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Core Music Standards

A Guide to Orchestrating Success

for Students, Schools, and Society
Copyright © 2014 National Association for Music Education, 1806 Robert Fulton Drive, Reston, VA 20191, USA.
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.
Book in Print – ISBN 978-1-56545-056-1
Electronic Book – ISBN 978-1-56545-019-6
Copyright in the National Core Arts Standards is held by the State Education Agency Directors of Arts
Education (SEADAE) in trust for the National Coalition for Core Arts Standards. For copyright information
and permissions, go to
Standards glossary available at
Table of Contents
Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating
Success for Students, Schools, and Society
1. Introduction to the Standards Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Introduction to the Standards Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3. Using the Core Music Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4. Relating the Standards to Knowledge, Skills,
and Dispositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5. Assessment, Evaluation, and the Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

PreK–8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Ensembles Strand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Harmonizing Instruments Strand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Composition/Theory Strand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Technology Strand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates . . 79

1. General Music
Grades PreK–2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Grades 3–5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Grades 6–8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
2. Composition & Theory Strand
Proficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Accomplished . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Advanced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
3. Ensemble Strand
Novice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Intermediate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Proficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Accomplished . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Advanced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand
Novice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Intermediate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Proficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Accomplished . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Advanced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210

5. Technology Strand
Proficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Accomplished . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Advanced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

Core Music Standards Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243

Music Writing Subcommittees
Kennedy Center Special Education Review Team (for Inclusion Guidelines)
National Coalition for Core Arts Standards Leadership
Chapter 1

Introduction to
the Standards Process
Chapter 1

Introduction to
the Standards Process

he Core Music Standards were released on June 4, 2014,
as one of five sets of Core Arts Standards developed by
the National Coalition for Core Arts Standards. The idea
behind the standards is powerful but simple: When music educa-
tors base music programs on clear outcomes designed to em-
power students to carry out the three key processes of Creating,
Performing, and Responding, as well as in the embedded area of
Connecting, we will help students achieve lifelong music literacy.
The Core Music Standards take the best current practices in
the field, consider those practices in light of overall trends in
American education, and provide a road map for even more
effective systems to nurture achievement in American students.
Founding the standards in best practices was facilitated by an
open process involving well over a hundred experienced teach-
ers as major contributors, as well as an extensive and transpar-
ent review process. Overall trends in American education were
identified through a great deal of reflection and research, and are
reflected in the standards’ orientation toward achieving deep and
enduring understanding through the three processes of Creating,
Performing, and Responding. After all, public debate over ed-
ucation tends to focus less on the transient goals of learning a
particular set of facts or skills and more on deeper learning that
can make differences in a student’s life.
After all, school boards and parents may ask, what do we want
and need from our children’s school experiences? We want chil-
dren to have a grounding in creating if they are to take full part in
a society that provides a rich and continuous growth in ideas. We
want them to learn what it is like to perform in life and work tasks
and in shaping things of value. And we want and need them to
be able to respond to ideas, individuals, and the environment in
which they will thrive.

1. Introduction to the Standards Process | 1

The Core Music Standards take up this challenge to education with a set of goals that
are native to the inherent qualities of music. By focusing on these simple goals that
move students toward music literacy, music teachers can pursue the work that makes a
difference in each student’s life. By focusing on these simple goals, supervisors can clar-
ify the ways that music education forms an essential part of the overall school program.
And by focusing on these simple goals, everyone concerned with music education can
bring a new awareness to the joy and challenge that come with the study of music.

Standards for arts education are important for two fundamental reasons. First, they help
define what a good education in the arts should provide: a thorough grounding in a basic
body of knowledge and the skills required both to make sense and to make use of each
of the arts disciplines—including the intellectual tools to make qualitative judgments
about artistic products and expression. Second, when states and school districts adopt
these standards, they are taking a stand for rigor, informed by clear intent.… Arts stan-
dards provide a vision of both competence and educational effectiveness, but without
creating a mold into which all arts programs must fit.…

The arts standards are deliberately broad statements, the better to encourage local cur-
ricular objectives and flexibility in classroom instruction.

—from the Introduction to National Standards for Arts Education: What Every Young
American Should Know and Be Able to Do in the Arts, 1994

Of course, the Core Music Standards did not emerge in a vacuum. America’s first nation-
al standards for arts education were published in 1994 as the culmination of a project
managed by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME, then known as
MENC). The project itself brought together the best thinking in the field about goals
in music education, as well as about goals in dance, theatre, and visual art. The prod-
uct—the 1994 National Standards for Arts Education—tied together threads in American
music education that had begun with the introduction of music to our schools in the
nineteenth century, continued through the formation of NAfME in the early twentieth
century, and achieved some measure of solidity with the listing of “the arts” as a “core
academic subject” in federal law in 1994.
The standards released in that same year were a result of an era’s recognition that the
breadth and variety of American education would be well served by standards designed
to provide a measure of unity to educational goals. (Voluntary standards were simultane-
ously developed for other subjects as well.) In these standards, the authors built on the
strong traditions in the field by bringing together educators and other stakeholders with
a view to codifying the best in current American music education as well as setting forth
a vision for the way music education can and should take full part in the education of our
So, in addition to serving as the culmination of an extensive review process of the best
that the field had to offer, the 1994 standards marked the commencement of a new era
in music education. Over the ensuing two decades, those standards indeed shaped the
attitudes and practices of many educators, challenging teachers in schools around the
nation to develop and implement new ways to bring the full benefits of music education
to ever more students, and providing the profession as a whole with a central document
around which to rally advocacy efforts to support these new and refined pedagogies.
New pedagogies showed up in the sharing of ideas through NAfME and its state af-
filiates at meetings, in publications, and increasingly in digital learning systems. The

2 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
desired outcomes of these pedagogies
showed up in an array of student assess- Content Standards of the 1994
ments, notably the National Assessment of
Educational Progress (NAEP) arts assess- National Music Standards
ment of 1997. The framework for that 1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of
assessment was informed by the standards music
(indeed, many of the key writers of the
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a
1994 standards were important contrib-
varied repertoire of music
utors to the NAEP). Briefly, the NAEP
assessment centered around three areas: 3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments
Creating, Performing, and Responding,
4. Composing and arranging music within specified
which functioned as a grouping of the nine
“content standards” in music. (Detailed
“Achievement Standards” were listed 5. Reading and notating music
under these headings.)
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
That grouping into the three Artistic
7. Evaluating music and music performances
Processes of Creating, Performing, and
Responding was highly influential in the 8. Understanding relationships between music, the other
development of the current standards. arts, and subjects outside the arts
A fourth category, that of Connecting 9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
(defined as “relating artistic ideas and
work with personal meaning and external
context”), was identified by the coordina-
tors of the arts standards project and has been represented in the music standards as
embedded in the other three processes.
The Artistic Process model evolved out of the 1994 standards as interpreted by a few
key developments (the 1994 National Assessment of Educational Progress framework
and a review of state and international frameworks) to serve as the key organizing princi-
pal of the new Core Standards. It functions well in that regard, as it serves to help music
educators focus on the central goal of Music Literacy. These standards, that is, refine the
1994 concept of “what every young American should know and be able to do” by using
an organizational schema that parallels both what practicing musicians do and with what
we all, as a society, value as lifelong goals for every individual. They integrate knowledge
and skills to support lifelong goals and develop enduring understandings that communi-
cate powerfully to educators, decisionmakers, and the public the transformative power
of music education. They also clarify that the ultimate goal of music education is to
empower students to carry out the Artistic Processes.
These standards therefore challenge our field to develop new practices, and they
present a new way to articulate arguments for music education. It will certainly come as
no surprise that the process of arriving at such a powerful document took some time.
Through the contributions of hundreds of educators who spent thousands of hours in
writing, through three major public reviews, and through the guidance of all the mem-
ber organizations in the National Coalition for Core Arts Standards, the music standards
evolved into their final form.
It is important to note that the Core Music Standards are distinct in many ways from the
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in Math and in English/Language Arts. (This is
true even though they were developed in full awareness of the CCSS; see the research
reports listed at First, they were developed in an aggressive-
ly transparent process by practitioners in the field. Second, they are truly voluntary

1. Introduction to the Standards Process | 3

standards in the tradition of the 1994 standards. That is,
TEACHER’S TASK while states, counties, and schools will certainly use the
standards to guide curriculum, there is no intended con-
Be prepared to tell nection between these music standards and high-stakes
testing of students or ill-considered evaluation of teachers.
principals, colleagues,
Indeed, as shown in this book in section 5 (Assessment,
and parents that the Evaluation, and the Standards), these standards are de-
Core Music Standards signed specifically to both meet the needs of any edu-
cation system for both formative and summative assess-
were developed by
ment and to provide the flexibility of approach that is the
teachers in an open hallmark of any successful program intended to educate
process to guide children.
music education and It is also important to note that the Core Standards’ focus
to improve students’ on Creative Processes does not mean that more traditional
development of knowledge, skills, and dispositions among
education. students has gone away. Guidance on how these ap-
proaches work together is found in section 4 of this book.
With the adoption and adaptation of the standards by states and local education agen-
cies, and with the active implementation of the standards by individual teachers, our
profession will continue to grow in the ongoing effort to provide a full, balanced educa-
tion for every American student.

4 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Chapter 2

Introduction to the
Standards Structure
Chapter 2

Introduction to the
Standards Structure

The voluntary National Core Arts Standards

… guide arts curriculum, instruction, and
assessment in America’s schools. Toward
that end, they emphasize the process-
oriented nature of the arts and arts learning
that guide the continuous and systematic
operations of instructional improvement.
—from National Core Arts Standards: A Conceptual
Framework for Arts Learning, 2014

he overall structure of the standards is represented in the
Standards Matrix. Coordination among the standards in
the various art forms is evident in the use of the Artistic
Processes and a series of Anchor Standards, all of which are
grouped under overarching Philosophical Foundations and
Lifelong Goals.

2. Introduction to the Standards Structure | 7

National Core Arts Standards
Dance Media Arts Music Theatre Visual Arts Feb. 12, 2014
Artistic Literacy
Philosophical Foundations Lifelong Goals
Discipline-Specific Performance Standards
PreK–High School
Core Arts PreK–grade 8 HS Performance Standards
Anchor Performance
Processes Supplemental Instructional
Standards Standards
Proficient Accomplished Advanced Support Resources
(grade by
grade Model Cornerstone Assessments
3 Common • Performance Tasks with Key Traits
Creating Anchor
Standards • Grade 2, 5, 8
Performing • High School 3 levels of proficiency:
(Dance, Music, (Proficient, Accomplished, Advanced)
Theatre) 3 Common
Presenting Anchor Discipline specific tools to unpack the
(Visual Arts) Standards
Producing standards
(Media Arts) • Enduring Understandings and Essential
3 Common Questions
Responding Anchor
Standards • Process Components and other power
verbs that operationalize the standards
• Glossaries and Resources
3 Common
Connecting Anchor

Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
A Conceptual Framework for Arts Learning
Copyright © 2013 State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE) on behalf of NCCAS. All rights reserved.
Philosophical Foundations and Lifelong Goals
Philosophical Foundation Lifelong Goals
The Arts as Communication
In today’s multimedia society, the arts Artistically literate citizens use a variety of
are the media, and therefore provide artistic media, symbols, and metaphors
powerful and essential means of to independently create and perform
communication. The arts provide unique work that expresses and communicates
symbol systems and metaphors that their own ideas, and are able to respond
convey and inform life experience (i.e., by analyzing and interpreting the artistic
the arts are ways of knowing). communications of others.

The Arts as Creative Personal

Participation in each of the arts as Artistically literate citizens find at least
creators, performers, and audience one arts discipline in which they develop
members enables individuals to discover sufficient competence to continue active
and develop their own creative capacity, involvement in creating, performing, and
thereby providing a source of lifelong responding to art as an adult.

The Arts as Culture, History, and

Throughout history the arts have Artistically literate citizens know and
provided essential means for individuals understand artwork from varied historical
and communities to express their ideas, periods and cultures, and actively seek
experiences, feelings, and deepest beliefs. and appreciate diverse forms and
Each discipline shares common goals, but genres of artwork of enduring quality/
approaches them through distinct media significance. They also seek to understand
and techniques. Understanding artwork relationships among the arts, and cultivate
provides insights into individuals’ own and habits of searching for and identifying
others’ cultures and societies, while also patterns, relationships between the arts
providing opportunities to access, express, and other knowledge.
and integrate meaning across a variety of
content areas.

Arts as Means to Well-Being

Participation in the arts as creators, Artistically literate citizens find joy,
performers, and audience members inspiration, peace, intellectual stimulation,
(responders) enhances mental, physical, meaning, and other life-enhancing
and emotional well-being. qualities through participation in all of the

The Arts as Community Engagement

The arts provide means for individuals to Artistically literate citizens seek artistic
collaborate and connect with others in an experience and support the arts in
enjoyable inclusive environment as they their local, state, national, and global
create, prepare, and share artwork that communities.
bring communities together.

2. Introduction to the Standards Structure | 9

Another unifying factor among the standards for the various arts is the provision of
Enduring Understandings and Essential Questions, as derived from the work of Jay
McTighe and Grant Wiggins (see Understanding by Design, ASCD, 2005). The Enduring
Understandings refer to the “big ideas” that have lasting value for the student beyond
the classroom or rehearsal room. The Essential Questions can serve to help students get
to those enduring understandings—and therefore assist teachers in focusing on helping
students understand the concepts behind the skills and knowledge that musicians devel-
op through education.
Perhaps the best practical key to use of the standards by music educators lies in the
Process Components that make up the Artistic Processes. These Process Components
represent the steps that students and professional musicians alike go through—though
not necessarily in order—when engaging with music. They will certainly ring true to
music teachers:

Artistic Process: Creating

■■ Imagine: Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
■■ Plan and Make: Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and
■■ Evaluate and Refine: Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical
work(s) that meet appropriate criteria.
■■ Present: Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsman-
ship, and exhibits originality.

