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saa University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER THREE Formative Assessment Intern Teacher: [Ryan Mizsi7, 1 [Person Proving Feedback Name: School: WAKES: UID Geova - GradorSubjocts Taught: | Ay} 20/50 TeacherMentor ||| University Mentor DaterTime of Observation: | A/a AD F | aeninistator Tnsiraotone: ‘The purpose ofthis form ls to provide the Inaen teacher wit feedback during the PSII intemshi, + The mentor should complete this form atleast three times during the practicum. + The intern retains the completed form to include in his/her PSIll Report Its not submitted tothe Flelé Experience Office, + Select the level of performance for outcomes being assessed. Ploase also provide some written comments aftr each section and on the final page of the frm, + Its not necessary to assoss each outcome everytime the form is completed - you may wish to concentrate on the most rolevant and significant strengths and arees for growth, depencing on the situation, 1. LANNING AND PREPARATION («sAs#, 3,5, 9nd 13), Planning and Preparation. 1. Demonstrates knowiedge and shils nthe subject malar of tie lesson Including im histher subject major. 2 incorporates rely of appropriate resources and insvucionalassosement strategie into lesson plans and unit plans. | | ‘Translates learning outcomes from the Aber Program of Stdles Into relevant end ial | appropiate arin objectives fr te lessons and uns bong taught Takes into account stadenis prior leaing, leering neods (ncicng dent TPP) Inieresis, end suger varabes such es age, gender, socio-economic statis end a culturslinguiste background = 5. Organizes content into appropriate components and sequences for Inatruaton, i 8. Pian appropiate contnt and activites forthe tine allotted tL Prepares lesion plans fora ossonstaugk, sing a war dafned avuctre whch Incdes lamin obfoctve(), an needucion and closure, dala procecures end | j— Instructions, ko questions, teechng strategies and earing ace, and sssousment of esson ouecives, ‘Prepares unl plans) nsubect malo (Stent Learning Guile or GTS) Wat Incide retonale, over, learning outcomes, eachinglearing acti, and assessment plan, a 9. Integrates information and communications technology into instruction In subject Cc I major and other subjects, vinere appropriate, “0. Prepares long-term pian() forthe subjects taught - semester plans (elomentan) or ‘course outines (secondsty). ‘14, Obtains and organizes equipment and materials for instruction, POPE, affectee ple Hint Lead Fo fern tn 1 RRR) S| & kee [als ielecce. i Universty of Lethbriige: PS. Il Formative Assessment (May 23, 2008) 2.INSTRUCTION (KsAs#4,5, 9nd 10) Communication ff 1, Uses cl nt and grammatically correct spoken and writen language. 2, Uses vocabulary appropriate to students’ age, beckground and interes, “3, Modulates hisher voice for auaiilly and expression. 7, Demonstrates cultural eensivly in communication and instruction, ® ‘Lesson Introduction Kaba siesaitt | | Be ralablishos act reviews prior earring, Wenfes lesson objecive(s) and expectations, = ceee motivating sttenton getters, provides an overview, and relates the lesson to previous learning as appropri. General Lesson ent incorporates sietopies for motivating students using relevant and interesting subject matter ané activities. 7. Presents content in appropriately organized sequences for instruction, plang and proceeds in smal sips aan appropriate pace To sul the aclviy end student response. ©. Demonstrates subject matter competence during instruction. To. Organizes end directs learring for indivduals, small groups, and whole classes, PARE | 4 = { 71. Prevées coor directions, neon and explanations CIE TE. Direca efficient ransitions between lessons and from one activity to the next Cit TE Dees avai of tonal saogies lo adress desired oucomer, eject mater Fir Pee erat Sos and nahidudl needs (noid gouvbjecves of siden IPPs) 7 Uses abroad range of instuclonal imal 76. Uses appropriate materials end resources. T 76, Demonstrates fexiblity and adaptablty ‘Questioning and Discussion 17. Asks cleriy phrased, wal-sequenced questions ate varaly of cognitive ovals, AAA a eke A te LL t CL fa ees Cc fe is [ 18. Provides epproate wale ater psig queston 76. Sooke cfiaton an elaboration of student reaponan, were perp EE 0; Leads and diects student partapalon in Gass discussion eflecively and dstibutes questions appropriately. ‘Foeus on Studont Learning, "BL. Grculates in tre classroom, intervering when necessary, checking on individual and group understanding of acvitylcontent. 7 Racorze ne ponde arpa ial Hernan a geo Tearing TWF 725: Reinforces student lzarning, bulding on previous leaming, reviewing, and reveaching, Closure. ‘2a Aehlavos dosuTe for each lesson, consolidating Woas or concepls hrough summaries, reviews, discussions, end applicatons. 