their relationship, was to
bring her gifts for Easter. DISPUTE WITH UGANDA
“She was my mentor and care-
taker. I don’t know how tomorrow
will turn to be without my sweetest
Take Migingo row
Ivy,” she said in her eulogy.
The student was brutally killed
last Tuesday by a man who claimed
to ICJ, Uhuru urged
to be her boyfriend.
Naftali Kinuthia attacked Ivy MANUEL ODENY/ President Uhuru Kenyatta has been
outside Moi Teaching and Referral asked to take the Migingo island ownership dispute
Hospital where she worked. to the International Court of Justice.
He stormed the premises bran- Siaya Senator James Orengo says Uhuru should
dishing a brand new axe. seek redress at the ICJ the same way Somalia has
Waithera said her daughter was done in its border row with Kenya.
fond of bringing her pairs of ear- “The question of Migingo being in the territory of
rings, a purse or a bottle of per- Kenya is undisputed; we need to resolve the issue at
fume. the International Court of Justice,” Orengo said.
“She was a great girl,” a tearful He said he is ready “ to offer free legal services as
Waithera said, adding that Ivy had senior counsel to Kenya.”
a great sense of fashion. The senator was addressing a fundsdrive at
“Ivy could easily combine fash- Ivy Wangeci who was brutally murdered last week /COURTESY Pe-Hill High School on Friday. The convener of the
ion and medicine,” Waithera told function was East African Legislative Assembly MP
reporters. body they did not know and had day next week at her parents’ home Oburu Odinga, an old boy of the institution.
The family condemned social no reason to attack,” Waithera said. in Mahiga, Nyeri county. On March 27, Ugandan President Yoweri Mu-
media bloggers for “creating the “As her mother, I want to state They said they have let justice seveni made a two-day visit to Kenya and he and
image of a Wangechi they did not that no one paid her fees apart take its course adding that they be- Uhuru agreed to address the Migingo issue.
know.” from her parents and the govern- lieve the police will act on the mat- Migingo is a one-acre island strategically located
They accused the lot of spreading ment through the Joint Admissions ter diligently. in Lake Victoria. The population is mainly Kenyan
lies about their daughter, causing Board. She never deferred her stud- “The law must take its course. fishermen but it is policed by Ugandan security
the family a lot of pain and distress. ies and never sat a supplementary It’s not for us as a family to define forces.
“These character vandals went exam.” which way it should go,” John The Ugandan government deployed security forc-
out there spreading false and dam- The family announced that the King’ori, the family’s spokesper- es more than 10 years ago to rid the island of armed
aging information about some- student’s burial is slated for Thurs- son, said. pirates who had been terrorising fisherman.


TODAY’S QUESTION Ruto allies slam Atwoli

Do you support the decision
to recall Cuban doctors in
over 2022 candidature
Northeastern after Kidnap? STAR TEAM/ Allies of Deputy Presi-
dent William Ruto yesterday took
woli said amid cheers.
“When 2022 comes, you won’t
a swipe at Central Organisation of see Ruto anywhere. He won’t be
Trade Union boss Francis Atwoli the President, Deputy President,
for saying the DP will not be on the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime
presidential ballot in 2022. Minister or the rest. Only those
Is Jubilee secretary general On Saturday, Atwoli said in standing for justice will have their
Deputy President William Ruto (R) with MPs Benjamin Washiali and
Dan Wanyama in Kakamega yesterday /DPPS
Raphael Tuju trying to Lamu, “I want to tell you one names featured.”
thing, come 2022, Ruto will not be He asked the DP to “find some- cised call for a referendum, Ruto still stands as the best
Sabotage DP Ruto? there.”(“Mimi nataka kuwambia thing useful to do and stop lying to presidential material to take over from President Ken-
kitu kimoja, jina la William Samoei Kenyans as he would never lead.” yatta,” the MP said.
YES 45%
Ruto haitakuwako.” Kipkelion East MP Joseph Limo But In Kakamega where the DP was attending a
“You can take it to the bank for said Ruto still remains the best bet church service, MPs from Western Kenya told off At-
free, na hiyo sio mambo yangu, to succeed President Uhuru Ken- woli. “How does Atwoli know he will be there in
usijukue kama ni mambo yangu. yatta in 2022. 2022? It’s God who elects leaders and we want to tell
NO 55 %
Haya ni mambo ya mwenyezi Mun- “With or without the amendment him (Atwoli) that Ruto will be Kenya’s fifth president,”
gu mumba inchi, Mungu aliye ni of a new Constitution ahead of the Mumias East MP and National Assembly Majority
umba mimi akanileta hapa...,”At- next election in the much-publi- Whip Benjamin Washiali said.
Monday, April 15, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 3


Brace for hot weather
Rainfall expected in a few areas in Western and Lake Victoria region
Flash floods in
Siaya after it
rained yesterday
as 17 counties face starvation and water shortage, says Met

Hot and dry conditions are ex-

pected in most parts of the coun-
try today, the Meteorological De-
partment has said.
However, rainfall is expected in
a few areas in Western and Lake
Victoria regions. POLITICAL
A forecast shared with the Star GOSSIP
by Kenya Meteorological Depart-
Who is doing what
ment acting director Stella Aura and where in the
shows strong winds of 25 knots ( world of politics
12.5m/s) and above are expected
over Turkana and Marsabit.
In Nyeri, Muranga, Kirinyaga,
Embu, Meru, Kiambu, Tharaka
Nithi, Laikipia, Nyandarua and WHAT could Deputy President William Ruto
Nairobi, showers were expected (pictured) have done to warrant underground
over few areas last night. attacks by a Chief Administrative Secretary?
On Monday afternoon showers The former MP is said to be right at the nerve
are expected over a few areas, the centre of those scheming and mobilising re-
12-hour forecast shows. partly cloudy conditions were ex- With support of the Danish Red
pected last night. Cross, the society will roll out a
sources for a team of politicians campaigning
Showers and thunderstorms
were expected last night in the There will be showers over few cash transfer programme target- against Ruto succeeding President Uhuru Ken-
counties of Kakamega, Vihiga, areas today in the morning before ing 1,200 households in Turkana yatta. During Jubilee Party campaigns in 2017
Busia, Bungoma, Kisumu, Kisii, paving the way for sunny intervals county for three months. and even before the handshake between Uhuru
Siaya, Homabay, Kericho, Nandi, in the afternoon. KRCS has appealed for help for and ODM party leader Raila Odinga in March last
Bomet, Nakuru, West Pokot, El- Red Cross says the effects of be- 50,000 households in 17 counties year, Ruto was the darling of the former MP
geyo Marakwet, Baringo, Uasin low average October–December up to September. and she defended him fiercely. And it was Ruto
Gishu, Trans Nzoia and Narok. short rains last year continue to be The society also plans to distrib- who pushed for her appointment as CAS. What
Sunny intervals are expected in experienced in many parts of the ute food where cash transfer is not has changed?
the morning before paving way for country, with the food security sit- feasible. Some 10,000 households
showers and thunderstorms over uation continuing to deteriorate. are targeted.
a few places in the afternoon. So far 17 counties are particular- KRCS will rehabilitate 20 com-
IS a subcounty land officer in Kisumu too
Turkana and Samburu were ly hard hit.The National Drought munity water facilities and dis- powerful even to dismiss directives from Ardhi
expected to be partly cloudy last Management Authority says over tribute water treatment chemi- House? Well, the officer who has overstayed
night.Sunny intervals are predict- 1.1 million people require urgent cals to 20,000 households. Some in the station is a law unto himself. Nobody, not
ed the whole day today. food support. 25,000 households will be target- even the local administration, dares challenge
Marsabit, Garissa, Mandera, KRCS says the delayed onset ed for health and nutrition relief. his irregular directives and the unlawful fees he
Wajir and Isiolo were expected to of the March-May rain season is A Ministry of Health report charges clients who flock his office for the cru-
be partly cloudy last night. worsening the situation, making it shows that at 91,740 children in SOME 1.1 cial government services. Moles in the office tell
In the counties of Machakos, difficult for affected communities arid and semi-arid areas are under
Makueni, Kitui, Taita Taveta and to recover. The KRCS has rolled out severe malnutrition. MILLION Corridors the officer has ignored a record ten
transfer letters moving him from the station.
Kajiado partly cloudy conditions cash transfers in eight most affect-
ed counties with support of the
On Thursday, Agriculture CS
Mwangi Kiunjuri warned that the
PEOPLE He is said to be a member of a powerful cartel
were expected last night.
Sunny intervals are expected to- British Red Cross. current maize stocks can only last REQUIRE operating from Ardhi House.
day in the morning and afternoon.
In Kwale, Mombasa, Kilifi,
The counties are Turkana,
Marsabit, Samburu, Isiolo, Garis-
for five months. Kiunjuri said the
country has about 21 million bags,
URGENT A businessman who is a director of a sof-
Lamu and Tana River counties, sa, Wajir, Mandera and Tana River. most of them still with farmers. SUPPORT tware company that was awarded a tender
by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries

CARTOON Commission in the run-up to the 2017 general

elections is a worried man. Reason? The man
had used a senior official at the electoral
agency to have his company slotted for a lu-
crative job to do with the candidates that were
contesting for various positions with a promise
that he would reward them. After the company
was given the green light to provide the service
and was paid, the man began dodging the
junior officials who would have benefitted. Just
last week, the officials met at a city hotel to
brainstorm on how to expose the whole deal to
the public and the Directorate of Criminal Inves-
tigations. According to a mole, the businessman
has been daring the junior officials to take the
matter to wherever they think, as he is too

ARE foreign interests at the heart of a push

for a merger or take over of one of the key
state organisations? The merger or take over
seems to have nothing beneficial for either the
parties involved or Kenyans if what Corridors
has learned is anything to go by. Some of the
ardent proponents of the merger are doing so
with the motivation of huge kickbacks from
foreign agents. If the deal goes through, the fo-
reign agents have promised to pay Sh3 million
monthly to every supporter for the next three
4 THE-STAR.CO.KE Monday, April 15, 2019


Pupils learn
in makeshift
classrooms in
Kitui  /FILE TSC blasts Jubilee
for frequent strikes
Employer says Sh5bn needed over 5 years for world-class system
BY IMENDE BENJAMIN/ The Teach- The government has been keen support services to teachers,” the ment says it can only provide Sh3.4
ers Service Commission has sharp- on ensuring free primary edu- draft plan says. billion to the TSC for specific proj-
ly criticised the national govern- cation, 100 per cent transition to TSC said it requires Sh11 billion ects, which the union says it needs
ment’s education policies, saying secondary schools and affordable over the next five years to initiate in the next five years.
they are a cause of the frequent secondary education. reforms, enhance service delivery Documents obtained by Star
calls for teachers strikes, failed But the TSC says the measures and provide a world-class educa- showed that the government this
projects and low-quality educa- aiming to reform the sector have tion system. year provided Sh31 million for
tion. compromised the quality of edu- The commission is calling for teacher competency, conduct, and
In its strategic plan ( 2019-2023 cation. more consultations among stake- performance and Sh662 million for
), the teachers’ employer says the The new plan was developed af- holders, increased funding and service delivery reengineering.
policy framework has caused low ter an audit of the 2014-2019 stra- recruitment of more teachers to However, no monies were pro-
morale among teachers, compro- tegic plan, which found that the enhance reforms, more investment vided to fund reforms and innova-
mising the quality of education. education sector was unstable be- in technology, better payment of tion in the education sector.
“The Strategic Plan is a deliberate cause of low funding, weak laws, teachers, enhanced supervision The commission had requested
measure to transform the teaching political interference, low teach- and capacity building. Sh721 million for teacher compe-
service while also amplifying the ers’ morale, industrial unrest, poor The TSC also wants a “vibrant tency, conduct, and performance,
legal and statutory provisions in teacher-to-student ratio and union innovation platform”, realignment Sh866 million for reforms and
the execution of its mandate,” TSC agitation. of laws to support teachers’ promo- innovation and Sh970 million for
boss Lydia Nzomo said. “Of particular concern is a short- tion and grading, as well as build- service delivery and reengineering.
The report cites poor planning, age of staff at the county, sub-coun- ing a strong structure that supports The funds for reforms and inno-
lack of consultation and under- ty and zonal levels. This adversely the high number of students and vations were meant to fund projects
funding when coming up with affects supervision of curriculum teachers. such as performance contracting,
policies. implementation and provision of However, the national govern- teacher performance appraisal and
Monday, April 15, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 5


development, the roll-out of teach-
ers’ professional development pol-
largely determines or influences
the quality of education, hence,
the escalating crisis.
TSC further said the transfer pol-
ment of teachers was not support-
ed by current existing policy and COMMENT
icy framework and teacher’ profes- contributing to the national devel- icy was facing multiple challenges legal framework for consistency.
sional development framework. opment agenda,” TSC said. among them teachers’ reluctance “Teachers face limited opportu- BY NANCY MACHARIA
The trade unions have already The commission attributed the to serve in other counties, insecu- nities for growth that lead to stag-
threatened nationwide teachers’
strikes, arguing the government
teacher shortage to rapid growth
in school enrolment attributable
rity and political/stakeholder in-
nation, a de-motivated teaching
force and high turnover, which has Our strategic
was rushing to implement the
projects without proper planning.
to the implementation of the Free
Primary Education, Affordable
Others are an unwillingness of
teachers to be separated from their
created instability in the provision
of teaching services,” the policy plan for
“However, in the case of TSC, the
recruitment has been largely con-
Day Secondary School Education
programs and the establishment of
families and medical consider-
Budgetary constraints failed to excellence
strained by the limited budgetary new schools. The rapid establishment of new recognise teachers for exemplary

provisions from the national gov- The TSC said insufficient school schools constrained the distribu- performance, while the increased he Teachers Service
ernment,” the strategic plan states. infrastructure denied students tion and utilisation of the teaching number of registered teachers led Commission was established
Others are Teacher Performance, good learning facilities and materi- resource, thus affecting curricu- to the rise in indiscipline that calls by the Constitution of Kenya
Appraisal and Development in- als to realise their potential. lum implementation. There was for enhanced capacity. as an Independent Commission
struments and review of the Code “The increase in enrolment in a shortage of teachers in specific “Decreased/inadequate fund- regulating the teaching service.
of Regulations and Conduct for secondary schools occasioned by subject combinations such as Hu- ing for teacher recruitment and It plays a significant role in
teachers, which are meant to im- the objective of 100 per cent tran- manities, Kiswahili, Physics and promotion has led to a widening supporting national development
prove the country’s education level sition from primary schools has Computer Studies. of the pupil-teacher ratio leading initiatives, including the Big Four,
into a world-class sector. already led to the increased de- “Physics and Computer studies to an inequitable distribution of and international conventions
“The TSC requires 500 new in- mand for teachers at the secondary have been occasioned by the mo- teaching resource, general dissat- such as the Sustainable
ternal staff to effectively execute its school level,” the TSC said. bility of these teachers to the pri- isfaction, demotivation and, hence, Development Goals (SDGs).
mandate at counties. These reforms “The Competency-Based Edu- vate sector,” the plan said. industrial unrest,” the plan said. TSC operations are linked to the
will address various approaches in cation system rolled out has com- “All this has constrained effective The new plan aims to harmonise reforms in the Education sector
curriculum implementation, guar- pounded the teacher shortage. The delivery of the curricula and con- the system for managing and shar- articulated in the Vision 2030.The
antee equity and exclusivity in the Board of Management employed sequently, has led to a poor per- ing of data, address teachers ‘ab- intermediate outcome of reforms
management of the teacher re- only 80,000 teachers.” formance by the students studying sence from work, boost the teach- is to enhance the quality of the
source,” the strategic plan said. The commission has also pro- these subjects.” ers’ morale and create a framework teaching service by improving the
There was also a conflict of roles posed teachers recruited on a con- Increased student enrolment for engaging development partners professional capacity and conduct
and mandate between the TSC and tract basis, internship and in cer- overcrowded classrooms con- in resource mobilisation. It will of teachers.
other stakeholders at the National tain cases the sharing of teachers straining effective and quality also create a framework for talent This Strategic Plan outlines the
Government Level. The commis- across schools for elective subjects teaching and learning. The evalu- identification, staff retention and vision, mission, goals, strategic
sion agrees that there is a lack of as short-term measures to address ation, promotion and salary incre- succession management. objectives and strategies upon
inadequate enforcement capacity which TSC reforms are anchored
in public and private learning in- for quality education and training.
stitutions. Three broad thematic areas are
As of June 2018, the TSC was re- Teacher Competence, Conduct
sponsible for 317,069 teachers de- and Performance Management,
ployed to 30,892 public education-
al institutions.
Trends in recruitment of teachers Reforms and Innovations in
Provision of Teaching Services and
These include 217,291 teachers 2014-2018 Service Delivery Re-engineering
serving in 22,263 public primary form the basis for the Plan.
schools and 99,778 teachers serv- 9000 In implementing the Strategic
ing in 8,629 public post-primary Plan, TSC shall be guided by our
institutions. 8000 *To facilitate the 100% core values of Professionalism,
The learner population served transition, TSC recruited Customer Focus, Integrity and
by these teachers presently stands 7000 8,700 post primary Team Spirit. I am convinced
at eight million in public primary school teachers these norms shall propel the
schools and two million in public 6000 Commission towards its Vision,
post-primary schools. “To be a transformative teaching
Over five years, the government 5000 service for quality education” and
recruited 28,843 teachers. The pri- eventually contribute to globally
mary schools benefited by 8,390 4000 competitive quality education,
while 20,453 were recruited for POST training and research for
secondary schools. 3000 sustainable development.
“It is a clear indication that the The Strategic Plan ( 2019-2023 )
government funded the recruit- 2000 shall also be implemented within
ment of approximately 5,000 the Medium Term Expenditure
teachers every year. We should hire 1000 Framework budget guidelines.
heavily in order to sustain reforms, PRIMARY During the implementation,
innovations and put our education 0 the Commission shall continue to
on a competitive scale globally,” a 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 engage stakeholders, including the
Nairobi principal said. private sector and development
Currently, the TSC estimates an *No data available partners, to support programmes.
overall teacher shortage of 96,345. At the same time, efforts will be
This includes 38,054 in primary made to strengthen governance
schools and 58,291 in post-primary Net projections on teacher shortages structures and provide a
schools. harmonious working atmosphere
The TSC warns that the project- for improved efficiency in
ed shortages are expected to rise to 120,000 resource mobilisation, utilisation,
84,478 for secondary schools and 110,000 minimising duplication of efforts
34,941 for primary schools by 2023. and optimising opportunities
“Widening of the pupil-teacher 100,000 for interagency linkages in
ratio leads to an inequitable distri- 90,000 programme implementation.
bution of teaching resources, gen- I convey my appreciation to
eral dissatisfaction, demotivation 80,000 the chairperson and members
and, hence, industrial unrest,” the 70,000 POST of the Commission whose
union said. PRIMARY support and invaluable input
The strategic plan warned that 60,000 shaped the quality of this Plan,
issues raised must be addressed or 50,000 TSC secretariat for their efforts,
else they will affect the implemen- time and input that led to the
tation of the national curriculum 40,000 successful completion of this plan.
that equips learners with values, 30,000 I acknowledge all the stakeholders
attitudes, knowledge, skills and For more news for their direct or indirectt input
competencies, particularly in tech- PRIMARY on our website. into the successful preparation of
nology, innovation and entrepre- 10,000 Scan this quick the Strategic Plan.
neurship. response code
“The manner in which the coun- using your The extract is from the TSC 2019-
try sources, develops, deploys, 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 smartphone. 2023 draft policy. The writer is the
manages and supports teachers TSC chief Executive Officer.
6 THE-STAR.CO.KE Monday, April 15, 2019

MCAs approve Nyong’o hiring of board nominees Fishermen reject
FAITH MATETE /Kisumu county can now start committee was convinced on the suitability of
sand harvesting
hiring after the assembly approved the list of all the nominees. in Diani waters
nominees for the Public Service Board. She said the nominees met the requisite
The MCAs on Thursday unanimously educational and constitutional requirements. CHARI SUCHE /Tourism players,
approved the six nominees picked by Governor She, however, noted that the committee fishermen and residents are
Anyang’ Nyong’o. The nominees are the was concerned that representation of youth opposed to sand harvesting
board’s chairman Charles Karan and members and people with disability was lacking in the at Diani Beach as it will have
Jacinta Kapiyo, Stephen Orot, Edward Kochung, governor’s appointments. While deliberating devastating effects on marine life. 
Nashon Aluoka and Jane Oyare. on the report, the MCAs said the constitution The sand is being harvested
A report on the proposed board nominees of the board would be a reprieve for the along Waa and Tiwi in Kwale county
was tabled in the assembly by Labour and county in terms of employment. Majority for use in the construction of the
Social Welfare committee chairperson Beatrice leader Kenneth Onyango said the delay in had second phase of the expansion
Kisumu county assembly in session/MAURICE ALAL Odongo. Odongo told the assembly that the derailed key operations. of the Mombasa port container
The terminal is being built on
100 acres at Kilindini Harbour. It
is projected to ease congestion
at the port. Kenya Association
of Hotelkeepers and Caterers
chairman Harald Kampa said the
harvesting of sand will result in the
death of the reef and subsequent
destruction of the Diani beaches.