Artistic Process: Performing

■■ Select: Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, tech-
nical skill, and context.
■■ Analyze: Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their impli-
cations for performance.
■■ Interpret: Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
■■ Rehearse, Evaluate, and Refine: Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble perfor-
mances, individually or in collaboration with others.
■■ Present: Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and accuracy, and in
a manner appropriate to the audience context.

Artistic Process: Responding

■■ Select: Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.
■■ Analyze: Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the
■■ Interpret: Support interpretations of musical works that reflect creators’/perform-
ers’ expressive intent.
■■ Evaluate: Support evaluations of musical works and performances based on analy-
sis, interpretation, and established criteria.

Under each of these Process Components are the actual Performance Standards, which
are arranged by grade level from preK–grade 8 for General Music, embodying the

10 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
expectation that all students have educational experiences enabling them to meet these
standards. Note that the italic type that appears in the Performance Standards is used to
show where a new concept is introduced from one level to the next.
Of course, American music education has a breadth and variety of instructional approach
that would be challenging to list in one set of standards. Therefore, the music standards
have added to the preK–8 General Music standards four “strands” that cover the main
approaches to music education in our nation’s secondary schools. The strands range
from the Ensembles that form both the most traditional of approaches for many schools’
bands, orchestras, and choruses (as well as a fertile ground for development of emerg-
ing ensembles to play the music reflecting the variety of our society) to the growing
strand of Technology. Strands embrace both Composition and Theory (increasingly val-
ued as explicitly linking to 21st Century skills and to the foundation of most music) and
Harmonizing Instruments (conspicuously providing guidance for the growing ways that
educators are recognizing the most important avocational and commercial engagement
with music in our world).
These strands, as they in practice involve students at many different entry points, are
not explicitly tied to grades in school but are rather organized according to Performance
■■ Advanced: Students at the Advanced level independently identify challenging arts
problems based on their interests or for specific purposes, and bring creativity and
insight to finding artistic solutions. They are facile in using at least one art form as
an effective avenue for personal communication, demonstrating a higher level of
technical and expressive proficiency characteristic of honors- or college-level work.
They exploit their personal strengths and apply strategies to overcome personal
challenges as arts learners. They are capable of taking a leadership role in arts
activity within and beyond the school environment. This is a level and scope of
achievement that significantly exceeds the Accomplished Level. Achievement at
this level is indisputably rigorous and substantially expands students’ knowledge,
skills, and understandings beyond the expectations articulated for Accomplished
■■ Accomplished: Students at the Accomplished level are—with minimal assistance—
able to identify or solve arts problems based on their interests or for a particular
purpose; conduct research to inform artistic decisions; and create and refine arts
products, performances, or presentations that demonstrate technical proficiency,
personal communication, and expression. They use the art form for personal reali-
zation and well-being, and have the necessary skills for and interest in participation
in arts activity beyond the school environment. This is a level of achievement at-
tainable by most students who complete a rigorous sequence of high-school-level
courses (or equivalent) beyond the Proficient level.
■■ Proficient: Students at the Proficient level have developed the foundational tech-
nical and expressive skills and understandings in an art form necessary to solve
assigned problems or prepare assigned repertoire for presentation; make appro-
priate choices with some support; and may be prepared for active engagement in
their community. They understand the art form to be an important form of personal
realization and wellbeing, and make connections between the art form, history,
culture and other learning. This is basically a level of achievement attainable by
most students who complete a high-school-level course in the arts (or equivalent)
beyond the foundation of quality preK–8 instruction.

2. Introduction to the Standards Structure | 11

■■ Intermediate: Students at the Intermediate level are
TEACHER’S TASK continuing study in a chosen specialized art form. Their
development continues in artistic understanding and
Identify the strands and technical and expressive skills enabling the student
to begin to independently and collaboratively create,
levels most important
perform, and respond at their given skill level. Their
for your practice as an presentation and performance opportunities in en-
educator, and study sembles at school and in the community increase, and
students actively participate in rehearsals. Through
continued study of their art form they continue their
journey toward personal realization and well-being.
This is nominally assigned to the eighth-grade level.

■■ Novice: Students at the Novice level have started specialization in an art form of
their choice. They are beginning to develop the basic artistic understanding and
technique necessary to advance their skill level. Their expressive skills may be
identified and exploratory work begins. They may participate in presentation and
performance opportunities as they are able. Their curiosity in the art form begins
their journey toward personal realization and well-being. This is nominally equiva-
lent to the fifth-grade level.

Reflecting the realities of the current system, not all levels are identified for all strands.

12 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Chapter 3

Using the Core Music

Chapter 3

Using the Core Music


he first and most important thing to remember when using
the standards to guide curriculum is that the standards
embody a simple imperative: Music teachers need to
lead students to music literacy through significant experiences
in Creating, Performing, and Responding. If we keep focused on
that fact, the students will also make personal connections with
the standards, our administrators will better understand how to
evaluate our programs, and school boards and the public will
better understand the value that we bring to the community’s
Of course, establishing the value of standards-based music edu-
cation means teaching a curriculum that is truly standards-based.
That means that every student should, over the arc of their
schooling, have significant experiences in each of the three
Artistic Processes. It also means that, while some classes will
naturally focus on one or two Artistic Processes, each class should
offer some experiences in each of the three Artistic Processes.
That responsibility to offer content across all Artistic Processes is
the principal challenge to music teachers in these standards.
There are several implications that stem from this responsibility:
For individual teachers, planning for each class year or semester
must include experiences directed at each Artistic Process. For
example, while a Concert Band may appropriately emphasize
Performing, the ensemble’s rehearsal and class time should
include work that moves students toward competency in both
Creating and Responding. Ideas on how to do this should come
first from a close reading of the standards in the Ensemble strand,
but can also be informed by ideas posted on the NAfME website,
by concepts learned at state or national conferences, and by cre-
ative strategies developed by each individual teacher.

3. Using the Core Music Standards | 15

Individual teachers will also have to think through which strand or strands apply to their
work. For example, a teacher of a Guitar class should review both the Ensemble strand
and the strand for Harmonizing Instruments, because elements of both may apply. A
composition teacher may want to review both the Composition/Theory strand and that
for Music Technology, if a significant amount of composition work is done using digi-
tal equipment. And a teacher of a high school course that does not neatly fit into any
one of the strands may want to draw from all four strands. The standards, arranged by
strand, are found in Appendix 1.
Individual teachers should think through the ways in which the standards’ focus on
Creating, Performing, and Responding tracks to more traditional approaches to the
development of Knowledge and Skills. Information on this process is found in section 4
of this book.
Finally, individual teachers need to think as they teach about how students’ progress
can be assessed. Information on the Model Cornerstone Assessments developed for the
standards is found in section 5 of this book.
For supervisors, the most important task is to establish
TEACHER’S TASK that the sum of the experiences offered by individual
teachers within a district over the career of a student add
Examine your current up to a truly comprehensive, standards-based education in
Creating, Performing, and in Responding. Further analysis,
curriculum for full consideration of scheduling, and professional develop-
coverage of Creating, ment for teachers may be indicated if experiences in one
Performing, and or more of the Creative Processes seem to fall short.

Responding. If you In working through these issues, the availability of key

resources is of course highly relevant. The Opportunity-
don’t give instruction in
to-Learn Standards, available on the NAfME website, are
one or more Creative a useful guide to thinking through how best to maximize
Processes, think limited resources. The flexibility of the standards comes
to the fore in this issue, but flexibility in the standards is
through how to do
limited. That is, where a school or district does not afford
so—and determine sufficient time for instruction or other needed resources,
what additional time, and the students are not attaining the outcomes set forth
in the standards, that school or district is not teaching to
training, facilities, or
standard. That is, the school or district is fundamentally
equipment you will failing the students.
need to accomplish Note that failure of students to meet standard, where
these new goals. sufficient resources are not made available, is not a failure
on the part of the teacher but of the school system. Where
this failure occurs, two things need to happen:
■■ All concerned—teachers, supervisors, and the community—need to engage in
advocacy and long-range planning to attain the appropriate level of resources so
that all students can have a reasonable chance to meet standard. In most cases,
this will involve working on state and local standards adoption, as well as raising
public awareness of the benefits of a standards-based music education.
■■ Supervisors need to “calibrate” the standards to their current situation—This can
happen at the same time as new resources are sought, but should involve planning
to use current resources to arrive as closely as possible to the desired outcome
of music literacy in Creating, Performing, and Responding. Additional help in this

16 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
process of calibration can be sought from the Solutions Music Group, listed on the
NAfME website.
As part of a supervisor’s responsibility to evaluate teachers, supervisors should become
familiar with the Model Cornerstone Assessments as a way to inform those evaluations
by opening a window onto standards-based student achievement. This process can
be handled relatively easily by using the NAfME Workbook for Evaluating Teachers of
Performing Groups or the Workbook for Evaluating Teachers of General Music, available
from the NAfME website.
For everyone involved, one key to successful implemen-
tation of the standards is developing the ability to discuss TEACHER’S TASK
frankly the requirements for a good music program.
The Opportunity-to-Learn (OTL) Standards found at
Establish an advocacy list what is needed—not just de- “ask” for any specific
sired—for a program that adequately addresses each new resources you may
strand of music instruction. Needs for curriculum; schedul-
ing; teacher qualifications and load; professional develop-
need to help students
ment and evaluation; instruments, accessories, technology, accomplish the broad
and other resources; and facilities are all covered. They are goals of the standards.
covered for “basic” programs (defining a minimal expec-
tation for a program that serves students with a stan-
dards-based education) and “quality” programs (defining
programs that truly facilitate student achievement). Supervisors in particular should note
that the OTL listings for “all programs” make the basic/quality distinction in part by fac-
toring in the variety of offerings in the music program.

3. Using the Core Music Standards | 17

Chapter 4

Relating the Standards to

Knowledge, Skills,
and Dispositions
Chapter 4

Relating the Standards to

Knowledge, Skills,
and Dispositions

usic teachers have for generations focused instruction
on the development of knowledge and particularly,
skills. Skill development was in this system focused on
and made evident, at least collectively, in the quality of culminat-
ing music performances. With the 1994 standards, the field was
challenged to add more emphasis on the knowledge that has
always supported the development of musical skill. And under-
lying the historical growth of school music programs was always
the idea that the process of developing knowledge and skills
went hand-in-hand with the development of key dispositions.
Those dispositions have over the last decade or so become more
important in discussions about education as “21st Century Skills,”
especially those of Creativity and Innovation, Critical Thinking and
Problem Solving, Communication, and Collaboration.
The ideas of knowledge, skills, and dispositions have neither
gone away nor been weakened by the Core Music Standards.
Rather, they have been conceived as building blocks toward the
overarching goal of music literacy. Supervisors and individual
teachers alike will find it useful to think through the ways that
these the knowledge, skills, and dispositions developed in each
class, with each group of students, given the opportunity-to-learn
limitations of each situation, can work most effectively toward
that literacy as the means to achieving the standards in Creating,
Performing, and Responding, rather than ends in themselves.
To work through this process, templates are supplied in Appendix
2. Those templates are built on the following definitions:

■■ Structure: This category of knowledge refers to the organi-
zation of music, using knowledge of music theory and no-
tation to identify how the elements of music (pitch, rhythm,

4. Relating the Standards to Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions | 21

harmony, dynamics, timbre, texture, form, and style/articulation) are used within a
piece, including the difficulty or challenges of music being performed or created).
■■ Context: This category of knowledge refers the historical, cultural, and social
contexts of the music, as well as the impact of purpose and venue on our choic-
es (selections) and presentation of music, including programing, etiquette, and
■■ Evaluation Criteria: This category of knowledge refers to our understanding of
the criteria that are used to evaluate music and performances and how this knowl-
edge affects our ability to diagnose and solve problems and make musical deci-
sions based on an awareness their own and others strengths, limitations, and/or

Performing: This area of skills refers to the performance qualities that are expected
at a specific grade or level (often found on audition and adjudication forms).  These
include areas such as technique, sound quality, technical accuracy, interpretation
and expression, and ensemble skills, as well as implementing effective approaches
for selecting and programing appropriate work(s) for performance and refining
work using effective practice strategies and work habits. 
In addition, it includes the presentation or performance
TEACHER’S TASK of work demonstrating appropriate etiquette and deport-
ment (see “Context” as described earlier).  These skills
Fill out the Knowledge
are expressed through singing, playing instruments, and
and Skills template(s) movement.
for your class (choosing ■■ Creating: This area of skills refers to the creating skills
the most appropriate that are expected at a specific grade or level in areas
such as imagination, craftsmanship, and the ability
level and strand(s),
to refine work by making effective choices for spe-
using this to help you cific contexts and to express personal intent.  These
focus instruction on are expressed through improvising, arranging, and
the standards. Look
for models that might ■■ Listening, Reading, Notating: This area of skills refers
to the aural and notational skills needed to hear, read,
match your class at and notate melodic, rhythmic, harmonic, and expressive elements of music at specific grades of levels. These are
standards expressed through listening (audiating), reading, and
notating music.
Fill out the dispositions ■■ Evaluating: This area of skills refers to the application
that you develop in of evaluative criteria to the processes of creating,
your students, and performing, and responding to music.  It is expressed
through self-assessments and critiques of music and
use this to guide both performances.
your teaching and your
advocacy messages to
parents, administrators,
and others.