25. Provides homework when appropriate end exslains assignments fly la COMMENTS: : naa ee= ap rg 5 , FT herd TD Bp A gest atee a ter fe placa v 3 ivory of Leixdge: Sl Formative Assessment (May 25, 2008 afurk ~ peg Thess hed or ia oF ogen 1 30-tye Hesils Lgerages, thi som ete wth to bunt a, 3, CLASSROOM LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT (kaass7 and 8) [exceeding [Expectations | room Leder Clgsroom Leal os cae gaan oro mes, F Acumen sea compose an ser nt cates, 20 ean ereTo so Tome nee wean aa cose vraenmsecees | [ sanded ser or uring acre - ee a cemmiment oestammensees | Y els af bbehaviou 7 adele. Sone clnstip and a naroom ciao based on mutual wet and respect | Giassroom Management Clery dees and reinforeesdessroom procedures and routines =. Gently communists end enforces expciaone for appropiat stutet behaviour Tt Fc rent beheveu onde avare cue bev at al ne Cibit mit a Fesponds appropriate Behavior pramply. tim, and consistently, ng Rees ica) and higher level responses follows school icrne pices and procedures, ee ald ef GN a do, ae ee bead: ‘i ce ‘ “Tigges oar Be 4, ASSESSMENT (KsAs#11) aha Aaa wa bait] IR [Not eoting Expectations. 4a ex gang pa 8 VT oT apprepas sevanaTien GcWTaUe amd Ascesene SETRCIUG AY aromas ovecering esana atv wo%, | [ rtormanea based and wien sosossrien, quzzes, 5 7D. Checks frequently for understanding. = Bre On), 3. Provides timely and effective feedback on leaming to students 7 Modifies and adapts teaching based on sasesarnent data and student PS (og employe slemative teaching svaieges tore teach where reauled) Analyzes and eveluates measurement data to assess student leering, 6. Explains to students how learning wil be measured. 77 Developa and mainisine accurate records of student achievement (ea ora shoei, daiabeses) and communicates ruts to students, paren, and the school efsctvel Counce ovata atin well alynuk- sare r S ARARAR 4 qa 4 iauielens oppo) Segre University of Lethbridge: P.S. Il Formative Assesement (May 23, 2008) 3 5. PROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (k34:#2, 16 0nd "5) lUnacceptable Professionalism 1._ Presents a professional appearance end manner. 2. Fuifils professional obligations (Le., punctualiy, routine administrative duties). t 3, Demonstrates meturty and professional judgment. “Is knowledgeable about professional issues and demonstrates a commitment to the teaching profession. [ 5. Establishes professional relationships withthe educational community and wider communly (where rs porooriate) Professional Growih @. Accuralely assesses and documents the effeciveness of lessons, Wentiies srengihe and weaknesses end | T— makes appropriate suggestions for improvements samient and feesback to improve Teaching pracioes and guide professional 7 8, Responds appropriately to feecback fom others by feng, interpreting, and implementing suggestions 9. Develape and communicates a personal vision of teaching. TG. Develops a professional porvolo andor growth plan Including goals, evidence of progress towerd goals, reflections on growth, and future goals. Tir Garros ovt the roles and responsiliies of teacher according to the Alberta School Ack school and distict, policies and other relevant legislation 72. Aoples the knowledge, sklls and atributes for interim certification aporopriately Ethical Conduct 48. Respects the dgnity and rights ol persons without praudice as 0 race, religious bela, colour, gender, sexual orentation, gender ientty, physical characterises, disability, marital status, age, ancestry, place ot ‘origin, place of residence, soco-economic background or linguistic background, 14, Treats students with dignity and respect and is considerate oftheir crcumstances, 75. Does not divage Information received in confidence orin the course of professional dues about a student ‘except as required by law or where todo so inthe best intorest ofthe student 76, Does not undermine the confidence of students in teachors or cther student teachers "7 Dees not orld the professional competence or professional reputation of eachers or other student teachers unlaus the crticiem is communicated In confidence t proper afcials ater frst Informing the indvidual concerned ofthe exci. 78: Act na manner that maintains the honour and dignity of the profession. 75. Doss not speak on behalf of the Facully of Education, the Universi of Letiorge, the school, or the profession unless authorized to do 0. Spy penal flfiblirg herpes 4 Ra Rik! | aka pak ARR Aco Py WV nn University of Lethbridge: PS. Il Formative Assessment (May 23, 2008) 4 FEEDBACK ON PROFESSIONAL GROWTH Strong wy bupeon 1al Learning Achiev “FB nebahersiors ap Effe ter ic

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