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GE has enabled us to overcome many shortage. For example shortage of food.

What is your opinion on GMO food?

GMO food is food that is produced from organism that have had changes introduced
into their DNA using methods of genetic engineering. This method involved in the taking of
a desired trait in an animal or plant and inserted that gene into a cell or another animal or
plant. Due to some current food shortage and crisis, in my opinion, GMO food could help
prevent food shortages in the future because GMO food can boost up crop yields, help
speeds up the process of creating new foods with desired traits and helps the farmers to
moving forwards with the developing world technology. As more food will be needed to feed
more people in the future, I think GMO food method hold the most potential in order to
reduce food shortages. Although some said GMO food will not solve the current food
shortage and crisis or GMO food will risk people’s health, but there are many benefits of
GMO food that are not realised by people out there. It is probably due to the lack of
knowledge in technology of genetic engineering. Some people also have expressed concerns
about GMO food but these concerns have proven to be unfounded. None of the GMO foods
used today has caused any of these problems. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
assesses all GMO foods to make sure they are safe before allowing them to be sold. In
addition to the FDA, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Department
of Agriculture (USDA) has assessed the safety of GMO foods to humans, animals, plants,
and the environment. In my opinion, specifically in GMO food in crops, farmers are always
suffering severe crop losses due to the pest and disease. Some farmers cannot afford to
invest their financial with high quality of seeds, fertilizers or even insecticides. This situation
will lead the pest to destroy the crops production from time to time. With GMO food
methods, it can increase supply of food with reduced cost and longer shelf life. Also, with
GMO food methods, it can reduce the use of pesticides and developing faster growing crops
yields. By looking at this situation that is always faced by the farmers, I think GMO food can
provide an innovation solution for them. The examples of GMO food in crops are papaya
that are genetically modified to resist the ringspot virus (PSRV), potatoes that produce less
of a cancer-causing substance when fried, corn, soy and wheat. In conclusion, although
enough foods are produced for peoples, but people everywhere continues to die of
starvation. So, I think that with the technology that are developed nowadays, GMO food can
help to minimize severe food shortages and crisis in years to come.

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