Herbal Garden Name Board Draft - Tamil

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Sl.No. Name %ypifg; ngah; Bot.

name Uses gad;fs; Disclaimer

Always seek advice from
Krishna Anti Oxidant, Rich in Minerals Mf;]p[Ndw;wk;> mjpf
1A fpU\;z fkyk; Passiflora sp a professional before
Kamalam & Vit C fdpkr;rj;J> tpl;lkpd; rp
using a plant medicinally.
Varicose ulcer, Haemorrhoids, NthpNfh]; my;rh;> %yNeha;> Always seek advice from
1C ty;yhiu Centella asiatica Psoriasis, Amenorrhoea, Nrhhpahrp];> khjtpyf;F> a professional before
Improves memory epidthw;wy; using a plant medicinally.
Rheumatism, Liver, Kidney, thjk;> fy;yPuy;> rpWePufk;>
Always seek advice from
Hemidesmus Heart Protective, anti- ,jag; ghJfhg;G> mow;rp
1D Nannari ed;dhhp a professional before
indicus inflammatory, Anitdiabetic, vjph;g;G> ePhpopT vjph;g;G>
using a plant medicinally.
Tonic lhdpf;
Always seek advice from
Solanum Cold, Asthma, Respiratory rsp> M];Jkh> %r;Rf;
2A Tuduvalai J}Jtis a professional before
trilobatum disorder, Stomach pain NfhshW> tapw; W typ
using a plant medicinally.
Fly; gpur;rpid> the;jp> Always seek advice from
Maranta Bowel complaints, Vomiting,
2B Arrow root MNuh &l; tapw;Wg; Nghf;F vjph;g;G> a professional before
arundinacea Anti diarrhoeal and Moisturiser
<ug;gjk; using a plant medicinally.
,iy: Gz; Mw;Wk;> %r;Rf;
Crossandra Leaves: Wound healing, Always seek advice from
Kanakambara Foha; mow;rp> ,Uky;>
2C fdfhk;guk; infundubuliformi Bronchitis, cough, anti- a professional before
m mow;rp vjph;g;G> ghf;Bhpah
s inflammatory, antibacterial using a plant medicinally.
euk;G njhlh;ghd tpahjpfs;
Neurodegenerative disease
(bnkd;rpah> My;irkh;>
prevention, (Dementia, Always seek advice from
Rhinacanthus ghh;f;fpd;rd;; vd;fpw
2D Nagamalli ehf ky;;yp Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s), Skin a professional before
nasutus eLf;Fthjk;) Njhy;
diseases, Diabetes, Anti- using a plant medicinally.
tpahjpfs;> ePhpopT Neha;>
Allergic myh;[p vjph;g;G
Roots: Stress Management, Nth;fs;: kd mOj;jk;>
Depression, Anxiety, Prevention kdNeha;> gjl;lk;> ePhpopT Always seek advice from
Amukkara or Withania
3A mKf;fhuh Diabetes, High Cholesterol, vjphhp;g;G> mjpf nfhOg;G> a professional before
Ashwagandha somnifera
Arthritis, Nervine tonic, skin fPy;thjk;> euk;Gf;fhd using a plant medicinally.
diseases lhdpf;> Njhy; tpahjpfs;
tpijfs; : Nrhhpahrp];>
Seeds: Psoriasis, Leukoderma, Always seek advice from
Psoralea ntz;Neha;> njhONeha;>
3B KarpoKarishi fw;Nghfhprp Leprosy, Skin Rashes, Alopecia a professional before
corylifolia Njhy; jbg;G> tOf;if kw;Wk;
Areta & Hair loss, Vitiligo using a plant medicinally.
