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Let's Learn More Kanji

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Let's Learn More

Family Groups, Learning Stategies, and 300 Complex Kanji

Richard Glenn Covington Joyce Yumi Mitamura

Yasuko Kosaka Mitamura


Distributed in the United States by Kodansha America, Inc., 575 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022, and in the United Kingdom and continental Europe by Kodansha Europe Ltd., 95 Aldwych, London WC2B 4JF.

Published by Kodansha International Ltd., 17-14, Otowa l-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8652, and Kodansha America, Inc.

Copyright © 1999 by Kodansha International Ltd.

All rights reserved.

Printed in Japan.

ISBN 4-7700-2069-4

First edition, 1999

99 00 01 02 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

CIP Data pending


Standards and Format


Table of Contents

Part I 300 Complex (Non-Basic) Kanji [51*1 and Exercises

Chapter 1
Three-Hundred Complex (Non-Basic) 5l*
Four- & Five-Stroke 5l* 2
Six-Stroke 5l * (Numbers 1 through 12) 9
(Numbers 13 through 24) 16
Seven-Stroke 5l * (Numbers 1 through 9) 23
(Numbers 10 through 18) 28
(Numbers 19 through 28) 34
Eight-Stroke 5l* (Numbers 1 through 10) 40
(Numbers 11 through 20) 46
(Numbers 21 through 31) 53
(Numbers 32 through 42) 59
Nine-Stroke 5l * (Numbers 1 through 10) 65
(Numbers 11 through 20) 71
(Numbers 21 through 30) 78
(Numbers 31 through 41) 84
Ten-Stroke 5l * (Numbers 1 through 10) 90
(Numbers 11 through 20) 96
(Numbers 21 through 30) 103
Eleven-Stroke 5l * (Numbers 1 through 11) 109
(Numbers 12 through 22) 115
(Numbers 23 through 33) 122
Twelve-Stroke 5l * (Numbers 1 through 11) 128
(Numbers 12 through 23) 135
(Numbers 24 through 35) 141
Thirteen-Stroke 5l * (Numbers 1 through 9) 147
(Numbers 10 through 18) 152
Fourteen-Stroke 5l* 157
Fifteen- and Sixteen-Stroke 5l * 164
Seventeen- to Twenty-Stroke 5l * 170 Chapter 2

Groups of Conceptually Related 5l ~


Part II Strategies for Learning Kanji [5l~] and Exercises

Chapter 3

Same Kun 1~IIl-yomi Groups with Different Meanings


Chapter 4

Same On liitl-yomi Family Groups Based on Common Components


Chapter 5

Groups of Similar and Easily Confused 5l ~


Part III Some Common Patterns for Forming Jukugo [~?o] and Exercises

Chapter 6

Some Common Patterns for Forming jukugo I~ml (Compound Words)

1. Repeating a Single 5l ~

2. Joining Two 5l~ with Similar Meanings

3. Joining Two 5l~ with Opposite or Contrasting Meanings

4. Joining Two 5l~ with Related Meanings

5. Joining Two 5l~ in Which the First Modifies the Second

6. Joining Two 5l ~ in Which the First Is a Verb and the Second Is an Object

7. Adding a 5l~ as a Negative Prefix to a Second 5l~

8. Abbreviating a Longer Jukugo to Two 5l ~

279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287

Exercise Answers



In the first volume of this series, Let's Learn Kanji, the student was introduced to the fundamentals of Kanji: strokes, radicals, components, and 250 basic Kanji which can be components of more complex Kanji. Most importantly, the student learned how Kanji can be classified into family groups based on their constituent radicals and components. It was explained that recognizing such relationships is a crucial skill that the non-native student will need in order to quickly and systematically learn Kanji. Learning these various family groups enables students to break down new and complex Kanji into familiar components.

In the present volume, Let's Learn More Kanji, we expand on the family group relationship and emphasize it as an important Kanji learning strategy, but at the same time we also provide several other strategies. In Part I, we introduce 300 complex Kanji that can be analyzed in terms of the radicals, components, and basic Kanji introduced in the first volume. The chart entry for each Kanji includes an "exploded view" in which the Kanji is broken down into its constituent parts. Sometimes one of the constituent parts could be broken down further. However, if this constituent part was introduced earlier as an entry Kanji with its own exploded view, it is treated as a single component and is not "exploded" a second time. This view will aid the student in determining the family group to which the Kanji belongs and also will make it easier to memorize and learn to write Kanji.

In Part II, we introduce other Kanji learning strategies that are based on the following Kanji groupings: (1) conceptually related Kanji, (2) same Kun-yomi groups but with different meanings, (3) same On-yomi family groups based on common components, and (4) similar Kanji (visually or because the same radical/component is used) that are easily confused.

Finally, in Part III, we introduce the student to some patterns which are useful in understanding the structure of Kanji compounds called jukugo, These patterns include

repeating a single Kanji to show emphasis or plurality, joining two Kanji with similar meanings, with opposite meanings, or with the first modifying the second, etc.

Throughout Parts I and II, sufficient exercises are given, so that at the end of both volumes, the student will be thoroughly familiar with 550 Kanji for writing, will have been exposed to over 1,000 more for recognition and reading, and will be equipped with several powerful learning tools which will facilitate the rapid mastery of Kanji. It is the authors' hope that the confidence gained through use of these two volumes will enhance the students' desire to achieve complete Kanji mastery.

We would like to express special thanks to the following persons, without whom this workbook would not have been possible. Mr. Minoru Yasunaga, the former Senior Specialist in the Japanese Language Division of the Ministry of Education, took precious time to provide us with invaluable information and knowledgeable advice on all aspects of Kanji, including the Ministry Standards. Ms. Ayako Asamatsu, presently Chief Senior Specialist in the Japanese Language Division of the Agency for Cultural Affairs, also gave us her kind help and support on this project. Mr. Steven Sumida and Mrs. Sadako Sumida devoted valuable time to translating vocabulary. Miss Toshiko Imanari kindly spent many hours proofreading, and Ms. Aki Mizuno conferred with us about many questionable points. Lastly, we would like to give sincere thanks to our dear friend Mrs. Virginia Newton for her patient assistance and valuable advice in the editing and typing of the manuscript.

Richard Glenn Covington Joyce Yumi Mitamura Yasuko Kosaka Mitamura

Standards and Format

The following standards and formatting guidelines are used throughout this workbook except as noted.

The Kanji used in this workbook follow the latest Mombusho (Japanese Ministry of Education) standards:

1. Most Kanji are from the Gakushii Kanji (a list of 1,006 Kanji to be learned by the sixth grade), although some are from the Joyo Kanji (a list of 1,945 "daily use Kanji" to be learned by the ninth grade that includes the Gakushii Kanji). The lists were revised by the Mombusho in 1989 and 1981, respectively.

2. Kanji forms (how they are written) are those that were prescribed by the Mombusho in 1949, some of which are radically simplified from older forms.