22 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
The listings are for the strand/level as a whole. To guide your discussion, please note
that the following processes, although not limited to this, seem to have an affinity to the
indicated dispositions:
Creating— Inquisitiveness, Responsible risk-taking, Self-discipline and persever-
ance; Performing—Collaboration, Goal orientation, Self-discipline and perseverance;
Responding—Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others, flexibility.
■■ Collaboration—Working with others interdependently to perform a task and to
achieve shared goals
■■ Flexibility—Demonstrating the ability to see multiple perspectives and monitor and
adjust work based on differing conditions.
■■ Goal orientation—Establishing specific and timely goals for completion of work.
■■ Inquisitiveness—Having curiosity and drive to learn more about known and un-
known strategies, techniques, concepts, ideas, and phenomena.
■■ Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others—Listening with un-
derstanding and empathy to others expressing differing ideas and/or cultural
■■ Responsible risk-taking—Willing to chance making mistakes while tackling chal-
lenging problems that do not have easy, obvious or conventional solutions—seeing
these challenges as opportunities for learning rather than potentials for failure 
■■ Self-reflection—Applying self-knowledge and objective evaluation to personal work
through questioning and introspection
■■ Self-discipline and perseverance—Demonstrating independence and self-motiva-
tion, managing impulsivity, and being comfortable with delayed gratification as
they strive for excellence.

4. Relating the Standards to Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions | 23

Chapter 5

Assessment, Evaluation,
and the Standards
Chapter 5

Assessment, Evaluation,
and the Standards

Cornerstone tasks serve as more than just

a means of gathering assessment evidence.
These tasks are, by design, “worth teaching
to” because they embody valuable learning
goals and worthy accomplishments.
Accordingly, they should be presented
at the beginning of a course or a unit of
instruction to serve as meaningful and
concrete learning targets for students.
Such assessment transparency is needed
if standards are going to be met. Students
must know the tasks to be mastered well in
advance, and have continued opportunities
to work toward their accomplishment.
—from National Core Arts Standards: A Conceptual
Framework for Arts Learning, 2014

he Core Standards exist within the context of education
systems that are governed by 52 state entities (including
the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense
Dependents Schools) and more than 14,000 individual school
districts. But one uniform goal among each of those entities is a
growing concern for formally assessing student progress—and
often for using that student assessment as an element in evaluat-
ing the teacher’s effectiveness.

5. Assessment, Evaluation, and the Standards | 27

Neither NAfME nor the National Coalition for Core Arts Standards has approached the
need for student assessment with the development of standardized, one-size-fits-all
tests. Rather, recognizing the many ways in which teachers can and do help students
reach the standards, we have engaged in the development of Model Cornerstone
Assessments. Some examples of this growing body of assessments are found at, but the basic idea is that each teacher can use the model
assessments to craft assessment tasks appropriate to the pedagogy in his or her class.
In using these model assessments, note especially that each one is tied to one or more
Essential Questions. Those essential questions are:
■■ Creating:
−− Imagine: How do musicians generate creative ideas?

−− Plan and Make: How do musicians make creative decisions?

−− Evaluate and Refine: How do musicians improve the quality of their creative
−− Present: When is creative work ready to share?

■■ Performing:
−− Select: How do performers select repertoire?

−− Analyze: How does understanding the structure and context of musical works
inform performance?
−− Interpret: How do performers interpret musical works?
−− Rehearse, Evaluate, and Refine: How do musicians improve the quality of their
−− Present: When is a performance judged ready to present? How do context and
the manner in which a musical work is presented influence audience response?

■■ Responding:
−− Select: How do individuals choose music to experience?

−− Analyze: How does understanding the structure and context of music inform a
−− Interpret: How do we discern musical creators’ and performers’ expressive
−− Evaluate: How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and performance(s)?

For teachers who have thought through the knowledge and skills process, the ground-
work for the development of assessment tasks is laid. Each Model Cornerstone
Assessment includes strategies for embedding in instruction, some key vocabulary, some
lists of relevant knowledge and skills, various task-specific rubrics and forms, as well as
ideas for differentiated instruction and for inclusion of students with disabilities. These are
all resources that can be adapted to match the exact curriculum and literature taught.

28 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Note that students’ performance on these assessments
is clearly tied to the Opportunity-to-Learn Standards. TEACHER’S TASK
That is, there must be sufficient time for students to carry
out processes necessary for deep learning. In particular, Review the Model
communications with administrators can draw the parallel
to teaching writing in English/Language Arts, there needs
to be time for students to cultivate their creativity as well Assessments, and
as their skill and to do the kind of analysis and reflection think through at least
called for throughout the standards.
one task relevant
This observation becomes essential if the results from stu- to your teaching in
dent assessments are to be used as an element in teacher
evaluation. That process, which may be done using the each Artistic Process
NAfME Workbook for Building and Evaluating Effective (Creating, Performing,
Music Education in General Music, and the Workbook and Responding).
for Building and Evaluating Effective Music Education in
the School Ensemble, should only constitute a part of the Use the results of
overall evaluation and should be balanced with classroom
that task to guide
observations, other documentation, and a careful analysis
of the Opportunities to Learn afforded the students. your teaching and to
inform your principal’s
(or other supervisor’s)
evaluation of you as a

5. Assessment, Evaluation, and the Standards | 29

Appendix 1

The Core Music


32 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 33


34 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 35


36 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 37


38 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 39


40 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 41


42 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 43


44 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 45


46 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Ensemble Strand

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 47

Ensemble Strand

48 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Ensemble Strand

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 49

Ensemble Strand

50 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Ensemble Strand

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 51

Ensemble Strand

52 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Ensemble Strand

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 53

Ensemble Strand

54 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Harmonizing Instruments Strand

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 55

Harmonizing Instruments Strand

56 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Harmonizing Instruments Strand

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 57

Harmonizing Instruments Strand

58 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Harmonizing Instruments Strand

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 59

Harmonizing Instruments Strand

60 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Harmonizing Instruments Strand

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 61

Harmonizing Instruments Strand

62 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Harmonizing Instruments Strand

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 63

Composition/Theory Strand

64 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Composition/Theory Strand

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 65

Composition/Theory Strand

66 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Composition/Theory Strand

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 67

Composition/Theory Strand

68 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Composition/Theory Strand

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 69

Composition/Theory Strand

70 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Composition/Theory Strand

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 71

Composition/Theory Strand

72 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Technology Strand

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 73

Technology Strand

74 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Technology Strand

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 75

Technology Strand

76 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Technology Strand

Appendix 1: The Core Music Standards | 77

Technology Strand

78 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Appendix 2

Knowledge, Skills, and

Disposition Templates
Appendix 2

Knowledge, Skills, and Disposition Templates

1. General Music
Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Standard: MU:Cr1.1.2a
Improvise rhythmic and melodic patterns and musical ideas for a specific purpose.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & Notational Skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 81

1. General Music, PreK–2

Standard: MU:Cr1.125b
Generate musical patterns and ideas within the context of a given tonality (such as major and minor) and
meter (such as duple and triple).
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Plan and Make

Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts
Standard: MU:Cr2.1.2a
Demonstrate and explain personal reasons for selecting patterns and ideas for music that represent
expressive intent
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



82 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
1. General Music, PreK–2

Standard: MU:Cr2.1.2b
Use iconic or standard notation and/or recording technology to combine, sequence, and document personal
musical ideas
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work(s) that meet appropriate criteria.
Standard: MU:Cr3.1.2a
Interpret and apply personal, peer, and teacher feedback to revise personal music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 83

1. General Music, PreK–2

Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Standard: MU:Cr3.2.2b
Convey expressive intent for a specific purpose by presenting a final version of personal musical ideas to
peers or informal audience.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is When is creative work ready to share?
the culmination of a process of creation and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Standard: MU:Pr4.1.2a
Demonstrate and explain personal interest in, knowledge about, and purpose of varied musical selections.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical How do performers select repertoire?
works, understanding of their own technical skill, and
the context for a performance influence the selection
of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


84 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
1. General Music, PreK–2

Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Standard: MU:Pr4.2.2a
Demonstrate knowledge of music concepts (such as tonality and meter) in music from a variety of cultures
selected for performance.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills

Standard: MU:Pr4.2.2b
When analyzing selected music, read and perform rhythmic and melodic patterns using iconic or standard
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 85

1. General Music, PreK–2

Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Standard: MU:Pr4.3.2a
Demonstrate understanding of expressive qualities (such as dynamics and tempo) and how creators use
them to convey expressive intent.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Rehearse, Evaluate, Refine

Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Standard: MU:Pr5.1.2a
Apply established criteria to judge the accuracy, expressiveness, and effectiveness of performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


86 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
1. General Music, PreK–2

Rehearse, identify and apply strategies to address interpretive, performance, and technical challenges of music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Standard: MU:Pr6.1.2a
Perform music for a specific purpose with expression and technical accuracy.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 87

1. General Music, PreK–2

Standard: MU:Pr6.1.2b
Perform appropriately for the audience and purpose.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.
Standard: MU:Re7.1.2a
Explain and demonstrate how personal interests and experiences influence musical selection for specific
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced How do individuals choose music to experience?
by their interests, experiences, understandings, and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


88 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
1. General Music, PreK–2

Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Standard: MU:Re7.2.2a
Describe how specific music concepts are used to support a specific purpose in music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support interpretations of musical works that reflect creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Standard: MU:Re8.1.2a
Demonstrate knowledge of music concepts and how they support creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 89

1. General Music, PreK–2

Support evaluation criteria of musical works and performances based on analysis, interpretation,
and established criteria.
Standard: MU:Re9.1.2a
Apply personal and expressive preferences in the evaluation criteria of music for specific purposes.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
and performance(s) are informed by analysis, performance(s)?
interpretation, and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


90 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
1. General Music, 3–5


Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Standard: MU:Cr1.1.5a
Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic ideas, and explain connection to specific purpose and context
(such as social, cultural, and historical).
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that influence How do musicians generate creative ideas?
musicians’ work emerge from a variety of sources.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 91

1. General Music, 3–5

Standard: MU:Cr1.1.5b
Generate musical ideas (such as rhythms, melodies, and accompaniment patterns) within specific related
tonalities, meters, and simple chord changes.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Plan and Make

Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Standard: MU:Cr2.1.5a
Demonstrate selected and developed musical ideas for improvisations, arrangements, or compositions to
express intent, and explain connection to purpose and context.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation Criteria Aural & notational skills



92 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
1. General Music, 3–5

Standard: MU:Cr2.1.5b
Use standard and/or iconic notation and/or recording technology to document personal rhythmic, melodic,
and two chord harmonic musical ideas.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Evaluate and Refine

Refine and complete artistic work.
Standard: MU:Cr3.1.5a
Evaluate, refine, and document revisions to personal music, applying teacher-provided and collaboratively
developed criteria and feedback, and explain rationale for changes.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 93

1. General Music, 3–5

Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Standard: MU:Cr3.2.5b
Present the final version of personal created music to others that demonstrates craftsmanship, and explain
connection to expressive intent.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is When is creative work ready to share?
the culmination of a process of creation and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Standard: MU:Pr4.1.5a
Demonstrate and explain how the selection of music to perform is influenced by personal interest,
knowledge, and context, as well as their personal and others’ technical skill.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical How do performers select repertoire?
works, understanding of their own technical skill, and
the context for a performance influence the selection
of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


94 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
1. General Music, 3–5

Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Standard: MU:Pr4.2.5a
Demonstrate understanding of the structure and the elements of music (such as rhythm, pitch, form, and
harmony) in music selected for performance.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills

Standard: MU:Pr4.2.5b
When analyzing selected music, read and perform using standard notation.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 95

1. General Music, 3–5

Standard: MU:Pr4.2.5c
Explain how context (such as social, cultural, and historical) informs performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Standard: MU:Pr4.3.5a
Demonstrate and explain how intent is conveyed through interpretive decisions and expressive qualities
(such as dynamics, tempo, timbre, and articulation/style).
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


96 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
1. General Music, 3–5

Rehearse, Evaluate, Refine

Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Standard: MU:Pr5.1.5a
Apply teacher-provided and established criteria and feedback to evaluate the accuracy and expressiveness
of ensemble and personal performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills

Rehearse to refine technical accuracy and expressive qualities to address challenges, and show
improvement over time.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 97

1. General Music, 3–5

Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Standard: MU:Pr6.1.5a
Perform music, alone or with others, with expression, technical accuracy, and appropriate interpretation.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills

Standard: MU:Pr6.1.5b
Demonstrate performance decorum and audience etiquette appropriate for the context, venue, genre,
and style.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


98 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
1. General Music, 3–5

Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.
Standard: MU:Re7.1.5a
Demonstrate and explain, citing evidence, how selected music connects to and is influenced by specific
interests, experiences, purposes, or contexts.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced How do individuals choose music to experience?
by their interests, experiences, understandings, and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Standard: MU:Re7.2.5a
Demonstrate and explain, citing evidence, how responses to music are informed by the structure, the use of
the elements of music, and context (such as social, cultural, and historical).
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 99

1. General Music, 3–5

Support interpretations of musical works that reflect creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Standard: MU:Re8.1.5a
Demonstrate and explain how the expressive qualities (such as dynamics, tempo, timbre, and articulation) are
used in performers’ and personal interpretations to reflect expressive intent.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support evaluation criteria of musical works and performances based on analysis, interpretation, and
established criteria.
Standard: MU:Re9.1.5a
Evaluate musical works and performances, applying established criteria, and explain appropriateness to the
context, citing evidence from the elements of music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
and performance(s) are informed by analysis, performance(s)?
interpretation, and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


100 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
1. General Music, 6–8


Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Standard: MU:Cr1.1.8a
Generate rhythmic, melodic and harmonic phrases and harmonic accompaniments within expanded forms
(including introductions, transitions, and codas) that convey expressive intent.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 101

1. General Music, 6–8

Plan and Make

Select musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr2.1.8a
Select, organize, and document personal musical ideas for arrangements, songs, and compositions within
expanded forms that demonstrate tension and release, unity and variety, balance, and convey expressive