Kb cjh;T> ntz;F\;lk;
,iyfs;: G+Q;ir njhw;W Always seek advice from
Seemai Leaves: Fungal Infection (Ring
3C rPik mfj;jp Cassia alata (Njk;gy;) kw;Wk; Njhy; a professional before
agaththi worm) and other Skin diseases
tpahjpfs; using a plant medicinally.
kykpsf;fp> fha;r;ry;>
Laxative, Fever, Obesity, Always seek advice from
Enicostemma a cly;gUkd;> mjpf
3D Vellarugu nts;sUF hypolipidemic, Diabetes (type a professional before
xillara uj;jf;nfhOg;G> ilg; 2 tif
2) Leucorrhoea using a plant medicinally.
ePhpopT> nts;isg;gLjy;
Nth;fs;: cah; uj;j mOj;j
Roots: Antihypertensive, Always seek advice from
Musumusukka Melothiria vjph;g;G> ePh;g;ngUf;fp>
4A KRKRf;if Diuretic, Laxatives, Antiulcer, a professional before
i maderaspatana kykpsf;fp> my;rh; vjph;g;G>
Hypolipidemic using a plant medicinally.
mjpf uj;jf; nfhOg;G
Always seek advice from
Allamanda kQ; rs; fhkhiy> kNyhpah
4B Allamanda mynkz;lh Jaundice, Malaria, Colic Pain a professional before
Cathartica fha;r;ry;> typ
using a plant medicinally.
,iug;ig my;rh;> uj;jj;jpy;
Always seek advice from
Alpinia Gastric Ulcer, Hypoglycaemic, rh;f;fiu msT FiwT>
4D Sitraaraththai rpj;juj;ij a professional before
calcarata Bronchitis, Insect repellent %r;Rf;Foha; mow;rp> G+r;rp
using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
Anisomeles Dyspepsia, Fever, Anti-allergic, Nrhpkhd NfhshW> fha;r;ry;>
5A Perunthumbai ngUe; Jk;ig a professional before
malabarica Analgesic myh;[p vjph;g;G> typ epthuzp
using a plant medicinally.
Swelling, inflammation worm Always seek advice from
Kalyana tPf;fk;> mow;rp> GOj;
5B Erythrina Indica infestation, anorexia, a professional before
murungai njhy;iy> grpapd;ik> rsp
expectorant using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
Seemai Laxative, irritable bowel
5C rPik epythiu Cassis senna kykpsf;fp> Fly; vhpr;ry; a professional before
nilavarai syndrome
using a plant medicinally.
uj;j Nrhif> fha;r;ry;>
Anaemia, Fever, Burning Always seek advice from
Cardiospermum rpWePh;f;fopT> tOf;if>
5D Mudakkartan Klf;fUj;jhd; Micturation, Alopecia, Arthritis, a professional before
halicacabum fPy;thjk;> Qhgfrf;jp
Memory Booster using a plant medicinally.
Stomach ache, Asthma, tapw;W typ> M];Jkh> Always seek advice from
6A Peetha Pushpa [yG\;gk; Insomnia, Cramps, Lithiasis, J}f;fkpd;ik> gpbg;Gfs;> a professional before
Diuretic fy;yhjiy> ePh;g;ngUf;fp using a plant medicinally.
rptg;G Always seek advice from
Sivappu Amaranthus Hepatitis, Skin diseases, Acne, fy;yPuy;> Njhy; tpahjpfs;>
6B nghd;dhq;fd; a professional before
ponnankanni tricolor Asthma Kfg;gU> M];Jkh
dp using a plant medicinally.
Neer Anxiety, ADHD, Improving gjl;lk;> ADHD, Qhgf rf;jp Always seek advice from a
6C pirahmi/Bhrah ePh; gpuk;kp Memory, Maintenance of Nkk;gLjy;> ,ay;ghd uj;j professional before using a
mi normal blood pressure. mOj;jk; guhkhpj;jy; plant medicinally.