3. The readings of Kanji, both On (pronunciations based on the Chinese words associated with the Kanji) and Kun (pronunciations of Japanese words associated with the Kanji), are also those prescribed by the Mornbusho,

The order of the Kanji readings in this book is always Kun first, then On. The Kun reading is shown in Hiragana and the On reading in Katakana.

Secondary or less common readings, according to the Mombusho standard, are listed in parentheses.

The definitions of the example jukugo are usually the most common meanings. When two or more meanings are equally used, additional definitions may appear.

Sometimes the English translation of a Japanese phrase or sentence in the exercises gives little clue to the meaning of the Kanji being used. In such a case, the literal translation of the Kanji is placed in parentheses ( ) after the fluent English. Additional English not present in the original Japanese sentence but which aids in fluency or comprehension is placed in square brackets [ I where appropriate.

Japanese words are italicized unless they are accepted English words (such as samurai and haiku) or proper nouns (such as Tokyo or Showa).

The following symbols have specific meanings in this workbook:

* indicates a Kanji from the Joyo Kanji list which is not included in the Gakushii Kanji list.

• indicates a Kanji that will be introduced later in the workbook; a reference is given in the footnote.


.. indicates a Kanji not introduced in the workbook; the reading and the translation are given in the footnote.

:j: indicates a component not introduced in the workbook; the reading and/or the meaning are given in the footnote. The component mayor may not be an independent Kanji.

* indicates a word that is considered rare or not in common usage but which is included as illustrative of a given reading.

The following diagram explains the type of information presented for each Kanji.

3 6





I I 1

- 4. L6 ~ A A ~ b b I
-A •... F A.
- [A.] + [~ ]
A *i< _:L / 17 1
(drawing, painting)
- - (meet, association)
- - J;_,. -) tBi:-\\ (-(.hl.\ an encounter, a meeting)
- -/]1/(1) i:- H (/] 1" :/ 1'" company) i:- t;f; (j; 1" 'l conversation) :13'~ i:- ( ~ j; 1" urban area)
I 1





1. the entry Kanji

2. the entry number

3. the number of strokes in the entry Kanji

4. the principal meaningis) of the entry Kanji

5. an exploded view of the entry Kanji

6. example Kanji which are more complex Kanji that include the entry Kanji as a component

7. the stroke order

8. space to practice writing the entry Kanji. The student may also want to practice further on a separate sheet of paper.

9. the Kun readingts) of the entry Kanji with example Jukugo or other vocabulary

10. the On readingts) of the entry Kanji with example Jukugo

11. Secondary or less common On and Kun readings (shown in parentheses)

Note: when the space for an On or Kun reading contains a dash, such a reading does not exist.




300 Complex {Non-Basic} Kanji and


Chapter 1. 300 Complex (Non-Basic) Kanji

In the first volume, Let s Learn Kanji, both in Part I and Part II, you learned the various radicals, components, and basic Kanji that comprise more complex Kanji. Having familiarized yourself with these elements, you should not find it too difficult to master the approximately 300 complex Kanji that are introduced in this chapter. They are arranged according to stroke number, starting with four strokes and working up to twenty strokes. Within the same stroke number, Kanji appear based in 7 -1 ry.I.;f (if reading) order. Selection of these Kanji from grades one to six of the Gakushu Kanji list was based on their frequency of use, taking into consideration the following two publications by the National Institute of Japanese Language: "Words and Kanji Appearing in 90 Recent Magazines" and "Kanji Appearing in Recent Newspapers." Almost all of the Kanji learned by native students in grades one through three are included in this workbook as well as a few from each of grades four through six and some from Joyo Kanji. Exercises emphasizing how to use new Kanji in a word or sentence are provided periodically. Certain symbols will appear to give you essential information about certain Kanji. Please see a Standards and Format for an explanation of these symbols.

Below is a diagram that shows how the Kanji are introduced.

Entry number

An example of more complex Kanji which uses the

S k


I Entry Kanji I tro e num er :ntry Kanji Exploded view Stroke order diagram & writing practice space
13. 1 5 / ~ - I
_. P -r -.:E. 3i
[I] + [
'£ t: /;' G / ;t rJ

r-r- r--- (gem, ball)
t::::t: - I h. :::<" (t~ 1: h :'< .. onion) 7j<. I (h l' t: 1 polka dot) hit-I (h t L te1 New Year's gift
[of moneyl)
cf· 3 ~ I ~ (~ 3 /} {:.:\- gems and stones)
. cipal mearurlg(s) Kun readingts) of entry Kanji I ]ukugo using the Kun readingts) of the entry Kanji

Pon of the entry Kanji I

On readingfs) of entry Kanji

]ukugo using the On readingis) of the entry Kanji

• PART 1

Four- and Five- Stroke ?l~ Four-Stroke ?l~

L 4 ~

71 [,]+[IJ

Stroke Order and Practice

(pull, withdraw, subtract)

U'. <

5 I 2< • (U 3 -if /' subtraction) .!liZ () 5 I 2< (t I) U 3 deal)

q: 51 (;; U 3 dictionary)

1 /'

711) (1 /' I) 3 '7 gravity)

5 I il:s (1 /' -9 1 retire)

2. 4


(cut, earnest)

- _.


1:J] 4- (3 -0 -c stamp)

-l? 'J / -+t 1

if! 1:J] ( > /' -l? 'J kindness)

*- 1:]] (-9 1 -l? 'J important)

- 1:J] ( 11 -+t 1 all, whole)

3. 4

(fat, big)

[::kJ + [ , J

.i- t . \ \/ ,;, t,;[;

:k \. \ (. i, t \ \ thick, fat)

:k .; (.;, t ;; become fat)


:kif'¥- (-91"-1"3cj , I Pacific Ocean)

:kr~ (-9 1 "3 cj sun)

11...:k (1: ;; -9 log)

Five- Stroke ?l~

L 5 ,
70 J ,-!-. t- 7n7 70
[ rJ + [ o J

h.:::< fc11~'J (h. 3 ;Q';f-) right side) fc1 Jt. (h. 3;h L right leg)
cj/J...cj fc1 ill, ( cj /, right-wing faction) fc1 iiT ( cj -l? 'J right turn) h:: fc1 (-+t J... cj left and right) 2

PART 1 •

Stroke Order and Practice

[JJ+[ rJ

(outside, external, foreign)

?( 1f'):9~ (2( (7) I :iiJ' the rest, besides) mr:9~ h (i 1:, I j_ 1';h outside of town)

5ili:9~ (j; 1 if 1 overseas)

:9~ t4 ( 7 j; surgical section)

:9~ t±l (if 1 :/ ;l. '/ going out)


3, 5

- _.

