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In general the lighting will be magical/enchanted in nature.

CUE 1: Houselights/Preshow. Curtain Wash.

CUE 2: House to Half.

CUE 3: House Out

CUE 4: Blackout.
Prologue – Castle

CUE 5: Amber & blue frontlight isolated on Prince. Smokey amber and blue sidelight.
Break-up patterns from top. Cyc in cool blue.

CUE 6: Add frontlight and sidelight for Beggar Woman.

CUE 7: Add special on Enchantress (ML?). Change sidelight to warm amber and lighter
blue if possible. Change Cyc to Warm Blue.

CUE 8: Add Special on Beast (ML?). Increase breakup pattern intensity. Dim Frontlight
on all but Beast. Change Sidelight to Rose and Blue Green. Change Cyc to dark blue.

CUE 9: Add special on Rose.

Act 1, Scene 1 – The Town

CUE 10: Followspot on Belle. Amber & blue frontlight isolated on Belle. Amber and light
blue sidelight. Amber toplight. Cyc in blue with clouds if possible.

.CUE 11: Add lighting for rest of town. Change sidelight to Medium Amber and slightly
redder form of blue.

CUE 12: Isolate somewhat on Belle & Bookseller. FS Out?

CUE 13: Return to Cue 11. Add FS on Belle.

CUE 13.5: Isolate on Belle and deemphasize others if practical. Change sidelight to Amber
and light blue.

CUE 13.6: Return to Cue 13.

CUE 14: Return to Cue 10. Fade FS on Belle.

CUE 15: Isolate somewhat on Gaston & Lefou. Change Sidelight to Deeper Amber,
bordering on red and smoky blue. Add FS on Gaston. Keep light on Belle.

CUE 15.5: Increase frontlight for other characters.

CUE 15.6: Add FS on Belle.

CUE 16: Return to Cue 14. FS Out

CUE 17: Add light for Maurice, if necessary.

CUE 17.5: Isolate on Belle & Maurice if practical.

CUE 18: Fade Frontlight. Add FS on Maurice and Belle. Change sidelight to Deeper
Amber and Blue.

CUE 18.1: Change Sidelight to Rose & Blue.

CUE 18.2: Change sidelight to Lavender and Blue.

CUE 18.3: Change Sidelight to Rose & Blue.

CUE 19: Return to Cue 17.5. FS Out

CUE 20: Blackout/Blue out

Act 1, Scene 2 – The Forest

CUE 20.5: Darker more mysterious feeling. Amber & blue frontlight isolated on Maurice.
Bluegreen and Blue sidelight. Low level middle amber toplight. Forest Breakup Pattern on floor
& scrim. FS on Maurice?

CUE 21: Isolate as much as possible. As dark as possible so that we do not see castle, if
possible. No Frontlight?

CUE 22: Add some frontlight on castle door.

Act 1, Scene 3 – The Castle Interior

CUE 23: Enchanted feeling. Amber & blue frontlight, isolate on Maurice. Smokey rose
and Blue-green sidelight. Low level middle amber toplight.

CUE 24: Add lighting to reveal Lumiere and Cogsworth slightly.

CUE 25: Add special on Lumiere and Cogsworth.

CUE 26: Return to Cue 24.

CUE 26.5: Add frontlights on entire stage as Lumiere jumps out. Change sidelight to middle
pink & Blue.

CUE 27: Return sidelight to Smokey Rose and Blue-green.

CUE 28: Add patterns and darken stage slightly.

CUE 29: Blackout

Act 1, Scene 4 – Exterior of Belle’s Cottage

CUE 30: Amber & blue frontlight. Middle amber and light blue sidelight. Middle amber

CUE 31: Adjust frontlight to match blocking.

CUE 32: Add FS on Belle and Gaston. Fade frontlight. Change Sidelight to redder amber
and blue.

CUE 32.5: Change blue sidelight to blue-green.

CUE 32.6: Change blue-green sidelight to almost green.

CUE 33: Return to Cue 30. Adjust area if necessary. FS Out

CUE 34: Frontlight out. Change sidelight to Amber and light blue. Amber Toplight. Add
FS on Belle.

CUE 34.5: Bright stage

CUE 35: Return to Cue 33. FS Out.

CUE 35.5: Blackout/Blue out.

Act 1, Scene 5 – The Castle Interior

CUE 36: Enchanted feeling. Amber & blue frontlight. Smokey rose and Blue-green
sidelight. Low level middle amber toplight. Cyc in dark blue.

CUE 36.5: Add light for Belle. FS or frontlight?

CUE 36.6: Return to Cue 36. FS Out?

CUE 37: Adjust frontlight if necessary.

CUE 38: Isolate on Cell.

CUE 38.5: Light out on Cell. Adjust light to where Belle is.

CUE 39: Adjust light for journey through Castle. Add Cues if needed.

CUE 40: Add light on Belle’s Room.

CUE 40.5: Fade out frontlight. Add FS on Belle. Change toplight to darker amber or rose.

CUE 41: Return to Cue 40. FS Out.

CUE 42: Add FS on Mrs. Potts. Isolate frontlight more if possible, but keep frontlight on.
Change Sidelight to Rose and bluer blue-green.