Moi Airport police
‘assist traffickers’
ERNEST CORNEL /Police officers
manning Moi International Airport,
Mombasa, yesterday admitted
having been compromised at some
point to allow drug trafficking and
Three officers, who spoke in
confidence, attributed this to an
array of concerns including “poor
treatment” from Kenya Airport
Authority, the management of MIA.
Dozens of cops have been
The National Treasury/ENOS TECHE influenced by hefty bribes after
KAA failed to provide allowances
NON-PERFORMANCE for special duties, according to the

More woes for counties as

The airport is a vital security
installation in the country.
Some of the officers have been
guarding the airport for close to

funding slashed by Sh9 billion

a year. They requested not to be
named fearing reprisal.
They were not specific on the
dates or the goods they helped to
smuggle into the port city.
Auditor General shows that country’s cumulative revenue hit an all-time shortfall The airport is notorious for
trafficking of drugs, ivory and
elephant tusks. In January 2017, an
ceive Sh371 billion, being the share to the Budget and Appropriations compared to its close competitors Ivorian woman was nabbed with
of revenue; conditional allocations Committee led by Kimani Ichung’wa Narok and Nakuru at Sh1.84 billion heroin with a street value of Sh10
MOSES ODHIAMBO by the national government (Sh14.16 (Kikuyu MP), that the adjustment and Sh1.55 billion respectively. million.
@TheStarKenya billion), Road Maintenance Fund was after the country’s cumulative Ouko, in numerous audit reports, A month later, a 51-year-old
(Sh8.98 billion), and donor grants revenue shortfall hit Sh374 billion. has reprimanded county govern- Mohamed Jibril Ali, had concealed
Low revenue collection has returned (Sh38.7 billion). The largest shortfall of Sh195 bil- ments for not only failing to meet Sh10 million-worth heroin in his
to haunt counties in the wake of a The allocation presents a Sh25 lion was reported in 2018-19, bring- revenue targets but also spending shoe soles. He was headed to
Sh9 billion funding cut. billion variation from the proposed ing into focus, weakness of the na- the same at the collection source. Dubai.
The situation, as captured in the allocations by the Commission on tional and county governments to Audit reports for 2018-19 seen by One cop said officers attached
Division of Revenue Bill 2019, has Revenue Allocation. marshal resources. the Star had cases of counties either to Kenya Ports Authority, Kenya
seen the base allocation of county The commission proposed that Counties have been on the spot failing to account for revenue col- Revenue Authority, Standard
governments’ equitable share re- county governments be allocated over weakness in revenue collection lected or employing ICT systems that Gauge Railway and Kenya Pipeline
duced to Sh304 billion. Sh335.7 billion as an unconditional by Auditor General Edward Ouko don’t work. Corporation, are paid allowances by
However, counties have some re- fund to be shared on the basis of the and Controller of Budget Agnes In what now exposes a split be- those parastatals.
prieve in a Sh5.04 billion added to latest approved formula. Odhiambo. tween the National Treasury and “Why not KAA? It used to pay
the allocation as adjustment based The formula takes into account The budget controller in her Half CRA, counties have also lost a fur- but stopped. We feel demotivated,”
on the fiscal framework, as well as population ( 45 per cent), land area Year Report for Financial Year 2018- ther Sh12.5 billion in differences oc- he said.
Sh5.76 billion Equalisation Fund. ( 8 per cent), poverty ( 18 per cent), 19 said counties generated Sh15.37 casioned by additional conditional He said police guard the facility
MPs are on recess and on their re- basic equal share ( 26 per cent), fiscal billion against a target of Sh51 billion allocations financed from national round the clock to ensure its safety
turn, they will prioritise the 2019-20 responsibility ( 2 per cent) and de- between July and December 2018. government revenue. is not compromised yet they
budget for which the bill is key. velopment factor ( 1 per cent). “The under-performance of own- The two entities have differed on receive no compensation.
In 2018-19, the base was set at For CRA, counties were entitled source revenue collection implies their proposed allocations for free The officers’ financial burden
Sh314 billion which the National to Sh314 billion in equitable share that some planned activities may not maternal healthcare, leasing of med- worsened after moving out of
Treasury now says it won’t meet, and a Sh21.7 billion adjustment for be implemented in the financial year ical equipment and cash for cities. police flats.
citing shortfalls in performance revenue growth in the financial year as budgets will not be fully financed,” Whereas CRA sought Sh4.3 billion The second officer said the
of revenue raised nationally since 2019-20. Odhiambo warned. to be set aside for funding maternal apartments are in Magongo and
2015-16. But Treasury CS Henry Rotich The report revealed that Nairobi healthcare, the Treasury has not al- Migadini. “Magongo has 40 units
In this regard, counties will re- explained, in an earlier proposal collected far more (Sh3.8 billion) located the same. while Migadini has 25,” he said.
Monday, April 15, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 7
8 THE-STAR.CO.KE Monday, April 15, 2019


Only elephants should KNCCI poll hots up in Embu

as candidates hunt for votes

wear ivory, says Balala

REUBEN GITHINJI /Embu county traders’ election
campaigns have become highly charged, prompting
a public debate to identify the best candidate for
The forthcoming Kenya National Chamber of
Commerce and Industry Embu chapter election pits
Wages war on bid by four African countries to allow relaxed trade in trophies contractor John Mugo against former chairman John
The election is scheduled for Wednesday and has
brought business to a standstill as campaigners for
the hopefuls move from shop to shop canvassing for
@AliwaMoses A debate was organised at Prime Hotel in Embu on
Sunday night for aspirants to sell their agenda.
The Kenyan government has warned Mugo is gunning for the seat with Gerald Ireri as
four African countries against try- his running mate and Emily Wanja Njiru as one of
ing to relax laws protecting iconic the directors. He appeals to young traders who want
species. the KNCCI chapter run by an energetic leader. He
On Saturday, Tourism and Wildlife has expressed support for Nairobi chairman Richard
CS Najib Balala said a proposal by Bo- Ngatia in the fight for the organisation’s presidency.
tswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe for Mugo has promised youthful traders he would
unrestricted trade in elephant ivory facilitate their training on how to register companies to
from the four elephant populations get tenders in the national and county governments.
of the three countries, and South Nyaga is calling for revival of loans to help
Africa, will be shot down. small traders and farmers. He accuses the county
The 18th meeting of the Confer- government of awarding most contracts to outsiders.
ence of the Parties will be held in
Colombo, Sri Lanka, from May 23
to June 3, and Kenya has started
The CS commented during the
Global March For Elephants, Rhinos,
Lions and Other Endangered Species.
“Demand creates an incentive for
poachers. Therefore, we must urge
the few countries in Asia and Europe
to appreciate that only elephants
should wear ivory and rhino horn
has no medicinal value,” the CS said.
During the Cites Conference Ken-
ya called for the closure of all ivory
markets and the listing all African
elephants in Appendix I — in danger
of extinction.
Elephants in the four countries
are listed in Appendix II under the
Convention on International Trade
in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna
and Flora (Cites). Nandi Education executive Valentine Chumo /BARRY SALIL
Cites lists species according to the iconic species from 2012 to 2015 have killed by poachers last year, com- Tourism Cabinet
degree of protection they need. succeeded. pared to 84 in 2012. Secretary Najib SHE BLAMES PREDECESSOR
Nandi MCAs split over
Appendix II is not necessarily More than 4,000 people joined the Four rhinos were poached last year Balala
threatened with extinction, but in march with conservation partners compared to 59 in 2013. However, / ENOS TECHE
which trade must be controlled to and the government to champion some of these efforts risk being wa-
ensure their survival. Appendix I is
endangered, Appendix III contains
wildlife protection. It is an annual
worldwide event.
tered down by international trade.
“The scale of poaching and wild-
plan to sack executive
species protected in at least one Balala said Kenya has turned life trafficking in Africa reflects BARRY SALIL/ A showdown is looming at the Nandi county
country that has asked other Cites around the elephant and rhino increased demand for ivory, rhino assembly following a split over planned impeachment of
parties for assistance. poaching crisis between 2011 and horn and other endangered wildlife Education executive Valentine Chumo over allegations
Balala said strategies to conserve 2015. For example, 38 elephants products,” Balala said. of incompetence and irregularities.
MCAs want the anti-corruption web to be expanded
to seize all those behind the misuse of the department’s
POWER TO THE PEOPLE kitty since 2017.
Some MCAs blame Chumo’s predecessor Stanley

Speaker Lusaka pledges devolution support Baliach. He is currently the Water and Lands executive
moved after a mini-reshuffle Six months ago.

to eliminate marginalisation of communities The MCA for Kaptel/Kamoiywo ward Pius Sing’oei
defended Chumo, saying the majority of the represen-
tatives were not consulted when the assembly adopted
SOLOMON MUINGI/ Speaker Kenneth Mwatate, Taita Taveta county, during firm and protect devolved units. He a report to impeach her.
Lusaka has told governors the Senate a fundraising for Jones Mwaruma said continued land injustices in Tai- She has denied responsibility and said any misconduct
will ensure citizens enjoy the fruits Foundation. ta Taveta have derailed development. took place under her predecessor.
of devolution as per the Constitution. “Whoever thinks that counties Citing the brewing tussle between The Education and Vocational Training committee
Lusaka said he would push for shall be scrapped should think locals and Voi Sisal Estate, Lusaka under chairman MCA Emmanuel Rono tabled the report
strong relations between the Coun- otherwise. Counties are here to stay,” asked local leaders to petition the calling for the CEC’s sacking.
cil of Governors and the Devolution Lusaka said. government to subdivide the land. The committee cited the skewed disbursement of coun-
ministry for better services. He urged senators to oversight the “How is it possible that land whose ty bursaries during 2018-19 in which the department
“If we don’t support the devolved performance of governors instead of lease agreement has expired is be- was allocated Sh60 million.
units, most Kenyans would feel politicising development projects ing sold to other people without the The report said they had recommended to the exec-
marginalised. As the Senate, we
will ensure that county governments
undertaken by county governments.
Lusaka criticised people who
knowledge of the governor? That is
pure land grabbing and a serious
‘DEVOLVED utive to double the kitty’s funds to Sh120 million, but
the recommendation was not acted upon. They blamed
remain strong because they have intimidate county governments by injustice to the residents,” he said. UNITS HAVE the CEC.
worked wonders for this country,”
he said.
relying on connections with senior
national government officials.
He backed demands of local lead-
ers for the county to share resources-
WORKED Bursary distribution was also questioned as the CEC
could not provide names and details of all beneficiaries
Lusaka spoke on Saturday in He said the Senate would stand from Tsavo National Park. WONDERS’ to the Education committee.
Monday, April 15, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 9

‘WON’T REPEAT MISTAKE’ TERROR ATTACK group linked to the al Qaeda ter- for them to work under the pre-

Kidnap: Cuban
ror group. vailing conditions”.
Cobbler admits The gunmen may have taken the
doctors to Somalia, police spokes-
Garissa Deputy Governor Abdi
Dagane said the county govern-
stealing television man Charles Owino said. He said
the doctors’ driver had been de-
ment has been worried about the
security of the Cuban doctors.

medics recalled
to please wife tained to help with investigations. Mid last year, burglars broke
A senior security officer in Ga- into their house while they were
CLAUSE MASIKA / A cobbler who was rissa, who spoke on condition of asleep and stole goods including a
charged with stealing a television anonymity, said the doctors left TV and a home theatre.
in Kawangware has pleaded guilty. Garissa on Saturday morning un- “We had to tighten the security
Moses Karanja admitted der heavy security. around the doctors and make sure
the theft before Kibera senior Search for missing doctors is still going on “We received orders from our they are not exposed to risk,” Da-
magistrate Florence Mutuku. He seniors on Friday evening to ar- gane said.
was charged with stealing a 32 two colleagues on Friday by sus- range for their transport back to Mandera Governor Ali Roba
inch television on April 11. STEPHEN ASTARIKOI pected al Shabaab militants. Nairobi and on Saturday morning blamed the abduction of the doc-
The prosecution said the @TheStarKenya Assel Herera Correa (physician) they left,” he said. tors on security lapses. There are
accused was arrested after the and Landy Rodriguez (surgeon) He added: “It is natural that fol- many security officers in the re-
public tipped off the police on were kidnapped in Mandera. lowing the abduction of their col- gion yet they do not guarantee
suspicion that Karanja was a thief. The government has recalled four It was the second abduction leagues, who are also their coun- safety, he said.
He was then arrested and taken to Cuban doctors from Wajir and Ga- of foreigners in five months by a trymen, they have a lot of anxiety. In Wajir, Governor Mohamed
Kabete police station. rissa following the kidnap of their suspected al-Shabaab extremist The kidnap makes it impossible Abdi confirmed the two Cuban
In his mitigation, Karanja told doctors stationed there had been
court he was a Christian and he flown to Nairobi. He did not give
only stole the TV to make his wife details.
happy. Governor Roba on Saturday
He said he had a beautiful wife during a meeting with residents
and children who depend on him hit out at the security apparatus
and he was making sure that they following the lapses that led to the
enjoy his company. abduction of the foreign doctors.
He asked the court to forgive him A search for the medics is still
and give him a lenient sentence as going on.
he will not repeat the mistake. He wondered how the doctors
The magistrate directed that he could be abducted from Mandera
be remanded until his sentencing town which has more than a 1,000
today. security officers on patrol.
In same court, a man was Ali Roba condemned the attack
charged with causing disturbance and appealed to the elders to ini-
at a police station by breaking tiate talks with their counterparts
a customer care table and in Bulahawa and ensure that the
threatening to beat up officers who two return to Kenya safely.
were at the reception. Elders from Mandera have al-
Bernard Mudaha is accused One of the ready gone to Bula Hawa in So-
of refusing to enter the cell at kidnapped Cuban malia where the abductors are
the Parklands police station and doctors treating believed to have fled with the
causing commotion at the recption. a patient at the doctors. Mandera remained tense
He was arrested while drunk in Mandera County following the incident. Business-
Ngara. He denied the charge. Referral Hospital es were closed as security officers
in February this searched for the doctors.
year /STEPHEN Mandera has been the scene of
HEALTH COMPLICATIONS? ASTARIKO frequent al Shabaab attacks.

Police deny killing

46 town, Kajiado county, are under
Two Mombasa officials face
pressure from residents after a
suspect died in their custody.
Eyewitnesses and the police
arrest over Sh18.5m debt
have given contradicting accounts MALEMBA MKONGO /The High Court services to the county government
of what happened before and in Mombasa has ordered the arrest in a miscellaneous case no 417 of
after Mathias Mbatha Nzimbi, 39, of county chief officer of Finance 2016 but the county government
was arrested on April 5. His body and the Finance and Economic failed to pay him.
was found at the Kajiado Referral Planning executive over an unpaid The order further requires the
Hospital mortuary. Sh18.5 million debt. police boss to ensure the two are
Pastor Noah Matina told the Star Mombasa resident judge Erick presented before the court where
on Sunday Nzimbi was arrested by Ogola issued a warrant of arrest they will be committed to a jail
unidentified police from a bar in the against chief officer Aisha Abdi term of six months for wilful
town while he was in the company and CEC Maryam Mbaruk. disobedience of orders issued on
of another police officer. Regional police commander January 2018.
Matina said Nzimbi, who was Marcus Ocholla was told to However, county director of
suspected to have a stolen gas effect the order unless they pay communication Richard Chacha
cylinder and music system, went Robinson Onyango the money. said they have not been arrested.
with the officer to the police station. Onyango had rendered legal
He told the police he bought them.
Matina said he was shocked to
learn that Nzimbi, a well-known
mason, had died in custody.
“He was not violent. He admitted
to having the stolen property, and
even took the officer to his house to
recover the items,” Matina said.
But Kajiado Central deputy
commander Josephat Kiarie on
Sunday denied the suspect died
in custody. He said he developed
health complications. “Officers took
him to Elang’ata Wuas health centre
where he was pronounced dead .” Mombasa law courts /FILE
10 Monday, April 15, 2019


Hospital admits paying MARSABIT MEET THE PEOPLE

Make your voices heard in
public forums, residents told
nurses less than rivals CHARI SUCHE /It is the responsibility of the public
to point out and prioritise their development needs
by attending and making contributions during public
Nairobi Hospital’s case being resolved alongside other complaints participation forums.
Their views on public funds and other development
aspects should be well articulated for easier
implementation by the government, Governor Mohamud
Ali has said.
IMENDE BENJAMIN The governor said that it is the responsibility of the
@TheOkinda public to point out and prioritise their development
The Nairobi Hospital pays staff lower Mohamud was assessing the drought situation in
salaries than its competitors, accord- Sololo subcounty. He reiterated that development will
ing to an internal memo obtained not happen if the public shied away from participation.
by the Star. He urged residents to desist from activities that might
The hospital management is also affect peaceful coexistence, adding that full development
aware of multiple complaints by would be realised if there was peace. “We as leaders wish
workers but it is working to resolve to assure the county at large that we will use all available
the issues and remain an employer means to unite our people to coexist peacefully.”
of choice. The governor emphasised the need for education as
“We are working on equity adjust- the means of shaping the future of their children.
ments to remedy salary issues such Deputy Governor Solomon Gubo Riwe urged boda
as wrong grading, significant salary boda operators and women to join the cooperative
lag to comparable internal positions movement.
or inequity compared to market pay,” Senator Godana Hargura said he was committed to
hospital managing director Christo- play his oversight role. Also present were Moyale MP
pher Abeid said. Qalich Gufu and Laisamis MP Musa Arbelle.
Abeid wrote the memo on April
5 in his capacity as the acting chief
executive officer. He said the new
staff salary raise will be dealt with
in due course.
Officials from other hospitals
who spoke to the Star on condition The Nairobi
of anonymity said Kenyatta National Hospital /FILE
Hospital was the best employer in
terms of pay.
“I have worked at a number of
hospitals and from what I gather,
Kenyatta’s starting salary for a nurse Union of Nurses secretary general was extended by 30 days to April 13.
is Sh100,000. Mater, Gertrude and Seth Panyako told the Star by phone. The move followed wrangles at the
MP Shah hospitals pay 70,000 while The increment, which is between health facility following the man-
Nairobi and Karen pay Sh50,000,” 10 and 12 per cent, will be guided agement of the Sh8 billion hospital
the nurse said. by performance, tenure and pro- projects.
“Other private hospitals and most motions. Two board members represent-
county-ran hospitals are paying “In recognising the success of the ing the Medical Advisory Committee
Sh30,000.” hospital, due to your commitment were recalled after it emerged that
Abeid had told the staff to expect and hard work, the board of man- the board was ignoring their views
letters by Wednesday, April 10 and in agement has approved a review of a couple of months ago. When the
the case of clarifications, the Human the salaries based on performance committee later recommended two
Resource director would provide and inflation with effect from April fresh names, the board refused to
guidance. 1, this year,” the MD said. admit them. The board, as currently
“They should join the union. Or- Abeid is acting after The Nairobi constituted, exists without the voice
ganisations such as Medicine San Hospital board suspended Gordon of doctors who play a critical role in
Frontiers Kenya are paying up to Odundo for 90 days. He was first sus- the hospital’s management.
Sh150,000 for new nurses. Howev- pended last year in mid-December. The Kenya Hospital Association Embu Governor Martin Wambora / FILE
er, I can’t comment on the issues of The suspension was supposed to has called for a meeting to address
people who are not our members. expire on March 13, but in a board the wrangles in the management of DEVELOPMENT
They should join us,” Kenya National meeting in February, the suspension the board.
Cash for Embu dams
safe, says Wambora
Anti-graft auditor approved case against REUBEN GITHINJI/ The construction of four mega dams in

Mwiraria, PSs over Anglo-Leasing scam Embu is being handled at the “highest level”, Governor
Martin Nyaga Wambora has said.
Wambora, who was speaking in Embu town, dismissed
ALPHONCE MUNG’AHU/ A former EACC Makembo was testifying before He also established that Mwangi doomsayers spreading fears that the money for the dams
investigator recommended the pros- trial magistrate Martha Mutuku led entered into supplier’s financing will go down the drain as it happened with the now con-
ecution of former Finance minister in his evidence in chief by senior agreement with Infotalent Ltd with- troversial Kimwarer and Arror dams in Elgeyo Marakwet
David Mwiraria, two PSs and three assistant Director of Public Prose- out verifying the issues raised by the where Sh21 billion is suspected to have been stolen.
businessmen over conspiracy to de- cutions Nicholas Mutuku. Attorney General on the legal status He said President Uhuru Kenyatta is fully aware of
fraud the government of Sh5.5 bil- of the company. the dams situation.
lion, a Nairobi court heard on Friday. ABUSE OF OFFICE Mwiraria, he said, committed to The governor said a Belgian construction company had
George Makembo, who was an He also recommended that Mwirar- meet the project obligations from agreed to build Kamumu mega-dam in semi-arid Mbeere
auditor, led the investigations into ia, Magari, and Mwangi be charged the Consolidated Fund when the ‘SUSPECTS North subcounty. It will recover its cost in 25 years.
the Anglo Leasing scandal involving with abuse of office contrary to the project cost was not budgeted for. A Portuguese company is interested in building the
Mwiraria (now deceased), former Anti-Corruption and Economic The witness said the inquiry in- CONSPITRED Thuci mega-dam in Embu East subcounty and also re-
PSs Joseph Magari and Dave Mwan-
gi. The others are former head of
Crimes Act.
The witness aid the accused con-
volved an allegation that the gov-
ernment on November 19, 2003, ir-
TO DEFRAUD cover its funding a quarter of a century later.
Wambora appealed to the national government to
debt management at the Treasury spired to defraud the government of regularly signed a supplier financing STATE OF hasten the deals so that the perennial drought and famine
David Onyonka and businessmen
Chemanlal Kamani, Rashmi Kamani
Euros 59,688,250 in a fictitious proj-
ect using Infotalent Ltd, a non-exis-
agreement with Infotalent Ltd for
computerisation and improvement
SH5.5 situation in the arid Mbeere subcounty can be sorted out
once and for all. The other dams lined up for construction
and Deepak Kamani. tent company. of security project for Kenya police. BILLION’ are Thambana and Rupingaci.
Monday, April 15, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 11


Prison housing crisis: Auditor says Governor’s

jailed over debt
20,000 new units urgently needed MAGATI OBEBO/A relative of Nyamira
Governor John Nyagarama is to spend
a month in jail for failure to clear a
Warders’ houses are not much better than the prisons themselves, says report Sh200,00 debt.
Hillary Obutu, a brother to the
Governor’s wife Naomi Nyagarama,
MATHEWS NDANYI/Auditor General and latrines are in bad shape, or they was arrested in Nyamira town after four
Edward Ouko has painted a grim are not usable. months on the run. He was arraigned
picture of staff housing at prisons Ouko said officers often must on Friday evening before Kisii senior
where some warders live in filthy di- share housing. He said at eight out resident magistrate Simphy Makil who
lapidated mud and rusting mabati of the 17 stations visited by auditors sent him to Kisii Prison.
huts. had officers living outside prison Obutu was flushed from his hideout
‘Sanitation’ is primitive to nonexis- lines. All stations had uncontrolled on Friday morning by detectives who
tent. Ouko says the Prisons depart- house extensions. had been tracking him since an arrest
ment needs at least 20,000 new Lack of proper housing also af- warrant was issued four months ago.
housing units. fects officers’ family life as most said He also works as a driver for the
“The indecent housing of prison they don’t live with their families on county. He was charged with failing
staff has not only affected officers’ prison grounds due to lack of decent to pay Fred Michira the money he had
social life but also work performance accommodation. borrowed to help in a family emergency.
in general,” the report says. Some who lived with their fami- It took Makil five minutes to rule that
Ouko in a special audit on prison lies make do with single rooms. Obutu be committed to 30 days in jail
staff housing cites a total of 3,894 Apart from Kisumu station, which until he refunds the debt.
permanent houses, against a staff had a deficit of 31 per cent, all the The mud houses used by prison warders /FILE The prosecution told the court that
population of 23, 831. other stations visited had a hous- Obutu consistently failed to heed
“As a result of the housing deficit, ing deficit of more than 50 per cent. at the same pace. being used to accommodate staff in calls to refund the money and cut
the majority of officers were accom- Stations such as Kakamega, Kaloleni, Prisons staff population increased Eldoret and Kakamega stations. Most communication with the debtor.
modated in temporary structures, Kilifi, Murang’a, Ruiru and Shimo la by 34 per cent from 17, 777 to 23,831 of the houses have no water and oth- Yesterday, Michira a medic, told the
including mud houses, A-frames and Tewa Women had housing deficits of But housing units increased mar- er necessities. Star how on April 6, 2018, through his
pre-independence. In some cases between 82 to 95 per cent. ginally by six per cent from 3,660 He says the prisons service is ex- friend, Obutu asked him for money. He
staff live in open halls, the auditors “Although staff numbers have in- to 3,894 during the period of 2000 pected to provide adequate housing promised to pay it back in a month.
said. creased over time, the Kenya Prisons to 2018,” Ouko’s team said. units to accommodate its entire staff The suspect changed his mobile
Water supply is uneven and toilets Service has not constructed houses Aged and dilapidated mud houses within the prison lines. number to evade Michiri.


First affordable houses to be WEST POKOT

available in September — PS
P.O. Box 6-30600
Email: info@westpokotassembly.org

GEORGE MURAGE/ The government has for consideration,” he said.
West Pokot County Assembly invites sealed tenders from eligible registered Insurance Underwriters
said at least 199,000 people have reg- The PS said court cases are the ma-
for the Provision of Comprehensive Medical Cover for County Assembly Members and Staff.
istered for the affordable housing jor impediment, but he said several
programme. have been thrown out or resolved.
PS for Housing Charles Hinga said “This project is mostly driven by CLOSING/
the programme has faced problems the private sector and the court cas- OPENING CATEGORY
but by September the housing units es had a negative effect but we are DATE
will be handed over to owners. addressing this,” he said. PROVISION OF
The numbers of units and loca- “Works on the first phase are ad- MEDICAL COVER
tions were not specified, but some vanced and we expect by September WPCA/T/ FOR MEMBERS OF 2% OF THE
will be in Nakuru and Naivasha. to hand over the houses to low cadre 29/04/2019
The first window, which involved workers who applied and paid for AT 10.00AM
engaging investors, ended on Febru- them,” he said.
ary 14 with tens of investors seeking Governor Lee Kinyanjui said more
to work with counties to identify than 4,000 units set to be construct-
land. ed in Nakuru town.
Tender documents with detail specifications shall be downloaded free of charge from County
Addressing the press in Naivasha, He said that the county had man-
Assembly Website www.westpokotassembly.go.ke or IFMIS PORTAL: www.supplier.treasury.
Hinga said landowners have offered aged to repossess 50 acres of public
go.ke and Public Procurement Information Portal www.tenders.go.ke. Complete tender documents
more than 9,900 acres where the land that was grabbed in Naivasha.
MUST be submitted through the IFMIS SUPPLIER PORTAL: www.supplier.treasury.go.ke as per the
houses will be constructed. He called About 2,000 units will be built on
requirements contained in the document so as to be received on or before Monday April 29th, 2019
this encouraging. them. and time indicated at the IFMIS PORTAL
“We have investors who are keen “We have managed to get the ti-
to invest in this affordable housing tle back and we expect work on the All document(s) MUST be paginated in the format (1, 2, 3, 4, …….)
programme and so far we have re- houses to start soon,” he said.
ceived 17 construction technologies Bidders MUST scan and upload a copy of original bid security to the IFMIS PORTAL and deliver the
original bid security to the procurement office at the west county assembly offices. Prices quoted
should be net inclusive of all taxes and must be in Kenya shillings.

NOTE: Bidders who may experience challenges in accessing or uploading tender documents in IFMIS
TENDER PORTAL. Should conduct the IFMIS helpdesk telephone 0800721477 at the national treasury
or conduct the procurement office West Pokot County Assembly.