[IJ+[ ,J

'£ t= 1;\ G / ;1-, '7 (treasure)

(gem, balD

1 tJ. ~'(t~ i h 3 onion)

7j( 1 (h l' t: i polka dot)

}) Sf-l (t-:; t L t~i New Year's gift [of moneyl)

t: 1:

1.:G (-f 3 '7 -C:1- gems and stones)


(number, signal, sign)

1%.!if (:/ /' ~"f signal)

gG .!if (:1- ~" '/ mark, symbol)





:£ 4- U.f t: I) -c left hand)

:£ If') 1] ( {} t: I) (7);t, '/ left side)

7rJ:£ (h 3Ut~ I) right and left)

U r: I)

:£ 5!1, (+t / >: left -wing faction)

:£ :fn- ( +t -c '/ left turn)


• PART 1

Stroke Order and Practice

6. 5

[1 J+[±J



1-' 1+ 1;t:.

(serve, work for)

f± i .; (~) 1J' ;t;f, serve, work for)

1± :;: (:/ ::_ t work, job)

1± /J (:/ 1J' t: way of doing lsomethingl)

t.1± (T, '1:/ volunteer work [to the publicl)

[1 J+[t!:.J

7. 5



(other, another)

N:. A. ( 5' z: / other people)

N:. 00 (5' -:J;7 other countries)

.i( (j) itt ( '{ (/) 5' and others)


.; }) I) / o

1)( 7]<. ( ::_ h I) h. -rice water)

8. 5

:1K [- J+[1](_J

1)( iif:j (ll' :" i/) sleet)

1)( J; (l 3 'I -If / iceberg)

1)( .f,i, (l 3 'I T / freezing point) 5)][1)( (I) :J. 7 l 3 7 ice floe)

l 3 7

[;f.J+[_J 1:t I; \ L--; t: / ~ -1 (body)

..... _.

*- ~ (T' / :1- earnestness)

t t * *- (h h t t the root, fundamentals)

11. *- (::1T' / 5 long, slender objects)

... t. ( t::. -c i --::> .; / ;t 7 . 7") serve, revere

9. 5

(book; origin; counter for long, slender objects)

*- fj (T, / -'(' bookstore)


PART 1 •
A. Identify the following il':f:.
( ) 1. 51 a. fat
( ) 2. i}] b. other
( ) 3. k c. outside
( ) 4. 7p d. cut
( ) 5. 1~ e. number
( ) 6. _:E. f. pull, subtract
( ) a
7. 7"' g. ice
( ) 8. tL h. right
( ) 9. 1± i. left
( ) 10. 1-d:. j. gem, ball
( ) 11. il<. k. book
( ) 12. * 1. work for B. Analyze the following il':f:.

Example: ?Tf-

[;7J + ["J

1. t)]

[ J + [ J

2. -!o

[ J + [ J

3. 1±

[ J + [ J

4. *-

[ J + [ J


Fill in each box to make a word or phrase.

1. B *- g.g. (j) ~ D (japanese dictionary)

.:=- ;1"</ -J :; U':5

2. :J:i!? J* (j) D IJ (earth's gravity)

1- :t-,,'/ 1/" 'h7

3. (/) -f' G L \ \ D 4- (rare stamps)

:5 -, --C

4. #l D t: A (kind person)

:; /" -t?'/ U't


• PART 1

5. 0 \ \ *- (big (in circumference) tree)

,;,t 3

6. 0 ~~ (/).:)t (sunlight) 5' 1 3 7 1J~")

7. 0 ~ (/) (t 1;" (injury to the right leg) 7,.3 ihL

8. 0 5J1'\ (/) A. (a right winger)

9. ~~ @. (/) 0 (outside the room)

10. HlJ O;h (outskirts of town) :1 t-, (;t-f



12. 7]( 0 (/) ~-¥- ~fZ (polka dot clothes)

13. 0 ,{; 5~ X (mixture of good and bad t 3 J -t: 4- ~ / ~ 7 (gems and stones»

14. It ~i; :it 0 (telephone number) 7'/ r; /'/ :17

15. 0 (/) 1) (left side)


(traffic from both directions

ute I)

.Jt ::L 7 ( tb t (from left and right»

18. 0 ~x: (/) ~k. \ \ (suspicion of murder)

5' .Jt "J 1 t. ~,

17 . ..G ~ L \\O~

\ _ ~ (an easy job)

19. 0 f,fu (/) ,j \ b ~ \ \ 8 (a cold day with sleet) 20. 0 J-J (/) - Jfl (lvisiblel tip of an iceberg)

22. ~ ~ (/) *- 0 (source of pollution) ~7jf1 ;h;h t t

21. s: 0 (/) 1§' (five fingers)


Read the following sentences and write the appropriate jurigana (pronunciation of i~::f: written in hiragana regardless of whether the reading is On or Kun) below the underlined i~::f:.

1. 7t J1 1;\ ., 7'~ 00 (/) ~ t± t JJ;x. I) 213 ~ L -z \ \ 1 T 0

L tl L-I'

(Since last month, we have been dealing with foreign trading companies.)


PART 1 •

(When you retire, what do you intend to do?)

(l have two concert tickets. Wouldn't you like to go with mer)

4. ==;fl (;;t ~t, V') *- -t)r~: :tl:fl ~ --c 1" 0 vP U' .h

(This is a ring that has great significance to me.)

5. == V') j( (;;t 1" L * v) il!!l 3" --c" 1" h 0

-t = -t

(This dog is a little too fat, isn't it.)


(The airplane is now flying over the Pacific Ocean.)

(In America, cars drive on the right side.)

(Please make a right turn [up ahead] there.)

(Besides a textbook, I also need a dictionary.)

(Tonight I'm going out for a little while.)

(Whenever I chop onions, my eyes tear up.)

12. .<{;fl (;;t 3 ;fl \, \ ~' :£ ;f; ~~ --c" 1" h 0 li=

(That is a beautiful jewelry box, isn't it.)


• PART 1

(The traffic signal has turned green.)

(Whenever you cross the street, please look carefully to the left and right.)

15. - - (;;t!:L ~JT ~ .J::_ ~(' -t 0

-:5;C L

(Left turns are prohibited here')

(A minister is a person who serves Cod.)

17. lj[. ~ Jf \ \ t: < -( t h ~ n \' t,.' \ \ (7) -("1±:;7 n'\' b i) i -tt- Iv 0 (Even though I want to buy a car, I don't

have any money, so there's no way [I canl.)

(You shouldn't cause trouble for other people, should you.)

(Since it's hot, let's drink some ice water.)

(J want to go and see the ice floes in the Sea of Okhotsk in winter.)

(J met a friend at the bookstore')

(Please take care of your health (bodyi.)