Enduring Understanding Essential Question

Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Standard: MU:Cr2.1.8b
Use standard and/or iconic notation and/or audio/video recording to document personal rhythmic phrases,
melodic phrases, and harmonic sequences.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



102 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
1. General Music, 6–8

Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work(s) that meet appropriate criteria.
Standard: MU:Cr3.1.8a
Evaluate their own work by selecting and applying criteria including appropriate application of
compositional techniques, style, form, and use of sound sources.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Standard: MU:Cr3.1.8b
Describe the rationale for refining works by explaining the choices, based on evaluation criteria.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 103

1. General Music, 6–8

Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Standard: MU:Cr3.2.8a
Present the final version of their documented personal composition, song, or arrangement, using
craftsmanship and originality to demonstrate the application of compositional techniques for creating unity
and variety, tension and release, and balance to convey expressive intent.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is When is creative work ready to share?
the culmination of a process of creation and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Standard: MU:Pr4.1.8a
Apply personally-developed criteria for selecting music of contrasting styles for a program with a specific
purpose and/or context, and explain expressive qualities, technical challenges, and reasons for choices.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical How do performers select repertoire?
works, understanding of their own technical skill, and
the context for a performance influence the selection
of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


104 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
1. General Music, 6–8

Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Standard: MU:Pr4.2.8a
Compare the structure of contrasting pieces of music selected for performance, explaining how the
elements of music are used in each.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills

Standard: MU:Pr4.2.8b
When analyzing selected music, sight-read in treble or bass clef simple rhythmic, melodic, and/or harmonic
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 105

1. General Music, 6–8

Standard: MU:Pr4.2.8c
Identity how cultural and historical context inform performances and result in different musical effects.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Standard: MU:Pr4.3.8a
Perform contrasting pieces of music, demonstrating as well as explaining how the music’s intent is conveyed
by their interpretations of the elements of music and expressive qualities (such as dynamics, tempo,
timbre, articulation/style, and phrasing).
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


106 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
1. General Music, 6–8

Rehearse, Evaluate, Refine

Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Standard: MU:Pr5.1.8a
Identify and apply personally-developed criteria (such as demonstrating correct interpretation of notation,
technical skill of performer, originality, emotional impact, variety, and interest) to rehearse, refine, and
determine when the music is ready to perform.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills

Rehearse, identify, and apply strategies to address interpretive, performance, and technical challenges of
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 107

1. General Music, 6–8

Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Standard: MU:Pr6.1.8a
Perform the music with technical accuracy, stylistic expression, and culturally authentic practices in music
to convey the creator’s intent.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills

Standard: MU:Pr6.1.8b
Demonstrate performance decorum (such as stage presence, attire, and behavior) and audience etiquette
appropriate for venue, purpose, context, and style.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation Criteria Aural & notational skills


108 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
1. General Music, 6–8

Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.
Standard: MU:Re7.1.8a
Select programs of music (such as a CD mix or live performances), and demonstrate the connections to an
interest or experience for a specific purpose.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced How do individuals choose music to experience?
by their interests, experiences, understandings, and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation Criteria Aural & notational skills


Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Standard: MU:Re7.2.8a
Compare how the elements of music and expressive qualities relate to the structure within programs of
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 109

1. General Music, 6–8

Standard: MU:Re7.2.8b
Identify and compare the context of programs of music from a variety of genres, cultures, and historical
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support interpretations of musical works that reflect creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Standard: MU:Re8.1.2a
Support personal interpretation of contrasting programs of music and explain how creators’ or performers’
apply the elements of music and expressive qualities, within genres, cultures, and historical periods to
convey expressive intent.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


110 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
1. General Music, 6–8

Support Evaluation Criteria of musical works and performances based on analysis, interpretation,
and established criteria.
Standard: MU:Re9.1.8a
Apply appropriate personally-developed criteria to evaluate musical works or performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
and performance(s) are informed by analysis, performance(s)?
interpretation, and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 111

Appendix 2

Knowledge, Skills, and Disposition Templates

2. Composition & Theory Strand
Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate Musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Describe how sounds and short musical ideas can be used to represent personal experiences, moods, visual
images, and/or storylines.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



112 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
2. Composition & Theory, Proficient

Plan and Make

Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.
Assemble and organize sounds or short musical ideas to create initial expressions of selected experiences,
moods, images, or storylines.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Standard: MU:Cr2.1.E.5b
Identify and describe the development of sounds or short musical ideas in drafts of music within simple
forms (such as one-part, cyclical, or binary).

Enduring Understanding Essential Question

Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 113

2. Composition & Theory, Proficient

Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria.
Identify, describe, and apply teacher-provided criteria to assess and refine the technical and expressive
aspects of evolving drafts leading to final versions.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Share music through the use of notation, performance, or technology, and demonstrate how the elements
of music have been employed to realize expressive intent.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is When is creative work ready to share?
the culmination of a process of creation and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



114 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
2. Composition & Theory, Proficient

Describe the given context and performance medium for presenting personal works, and how they impact
the final composition and presentation.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is When is creative work ready to share?
the culmination of a process of creation and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Identify and select specific excerpts, passages, or sections in musical works that express a personal
experience, mood, visual image, or storyline in simple forms (such as one-part, cyclical, binary).
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical How do performers select repertoire?
works, understanding of their own technical skill, and
the context for a performance influence the selection
of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 115

2. Composition & Theory, Proficient

Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Analyze how the elements of music (including form) of selected works relate to style and mood, and
explain the implications for rehearsal or performance.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Develop interpretations of works based on an understanding of the use of elements of music, style, and
mood, explaining how the interpretive choices reflect the creators’ intent.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


116 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
2. Composition & Theory, Proficient

Rehearse, Evaluate, Refine

Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Create rehearsal plans for works, identifying repetition and variation within the form.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills

Using established criteria and feedback, identify the way(s) in which performances convey the elements of
music, style, and mood.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 117

2. Composition & Theory, Proficient

Identify and implement strategies for improving the technical and expressive aspects of multiple works.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Share live or recorded performances of works (both personal and others’), and explain how the elements of
music are used to convey intent.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


118 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
2. Composition & Theory, Proficient

Standard: MU:Pr6.1.C.5b
Identify how compositions are appropriate for an audience or context, and how this will shape future
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.
Apply teacher-provided criteria to select music that expresses a personal experience, mood, visual image,
or storyline in simple forms (such as one-part, cyclical, binary), and describe the choices as models for
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced How do individuals choose music to experience?
by their interests, experiences, understandings, and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 119

2. Composition & Theory, Proficient

Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Analyze aurally the elements of music (including form) of musical works, relating them to style, mood, and
context, and describe how the analysis provides models for personal growth as composer, performer, and/
or listener.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support an interpretation of a musical work that reflects the creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Develop and explain interpretations of varied works, demonstrating an understanding of the composers’
intent by citing technical and expressive aspects as well as the style/genre of each work.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


120 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
2. Composition & Theory, Proficient

Support personal Evaluation Criteria of musical works and performance(s) based on analysis,
interpretation, and established criteria.
Describe the effectiveness of the technical and expressive aspects of selected music and performances,
demonstrating understanding of fundamentals of music theory.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills

Describe the way(s) in which critiquing others’ work and receiving feedback from others can be applied in the
personal creative process.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 121

2. Composition & Theory, Accomplished

Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr1.1.C.lla
Describe and demonstrate how sounds and musical ideas can be used to represent sonic events, memories,
visual images, concepts, texts, or storylines.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



122 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
2. Composition & Theory, Accomplished

Plan and Make

Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr2.1.Cl.lla
Assemble and organize multiple sounds or musical ideas to create initial expressive statements of selected
sonic events, memories, images, concepts, texts, or storylines.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Standard: MU:Cr2.1.C.llb
Describe and explain the development of sounds and musical ideas in drafts of music within a variety of
simple or moderately complex forms (such as binary, rondo, or ternary).
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 123

2. Composition & Theory, Accomplished

Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria.
Standard: MU:Cr3.1.C.lla
Identify, describe, and apply selected teacher-provided or personally-developed criteria to assess and
refine the technical and expressive aspects of evolving drafts leading to final versions.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Standard: MU:Cr3.2.C.lla
Share music through the use of notation, solo or group performance, or technology, and demonstrate and describe
how the elements of music and compositional techniques have been employed to realize expressive intent.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is When is creative work ready to share?
the culmination of a process of creation and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



124 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
2. Composition & Theory, Accomplished

Standard: MU:Cr3.2.C.llb
Describe the selected contexts and performance mediums for presenting personal works, and explain why
they successfully impact the final composition and presentation.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is When is creative work ready to share?
the culmination of a process of creation and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Standard: MU:Pr4.1.C.lla
Identify and select specific passages, sections, or movements in musical works that express personal
experiences and interests, moods, visual images, concepts, texts, or storylines in simple forms (such as
binary, ternary, rondo) or moderately complex forms.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical How do performers select repertoire?
works, understanding of their own technical skill, and
the context for a performance influence the selection
of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 125

2. Composition & Theory, Accomplished

Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Standard: MU:Pr4.2.C.lla
Analyze how the elements of music (including form) of selected works relate to the style, function, and
context, and explain the implications for rehearsal and performance.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Standard: MU:Pr4.3.C.lla
Develop interpretations of works based on an understanding of the use of elements of music, style, mood,
function, and context, explaining and supporting how the interpretive choices reflect the creators’ intent.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


126 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
2. Composition & Theory, Accomplished

Rehearse, Evaluate, Refine

Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Standard: MU:Pr5.3.C.lla
Create rehearsal plans for works, identifying the form, repetition and variation within the form, and the style
and historical or cultural context of the work.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills

Standard: MU:Pr5.3.C.llb
Using established criteria and feedback, identify the ways in which performances convey the formal design,
style, and historical/cultural context of the works.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time through performance?
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the application
of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 127

2. Composition & Theory, Accomplished

Identify and implement strategies for improving the technical and expressive aspects of multiple works.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time through performance?
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the application
of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Standard: MU:Pr6.1.C.lla
Share live or recorded performances of works (both personal and others’), and explain how the elements of
music and compositional techniques are used to convey intent.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


128 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
2. Composition & Theory, Accomplished

Standard: MU:Pr6.1.C.5b
Explain how compositions are appropriate for both audience and context, and how this will shape future
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.
Standard: MU:Re7.1.C.lla
Apply teacher-provided or personally-developed criteria to select music that expresses personal
experiences and interests, moods, visual images, concepts, texts, or storylines in simple or moderately
complex forms, and describe and defend the choices as models for composition.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced How do individuals choose music to experience?
by their interests, experiences, understandings, and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 129

2. Composition & Theory, Accomplished

Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Standard: MU:Re7.2.C.lla
Analyze aurally and/or by reading the scores of musical works the elements of music (including form),
compositional techniques and procedures, relating them to style, mood, and context; and explain how the
analysis provides models for personal growth as composer, performer, and/or listener.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support an interpretation of a musical work that reflects the creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Standard: MU:Re8.1.C.lla
Develop and support interpretations of varied works, demonstrating an understanding of the composers’
intent by citing the use of elements of music (including form), compositional techniques, and the style/
genre and context of each work.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


130 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
2. Composition & Theory, Accomplished

Support personal Evaluation Criteria of musical works and performance(s) based on analysis,
interpretation, and established criteria.
Standard: MU:Re9.1.C.lla
Explain the effectiveness of the technical and expressive aspects of selected music and performances,
demonstrating understanding of music theory as well as compositional techniques and procedures.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills

Standard: MU:Re9.1.C.llb
Describe ways in which critiquing others’ work and receiving feedback from others have been specifically
applied in the personal creative process.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 131

2. Composition & Theory, Advanced

Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate Musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr1.1.C.llla
Describe and demonstrate multiple ways in which sounds and musical ideas can be used to represent
extended sonic experiences or abstract ideas.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



132 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
2. Composition & Theory, Advanced

Plan and Make

Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr2.1.Cl.llla
Assemble and organize multiple sounds or extended musical ideas to create initial expressive statements of
selected extended sonic experiences or abstract ideas.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Standard: MU:Cr2.1.C.lllb
Analyze and demonstrate the development of sounds and extended musical ideas in drafts of music within a
variety of moderately complex or complex forms.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 133

2. Composition & Theory, Advanced

Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria.
Standard: MU:Cr3.1.C.llla
Research, identify, explain, and apply personally-developed criteria to assess and refine the technical and
expressive aspects of evolving drafts leading to final versions.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Standard: MU:Cr3.2.C.llla
Share music through the use of notation, solo or group performance, or technology, and demonstrate and
explain how the elements of music, compositional techniques and processes have been employed to realize
expressive intent.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is the When is creative work ready to share?
culmination of a process of creation and communication.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



134 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
2. Composition & Theory, Advanced

Standard: MU:Cr3.2.C.lllb
Describe a variety of possible contexts and mediums for presenting personal works, and explain and
compare how each could impact the success of the final composition and presentation.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is When is creative work ready to share?
the culmination of a process of creation and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Standard: MU:Pr4.1.C.llla
Identify and select specific sections, movements, or entire works that express personal experiences and
interests, moods, visual images, concepts, texts, or storylines in moderately complex or complex forms.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical How do performers select repertoire?
works, understanding of their own technical skill, and
the context for a performance influence the selection
of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 135

2. Composition & Theory, Advanced

Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Standard: MU:Pr4.2.C.llla
Analyze how the elements of music (including form), and compositional techniques of selected works
relate to the style, function, and context, and explain and support the analysis and its implications for
rehearsal and performance.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Standard: MU:Pr4.3.C.llla
Develop interpretations of works based on an understanding of the use of elements of music (including
form), compositional techniques, style, function, and context, explaining and justifying how the
interpretive choices reflect the creators’ intent.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