%yNeha;> nrhpkhd
Haemorrhoids, Indigestion, Always seek advice from a
Achyranthes gpur;rpid> ,Uky;> M];Jkh>
6D Nayuruvi ehAUtp Cough, Asthma, Anaemia, professional before using a
aspera ,uj;j Nrhif> kQrf;
Jaundice plant medicinally.
nrhpkhd NfhshW>
Acid reflux, Anorexia, Always seek advice from a
grpapd;ik> Njhy; rPuikg;G
7A Peramutti NguhKl;b Pavonia odorata Antibacterial, Skin conditioning professional before using a
kw;Wk; Njhy; nkd;ik
& Soothing plant medicinally.
kykpsf;fp> xt;thik ePf;fp> Always seek advice from a
Commelina Laxative, demulcent, leprosy,
7B Kanavalai fhdhthio njhONeha;> njhz;il professional before using a
Benghalensis sore throat and diarrhoea. vhpr;ry;> tapw;Wg; Nghf;F plant medicinally.
rhjhuz rsp> fha;r;ry;>
Common cold, Fever, Sore Always seek advice from a
Andrographis njhz;il vhpr;ry;> g;S>
7C Nilavembu epyNtk;G throat, Flu, Immuno- stimulant, professional before using a
paniculata Neha; vjph;g;G Cf;fp> ituy;
Viral fever, dengue plant medicinally.
fha;r;ry;> nlq;F fha;r;ry;
tapw;W GO> fhak;> %l;L Always seek advice from a
anthelmintic, wound, joint pain, typ> %r;Rf; Foha; mow;rp>
7D Kuppai meni Fg;ig Nkdp Acalypha indica professional before using a
plant medicinally.
Kfg;gU> gjl;lk;>
Acne, Anxiety, Stress, mouth Always seek advice from a
Thirueetru jPUePw;W Ocimum kdmOj;jk;> tha; my;rh;>
8A ulcer, insect bite, Headache, professional before using a
pachai gr;rpiy basilicum G+r;rpf;fb> jiytyp>
haemorrhoids, constipation plant medicinally.
%yNeha;> kyr;rpf;fy;
Njhy; tpahjpfs;> Always seek advice from a
Skin diseases, cosmetic,
8C Maruthani kUjhzp Lawsonia alba moFrhjdk;> tOf;if> professional before using a
baldness Sun burns R+hpaf;fjph; Gz;fs; plant medicinally.
kQ;rs; fhkhiy> ,Uky;>
Always seek advice from a
Phyllanthus Jaundice, cough, fever pains and fha;r;ry;> typ> njhz;il
8D Kizkai nelli fPoh ney;yp professional before using a
amarus sore-throat, oliguria vhpr;ry;> Fiwthf
rpWePh;fopj;jy; plant medicinally.
ePh;g;ngUf;fp> fl;b tPf;fk; Always seek advice from a
sida cordifolia Diuretic, Emollient, deflatulent, Nghd;w tpahjpapd; NghJ
9B Kurunthotti Few;jl;b professional before using a
linn and astringent rUkj;ij nkd;ikahf;Fk;. plant medicinally.
tOf;if> ,sikapy; eil> Always seek advice from a
Karun Sesbania Baldness and premature greying
9D fUd; nrk;ig vhpr;ry;> Fly; GO professional before using a
chembai aegyptiica of hairs, itching, antihelminthic
plant medicinally.
fha;r;ry;> nrhpkhdkpd;ik>
Fever, indigestion, Obesity, cly; gUkd;> ,uj;j Always seek advice from a
10A Korai Nfhiu Blood Pressure, Slows Aging mOj;jk;> %g;igj; professional before using a
And Counters Dementia. jhkjg;gLj;Jk;> bnkd;rpah plant medicinally.
Stomach ache, Minor Cuts And tapw;W typ> rpwpa ntl;Lf; Always seek advice from a
Thottal njhl;lh
10B Mimosa pudica Wounds, Haemorrhoids, fhak;> %yNeha;> fPy;thjk;> professional before using a
surunki RUq;fp
Arthritis, Itching. vhpr;ry; plant medicinally.
fz; ghh;it FiwghL> Always seek advice from a
nghd;dhq;fd; Alternanthera Weak eye sight, Gastric ulcer,
10C Ponnankanni ,iug;ig my;rh;> professional before using a
dp sessilis ingestion, Anorexia, Spinach, nrhpkhdkpd;ik> grpapd;ik plant medicinally.