PART 1 •

Six-Stroke i~* (Numbers 1 through 12)

Stroke Order and Practice


(cheap, peaceful)


[r.J + [-b;J ~ (/

(idea, proposal)

~-t . \ \ ct_: crt; C\,o -t 10 c7) cheap goods)
{/ ct_:,(; (7 /' :/ /' feel relieved)
2. 6 It I
Ifj 1
cf? [ r'-> J + [ -T J ct_: 1t f) (v-t 11) sale, sell cheaply) ct_: G -1;\ (v -t ~ 6\ peaceful)

ct_: ~ (7 /' -Ii /' safety)

::f- ct_: (-; 7 /' uneasiness)

(heavens, sphere)

.:;:- .

7 'f ~ ('7 + J_ '7 outer space, the universe) 'f ~ JiJ~ ( 7 + J_ '7 -t' /' spacecraft (ship»

3. 6

@ [OJ+[oJ

(surrounding, go around, (number of) times)

i! @] f) (t h 1: ~) I) the long way (around»


@] 11 (;I; l' -; -7 recovery)

fDJ @] (~. Iv ;I; l' how many times) @] (.=;] (_L -:J '7 memorial service)

4. 6

(meet, association)

[AJ+[~J *~ J_ / fJ l' (drawing, painting)




b . 1

i?- 7 (j;) 1 meet)


i?- H (;I; l' :/ ~ company)

~~ i?- ( r- ;I; l' urban area)

(_L r- -7 understanding,




• PART 1

5. 6 ;</
~ [~J + [~ J Stroke Order and Practice


(spirit, mind, atmosphere)

~ '7-;" (+ 7 .> feeling, mood)

~ ~ ( /) cj + air, atmosphere)

~ ~ \ \ ( 7 t: fJ' '- \ noble)


6. 6

~JL [;f J + [ JLl

__ .



tJL (7) .L (-) < z a» '7 Z on the desk)

tJL .L (+ :; 3 cj desktop)

7. 6

[1 J+[*J


(rest, vacation)

I f* h. (fj_- ~~ -'('0 "t h summer ci'f* h. (ll' IS -'('0 T i; lunch

vaca tion) break)

~ f* h. G ~ -'('0 "t h winter vacation)

{* B (+;L 'I :; -J holiday, f* """ (+;L cj if /) extended

day off) T absence from school)

. ~ f* (:/ ;L cj + ;L 'I weekly day

~ off)

8. 6

-3lj Z 1] (fJ' Iv I)' z fJ' t: a way of thinking)

(think, consider)

-3lj -i5 ¥ (-:J 'I -:J if /) archaeology) -3lj ':l\t U 'I 7' / idea, plan)

- -3lj (1; -:J cj a thought)


... ~ ( U' 0 / 1- ::L 7 ) noon, midday :j: 7 variation of "5

PART 1 •

;~~ Stroke Order and Practice
90 6 1'/ ( (-]1 rh A (r5]
rf5J [ / J + [n J
+ [ p J (face toward, opposite side)

~ 7 rfoJ .L (~ 7 :; 3 'I improvement) /J rfoJ (,-j"; 7 ~ 'I direction)

100 6 4.( ~/ ./jY ./;, '""7? ./;,1 ff·
-!if °
[~ J + [ fJ
(like, favorable)
-to ( / = (1) 0 t, *./if~(91'-t~ very fond of) ./if h. ( = (1) i; liking, taste) ./if 1!;,i (~'1 7 'J one's favorite ;Jz ./if (J_ 7 ~ 7 friendship)


./if -j§- (~'1 l' good will, ,,,","' friendliness)

11. 6


t£ ,; (J;);:' exist)

_o .. -1- ~/


t£ If (+f l' ~ stock, inventory)

( 7' ;..- +f l' now, J;t t£ the present ltimel)

0- t£ ('J ;..- +f l' existence)

120 6

:j: [TJ+[ -.


L 0 s:

7E s: ( L :d:l. die)

_ ... r~/

7E ~# ( :; -:J' obsolete word)

j:_ 7E (-c l' :; life and/or death) ,x.., 7E (t '/ j desperate)

:j: T variation of 3' (Kabane-hen)


• PART 1
A. Identify the following i:l"F.
( ) 1. ~ a. meet
( ) 2. 0/ b. heavens
( ) 3. @] c. desk
( ) 4. »: d. like
( ) 5. ~ e. think
( ) 6. {JL f. rest
( ) 7. ft. g. spirit
( ) 8. ~ h. go around
( ) 9. r5J i. death
( ) 10. n j. exist
( ) 11. 1£ k. cheap
( ) 12. ft 1. face toward B. Analyze the following i:l"F. 1. :Ji:

[ ] ~ [ ]


2. M

[ ] ~ [ ]

3. ~

[ ] ~ [ ]

4. *

[ ] ~ [ ]


Fill in each box to make a word or phrase.

1. D ~&; (J) ~-¥- m~. (cheap Western clothes) v-t t(7) 3'7Pl

2. D ~ if ~ (safe driving)

3. D 'it (J) 1m JE- (development of space) '7 +,,7 1;1/</

4. i! D f) (the long way (around» ,,:;h t;f)


5. 1lt "* (J) D q! (recovering one's health)

'1/-::1'1 171 77

7. \ \ \ \ D n"- (good mood) -t 7/

PART 1 •

6. *- ~ \, \ D t± (a big company)

h:h 171 /~

8. D J:. (J) ~ ~ (an impractical theory (an empty theory

-t /3'7 7'/ 0/ on the desk»

9. f_ D h.. (J) 7°:::; /' (plans for summer vacation) 10. D 'f L -c \, \ .; 'f 1:. (a student on leave

13. r¥i D ~ (J) ~ ~ (a south-facing room) lJd., t,'

If /' -t: 1 from school)

D --l--- ?d> (J) {ill- r/r:::

12. p f / I JC (research in archaeology)

14. 1:.;<5 (J) D J:. (an improvement in one's lifestyle)

-t: 1 17) -::1 '/ / 3 '7

15. *- D ~ t:A. (a person whom one likes very much) 16. 1-~ 00 t (J) s: D jJl1~ (friendly relations with other

5" 1 y- U: '(_ 5' -::1 /' J_ '/ -::1 '/ 17 / 'I 1 countries)

17. II D (J) 1i. pJT (one's current address)

18. '* '1; (J) 1:. D (passenger casualties Oife and death of



Read the following sentences and write the appropriate jurigana (pronunciation of i.l * written in hiragana regardless of whether the reading is On or Kun) below the underlined i.l*.

(J bought this sweater at a department store sale.)

2. ~ , 1i: ,~ L -c 1i. 6h b pJT 1,1 t" = -C" L J: / 0 1""

(J wonder where [in what place] one can live and feel safe these days.)


(J wonder if there aren't any good ideas about this.)


• PART 1

9. .; h Ij c ;I; '/ V') 1f ~ t, *~ -c"-t 0

v!J-jifl\ \

12. ~ 1* h- (= I j t: \. \ -c \. \ /Z .::t- - (= iT ~ i -t 0

14. J: < ~ z -c I)" G 5:Jt (/) -c < t:_':: \. \ 0 ~


(I wonder if we can board a spacecraft someday.)