136 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
2. Composition & Theory, Advanced

Rehearse, Evaluate, Refine

Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Standard: MU:Pr5.3.C.llla
Create rehearsal plans for works, identifying the form, repetition and variation within the form, compositional
techniques, and the style and historical or cultural context of the work.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills

Standard: MU:Pr5.3.C.lllb
Using established criteria and feedback, identify the ways in which performances use compositional
techniques and convey the formal design, style, and historical/cultural context of the works.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 137

2. Composition & Theory, Advanced

Standard: MU:Pr5.3.C.lllc
Identify, compare, and implement strategies for improving the technical and expressive aspects of multiple
contrasting works.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Standard: MU:Pr6.1.C.llla
Share live or recorded performances of works (both personal and others’), and explain and/or demonstrate
understanding of how the expressive intent of the music is conveyed.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


138 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
2. Composition & Theory, Advanced

Standard: MU:Pr6.1.C.lllb
Explain how compositions are appropriate for a variety of audiences and contexts, and how this will shape
future compositions.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.
Standard: MU:Re7.1.C.llla
Apply researched or personally-developed criteria to select music that expresses personal experiences
and interests, visual images, concepts, texts, or storylines in moderately complex or complex forms, and
describe and justify the choice as models for composition.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals’ selection of musical works is influenced How do individuals choose music to experience?
by their interests, experiences, understandings, and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 139

2. Composition & Theory, Advanced

Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Standard: MU:Re7.2.C.llla
Analyze aurally and/or by reading the scores of musical works the elements of music (including form),
compositional techniques and procedures, relating them to aesthetic effectiveness, style, mood, and
context; and explain how the analysis provides models for personal growth as composer, performer, and/or
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support an interpretation of a musical work that reflects the creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Standard: MU:Re8.1.C.llla
Develop, justify and defend interpretations of varied works, demonstrating an understanding of the
composers’ intent by citing the use of elements of music (including form), compositional techniques, and
the style/genre and context of each work.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


140 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
2. Composition & Theory, Advanced

Support personal evaluation criteria of musical works and performance(s) based on analysis,
interpretation, and established criteria.
Standard: MU:Re9.1.C.llla
Evaluate the effectiveness of the technical and expressive aspects of selected music and performances,
demonstrating understanding of theoretical concepts and complex compositional techniques and
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills

Standard: MU:Re9.1.C.lllb
Describe and evaluate ways in which critiquing others’ work and receiving feedback from others have been
specifically applied in the personal creative process.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 141

Appendix 2

Knowledge, Skills, and Disposition Templates

3. Ensemble Strand
Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate Musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr1.1.E.5a
Compose and improvise melodic and rhythmic ideas or motives that reflect characteristic(s) of music or
text(s) studied in rehearsal.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



142 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Novice

Plan and Make

Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr2.1.E.5a
Select and develop draft melodic and rhythmic ideas or motives that demonstrate understanding of
characteristic(s) of music or text(s) studied in rehearsal.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Standard: MU:Cr2.1.E.5b
Preserve draft compositions and improvisations through standard notation and audio recording.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 143

3. Ensemble Strand, Novice

Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria.
Standard: MU:Cr3.1E.5a
Evaluate and refine draft compositions and improvisations based on knowledge, skill, and teacher-
provided criteria.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Standard: MU:Cr3.2.5b
Share personally-developed melodic and rhythmic ideas or motives – individually or as an ensemble – that
demonstrate understanding of characteristics of music or texts studied in rehearsal.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is the When is creative work ready to share?
culmination of a process of creation and communication
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



144 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Novice

Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Standard: MU:Pr4.1.E.5a
Select varied repertoire to study based on interest, music reading skills (where appropriate), an
understanding of the structure of the music, context, and the technical skill of the individual or ensemble.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical How do performers select repertoire?
works, understanding of their own technical skill, and
the context for a performance influence the selection
of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Standard: MU:Pr4.2.E.5a
Demonstrate, using music reading skills where appropriate, how knowledge of formal aspects in musical
works inform prepared or improvised performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 145

3. Ensemble Strand, Novice

Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Standard: MU:Pr4.3.E.5a
Identify expressive qualities in a varied repertoire of music that can be demonstrated through prepared and
improvised performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Rehearse, Evaluate, Refine

Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Standard: MU:Pr5.3.E.5a
Use self-reflection and peer feedback to refine individual and ensemble performances of a varied repertoire
of music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


146 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Novice

Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Standard: MU:Pr6.1.E.5a
Demonstrate attention to technical accuracy and expressive qualities in prepared and improvised
performances of a varied repertoire of music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills

Standard: MU:Pr6.1.E.5b
Demonstrate an awareness of the context of the music through prepared and improvised performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 147

3. Ensemble Strand, Novice

Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.
Standard: MU:Re7.1.E.5a
Identify reasons for selecting music based on characteristics found in the music, connection to interest, and
purpose or context.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced How do individuals choose music to experience?
by their interests, experiences, understandings, and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Standard: MU:Re7.2.E.5a
Identify how knowledge of context and the use of repetition, similarities, and contrasts inform the response
to music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


148 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Novice

Support an interpretation of a musical work that reflects the creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Standard: MU:Re8.1.E.5a
Identify interpretations of the expressive intent and meaning of musical works, referring to the elements
of music, contexts, and (when appropriate) the setting of the text.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support personal evaluation criteria of musical works and performance(s) based on analysis,
interpretation, and established criteria.
Standard: MU:Re9.1.E.5a
Identify and describe the effect of interest, experience, analysis, and context on the Evaluation Criteria of
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation Criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 149

3. Ensemble Strand, Intermediate

Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr1.1.E.8a
Compose and improvise ideas for melodies and rhythmic passages based on characteristic(s) of music or
text(s) studied in rehearsal.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



150 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Intermediate

Plan and Make

Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr2.1.E.8a
Select and develop draft melodies and rhythmic passages that demonstrate understanding of
characteristic(s) of music or text(s) studied in rehearsal.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Standard: MU:Cr2.1.E.8b
Preserve draft compositions and improvisations through standard notation and audio recording.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 151

3. Ensemble Strand, Intermediate

Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria.
Standard: MU:Cr3.1.E.8a
Evaluate and refine draft compositions and improvisations based on knowledge, skill, and collaboratively-
developed criteria.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Standard: MU:Cr3.2.8b
Share personally-developed melodies and rhythmic passages—individually or as an ensemble—that
demonstrate understanding of characteristics of music or texts studied in rehearsal.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is the When is creative work ready to share?
culmination of a process of creation and communication
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



152 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Intermediate

Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Standard: MU:Pr4.1.E.8a
Select a varied repertoire to study based on music reading skills (where appropriate), an understanding of
formal design in the music, context, and the technical skill of the individual and ensemble.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical How do performers select repertoire?
works, understanding of their own technical skill, and
the context for a performance influence the selection
of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Standard: MU:Pr4.2.E.8a
Demonstrate, using music reading skills where appropriate, how the setting and formal characteristics
of musical works contribute to understanding the context of the music in prepared or improvised
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 153

3. Ensemble Strand, Intermediate

Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Standard: MU:Pr4.3.E.8a
Demonstrate understanding and application of expressive qualities in a varied repertoire of music through
prepared and improvised performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Rehearse, Evaluate, Refine

Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Standard: MU:Pr5.3.E.8a
Develop strategies to address technical challenges in a varied repertoire of music and evaluate their success
using feedback from ensemble peers and other sources to refine performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


154 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Intermediate

Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Standard: MU:Pr6.1.E.8a .
Demonstrate attention to technical accuracy and expressive qualities in prepared and improvised
performances of a varied repertoire of music representing diverse cultures and styles.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills

Standard: MU:Pr6.1.E.8b
Demonstrate an understanding of the context of the music through prepared and improvised performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 155

3. Ensemble Strand, Intermediate

Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.
Standard: MU:Re7.1.E.8a
Explain reasons for selecting music citing characteristics found in the music and connections to interest,
purpose, and context.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced How do individuals choose music to experience?
by their interests, experiences, understandings, and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Standard: MU:Re7.2.E.8a
Describe how understanding context and the way the elements of music are manipulated inform the
response to music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


156 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Intermediate

Support an interpretation of a musical work that reflects the creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Standard: MU:Re9.1.E.8a
Identify and support interpretations of the expressive intent and meaning of musical works, citing as
evidence the treatment of the elements of music, contexts, and (when appropriate) the setting of the text.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support personal evaluation criteria of musical works and performance(s) based on analysis,
interpretation, and established criteria.
Standard: MU:Re9.1.E.8a
Explain the influence of experiences, analysis, and context on interest in and evaluation criteria of music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 157

3. Ensemble Strand, Proficient

Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate Musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Compose and improvise ideas for melodies, rhythmic passages, and arrangements for specific purposes
that reflect characteristic(s) of music from a variety of historical periods studied in rehearsal.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



158 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Proficient

Plan and Make

Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.
Select and develop draft melodies, rhythmic passages, and arrangements for specific purposes that
demonstrate understanding of characteristic(s) of music from a variety of historical periods studied in
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Preserve draft compositions and improvisations through standard notation and audio recording.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 159

3. Ensemble Strand, Proficient

Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria.
Evaluate and refine draft melodies, rhythmic passages, arrangements, and improvisations based on
established criteria, including the extent to which they address identified purposes.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Share personally-developed melodies, rhythmic passages, and—individually or as an ensemble—that
address identified purposes.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is the When is creative work ready to share?
culmination of a process of creation and communication
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



160 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Proficient

Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Explain the criteria used to select a varied repertoire to study based on an understanding of theoretical and
structural characteristics of the music, the technical skill of the individual or ensemble, and the purpose or
context of the performance.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical How do performers select repertoire?
works, understanding of their own technical skill, and
the context for a performance influence the selection
of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Demonstrate, using music reading skills where appropriate, how compositional devices employed
and theoretical and structural aspects of musical works impact and inform prepared or improvised
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 161

3. Ensemble Strand, Proficient

Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Demonstrate an understanding of context in a varied repertoire of music through prepared and improvised
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Rehearse, Evaluate, Refine

Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Develop strategies to address expressive challenges in a varied repertoire of music, and evaluate their
success using feedback from ensemble peers and other sources to refine performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


162 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Proficient

Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Demonstrate attention to technical accuracy and expressive qualities in prepared and improvised
performances of a varied repertoire of music representing diverse cultures, styles, and genres.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills

Demonstrate an understanding of expressive intent by connecting with an audience through prepared and
improvised performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 163

3. Ensemble Strand, Proficient

Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.
Apply criteria to select music for specified purposes, supporting choices by citing characteristics found in the
music and connections to interest, purpose, and context.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced How do individuals choose music to experience?
by their interests, experiences, understandings, and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Explain how the analysis of passages and understanding the way the elements of music are manipulated
inform the response to music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


164 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Proficient

Support an interpretation of a musical work that reflects the creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Explain and support interpretations of the expressive intent and meaning of musical works, citing as
evidence the treatment of the elements of music, contexts, (when appropriate) the setting of the text, and
personal research.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support personal evaluation criteria of musical works and performance(s) based on analysis,
interpretation, and established criteria.
Evaluate works and performances based on personally- or collaboratively-developed criteria, including
analysis of the structure and context.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

context Creating

Evaluation Criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 165

3. Ensemble Strand, Accomplished

Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate Musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr1.1.E.lla
Compose and improvise ideas for arrangements, sections, and short compositions for specific purposes
that reflect characteristic(s) of music from a variety of cultures studied in rehearsal.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



166 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Accomplished

Plan and Make

Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr2.1.E.lla
Select and develop arrangements, sections, and short compositions for specific purposes that demonstrate
understanding of characteristic(s) of music from a variety of cultures studied in rehearsal.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Standard: MU:Cr2.1.E.llb
Preserve draft compositions and improvisations through standard notation, audio, or video recording.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 167

3. Ensemble Strand, Accomplished

Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria.
Standard: MU:Cr3.1.E.lla
Evaluate and refine draft arrangements, sections, short compositions, and improvisations based on
personally-developed criteria, including the extent to which they address identified purposes.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Standard: MU:Cr3.2.E.llb
Share personally-developed arrangements, sections, and short compositions—individually or as an
ensemble—that address identified purposes.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is the When is creative work ready to share?
culmination of a process of creation and communication
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



168 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Accomplished

Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Standard: MU:Pr4.1.E.lla
Develop and apply criteria to select a varied repertoire to study and perform based on an understanding
of theoretical and structural characteristics and expressive challenges in the music, the technical skill of the
individual or ensemble, and the purpose and context of the performance.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical How do performers select repertoire?
works, understanding of their own technical skill, and
the context for a performance influence the selection
of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Standard: MU:Pr4.2.E.lla
Document and demonstrate, using music reading skills where appropriate, how compositional devices employed
and theoretical and structural aspects of musical works may impact and inform prepared and improvised
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 169

3. Ensemble Strand, Accomplished

Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Standard: MU:Pr4.3.E.lla
Demonstrate how understanding the style, genre, and context of a varied repertoire of music influences
prepared and improvised performances as well as performers’ technical skill to connect with the audience.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Rehearse, Evaluate, Refine

Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Standard: MU:Pr5.3.E.lla
Develop and apply appropriate rehearsal strategies to address individual and ensemble challenges in a
varied repertoire of music, and evaluate their success.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


170 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Accomplished

Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Standard: MU:Pr6.1.E.lla
Demonstrate mastery of the technical demands and an understanding of expressive qualities of the music in
prepared and improvised performances of a varied repertoire representing diverse cultures, styles, genres,
and historical periods.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills

Standard: MU:Pr6.1.E.llb
Demonstrate an understanding of intent as a means for connecting with an audience through prepared and
improvised performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 171