Fever, dysentery, stomach-ache fha;r;ry;> Ngjp> tapw;W typ>
Always seek advice from a
Kopuram Andrographis and liver disorders, fy;yPuy; ghjpg;G> Fly; GO>
10D NfhGuk; jhq;fp professional before using a
thanki echioides antihelminthic, laxative, kykpsf;fp> kNyhpah fha;r;ry;
vjph;g;G plant medicinally.
alterative, anti- malarial
Oil: Antipyretic and vz;iz: fha;r;ry; mlf;Fk;> Always seek advice from a
11A Marikolandhu khpnfh*e;J antihelminthic properties, moth Fly; GO professional before using a
repellent plant medicinally.
Kbf;F fUik epwj;ij
Dyeing grey hair. It also Always seek advice from a
Manjal kQ;rs; Wedelia nfhLf;Fk;. Kb tsh;r;rp>
11B promotes Hair growth, Jaundice, professional before using a
karisalai fhpriy chinensis kQ;rf; fhkhiy> jiytyp
Headache, and Skin Problems. plant medicinally.
kw;Wk; rUk gpur;rpidfs;
rsp> njhz;il vhpr;ry;>
Cold, a sore throat, congestion,
%r;rilg;G> twz;l ehrp>
a stuffy nose, bug bites and Always seek advice from a
Coleus tz;Lf; fb> vf;rpkh>
11C Karpoora valli fw;G+u ts;sp stings to eczema and psoriasis, professional before using a
ambonicus Nrhhpahrp];> xNkfh-6
omega-6 fatty acids, joint plant medicinally.
nfhOg;G mkpyk;> %l;L
regeneration tsh;r;rp
Tooth ache, Local Anaesthetic gy;typ> typ epthuzp>
Activity, Antipyretic Effects, fha;r;ry; mlf;Fk;> mow;rp
vjph;g;G> Mf;]p[Ndw;wk;> Always seek advice from a
Palvali Spilanthes Anti-Inflammatory/Analgesic
11D ghy;typ G+z;L professional before using a
poondu acmella Activity Vasorelaxant (Effect on
plant medicinally.
Blood Flow) and Antioxidant
,Uky;> ePhpopT> cah; ,uj;j Always seek advice from a
Asystasia Cough, Diabetes, High blood mOj;jk;> my;rh;
12A Pasaththi grhj;jp professional before using a
gangetica pressure, ulcer
plant medicinally.
tapW cghij> jPg;Gz;> Always seek advice from a
Sivanar indigofera Abdominal discomfort, Burns, Mg;Njh]; my;rh;
12B Rptdhh;Ntk;G professional before using a
vembu aspalathoides Aphthous Ulcer
plant medicinally.
jiytyp Nghf;Fk;> gy;typ> Always seek advice from a
Treat headache, toothache,
12C Mahilam kfpok; Mimusops elengi Gz; kw;Wk; fz; cghij professional before using a
wounds and sore eyes
plant medicinally.
jiyKb lhdpf;> kQ;rf; Always seek advice from a
Vellai nts;is
12D Eclipta prostrata Hair tonic, jaundice fhkhiy professional before using a
karisalai fhpriy
plant medicinally.
Haemorrhoids, obesity, %yNeha;> cly;gUkd;>
xt;thik> M];Jkh> vYk;G Always seek advice from a
Cissus allergies, asthma, bone loss,
13A Pirandai gpuz;il professional before using a
quadrangularis gout, diabetes, high cholesterol, Nja;khdk;> fPy;thjk;> ePhpopT>
mjpf nfhOg;G> vYk;G KwpT plant medicinally.
Bone fracture
Emetic, purgative, root the;jp Cf;fp> Ngjp>
Always seek advice from a
Phyllanthus decoction is taken to cure kyr;rpf;fy;> tapw;Wg; Nghf;F>
13B Melanelli Nkyh ney;yp professional before using a
maderaspatensis constipation, diarrhoea, lack of grpapd;ik > Fly; typ>
plant medicinally.
appetite, intestinal pain
Gz;fs;> fz; Neha;fs; Always seek advice from a
13C Nethra poondu Nej;u G+z;L Wounds, Eye diseases professional before using a
plant medicinally.
fPy;thjk;> ntz;Neha;> Always seek advice from a
Arthritis, Leukoderma,
13D Nocchi nehr;rp Vitex negundo mow;rp> fhy; typ professional before using a
Inflammation, Sciatica
plant medicinally.