The system will automatically LOCK OUT at the time and date of the tender closing on the IFMIS
PORTAL. MANUAL SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. All tenders must be submitted through
the IFMIS platform.

The Clerk
Housing Principal West Pokot County Assembly
Secretary P.O Box 6-30600
Charles Hinga KAPENGURIA
12 THE-STAR.CO.KE Monday, April 15, 2019



They say it will increase early marriage and child abuse, faulting
judges for implying teens engage in sex ‘with their eyes fully open’
the law because of the provisions of
Sexual Offences Act, while others are
outright paedophiles intentionally
preying on minors.
The three judges said the closer to
would not rule out a reasonable belief 18 years the child is, the more likely
that she would be over 18 years old. the deception, and the more likely the
JOSEPH NDUNDA The judges said they think it stands belief he or she is over 18.
@TheStarKenya to reason that a person is more likely And they agreed with Wambui’s be aware of before making decisions
to be deceived into believing a child is claims he reasonably believed the about certain issues, like consenting
The opinion held by three Court of Ap- over 18 if the child is in the age bracket complainant was over the age of 18 to sex and bearing its consequences.
peal judges that a national discourse of 16 to 18 years old. years. The reason why it has always been 18 is
is needed over appropriate sexual “The act does cry out for a serious “A candid national conversation on to allow one to finish schooling, where
consent age has elicited condemna- For more Big re-examination in a sober, pragmat- this sensitive yet important issue im- they acquire information and attain
tion from minors and victims of early Read stories, ic manner. Many other jurisdictions plicating the challenges of maturing, adulthood,” said Halima* (not real
pregnancies. scan the QR code criminalise only sexual conduct morality, autonomy, protection of name), who aspires to be a journalist.
Justices Roselyne Nambuye, Daniel above. with children of a younger age than THEY MAY children and the need for proportion- “It will mostly affect orphaned
Musinga and Patrick Kiange on March
22 said a discussion about this topic
16 years. We think it is rather unre-
alistic to assume that teenagers and
NOT HAVE ality is long overdue,” the judges said.
The three appellate judges said it is
children and those from poor back-
grounds because it means if your
is long overdue. But children say the maturing adults do not engage in, and ATTAINED relevant to point out that a child need parents or relatives choose to marry
discourse may sire a legal regime that
is likely to expose children, mostly
often seek sexual activity, with their
eyes fully open,” they said, quoting a
THE AGE OF not deceive by way of actively telling a
lie that she is over the age of 18 years.
you off at that age, the law cannot pro-
tect you because you are presumed
helpless girls, to sexual abuse. UK court decision. MATURITY The trio said where to draw the line an adult, despite the fact that the
The judges set aside a 15-year jail “They may not have attained the age for what is referred to as statutory rape marriage was planned against your
term handed to a convict of defile- of maturity but they may well have BUT THEY MAY is a matter that calls for serious and will and your opinion does not count
ment by a Thika court and set him
free. Eliud Wambui had been handed
reached the age of discretion, and are
able to make intelligent and informed
WELL HAVE open discussion.
“In England, for instance, only sex
during making of such decisions. The
judges should have sought children’s
the sentence in 2014 after conviction, decisions about their lives and their REACHED with persons less than the age of 16, views about this topic and gotten their
and the sentence was upheld by High
Court judge Lydia Achonde after he
bodies. That is the mystery of growing
up, which is a process, and not a series
THE AGE OF which is the age of consent, is crimi-
nalised, and even then, the sentences
Fatuma, 28, is a single mother of
made his first appeal. of disjointed leaps.” DISCRETION are much less stiff, at a maximum of four, who has been in three marriages.
He had been found guilty of defiling two years for children between 14 to The first man duped her that he want-
a girl he had married in 2009, when DECEPTIVE ADOLESCENT GIRLS — COURT 16 years of age,” they ruled. ed to marry her and later abandoned
she was 17 years and five months old.
Wambui’s wife was a form four stu-
Some men are duped by lustful and
seductive adolescent girls who act
OF APPEAL The judges said the number of
young men serving lengthy sentenc-
her with two children.
“Every man who marries me now
dent, but the judges said that alone Schoolgirls/FILE like adults, then get in trouble with JUDGES es for having had sexual intercourse wants a child with me, but they lat-
with adolescent girls whose consent er leave because they don’t want to
has been held to be immaterial be- raise the other men’s children. I am
cause they were under 18 years is on struggling to raise and educate my
the increase. daughter, and this proposal is very
“The wisdom and justice of this un- scaring,” she said.
folding tragedy calls for serious inter- Another 16-year-old, a class six
rogation,” they pointed out. pupil at a school in Kayole, expressed
fears for children’s safety. The minor
RECIPE FOR MOLESTATION says lowering the age to 16 will limit
They suggested a review of consent parental care because of the assump-
age from 18 to 16, but this drew crit- tion of maturity and expose them to
icism from minors and women who danger.
were early mums, who feel girls will She said the court should be cog-
be exposed to danger. nisant of the wider spectrum of con-
The critics say this is a recipe for sequences that could arise due to the
child molestation because most lowering of the consent age.
girls at this age are still vulnerable to
manipulation and less informed on SEXUAL SAFETY
sexual issues, adding that it amounts Dr Mary Njoroge, a Nairobi-based
to introducing discretion for judicial gynaeocologist, said a child at 16 has
officers to pass lesser penalties for not fully grown and the cervix is still
convicts of defilement. premature.
A 16-year-old girl who dropped The reproductive system of girls
out of school early this year for lack in that age is not fully developed for
of school fees argues that reducing sexual activity, and it is not the ap-
the consent age to 16 will open the propriate age for pregnancy, she said,
floodgates to girl child abuse. adding that women who have early
“At this age [16], most girls are still sexual debut are also more exposed
ignorant of the things they ought to to cervical cancer.
Monday, April 15, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 13


Sexual Offences Act: Is

a review long overdue?
Appeal’s latest appeal for a dialogue
over the sexual consent age is the THAT THE LAW HAS BEEN USED
most serious onslaught on the
13-year-old Sexual Offences Act
enacted in 2006. AND BY WOMEN TO JAIL MEN.
The Act was proposed by Supreme
Court judge Njoki Ndungu, who at the THE LAW HAS ALSO BEEN
time was a nominated MP. It set stiffer
penalties for those engaging in sexual
activity with children below 18. CHILD DEFILEMENT VICTIM A
And despite the Act raising the jail
terms to include life imprisonment for
a conjugal act with a person under 11 TO COURTS ON WHETHER THEY
and at least 15 years for those below
16, the harsh penalties have not PARTICIPATED WILLINGLY AND
stopped the vice.
But there have been concerns
that the law has been used to settle
scores. In a recent visit to Nairobi Area deceived the accused person into
remand and prison in Industrial Area, believing he or she was over 18 at
the Senate’s Justice Committee was the time of the defilement, and the
told of how women are using it to jail person charged with defilement
men. believed, very few are acquitted out
It has been said that in most of it.
cases, police forward files to court for Nambuye, Kiage and Musinga are
prosecution to meet the demands concerned that girls between 16 and
of parents who want to achieve 17 have unfairly continued to make
something beyond justice for their young men go to prisons, where they
defiled children. are serving lengthy terms.
For example, in the case where The judges feel the cure for this lies
Eliud Wambui was convicted of in dialogue over the age limit, which
defilement, the complainant’s they feel needs to be lowered to 16,
father admitted in court that he had which might mean there is no offence
demanded Sh80,000 from Wambui, if there was consent.
who was his tenant, during a meeting And the three are not the first
at a chief’s office. judicial officers to raise concerns over
He was acquitted by appellate the law. Justice Waweru Kiarie raised
judges Roselyne Nambuye, Patrick similar concerns in 2007, when he
Kiage and Daniel Musinga. Wambui was a senior magistrate.
had impregnated the complainant, “Unless we establish the causes
who was his lover, and married her of the many sexual crimes, the laws,
immediately after she cleared high however accurate, however harsh,
school. She was six months away may not secure any security for
from 18. our grandmothers, mothers, aunts,
In court, the girl’s father said sisters, wives, sons, brothers and
the Sh80,000 he demanded from other male relatives,” justice Kiarie
Wambui was meant for taking care of ruled in 2007.
educational expenses of his daughter
and was not for dowry. AGE OF CONSENT AROUND AFRICA
“The picture that emerges is of But that will require review of several
Dr Njoroge said since children be- Justice Daniel gotiate for sexual safety? They might a father righteously indignant that Acts that define a child, or open the
low 18 are dependent on their parents Musinga/FILE not be well informed on issues like his daughter has been seduced Sexual Offences Act for scrutiny over
financially and on everything else, STIs and how to protect themselves. and put in the family way, and who whether there are some instances
lowing the consent age will be giving Justice Patrick The earlier you engage in sex, the ear- would have the culprit prosecuted the consent of a person below 18 can
room to sex pests to prey on children Kiange/COURTESY lier you expose yourself to things like unless he would pay some kind be considered.
who don’t have bargaining power. STIs,” she said. of compensation. This, too, raises Although most countries have set
She said the consent age review is Justice Roselyn “It is a dangerous decision to take for questions as to whether the the sexual consent age at 18, there
not suitable in a social set up where Nambuye/FILE both boys and girls. We are going to prosecution was for the proper is a big number of countries with a
sex education is limited or unavailable, have a lot of unplanned pregnancies purpose of enforcing the law or lower age limit. Should Kenya consider
and issues of contraceptives are not and social problems because these settling a score,” the three judges lowering the majority age to 16, it will
well ingrained in the society. children have no financial power to ruled. be the first in Eastern Africa to do so.
Dr Njoroge said if the consent age manage the consequences of engaging There are 15 African where the
is lowered, there is going to be a lot in unplanned sexual activity.” TEENS DOOM MEN? sexual consent age is 16, and there are
of harm on children. They lack the A 32-year-old mother of three says The law has also been criticised for others with the age limit below that,
mental capacity to decide on terms she had her first child at 17, which was denying the child defilement victim a and some with ridiculous age limits.
for protection, and the bargaining followed by three miscarriages due to voice to express themselves to courts, For instance, DR Congo has fixed the
power to determine what they want cervical problems. on whether they could have participat- maturity age for girls at 14, but their
with their sexual partner. She has had partial paralysis of her ed in the sexual activity with their lovers male counterparts have to wait until
“Why would we now say they can right leg, which doctors told her is as willingly and were not offended. they are 18.
have sex when they are not able to ne- a result of the early pregnancy and That means courts must close In Niger and Comoros, anyone who
over-straining during childbirth. their eyes and ears on the possibility has attained the age of 10 and 13 is
WE SHOULD BE TALKING ABOUT “We should be talking about rais-
ing this age to 20 or 21 because that
that those considered children in the
Act could be deprived of the right of
an adult, while in Sudan, sex out of
marriage is not allowed, but the age
RAISING THIS AGE TO 20 OR is when one has matured and is well choice. when one is ripe for marriage is not
21 BECAUSE THAT IS WHEN exposed, hence well informed.
“Lowering this age means declaring
The law states that a person who
commits an offence of defilement
In Libya, adulthood starts from 18
ONE HAS MATURED AND IS minors in that age bracket marriage- with a child between 16 and 18 years, but the country’s law says
able, yet if they marry at that age, they years is liable upon conviction to a 16-year-old girl can marry if her
WELL EXPOSED, HENCE WELL are always prisoners in such marriages imprisonment for a term of not less parents consent. In five countries –
INFORMED — EARLY MOTHER because the husband is always having
a suspicion that you could be planning
than 15 years.
Although consent is available as
Lesotho, Madeira, Madagascar, Sao
Tome Prince and Chad – the consent
WHO HAD HER FIRST CHILD AT 17 to run away,” she said. defence, if it is proved that such child age is 14.
14 THE-STAR.CO.KE Monday, April 15, 2019

I recall how it arrived in Nairobi and 33 per cent last year. Jumia Technologies listed in NYSE lation, falling internet and data costs,
made its Gladwellian level move. “The Uber argues that its share of the [raised $196 million with the sale surging mobile-phone penetration
tipping point is that magic mo- entire global transportation business of 13.5 million American depositary — these favorable long-term trends
ment when an idea, trend, or social is less than one per cent. Uber argues receipts at $14.50 each] and those underpin the rise of the African online
behaviour crosses a threshold, tips, its platform positions it to become shares popped as much as +75% at consumer.”
and spreads like wildfire”- Malcolm all-things transportation, encompas- one point. Jumia has more than 4 mi- Investors are looking through the
Gladwell. The new high tech, millenial, sing everything from scooters and llion customers in 14 African countries, accumulated losses, seeing eCom-
MARKET REPORT crypto, avocado economy exhibits
viral, wildfire and exponential and even
bicycles to freight delivery, driverless
vehicles and even flying cars . Uber’s
its retail platform isn’t profitable yet
however sales jumped by almost 40
merce penetration levels of 1% or less
in Africa versus something like 24%
non-linear characteristics not unlike food-delivery business grew 149 percent last year to $147.3 million and in China and betting that Jumia can
Ebola. per cent year-on-year to $1.5 billion has accumulated losses of just shy parlay its first mover advantage into a
The platform Uber cites a preferred metric:
monthly active platform consumers,
in revenue in 2018. Uber is seeking
to raise about $10b. ‘’The punchline
of $1b. There has been debate about
whether Jumia should characterise
seriously meaningful head start. Jumia
is higher beta than Uber but on balan-
economy otherwise known as people who
touch one of its services at least once
is this the largest high-growth tech
company that’s going to be going to
itself as an ‘’African’’ company given
that its headquarters are in Berlin
ce is a buy as well on Friday’s closing
price basis.
a month. Uber says it has 91 million the public markets,” David Erickson, a and was initially financed by German Last week we witnessed the big-

he strategy, like big tech’s, is to MAPCs, more than double the number finance professor at the University of startup incubator Rocket Internet SE. gest single day % move in any share
be the platform, said Bob Colly- in 2016. So now you know that when Pennsylvania’s Wharton School told MTN is its largest shareholder. Pernod price at the Nairobi Securities Ex-
more to Africa Report, “whether you call your Uber you are in fact one Bloomberg. Ricard SA and Mastercard recently change in more than a decade. Bharat
it was for the banking industry, the of 91m MAPCs. Uber posted a $3b I feel investors will look through the stepped into the shareholder register. Thakrar pulled a special 3/- dividend
healthcare industry, the agricultural operating full year loss on revenue of accumulated losses and focus on the “It’s an opportunity for retail inves- and surged WPP Scangroup’s share
industry.’’ Last week, Uber filed an $11.3 billion, bringing total operating ubiquity of the platform and that the- tors to buy the Africa growth story, price some +71.57%, [once in a decade
initial offering amount of $1 billion, losses over the past three years to refore, these shares will pop meanin- the story of a growing consumer phenomenon] got zero ventilation
typically a placeholder amount. The more than $10 billion, Thursday’s filing gfully. Therefore, if the IPO price range class,” said Steven Grin, managing across our media. This loops me to
company applied to list on the New shows. In a brilliantly counterintuitive is between $100b-$110b market cap, partner of Lateral Capital, a New a comment that the UNCTAD SG Dr.
York Stock Exchange. In the IPO Pros- move, Uber even said they might I would be a buyer looking for a move York-based investment company Mukhisa Kituyi made to me.
pectus, the word ‘platform’ appears never make a Profit ever. Ride-hailing towards $150b. This is a conviction focused on Africa.
more than 700 times. revenue grew 95 per cent in 2017 from buy recommendation within those “Rising per-capita incomes, an Aly Khan Satchu is a
Uber is seriously ubiquitous and the previous year, that rate slowed to parameters. increasingly young and urban popu- financial analyst


Ngilu’s bee-keeping plan set to

earn millions for Kitui farmers BE TACTFUL WHEN
Farmers have a lot of honey but lack a market and the right processing skills In an ideal world, feedback
would always happen face-
to-face, so the other person
could read your body language
MUSEMBI NZENGU and hear your voice. But
@StarKenya there are times when you
have to provide input through
Kitui county government is em- Kitui governor
barking on a programme to ensure Charity Ngilu
email, text message, or even
that more than 5000 beekeepers in lending a hand in instant message, and in these
the county reap full benefits of the the procession cases it’s important to be
multi-million industry. and packaging of careful about tone. Written
Research has shown that a proper- honey last Friday criticism can easily lead to
ly managed honey industry in Kitui when she visited misunderstandings, since it’s
County, could produce 400 metric the Kamaki Bee
tonnes of honey annually which keepers manual
missing the natural empathy
would conservatively translate to honey refinery that comes from talking to
cumulative earning of Sh. 80 mil- in Athi ward someone in person. And
lion for the beekeepers. Kitui county, once it’s typed, it’s harder
Governor Charity Ngilu has thus Below, Kitui to take back than a spoken
ordered the registration of all bee- Governor Charity comment. Generally, your
keepers in the county that has the Ngilu admires
written feedback should stick
potential of producing 400 metric packaged honey
tonnes of honey annually for im- at the Kamaki
to descriptive, rather than
mediate training on harvesting and bee keepers evaluative, language. People
handling of honey. Kamaki bee are usually more receptive to,
In a statement from Ngilu on that high-quality Kitui honey would keepers manual for example, “This is what I
Sunday, Ngilu said it has dawned not only be easily accepted in the honey refinery see happening” than to “This
on her that Kitui beekeepers were local Kenyans market but also in- in Athi ward is what I think you should do
not reaping optimum benefits from ternationally. Kitui county last
their honey. “From Monday morning, I want Friday.
differently.” The latter can be
She said that for lack of knowledge them (beekeepers) to register and /MUSEMBI NZENGU
read as harsh and uncaring,
on the suitable honey refining tech- also give a projection on the amount whereas the former is more
niques and facilities coupled with of honey they produce. Village ad- objective. You’ll have more
lack of a reliable and direct market, ministrators should register all hon- latitude if you have a strong
Kitui beekeepers remained paupers ey producers in their areas so that relationship with the recipient,
in the midst of plenty. they could be given ideal training,”
because the person is less
“I visited Athi ward and realized said Ngilu.
that many beekeepers have a lot of The value chain adviser in the Of- likely to perceive the criticism
honey but they languish for lack fice of the Governor Temi Mutia said as an attack. Still, the extra
of a market for their honey and the training programme which will effort you put into thinking
the right honey processing skills. I be done in phases is meant to ensure through what to say and how
want them to be trained on how to that Kitui people engage in profitable He lamented that beekeepers “Honey is a natural resource that to say it will help the person
produce high-grade honey. We will beekeeping practices. “The idea is have been producing honey in a has the potential of turning around hear your message (even if
also buy refining machines for them,” to commercialize beekeeping for disjointed, haphazard and uncoor- lives. It came to make the poor bee-
said Ngilu. sustainable livelihood,” said Temi dinated way which gave them little keepers very affluent is handled in
they’re reading it).
She said the idea was to see to it on Sunday. monetary benefit. a structured way,” he said.
Monday, April 15, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 15

From left Edith
Nyenze, MP Kitui
Malindi Businesses
West, Ashok clean town monthly
Shah, Apollo
Group CEO, and ALPHONCE GARI / Malindi Business
Enock Wambua, Community and residents have
Senator Kitui launched an aggressive garbage
county assist clean up exercise to revive the lost
with building the glory of the resort town.
latest sand dam The initiative is aimed at positioning
in Kitui County. the resort town as a blue and green
/COURTESY town to exploit the blue economy in
an economically, socially and environ-
mentally sustainable way.
Hundreds of business people, tour-
ism stakeholders, county government
officials and local residents turned up
for the first major cleanup on Satur-
day from Malindi airport to the central
business district and the Baobab
beach area. They were collecting all
kinds of wastes including bottles,
plastics and polythene is removed.
The community has also began
a beautification programme in the
town by planting flowers and trees to
ensure the town is green.
MOTORING The cleanup received a major

Carmakers battle for Africa’s

boost after top government officials
including Principal Secretary State
Department for Housing andUrban
Development Charles Hinga and Sec-
retary to the President delivery Unit

booming automotor market

Andrew Wakahiu hailed the Malindi
community for initiating the clean up
to make the town clean.
Shops were closed for nearly three
hours to participate in the cleanup and
sensitize locals on the importance of
Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana potential manufacturing hubs with potential for 3 to 4 million new cars maintaining cleanliness.
Philemon Mwavalla a popular
tourism investor in Malindi who is part
REUTERS would reduce the imports. “It will largely depend on how cure a spot as a beachhead for the of the organizing committee for the
@StarKenya “The question on Africa isn’t, ‘Is successful the African govern- industry. Nigeria and Ghana are pre- cleanup said their aim is to ensure the
it a market of the future?’” Mike ments are in limiting the amounts paring to offer automakers tax holi- town regains its lost glory.
At the edge of Nairobi’s Ngong Forest, Whitfield, Nissan’s top executive of second-hand imports and how days of up to 10 years and duty-free Speaking at Cleopatra grounds, he
thousands of used cars glitter in the for Africa, told Reuters. “It’s a case price-competitive new vehicles can imports of parts and components said the support they had received in
hot sun on a dusty field, waiting for of when.” be with their tariffs,” said Craig used in local assembly. moving towards a green city of Malindi
buyers. Four years after forming the As- Parker, Africa research director at Nigeria also plans to double the is commendable.
Imported from Japan or the Middle sociation of African Automotive Frost & Sullivan, a US-based market levy on new, fully-built imported ve- “Our strategy in collaboration with
East, they offer an affordable route Manufacturers (AAAM) their efforts research firm. hicles to 70 percent to boost demand the county government is to get
to vehicle ownership in Kenya and are starting to bear fruit. Carmakers Africa’s population and household for locally produced cars, though the Malindi a green city and we believe
have dominated the market for de- that set up local assembly plants incomes are rising rapidly. But its policy’s approval has been delayed. this is achievable we want to draw
cades. could get tax holidays of up to 10 1 billion inhabitants account for In Kenya, automakers will pay awareness to community members
That is an obstacle big carmakers years and duty exemptions in Nige- only 1 per cent of the world’s new no import or excise duties and get on how to dump garbage.’’
must overcome if they are to crack ria, Kenya and Ghana, according to passenger car sales, industry data a 50 per cent corporate tax break. The cleanup exercise will be held
Africa, a market promising rapid government plans seen by Reuters. shows. South Africans bought over For African nations facing massive every second day of the month.
growth as trade tensions threaten Thomas Schaefer, head of Volk- 85 percent of those vehicles. demographic pressures, such con- Cate Mwikali, chairperson of Malindi
sales elsewhere. African consum- swagen’s Africa business, said there The AAAM identified Kenya, Ni- cessions make sense if they create Community Steering Committee said
ers also still need conventional en- is a potential market in sub-Saharan geria and Ghana as potential man- jobs, said Jelani Aliyu, of Nigeria’s the aim was to ensure the community
gines as demand in more traditional Africa for 3 to 4 million new cars, up ufacturing hubs and helped draft National Automotive Design and is sensitized on the importance of
markets is curbed by restrictions on from just 420,000 in 2017. legislation setting up standards and Development Council. keeping environment clean.
carbon emissions. But that will require addressing incentives. “The multiplying effects are expo- “We want to position Malindi as a
Volkswagen, BMW, Toyota, Nis- the well-entrenched interests of Details of governments’ plans nential,” said Aliyu, who foresees green city to exploit the blue econ-
san and others have joined forces second-hand car dealers, smugglers provided to Reuters demonstrate supporting industries developing omy in a social and environmentally
to lobby governments for steps that and lowering the price of new cars. that African nations are keen to se- around the plants. sustainable manner.”


