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The general aim of this thesis is to research the development of Bolivia-Turkey bilateral
relations. More specifically, the objective is to analyze in which way the National Role
Conceptions (NRC) of both countries shaped the development of their relations.

Why in recent times two far away nations with minimum relevant -and even nonexistent-
historical, cultural, economic and political connection engaged to the point of establishing first
ever embassies in their respective territories? Can the understanding of NRC as a source of
Foreign Policy behavior shed light on the causes behind the development of Bolivia-Turkey
bilateral relations?

The purpose of studying Bolivia-Turkey relations is twofold. First, to fill the gap in the academic
literature in which the topic, until the date, has not been deeply explored. Even more, because
the language of the thesis is English -and not Spanish or Turkish- the investigation is considered
to be the first of its kind. Second, in the actual context where Bolivia-Turkey relations appear to
be flourishing, it is now more than ever when a work of this type is needed. The thesis
contributes to the building of a suitable Bolivian foreign policy towards Turkey and vice versa.

The NRC theory forms part of the wider Foreign Policy Analysis corpus, which in its turn is a
subfield of the much wider International Relations. However, the theoretical frame of the thesis
will be just confined to the realm Foreign Policy Analysis in general and National Role
Conception theory in particular. As for the data recollection techniques, (since there is little
written material) interviews to the main actors which influenced the development of the
relations both countries will be made along with content analysis of speeches related to the

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