3. Ensemble Strand, Accomplished

Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.
Standard: MU:Re7.1.E.lla
Apply criteria to select music for a variety of purposes, justifying choices citing knowledge of the music and
the specified purpose and context.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals’ selection of musical works is influenced by their How do individuals choose music to experience?
interests, experiences, understandings, and purposes.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Standard: MU:Re7.2.E.lla
Explain how the analysis of structures and contexts inform the response to music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


172 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Accomplished

Support an interpretation of a musical work that reflects the creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Standard: MU:Re9.1.E.lla
Support interpretations of the expressive intent and meaning of musical works citing as evidence the
treatment of the elements of music, contexts, (when appropriate) the setting of the text, and varied
researched sources.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support personal Evaluation Criteria of musical works and performance(s) based on analysis,
interpretation, and established criteria.
Standard: MU:Re9.1.E.lla
Evaluate works and performances based on research as well as personally- and collaboratively-developed
criteria, including analysis and interpretation of the structure and context.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 173

3. Ensemble Strand, Advanced

Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr1.1.E.lllb
Compose and improvise musical ideas for a variety of purposes and contexts.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



174 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Advanced

Plan and Make

Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr2.1.E.llla
Select and develop composed and improvised ideas into draft musical works organized for a variety of
purposes and contexts.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Standard: MU:Cr2.1.E.lllb
Preserve draft musical works through standard notation, audio, or video recording.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 175

3. Ensemble Strand, Advanced

Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria.
Standard: MU:Cr3.1.E.llla
Evaluate and refine varied draft musical works based on appropriate criteria, including the extent to which
they address identified purposes and contexts.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Standard: MU:Cr3.2.E.lllb
Share varied, personally-developed musical works—individually or as an ensemble—that address identified
purposes and contexts.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is the When is creative work ready to share?
culmination of a process of creation and communication
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



176 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Advanced

Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Standard: MU:Pr4.1.E.llla
MU:Pr4.1.E.IIIa Develop and apply criteria to select varied programs to study and perform based on an
understanding of theoretical and structural characteristics and expressive challenges in the music, the
technical skill of the individual or ensemble, and the purpose and context of the performance.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical How do performers select repertoire?
works, understanding of their own technical skill, and
the context for a performance influence the selection
of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Standard: MU:Pr4.2.E.llla
Examine, evaluate, and critique, using music reading skills where appropriate, how the structure and context
impact and inform prepared and improvised performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 177

3. Ensemble Strand, Advanced

Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Standard: MU:Pr4.3.E.llla
Demonstrate how understanding the style, genre, and context of a varied repertoire of music informs
prepared and improvised performances as well as performers’ technical skill to connect with the audience.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Rehearse, Evaluate, Refine

Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Standard: MU:Pr5.3.E.llla
Develop, apply, and refine appropriate rehearsal strategies to address individual and ensemble challenges in
a varied repertoire of music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


178 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Advanced

Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Standard: MU:Pr6.1.E.llla
Demonstrate an understanding and mastery of the technical demands and expressive qualities of the music
through prepared and improvised performances of a varied repertoire representing diverse cultures, styles,
genres, and historical periods in multiple types of ensembles.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills

Standard: MU:Pr6.1.E.llb
Demonstrate an ability to connect with audience members before and during the process of engaging with
and responding to them through prepared and improvised performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 179

3. Ensemble Strand, Advanced

Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.
Standard: MU:Re7.1.E.llla
Use research and personally-developed criteria to justify choices made when selecting music, citing
knowledge of the music, and individual and ensemble purpose and context.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced How do individuals choose music to experience?
by their interests, experiences, understandings, and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Standard: MU:Re7.2.E.llla
Demonstrate and justify how the analysis of structures, contexts, and performance decisions inform the
response to music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


180 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Ensemble Strand, Advanced

Support an interpretation of a musical work that reflects the creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Standard: MU:Re9.1.E.llla
Justify interpretations of the expressive intent and meaning of musical works by comparing and
synthesizing varied researched sources, including reference to other art forms.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support personal Evaluation Criteria of musical works and performance(s) based on analysis,
interpretation, and established criteria.
Standard: MU:Re9.1.E.llla
Develop and justify evaluation criteria of music, programs of music, and performances based on criteria,
personal decision-making, research, and understanding of contexts.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 181

Appendix 2

Knowledge, Skills, and Disposition Templates

4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand
Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate Musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr1.1.H.5a
Generate melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas for simple melodies (such as two-phrase) and chordal
accompaniments for given melodies.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that influence How do musicians generate creative ideas?
musicians’ work emerge from a variety of sources.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



182 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Novice

Plan and Make

Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr2.1.H.5a
Select, develop, and use standard notation or audio/video recording to document melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic
ideas for drafts of simple melodies (such as two-phrase) and chordal accompaniments for given melodies.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria.
Standard: MU:Cr3.1.H.5a
Apply teacher-provided criteria to critique, improve, and refine drafts of simple melodies (such as two-
phrase) and chordal accompaniments for given melodies.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 183

4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Novice

Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Standard: MU:Cr3.2.H.5b
Share final versions of simple melodies (such as two-phrase) and chordal accompaniments for given
melodies, demonstrating an understanding of how to develop and organize personal musical ideas.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is When is creative work ready to share?
the culmination of a process of creation and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Standard: MU:Pr4.1.H.5a
Describe and demonstrate how a varied repertoire of music that includes melodies, repertoire pieces, and
chordal accompaniments is selected, based on personal interest, music reading skills, and technical skill, as
well as the context of the performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical How do performers select repertoire?
works, understanding of their own technical skill, and
the context for a performance influence the selection
of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


184 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Novice

Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Standard: MU:Pr4.2.H.5a
Identify prominent melodic and harmonic characteristics in a varied repertoire of music that includes
melodies, repertoire pieces, and chordal accompaniments selected for performance, including at least some
based on reading standard notation.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Standard: MU:Pr4.3.H.5a
Demonstrate and describe in interpretations an understanding of the context and expressive intent in a
varied repertoire of music selected for performance that includes melodies, repertoire pieces, and chordal
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 185

4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Novice

Rehearse, Evaluate, Refine

Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Standard: MU:Pr5.3.H.5a
Apply teacher-provided criteria to critique individual performances of a varied repertoire of music that
includes melodies, repertoire pieces, and chordal accompaniments selected for performance, and apply
practice strategies to address performance challenges and refine the performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Standard: MU:Pr6.1.H.5a
Perform with expression and technical accuracy in individual performances of a varied repertoire of music
that includes melodies, repertoire pieces, and chordal accompaniments, demonstrating understanding of the
audience and the context.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


186 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Novice

Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.
Standard: MU:Re7.1.H.5a
Demonstrate and describe reasons for selecting music, based on characteristics found in the music and
connections to interest, purpose, or personal experience.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced How do individuals choose music to experience?
by their interests, experiences, understandings, and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Standard: MU:Re7.2.H.5a
Demonstrate and explain, citing evidence, the use of repetition, similarities and contrasts in musical selections
and how these and knowledge of the context (social or cultural) inform the response.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 187

4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Novice

Support an interpretation of a musical work that reflects the creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Standard: MU:Re8.1.H.5a
Identify interpretations of the expressive intent and meaning of musical selections, referring to the
elements of music, context (personal or social), and (when appropriate) the setting of the text.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support personal evaluation criteria of musical works and performance(s) based on analysis,
interpretation, and established criteria.
Standard: MU:Re9.1.H.5a
Identify and describe how interest, experiences, and contexts (personal or social) effect the Evaluation
Criteria of music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


188 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Intermediate

Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr1.1.H.8a
Generate melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas for melodies (created over specified chord progressions or
AB/ABA forms) and two-to-three-chord accompaniments for given melodies.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 189

4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Intermediate

Plan and Make

Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr2.1.H.8a
Select, develop, and use standard notation and audio/video recording to document melodic, rhythmic, and
harmonic ideas for drafts of melodies (created over specified chord progressions or AB/ABA forms) and
two-to-three-chord accompaniments for given melodies.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria.
Standard: MU:Cr3.1.H.8a
Apply teacher-provided criteria to critique, improve, and refine drafts of melodies (created over specified
chord progressions or AB/ABA forms) and two-to-three-chord accompaniments for given melodies.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



190 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Intermediate

Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Standard: MU:Cr3.2.H.8a
Share final versions of melodies (created over specified chord progressions or AB/ABA forms) and two-to-
three-chord accompaniments for given melodies, demonstrating an understanding of how to develop and
organize personal musical ideas.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is When is creative work ready to share?
the culmination of a process of creation and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Standard: MU:Pr4.1.H.8a
Describe and demonstrate how a varied repertoire of music that includes melodies, repertoire pieces, and
chordal accompaniments is selected, based on personal interest, music reading skills, and technical skill
(citing technical challenges that need to be addressed), as well as the context of the performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical How do performers select repertoire?
works, understanding of their own technical skill, and
the context for a performance influence the selection
of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 191

4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Intermediate

Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Standard: MU:Pr4.2.H.8a
Identify prominent melodic, harmonic, and structural characteristics and context (social, cultural,
or historical) in a varied repertoire of music that includes melodies, repertoire pieces, and chordal
accompaniments selected for performance, including at least some based on reading standard notation.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Standard: MU:Pr4.3.H.8a
Demonstrate and describe in interpretations an understanding of the context (social, cultural, or historical)
and expressive intent in a varied repertoire of music selected for performance that includes melodies,
repertoire pieces, and chordal accompaniments.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


192 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Intermediate

Rehearse, Evaluate, Refine

Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Standard: MU:Pr5.3.H.8a
Apply teacher-provided criteria to critique individual performances of a varied repertoire of music that
includes melodies, repertoire pieces, and chordal accompaniments selected for performance, and identify
practice strategies to address performance challenges and refine the performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Standard: MU:Pr6.1.H.8a
Perform with expression and technical accuracy in individual performances of a varied repertoire of music
that includes melodies, repertoire pieces, and chordal accompaniments, demonstrating sensitivity to the
audience and an understanding of the context (social, cultural, or historical).
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 193

4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Intermediate

Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.
Standard: MU:Re7.1.H.8a
Explain reasons for selecting music citing characteristics found in the music and connections to interest,
purpose, and context.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced How do individuals choose music to experience?
by their interests, experiences, understandings, and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Standard: MU:Re7.2.H.8a
Describe how the way that the elements of music are manipulated and knowledge of the context (social and
cultural) inform the response.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


194 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Intermediate

Support an interpretation of a musical work that reflects the creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Standard: MU:Re8.1.H.8a
Identify and support interpretations of the expressive intent and meaning of musical selections, citing as
evidence the treatment of the elements of music, context, and (when appropriate) the setting of the text.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support personal evaluation criteria of musical works and performance(s) based on analysis,
interpretation, and established criteria.
Standard: MU:Re9.1.H.8a
Explain the influence of experiences and contexts (personal, social, or cultural) on interest in and the
evaluation criteria of a varied repertoire of music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 195

4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Proficient

Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate Musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Generate melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas for improvisations, compositions (forms such as theme
and variation or 12-bar blues), and three-or-more-chord accompaniments in a variety of patterns (such as
arpeggio, country and gallop strumming, finger picking patterns).
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



196 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Proficient

Plan and Make

Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.
Select, develop, and use standard notation and audio/video recording to document melodic, rhythmic, and
harmonic ideas for drafts of improvisations, compositions (forms such as theme and variation or 12-bar
blues), and three-or-more-chord accompaniments in a variety of patterns (such as arpeggio, country and
gallop strumming, finger picking patterns).
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria.
Develop and apply criteria to critique, improve, and refine drafts of improvisations, compositions (forms
such as theme and variation or 12-bar blues) and three-or-more-chord accompaniments in a variety of
patterns (such as arpeggio, country and gallop strumming, finger picking patterns).
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 197

4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Proficient

Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Perform final versions of improvisations, compositions (forms such as theme and variation or 12-bar blues),
and three-or-more-chord accompaniments in a variety of patterns (such as arpeggio, country and gallop
strumming, finger picking patterns), demonstrating technical skill in applying principles of composition/
improvisation and originality in developing and organizing musical ideas.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is the When is creative work ready to share?
culmination of a process of creation and communication
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Explain the criteria used when selecting a varied repertoire of music for individual or small group
performances that include melodies, repertoire pieces, improvisations, and chordal accompaniments in a
variety of patterns (such as arpeggio, country and gallop strumming, finger picking patterns).
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical works, How do performers select repertoire?
understanding of their own technical skill, and the context
for a performance influence the selection of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


198 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Proficient

Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Identify and describe important theoretical and structural characteristics and context (social, cultural, or
historical) in a varied repertoire of music that includes melodies, repertoire pieces, improvisations, and
chordal accompaniments in a variety of patterns (such as arpeggio, country and gallop strumming, finger
picking patterns).
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Describe in interpretations the context (social, cultural, or historical) and expressive intent in a varied
repertoire of music selected for performance that includes melodies, repertoire pieces, improvisations,
and chordal accompaniments in a variety of patterns (such as arpeggio, country and gallop strumming, finger
picking patterns).
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 199

4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Proficient

Rehearse, Evaluate, Refine

Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Develop and apply criteria to critique individual and small group performances of a varied repertoire of
music that includes melodies, repertoire pieces, improvisations, and chordal accompaniments in a variety
of patterns (such as arpeggio, country and gallop strumming, finger picking patterns), and create rehearsal
strategies to address performance challenges and refine the performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Perform with expression and technical accuracy, in individual and small group performances, a varied
repertoire of music that includes melodies, repertoire pieces, improvisations, and chordal accompaniments
in a variety of patterns (such as arpeggio, country and gallop strumming, finger picking patterns),
demonstrating sensitivity to the audience and an understanding of the context (social, cultural, or
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