Plastics recycling plant opened

The plant will reclaim between 1,000 and 5,000 tonnes monthly
GILBERT KOECH/ A Chinese firm has set up a Sh 4.5 bil- ployment opportunities, revenue for the exchequer
lion (US$ 45 million) plastic waste recycling company and improve standards of living for the collectors who
in Athi River. will be supplying us. We are able to recycle between
The company will be collecting and recycling 2,000 1,000 tonnes and 5,000 tonnes every month with two
tonnes of PET bottles every month. processing lines in Nairobi and Mombasa,” Weeco
Weeco Recycling Company has set up operations Recycling Company director Wang Zhangyin said.
in Athi River and Mombasa. It will collect and recycle The firm signed a partnership contract with Kenya
plastic bottles into pellets which are later converted PET Recycling Company, an industry body mandated
into fibre and garment. with regulating management of post-consumer PET
“We have entered into the Kenyan market to provide packaging in the country. PETCO Kenya chairman John
a lasting solution to the challenge posed by post-con- Waithaka said the firm will play a key role in recycling
sumer PET bottles. In addition, we will provide em- of post-consumer PET packaging. Weeco director Wang Zhangyin and PET chairman John Waithaka /COURTESY
16 THE-STAR.CO.KE Monday, April 15, 2019

STRANDED FOR TWO WEEKS The Maltese government said that through the coordi-
nation of the European Commission, the migrants will
Four EU countries to be redistributed among Germany, France, Portugal and

take rescued migrants “None of the migrants will remain in Malta. The ship
Alan Kurdi will not be allowed to enter Malta,” the gov-
ernment said.
Migrants who
were stranded

after Med standoff

on the German
“Once again the smallest member of the European Union NGO Sea-Eye
was put under unnecessary pressure, being asked to resolve migrant rescue
a case which was neither its responsibility nor its remit,” ship Alan Kurdi
REUTERS/ Pope Fr Four European Union countries have the government added. disembark
agreed to take in 64 African migrants rescued by the Ger- “A solution was found in order not to let the situation from an Armed
man ship Alan Kurdi and stranded at sea for almost two deteriorate further while making it clear Malta cannot Forces of Malta
weeks, the Maltese government announced on Saturday. keep shouldering this burden.” patrol boat
The ship, operated by the humanitarian organization In March, Malta received 108 migrants after the small at its base in
Sea-Eye, had been refused entry by Italy and Malta, but tanker which rescued them was hijacked by some of the Marsamxett
two migrants were evacuated to Malta earlier this week migrants themselves. Maltese soldiers stormed the vessel Harbour,
because of poor health. and escorted it to Malta. Valletta on
Both countries had insisted it was Libya’s responsibility Three teenagers have since been taken to court and are Saturday
to take in the boat, Sea Eye said earlier in the week. under arrest. /REUTERS


KATHMANDU/ A small plane
operated by a private airline in
Sudan protesters
Nepal hit a parked helicopter await army word on
on Sunday while preparing transition demands
to take off in a mountainous
area near Mount Everest, REUTERS/ Several thousand
Sudanese protesters continued a
killing three people including sit-in outside the Defense Ministry
a co-pilot, an airport official yesterday as they pressured the
said. MOGADISHU/ Somali military to accelerate a transition
towards civilian rule.
security forces shot dead The head of the military council that
a rickshaw driver and his replaced former President Omar al-
passenger in the capital Bashir, who was ousted on Thursday
after three decades in power, has
Mogadishu on Saturday and said a civilian government will be
killed another four people formed after consultations with the
who were protesting against opposition.
the shootings, witnesses The main organiser of protests that
led to Bashir’s ouster, the Sudanese
and lawmakers said. TUNIS/ Professionals’ Association (SPA), has
Tunisia’s ruling party Nidaa demanded that civilians be included
Tounes on Saturday elected on the transitional military council
and has pressed for Bashir’s close
two leaders, one of them the associates to leave.
president’s son, in two parallel It has called for a restructuring of
congresses, deepening the the powerful National Intelligence and
Security Service and the dissolution
division that has hit the party of militia forces that operated under
in recent years. LONDON/ Iraqi members of the Civil Defense cover the bones from an unearthed mass grave of Kurds in the west of the Bashir.
Police in London opened city of Samawa yesterday /REUTERS The sit-in, which began on April
6, was the culmination of a protest
fire outside the Ukrainian
movement that began nearly four
embassy on Saturday after NEVER TO BE FORGOTTEN months ago, triggered by a worsening

Iraq unearths mass grave

a man rammed his vehicle economic crisis.
into the ambassador’s
empty parked car at least SUDAN SIT-IN DEATHS
twice before being arrested,
officials said. WASHINGTON/
President Donald Trump said
on Friday he was considering
of Kurds killed by Saddam At least 16 people
were killed, and
20 injured by stray
sending illegal immigrants
Upto 180,000 people may have been killed during ‘Anfal’ campaign
in the country to so-called bullets at protests
sanctuary cities, prompting REUTERS/ Iraq must never forget not accept the continuation of this account what she said were the last
US mayors to accept such Saddam Hussein’s crimes or allow regime, because they wanted to words her father had for the Iraqi and sit-ins on
his party to return, President Bar- live a free and dignified life,” Salih, people, four days before his execu-
an offer as the battle over
ham Salih said yesterday after at- a Kurd, told a news conference at tion. Thursday and Friday,
border security raged. tending the unearthing of a mass
grave of Kurds killed by the former
the grave site. Raghad Hussein, who has been
“He brought them to Samawa to living in Jordan ever since the United a Sudanese police
leader’s forces three decades ago.
The grave, found in the desert
bury them but our people in Sama- States invaded Iraq in 2003, posted
wa embraced them,” Salih added. the message on the 12th anniversary
spokesman Hashem

about 170 km west of the city of Sa- Iraq’s southern provinces are of her father’s death.
mawa, contained the remains of doz- predominantly inhabited by Shi’ite “Oh honourable people, I entrust
Ali said on Saturday.
ens of Kurds made to “disappear” by Arabs, who also suffered oppression you and my soul to the merciful
Saddam’s forces, Salih’s office said. and mass killings under Saddam, a Lord, who does not disappoint the
They were among up to 180,000
people who may have been killed
Sunni Arab. honest believer … God is great,” the
“The new Iraq must never forget message read.
buildings and private
Migrants to be taken in by during Saddam’s “Anfal” campaign these crimes that were committed Saddam was sentenced to death property were also
four European countries that targeted Iraqi Kurds in the late against Iraqi people from all groups,” by hanging on the first day of Eid
1980s when chemical gas was used, he said. al-Adha, on the order of then-Prime attacked, he said in a
The migrants will be redistributed villages were razed and thousands of Saddam was executed on Decem- Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who had
among Germany, France, Portugal Kurds were forced into camps. ber 30m 2006. In december last year, insisted the execution be carried out statement.
and Luxembourg. “He killed them because they did his daughter posted on her Twitter on that particular day.
Monday, April 15, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 17
18 THE-STAR.CO.KE Monday, April 15, 2019



Do you think Raphael

Tuju is trying to
sabotage DP Ruto?

Yes: The reckless

statements he issues have
the capacity of breaking
up the party. Tuju needs to
consult the officials before
issuing any statement.

Staff at Sarova
take a selfie with
comedian Eric Send your views to letters@the-star.co.ke
Omondi shortly
after he checked
in for Easter. The Sharing problems and confidential issues. Many youths Sexuality education
comedian will will accept to die alone because
be on stage on can ease growing they will not withstand humiliation a step in tackling
Easter Saturday
during their depression burden from their colleagues. It is hard to
conclude what others are going
gender violence
dinner party No: Both are fighting to
through, you will only realise after
Depression is a fast-growing killer extreme outcomes of the decisions In Kenya, 61.1 per cent out of 2,500 control the political party
disease among the Kenyan youth. of affected individuals. Few people Kenyan students needs information ahead of 2022 polls and
Every time a ‘strange’ story goes believe in themselves and they trust on sexual and reproductive health,
their friends with their information
this may disunite the party.
around, we always find a young and and rights and skills to protect them-
promising Kenyan involved. This so they share and acquire solutions. selves against sexually transmitted Tuju is only executing the
compels us to wonder whether The larger percentage want to share infections or unintended pregnan- President’s directives.
some youths value their lives at all. but feel insecure about giving their cies. Only 2 per cent of teachers has
Among the causative agents are information, so they end up consol- admitted to having information on IAN NDUNG’U
cases of poor mentorship which ing themselves with the common comprehensive sexuality education.
leads to a weak approach among un- phrase; ’wacha nipambane na hali The percentage of students with
employed youth and other job seek- yangu’. Youths need to pray continu- knowledge of contraceptives is
ers; cheating in relationships, harsh ally, rethink seeing a mentor, sharing higher than that of those who have
lifestyles which promise nothing information with an expert or close used or prefer using contraceptives.
but tough times ahead. Prolonged friends and checking on their health Effective sexual and reproduc-
frustrations have been known to status to overcome daily setbacks tive health and rights entails safe
cause depression. A person will go and frustrations. decision making and the right to live
through an unpleasant experience healthy and productive lives. Sexu-
and decide to keep it to themselves; IAN KIPROP CHEPKUTO ality education to children and young
if it happens again, they still keep it to Nairobi people provides information about
themselves in the name of ‘keeping sexuality, sexual and reproductive
up with the world’, which is mostly health and rights and also enhanc- No: Leaders should stop
just the picture that is painted on so- Jokes aside; give es positive values and attitudes engaging in early politics
cial media. This life has gone through
countless filters to make it ‘Insta- the deceased, her towards their reproductive health.
Comprehensive sexuality education
and instead focus on
serving Kenyans. Early
gram worthy’ just to gain likes. Weak
minds and negative thinking amount
family their respect enables development of self-es-
teem, respect for human rights, pro- politics will bar jubilee from
to depression among affected motes gender equality and enhances implementing their pledges.
individuals, leading to separation or The recent brutal murder of uni- skills for positive decision making. It
total detachment from society. This versity student Ivy Wangechi has generates demand for reproductive PETER OKWONJO
is where we start to lose the youth been one of the most trending health services by young people, Makutano
as they smile in public and cry behind topics on social media. In giving their including demand for contracep-
closed doors. Frustration is generat- opinions, many Kenyans have taken tives and family planning services
ed internally and it piles up slowly in sides, with some taking this action and also reduce the age at first sex.
one’s mind for years before it affects to create jokes and fun. Well, the To achieve this, communication
them to the extent of taking action Constitution allows for freedom of on sexuality between parents and
beyond their thinking. Little knowl- expression and I am not in any way adolescents should be promoted. We
edge on how to approach harsh living against the opinions given, but why must also create awareness on the
conditions, for instance, has forced make fun when a family is fighting to dangers of myths and misconcep-
many people to either change tactics accept the loss of their loved one? tions that hinder the provision of
of living or give in and start breaking It is pure malice. People are fast to comprehensive sexuality education
the law either through crime or justify the brutal act, saying “it was a in learning institutions. It ensures
engaging in drugs- which is not a much-deserved lesson for the vic- individuals, especially adolescents, Yes: Raila has been known
solution. During this period, very few tim and others like her”. But how can gain better knowledge of their rights in the past for breaking up
people share their problems and end she learn a lesson from the grave? and make informed choices about parties. I wonder why Tuju
up surviving, others cannot and end It is high time Kenyans developed sex and relationships. Comprehen-
up getting enslaved by the burden of mannerism, put themselves in the sive sexuality education will provide
goes to extent to praise the
depression. Another serious factor shoes of the deceased’s family and a rights-based approach towards party competitor in 2022.
which promotes depression is living understood that even the deceased the prevention of gender-based The party needs another
in denial; the affected individuals deserve respect. May she rest in violence and HIV-related stigma. secretary general.
may find it hard to open up to people peace.
especially on matters of romantic re- JOSEPH MACHARIA PURITY NTHIANA ROSE KARENGER
lationships, health and other serious Nairobi Youth health advocate Makutano
Monday, April 15, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 19




Festival director Brian Owango

FEES — PASTOR KANYARI In an earlier interview, Betty said
/COURTESY the two coordinate where possible
because he (Kanyari) is a stingy man
Tandawazi, a festival of culture, re- who provides little for his children.
turns this year for its 10th edition “I don’t think he is the kind of
with a precursor event called ‘The man you wake up and ask for ev-
Sundowner’ on Saturday last week- erything,” Betty said, adding that
end at the Pool House 19 Kibagare she doesn’t miss him one bit.
way, Nairobi. But Kanyari denied being stin-
The Sundowner came a day shy gy. He said it all depends on what
of the official opening of Tandawazi amount of money she asks for and
Festival, slated from today to April 21. how much he is able to give her.
Tetu Shani, a self-taught percus- “Every person is ‘stingy’, depend-
sionist and guitarist, will headline ing on what they can afford. Could
the event, which will also feature be she wants Sh10 million and you
demos from Nairobi’s finest artistes. don’t have; that is how the stinginess
“Tandawazi began in 2010 as a festi- comes,” he said.
val that mainly targeted capoeira,” Betty has finally moved on and is
festival director Brian Owango said. set to wed. She wrote on social media
“Later I realised that getting var- that she is engaged.
ious artistic communities from Af- “I have moved on but when the
rican dance, break dance, capoeira, right time comes, I will speak about
yoga, Afro-Latin dance communi- it. I will even introduce you to the
ties, drumming, and so on, will man and even my wedding... you
make Tandawazi achieve its goal of will all know him,” Betty wrote.
connecting more cultures.” Asked if he has moved on, Kanyari
said, “I don’t want to talk about if I
have moved on or not.”

Rose Muhando “If Betty has moved on, I don’t

know, but I have nothing to tell her.

finally recovers Betty is not a bad woman... She is a

good person.”
Does he miss her? “She is the
mother of my two kids and she will
always be,” he said.

ELIZABETH NGIGI/ Evangelist Victor He said he visits every term and it Kanyari Daddy Owen at VFS South Africa
Kanyari has rebuffed claims by his is he who chooses the school. “She /COURTESY Visa Application Centre on 5th floor,
ex-wife singer Betty Bayo that he is only provides for food, which we also Park Field Building, Muthangari
a stingy father to their two children. help each other sometimes,” he said. Drive, on Friday at 12:30pm. He was
For more Word Is “I take care of my children and pay “It costs me Sh450,000 every term in a maroon T-shirt, black jeans and
ELIZABETH NGIGI @nyambs_liz/ Rose stories scan the their school fees, which is expen- because they are in one of the best white sneakers.
Muhando is back in the limelight, QR code above. sive,” Kanyari told Word Is on Friday. schools.”
looking much better and healthier.
She made the headlines a few
months ago after a disturbing vid-
eo surfaced online allegedly of 10
demons talking about how they
Caps and shades a trademark for ‘introvert’ Nameless
destroyed the gospel star’s career.
Rose had been down on her luck Nameless ELIZABETH NGIGI @nyambs_liz/ Da- out a hat, baring his gudu forehead.
and in that video, she looked like /COURTESY vid Mathenge, aka Nameless, says the He captioned it: “#TeamForehead
a shadow of her former self with reason he is always in a cap and shades mpo??? Tag anyone with a gudu
bruises on her feet and a bandaged is to fit his status of being a celebrity. forehead and tell them its ok ata
left hand. “What most people do not know Nameless ana yake!!!”
The current photo of her was about me is that I am an introvert, Nameless is a veteran in the mu-
shared online by a fellow gospel ar- and that’s why I am always in a cap sic industry. Currently, he is ruling
tiste, Betty Bayo, and Rose looked and shades,” Nameless told Word the airwaves with a remix of his
much better. Is on Friday. first-ever song ‘Megarider’, featur-
“She has been around but she has “It is a subconscious way to deal ing Khaligraph Jones.
not been feeling well. For about four with the introvert me ‘coz I am in the “I wanted to give a new spice of the
months she has been in the hospital, industry where I have to get the full song because it is 20 years since I did
but the people around her do not attention, which is not my thing.” it and I chose Khaligraph because I
want to reveal which hospital for Fans might have asked themselves wanted to do it with a new genera-
now,” Betty told Word Is. what’s up with the hats all the time, tion of arstistes,” he said.
“She is healed and the bruises she even when it’s too hot to wear a hat. He promised to do a couple of
had on the hands are completely A few years ago, Nameless appar- remixes of his older songs with dif-
healed.” ently shared a photo of himself with- ferent artistes.
20 THE-STAR.CO.KE Monday, April 15, 2019


Author, ‘Growing Pains: The Future of Democracy (and Work)’
Legacy at risk: It’s time
The chief impact of global warming on humans is going to be on
Uhuru cracked the whip food supply, which will plummet in the tropical and sub–tropical

resident Uhuru Kenyatta must be a countries and the desperate people will start to move
frustrated leader - nay, an angry man.
Soon after his re-election nearly two
years ago, he came up with a four-
pillar development agenda, which he continues
to articulate in various forums.
His frustration is a result of open defiance
by some of his cohorts in the Jubilee party
who have made it their business to bombard
the citizenry with toxic politics on Saturdays
at funerals and on Sundays during Christian
The President constantly reminds these
noise makers that they should have put to a
stop campaign politics after the August 2017
elections and concentrate on his development
agenda of ensuring that there is enough food
in the country, Kenyans have decent houses,
they need not to worry about dying at home
because of unaffordable healthcare and that
the youth have jobs in the manufacturing
The Head of State’s attention is ever split,
with hardly any time to ensure that his
agenda is understood and embraced by every


mwananchi. He must find a way of ensuring
that the toxic politics does not result in him
being a lame-duck president.
Uhuru has only three years to crack the

whip against those derailing his development
n a recent survey of potential adult migrants particularly high in the post-industrial areas that voted
agenda before his two-term presidency ends. It worldwide, 47 million said they would most like to so heavily for Trump in the US, for Brexit in Britain,
is his legacy at risk if he doesn’t do so. move to Canada. There are only 37 million people and for ultra-nationalist parties in Germany. In the
in Canada. The same goes for Australia: 36 million US, according to Nicholas Eberstadt of the American
would like to move there; only 25 million do live Enterprise Institute, 17.5 per cent of American men of

HISTORICAL QUOTE there. Most of these would-be immigrants are

going to be disappointed. In fact, Canada lets in
just 300,000 immigrants a year; Australia 200,000.
prime working age ( 24-55 ) are not working.
So you can see why Hillary Clinton is concerned, but
she seems unaware that the pressure of migration is
“If you don’t like something, Other developed countries are significantly less also going to grow rapidly.
change it. If you can’t change it, popular destinations, but potential migrants amounting
to around half the existing populations want to move to
More than half of Kenyans would immediately move
to another country if they could, a 2017 survey by the
change your attitude.” the United States, France, Britain, Germany and Spain. US-based Pew Research Centre discovered. More than
They too are going to be disappointed. a third of Nigerians, Ghanaians and Senegalese are
MAYA ANGELOU In its most generous year, 2016, Germany let in a actually planning to emigrate in the next five years,
She was an American poet, memoirist, singer and civil million immigrants, mostly Syrian refugees, but 80 according to the same survey. (Good luck with that!)
rights activist million Germans are never going to let in the 42 million Even a third of Chinese millionaires would like to
foreigners who also want to live there. Indeed, former emigrate (half if you include moving to Hong Kong
US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said bluntly as emigration). And all this
last November that “Europe has done its part, and must is before climate change
send a very clear message: ‘we are not going to be able MORE THAN HALF OF kicks the numbers into the
to continue to provide refuge and support.’”
Clinton was mainly concerned about how
KENYANS WOULD stratosphere.
The chief impact of global
anxiety about mass immigration has fuelled the IMMEDIATELY warming on human beings

Women once
rise of populism in Western countries. That’s hardly
surprising, given how Donald Trump’s tight focus
MOVE TO ANOTHER is going to be on the food
supply, which will fall as the
again leading on the alleged criminal and job-stealing propensities COUNTRY IF THEY temperature rises. And the
the way to of Latino immigrants won over enough formerly food shortages will not affect
THESTARKENYA THESTARKENYA @THESTARKENYA peace through Democratic voters in the Rust Belt states to give him the COULD, A 2017 everybody equally: the supply

Lion Place, Waiyaki Way, Westlands

It didn’t just work for Trump. It helped the Brexiteers
SURVEY BY PEW will hold up in the temperate
zone (the rich countries), but
PO Box 74497-00200 , Nairobi, Kenya key to their win their anti-European Union referendum in the RESEARCH CENTRE it will plummet in the tropical
+254 20 424 4000 | 0711 046 000 success—in United Kingdom, it brought the populists to power in and sub-tropical countries
opinion@radioafricagroup.co.ke | newsdesk@the-star.co.ke Sudan & around Italy, and it underpins Viktor Orban’s ‘soft dictatorship’ where 70 per cent of the world’s people live. They will
the world. We in Hungary (even though Hungary has never let be desperate, and they will start to move.
COO News Editor Associate Editor, Daily stand with immigrants in, and they don’t want to go there anyway). That’s when the pressure of migration will really take
Agnes Kalekye Francis Mureithi Joseph Olweny these brave, But the fact is that the levels of immigration are off, and the rich countries are simply not going to let the
courageous not particularly high in the US and most European climate refugees in. Not only would it stress their food
Head of Content Political Editor Photo Editor Sudanese countries at the moment. Net migration to the UK has supply too, but the numbers seeking to get in would be
Paul Ilado Felix Olick Jack Owuor women who been stable since 2010; in both the US and in Germany so large – two or three times the resident population –
won’t stop (with the exception of 2016, in the latter case), net that it would utterly transform the country’s character.
Business $ Weekend Digital Editor Sports Editor til they get migration is down by half since 2000. Something So the borders will slam shut.
Editor Oliver Mathenge Chris Mbaisi a peaceful more is needed to explain the level of anger in these It’s a myth that you cannot close borders. You can, if
Francis Openda transition countries. you’re willing to kill people. (Think of the Iron Curtain,
to a civilian It is, of course, unemployment, which is much higher which divided all of Europe for 40 years.) And the rich
The Star is a publication of the Radio Africa Group government. than the published (official) figures in every case, and is countries will, in the end, be willing to kill people.
Monday, April 15, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 21


Vice chancellor, Kenyatta University Political commentator

KU and partners will hold an Youth too emotional to deduce prevailing political trends unike
international conference on their parents and grandparents, who want squabbling to cease
May 20–24 to address concerns so leaders can concentrate on improving their tattered lives



lobal food security has been shaken by
growing population and famine. Food
and nutrition security is a situation where
all people, at all times, have physical and
economic access to adequate, safe and
nutritious, and diversified food to meet their
dietary needs and preferences for an active
and healthy life.
Scientists have argued that unsafe food is likely
responsible for more deaths than malnutrition
and hunger, due to acute and chronic disease
consequences. Unsafe food has been attributed to
the increase in cancer cases, among other food-
borne illnesses and intoxications. This further
exacerbates the vicious cycle of disease, starvation
and malnutrition.
Food-borne illnesses overload an already burdened
healthcare system. They lower productivity, leading to
economic and trade loss at national and international
level. Prevention is better than cure, hence, the safety
component of food security cannot be ignored.
However, evidence-based research is scarce to
inform and guide policies and action points. There
is minimal information on risk and exposure

assessment of food hazards. Kenya faces many
perennial food safety issues. Consumers are have been crisscrossing the North Rift the past are flooded with so that a few sleazy individuals can
continually exposed to food-related hazards such couple of months minding my own business but benefit.
as pesticide residues, aflatoxins, food pathogens, I couldn’t fail to capture the political mood vis-a- In brief, the youth in Rift Valley are too emotional to
heavy metals, adulterated foods (such as alcoholic vis the multiple bare-knuckle tremors sweeping deduce prevailing political trends compared to their
beverages) and dairy products. across a progressively shifting political landscape. parents and grandparents. That is the folly of being
Food additives and toxic compounds produced Even the apolitical pockets dotting the region young without a care in the world of where your next
during cooking and processing methods such as are waking up to the reality that our hopelessly meal will come from.
roasting and frying add to the challenge of food fluid politics affects their lives one way or the other. When you put the region’s lawmakers on the
safety. The safety of what we consume has been They are keenly following the volley of words between magnifier, you gather that some have thrown caution to
compromised at almost all levels of the food value the bona fide team leader of the adrenaline-charged the wind and deserted their duties and responsibilities
chain; from agricultural production, post-harvest Tanga Tanga squad, DP William Ruto, and his erstwhile to the masses to engage in an unending war of words.
handling, processing, packaging, storage, distribution political foe Raila Odinga. They can perfectly be described as dogs for hire.
and retailing. Flip the coin and your ears risk going deaf as the Their barking antics have drawn some blood.
The use and misuse of nutritional supplements Kieleweke battalion and the Tanga Tanga conglomerate They think after President Uhuru Kenyatta’s recent
as well as ergogenic aids in the population are now noisily receive and deflect punches from State of the Nation address the war
reaching alarming levels. Kenya has put in place legal each other. on corruption, which had gained
frameworks to protect consumers from unsafe foods. The youth are smack in the middle FOR THE LAST FIVE momentum, will be slowed and
Despite this, the consumer is not assured about the fighting on social media in support of the measured to protect suspects from
safety of the foods they consume, and the information DP while the older citizens watch keenly YEARS, THINGS HAVE being lynched in the court of public
is either lacking or incorrect. How effective are the
corrective and preventive measures taken?
from the periphery hoping and wishing
that the squabbles could cease for a minute
It was evident that the suspects
Corruption has worsened the situation. Who then to allow their leaders time to concentrate VALLEYS AND RIFTS and their crooners were elated at the
will protect the consumer? How will these food safety
issues be addressed? What is our responsibility?
on improving their tattered lives.
“Look at me,” Kiprugut Mengech told me
TAKING RESIDENTS’ President’s pacifying speech. If I were
these court dancers, I would tread
Kenyatta University’s vision is to be a dynamic, in a recent tete a tete in Ziwa, Uasin Gishu LIVELIHOOD WITH very carefully and watch what I utter.
inclusive and competitive centre of excellence in county. The poverty-stricken farmer was The Head of State just changed tack to
teaching, learning, research, and service to humanity. once a successful maize and milk farmer. THEM INTO AN ABYSS checkmate those fingered in the Arror
As such, research and dissemination of findings
remain one of the university’s mandates.
His stone house bears evidence that he was
once living in the fast lane thanks to his
OF HOPELESSNESS and Kimwarer dams’ bloodless heist,
among others being investigated.
The university is supportive of the government’s farm produce. Prior to Uhuru’s address, the country had
Big Four agenda, which includes food security. In this For the last five years, things have spiralled down the experienced heightened political temperatures. The
direction, Kenyatta University, together with other valleys and rifts taking his livelihood with them into mud-slinging and the accompanying razzmatazz had
partners, will hold the International Conference on an abyss of hopelessness. Multiple times, he has had to be reduced to a manageable level and that is exactly
Food Safety on May 20-24, 2019. his maize returned with the excuse that its moisture what the President did.
The theme is ‘Food safety from farm to fork - a content is high. “This is a ploy by our leaders who have I see some foot soldiers being fattened for the big day
missing link in consumer health, education, and turned into scrupulous maize importers to sell their when their behinds will be marinated and roasted in
food security’. The conference seeks to address safety cereals,” Mengech says. style.
concerns involving all the key players in the food His counterpart in Moiben, Leah Chepling’, wishes That aside, the rifts and valleys this side of the globe
value chain. she could roll back the hands of time to when her continue unabated below the sea level between the real
The conference will bring together Scan this QR maize produce could be bought without a query at the kingpins and the wannabes.
multidisciplinary actors to share evidence-based code using your National Cereals and Produce Board. The blue-blooded royal prince Gideon Moi is quietly
research, disseminate findings and gather sustainable smartphone to The 68-year-old farmer says this year she will reduce propelling himself to a national seat leaving the noisy
solutions to food safety concerns. The outcomes of see more opinion her maize acreage to 10 from 50. battle to the son of a hustler who, for more than 27
this conference will provide a vital roadmap on how columns on the She longs for the day when quality farm inputs years, wined and dined with the Royals but never shed
we deal with the issues of food safety going forward. Star website. are available instead of the substandard ones they the ‘hustler’ tag. Interesting!
22 THE-STAR.CO.KE Monday, April 15, 2019