CUE 42.5: Blackout/Blue out.

Act 1, Scene 6 – Tavern

CUE 43: Amber & blue frontlight. Middle amber and blue sidelight. Middle amber

CUE 44: Add FS on Gaston and Lefou. Lower intensity of Frontlight. Change sidelight to
dark rose and bluegreen.

CUE 45: Change sidelight to rose and blue.

CUE 46: Add more frontlight on chorus. Change rose sidelight to middle amber.

CUE 47: Change middle amber sidelight to amber. Fade out FS.

CUE 48: Return to Cue 46. Add FS on Gaston & Lefou.

CUE 49: Return to Cue 43. FS Out.

CUE 50: Isolate on Gaston & Lefou. FS on Gaston & Lefou. Change sidelight to rose and

CUE 50.5: Change sidelight to lavender rose and blue.

CUE 51: Blackout/Blue out.

Act 1, Scene 7 – Castle
CUE 51.5: Enchanted feeling. Amber & blue frontlight. Rose and Blue sidelight. Low level
middle amber toplight. Cyc in meduim blue.

CUE 52: Change sidelight to smokey rose and dark blue. Change Cyc to darker blue.

CUE 53: Adjust frontlight to Belle’s Bedroom.

CUE 54: Adjust frontlight to Beast’s Lair.

CUE 55: Add Lights on Belle’s Bedroom. Lighter version of Cue 53. Moving Light
rotating pattern.

CUE 56: Return to Cue 54 without Frontlight. Add FS on Beast. Change cyc to magenta.

CUE 57: Return to Cue 51.5, but adjust area light as needed. FS Out. Change Cyc to
darker blue.

CUE 58: Add lights on Belle’s Bedroom – Similar to Cue 40.

CUE 59: Adjust frontlight to area of Mrs. Potts and Cogsworth.

CUE 60: Add FS on Lumiere & Belle. Fade all other light.

CUE 61: Add frontlight on all characters. Add Amber toplight. Add middle amber and
rose sidelight. Add moving lights if possible. Light blue Cyc.

CUE 61.5: Change sidelight to middle amber and purple.

CUE 62: Change sidelight to amber and lavender. Change cyc to blue-green.

CUE 63: Change Sidelight to light rose and light blue.

CUE 64: FS out on Lumiere. Add FS on Mrs. Potts. Change cyc to blue.

CUE 64.5: Add FS on Lumiere. Fade all frontlight. Change sidelight to magenta and dark
blue. Change Cyc to dark blue-green. Add patterns.

CUE 64.6: FS out on Belle. Add FS on Babette. Fade out patterns. Change Sidelight to
amber and blue.

CUE 64.7: FS out on Babette and Lumiere. Add FS on Belle. Add some frontlight for

CUE 64.8 Add FS on Lumiere.

CUE 65: Return to Cue 61 with amber and blue sidelight.

CUE 65.5: Add ML moving around stage.

CUE 66: Return to Cue 59. Adjust as needed.

CUE 67: Fade out lights on Cogsworth, Belle and Lumiere. Add light on Beast.

CUE 68: Return to Cue 66. Adjust area as needed for blocking.

CUE 69: Add light on Beast.

CUE 70: Return to Cue 68.

CUE 71: Add lights on Beast’s Lair. Fade out other light as needed.

CUE 72: Change sidelight to Red and Blue-green. Change cyc to red.

CUE 73: Fade out frontlight. Add FS on Beast. Change Cyc to Blue-green. Change
sidelight to magenta and blue.

CUE 73.5: Change Sidelight to lavender and blue.

CUE 74: Blackout. FS out.


CUE 75: Intermission Up (Similar to Preshow)

CUE 75.1: AF - House Up.

CUE 76: House to Half.

CUE 77: House Out

CUE 77.1: AF – Blackout

Act 2, Scene 1 – Forest

CUE 78: Darker more mysterious feeling. Amber & blue frontlight isolated on Belle.
Bluegreen and Blue sidelight. Low level middle amber toplight. Forest Breakup Pattern on floor
& scrim. FS on Belle?

CUE 78.5: Blackout.

Act 2, Scene 2 – Castle
CUE 79: Enchanted feeling. Amber & blue frontlight. Rose and Blue sidelight. Low level
middle amber toplight. Cyc in dark blue.

CUE 80: Add FS on Belle and Beast. Lower level of frontlight slightly. Change Sidelight
to lavender and blue. Change cyc to blue.

CUE 80.5: Return frontlight to normal intensity. Isolate if practical.

CUE 81: Return to Cue 80. FS out on Belle.

CUE 81.5: Return frontlight to normal intensity. Isolate if practical.

CUE 81.6: Add FS on Belle. Change Sidelight to rose and blue.

CUE 82: Change Sidelight to Amber and Blue.

CUE 83: Add Special on Trio, but keep FS on Belle and Beast. Isolate if possible. Change
sidelight to Amber and Lavender.

CUE 84: Add front lights for Belle and Beast. FS Out.

CUE 84.5: Fade out lights on Mrs Potts and Chip. Add frontlight as needed.