200 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Proficient

Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.
Apply criteria to select music for specified purposes, supporting choices by citing characteristics found in the
music and connections to interest, purpose, and context.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced How do individuals choose music to experience?
by their interests, experiences, understandings, and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Compare passages in musical selections and explain how the elements of music and context (social,
cultural, or historical) inform the response.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 201

4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Proficient

Support an interpretation of a musical work that reflects the creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Explain and support interpretations of the expressive intent and meaning of musical selections, citing
as evidence the treatment of the elements of music, context (personal, social, and cultural), and (when
appropriate) the setting of the text, and outside sources.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support personal evaluation criteria of musical works and performance(s) based on analysis,
interpretation, and established criteria.
Develop and apply teacher-provided and established criteria based on personal preference, analysis,
and context (personal, social, and cultural) to evaluate individual and small group musical selections for
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


202 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Accomplished

Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr1.1.H.lla
Generate melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas for compositions (forms such as rounded binary or rondo),
improvisations, accompaniment patterns in a variety of styles, and harmonizations for given melodies.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 203

4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Accomplished

Plan and Make

Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr2.1.H.lla
Select, develop, and use standard notation and audio/video recording to document melodic, rhythmic,
and harmonic ideas for drafts of compositions (forms such as rounded binary or rondo), improvisations,
accompaniment patterns in a variety of styles, and harmonizations for given melodies.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria.
Standard: MU:Cr3.1.H.lla
Develop and apply criteria to critique, improve, and refine drafts of compositions (forms such as rounded binary
or rondo), improvisations, accompaniment patterns in a variety of styles, and harmonizations for given melodies.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



204 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Accomplished

Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Standard: MU:Cr3.2.H.lla
Perform final versions of compositions (forms such as rounded binary or rondo), improvisations, accompaniment
patterns in a variety of styles, and harmonizations for given melodies, demonstrating technical skill in applying
principles of composition/improvisation and originality in developing and organizing musical ideas.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is When is creative work ready to share?
the culmination of a process of creation and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Standard: MU:Pr4.1.H.lla
Develop and apply criteria for selecting a varied repertoire of music for individual and small group performances
that include melodies, repertoire pieces, improvisations, and chordal accompaniments in a variety of styles.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical How do performers select repertoire?
works, understanding of their own technical skill, and
the context for a performance influence the selection
of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 205

4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Accomplished

Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Standard: MU:Pr4.2.H.lla
Identify and describe important theoretical and structural characteristics and context (social, cultural, and
historical) in a varied repertoire of music that includes melodies, repertoire pieces, improvisations, and
chordal accompaniments in a variety of styles.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Standard: MU:Pr4.3.H.lla
Explain in interpretations the context (social, cultural, and historical) and expressive intent in a varied
repertoire of music selected for performance that includes melodies, repertoire pieces, improvisations, and
chordal accompaniments in a variety of styles.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


206 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
3. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Accomplished

Rehearse, Evaluate, Refine

Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Standard: MU:Pr5.3.H.lla
Develop and apply criteria to critique individual and small group performances of a varied repertoire of
music that includes melodies, repertoire pieces, improvisations, and chordal accompaniments in a variety of
styles, and create rehearsal strategies to address performance challenges and refine the performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Standard: MU:Pr6.1.H.lla
Perform with expression and technical accuracy, in individual and small group performances, a varied
repertoire of music that includes melodies, repertoire pieces, improvisations, and chordal accompaniments
in a variety of styles, demonstrating sensitivity to the audience and an understanding of the context (social,
cultural, and historical).
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 207

4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Accomplished

Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.
Standard: MU:Re7.1.H.lla
Apply criteria to select music for a variety of purposes, justifying choices citing knowledge of the music and
the specified purpose and context.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced How do individuals choose music to experience?
by their interests, experiences, understandings, and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Standard: MU:Re7.2.H.lla
Explain how the analysis of the structures and context (social, cultural, and historical) of contrasting
musical selections inform the response.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


208 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Accomplished

Support an interpretation of a musical work that reflects the creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Standard: MU:Re8.1.H.lla
Explain and support interpretations of the expressive intent and meaning of musical selections, citing
as evidence the treatment of the elements of music, context (personal, social, and cultural), and (when
appropriate) the setting of the text, and varied researched sources.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support personal evaluation criteria of musical works and performance(s) based on analysis,
interpretation, and established criteria.
Standard: MU:Re9.1.H.lla
Apply personally-developed and established criteria based on research, personal preference, analysis,
interpretation, expressive intent, and musical qualities to evaluate contrasting individual and small group
musical selections for listening.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 209

4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Advanced

Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr1.1.H.llla
Generate melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas for a collection of compositions (representing a variety of
forms and styles), improvisations in several different styles, and stylistically appropriate harmonizations for
given melodies.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



210 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Advanced

Plan and Make

Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr2.1.H.llla
Select, develop, and use standard notation and audio/video recording to document melodic, rhythmic, and
harmonic ideas for drafts of compositions (representing a variety of forms and styles), improvisations in
several different styles, and stylistically appropriate harmonizations for given melodies.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria.
Standard: MU:Cr3.1.H.llla
Develop and apply criteria to critique, improve, and refine drafts of compositions (representing a variety of forms
and styles), improvisations in a variety of styles, and stylistically appropriate harmonizations for given melodies.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 211

4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Advanced

Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Standard: MU:Cr3.2.H.llla
Perform final versions of a collection of compositions (representing a variety of forms and styles),
improvisations in several different styles, and stylistically appropriate harmonizations for given melodies,
demonstrating technical skill in applying principles of composition/improvisation and originality in
developing and organizing musical ideas.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is the When is creative work ready to share?
culmination of a process of creation and communication
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Standard: MU:Pr4.1.H.llla
Develop and apply criteria for selecting a varied repertoire for a program of music for individual and small
group performances that include melodies, repertoire pieces, stylistically appropriate accompaniments, and
improvisations in a variety of contrasting styles.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical How do performers select repertoire?
works, understanding of their own technical skill, and
the context for a performance influence the selection
of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


212 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Advanced

Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Standard: MU:Pr4.2.H.llla
Identify and describe important theoretical and structural characteristics and context (social, cultural,
and historical) in a varied repertoire of music selected for performance programs that includes melodies,
repertoire pieces, stylistically appropriate accompaniments, and improvisations in a variety of contrasting
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Standard: MU:Pr4.3.H.llla
Explain and present interpretations that demonstrate and describe the context (social, cultural, and
historical) and an understanding of the creator’s intent in repertoire for varied programs of music that
include melodies, repertoire pieces, stylistically appropriate accompaniments, and improvisations in a variety
of contrasting styles.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 213

4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Advanced

Rehearse, Evaluate, Refine

Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Standard: MU:Pr5.3.H.llla
Develop and apply criteria, including feedback from multiple sources, to critique varied programs of music
repertoire (melodies, repertoire pieces, stylistically appropriate accompaniments, improvisations in a variety
of contrasting styles) selected for individual and small group performance, and create rehearsal strategies to
address performance challenges and refine the performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, How do musicians improve the quality of their
evaluate, and refine their performance over time performance?
through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Standard: MU:Pr6.1.H.llla
Perform with expression and technical accuracy, in individual and small group performances, a varied
repertoire for programs of music that includes melodies, repertoire pieces, stylistically appropriate
accompaniments, and improvisations in a variety of contrasting styles, demonstrating sensitivity to the
audience and an understanding of the context (social, cultural, and historical).
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


214 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Advanced

Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.
Standard: MU:Re7.1.H.llla
Select, describe, and compare a variety of individual and small group musical programs from varied cultures,
genres, and historical periods.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced How do individuals choose music to experience?
by their interests, experiences, understandings, and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Standard: MU:Re7.2.H.llla
Demonstrate and justify how the structural characteristics function within a variety of musical selections, and
distinguish how context (social, cultural, and historical) and creative decisions inform the response.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 215

4. Harmonizing Instruments Strand, Advanced

Support an interpretation of a musical work that reflects the creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Standard: MU:Re8.1.H.llla
Establish and justify interpretations of the expressive intent and meaning of musical selections by
comparing and synthesizing varied researched sources, including reference to examples from other art forms.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support personal evaluation criteria of musical works and performance(s) based on analysis,
interpretation, and established criteria.
Standard: MU:Re9.1.H.llla
Develop and justify evaluation criteria of a variety of individual and small-group musical selections for
listening based on personally-developed and established criteria, personal decision making, and
knowledge and understanding of context.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


216 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Appendix 2

Knowledge, Skills, and Disposition Templates

5. Technology Strand
Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr1.1
Generate melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas for compositions and improvisations using digital tools.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 217

5. Technology Strand, Proficient

Plan and Make

Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.
Select melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas to develop into a larger work using digital tools and resources.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria.
Drawing on feedback from teachers and peers, develop and implement strategies to improve and refine the
technical and expressive aspects of draft compositions and improvisations.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



218 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
5. Technology Strand, Proficient

Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Share compositions and improvisations that demonstrate an accomplished level of musical and
technological craftsmanship as well as the use of digital and analog tools and resources in developing and
organizing musical ideas.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is When is creative work ready to share?
the culmination of a process of creation and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Develop and explain the criteria used for selecting a varied repertoire of music based on interest, music
reading skills, and an understanding of the performer’s technical and technological skill.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical How do performers select repertoire?
works, understanding of their own technical skill, and
the context for a performance influence the selection
of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 219

5. Technology Strand, Proficient

Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Describe and demonstrate how context, theoretical and structural aspects of the music and digital media/
tools inform and influence prepared and improvised performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Demonstrate how understanding the context, expressive challenges, and use of digital tools in a varied
repertoire of music influence prepared or improvised performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


220 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
5. Technology Strand, Proficient

Evaluate, Refine
Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Identify and implement rehearsal strategies to improve the technical and expressive aspects of prepared and
improvised performances in a varied repertoire of music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
context, expressive intent, and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Using digital tools, demonstrate attention to technical accuracy and expressive qualities in prepared and
improvised performances of a varied repertoire of music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 221

5. Technology Strand, Proficient

Demonstrate an understanding of the expressive intent when connecting with an audience through
prepared and improvised performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Peforming

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or situation.
Cite reasons for choosing music based on the use of the elements of music, digital and electronic aspects,
and connections to interest or purpose.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced How do individuals choose music to experience?
by their interests, experiences, understandings, and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


222 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
5. Technology Strand, Proficient

Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Explain how knowledge of the structure (repetition, similarities, contrasts), technological aspects, and
purpose of the music informs the response.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support interpretations of musical works that reflect creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Explain and support an interpretation of the expressive intent of musical selections based on treatment of
the elements of music, digital and electronic features, and purpose.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 223

5. Technology Strand, Proficient

Support evaluation criteria of musical works and performances based on analysis, interpretation,
and established criteria.
Evaluate music using criteria based on analysis, interpretation, digital and electronic features, and personal
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


224 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
5. Technology Strand, Accomplished

Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr1.1.T.lla
Generate melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas for compositions and improvisations using digital tools
and resources.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 225

5. Technology Strand, Accomplished

Plan and Make

Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr2.1.T.lla
Select melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas to develop into a larger work that exhibits unity and variety
using digital and analog tools.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria.
Standard: MU:Cr3.1.T.lla
Develop and implement varied strategies to improve and refine the technical and expressive aspects of
draft compositions and improvisations.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



226 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
5. Technology Strand, Accomplished

Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Standard: MU:Cr3.2.T.lla
Share compositions and improvisations that demonstrate an accomplished level of musical and
technological craftsmanship as well as the use of digital and analog tools and resources in developing and
organizing musical ideas.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is the When is creative work ready to share?
culmination of a process of creation and communication.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Standard: MU:Pr4.l.T.lla
Develop and apply criteria to select a varied repertoire to study and perform based on interest; an
understanding of theoretical and structural characteristics of the music; and the performer’s technical skill
using digital tools and resources.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical How do performers select repertoire?
works, understanding of their own technical skill, and
the context for a performance influence the selection
of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 227

5. Technology Strand, Accomplished

Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Standard: MU:Pr4.2.lla
Describe and demonstrate how context, theoretical and structural aspects of the music and digital media/
tools inform and influence prepared and improvised performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Standard: MU:Pr4.3.T.lla
Demonstrate how understanding the style, genre, context, and use of digital tools and resources in a
varied repertoire of music influences prepared or improvised performances and performers’ ability to
connect with audiences.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


228 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
5. Technology Strand, Accomplished

Evaluate, Refine
Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Standard: MU:Pr5.1.T.lla
Develop and implement rehearsal strategies to improve and refine the technical and expressive aspects of
prepared and improvised performances in a varied repertoire of music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
context, expressive intent, and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Standard: MU:Pr6.1.T.lla
Using digital tools and resources, demonstrate technical accuracy and expressive qualities in prepared and
improvised performances of a varied repertoire of music representing diverse cultures, styles, and genres.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that vary When is a performance judged ready to present?
across time, place, and cultures. The context and how a How do context and the manner in which musical
work is presented influence the audience response. work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 229

5. Technology Strand, Accomplished

Standard: MU:Pr6.1.T.llb
Demonstrate an understanding of the expressive intent when connecting with an audience through
prepared and improvised performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or situation.
Standard: MU:Re7.1.T.lla
Select and critique contrasting musical works, defending opinions based on manipulations of the elements
of music, digital and electronic aspects, and the purpose and context of the works.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced by their How do individuals choose music to
interests, experiences, understandings, and purposes. experience?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


230 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
5. Technology Strand, Accomplished

Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Standard: MU:Re7.2.T.lla
Explain how an analysis of the structure, context, and technological aspects of the music informs the response.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support interpretations of musical works that reflect creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Standard: MU:Re8.1.T.lla
Connect the influence of the treatment of the elements of music, digital and electronic features, context,
purpose, and other art forms to the expressive intent of musical works.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 231