(Going home from school. I made a detour and went to the bookstore')

(How many times a day do you take this medicine?)

(I met my friend at school today.)

(Now I'm taking a class in Japanese conversation')

(This is a famous painting by Picasso.)

(City air is very dirty. isn't it.)

(Please straighten up your desktop a little.)

(I usually go skiing for winter vacation.)

(What are you doing on your day off?)

(Please decide after thinking it over carefully.)

PART 1 •

(This is the design that he conceived.)

16. LA I) \ G B *- "" it < 8{f (i rio] I) \ \ \ ~ (J) t: th ,

(It takes longer to go from L. A. to Japan than to come back because of the head winds.)

17. *- ¥ ~ l:!:i t: G, t" /; ~::1 rio] 1= i! h i -t 1)\ 0 -t-t

(When you graduate from (leave) college, what direction will you go (proceed) in?)

18. 7' V -1:i' /' ~ (;i tEl4=- (J) ff hi .. {i;-- h -It -c ;(_ G cj\' i L J:. 7 0 (Let's choose a gift that suits the

recipient's taste.)

(He has warm feelings for you.)

(Where is Somalia?)

(Do you believe that aliens from outer space exist?)

22. A ~ t \ \ -7 - t (J (;i t -7 fE g~ I = ~: f) i L t: 0

~ L-I"

(The word "steam locomotive" has already become obsolete (a dead wordl.)


• PART 1

Six-Stroke i~* (Numbers 13 through 24)

Stroke Order and Practice

(letter, character)

J l

J0 ::: *- :f (h h J;) ::: major section of a village)

:f ~ (;; ;; 3 dictionary)

;~ :f (t; /' :; Chinese character)

14. 6 ~


,iJ\... .: J+[jzJ


x :f ('t::; letter, character)

--:J:':</--:J I" :x. I::: (~) :':< I ~ next, secondly)
//; :x. ~ (/ -r /' second son)
15. 6 ~/
~ [ r-: J + [.£ ] (all, complete)

:x. @] ( ;; t; l' next time)

:x. ~ I::: (;; 9 l' I = gradually)

~ ( (t --0 t~ < entirely, totally)

~?:~ ({i /' {i /' entirely, not at all) ~ #~ ({i .> 7 all, whole)

Jt ~ (t; /' {i /' perfect, complete)

16. 6

_" -

(early, fast)

l;i -'(, . ~ \

+ 1.2 "5 (I;i -'(, h:':< early rising) + 0 (I:i V < t) talking fast)

'/ oj / (+r I) +·M ('/ '7 + 3 '7 early morning) + i! (-+t / '/ 7 at once, right away)


PART 1 •

)~~ Stroke Order and Practice
17. 6 ,
_. :r 1 1f ft·
{.f 07
A' "
[T J + [ I J
+ [ -tJ

')//'// 0- ¥?t ('j .> 'J;7 still in existence) 1* 0- (T, 'J /" preservation) :i_ 0- (-t -( 'J /" existence, life)

18. 6 A'/ -:77 '?? ~ ~7 ~
~ A' A'
[ 7 J + [ :9 J

(many, much)
hh· \, \ 7 \, \ (h h \, \ many)
5' 7 ~y ( 5' / 3 '7 more or less) 7 '77'- ( 5' 7/ probably) 7 'lit ( 5' A'7 many)
19. 6 f :J:-li :J:~~
~. ~~ :J:-1}
[ J: J + [ ~J

(earth, land, ground)
1-/:; :J:-ili 1] (+T,'7 district, countryside) ± ;t-ili ( I, + land) ;t-ili o*- C> .:_ plain, subdued)
20. 6 , ,~ , ,
, , .. .. ,~1 , 13'
5t3 , , , , ,
/.! , II.; ,,:
I ~ I ,
[ 5 J + [ t!?J

\, \ 11 t5 5t3 c;, 70 '- \ 11 old pond)
1- It 5t3 ( -'T" /" + battery) ~1' 7j(;t3 (+ 3 A -( + reservoir) 17

• PART 1

21. 6

Stroke Order and Practice


::::t [ 'I' J + [ ::3 J



(hit, success)

3 t: f) (;Ii, t: I) hit, success)

3 t: f) Jl1T (;Ii,t~ I) 1" Z natural, usual)

1'- 3 -z (-c ;Ii, -c treatment)

3 it!f ( I, 7 :; at that time)

~ /'" (I, 7 f / for now, ~ T) for some time)

*- 3 (,t, / I, 7 true, real)

22. 6

(name, reputation)

j) -z ~ (;Ii, -c ~: addressee)

;J l' / ( ,:_ 3 '7) ;f, pIT (;J l' :; 3 noted place)

if ~ (::L 7 ;J l' famous)

;f, cf (,:_ 3 7 :; family name)

23. 6 1 :-y-. ~ 1f 1f if
[rJ + [ 11 J
(be, have)
;b'6 if ,; (;Ii, 6 be, have) if f) ~ (;Ii, I) 7l' h ready cash)
::L'7/C'7) ift] (::L7 I) 3;7 influential, if t IJ (::L 7 I) advantageous) if ~ (7 1-, existence, yes or no)
24. 6 -f
-_. _:±..... ~ 3f. .. ~"
~ -
[:31-J+[GJ ~ 116 C;, 11 ;S grow old)

(old age)

};. \ '6/;,' 116 ~ \ \,; (h \';S grow old)

~ A. (0 7 :; / old person)

~ .If- (0 7 ;:j', / old age)

~ i?t (0 'I -::1' after reaching old age)



PART 1 •
A. Identify the following i:l'F.
( ) 1. ::f a. pond
( ) 'h
2. .;J\... b. name
( ) 3. ~ c. old age
( ) 4. -¥- d. character, letter
( ) 5. ff e. all
( ) 6. ~ f. exist
( ) 7. :1:13 g. ground
( ) 8. 5t!3 h. hit
( ) 9. ~ i. to be, to have
( ) 10. Z j. next
( ) 11. 1f k. early
( ) 12. ~ 1. many B. Analyze the following i:l*.



] + [




] + [




] + [




] + [



Fill in each box to make a word or phrase.

1. ~ *~ )( D (pictorial character) /3771+ .>

(one's first (eldest) and second

;/ -r- .> (next) sons)

3. Jt D Jltt X t: 1± ;:. (perfect and faultless work) 4. D ~ :5 (J) A.. (early riser, early bird)


• PART 1

5. D -*fl C1) ~ Iv I r (early morning stroll) '/ -7 -'"" 07

6. 1t ~~ rJ) 1* D (food preservation)

~ 3 7'f:J ;f, '/ /

(majority opinion)

8. D 1) rJ) A. (country people) + ;f,'7 IJ':_

9. B9'ttrJ) ~D

(watch battery)

10. [2S: {f rJ) 4'- D -z

(treatment by a physician)

':::!TI' T/ +

11. *- D rJ) 7§.. t:.' t:

(real friend)

12. d0 -z D ::f- 8)1 (lperson with] an unknown forwarding

7 J l' address)

13. -\ < i '_ /T'> D p-h-

r> v / / I (place famous for cherry

14. *& ,~~ rJ) D .; A. (person with experience)

J l' .> 3 blossoms)

15. D -fIJ t: i5Z:;Jf (profitable investment)

16. D 1~ rJ) :i_ ~-§ (life in one's old age)

-t l' t;J


Read the following sentences and write the appropriatejurigana below the underlined i~'f:.