Radio Africa Group got down to
a day of friendly competition on
Saturday during a team building
session in Safari Park, Nairobi.
Led by Group CEO Patrick
Quarcoo and head of content
Paul Ilado, they engaged in acti-
vities including football and tug-
They competed in four teams,
with Team Blue emerging the
winner followed by Team Yellow,
then Team Red and finally Team

1 2 3

4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16
1. Group photo 2. Enos Teche runs round a stick 3. Radio Africa Group CEO Patrick Quarcoo does a jig 4. Senior digital journalist Nancy Agutu takes a break 5. Gideon Keter, Josephine Kamau, Claire Munde and Lucy Swan
6. Monicah Mwangi and Moses Aliwa lead a dance 7. RAG COO Agnes Kalekye awards Team Blue 8. Brian Ndung’u and Rosa Mumanyi take a selfie 9. RAG digital editor Oliver Mathenge crawls between teammates’ legs
10. RAG head of content Paul Ilado acknowledges applause 11. News editor Francis Mureithi, Ivy Muthoni and Angela Mueni do the tandem challenge 12. Elizabeth Musyimi and features editor Tom Jalio enjoy the crawl and run 13.
Team Green cheer one of their members 14. Ivy Muthoni, Davies Ndolo and Peninah Wambui follow instructions in the gestures games 15. Patrick Vidija, Chris Mbaisi, Dennis Tarus and Esther Wandia hold on to a rope in the circle
game 16. Graphic designer Vincent Okeyo leads teammates in tug of war /DOUGLAS OKIDDY
Monday, April 15, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 23


Faithfuls walk as
they celebrate
Palm Sunday /


Don’t go with the wind, reject

evil deeds Cardinal urges youth
Says they are easy targets for crime, radicalisation, drug abuse and other vices
The government says 1.2 million security,” it says.
He said, “Young people are often people are at risk of famine. At least 88, 800 people in Mande-
GILBERT KOECH faced with a myriad of challenges. About 14.7 million people are ra East, Banissa, Mandera West and
@TheStarKenya However, challenges will come and without food as the drought takes Mandera North in Mandera county
go.” its toll. he National Drought Manage- face death. Another 86,100 people in
Cardinal John Njue yesterday The youth are normally easy tar- ment Authority blames the crisis on Garissa at Hulugho, Daadab, Lagdera,
warned young people against be- gets for all sorts of crimes, radical- lack of rain, disease outbreaks, locust and Fafi are in critical condition.
ing “enslaved” by people with bad isation, drug abuse and other vices, invasion and insecurity. In Baringo, where more than 15
intentions. he said. The authority said communities in deaths have occurred, 73,700 people
Speaking at Saint Mary’s Msongari He urged the youth to use their the 12 most affected counties are in living in Tiaty, Baringo South and
Catholic Church during Palm Sun- energies in productive work and re- danger of insecurity due to conflicts Baringo North are in a bad state. They
day Mass yesterday, Njue said young ject activities that add no meaning over resources. are surviving on wild fruits.
people must vigorously avoid bad or harm themselves. The worst-hit counties are Mande- Some 60,300 people in Kilifi’s
deeds. Njue challenged the youth to ra, Wajir, Turkana, Garissa, Marsabit, Ganze, Magarini and Kaloleni are
Afterward, he blessed several know themselves before “following Tana River, Makueni, Kwale, Isiolo, in critical condition while Tana River
tonnes of relief food and supplies; a clear path to success”. Kilifi, West Pokot and Kajiado. has 59,700 in need of food aid.
priests urged everyone to pray for For them to succeed, the arch- The below-average short rains In West Pokot county, the health of
rain. bishop said they must differentiate increased the food insecure popu- 57,600 people has deteriorated due
“Short or tall as you are, you are between “good and evil and keep off lation from 655,800 in August 2018 to lack of water, food and security
who you are, not by choice. Be proud that which is evil at all costs”. to 1,111,500, with the top 12 counties in Pokot North and Pokot Central.
of what God has made you,” Njue Njue asked the youth to continue having 865,300 food insecure people, In Marsabit 56,600 people in
told more than 5,000 youth. praying for the country to overcome the report reads. North Horr and Laisamis need food.
“Do not allow yourself to go with its challenges. He said for mean- In Turkana, the hotspots are Makueni has 54,800 cases in Mbooni
the wind. Otherwise, you will never ingful development to be achieved, Kibish, Turkana North and Turka- and Kibwezi. In Kajiado, 47,100 need
know where you will land,” he said. peace must prevail. na East where 192, 800 people are relief food while Kwale has 45,800.
Njue said the youth, who are the ma- During the Mass, priests urged in dire need of basic things such as In Isiolo 42,000 are in dire need
jority, are often misused. Kenyans to pray for rain. water, food, treatment, peace and of help.

BUILDING APARTMENTS before the property was allegedly sold to a developer.

MP leads protesters
The developer demolished it and took over the land but
Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko repossessed last August.
There had been plans to rebuild the county dispensary

in evicting developer and a nursery school before the land was grabbed several
years ago and sold.

from hospital land

Sonko had warned that he will not relent in protecting
public land and told grabbers to surrender the parcels
or risk being evicted.
JOSEPH NDUNDA / Demonstrators on Saturday ejected a Wanyonyi said Sonko should explain his sudden
private developer who allegedly grabbed hospital land change of heart.
in Highridge, Nairobi. “Sonko recovered this land last year and promised a
The developer has started putting up a 24-storey resi- hospital. But aren’t the people issuing building approvals
dential building on the half-acre parcel. A person found sitting at City Hall?”
at the site was assaulted by the protesters who destroyed The MP said he will continue leading protests until
temporary structures and earth-movers digging up the the development stops.
land in preparation for construction. Residents said they have been suffering and forced
Westlands MP Tim Wanyonyi led the protesters. to seek treatment in Mbagathi and Kenyatta National
Westlands MP Tim Wanyonyi /FILE The land housed a dispensary which was run down Hospital because there is no nearby public
24 THE-STAR.CO.KE Monday, April 15, 2019

Stop insulting Uhuru if you declares war on
rogue meat dealers

want Kikuyu vote, say elders KNA/ Days of rogue inspectors

and dealers in uninspected meat
are numbered, Nyandarua county
commissioner Boaz Cherutich has
Council of Elders say community owes Deputy President William Ruto no political debt He raised the alarm over the
increase in cattle theft in the region
and said they would ensure no meat
He said the elders are embarrassed is transported without a permit.
by leaders from Central who have “Cartels are buying emaciated
rebelled against the President. and sick cattle for meat. They
Muthoga said Deputy President slaughter them at night and
William Ruto has not been rejected transport the meat to Burma market
by the Kikuyu but shall be among in Nairobi for sale to unsuspecting
candidates the community will traders,” Cherutich said.
negotiate with about Uhuru’s suc- He said he would marshal
cession. veterinary officers in Nairobi and
However, he said, there is no other counties to help in wiping
agreement between the Kikuyu out the cartels. The commissioner
and Kalenjin communities that the regretted that 24 cattle that had
former would support DP Ruto to recently been stolen were later
take over from Uhuru. found slaughtered. “The governor
The council, he said, will continue has promised to work with us to
engaging with all community elders eliminate rogue meat inspectors.”
to ensure peaceful coexistence.
But Muthoga reiterated that who-
ever will be supported by the Kikuyu FOR BETTER SERVICES
community must show what he or
she brings to the table. Murang’a’s Kiria-ini
The council has met various lead-
ers including former Prime Minister
hospital installs
Raila Odinga, former vice presidents ICU equipment
Kalonzo Musyola and Musalia Mu-
davadi and Somali leaders to foster ALICE WAITHERA/Murang’a residents
peace. will get better medical services
“But I do not remember the following installation of an intensive
council signing any MoU with the care unit at Kiria-ini Mission Hospital.
Kalenjin elders to support one pres- The hospital in Mathioya, built in
idential aspirant from the Kalenjin 1955, installed five ICU machines at
community in 2022,” he said. the weekend to save patients from
“And if there was any, then that long journeys to Nyeri or Kenyatta
could have been between two peo- National Hospital for services.
ple, President Uhuru and his deputy. Murang’a Catholic Bishop James
Bishop David Kiarie of Fishers of Men Church and Kikuyu Council of Elders vice chairman David Muthoga in Nyeri town on They know what they agreed upon Wainaina said the church-owned
Saturday /EUTYCAS MUCHIRI themselves but the two communities hospital wants to improve services.
are just friends.” “Our aim is to offer good health
EUTYCUS MUCHIRI for official campaign time. meeting with Mau Mau veterans on Duncan Kariuki, the national services to people as a way of
@TheStarKenya “But you cannot be going around Saturday. The meeting was attend- chairman of Matigari Mau Mau spreading Christ’s love,” he said.
the country insulting the President ed by representatives of Meru and group, criticized people appear to The hospital has received ISO
Kikuyus will only back a presiden- then expect support from the com- Kamba communities. be fighting Uhuru’s government. certification for offering high quality
tial candidate in 2022 who will have munity,”Muthoga said. “There are politicians who are “Some of these people are very laboratory services.
supported President Kenyatta to He urged politicians to respect drunk with power and are going educated but I am shocked what Wainaina said the certification
fulfill his pledges, elders have said. the President because he has good around insulting the head of state. they say is of no use to this country. gives the hospital’s laboratory
National vice chairman of the things in store for Kenyans including They should stop disrespecting the These are the kinds of people who services international recognition,
Kikuyu Council of Elders David the Big Four agenda. President if they want our support,” can cause anarchy. They should al- meaning their test results can be
Muthoga called on leaders to wait Muthoga spoke in Nyeri during a he said. ways preach peace,” he said. accepted outside the country.


More than 800,000 listed in Murang’a to rehabilitate eight
Huduma Namba registration stadiums for nurturing sports
EUTYCUS MUCHIRI/More than 800,000 people have ALICE WAITHERA/ Murang’ a county government is in the
registered for Huduma Namba in Central. process of rehabilitating eight stadiums at a cost of
Regional commissioner Wilfred Nyagwanga said the Sh100 million.
region targets seven million people by the end of the The government wants to nurture sports among
exercise. He said challenges that slowed the exercise in youths and position the county as a sports hub in Central.
the initial days have been solved. Work has already started at Ihura and Mumbi
“The problems in terms of technology have been stadiums in Murang’ a town. Erection of a perimeter wall,
addressed and I can see that the exercise is now going construction of a dais and planting of grass are under
on smoothly,” he said. Nyagwanga spoke in Mahiga ward way. Governor Mwangi wa Iria wants all subcounties to
in Othaya, Nyeri, on Saturday when he toured to mobilise have a stadium of national standard.
residents to register. The stadiums will be renovated in the next 6 weeks,
He said officials were still facing some difficulties the governor said. He spoke after the conclusion of
in transmitting data due to failure of machines. The Murang’ a Sevens rugby tournament featuring 16 teams
government has dispatched ICT experts to every at Mumbi stadium.
subcounty to address the problem. The rehabilitation programme will be combined with
“If the problem of data transmission is addressed, then skills development for young people. “We want to
I am optimistic that by the end of the 45 days, we may support youths through sports as part of wider talent
achieve the set target,” the administrator said. He said and skills development programme,” Wa Iria said. The
great strides have been made following a good working skills development programme kicked off three years Rugby players during the Murang’a Sevens tournament at Mumbi stadium last
relationship with political leaders . ago and has benefitted over 30,000 youths. week /ALICE WAITHERA
Monday, April 15, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 25


Squatters protest outside Malindi police station demanding the release of those arrested for allegedly invading ADC Kisiwani complex in Magarini last year /ALPHONCE GARI


Magarini squatters demand

“ADC came with false promises
that they would train us in farm-
ing and cattle rearing. They said our

900-acre land given to ADC

local breeds would be changed to
high-yielding breeds,’’ he said.
Charo even showed mango trees
which belonged to his family, but
they have no access to them.
Kavumbi Karisa Kazungu said
Say agency has sold property to private developers; MPs demand residents get back land the land was first taken by a British
missionary who built a school and
a church, and later by a colonialist
ni MP Michael Kingi that prompted people in government by a former as they are protecting the tycoons before he gave it to ADC.
the Parliamentary Lands Committee managing director. who bought land instead of helping Stembo Kaviha produced docu-
ALPHONCE GARI to tour the area to help find a per- In an earlier meeting during the residents,’’ he said. mentation on how the land was sold
@TheStarKenya manent solution. a courtesy call by Malindi depu- Kingi said there is a lot of corrup- out and even revealed that there are
The committee of seven included ty county commissioner Kamau tion within the ADC and called on other 3,800 idle acres at Kisiwani
Residents of Sabaki within the Ag- chairman Omar Mwinyi (Chan- Karungo, the ADC managing di- the authorities to ensure culprits are top farm.
ricultural Development Corporation gamwe), Kingi, Owen Baya (Kilifi rector pleaded with the committee brought to book. He said ADC took over the land in
Kisiwani farm in Magarini want the North), Teddy Mwambire (Ganze), to push for allocation of the land to Witnesses who testified before the 1974 but has since gone bankrupt as
state to give back 900 acres given to Samuel Kinuthia (Subukia), Josephat the corporation. committee narrated how their land there is no activity on the farm and
the parastatal. Gichunge (Tigania East) and Simon The move was rejected, however, was taken back since the pre-co- all of it belongs to private developers.
They said they had been squatters Ng’ang’a (Ruiru). by the three legislators from Kilifi lonial era before falling into the Baya and Mwambire said the resi-
since independence and were evict- The public hearing was also at- who demanded that all titles allocat- hands of the ADC, who are still on dents deserved to get back their land
ed to make way for agriculture and tended by top officials from ADC, the ed to individuals be revoked and the the ground despite the land being and promised to push for justice.
livestock rearing. They said the ADC National Lands Commission and the land be given back to the residents. sold illegally. Mwinyi promised to ensure fair-
had failed to utilise the farm and in- provincial administration. Kingi said ADC was to blame for Kahindi Charo, an elderly man ness to the people.
stead sold it to private developers at During the hearing, it emerged the injustices done to the residents who was born and brought up on “We will go through the statements
their expense. that all the 900 acres, including the of Sabaki and should not be allowed the ADC farm, said he used to live and come up with a report with rec-
They spoke on Saturday during the land with the ADC offices, were sold to take over the land. there with his grandfather before ommendations,’’ the Changamwe
hearing of a petition filed by Magari- to private developers and influential “The ADC has failed in its mandate they were evicted without any com- MP said.


Kilifi medics afraid after Cuban KNUT rejects teacher training
doctors abduction in Mandera over weekends, Easter holiday
ALPHONCE GARI/ Kilifi medical personnel want security ALPHONCE GARI/ The Kenya National Union of Teachers
strengthened in health facilities following the abduction has opposed a government move to train teachers on the
of two Cuban doctors in Mandera on Friday. new curriculum during the Easter holidays and weekend.
A spot check by the Star revealed that most health They said it is wrong for the Ministry of Education to
facilities are manned by unarmed security guards who subject teachers to training, while the rest of Kenyans are
are unable to engage in combat in case of attack by al celebrating Good Friday and Easter Monday.
Shabaab. Malindi Subcounty Hospital does not even have The officials said teachers would not attend the train-
metal detectors. During visiting hours, the gates are ing and asked Education CS George Magoha to intervene.
opened for all without any security measures. They spoke after a four-day training of Knut executive
The medical superintendent in charge of the sub- members and chief executive members from all the 110
county hospital Evans Ogato said they require security branches in Kenya, John Wesonga, the KNUT National
for all doctors. Terrorists could be targeting any doctor Executive Council member and Executive Secretary of
regardless of whether he is Kenyan or Cuban. the Mumias branch, spoke on behalf of the officials.
In an interview at the hospital, Ogato said the Malindi He said teachers’ insurance cover requires they work
DCI boss called him assured him of stringent security between 8.30am to 4pm. Addressing journalists at Turtle
measures beginning after a week’s time, on Monday Bay Resort in Watamu, he said the teachers are sup-
next week. posed to be worshipping during the weekend. KNUT National Executive Council member John Wesonga /FILE
26 THE-STAR.CO.KE Monday, April 15, 2019


CS Munya condemns
Trade CS Peter
Munya and ACK pastor on ‘fast and prayer’
CEO Luncheum retreat goes missing in Embu
Mugambi during

Kiraitu’s Meru budget

the opening of REUBEN GITHINJI/ An Anglican Church of Kenya preacher who
Transnational left home for an 11-day retreat “to fast and pray” cannot be
Sacco Mikinduri traced. The 32-year-old Stanley Kivuti, who is the in-charge
branch on of Gikuuri ACK parish in Embu East, left his Kianjokoma
Saturday home on April 4 for Shunem Retreat Centre at Piai in neigh-
/DENNIS DIBONDO bouring Kirinyaga.
Questions employment of 4,800 workers since he took office He has since then remained incommunicado. He had
asked his wife Catherine to pack some clothes to use for
three days. Catherine said her husband left home for the
retreat centre, which is 30km away at 10am. The mother
of a two-year-old child called in the evening to inquire if he
arrived safely.
“His mobile phone was off and I thought that he was deep
in prayer,” said Catherine. The phone remained off and she
decided to go to the retreat centre to find out what was
happening. She was dumb-founded after learning that he
never reported to the retreat centre.
Catherine and the other family members have unsuc-
cessfully searched for him in all places they thought he
could have gone.


Kitui executive Nguli survives
sacking for lack of evidence
MUSEMBI NZENGU/ Governor Charity Ngilu’s trusted treasury
executive Mary Nguli was spared the sack due to lack of
evidence on integrity and governance accusations against
MCAs who were vocal against her did not attend the qua-
si-judicial session that was investigating the accusations.
The few who showed up failed to sufficiently prosecute their
case. Kitui county Assembly Special Committee headed
by Johnson Kanandu (Mumoni ward) sought to determine
the authenticity of allegations that formed the basis of the
impeachment motion on December 14, 2018. It found her
“I left the county employees at though we both come from Tigania faultless.
5,000 workers but Kiraitu has em- because I thought he (Kiraitu) would Kanandu yesterday said since Nguli’s accusers had
DENNIS DIBONDO ployed 4,800 workers within one help our people. He has turned developed cold feet, there were no incriminating grounds
@TheStarKenya year in office; where will the money out to be worse. Munya and I will or evidence to nail her. “Out of the 37 MCAs who signed
for development come from if he has trounce Kiraitu in 2022.” the motion to impeach Nguli, only four appeared before
Trade CS Peter Munya has hit out at such a bloated workforce?” he asked. He said he had in 2017 seen a bee- my committee and even then, they did not provide any
Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi over The CS said there was no enmity hive and convinced Kiraitu to climb documentary evidence to back their allegations,” Kanandu
the 2017-2018 audit. between him and Kiraitu but “ques- and harvest honey for the people. said in an interview.
Munya, who spoke at Mikinduri tions must be asked especially con- “He said he was too old to climb the He spoke in the wake of a barrage of social media posts
on Saturday after opening a Trans- cerning developments”. tree and I told him we will help him. in a number of Kitui county platforms that accused his
national Sacco branch, said it is not Munya said, “[Senator] Mithika We volunteered to help but when he five-member committee of being compromised to let
viable to employ 4,800 new workers. Linturi has also raised questions got there, he started eating the honey Nguli off the hook. He said his team’s decision was reached
The former Meru governor said, “It about the state of affairs in our that was meant for our people. We professionally on the evidence presented.
is not also possible that Sh1.7 billion county. When he was campaigning, will bring him down,” the MP said. The MCA said when Nguli appeared before the commit-
has been increased to pay salaries.” Kiraitu said he will do more devel- The legislator added, “People tee, she provided documentary evidence to clear her name.
He questioned the huge amount opment than myself so he should be should bring firewood and Munya He said it was clear that most of the accusations should
of money spent on salaries of “un- up to the task.” brings pepper. We will make smoke have been directed to other accounting officers.
known people”, adding that he had Also at the function was East Af- and throw pepper in the fire and he ‘HE’S EATING “Seventy per cent of the committee members found the
fired 1,700 employees in his tenure. rican Legislative Assembly member (Kiraitu) will choke and fall.” allegations unsubstantiated. I had to rule on the basis of the
He asked Kiraitu to come clean Mpuru Aburi. A fierce critic of Munya in the past, THE HONEY majority decision,” Kanandu said.
on Auditor General Edward Ouko’s
queries when he appears before the
Aburi said he has teamed up with
Munya since Kiraitu is “not working
Aburi three times failed to unseat the
former in Tigania East.
THAT WAS Last year, the Kitui assembly overwhelmingly voted to
impeach Nguli, one of Ngilu’s most trusted Cabinet mem-
Senate Public Accounts Committee. for the people”. He was defeated by Josphat MEANT FOR bers. She was accused of violating Chapter 6 on integrity,
Munya was trounced by Kiraitu
in 2017.
The MP said, “I campaigned for
Kiraitu and went against Munya al-
Gichunge in 2013 after Munya chose
to go for the governor’s seat.
OUR PEOPLE’ misleading the assembly, violating procurement laws and
disregarding Assembly resolutions.