CUE 85: Add frontlight for others as needed.

CUE 85.5: Isolate lights on servents. Special on Beast and Belle. Change sidelight to Rose
and Blue.

CUE 85.6: Add FS on Lumiere.

CUE 85.7: Add FS on Mrs. Potts. Fade FS on Lumiere.

CUE 86: Change sidelight to Amber and Blue-green. Add FS on Wardrobe.

CUE 86.5: Fade FS on Mrs. Potts.

CUE 87: Add FS on Cogsworth. Fade FS on Wardrobe. Change sidelight to Rose and

CUE 88: Fade FS on Cogsworth and increase frontlight on everyone slightly. Change
Sidelight to Amber and blue.

CUE 89: Return to Cue 84.5, but leave some lights up for servents. Maybe leave special on
Beast and Belle also.

CUE 90: Return to Cue 87 without special for Beast and Belle.
CUE 90.5: Brighten stage slightly. Add slowly moving ML on Servents.

CUE 91: Blackout.

Act 2, Scene 3 – Tavern

CUE 91.5: Amber & blue frontlight. Middle amber and blue sidelight. Middle amber
toplight. Similar to Cue 43.

CUE 92: Add FS on Gaston Lefou. Keep some frontlight for D’Arque. Change sidelight
to magenta and blue-green. Darken toplight.

CUE 93: Change sidelight to magenta and dark blue-green.

CUE 93.5: Move FS from Lefou to D’Arque.

CUE 94: Move FS from D’Arque to Lefou. Change sidelight to red and dark blue-green.

CUE 94.5: Move FS from Lefou to D’Arque.

CUE 95: Change toplight to red or green. Add patterns?

CUE 96: Isolate lighting on Trio if possible.

CUE 96.5: Blackout

Act 2, Scene 4 – Beast’s Lair/West Wing

CUE 97: Enchanted feeling. Amber & blue frontlight. Rose and Deep Blue sidelight.
Low level middle amber toplight. Cyc in dark blue.

CUE 98: Add FS on Belle and Beast. Keep Cyc Up. Toplight on Belle. Fade other lights.

CUE 98.1: Add light on table.

CUE 98.5: Add special on Mrs. Potts. Change sidelight on Belle and Beast to Lavender and

CUE 99: Change toplight to warm amber.

CUE 100: Adjust area lighting for dance.

CUE 101: Change sidelight to Lavender and Rose.

CUE 102: Isolate lighting on Belle and Beast if possible, but keep up Mrs. Potts.
CUE 103: Fade lights out on Mrs. Potts. Return to Cue 98.1, adjust area as needed.

CUE 104: Fade out FS on Belle. Change sidelight to blue-green and deep blue.

CUE 105: Fade all frontlight.

CUE 105.5: Blackout

Act 2, Scene 5 – Exterior of Belle’s Cottage

CUE 106: Amber & blue frontlight. Middle amber and light blue sidelight. Middle amber
toplight. Isolate as needed.

CUE 107: Add FS on Belle. Change sidelight to pink and light blue.

CUE 108: FS out on Belle. Return to Cue 106, but add area for Mob.

CUE 109: If beast is onstage add light on him. Including rotating pattern if possible.

CUE 110: Add FS on Gaston. Change toplight to red.

CUE 111: Change sidelight to Rose and deep blue.

CUE 112: Add patterns on entire stage.

CUE 112.5: Lower intensity of frontlight on Mob. Isolate on Belle and Maurice.

CUE 113: Return to Cue 112.

CUE 113.5: Change sidelight to red and green.

CUE 114: Change sidelight to Smokey Rose and Blue-green.

CUE 115: Add patterns on Mob with ML

CUE 116: Start patterns rotating.

CUE 116.5: Blackout as they exit.

Act 2, Scene 6 – Castle

CUE 117: Enchanted feeling. Keep lighting isolated as much as possible for this Cue.
Amber & blue frontlight. Rose and Blue-green sidelight. Low level middle amber toplight. Cyc
in dark blue. No patterns or ML’s
CUE 118: Add lighting for entire stage. Add patterns.

CUE 118.5: Add light for Beast’s Lair.

CUE 118.6 Return to Cue 118.

CUE 119: Isolate on Beast’s Lair and area of fight. Change cyc to blue-green.

CUE 120: Change sidelight to Rose and Green.

CUE 121: Change Cyc to Red.

CUE 121.5: Isolate on Belle and Beast. Add FS on Belle and Beast.

CUE 122: Change sidelight to lavender and blue.

CUE 123: Fade all light except Moving light. Add fog.

CUE 124: Add FS on Prince and Belle. Isolate on them with warm colors. Change Cyc to

CUE 125: Add light for Servents. Amber and Blue frontlight. DO NOT GET TOO
Blue sidelight. Low level amber toplight. Cyc in lavender.

CUE 126: Add FS on Prince and Belle.

CUE 127: Brighten the entire stage.

CUE 128: Fade to only Prince and Belle.

CUE 129: AF – Blackout.


CUE 130: Curtain Call.

CUE 131: Brownout.

CUE 132: Blackout.

CUE 133: Post-show Up

CUE 133.1: AF – Add Houselights

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