(A [municipal] division smaller than a town or village is called an "aza'l)

2. ! J \ '#- tx. -z" w 11006 rJ);~ ~ ~ '#- W ;~ ~ t \, \ \, , i cr 0 (The 1,006 i~'f~ learned in elementary school are called the Gakushii i~'r)

(After the president, there was a speech by the vice-president.)

(Let's talk about this matter again next time.)


14. ~ * (J) .L 'r 1= (i 1f;g 7d.' t5 \ \ 5i31J" d0 I) 1 -t 0 7 Z (J)

PART 1 •

(Once September arrives (when it becomes September), the days gradually become shorter.)

(I knew absolutely nothing about that issue.)

(My younger brother ate up all of that cake.)

(She always talks fast.)

(I intend to start jogging right away (from tomorrowl.)

(Until when did the dinosaurs exist?)

(Now there are quite a few students learning japanese.I

(It will probably rain tornorrow.)

(He always wears a conservative necktie.)

(At Ueno in Tokyo, there is a famous old pond,)

(It is only natural that one fulfills one's responsibilities [things that are your responsibility] by oneself.)


• PART 1

(Since I have a cold, I intend to rest at home for the time being.)

(Please write your name on this paper.)

(She got married and her surname changedJ

(I spent all my money and bought a car.)

20. ~ (J) t~ ~ (proposal) (j $" ~ (J) if 7J t:

(\ 'J;)Ao

(The proposal gained strong support from the residents of the city.)

Jt t:!f ~ 1~ (obtain) i L t: 0 i_

21. ~&,~~ (J) if J!tt t:. I~ 1~ t: < t± ~ ~ t* ffl L i y- 0

:::\ 'J: '7

(We hire employees regardless of whether they have experience or not.)

(Before I realized it, my parents had gotten old.)

23. 1Jt (j if- J: f) ~ (t --C Jt ;Z i y- 0

(He seems older than his [actual] age.)

24. JJt tE ~ A. FD9 ~ (j *- ~ t: t± % FD9 ~ --C" y- 0 ItAo:::' ,

(These days, the problems of the elderly are a big social issue.)


PART 1 •

Seven-Stroke i~~ (Numbers 1 through 9)

ii~ Stroke Order and Practice
l. 7 -
.r: P E. '5 '*. ~.
[ C] + [ crd

(medicine. physician)
l' 12I.¥(1'/J'7 medical science) 12I.:t(1':/.v physician) -$(12I.(:/31' woman doctor)

2. 7 - .4- I
_. +h ,-++- -++- -++- -++-
~ ,~/ 1~ 1 /~ 1~"
1~ [ +-I- ] + [ 1 r, ]

Ii t: 1t.:kffi (I:i "fj_' Itt: I t flower $ ->+ « -\ lit: flowering 1t. (\ \ It It "f",' flower
1 to -
garden) plant) arrangement)
/] € 1t. ('/ r'J /J artificial flower)

3. 7 "J 1 1· 1'+ fn1 1P 1PJ~
[ 1 "
] + [ PI]
1\1f 1= / /]

~' I:: / "fj_' ,z, {PI:;: (t:(:~ .; t what) {PIJ...(t:,z,.::../ how many people) {PI a4 ("f" ,z,:; what time)
/] ~{PI¥(+/J7'J7 geometry)

4. 7 l~ I I
'/.1 l r+>: r!=; I~ ~ ~
I_._-. ;f." ~"
JL [ r'->] + [ Jt]

/]/ JE JfX. (/J / -t' l' completion) *JEJfX. U /J / -t' l' incomplete. unfinished) ... ~ ( I. \ < . ---::J / .:t-) how many


• PART 1

Stroke Order and Practice

'7'c Bll (~::L cj ) l' clarification, :;;7f 1E (7 / ~ ::L cj research)

;IL investigatation)

~ 1E ('/ l' ~ ::L cj pursuit)

5. 7 It II I
% [rTc]+[fL] (study thoroughly)

1E Ih ;S (~ t) III is study thoroughly, master)


4 [yf] + [i_]

iii .: IS (t) 1)' :. IS recently)

6. 7

(near, close)

iii pIT (~ / ; 3 neighborhood) iii 1\ (~ / ;; l' modern age)

*- iii (-if l' ~ / recently, lately)

7. 7 __ . __ if 1f ff~" ff1' ff~.
[jf ] + [ .» ]

(shape, form)
I;,t~ t) /1)'t: ff3. (1)' t~ t) shape, form) ff3. Jt (1) \ t: h. keepsake) t- ff3. ("( 1)' t~ bill, note)
71'/~'1cj ff3. ~ &~ (7 l' 3 cj ; adjective) !}f( ff3. (T / 7 l' original form) A. ff3. (;::_ / ~ 3 cj doll)

8. 7 ~ ,,' , ~-f1 ~. * ~-.
, ,
)~ /.1 I I
[ ; ] + [ ~]

"" Ill:!;, ;R:: Ih ;S (~ III is decide) ;R:: Ih t- ( ~ III "( deciding factor)
7 '/ oR:: ~ (7 '/ l' resolution, ;R:: ~ (7/ j- l' decision) !W;R:: (/] l' 7 '/ solution)
, ,~. determination) • *- (-tt -1 ) appears on P. 130, 12-9


PART 1 •

;i~ Stroke Order and Practice
9. 7 -1 I
... :~ ;t. ;t_ . ;tt tt
;t:t ~
[ if J + [ ;jJ

(wood, material, talent)
-tf -1 f1 H (-If l' I) 3 '7 materials) f;f *- (-If -1 .:c;7 wood, lumber) A. H (:; /' -If -1 person of ability) EXERCISES FOR SEVEN-STROKE ii'¥ (NUMBERS 1 THROUGH 9)
A. Identify the following i~+.
( ) 1. f2f. a. wood
( ) -'t-I-
2. 1t. b. shape
( ) 3. M c. completion
( ) r.?
4. JG d. flower
( ) ric
5. r: e. physician
( ) 6. iJ1 f. what
( ) 1f'
7. :. g. study thoroughly
( ) 8. 51( h. near
( ) 9. t:t i. decide B. Analyze the following i~+.

1. 1t

[ ] + [ ]

2. Jt

[ ] + [ ]

3. 1[:

[ ] + [ ]

4. ff~

[ ] + [ ]


• PART 1


Fill in each box to make a word or phrase.