Thieves lynched after Njuri Ncheke curse

DENNIS DIBNDO/ Two armed robbers were last week from residents and stabbed some with daggers,” Mbo-
lynched by residents of Nchiru, three weeks after Njuri gori said.
Ncheke elders cursed them. The robbers poisoned eight pigs belonging to Catholic
The two, who had allegedly been harassing residents priest Francis Liwa and stole a solar water pump.
in Nchiru, Tigania West constituency, were burned to Last month, 67 elders gathered at their shrine, applied
death after elders performed a curse known as Uthi on red ochre on their cheeks, slaughtered a lamb and threw
them. Uthi is the worst curse that the elders can invoke, it into a fire made from Sodom apple plant twigs. Ripe
worse than Kithiri. One can be cleansed of Kithiri after Sodom apple fruits were thrown into the fire as the elders
paying a fine of three white bulls. chanted curses. The ceremony lasted from 10am to 4pm.
Uringo division Njuri Ncheke chairman Julius Mbogori Mbogori had at the time said the lamb would be ac-
said the robbers were armed with guns and daggers. They cepted by God and in 21 days the culprits would either
had killed three people and stolen several motorcycles. commit suicide or die in an accident.
“Three armed men recently attacked a resident known “Uthi is irreversible. They will perish as the lamb
as Kinyua. Luckily he escaped. In California, they stole burned to ashes,” he said. A Njuri Ncheke elder burns a lamb to curse thieves /DENNIS DIBONDO
Monday, April 15, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 27


Use all means to rescue

Cuban doctors – clerics
Supkem leaders appeal to Somali community in Somalia to help
hamud Eid Grounds during a prayer He said the doctors were passion-
for rains yesterday, the clerics urged ately serving after a majority of Ken-
STEPHEN ASTARIKO “those involved in the cowardly crim- yan medics working in Northeastern
@TheStarKenya inal act to unconditionally release fled citing insecurity.
the doctors.” Salat said that the incident had
Muslim clerics in Garissa have asked Garissa Supkem chairman Ab- not only dented the religion of Islam,
the government to use all possible dullahi Salat said the kidnap was the Somali community but also the
means rescue two Cuban doctors un-Islamic and unacceptable. He the image of the people of Northeastern.
who were abducted on Friday by Somali community living in Somalia Sheikh Hussein Mahat said the
suspected al-Shabaab militants in to closely work with their govern- incident should act as a wake-up
Mandera. ment and Kenya security personnel call to security officers to always
Herrera Correa and Landhi Rodri- to ensure the doctors are rescued. remain alert.
guez were kidnapped by gunmen “We want to strongly condemn this “These criminals are always in our Garissa Supkem chairman Abdullahi Salat (R) in the town yesterday
as they headed to work from their incident that has only served to tint midst and only wait for an oppor- /STEPHEN ASTARIKO
residence. One of their bodyguards the image of our region once again tune moment to strike and carry out
was shot and killed on the spot be- when we all know that Mandera was attacks. Security is our responsibil- Governor Ali Roba and Mandera East officers in the town. Mandera also
fore the doctors were bundled into slowly but steadily recovering from ity and its start with me and you,” MP Omar Sheikh on Saturday held has about 100 KDF soldiers.
two waiting cars that later sped off insecurity. It was four steps forward Mahat said. a security meeting with residents “Honestly, how is it that we have
towards Somalia. and now six steps backward,” Salat Mandera has not experienced ter- in Mandera town. They urged them more than 1,000 security officers
The government has intensified its said. ror attacks for the last three years, to volunteer information to assist in in a small town like this yet such
search mission with a multi-agency The government has since recalled but trade which was slowly picking rescuing the doctors. an incident can take place in broad
security team coordinating the res- other Cuban doctors stationed in up could be at the risk of disruption Roba wondered how the militants daylight. These are the questions
cue efforts. Wajir and Garissa counties as pre- in the wake of the attack. managed to abduct the doctors de- we need to ask ourselves. I find it
Speaking at the Rtd General Mo- caution. Police and Mandera leaders, led by spite the heavy presence of security strange,” said Roba.

Radio Africa Group is a fast growing and dynamic media company
consisting of 6 radio stations, one TV station and one newspaper. We
are looking for a talented, energetic, ambitious and self motivated
individual keen on a career enhancing opportunity to fill the position of
IT/Systems Internal Auditor.
Roba appeals for help to feed IT/Systems Internal Auditor
The job holder will report directly to the Group Head of Audit and will

Mandera’s starving residents be responsible for driving improvement in the internal control
environment by providing proactive recommendations on control
issues and execute specific audit assignments according to the audit
STEPHEN ASTARIKO/ Mandera Gover- invested more than Sh600 million plan.
nor Ali Roba has appealed to the in the pro-poor programmes. We
government and donors, including will continue to expand these pro-
NGOs and partners, to provide food grammes over the next three years Radio Africa Group is an Equal Opportunity Employer and will offer a
support to starving residents. to make a significant impact on the competitive package. If you match our requirements or need a career
Roba on Saturday said the county lives of the vulnerable,” Roba said.
change you may apply you on the link
could not provide sufficient aid to all He said the assessment had iden-
residents facing starvation. tified about 40,000 households that www.myjobsinkenya.com/radioafricagroup so as to reach us on or
“We will not tire to appeal for help. need food assistance. by 19th April, 2019.
The prolonged drought is really af- The county is currently provid- Please include your daytime telephone number and names and contact
fecting our people and the situation ing monthly food ration to IDPs, or-
on the ground is getting worse by phanages and some of the most vul- telephone and email address of 3 professional referees as well as your
the day. We wouldn’t wish to start nerable at an annual cost of Sh200 current and expected gross salary. We regret that in light of anticipated
losing lives and animals,” Roba said. million. Another Sh60 million has numerous applications, only short listed candidates will be contacted.
He spoke during the launch of the been set aside to provide shelter and
third distribution of relief food to non-food items to the vulnerable. Disclaimer: Radio Africa does not charge a recruitment fee or work
residents in Mandera town. “In the programme, we have iden- with any persons or agencies which charge a recruitment fee.
The governor said delayed rains tified 65 extremely poor families Governor Ali
have adversely affected the liveli- who will each get one housing unit Roba flags off
hoods of residents and livestock. with a toilet and several non-food a truck with
Mandera has been assessing the items,” Roba said. relief food in
impact of the drought on residents Another 116 families have been Mandera town on
over the last few weeks to identify identified to benefit and each is due Saturday
households in dire need of help. to receive 10 goats to support their /STEPHEN
“Accordingly, my government has livelihoods, he said. ASTARIKO
28 THE-STAR.CO.KE Monday, April 15, 2019


Bungoma carriageway faces Treat small-scale traders fairly,

Governor Ottichilo advised

bump as activists go to court

HILTON OTENYO /The newly-elected Vihiga chamber of
commerce chairman Billy Nyonje has asked the county
government to use proper ways of collecting revenue from
small businesses.
Nyonje asked the county not to oppress the small
Say it’s Kenha road, no environmental impact assessment or public input businesses, saying they are a major source of income.
He said revenue officers use excessive force to collect tax.
He spoke in Luanda market on Friday.
“Let’s have a proper procedure to collect this revenue
from our people rather than harassing them,” Nyonje said.
He said the county should replace enforcement officers
with staff who will advise on how to pay taxes. “I have
experienced the worst with these officers in our markets.
When you haven’t paid tax they harass you. Some traders
are beaten and their goods confiscated,” Nyonje said.

Mumias Sugar farmers ask for
better deals to boost output
HILTON OTENYO/Farmers want troubled Mumias Sugar
Company to adopt a new method of contracting them to
boost cane production.
Kenya National Federation of Sugarcane Farmers deputy
Secretary Simon Wesechere on Tuesday said the company
should adopt a model where millers enter into a land lease
agreement with farmers to expand acreage under the crop.
The current contracts do not take into account the land
lease aspects and only addresses the terms and conditions
of cane production. The contracts were designed in 1970s.
Former Mumias Sugar management under Errol
Johnston planned to implement the new model in 2016 but
he resigned. Now, the miller would enter into a six-year
county for an inter-parties hearing of the county government. Bungoma lease deal with farmers to allow them (miller) take full
that could stop planned works on the In the petition dated April 9, the Governor management of sugarcane development and production.
JOHN NALIANYA Musikoma-Kanduyi road. duo have sued Bungoma Governor Wycliffe
@TheStarKenya However, as the activists were seek- Wycliffe Wangamati and
ing orders, Bungoma Governor Wy- Wangamati, Roads CEC Collins Chinese GIRLS SHINE
The planned Sh1.38 billion Bungoma cliffe Wangamati, Roads CEC Collins Mukhongo, Chief Officer Maurice Ma- contractors
dual carriage is facing a hurdle after Mukhongo and some MCAs held a rango, the director general of KenHA, working on the Top Busia students make it to
rights groups moved to court block- public participation forum at Royal the Attorney General and the Control-
ing it, saying the national government Hotel in Musikoma ward. ler of the budget have been listed as
Musikoma road
/JOHN NALIANYA EA athletics championships
should build it. Mukhongo said they had followed respondents.
They also cite the lack of public all procedures and would proceed The activists said the respondents JANE CHEROTICH /Two students will represent Busia county
participation and environmental with the road expansion. violated the Constitution, the Roads at this year’s East African secondary schools athletics
impact statements regarding the “This is one of our flagship projects Act of 2007, the Environmental Man- championships in Arusha, Tanzania, in August.
Bungoma-Mumias highway. and we will save our people from agement and Coordination Act 1999. Delisha Atyang from Achiya Echakara Secondary School
They want all work stopped. deaths and injuries on the narrow They also violated Nema regulations booked a ticket after finishing second in the 200m race in
The Kisumu High Court set April road. We have finalised everything,” on impact statements, the County 26.1 seconds behind Beatrice Odero from Kowuor Secondary
30 for a hearing between Bungoma he said. overnment Act 2012, the Public Fi- School in 25.8 seconds.
government and human rights activ- Activists are claiming a gross viola- nance Act 2012, the Public Procure- Atyang will be joined by Desta Wafula from Canon Awuor
ists on the planned construction and tion of the Constitution, no adherence ment and Disposal Act 2015 and other Secondary Nambale who finished second in long jump.
expansion of a Bungoma road into a to the rule of law and due process legislation. Antoneela Juma from Kwathanze.
dual carriageway. with regard to the construction of They want the court to interpret, Despite failing to secure a place for the EA games, Cynthia
Already a Chinese construction class C-33 KenHA road from Sang’alo among other issues, whether the Isapu from St Monica Chakol Girls High School finished
company is on site in Musikoma. junction to Kanduyi Junction. county and its officials violated the fourth in Javelin with a throw of 40.0m while Maryline
On April 11 human rights activists The lobbyists urgently seek an in- Constitution by awarding Sh60 to 70 Nabwire from Kingandole took eighth position in shot put
John Khaoya Wekesa and Raphael terpretation of the functions of the million in 2018-19 on the Kenha road Busia failed to produce any male student for the East
Makokha obtained orders to serve the national government vis a vis those from Musikoma to Kanduyi. African championships.

the head teacher said, “Good evening

NINE IN ONE SCHOOL members. Today has been a long day

TSC probes girls’

for me. I have been in communica-
tion with the TSC headquarters all
day about the recent event in our

pregnancies in Teso
“Please pray for your principal. I
believe with your support, things
[will] be okay.”
Last week, he told a local radio
Says tests confirmed teens are expectant station that the girls were impreg-
nated by students and men living
HILTON OTENYO / The Teachers Service prisals, told the Star the nine were near the school.
Commission is investigating a case confirmed pregnant after tests. The county TSC boss was unavail-
where nine girls in one school in School principal declined to com- able for comment as calls made to
Busia are pregnant. ment on the alleged involvement of him went unanswered.
The nine pregnant girls are in his male staff and referred us to the However, in an earlier interview
forms two, three and four at a school county director of TSC Thaddeus with the media last week on the
in Teso North subcounty. Awuor. same issue, Awuor only called on
A teacher at the school, who de- But in a post on a WhatsApp group parents to instill good morals in their
clined to be named for fear of re- for the school’s teachers on Friday, children. School girls/ FILE
Monday, April 15, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 29


Uhuru in Kisumu to open

legislative summit today
Regional police commander says tight security put in place
honours to county assembly speak- Senate Speaker Kenneth Lusaka,
ers and launch the global champion vice chairperson of County Assem-
MAURICE ALAL for youth agenda. blies Forum Esther Ndile, Senate
@alalmaurice More than 4,000 delegates are Leader of Minority James Orengo
expected to attend the summit that and Senate Leader of majority will
President Uhuru Kenyatta will today brings together senators, MCAs from be among the guests.
preside over the fourth annual leg- the 47 county assemblies and part- Cabinet secretaries Eugene
islative summit in Kisumu. ners at the Grand Royal Swiss Hotel Wamalwa (Devolution), Henry Ro-
State House spokesperson Kanze from April 15 to 18. tich (Treasury) and Attorney General
Dena could not confirm the Pres- This will be the third time the Kihara Kariuki will be present.
ident’s tour. But Nyanza Regional President will touring Nyanza re- Kariuki will highlight areas that
Police Commander Vincent Mak- gion in six months after the March require urgent legislation, implica-
hoha said preparations for the event 9, 2018, handshake. Last year, Uhuru tions for county assemblies and way
are complete. toured Kisumu and Siaya counties forward. Muhoroni MP Onyango Koyoo with President Uhuru Kenyatta in Koru, Kisumu
“There is enough security in place,” where he launched development Other guests include Auditor county on January 19 /MAURICE ALAL
Makokha told the Star on the phone. projects. General Edward Ouko, Control-
Deputy President William Ruto On January 19, the Head of State, ler of Budget Agnes Odhiambo and Senator Fred Outa will give opening existing policies and legislation to
and the AU Special Envoy for In- accompanied by Raila, attended the consultant Martin Oduor who will remarks. achieve the Big Four sgenda while
frastructure Raila Odinga will also burial of the former Youth Enterprise handle the case for Regional Eco- Council of Governors chairman Rotich will give a statement on the
attend the summit. Raila will give Development Fund chairman Brice nomic Blocs and their impact on the Governor Wycliffe Oparanya will talk Treasury and planning on the Na-
his speech on April 16, while the DP Odhiambo in Koru, Muhoroni. Kenyan economy. about the challenges facing region- tional Policy and Legislation.
will close the forum on April 17. The President also toured Kisii Kisumu Governor Anyang’ al economic blocs and enhancing Ouko is expected to speak on how
The President is expected to give alongside Ruto and Raila on Febru- Nyong’o, Kisumu speaker Onyango social and economic development. to improve the audit function for ef-
a keynote address, award national ary 20 when he launched projects. Oloo, George Okode and Kisumu Wamalwa will talk on aligning fective oversight.

Stop politicise Cuban doctors
kidnap, Nyamira leaders told
ALVIN RATEMO/ Senator Okongo Omo- He said leaders from the area
geni has told Nyamira leaders to should not allow the CS to be fought.
stop talking ill of Interior CS Fred “It is quite unfortunate for leaders to INVITATION TO TENDER
Matiang’i following the abduction rise against their own,” he said.
of two Cuban doctors in Mandera Omogeni condemned the abduc- The Star publications is selling newsprint with the details below.
last Friday. tion of the doctors and said the gov-
The Nyamira senator said it is a se- ernment should rescue of medics. This is an invitation to interested parties to offer us a price for the
rious security threat which should “As leaders, we highly condemn same.
not be politicised. the abduction of our Cuban doctors
Omogeni spoke on Saturday at and we believe the government will
Bomondo SDA Church in Nyamira act accordingly since it is a shame
town during a funds drive. He said that the doctors have done so much ‘THE GRAMMAGE 45 GSM
Nyamira leaders need to support in the area but all that they can be
Matiang’ i. paid back with is abduction,” the
“The abduction of the doctors senator said. SHOULD NOT TOTAL WEIGHT 27,007 KG
should not be used to undermine the Politician Janet Komenda also
CS. We should be very careful about condemned the abduction and BE USED TO
what we say. The CS is competent, asked the government to ensure
let us give him time to handle the enough security is given to Cuban
UNDERMINE Interested buyers may send an email to tenders@radioafricagroup.
situation,” Omogeni said. doctors in high-risk areas. INTERIOR CS’ co.ke giving an offer price for the above.
Please note the newsprint will only be released after full payment.
APPRECIATION The price quoted must be net inclusive of all government taxes
where applicable and remain valid for 30 days from the offer sub-
Volunteer health workers to mission date.
be paid Sh2,500 per month
FAITH MATETE/The Kisumu government has released Sh16 The Star Publications reserves the right to accept or reject any
million to pay health workers their Sh 2,500 stipend for the offer either in whole or part and is not bound to give reasons for
last three months. the decision thereof.
Governor Anyang’ Nyong’o said community health work-
ers will be paid the stipend on a monthly basis. The county
is grateful for work, he said. Nyong’o said they have realised Chief Executive Officer
the immense contribution they make towards healthcare. Radio Africa Group Limited
The governor said his government has further set aside
Sh45 million this financial year to support the volunteers
Lions place – Waiyaki Way
who are equally distributed in all the seven subounties. Westland - Nairobi
“The county has always recognised the value of commu-
nity healthcare workers as the frontline brigade in achieving
Universal Health Coverage,” he said.
Governor Anyang’ Nyong’o at Angola “Numerous arguments and counter arguments have been
health centre in Kisumu East consti- advanced on the government’s ability to initiate and sustain
tuency /FAITH MATETE the payment of community health workers,” Nyong’o said.
30 THE-STAR.CO.KE Monday, April 15, 2019


Chief officer Barus hits out at
MCAs over impeachment plan
JOSEPH KANGOGO/ Baringo Finance chief officer Jane
Barus has criticised MCAs over an attempt to impeach
her. Lembus-Kwen MCA Lawi Kipchumba and his
colleagues on Thursday passed a motion that gave
Governor Stanley Kiptis a one-week ultimatum to
either sack or replace Barus for gross misconduct.
However, Barus said,“According to the County
Government Act a chief officer cannot be impeached.
How can they come directly to me leaving out my boss
and the executive committee? They should follow the

Chama Cha Mashinani pledges
to support Ruto for president
FELIX KIPKEMOI/ Chama Cha Mashinani will support
Deputy President William Ruto for the presidency in
2022, party leader Isaac Rutto said on Saturda.
Colleagues watch as the body of murdered university student Ivy Wangeci is moved from MTRH mortuary in Eldoret last week /MATHEWS NDANYI at Boroiwyek in Chepalungu.
“Our party is ready to work with the DP and support
him in his 2022 quest to succeed Uhuru,” Rutto said at
KNIFE EVIDENCE Boroiwyek in Chepalungu.

Wangechi murder suspect

The former Bomet governor also said CCM would
popularise itself countrywide and enter into coalitions
with political parties and individuals with common
interests before the general election.

to appear in court today

Naftali Kinuthia recorded a statement with police after dischargefrom hospital
Moi Referral Hospital on Friday Lukoye Atwoli said, “We are still
and whisked away to a police sta- shocked by the killing of Wangechi
MATHEWS NDANYI tion where he spent the weekend. who was about to graduate.”
@TheStarKenya Kinuthia is likely to be charged at Kinuthia admitted to the police
the High Court in Eldoret. that he travelled to Eldoret to attack
Naftali Kinuthia, the man accused The suspect drove from Thika to Wangechi out of bitterness. She was
of hacking medical student Ivy Eldoret where he bought the axe his former schoolmate. The vehicle
Wangechi to death will appear in and knife. Witnesses said he waylaid he used to travel to Eldoret has been HISTORICAL INJUSTICES
court today to face murder charges.
An axe and a knife used to attack
Ivy near the Moi Referral Hospital
Wangechi as she was returning to her
hostel and hacked her several times,
killing her at the scene. Nearby boda
seized and it is parked at Naiberi po-
lice station.
Police found tablets in the sus-
NLC wants Kericho
on April 9 will be presented in court
as evidence.
boda riders tried to intervene but he
threatened them with the axe.
pect’s car, which they took for test-
ing. tea farms repossed
The suspect has recorded a state- The riders attacked Kinuthia using It was not clear if Kinuthia’s rela-
ment at Naiberi police station in stones and other weapons. Police tives had visited him since the inci- FELIX KIPKEMOI/ White farmers are panicking after the
Eldoret over the gruesome killing rescued him. Wangechi’s body was dent. On Friday, Wangechi’s family National Land Commission ordered a survey of tea farms
that shocked the country. Four other moved from Eldoret to Kiambu on members blocked the media from in Bomet and Kericho.
witnesses have also recorded state- Friday ahead of her burial. covering the removal of her body Multinationals have denied claims that they own up to
ments. In the initial investigations, Kinut- from Moi Teaching and Referral 200,000 hectares of tea farms in the two counties. They
“We have him in custody and we hia told the police he attacked Hospital. have said their land is only 89,000 hectares.
will take him to court over the kill- Wangechi because she had refused They were angered by social me- ‘WE’RE STILL On March 1, the NLC ordered that the vast tea estates
ing,” Eldoret East Divisional Police
Commander Lucy Kananu said.
to return his love. Others said he had
stalked her for a year.
dia posts that have been speculating
about the cause of her killing and
SHOCKED BY be reverted and held in trust for the community by the
two counties as public resources.
Kinuthia was discharged from Dean of the Medical School Dr her behaviour. THE KILLING’ On renewal of the leases for the land, the commis-
sion ordered that such a decision be withheld until an
agreement is reached with the two counties. The NLC
UNIQUE CHALLENGES wants the 999-year-old leases be converted to the con-
stitutional requirement of 99 years.
Conserve border wetlands, urges expert “The county government and multinationals should
sign a memorandum of understanding for the multi-
JANE CHEROTICH/ Conservationists at the border are seeking support from nationals to provide public utilities for the community,”
governments to make their work easier. the commission said.
Nature Uganda executive director Achilles Byaruhanga said conserva- But the multinationals through their umbrella union
tion of cross- border wetlands faces unique challenges. the Kenya Tea Growers Association, claim the decision
“Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Ugandan counterpart Yoweri by NLC offends the principles of natural justice as the
Museveni need to give us blessings to participate in planning together and commission did neither afford them a fair opportunity
exploiting these resources jointly by developing activities together,” the to be heard nor notify them of the claims by the counties.
Ugandan environmental expert said. The firms point out that if the matter is not urgently
He spoke on Friday during a workshop at Busia Agricultural Training heard, NLC recommendations will be carried out and
Centre that drew participants from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. they will lose their properties thereby incurring irrep-
The meeting was aimed at coming up with wetlands management and arable harm, loss, and damage.
investment plans to be incorporated in the county integrated development They claim they contribute significantly to the Kenyan
plans.Byaruhanga said when Uganda and Kenya are allowed to plan alone; economy through international tea exports which is a
they end up scrambling for resources and over exploiting them. They need Nature Uganda executive director Achilles Byaruhanga at major foreign exchange earner to the government.
to work together, he said. Busia ATC on Friday /JANE CHEROTICH
Monday, April 15, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 31

Fill the grid with digits
so that each column,
each row, and each
of the sub-grids that

compose the grid

all contain all of the
numbers from 1 to 9
one time.

March 21 - April 20
Stretch the truth, and you may get blamed
for something you didn’t do. Make a few
alterations to your living arrangements.

Yesterday’s April 21 - May 21
Speak of your future goals, intentions,
and commitments. You may want to
try your hand at a little creative writing.

May 22 - June 21
Don’t be critical or overly opinionated
Find and mark all the words
hidden inside the box. The words with dislikes; it could cause disapproval
1 A member of the class of elementary 4 Chemical element with symbol Sb (8) may be placed horizontally,
particles that interact by means of the 8 Device which is used to measure an vertically, or diagonally. and unwanted opposition.
strong force (6) electrical current (7)
2 Dirty mark (6) 9 Overfill (4)
3 Gaze fixedly (5) 10 Radio location system (5) AMARYLLIS GOLDEN ROD CANCER
4 Chemical element with symbol Ar (5) 11 Member of Parliament for Kibra ANTHURIUM HEATHER June 22-July 22
5 Member of Parliament for Isiolo South constituency (5) ASTER HOLLYHOCKS
constituency (4) 12 Member of Parliament for women in BABY’S BREATH HYACINTH Secret affairs may be tempting, but
6 Branch of physics dealing with objects in Marsabit County (4) BELL FLOWER HYDRANGEA keep in mind that they will damage your
motion (9) 14 Biologist should collect only the BIRD OF PARADISE IRIS reputation if you decide to indulge.
7 Member of Parliament for Konoin number of specimen they___ (4) BOUVARDIA LAVENDER
constituency (5) 18 Chemical element with symbol Fe (4) CALLA LILAC
13 A negatively charged ion (5) 20 A cultural icon, or especially popular
15 Member of Parliament for Tongaren person (4)
constituency (5) 21 It has radial and circular muscles which CLEMATIS MARIGOLD July 23 - August 22
16 Flow from an area of high concentration control size of pupil (4) SPACER ORCHID
to an area of low concentration (9) 22 Cut made by a saw (4) You will expand your circle of friends if
17 Canines (4) 23 Chemical element with symbol Zn (4) you join groups. Try to stay calm, and
19 Restraint (4) 24 It’s a food source for Vitamin D (4) whatever you do, don’t nag.
26 Axilla (6) 25 Former Member of Parliament for
27 Depressing (6) Bureti constituency (4) DELPHINIUM PETUNIA
28 First series in the spectrum of 28 Stead (4) FORGET-ME-NOT ROSE
hydrogen (5) 31 Member of Parliament for Dagoretti FOXGLOVE SNAPDRAGON VIRGO
29 Member of Parliament for Starehe North constituency (5) FREESIA STATICE August 23 - September 23
constituency (5) 33 Former Member of Parliament for FUCHSIA STOCK
Changes in your home are apparent, and
30 Former Member of Parliament for Rarieda constituency (5) GERANIUM SUNFLOWER
Embakasi East constituency (5) 34 Member of Parliament for Kathiani GERBERA TULIP you must be willing to bend if you don’t
32 Member of Parliament for Kangundo constituency (4) GINGER VIOLET want to find yourself alone.
constituency (4) 35 Chemical element with symbol Y (7) GLADIOLUS YARROW
36 Member of Parliament for Bahati
constituency (8)
September 24 - October 23
Keep your wits about and be sure that you
can trust those you confide in. You can
make moves, but they won’t be settling.