Njk;gy;> Kb GJg;gpj;jy;> Kb Always seek advice from a
Indigofera Ringworm, Hair rejuvenation,
14A Neeli ePyp fUik kw;Wk; Kb cjph;T professional before using a
tinctoria Black Hair and Hair fall
plant medicinally.
lhdpf; Always seek advice from a
14B Nilappanai epyhg; gid Tonic professional before using a
plant medicinally.
FSik> rpWePuff; fy; Always seek advice from a
14C Ranakalli uz fs;sp Cooling, Renal stone professional before using a
plant medicinally.
Sneezing and nasal itching, Jk;ky;> %f;F mhpg;G> twz;l Always seek advice from a
Seenthil/Amru Tinospora
15A rPe;jpy; discharge, and stuffy nose, ehrp> fha;r;ry; kw;Wk; ePhpopT professional before using a
thaballi cordifolia vjph;g;G
Fever, anti diabetic plant medicinally.
Immune-stimulant, hepato Nehnajph;g;G rf;jpia
Always seek advice from a
fs;sp Carallumma protective, antioxidant, Jhz;Lk;. fy;yPuy; ghJfhg;G>
15C Kalli mulaiyan Mf;rp[Ndw;wk;> Nfd;rh; professional before using a
Kiytd; umbellate anticancer, Anti diabetic
vjph;g;G> ePhpopT vjph;;g;G plant medicinally.
activities, Tonic
Always seek advice from a
16A Malai thumbai kiyj; Jk;ig Leucas montana Kapam fgk; professional before using a
plant medicinally.
Mf;rp[Ndw;wk;> ,uj;jf;
Antioxidant, lipid lowering, anti Always seek advice from a
nfhOg;G Fiwjy;> ePhpopT
16B Kariveppilai fwpNtg;gpiy Murrya koenigii diabetics, Hepato protective and professional before using a
vjph;g;G> fy;yPuy; ghJfhg;G>
Indigestion plant medicinally.
nrhpkhd NfhshW
ePhpopT> nrhpkhd
Diabetes, Digestive problems, Always seek advice from a
gpur;rpidfs;> G+Q;irf;
16D Ponnarali nghd; musp Tecoma stans control of yeast infections, professional before using a
NfhshW> ePh;g;ngUf;fp>
powerful diuretic, vermifuge plant medicinally.
G+Q;ir vjph;g;G> M];Jkh> Always seek advice from a
Aagaya Carollocarpus
17A Mfha fUld; Antifungal, asthma, psoriasis Nrhhpahrp]; professional before using a
Garudan epigaeus
plant medicinally.
,Uky;> fha;r;ry;> rpWePuf
Cough, fever, kidney health, Always seek advice from a
Ocimum eyk;> taJ Kjph;it
17B Tulasi Jsrp anti-aging, eye health, professional before using a
tenuiflorum Fiwg;gJ. fz; eyk;>
constipation kyr;rpf;fy; plant medicinally.
Cough, fever, eczema, boils, ,Uky;> fha;r;ry;> vf;rpkh> Always seek advice from a
17C Aartu tulasi Ml;L Jsrp headaches and anti- nfhg;gsk;> jiytyp kw;Wk; professional before using a
inflammatory mow;rp vjph;g;G plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from a
17D Kodiveli nfhbNtyp Rheumatism thjk; professional before using a
plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from a
Sansvieria Expectorant, febrifuge, rsp> fha;r;ry; mlf;fp> Ngjp>
18A Marul kUs; professional before using a
roxburghiana purgative and rheumatism thjk;
plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from a
18B Marul kUs; Ear ache fhJ typ professional before using a
plant medicinally.