1. D 'f (J) i! ~ (progress in medicine)

1 if;7 ;,";/ ;j-;

(the appointment at what time)

5. J\J!f (J) iilD

(pursuing the truth)

7. D pJT (J) A (a neighbor) 1- / :;"3

9. D ~ t6J (J) 1t \. \ Jj (the usage of adjectives)

'/1 :3 oj:; ~IJ' lJ,t:

11. :J.1t (J) ~ D (resolution of the incident) :; 'r : 171 '/")

2. :'£_ (t D (J) 7t :'£_ (flower arrangement teacher)

~ \


4. * D fiX, (J) 11= tfp

(unfinished works lof artl)

6. D .: ;; (J) ;6 \. \ A (young people nowadays)

8. )( (J) D JL (keepsake of my father)

10. D (/) 4- (deciding factor)

12. / J \ ~3i (J) D:t4 (material for a novel)


Read the following sentences and write the appropriatejurigana below the underlined i~+.


(She was Japan's first female doctor')

(I want to plant many flowering plants in the garden.)

(How many guests are coming tonight?)

(This geometry problem is difficult)

5. -& \. \ M 1]'\ 6\ --:> -z ~ --:> t 5''' ~ 6\' 1£ fiX. L i L t: 0

;h\ It:

6. ~J~ ~ Jt &I);; t: &1)/ .. -t4¥=::t t:.. ~ (J.:{iJtJt L -z \. \ i -t 0

L Iv ')

7. \. \ ~ t itt it ~ i! --:> -z * ;fX. ~ it ~ i -t 0 th

12. ~ ~l <1) A ZI t <1);~ 1£ (-= L t:.. 6\\ \ i -t 0

t= T7

PART 1 •

(It took a long time, but the dam was finally completed.)

(In order to thoroughly search for the truth, scientists perform research.)

(I always take a shortcut on the way to school.)

(Recently work has been very busy.)

(The branches of this pine tree are well-shaped, aren't they.)

(This is really a darling doll, isn't it)

(Please decide after thinking [it overl carefully.)

(We will follow the decision of the majority.)

(That company is recruiting talented personnel.)


• PART 1

Seven-Stroke il~ (Numbers 10 through 18)

Stroke Order and Practice

10. 7


(make, produce)

[1 J+[tJ

~) < . ;;

1t ') ti; (~) ( f) Ii -t;c L a made-up story)

4-1t ') C\: ~j < f) handmade, homemade)


1t ::Z (+r '7 7 / composition)

1t tf'o (+r '7 I:: / piece of work, fh 1t ( I; 7 +r action, movement) work of art)

:fA [1' J + [ J"

0, myself, private)

n. 7 ~




:flo. i: (;; I) "/ private)

:flo. / J \ t3t (to t: < L ;; 3 7 -t: ") first-person noveD

:flo. ffl (;; 3 7 private use, personal business)

:;- :flo. (~ 7 ;; public and private)

"l [t J + [ ±J

(company, shrine)

12. 7 ... '

U (~ L ;; Shinto shrine)

U ~ (;; -\" t; 1 society)

U t3t ( ;; -\" -t: 'j editorial)

AU ('::'::L 7 ;; -\" joininga company)

13. 7

Clive, reside)

[1 J+[i.J


-t . t;

1i. h- ~ h- (-t h. =: h. live-in)

1i. 1 \ \ (-t 1: \ \ residence)


1i. pIT (:; ::L 7 ;; 3 address)

1i. A.. (:; ::L 7 .::. / resident)

:tz 'it 1i. (1 ;; 3 /} :; ::L 7

Z food, clothing and shelter)


PART 1 •

ii~ Stroke Order and Practice
14. 7 " '7 , , , ,- 7 ,
" 7. 1+ 1"" 1· 1{ tlJ
1lJ "",
[f J + [ J]J (beginning, for the first time)

Ii [1/)/1:1--")/ tnl/)-"((I:i ll/)-"( '7 ,\ /"( , I/) is for the first time)

M J1 (I:i --") h h. heard for M /{ L \, \ ( "7 \ '1 \ \ L \ \ ~ -J;; M en (I) '"'3 "('I/) first calligra-

the first time) naive, fresh) E'3 ~ phy of the new year)

M ~ (:/ 3 ,r elementary or beginning UeveID

M 1. (:/ 3 tJ early summer)

*- fJJ (-if 1 :/ 3 the first)

/' 3



: -d=

I , r::o I JoO;




-= Z / ( -= ,f, ) * f5 Ch h -=.z loud voice)

F ~ ( -= ;h \ \ 7, voice impersonation)

;g f5 (;< 1 -1:' 1 fame)

* ..g- f5 (91 :t /" :/ 3 '7 loud voice)

-e 1 / ( :/ 3 '7) f5 ~ (-1:' 1 -jf;7 vocal music)


16, 7

t'~ H J..... (t' C-) U' t villagers)
'J /" H fc ('J /" + 3 7 village mayor)
17. 7 ~J
1* 1
[1 J + [ :$. ] -1- -\"' /' 7' H (.t -\"' /" --; t' C-) campground)

5,~, H (~ 3 'J .> fishing village)

(body, appearance)


1:$. ~ ~ (IJ\ C-) t: /)" if) \ \ physical condition, health)

1:$. 7J (9 1 I) 3 /) physical strength)

* 1:$. ( 9 1 9 1 on the whole)

1:$. 1& (7 1 -if 1 appearance, style)


... ,~ ( /)') instrument


• PART 1

ii~ Stroke Order and Practice
18. 7 ,. _l... ....t- ~ j;~' j;f j;q-
)(t - h:
[ ...l- J + [)Z J "

+ [

(against, facing, opposing, pair)
5' 1 / 'J 1 M ti ( "11 '7 dialogue, conversation) MiL ("I 1 1) ') confrontation) -M (1; ') 1 a pair) EXERCISES FOR SEVEN-STROKE il-r (NUMBERS 10 THROUGH 18)
A. Identify the following i~*.
( ) 1. 1t a. body
( ) 2. :fA b. voice
( ) 3. ~± c. reside
( ) 4. {i d. I, myself
( ) 5. 1}] e. make
( ) -::i=
6. F f. shrine
( ) 7. 1ft g. for the first time
( ) 8. 1* h. against
( ) 9. 7:1 i. village B. Analyze the following i~*.

[ ] + [ ]

2. 11

[ ] + [ ]

3. ~A

[ ] + [ ]

[ ] + [ ]


PART 1 •


Fill in each box to make a word or phrase.