October 24 - November 22
The information that you gain can be
used in every aspect of your life. It may
be a disappointing day emotionally.

November 23 - December 21
You will have problems with coworkers if
you are too extreme about doing things
perfectly. Try to keep an open mind.

Like surprises? Al each of the characters, which is then December 22 - January 20

processed by artificial intelligence

predicts who survives algorithms to assess their survival Plan events like camping or white water
rafting. Be careful not to lead someone
'Game of Thrones' chances.
“We scraped the results from on if you truly have no interest.
different Wiki pages and Wiki-like
REUTERS/ If you are a “Game of pages about the books and TV show AQUARIUS
Thrones” fan and appreciate the and we took out data like gender and January 21 - February 19
element of surprise, stop reading age of the characters,” said student
now. Christian Dallago. “We put all this Your need to be in a leadership position
Students at the Technical together to train the algorithm to will help you surpass any rivals you
University of Munich have developed tell us when this character is going might encounter.
an application to predict which to die.” There is a good chance the
character has the best chance to application will get it right. PISCES
claim the coveted Iron Throne in the Back in 2016, an algorithm created February 20 - March 20
HBO hit medieval fantasy series by students at the same university
about warring families. shortly before the start of Season 6 You may not be too pleased with the
They have taught the application to accurately predicted that Jon Snow actions of those you live with. Put all your
scour the web for information about would resurrect. Characters in Game of Thrones /COURTESY energy into moneymaking ventures.
32 Monday, April 15, 2019

The star does not endorse the advertised product /service or its quality and value nor does the star endorse the appearance of or any of the claims made in the advertisement by the advertiser.
The star shall not be held liable for any claims, loss or liability that arises from the product/service and claims made in the advertisement

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Are you single and looking for ner?Sms your profile to Rohos- NGO. want a luvng man. intrstd? Beauties from the north.Mar- etc cal /text 0773653604
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Monday, April 15, 2019 33

MICHEL BROWN 50, workng wit cultures which leaves your body

our our
NGO. want a luvng man. intrstd? totally fresh and relaxed. Call
sms0711689517 0711649020. Welcome

ARE YOU LONELY? Want whi- Passion fruit jam,strawberry

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Beauties from the north.Marsa-

offices offices
bit, moyale, isiolo etc.Honest and
I’m Dickens, 33,lvng & working in reliable.For all types.Self.Delivery. Pursuant to Regulation 21 of the Environmental Management and Coordination (Impact Assessment
Nrb. I want a beautiful hiv-ve lady Book now.500 Only.0721320421 and Audit) Regulations, 2003, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has received an
Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the above proposed project.
of between 27-65,lvng & wor-
The proponent, Karsan Ramji and Sons Limited, is proposing to set up a hydrated lime plant, quarries
king in Nrb for a romantic love. Having infertility, fibroids,ovarian and auxilliary facilities in Kyuso area of Kitui county. Other components will comprise of infrastructure
If interested SMS ur profile to: cysts, hormonal imbalance,bloc- development, that is access roads, power and water, staff houses, halls, religious places and recreational
0708101622 ked tubes,low sperm count,as- areas and associated facilities and amenities.
thma,piles,impotence,athritis etc
Terry christopher 40, want a lu- call/sms 0721338095. NAIROBI NAIROBI
The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation measures.
ving n serious man. Intrstd???
sms0711689517 Funeral hearse for hire or plain TOWN Impacts Proposed mitigation measures TOWN
landcruiser. Eldoret/kipka- OFFICE: Increased Water
demand a dam; OFFICE:
• Undertake a surface hydrological study to determine the viability of establishing

The “spring of love” for you. Get a ren area. 7 Seater. With carrier. • Sinking 12No. boreholes within the recommended distances under the Water Act
swee t loving partner today. Sms 0725259967. and developing them to supply the plant;
ua name0712852468 Moi Avenue, Moi Avenue,
• In both cases, the proponent should obtain permits from WRA and a NEMA
Herbal cure 4 hypertension, dia- Contrust license if the damContrust
option is considered.
The passion of love for you. betes, asthma, ulcers, burns etc. Building, 3rd Air Quality • Sprinkling water at the3rd
Building, quarry sites to suppress dust;
Get your love today. Sms your Call 0721422483 • Grading and watering the access roads leading to the quarries;
name0712852468 Floor Email: Floor screens
• Installation of dust Email: around the quarries;
Business name search & regis- ann.ndirangu@ • Retaining existing vegetation in areas which are not earmarked for quarrying to
V lonely!! Man! Need a loving lady tration call/sms 0725802393 act as dust screens and a buffer zone between the quarry areas and the settlements;
radioafrica- radioafrica-
• Enforcing the use of PPE to all employees and visitors while at the facility;
frm gigiri,runda or righways. Sms • Complying with the provisions of the Air Quality Regulations, 2014.
ua name0712852468 ARE U DESPERATE! ua partner groupco.ke groupco.ke
Noise and • Provide buffer zone between the plant and the nearest settlements;
has left u! cant sleep with u.! no Tel: 020 4244300 Excessive • Enforce the Tel:
use 020 4244300 for all workers and visitors to the plant as applicable;
of earmuffs
Dr. Eddie brown 45 want a biutiful, sex,no love,no peace,no food. Cell: 0711 046 Vibrations • Conduct noise Cell:mapping
0711 046annually to inform maintenance of plant installations
luvly n romantic lady. Intrstd?? DR HASSAN frm pemba dio dawa and compliance;
sms0712852468 yao! cal 0788404275 300 • Comply with Noise300 and Excessive Vibration Pollution (Control) Regulations 2009
Increased Liquid • Construction of an effluent treatment and sewage plant to service the facility;
Passion fruit jam,strawberry 24/7 Aromatherapy massage Waste • Apply and obtain an effluent discharge license from NEMA upon commissioning
jam,place order and get delivery. services on affordable rates. Call of the plant
Contact steve on-0722260069 Walter 0710442872 COAST COAST
Increased Energy • Sourcing power from the national grid;
• Having a dedicated sub-station for the plant and quarry areas;
• Use of waste oils in firing the plant;
Dr Babu Khamisi from Sum-
bawanga TZ. Solves many pro-
Nairobi Evangalist are welcome
• Use of solar energy for lighting of the plant areas, staff quarters and social
TSS Towers, amenities. TSS Towers,
blems including love, job promo- to sunday 8-5-2016 at Railway Solid Waste • Installation of sizeable waste receptables at the site and designating an area for
tion, politics, alla casses, marriage Club Ground from 8am to 3pm. Nkrumah Road - Generation Nkrumah
disposal of solid wastes; Road -
problems, lost items, getting back 0788259185.PST KIBWANA Mombasa • Sensitization ofMombasa
construction workers on the proper management and disposal
to work within 24hr, debts, in- of solid waste;
fertility, lucky rings and magic Cherry Fat Farm The only place Tel: Tel: areas within the plant for disposal of solid waste;
• Provide bins at strategic
chains, blessed oil from Jordan, with well trained massage gir- 041- 2319991 • Re-using, repurposing
041- 2319991 and recycling of raw materials to the extent possible;
protection, cleansing stars, spe- ls. We are located in Parklands • Procuring the services of a NEMA licensed waste handler to dispose the solid
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34 THE-STAR.CO.KE Monday, April 15, 2019


Women category axed as players brace up for show
BY CONSOLATA MAKOKHA / much, and having them play some of in the main draw will drop down to
Organisers of the second edition the best squash players in the East play in the plate.
of Nairobi Club Squash invitational Africa region is a step in raising the Muqtadir Nimji will be defending
tournament set for April 26-28 have standards,” said Kwach. the title but he is bound to face fierce
dropped the women’s category due to “Player will use this tournament to opposition from his sister Khaliqa Nimji,
poor standards. gauge their level of play and pick areas last year’s losing finalist Uganda’s top
However, six women have been they need to improve ahead of the seed Ian Rukunya and James Dalidi.
entered in the tournament to play in World Squash Federation’s Ambassa- Kenya international Violet Luchendo
the men’s main draw. dor’s Tour of Kenya in May,” he added. and Nairobi Club’s Yvonne Wangui lead
Squash vice captain of Nairobi Club, The tournament has attracted over to female contingent.
Otto Kwach, said letting the women 62 players from Kenya and Uganda and The total prize money is Sh65,000
play in the main draw would help them 24 will play in the main draw. only meant for the main draw, whereas
learn one or two things from their male Ten juniors will feature in the under the finalists in the other four categories
counterparts as they seek to raise their 18, 15 seniors in 36-45-year-old will take home medals and trophies.
competition level. category, seven veterans (46-55-year The main draw winner will pocket
“We think it is high time our female olds) and five vintage (56 years and Sh32,500, first runners up takes home
players improved their game. Playing above) players. Sh19,500 as the losing semifinalists
amongst themselves has not helped Those who will be knocked out get a consolation Sh6,500 each. Muqtadir Nimji during a past competition/ FILE

Athletes meet in Kapsabet
to catch up with Boston race
BY EMMANUEL SABUNI/ After yesterday’s Paris Marathon,
the world’s athletic focus will be in the USA for the 123rd
Boston Marathon set to take place today with Kenyan elite
athletes set to reclaim their glory.
Locally, Bank of Africa will host its first 2019 ‘Viewerthon’
series with the live airing of the marathon at Stevenice
Hydepark Hotel in Kapsabet town.
The “BOA Viewerthons” provides a forum for the Bank’s
customers, elite and upcoming athletes and local athletic fans
to interact as they support the marathoners.
The “BOA Viewerthons” —that celebrate the five races of
the World Marathon Majors— will also feature the London
Marathon on April 28 along with the Berlin, Chicago and New
York marathons at various locations in the North Rift towns
of Kapsabet, Eldoret and Iten.
BOA will also offer free lunch for the first 200 athletes who
register for today’s viewerthon in Kapsabet where the Kenya
Revenue Authority will also offer education on customs, tax-
Edna Kiplagat crosses the finish in a past race / FILE ation and tax returns, among other subjects, to the athletes.
“This is the sixth year we are sponsoring the Viewerthon
ATHLETICS series as part of our commitment to support a Kenyan

Edna seek to stop

heritage that is world class athletics. To this end we will
identify upcoming athletes who we can sponsor to various
marathons across the country and the world,” said Bank of
Africa’s head of marketing, Jimmi Wanjohi.
Multichoice Kenya is also supporting the World Marathon
Majors viewerthons with all races being broadcast on Multi-

Linden in Boston
choice platform, SuperSport.
Serious attention in Boston will be on Geoffrey Kirui and
Edna Kiplagat as they seek to reclaim the titles they won in
2017, having been affected by bad weather last year.
Kirui won the 2017 title in two hours, nine minutes and

Rotich and Cherop return as they seek to recapture title 37 seconds with other strong contenders in the men’s race
including Lawrence Cherono, Kenneth Kipkemoi, Felix Kandie,
Festus Talam, Wesley Korir and Benson Kipruto.
BY STAR REPORTER AND IAAF/ is the only one whose PB came in of your feet. But if you can draw your Kiplagat will lead Kenya’s female elite line up as she
Kenya’s two-time world champion Boston ( 2:22:38, from 2011 ). opponents into overbalancing, it attempts to put the 2018 debacle behind her and prove her
Edna Kiplagat’s experience in win- While Kiplagat and Linden play won’t matter how fast their PB was. 2017 victory having finished in 2:21:53.
ning championship-style races will the wily veterans, it’s less simple to In the men’s cadre, Yuki Ka-
be her major strength as she takes on compare the others. Boston’s 2015 wauchi, winner of the 2018 Boston
defending champion Desiree Linden and 2012 winners Caroline Rotich Marathon, himself as a sumo wres-
in today’s Boston Marathon. and Sharon Cherop, respectively, are tler might not have the same levers
Though Kiplagat boasts the sec- returning to Hopkinton for another at his disposal this year, but he is
ond-fastest PB in the field (a 2:19:50 try, but without the kind of recent unlikely to be underestimated again.
from London in 2012 ), she also has performances, they had before their Geoffrey Kirui, the 2017 Boston
two World Championship victories ( victories. Aselefech Mergia, Mare champion, and Lelisa Desisa, last
2011 and 2013 ) under her belt. Dibaba and Worknesh Degefa all fall’s New York champ and 2013
Linden has asserted that she’s have sub-2:20 PBs from Dubai. and 2015 Boston winner, have both
stronger and better-prepared this Degefa’s PB of 2:17:41—the fastest demonstrated the tactics to win a
year than she was in 2018 when vic- non-winning women’s marathon marathon run.
tory came from being the only ath- ever—came just this past January, Wesley Korir has not shown his
lete among the leaders not crushed so the question she raises is not so 2012 form more recently, but like
under the conditions. much how fast she might be, but Kawauchi he won on a day when
Linden’s win came after a lengthy whether she can bottle that particu- hot conditions took many runners
series of top-10 finishes in Boston, lar lightning again so soon. out of their comfort zone, much like
most notably a second place in 2011 Most of these athletes exist at the Lemi Berhanu did in 2016.
race where she contended for the opposite end of the athletic spec- Lawrence Cherono, who ran
win up to the last few metres of the trum from sumo wrestlers, but today 2:04:06 in Amsterdam last year,
race. Among the top women, few the best of them will follow some of and Sisay Lemma, whose 2:04:08
have Linden’s accumulated expe- the same basic patterns: keep your came from Dubai will be the other Bank of Africa’s head of marketing Jimmi Wanjohi (R) pres-
rience with the Boston course. She balance and don’t get too far ahead athletes to watch. ents gifts to elite marathon runners during a viewing party.
Monday, April 15, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 35

Wanjau leads team of
6 qualifiers to Pro-Am
BY SAMSON ATEKA / Home player Gathuri Wanjau
became the third overall winner of this year’s KCB ‘Road
to the Masters’ following brilliant displays at the Par 72
Thika Sports Club course.
Playing off handicap 17, Wanjau fired 41 Stableford
points made up of 20 in the first nine and 21 on the
second nine. He had his campaign effectively sewn up
when he beat men’s winner Moses Mburu (also playing
off 17) on count-back to lead six Thika qualifiers to the
Pro-Am of the 3rd KCB Karen Masters which will be cel-
ebrating it’s the second year in the prestigious Sunshine
Tour this year. Mburu shot 23 in the front nine and an
inferior 18 in the back nine to lose the overall prize to his
club-mate Wanjau.
Other qualifiers from the club joining the overall and
men’s winners are lady winner Ann Kariuki (handicap 29),
guest winner Irene Kimeu (Railway Club), staff winner
(+) TOP 10 PRO RESULTS Martin Kiambi (Ruiru Sports Club) and indeed a wild-
card slot awarded to the club’s top junior. The last two
1. CJ Wangai (-5) 139 T2. wildcard winners Jolly Esmail (Sigona) and Abubakar
2. Alfred Nandwa (-2) 142 T2. Bajaber (Nyali) were picked from a lucky dip of score-
3. Riz Charania (-2) 142 T2. cards. The men’s runner up prize went to handicap 19, J.
4. Simon Ngige (-2) 14 T2. Muracia on 38 points.
5. Dismas Indiza (-2) 142 6. Lady winner Kariuki shot 20 in the front nine and 17 in
6. Greg Snow (-1) 143 T7. the back nine to prevail on a total of 37points. The ladies
7. David Odhiambo (level par) 144 T7. runner up was Winnie Mugo on 35. Guest winner Kimeu
8. Erick Ooko (level par) 144 T7. playing off handicap 29 shot a Stableford total of 39. The
9. Kenneth Bolo (level par) 144 10. guest runner up was handicap 22 John Githunguri with
10. Hesbon Kutwa (+2) 145 similar scores of 19 on both nines.
Martin Kiambi playing off handicap 18, clinched the
GOLF staff top prize on 39 while staff runner up was Allan

Wangai not done yet

Kirui with 38. First and second nine winners were Munge
Karoki and SP Gachanja both with 21 points. Best effort
prize better is known as “Piga Mingi’ went to handicap 24
Harris Maina who managed 17 points.

Sigona resident pro seeks to end KCB Road to Masters with a clean sweep KCB are next for Impala after
running over rivals Mwamba
BY SAMSON ATEKA/A Sigona res- series, Wangai has landed an in- with scores of 70 and 73 for a total
ident professional Charles John vitation to play in the Sunshine of 1 under 143 gross. And having BY WILLIAM NJUGUNA / Impala face KCB next in the
Wangai better known as CJ Wangai Tour event in Sun City down south taken some impressive scalps, Wan- semi-finals of the Enterprise Cup after crushing Mwam-
believes his back-to-back success during the first week of June. CJ Wangai in gai reiterated his best is yet to come. ba 71-19 in quarterfinals. The bankers booked a place in
in the ongoing KCB Road to the “Now I have a very busy schedule action “Playing in the Safari Tour and then semis after beating Nakuru 36-16.
Masters Series is a sign of better ahead. Sun City will be held a few / COURTESY almost immediately going into the The second semi will see Quins take on Kabras. Quins
things to come. weeks before the Karen extrava- KCB event had quite some positive demolished Blak Blad 55-0 at the RFUEA ground while
After clinching Nyali’s second leg, ganza, so this together with the effects to my game. Kabras beat Nondies 21-11.
which was the first event for the remaining two rounds locally, will Hard work and practice has been In their match against Mwamba, the Sarries out-
pros, Wangai went on to amass a offer me an opportunity to play the key to my success; then of course scored the visitors by 11 tries to 3 as the hosts earned
5 under par 139 gross to complete competitively prior to the big event investing in new equipment with a measure of revenge following the 20-16 loss in
back-to-back wins in the series in Karen,” said Wangai, who is also better irons and drivers has also January. Impala coach Frank Ndong hailed his charges
being used as a yardstick to select the Professional Golfers of Kenya helped immensely. I am traditionally for all-round performance. “We dominated all facets
the Kenya team for Sunshine Tour’s (PGK) captain. very formidable off my tee box shots from the kickoff.
KCB Karen Masters 2019. The Sigona man got off to a flying but again I really need to work more Our scrum and line-out were solid and the continuity
In an interview at the Par 72 Thi- start with a round of 5 under par 67 on perfecting my short game.” in attack kept the opposition clueless on what we were
ka Sports Club, where pros played and level par 72 on the last day to Asked about his game on the going to do,” added Ndong.
in a two-day 36-hole stroke-play rule the roost in Thika. second day where he plays level Billy Omondi, Quinto Ongo and Anthony Nyandigisi
tournament, Wangai also noted that He beat four pros Alfred Nandwa, par, Wangai said: “My front nine scored two tries each with Samson Onsomu, Steve Juma,
he has hit form “which unfortu- Rizwan Charania, Dismas Indiza was all good, I shot one under but Eric Kerre and Anthony Odhiambo scoring a try each.
nately never clicked in time at the and Simon Ngige by three strokes my back nine wasn’t that good be- Ongo added four eight conversions as Impala led 39-14
European Tour Kenya Open 2019.” while Greg Snow settled for an un- cause I picked a double bogey on at the interval. Collins Injera scored a brace for the losers
Following his good run in the familiar and disappointing sixth hole number 17.” with Yahya Hussein adding a late consolation.

Kenyatta confident despite Ushuru’s loss to Shabana
BY ANGWENYI GICHANA/ Despite on Wednesday. We need to bounce He has now scored in three con-
dropping to the third position on the back,” he said. Hamisi Hadi and secutive games,” noted Selebwa.
log after a 2-1 loss against Shabana, Daniel Murage scored for Shabana Following the win, Shabana moved
Ushuru coach Ken Kenyatta is still while Brian Otieno scored Ushuru’s to the eighth position on the log
upbeat that he can lead the taxmen consolation. Shabana coach Gilbert with 40 points.
Daniel Murage to the SportPesa Premier League. Selebwa maintained they are still Francis Oduor’s Kisumu All Stars
(C) is carried “The league is marathon and keen on playoff position. climbed to the summit of the log
shoulder high losing is part of the game but a draw “Our target remains a playoff after a 2-0 win over Migori Youth at
by team-mates would have been a fair result. We can position. We want to keep winning Moi Stadium in Kisumu. New signing
after scoring still qualify to the premier league,” and hope the teams above us fal- John Oruko and Shadrack Omondi
the second goal Kenyatta said his team succumbed ter,” added Selebwa scored for the Blue Eagles.
against Ushuru to their fourth loss of the season. “The boys displayed character All-Stars lead the log with 53
at Gusii Stadium “We have to put this loss behind after conceding in the first half. I points same as second-placed Nai-
/ ANGWENYI us and we are focusing on the next was impressed by especially Daniel robi Stima but the Kisumu team has
GICHANA game against Administration Police Murage who is a makeshift striker. a better goal difference.
36 THE-STAR.CO.KE Monday, April 15, 2019

Lakers move top after first win of KHU tie
BY EVANS OUSURU / Newcomers the game. Obviously, we didn’t Kagochi, conceded defeat but urged
Lakers coach Brian Aduda is over the give the match our all because his players to up their game going
moon after his side registered a good we were still fatigued after the forward, as they seek their first
start in the ongoing Kenya Hockey Saturday match.” win of the season.
Union (KHU) women’s League. The tactician, however, said the “All I can say is there was no
The Nyanza-based outfit won players are yet to gel considering coordination in all departments but
against regulars Kenyatta Univer- most of them are students. we are going to make amends and
sity 1-0 yesterday at the City Park “We only train on the weekends adjust our style of play. Hopefully,
Kenyatta Stadium, only 24 hours after playing as the majority of my players are the results will start coming in due
University’s to a 1-1 all draw against Strathmore students assembled from various time,” he said.
Laura Wabala University on Saturday. The lone institutions. This team is young In the earlier match played at
fights for ball goal against KU was scored by Judith with a 16-year-old goalkeeper and the same venue in the national
possession Abayo in the 11th minute more than half the players play- men’s league, Karate Axiom and
against Vivian Following the weekend’s results, ing for the first season in the top Bay club shared spoils, thanks to
Ogweno of Lakers bagged four points that move tier,” he added. a 2-2 all draw.
Lakers in their them top ahead of record holders He said if they train together, Sukhman Grewl and Peter Muinde
match yesterday Telkom who were not in action with they will no doubt create a rhythm scored for the hosts in the 18 and
at City Park five points. Aduda said: as a team and better the re- 29 minutes respectively, while Val-
stadium. “I am happy with the result and sult,” he added. entine Otieno scored a brace in the
/ERICK BARASA the manner in which we approached His opposite number, Moses 19th and 25 minutes respectively.