5. Technology Strand, Accomplished

Support evaluation criteria of musical works and performances based on analysis, interpretation,
and established criteria.
Standard: MU:Re9.1.T.lla
Apply criteria to evaluate music based on analysis, interpretation, artistic intent, digital, electronic, and
analog features, and musical qualities.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


232 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
5. Technology Strand, Advanced

Goal Setting:
Openness and respect for the ideas and work of others:
Responsible risk-taking:
Self-discipline and perseverance:

Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr1.1.T.llIa
Generate melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas for compositions and improvisations that incorporate
digital tools, resources, and systems.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that How do musicians generate creative ideas?
influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 233

5. Technology Strand, Advanced

Plan and Make

Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.
Standard: MU:Cr2.1.T.llIa
Select, develop, and organize multiple melodic, rhythmic and harmonic ideas to develop into a larger work that
exhibits unity, variety, complexity, and coherence using digital and analog tools, resources, and systems.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
expertise, context, and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria.
Standard: MU:Cr3.1.T.llIa
Develop and implement varied strategies and apply appropriate criteria to improve and refine the technical
and expressive aspects of draft compositions and improvisations.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through How do musicians improve the quality of their
openness to new ideas, persistence, and the creative work?
application of appropriate criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



234 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
5. Technology Strand, Advanced

Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.
Standard: MU:Cr3.2.T.llIa
Share a portfolio of musical creations representing varied styles and genres that demonstrates an advanced
level of musical and technological craftsmanship as well as the use of digital and analog tools, resources
and systems in developing and organizing musical ideas.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ presentation of creative work is the When is creative work ready to share?
culmination of a process of creation and communication.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills



Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.
Standard: MU:Pr4.l.T.llIa
Develop and apply criteria to select varied programs to study and perform based on interest, an
understanding of the theoretical and structural characteristics, as well as expressive challenges in the music,
and the performer’s technical skill using digital tools, resources, and systems.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical How do performers select repertoire?
works, understanding of their own technical skill, and
the context for a performance influence the selection
of repertoire.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 235

5. Technology Strand, Advanced

Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Standard: MU:Pr4.2.llIa
Examine, evaluate and critique how context, theoretical and structural aspects of the music and digital
media/tools inform and influence prepared and improvised performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate How does understanding the structure and context of
elements of music provides insight into their intent musical works inform performance?
and informs performance.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent.
Standard: MU:Pr4.3.T.llIa
Demonstrate how understanding the style, genre, context, and integration of digital technologies in a
varied repertoire of music informs and influences prepared and improvised performances and their ability
to connect with audiences.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Performers make interpretive decisions based on How do performers interpret musical works?
their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


236 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
5. Technology Strand, Advanced

Evaluate, Refine
Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Standard: MU:Pr5.1.T.llIa
Apply appropriate criteria as well as feedback from multiple sources and develop and implement varied
strategies to improve and refine the technical and expressive aspects of prepared and improvised
performances in varied programs of music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their How do musicians make creative decisions?
context, expressive intent, and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner
appropriate to the audience and context.
Standard: MU:Pr6.1.T.llIa
Integrating digital and analog tools and resources, demonstrate an understanding and attention to
technical accuracy and expressive qualities of the music in prepared and improvised performances of a
varied repertoire of music representing diverse cultures, styles, genres, and historical periods.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 237

5. Technology Strand, Advanced

Standard: MU:Pr6.1.T.llIb
Demonstrate an ability to connect with audience members before, and engaging with and responding to
them during prepared and improvised performances.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Musicians judge performance based on criteria that When is a performance judged ready to present?
vary across time, place, and cultures. The context How do context and the manner in which musical
and how a work is presented influence the audience work is presented influence audience response?
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or situation.
Standard: MU:Re7.1.T.llIa
Select, describe and compare a variety of musical selections based on characteristics and knowledge of the
music, understanding of digital and electronic aspects, and the purpose and context of the works.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced How do individuals choose music to experience?
by their interests, experiences, understandings, and
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


238 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
5. Technology Strand, Advanced

Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.
Standard: MU:Re7.2.T.llIa
Demonstrate and justify how an analysis of the structural characteristics, context, and technological and
creative decisions, informs interest in and response to the music.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Response to music is informed by analyzing context How does understanding the structure and context of
(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and music inform a response?
performers manipulate the elements of music.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Support interpretations of musical works that reflect creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
Standard: MU:Re8.1.T.llIa
Examine, cite research and multiple sources to connect the influence of the treatment of the elements of
music, digital and electronic features, context, purpose, and other art forms to the expressive intent of
musical works.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
Through their use of elements and structures of How do we discern the musical creators’ and
music, creators and performers provide clues to their performers’ expressive intent?
expressive intent.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


Appendix 2: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Templates | 239

5. Technology Strand, Advanced

Support evaluation criteria of musical works and performances based on analysis, interpretation,
and established criteria.
Standard: MU:Re9.1.T.llIa
Develop and justify the evaluation criteria of a variety of music based on established and personally-
developed criteria, digital, electronic and analog features, and understanding of purpose and context.
Enduring Understanding Essential Question
The personal evaluation criteria of musical work(s) and How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and
performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, performance(s)?
and established criteria.
Knowledge: Skills:
Structure Performing

Context Creating

Evaluation criteria Aural & notational skills


240 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
Core Music Standards
Core Music Standards

■■ Scott C. Shuler, Arts Education specialist in the Connecticut
State Department of Education and Past President, National
Association for Music Education
■■ Richard Wells, Simsbury Public Schools (retired) and Music
Chair for the Connecticut Common Arts Assessment Project

Writing Team Members:

■■ Richard Baker, Louisiana State Department of Education,
Baton Rouge, LA
■■ Bob Cooper, South Kitsap School District, Port Orchard, WA
■■ Thomas Dean, Mount Pleasant High School, Newark, DE
■■ Armalyn De La O, California State University–San Bernardino
and San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools
Office, San Bernardino, CA
■■ Terry Eder, Plano Senior High School, Plano, TX
■■ Barbara J. Good, Clark County School District, Las Vegas,
■■ Michael Jothen, Towson University, Phoenix, MD
■■ Carolynn A. Lindeman, San Francisco State University,
San Francisco, CA
■■ Johanna J. Siebert, Webster Schroeder High School,
Webster, NY
■■ Robyn Swanson, Western Kentucky University, Bowling
Green, KY

Core Music Standards Contributors | 243

Music Writing Subcommittees
■■ General Music, Grades PreK–2
−− Johanna J. Siebert, chair

−− Tim Adams, Center Elementary School, Ellington Public Schools, CT

−− Julie Beauregard, Oregon State University
−− Al Heary, Webster Central School District, NY
−− Denise Ondishko, Riverview Charter School, Beaufort, SC
−− Jennifer Wetzel-Thomas, Mokena School District #159, Downers Grove, IL
−− Researcher: Wendy Valerio, University of South Carolina
■■ General Music, Grades 3–5
−− Barbara Good, chair
−− Nyssa Brown, Perpich Center for Arts Education, MN
−− Kay Lehto, Gilbert Elementary School, Clark County School District, NV
−− Sandra Nicolucci, Boston University Music Education Department, MA
−− Lynn Rechel, Arlington Public Schools, VA
−− Leah Riggs, Silverdale Elementary School, Central Kitsap School District, WA
−− Rebecca Squire, Saugatuck Elementary School, Westport School District, CT
−− Christine Hayes, Chair, Council for General Music Education, Whitewater, WI
−− Researcher: Denise Odegaard, Fargo, ND
■■ General Music, Grade 6–8
−− Richard Baker, Robyn Swanson, co-chairs
−− Jacalyn Beam, Christina School District, DE
−− Michelle Divine, Whitman Junior High, Warwick, RI
−− Debra Hopkins, Lincoln Elementary, Silverton, OR
−− Stephen Nystrup, Glastonbury Public Schools, CT
−− Kim Yannon-Stock, Dodd Middle School, Cheshire, CT
−− Researcher: Ann Clements, Pennsylvania State University
■■ Ensembles
−− Armalyn De La O, Tom Dean, Michael Jothen, co-chairs
−− Renata Bratt, Professional Musician, San Francisco, CA
−− Sandra Brown, Plymouth Middle School, Plymouth, MN
−− Terry Eberhardt, Howard County Public Schools, Ellicott City, MD
−− Windy Fullagar, Alexander Graham Middle School, Charlotte, NC
−− Alan Gumm, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant
−− Susie Jones, Mt. Hood Community College, OR

244 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
−− Mary Wagner, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
−− Researchers:
•• Al Holcomb, Westminster College, Princeton, NJ
•• Glenn Nierman, University Nebraska, Lincoln
•• Bret Smith, Central Washington University
•• Katie Strand, Indiana University
•• Martin Norgaard, Georgia State University, Atlanta
■■ Harmonizing Instruments
−− Bob Cooper, Carolynn Lindeman, co-chairs
−− Carol Broos, Gumee, IL
−− Anne Fennel, Vista Academy, CA
−− Julie Gragg , Kingman Middle School, AZ
−− Philip Martin, Campbell HS, Litchfield, NH
−− Scott Seifried , Fairfax County Public Schools, VA
−− Brad Van Patten , Irvine Unified School District, CA
−− Karen Childress-Evans, San Diego Unified School District, CA
−− Ed Duling, Bowling Green, OH
−− Researcher: William Bauer, University of Florida
■■ Composition /Theory
−− Terry Eder, Tom Dean, co-chairs
−− Judd Danby, Jefferson HS, Lafayette, IN
−− Robert Deemer, SUNY, Fredonia, NY
−− Michael Levi, College of St. Rose, Albany, NY
−− Frank Doyle, Northport HS, Long Island, NY
−− Stephen Nystrup, middle school , Glastonbury, CT
−− Researcher: Patricia Riley, University of Vermont, VT

Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Committee

■■ Denise Odegaard, Fargo, ND
■■ Johanna J. Siebert, Webster Schroeder High School, Webster, NY
■■ Richard Wells, Simsbury Public Schools (retired) and Music Chair for the
Connecticut Common Arts Assessment Project

Core Music Standards Contributors | 245

Kennedy Center Special Education Review Team
(for Inclusion Guidelines)
■■ Jean Crockett, Professor and Director of School of Special Education, Psychology,
and Early Childhood Studies, University of Florida
■■ Bonnie Billingsley, Professor and Chair, Specialized Education Services, University
of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC
■■ Marilyn Friend, Professor Emerita of Education, Department of Specialized
Education Services
■■ Jenny Seham, Director of Teacher Training, National Dance Institute, New York City
■■ Pamela Van Gilder, Movement and Dance Specialist, Madonna Learning Center
■■ Mary Adamek, Director of Music Therapy and Education, University of Iowa
■■ Alice-Ann Darrow, Irvin Cooper Professor of Music Therapy and Music Education,
Florida State University
■■ Karen Keifer-Boyd, Professor of Art Education, Pennsylvania State University
■■ Michelle Kraft, Professor of Art Education, Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock,
■■ Sally Bailey, Professor of Theatre and Director of Drama Therapy, Kansas State
■■ Lee Chasen, Director of Social Emotional Learning and Curriculum Development,
Kid Esteem Montessori Elementary School
■■ Kylie Peppler, Assistant Professor, Learning Sciences, Indiana University
■■ Meryl Alper, PhD Student, University of Southern California

National Coalition for Core Arts Standards Leadership

■■ Michael Blakeslee, Senior Deputy Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer,
National Association for Music Education
■■ Jane Bonbright, Founding Executive Director Emerita, National Dance Education
■■ Richard W. Burrows, National Coalition for Core Arts Standards Media Arts
Committee Co-Chair
■■ Newark Schools Arts Lead Office of Visual and Performing Arts
■■ Amy Charleroy, Director of Arts, Office of Academic Initiatives, The College Board
■■ David Dik, National Executive Director, Young Audiences
■■ Kristen Engebretsen, Arts Education Program Manager, Americans for the Arts
■■ Marcie Granahan, Executive Director, American Alliance for Theatre and Education
■■ Debora Hansen, State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education, Delaware
Department of Education
■■ Dennis Inhulsen, President, National Art Education Association
■■ Amy Jensen, Advocacy Director, American Alliance for Theatre and Education

246 | Core Music Standards: A Guide to Orchestrating Success for Students, Schools, and Society
■■ Kathi Levin, Consultant, National Art Education Association
■■ Marcia McCaffrey, President, State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education,
New Hampshire Department of Education
■■ Susan McGreevy-Nichols, Executive Director, National Dance Education
■■ James Palmarini, Director of Educational Policy, Educational Theatre Association
■■ Pam Paulson, National Coalition for Core Arts Standards, Media Arts Committee
■■ Jeffrey Poulin, Arts Education Program Coordinator, Americans for the Arts
■■ Deborah Reeve, Executive Director, National Art Education Association
■■ Narric Rome, Vice President of Government Affairs and Arts Education, Americans
for the Arts
■■ Nancy Rubino, Senior Director, Office of Academic Initiatives, The College Board
■■ F. Robert Sabol, Past President, National Art Education Association
■■ Scott C. Shuler, Past President, National Association for Music Education, and Arts
Education Consultant, Connecticut State Department of Education
■■ Lynn Tuttle, Past President, State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education,
Arizona Department of Education
■■ Cory Wilkerson, State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education Project

Core Music Standards Contributors | 247

Want more information/resources on the
New Core National Standards?
Visit the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) website at
Check out the NAfME Store at to see tools you can
purchase in print or downloadable PDF, such as the evaluation Workbooks:

Building and Evaluating Effective Music Education in the School Ensemble

Building and Evaluation Effective Music Education in General Music

Standards glossary available at

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