Fly; GO> thj ePf;fp> Always seek advice from a
Sansvieria Antihelminthic, Anti-rheumatic,
18C Uruttu marul cUl;L kUs; kykpsf;fp> ePh;g;ngUf;fp> professional before using a
cylindrica Laxative, Diuretic, Earache.
fhJtyp plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from a
Agave Burns, Bruises, minor cuts, jPg G
; z; > rpuha;g G
; fs;
> rpwpa
19A Rail katralai uapy; fw;whio professional before using a
americana injuries and skin irritation ntl;Lf; fhak;> rUk vhpr;ry;
plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from a
moF rhjdk;> khjtplha;
19B Varikartalai thpf; fw;whio Aloe vera (L.) Cosmetic, menorrhagia professional before using a
gpur;rpid jPh;f;Fk;.
plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from a
Kasapilla frg;gpy;yh Aloe vera moF rhjdk;> khjtplha;
19C Cosmetic, menorrhagia professional before using a
kartallai fw;whio var.rajasthanii . gpur;rpid jPh;f;Fk;.
plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from a
nghLF> nrhpkhd NfhshW>
20A Poduthalai nghLjhis Phyla nodiflora Dandruff, Acid reflux, anorexia professional before using a
plant medicinally.
jiytyp> M];Jkh> Always seek advice from a
Headache, asthma, bronchitis,
20B Thippili jpg;gpyp Piper longum %r;Rf;Foha; mow;rp> ,Uky;> professional before using a
cough, ingestion
nrhpkhd NfhshW plant medicinally.
ePhpopT> nfhOg;Gr;rj;ij
Diabetes, Improves Cholesterol Always seek advice from a
Gymnema Nkk;gLj;Jk; kw;Wk; kpFjpf;
20C Sirukurinjan rpWFwpQ;rhd; and Triglyceride, Reduce professional before using a
sylvestre nfhOg;igf; Fiwf;Fk;>
Inflammation plant medicinally.
mow;rpia Fiwf;Fk;
Always seek advice from
Fevers, coughs and colds, fha;r;ry;> ,Uky;> rsp>
20D Thumbai Jk;ig Leucas aspera a professional before
psoriasis and scabies. Nrhhpahrp]; kw;Wk; rpuq;F
using a plant medicinally.
Colic, Dyspepsia, Fever, typ> nrhpkhdkpd;ik> Always seek advice from
21A Perunthumbai ngUe; Jk;ig Rheumatism and Sting fha;r;ry;> thjk;> Njs;fb> a professional before
(Scorpion), Respiratory diseases Rthrg; gpur;rpidfs; using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
Coughs, colds, psoriasis and ,Uky;> rsp> Nrhhpahrp];
21B Malai thumbai kiyj; Jk;ig Leucas montana a professional before
scabies kw;Wk; rpuq;F
using a plant medicinally.
cah; ,uj;j mOj;jk;>
Hypertension, Antibacterial, Always seek advice from
Hibiscus ghf;Bhpah vjph;g;G>
21C Pulichai keerai Gspr;r fPiu Vermifuge, Laxative, a professional before
sabdariffa GOf;nfhy;yp> kykpsf;fp>
Indigestion using a plant medicinally.
thrid> jir typ> Kfg;gU>
Aromatic, muscle pain, acne, Always seek advice from
Origanum nghLF> %r;Rf; Foha;
22A Marugu kUF dandruff, bronchitis, toothache, a professional before
vulgare mow;rp> gy;typ> tPf;fk;>
Bloating, headaches using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
22B Insulin chedi ,d;Rypd; nrb Costus pictus Anti diabetic ePhpopT vjph;g;G a professional before
using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
22C Thavasikeerai jtrpf; fPiu Vitamin E keerai, spinach tpl;lkpd; <> fPiu> grpapd;ik a professional before
using a plant medicinally.
grpapd;ikahy; Vw;gLk;
Always seek advice from
artemisia Treat loss of appetite, ghjpg;ig jPh;f;Fk;.