New champs are born

Term Two games Rift Valley were ranked the best
region with 106 points followed
head to Kisumu in closely by Western ( 100 points)
with Nyanza completing the podi-
August as Arusha um with 80 points.
Others followed in the or-
host regional show der: Nairobi ( 74 points), Eastern
( 64 points), Central ( 62 points),
Coast ( 60 points) and North East-
BY EUGENE OMILO/ There was ern (six points).
twists and turns as new cham- KSSSA secretary David Ngugi
pions emerged in various dis- announced that Term Two games
ciplines in the just concluded which include football, volleyball
Kenya Secondary Schools Sports and racket games will be held in Ki-
Association (KSSSA) national Term sumu in August.
One Games in Mombasa. Ngugi also acknowledged the
In girls’ handball, Rift Valley’s government’ sregistration of school
Karandich overpowered regu- pupils through the National Inte-
lars Moi Girls Kamusinga 17-13 to grated Identity Management System
win the title while in basketball, (NIIMS) has made it easier for games
Buruburu Girls humbled cham- officials to deal with cheats.
pions Kaya Tiwi courtesy of a “When I moved around the pitch-
43-41 triumph. es, I was impressed to see only gen-
Karandich at the same time pro- uine learners participating in the
duced Daisy Chemutai as the Most games. This was a big break from
Valuable Player in the handball. the past, where we have grappled
In rugby 7’ and 15’s, Nairobi’s Up- with fake players,” said Ngugi.
per Hill turned the tables on 2018 He also said the KSSSA General
champions Laiser Hill Academy of Loreto’s Nelima Britny goes past Yvonne Atieno of Kaya Tiwi during their girls’ basketball match/ANDREW KASUKU Council had resolved to minimise
Rift Valley, whom they edged out the participation of foreign stu-
10- 05 in the final while in the 15’s, “We thank God for our achieve- with a 3-1 win over Kamusinga after dents in the games to a maximum
Kakamega defeated Nairobi’s new ment. We hope to push it further penalty flicks following a 2-2 draw of two per team per discipline to
kids on the block Dagoretti 18-11 to and again win the East Africa in regulation time. ensure the Kenyan youth get an op-
emerge new champions. Games. For now, it’s a good feeling In athletics, Rift Valley dominated portunity to showcase their talent
Commenting on the new found to be the champions,” said Nyolei. all the field and track events as well and transit to join national teams
status, Karandich Principal Richard Buruburu coach Julius Otieno as the cross country to emerge top. in their respective disciplines upon
Nyolei, said their win was a dream attributed the win to hard work They bagged a total of 23 medals ( 10 completing school.
come true having yearned for a na- and persistence. gold, 8 silver and 5 bronze). Nyan-
tional trophy for many years. “We won the title last in 2000 and za finished second with 14 med-
really it has been a long time and fi- als ( 7 gold, 4 silver and 4 bronze)
nally, we are here,” said Otieno. while western finished third with
On the flipside, the status quo a total of 12 medals ( 1 gold, 7 silver
remained in the boys’ handball, and 4 bronze).
basketball (hockey boys and girls) At the same time, Kirandich, Bu-
and athletics. ruburu, Agoro Sare, who won boys’
Kimilili retained the boys’ hand- basketball playoffs against Alliance
ball title, thanks to 35-21 win 60-42, will make a debut at the
against Mbooni under new coach East Africa Games set for August in
Wasike Wangwa as giants Laiser Hill Arusha, Tanzania.
Academy (Rift Valley) saw off Da- Others making their debut in
goretti 69-52 in 15s rugby. the regional show include — Meru
Laiser Hill was once again (hockey) and Kangaru (Rugby 7s)
Participants in 5000m race during the national Term 1 crowned national champions for the after emerging third in their respec- St John’s Kaloleni’s Sandra Kasena (L) tries to control the ball
games at Mbaraki Sports Club grounds/ANDREW KASUKU fourth time in a row in boys hockey tively disciplines. past Sarafina Mutunga of St Joseph Kibwezi/ANDREW KASUKU
Monday, April 15, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 37


Barcelona falter
Red hot Sancho sets new
Bundesliga scoring record
BERLIN / Jadon Sancho scored twice to become the
youngest player ever to score 11 Bundesliga goals as
Borussia Dortmund beat Mainz.
The 19-year-old hit a first-time half-volley from Mario
Gotze’s cross to put them ahead in the 17th minute on
Saturday. Sancho, lined with a summer move to Man-
chester United, made it 2-0 seven minutes later with a
deflected strike.
Robin Quaison gave Mainz a lifeline by scoring in the
83rd minute and Dortmund were thankful for a triple
save from goalkeeper Roman Burki to secure the victory.
Dortmund, eager to make amends for last week’s 5-0
demolition by Bayern, put in a whirlwind start and Mainz
almost scored an own goal when Danny Latza deflected
a Mario Goetze cutback onto the post in the sixth min-
ute. Jacob Bruun Larsen twice came close before Goetze
tried it again in the 17th minute and found England inter-
national Sancho at the far post who drilled in for the lead.
The 19-year-old doubled the score in similar fashion in
the 24th minute, firing in a Thomas Delaney assist for his
10th goal of the campaign.

Borussia Dortmund’s Jadon Sancho celebrates / REUTERS

Vidal says Barca distracted by thought of United duel Arturo Vidal FOOTBALL
in action with
HUESCA / Barcelona midfielder
Arturo Vidal said his side were dis-
day’s second leg against United was
their priority.
lapse in Italy.
Valverde was not about to make
Huesca’s Pele recovering well after
tracted by their upcoming Cham- “I think everyone that was play- the same mistake again, leaving
Christian Rivera
kidney stone operation
pions League quarter-final decider ing today was thinking about to- talisman Lionel Messi back in Bar-
against Manchester United after morrow’s game, just like the guys celona along with Sergio Busquets SAO PAOLO / Brazilian soccer great Pele had a suc-
the runaway La Liga leaders could who stayed at home,” the Chilean and Ivan Rakitic, while Luis Suarez cessful operation to remove a kidney stone on Saturday,
only draw 0-0 at struggling Hues- Vidal told reporters. and Gerard Pique were suspended. doctors in Sao Paulo said.
ca on Saturday. “The Champions League is what “Obviously, we always want to Pele had the surgery at the Israelite Albert
Barca coach Ernesto Valverde everyone is dreaming about.” win but this game came in spe- Einstein hospital.
made 10 changes to the team that Barca’s imperious domestic re- cial circumstances for us. We had “The procedure was a success and the patient is back
had beaten United 1-0 in Wednes- cord is in stark contrast to their just played on Wednesday and in his room,” a brief statement from doctors said.
day’s first leg as well as hand- recent failures in the Champions we have the second leg on Tues- Considered by many the game’s finest player and the
ing three players their La Liga League, where they have failed to day and I thought this was the only man to have won three World Cups, Pele had also
debuts and the unfamiliar team get beyond the quarter-finals since moment to make changes,” said been admitted to hospital in France last week after suf-
failed to break down the league’s winning the competition in 2015. the Barca coach. fering a fever following an event in the city with French
basement club. They suffered a humiliating exit “If we hadn’t beaten Atletico, I World Cup-winner Kylian Mbappe.
Despite the draw, Barca are well last year by losing 3-0 at AS Roma would have picked a different team He was soon released but his doctors in Brazil decided
on course to lift an eighth Spanish and coach Valverde came in for today, although you never know if to admit him again when he returned home on Tuesday.
league title in 11 years after beating serious criticism for not resting the result would have been differ- The 78-year-old former Santos and New York Cosmos
nearest challengers Atletico Madrid players in their encounter with ent. We could have done better to- player has suffered from kidney and prostate problems
2-0 last week, and Vidal said Tues- Leganes three days before their col- day, but overall we’re happy.” and also had hip replacement surgery in recent years.

Chelsea hold talks with three groups keen to buy the club
LONDON / Chelsea have held talks with three interested tinued to pump money into Chelsea, however, and the total
parties over the potential £2.5billion sale of the club. debt owed to him by the parent company increased by £75m
They are believed to have included the US and Asian- last year.It now stands at a total of £1.25bn, money he would
based finance groups, while Britain’s richest man Jim Ratcliffe want to recoup if the club were sold. Leading football club
has also expressed an interest. Chelsea chairman Bruce acquisitions company, Oakwell Capital, said well respected
Buck recently insisted owner Roman Abramovich was US and Asian-based finance groups have emerged with a re-
committed to the London club despite stopping attending newed interest in Premier League clubs because many have
games. However, reports have it that Chelsea officials have posted healthy profits. Tottenham, Liverpool and Burnley
held what has been described as ‘exploratory talks’ with the are among clubs to have announced record profits recently.
three parties in recent weeks. Doug Harmer, director of Oakwell Capital, said:
Abramovich is not believed to have attended any Chelsea “There is a renewed interest in Premier League clubs from
games since being denied a visa in May 2018. The 53-year- within the Asian and US investment communities. “While
old Russian billionaire subsequently sought Israeli citizenship, domestic television deals have plateaued, the international
moving to Tel Aviv.He has spent between £1m and £3m on TV deals have gone up and are expected to continue to rise
corporate hospitality boxes at Stamford Bridge every year in the long term. “Reputable and well-regarded institu-
since 2011 but did not buy any before the start of this season tions can see the potential for further growth at Pre-
Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich applauds fans in past duel / REUTERS for the first time in almost a decade. Abramovich has con- mier League clubs.”
38 THE-STAR.CO.KE Monday, April 15, 2019



79079 SMS cost 2/=

01:00 1274 Patronato Parana vs Godoy Cruz 2.16 2.93 3.34

02:00 2243 Leones FC vs Real Cartagena 2.54 3.18 2.76
Red Bull Brasil SP vs Ponte Preta 2.29 2.85 3.15
Chico vs Orsomarso 1.75 3.60 4.55
03:10 4664 tuesday 16 thvs april
Rosario Central Aldosivi 2019
2.00 2.97 3.74
04:00 2989 Deportivo Pereira vs Deportes Quindio2.20 3.30 3.20
19:00 2968 Lokomotiv Plovdiv vs FK Septemvri Sofia
1.63 3.51 4.88
20:00 2541 Senica vs Spartak Trnava 2.73 3.20 2.37
United’s Paul Pogba in action against West Ham’s Manuel Lanzini / REUTERS
20:00 4284 Osters IF vs Degerfors 1.86 3.45 4.24
21:45 1601 Brighton vs Cardiff 1.99 3.23 4.15

‘United were lucky’

21:45 2120 Morton vs Inverness 3.50 3.24 2.12
21:45 4628 Altrincham vs Brackley Town 2.41 3.43 2.51
21:45 4977 Beaconsfield Sycob FC vs Merthyr Town 2.31 3.95 2.41
22:00 4592 Barcelona vs Manchester Utd 1.43 4.77 6.90
22:00 5788 Juventus vs Ajax 1.71 3.74 4.97

wednesday 17 th april 2019 Devils’ boss admits they gained from good fortune in victory
03:45 5266 Atletico Bucaramanga vs Once Caldas 2.11 3.11 3.64
MANCHESTER / Solskjaer admits matches to Wolverhampton Wan- today is one of them nights,” Sol-
15:30 1956 Zemplin Michalovce vs MSK Zilina 2.77 3.18 2.36
Man Utd benefitted from good for- derers and then Barcelona in the skjaer said. “Watford was one of
16:00 4154 FC Ingulets vs Zorya Lugansk 9.74 4.92 1.25
tune in victory over West Ham By first leg of their Champions League them as well.
17:00 4318 Enosis Paralimni vs Apoel Nicosia 6.46 3.93 1.45 Peter Hall Manchester, England quarter-final at Old Trafford. “We were lucky it wasn’t Barcelo-
18:00 5821 AEL Limassol vs Apollon Limassol 2.71 3.43 2.25 Manchester United manager Ole Barcelona will carry a 1-0 ad- na but West Ham played well.”
18:30 3845 SC Dnipro-1 vs Shakhtar Donetsk 10.82 5.67 1.20 Gunnar Solskjaer said his side “got vantage into next week’s return leg It was United’s second win in six
19:00 3616 Botev Plovdiv vs CSKA Sofia 3.35 3.30 2.01 away with it” as United warmed up comfortable in the knowledge that games in all competitions since their
19:00 5547 AaB Aalborg vs Vendsyssel FF 1.83 3.61 4.31 for their Champions League clash they did not face a shot on target. remarkable comeback victory over
20:00 1442 Linkopings W vs Vaxjo Dff W 1.33 5.00 6.63
with Barcelona with a laboured Against West Ham on Saturday, Paris St Germain in the Champions
2-1 win over West Ham Unit- United needed a penalty to take a League’s round of 16.
20:00 3506 Nantes vs Paris St Germain 5.96 4.44 1.52
ed on Saturday. first-half lead at Old Trafford and, They will now be hoping they can
20:00 4910 Lazio vs Udinese 1.40 4.58 8.35
Since Solskjaer was appointed after the visitors levelled through produce another stirring fight-back
20:30 1021 Mamelodi Sundowns vs SuperSport Utd 1.79 3.37 4.75 permanent United manager last Felipe Anderson, United needed the against Barcelona tomorrow.
20:30 4264 Highlands Park vs Free State Stars 1.92 3.14 4.53 month, the Red Devils have strug- crossbar and a brilliant David de Gea Barcelona have won 27 of their last
22:00 1159 Manchester City vs Tottenham 1.35 5.30 8.10 gled to find the form that helped save to keep the scores level. 30 Champions League home match-
22:00 1187 FC Porto vs Liverpool 3.63 3.37 2.08 them to an 11-match unbeaten streak Paul Pogba stepped up to score es and drawn the other three. They
when the Norwegian first took over United’s second penalty of the game have never lost to United at home in
on an interim basis in December. and Solskjaer admitted his side were the competition but Solskjaer is re-
#NiYetu After being given the job perma- lucky to secure all three points. fusing to give up hope. “We know it
nently, Solskjaer’s side saw off Wat- “We got away with it. Sometimes is going to be a very difficult game

PlaY kEnyA’s kpOt

ford but they then lost successive you get more than you deserve and but we beat PSG,” Solskjaer added.

lArgEsteSjeaVeCrY wEek Moura strikes first treble since moving to Europe in 2013
LONDON / Tottenham Hotspur’s He fired their second goal in the
Lucas Moura has not played a major first half with a low drive, after Victor
part in their season so far but the Wanyama had opened the scoring,
Usibahatishe Brazilian’s stunning hat-trick in a and found the net again with two
CHEZA NA 79079 4-0 victory over Huddersfield Town deadly strikes in six minutes near the
SMS cost 2/=
showed he is ready to step up in the end of a match Spurs always looked
absence of the injured Harry Kane. like winning comfortably.
www.sportpesa.co.ke Forward Lucas struck his first Lucas, 26, was understandably all
treble since moving to Europe and smiles at the end and even brought
joining Paris St Germain in 2013 as his one-year-old son Miguel on to
Spurs cemented their position in the pitch after the final whistle to the
the Premier League top four with a delight of the home fans. “It was very
thumping win over the already-rele- emotional for him,” manager Mauricio
gated visitors at their new stadium. Pochettino said.
Monday, April 15, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 39


Aubameyang hopes racism can be kicked out of football


ierre-Emerick Aubameyang says he is disap-
pointed at football’s ongoing problems with
racism - and claimed they are damaging Arsenal’s
the English game. Arsenal star Aubameyang Pierre-Emerick
had a banana skin thrown at him while Aubameyang
celebrating a goal during December’s / REUTERS
north London derby.
It preceded Raheem Sterling being al-
legedly racially abused at a Chelsea game,
and England internationals Danny Rose
and Callum Hudson-Odoi being targeted monday 15 th april 2019
by fans in Montenegro last month.
On Thursday evening, a group of
Chelsea fans were filmed singing about 14:00 3289 Sibir Novosibirsk II vs Dinamo Barnaul 2.47 3.39 2.47
devout Muslim Mohamed Salah be- 14:00 4246 Avan Academy vs Banants Yerevan 2.01 3.44 3.55
ing a ‘bomber’, while an Arsenal
15:00 4833 Shirak Gyumri vs Artsakh 1.90 3.37 4.06
investigation was launched af-
17:00 2883 Lada Togliati vs Volga Ulyanovsk 4.23 3.81 1.65
ter a Snapchat video emerged
18:00 3576 BFC Daugavpils vs Rigas Futbola Skola 6.48 5.44 1.35
of a fan racially abusing
18:00 5855 SCM Argesul Pitesti vs CS Mioveni 1.88 3.35 3.65
Kalidou Koulibaly on
the same night. 18:30 4811 Hifk vs Lahti 2.98 2.98 2.61
Koulibaly was referred 18:30 5492 Honka vs IFK Mariehamn 1.57 4.00 5.95
to using the ‘n-word’ with t h e 18:30 5587 Misr Lel Makasa vs Petrojet FC 1.76 3.41 4.80
same word captioning the 15-sec- 19:00 2906 Baerum vs Odds BK 2 1.78 3.98 3.41
ond video, and Gabonese striker 19:00 3213 Mlada Boleslav vs Slovan Liberec 2.49 3.18 2.86
Aubameyang admitted the is- sue rearing 19:00 3696 Sliema Wand vs Senglea Athletic 2.06 3.44 3.39
its head hurts him. He said: “I am really 19:00 3874 Anorthosis Fam vs Ermis Aradippou 1.15 7.37 15.80
disappointed about that. I had the same 19:00 5599 Shakhter Soligorsk vs Slutsk 1.33 5.04 8.49
problem here against Tot- tenham. 19:00 5749 Altinordu vs Umraniyespor 2.27 3.32 3.06
When you are black like me it is really
20:00 1110 Orgryte IS vs IK Frej 1.53 4.33 5.54
painful, I think, because we are in 2019
20:00 1143 Helsingborg vs Hammarby 2.62 3.42 2.62
and obviously it is not good for football
20:00 1723 Trelleborgs FF vs Norrby IF 2.07 3.39 3.50
in England. Hopefully we will find a
way to kick it out.” 20:00 2024 Gzira United FC vs Floriana 2.06 3.27 3.59

The 29-year-old started on Thursday as 20:00 2543 Djurgardens IF vs IFK Goteborg 1.65 3.94 5.11
Arsenal managed an 11th home win in a row with 20:00 2822 Sonderjyske vs AGF Aarhus 2.52 3.33 2.79
victory against Napoli. That form at the Emirates 20:00 3359 Kickers Wurzburg vs Karlsruher SC 2.70 3.23 2.60
comes in complete contrast to their recent record on 20:00 4071 Erzurum BB vs Akhisar Bld 2.03 3.48 3.64
the road. They have won just one of their last eight 20:00 4846 FC Vitosha Sofia vs Etar 2.79 3.01 2.64
away from home. 21:00 1724 Enppi Club vs EL Gouna FC 2.49 2.91 3.07
A visit to the Stadio Olimpico is a tough trip for any 21:00 2447 Sepsi Osk vs Astra Giurgiu 2.67 2.94 2.89
team, but Aubameyang believes is desperate there to 21:00 4762 Jong Ajax vs GO Ahead Eagles 2.07 3.94 3.09
prove a point about Arsenal’s away day jitters. Maccabi Tel Aviv vs Hapoel Beer Sheva
21:00 5090 2.00 3.36 3.68
Asked whether they could end their hoodoo there,
21:15 2311 Bayern Munchen II vs 1860 Rosenheim 1.33 5.23 7.74
he replied: ‘Of course, because if you win there I
21:15 3094 Hibernians vs Qormi 1.13 6.53 11.56
think you send a message to everybody. It will be an
important game and a good challenge for us. “We 21:30 2685 FC Koln vs Hamburger SV 1.77 3.87 4.30

know away we have some difficulties. We have to im- 21:30 2783 Barracas Central vs UAI Urquiza 1.76 3.35 5.21
prove that. As I said before we are confident. ‘We had 21:30 4950 Atalanta vs Empoli 1.39 4.98 7.50
a good result today and we have everything in our 21:35 1646 Nueva Chicago vs Sarmiento 2.60 2.97 2.87
hands. We go there and will try to win the game.” 21:45 1496 Dundalk FC vs Bohemians FC 1.57 3.95 6.23
Napoli are known for their intimidating atmos- 21:45 3399 Imolese Calcio vs Feralpisalo 2.53 3.00 2.89
phere but Aubameyang suggested he preferred that 21:45 3512 Sligo Rovers vs Waterford Utd 2.78 3.16 2.68
type of venue. He said: “We already know. That’s 21:45 5206 Paris FC vs Lorient 2.57 2.78 3.26
football. All of the players, they love to play this type 21:45 5317 St Patricks vs Derry City 1.99 3.40 3.94
of game. When it’s tough and you win games, you 21:45 5692 UCD Dublin vs Cork City 5.02 3.67 1.73
are really satisfied after the game. Me personally,
22:00 3614 Livorno vs Brescia 3.33 3.33 2.20
I’m not scared.
22:00 4139 Leganes vs Real Madrid 4.85 4.04 1.67
22:00 5658 Watford vs Arsenal 3.00 3.64 2.25

tuesday 16 th
april 2019

01:00 1274 Patronato Parana vs Godoy Cruz 2.16 2.93 3.34
02:00 2243 Leones FC vs Real Cartagena 2.54 3.18 2.76
02:00 2575 Red Bull Brasil SP vs Ponte Preta 2.29 2.85 3.15
02:00 4076 Chico vs Orsomarso 1.75 3.60 4.55
03:10 4664 Rosario Central vs Aldosivi 2.00 2.97 3.74
04:00 2989 Deportivo Pereira vs Deportes Quindio 2.20 3.30 3.20
19:00 2968 Lokomotiv Plovdiv vs FK Septemvri Sofia 1.63 3.51 4.88
20:00 2541 Senica vs Spartak Trnava 2.73 3.20 2.37
20:00 4284 Osters IF vs Degerfors 1.86 3.45 4.24
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MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2019

City heap pressure
on rivals Liverpool
LONDON / Manchester City for-
ward Raheem Sterling struck twice
as the Premier League champions
beat Crystal Palace 3-1 at Selhurst
Park yesterday to heap pressure on
title rivals Liverpool.
The victory left City on 83 points
from 33 matches. The victory was
the ninth straight win for City in the
Premier League.
Having missed an easy chance
early on, Sterling put City ahead
in the 15th minute when he ran on
to Kevin De Bruyne’s inch-per-
fect pass from behind the halfway
line and fired past goalkeeper
Vicente Guaita.
The England international added
a second for his 17th league goal of
the season after the break, meeting
Leroy Sane’s first-time cross into
the box with a calm left-footed
finish that wrong-footed Guaita
as it rolled in.
Palace ensured an entertain-
ing finish to the contest when
Luka Milivojevic scored from a
free kick with nine minutes to go
after midfielder James McArthur
was brought down on the edge of
the penalty area.

Tusker slay Sharks

City, however, sealed the deal
with their third of the match as De
Bruyne latched on to a poor pass
from defender Aaron Wan-Bissaka
before feeding substitute Gabriel
Jesus who finished emphatically.
“We controlled the ball really well
but one moment in the game and
they are back in it. But we respond-
Kariobangi condemned to sixth defeat in a row as Mt Kenya suffer ed again and got the third goal,”
said Sterling, who added his belief
He was given a starting role in Now with 22 games already that the title race will go down to
the absence of Justine Omary who played, they have 12 points and the wire. “100 per cent the way
is serving a one match ban. In an in- are staring down the barrel. “We Liverpool are playing. It will go down
FRANCIS WADEGU terview, Matano said they still need Sharks’ Thomas have to focus on getting results to the wire. I don’t see us slowing
to do more despite the win. Tusker Teka battles on the pitch because ultimately down now,” he added.
are currently fifth with 37 points with Tusker’s that is what matters. We are going
Kariobangi condemned to their six while Kariobangi Sharks sit in the Timothy Otieno through a difficult period but we
defeat in a row as Mt Kenya con- eighth place with 31 points. in yesterday’s need to stand together and fight
tinue suffering Meanwhile, the wheels are start- match. for the club,” remarked a desolate
Kariobangi Sharks failed to win ing to come off the basement club /OLIVER MORGAN Medo after the clash.
their sixth match in a row after fall- Mt. Kenya United as they were Posta had earlier endured sim-
ing 2-0 to former champions Tusker walloped 6-2 by Posta Rangers yes- ilar struggles until John Kamau
yesterday at Moi Stadium, Kasarani. terday—a result that left them nine brought firm hands at the tiller.
Tusker have beaten Sharks in points adrift of the relegation play- Rangers despite going five games
both legs having trounced them off spot.For a team that signed sev- without victory, they showed
3-1 in the first leg at the Ruar- en new players during the mid-sea- against the league’s whipping boys
aka grounds. Timothy Otieno son transfer window, it was ironical that they still have it in them to dish
and Boniface Muchiri scored a that for a second successive week- out a ruthless performance. “I be-
goal apiece to continue Sharks’ end, they shipped in six goals—a lieve we deserved the three points.
six-match drought. sure sign that rather than steadying We created better chances and got Manchester
Edition 3550

Otieno sent Tusker ahead in the the ship, it is sinking fast. our reward,” Kamau noted. City’s Raheem
64th minute while Muchiri added At the beginning of the cam- The thumping victory saw Posta Sterling in action
the second goal in the 73rd minute. paign, the renaming of the club and improve their goal difference tally with Crystal
Tusker coach Robert Matano hand- subsequently relocation to Ruiru significantly in what is expected Palace’s Wilfried
ed defender Eugene Asike a debut and the return of then respected to be a close fight and are now out Zaha
on his return to the Ruaraka-based coach Melis Medo after a reported of the bottom three after Vihiga /REUTERS
side after unsuccessful short stint takeover, was expected to be the United were beaten 1-0 at home by
in Zambia with Nkana. catalyst for upward mobility. Kakamega Homeboyz.

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