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Assalamualaikum wr wb.

Good Morning ladies and Gentleman, welcome to “Expert Lecture : The Development of Information
Technology on Health in Industrial Revolution 4.0”

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to :

1. Honourable the speaker from Kuala Lumpur University, Prof. Dr. Syahrulniza Musa, welcome to
2. Honourable Dean of Health Science Faculty, Mrs. Warsi Maryati, S.KM, MPH
3. Honourable Deputy Dean of Health and Information Faculty, Mrs. Ani..........................
4. Honourable Head of Study Programs from the Faculty of Health Science
5. Honourable lecturers and staffs of Duta Bangsa University of Surakarta.
6. Honourable ladies and gentlemen the participants of the lectures.

Firstly, let’s say thanks to our god Allah SWT, the lord of the world, the lord of the universe who has been
giving us His blessing and mercy so that we can gather in this place without something wrong happen.
Secondly, may peace be upon our prophet, Muhammad SAW, who has guided us into the right ways of life.

Today is a great honour for me Ivania Ignes to be standing here and greet each and everyone of you in this
event. We proudly present the “Expert Lecture : The Development of Information Technology on Health in
Industrial Revolution 4.0”

Ladies and Gentleman, Over the next few hours this meeting will provide you plenty of opportunities to
discuss, share knowledge and insights about The Development of Information Technology on Health in
Industrial Revolution 4.0

1. Well, let’s begin this program by reciting Basmallah together.

2. Next agenda is welcoming speech from Dean of Health Science Faculty and also will open all of the
agenda today. Ladies and Gentleman, we would like to invite Mrs. Warsi Maryati, S.KM, MPH to the
podium .
The floor is yours. Give applause.
Thank you for the speech.
3. The Next agenda is the main agenda of our event today. We will have an important discussion with our
spekaer. First of all, I would like to introduce our great speaker.

Full name Prof. Dr. Syahrulniza Musa As we know, now he is Deputy President (Academic &
Technology), University Kuala Lumpur Jan. 2018 until present.
Education :
Earned his at
Degree University of Metz, France. Diplôme d'études universitaires générales
‘Physique, Informatique et Electronique’, 1992
(Physics, Informatics and Electronics)
Master University Technology Malaysia, Malaysia
Education (Technical and Vocational), 2000
Research Area: Curriculum Development in Technical and
Vocational Education
Post- Loughborough University, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
graduate Integrated Research Studies (Electronic and Electrical Engineering),
Diploma 2005
PhD Loughborough University, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Communication Network Security, 2008
Doctor of Philosophy
Research Area: Visualisation for Computer Security, Network
Security, Network Surveillance
He has written 18 publications journal, 5 book chapter, 27 Peer Reviewed International
Conferences, 4 Local Conference / Paper Poster / Abstract. And 17 Research Activities
1. Bronze Medal in Invention & Innovation Awards 2013, Malaysia Technology Expo
2013 organised by Malaysian Association of Research Scientists (MARS) - “Secure
SCADA Implementation in Distributed Cloud Computing Environment” Group: Abdulaziz
Aborujilah, Aamir Shahzad, Shahrulniza Musa, Mohd Nazri Ismail, Abdul Kareem
2. Bronze Medal in International Innovation Design and Articulation (iIDeA) 2013
organised by UiTM - “Secure SCADA Implementation in Distributed Cloud Computing
Environment” Group: Abdulaziz Aborujilah, Aamir Shahzad, Shahrulniza Musa, Mohd Nazri

We would like to invite Prof. Dr. Shahrulniza Musa to the podium.

Please give a big round of applause.

4. The next agenda is discussion session.

We would liek to give a chance for the audience who has question to directly ask the question to our
speaker by introducing yourself first and mention your question. Please try to give question in
We open 1 or term. One term for 3 question. Any Question?
We would like to invite Prof. Dr. Syahrulniza Musa to answer the question.

This is the end of discussion session. Thank you to the audience that had participated actively.
5. The next agenda is submission of sertificate to Prof. Dr. Syahrulniza Musa.
we would like to invite................................. to the podium to submit a certificate.
6. The last agenda is closing.

Ladies and Gentleman,

Those are the agendas we have presented to you today, as we have finished our lectures. Thank you for
making time in your busy schedules to join us here. I wish you all a pleasant day.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb.

For information, to all participants please don’t leave the room. All guest are invited upfront for
photography session.

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