22D Marikolandhu khpnfh*e;J a professional before
absinthium indigestion, fever, liver disease, nrhpkhdkpd;ik> fha;r;ry;>
using a plant medicinally.
fy;yPuy; rhh;e;j tpahjpfs;
Always seek advice from
23B Ranakalli uz fs;sp Cooling, Renal stone FSik> rpWePuf fy; a professional before
using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
23C Aartu tulasi Ml;L Jsrp Cough, fever ,Uky;> fha;r;ry; a professional before
using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
Vellai nts;is jiyKb lhdpf;> kQ;rs;
23D Eclipta prostrata Hair tonic, jaundice a professional before
karisalai fhpriy fhkhiy
using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
Nithya Catharanthus
24A epj;a fy;ahzp Anti cancer Nfd;rh; vjph;g;G a professional before
Kalyani roseus
using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
24C Vetrilai ntw;wpiy Pipepr betel Indigestion nrhpkhdkpd;ik a professional before
using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
24D Sitraaraththai rpj;juj;ij Respiratory diseases Rthrk; rhh;e;j tpahjpfs; a professional before
using a plant medicinally.
Colic, Arthritis, Gout, typ> fPy;thjk;> thj Neha;> Always seek advice from
Adutheenapal MLjpd;dhgh Aristolochia
25A Rheumatism, eczema, Wounds, vf;rpkh> Gz;fs;> a professional before
ai iy bracterolata
Leucorrhoea nts;isg;gLjy; using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
25D Poonai meesai G+id kPir Renal failure. rpWePuf ghjpg;G a professional before
using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
Vettiveria Lice, Repelling insects, Stress, Ngd;> G+r;rpfis tpul;Lk;>
25C Vettiver ntl;b Nth; a professional before
zizanoides Aromatic kd mOj;jk;> thrid
using a plant medicinally.
,uj;jj;jpy; rh;f;fiu kw;Wk;
Improve levels of sugar and Always seek advice from
Elumitcham Cymbopogon nfhOg;G Nkk;gLj;Jk;>
26A vYkpr;rk; Gy; cholesterol in the blood, a professional before
pul citratus nrhpkhdkpd;ik>
Indigestion, antioxidant using a plant medicinally.
Roots: Stress Management, Nth;fs; : kd mOj;jk;>
Depression, Anxiety, Prevention gjl;lk;> ePhpopitj; jLf;Fk;> Always seek advice from
Amukkara or Withania
26B mKf;fhuh Diabetes, High Cholesterol, mjpf nfhOg;G> fPy;thjk;> a professional before
Ashwagandha somnifera
Arthritis, Nervine tonic, skin euk;Gf;fhd lhdpf;> rUk using a plant medicinally.
diseases tpahjpfs;
cah; ,uj;j mOj;jk;> tPf;fk;>
Hypertension, dropsy, diabetes, Always seek advice from
Senna ePhpopT> fha;r;ry;> gpj;jk;>
27A Ponuavare Nghd; mtiu fevers, biliousness, rheumatism, a professional before
occidentalis thjk;> Njk;gy; kw;Wk;
ringworm and eczema vf;]pkh using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
27C Nanjaruppan eQ;rWg;ghd; Asthma M];Jkh a professional before
using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
27D Semmulli nrk;Ks;sp Skin diseases rUk tpahjpfs; a professional before
using a plant medicinally.
Jk;ky;> Rthrg; gpur;rpidfs;>
Sneezing, respiratory problems, Always seek advice from
Moovilai %tpiy jiyr; Rw;wy;> jiytyp>
28B Vitex trifoliata dizziness, headache, nausea, a professional before
nochchai nehr;ir Fkl;ly;> jiytyp>
Headache Insecticide using a plant medicinally.
eWkzk; kw;Wk; moF Always seek advice from
Aromatics and Cosmetics, skin
28C Visha moonkil tp\ %q;fpy; Crinum indicum rhjdk;> rUk myh;[p kw;Wk; a professional before
allergy and boils
nfhg;Gsk; using a plant medicinally.
Constipation, stomach spasms, kyr;rpf;fy;> tapw;Wg;gpbg;G>
Always seek advice from
jz;zPh; Asparagus and stomach ulcers. Fluid tapW my;rh;> jputk;
28D Thannirvittan a professional before
tpl;lhd; racemosus retention, pain, anxiety, jq;Fjy;> typ> gjl;lk;>
ePhpopT> Nyf;lhfhF using a plant medicinally.
diabetes, lactogogue
Analgesic (The Tree For
typ epthuz kuk;> fPy;thjk;>
Headaches” or “The Painkiller Always seek advice from
Morinda kdmOj;jk; ePf;Fk;> cah;
29A Noni Nehdp Tree”), Arthritis, a professional before
citrifolia ,uj;j mOj;jk;> nfhOg;G>
Antidepressant, Hypertension & using a plant medicinally.
Fly; gpur;rpid
Cholesterol, Bowel complaints
Always seek advice from
rpWePh;g; ig kw;Wk;
29B Kallu Pulle fy;Ygps;is Aerva lanata Bladder and kidney stones a professional before
rpWePuff; fy;
using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
Colocasia and High in Potassium, Zinc & nghl;lhrpak; kpFjp> ]pq;f;
29C Chembu MyFr;rpah a professional before
Xanthosoma Niacin kw;Wk; epahrpd;
using a plant medicinally.
kd mOj;jk;>
Depression, Antioxidant, Always seek advice from
Mf;]prNdw;wk;> kyr;rpf;fy;>
29D Pannir poo gd;dPh; G+ Rosa domestica Constipation, Mouth Ulcer, a professional before
tha; my;rh;> grpia J}z;Lk;>
Enhance Appetite, Aromatic using a plant medicinally.
Strengthen Bones, Control vYk;G tYg;gLj;Jk;> Always seek advice from
30A Sundai Rz;il Solanum nigrum Diabetes, Diarrhoea, Stomach ePhpopit fl;Lg;gLj;Jk;> a professional before
ache, tapw;Wg; Nghf;F using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
30B Aru-nelli mU ney;yp Cicca acida Vitamin C tpl;lkpd; rp a professional before
using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
Cough, chronic bronchitis & ,Uky;> ePz;l fhy %r;Rf;
30C Adhatoda Mlhnjhil Adhatoda vasica a professional before
Asthma Foha; mow;rp> M];Jkh
using a plant medicinally.
Decreases skeletal muscle tone vYk;Gj; jirgpbg;G Always seek advice from
30D Nanthiyavattai ee;jpahtl;il and possesses analgesic activity, Fiwf;Fk;> typ epthuzp> a professional before
purgative, Eye diseases Ngjp> fz; Neha;fs; using a plant medicinally.
Expectorant, diuretic properties.
neQ;R rsp> rpWePh;
It is anti-dysenteric, anti- Always seek advice from
Desmodium ,wf;fpfs;> Ngjp> jiytyp>
31A Sirupulladi rpWGs;shb diarrhoeal, headaches. Stones of a professional before
triflorum gpj;jg;ig fy;> rpWePufk;
the gall bladder, kidneys and using a plant medicinally.
kw;Wk; epWePuf ig
Reduces cholesterol and nfhOg;igf; Fiwf;Fk;> cah;
Always seek advice from
Convolvulus hypertension, good sleep and a ,uj;j mOj;jk;> ey;y
31B Shankpushpi nghd;ke;jhiu a professional before
pluricaulis relief in anxiety, stresses, cwf;fk;> gjl;lk; jzpf;Fk;>
kd mOj;jk;> %isr; Nrhh;T using a plant medicinally.
mental fatigue,
Always seek advice from
31C rPik mfj;jp Cassia alata Skin diseases, Ringworm. rUk tpahjpfs;> Njk;gy; a professional before
using a plant medicinally.
Hypertension, Improve cah; ,uj;j mOj;jk;> Always seek advice from
31D Semparuththi nrk;gUj;jp Cholesterol levels, Heart nfhOg;G msit a professional before
diseases Nkk;gLj;Jk;> ,ja Neha;fs; using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
Jatropha fhl;L Haemostatic agent Abscesses ,uj;j ciwjy; fhuzp> rPy;
32A Jatropha curcas a professional before
curcas Mkzf;F and Wound kw;Wk; Gz;
using a plant medicinally.
Always seek advice from
Quisqualis Antihelminthic: Dried seeds, cyh; tpijfs; : Fly; GO
32B Rangoon malli uq;$d; ky;yp a professional before
indica Rheumatism: Roots Nth;fs; : thjk;
using a plant medicinally.

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