1. 4- D I) (j) 7" - .:t-

(home (hand) made cake)

2. c jJ ') (j) D t?o (a work by Picasso) -+t7 1::./

3. D r: t (j) 00 (our country) ~-d: < L

4. D iL ~;fX. (private high school) :/ ') "j 'y'rJ 'I

5. iff]- &9 (j) D tJt (newspaper editorial)

6. D h.. ~ h.. (j) ;h -t 1i: I.. \ (Jive-in maid)

7. D pfT t ;g ;tJ (name and address)

:; ;J. '/ :/ 3 1j__':t Z

8. D (J) -( (j) ~& ,~~ (first experience)


9. D :I (j) ~ (early summer breeze)

:/ 3 /] /;,tf

10. it 5 D (J) (New Year's calligraphy)

/;' .'("

11.~ ~

(sweet voice)

12. D *- (j) 7t 1:. (voice (musici teacher) -t1 tf7 -t/-t1

13. "3 -t ~ f (J);f- -\' /' 7' D (Yosemite camp-

14. / J \ ~ 7j_' ),(f:, D (small fishing village)


.f 3 'j /

15. D ~ fi;- (one's physical condition) /;,,-)t:' 7';1;,\ \

16. D jJ (j) ~&:. W-- (limit of one's physical strength) 5'1 ')37 7//]1

(communication between

18. - D (j) *~ @J (pair of pictures)

5' 1 '7 parents and children)

11 'j 1


Read the following sentences and write the appropriatejurigana below the underlined i~+.

(What are you preparing for dinner?)


• PART 1

(His compositions are always read by the teacher in class.l

(As he grew old, Father's movements became a little slowed

(He often writes first-person novels.)

(The company president is away (out) on personal business right now.)

(Who is this shrine in homage to?)

7. ¥:£ (j_ *- ¥ ~ ~:t- ;t ;; t f± % t:= 1& --c \ \ ~ i -t 0 h

(After finishing college, students go out into society.)

8. d0 t: t: (j) ;h {i i \ \ (j_ t" = --c" -t IJ '\ 0 (Where is your residencer)

9. = (j) mr (j) 1i.A_ (j_ h-Iv t: 7 I) - '/ 5- 1 (j) tt@J t .. J5Z..:tt --C"-to (All the residents of this town are opposed

I t I. \ 17' < to the freeway plan.)

(This is the first time I've heard that he changed jobs.)

11. ~ flJ (j) :J' Jv 7 . V 'J A /' (j_ t: t: --C" L t: 0

(The first golf lesson was free.)

(He sometimes mimics his teacher's voice.)


15. ~ ~ ~ -t ;; A. V') 1* -» ~ (j_ 'h" -::> L f) L --C \. \ i -t 0

l ,p7t1

17. 1* ~ J:: f) t t:p Jr V') ~ 'h" *-:¥ --c" -t 0

fj_'iJ'h. 111 t:\ \ L

PART 1 •

(He is a world-famous pianist (pianist with worldwide famel.)

(He is the mayor of this village.)

(People who do judo have very solid physiques.)

CI understood most of your story.)

(Content is more important than appearance.)

(My opinion is contrary to his on this issue.)


• PART 1

Seven- Stroke il* (Numbers 19 through 28)

Stroke Order and Practice

19. 7

31J [133] + [7Jl

(man, male)

~ (J) A. (); t ::. 0) t» t man, men)


~ -1- ( 9 / :/ man, male, boy)

~ -IJ: (9 / :/ 3 men and women) -R ~ (+ 3 ''7 -r / eldest son)

20. 7




' ... FH


mr [ill J+[ TJ

1 t,

(street, town)

8IJ :7~ h (1 t, I j_ 1";/"1 outskirts of town)

8IJ -R (+ 3 '/ + 3 '/ town mayor) rj18IJ H ( :/ + 3 '/ '/ / cities, towns, & villages)

21. 7

(younger brother)

[ ,/ J + [~J

'* (); t -j t younger brother)

'T 1 /91 /( 'T) -1- '* (:/ 'T 1 children, young people)

JL '* (;\'- 3 .; 91 brothers and sisters)

'* -1- ('T:/ pupil, disciple)

22. 7





1f· 1t\ i 1~

V'I __ •

[1 J + [ r\J

+ [ J

(J < " \

1~ \ \ «(j\ ( "\ low)


1~ ft ('T 1 :t / low pitched - E3 voice, bass)

1~ T ('T 1 f; decline)

~ 1~ (+T 1 7- 1 lowest, minimum)



23. 7 ~. 4-
'G [::1=J+ [ r---> J
+ [JL J Stroke Order and Practice


-::r : 9;g,,:

1 :z;, 7\:; ') _lIt" (:J I) j;, It ,]\7\:; ') r : 1 i) retail) flIT 7\:; ') (t i_ 1 i) advance sale)
sales amount)
I;; l' ,$., - (J;; l' I;; l' buying & H7\:;(H71;;1 (special) sale) rJi7\:;(:; '3 7/'1 business, trade)
JL ¥t 11' d )
se mg, tra e

24. 7 ,\ 111 , t $Iy
P 17 :$ $1
$IJ )'
* "
[ $ J + [ I]] (separate, another)

,'5IJ ~ Ch 1J\;h separation, farewell)

,'5IJ 1= (/~ "/ I:: especially)

''I< ,'5IJ A ('/ 7 ,~ 'J /] l' farewell

~ ~ party)

25. 7 ~. tr lJ " '
~ '& '-;& '&
~ ~ ..
[ JX.J + [i_ J
IJ\ i_ . -t j:-; '& L (}) IJ' i_ L returning g \ \ iI! -t (\ \ \ \ IJ' i_ 't talk back)
~ a favor)
"-/ iI! :J ('" .> :; answer, reply) iI! '§:. ("-:/ I, '7 reply, response) il!J"o (":/ 1::.:/ returned goods)
26. 7 l+ _.l- • t:: ,::- ,::- ,::- ,::-
--C II I~ I~ I~~
..... "
,~ [ -c J + [ I~J (forget)

;~ ~ 1lJ (;f) 't ;h t (7) forgotten item)

1lJ ,-S ~ ( t (7) ;f, 't;h forgetfulness)

;j< 7 ;S if- i;- (;j< 'J ;j', .> /] l' year-end party)

* 7j skull

PART 1 •


• PART 1

).~ Stroke Order and Practice
27. 7 ~_:;... ~] 1
~'J .» 1. ~q: ~. ~ILi
[5f ] + [ IJ ]
(profit, effective, interest)
~ . ( 1L tlj ~ (if t: I) ~ ~ left-handed)
I) tlj ffl (I) "3 '7 make use of) tlj1- ( I) :_., interest on a loan 1ftlj (;:L 'I I) profitable,
or deposit) advantageous)
28. 7 ," ,\'
,,~., , ,,, ~" ~ 71
rJf [ "I ] + [ ~J !f 7"
+ [ tJ ]
07 7t tJ (0 '7 I) 3 ;7 labor, effort) 7t jfJ; (0 '7 ~ .. '7 labor) 7t 1~ (0 '7:_" labor and
management) 36

PART 1 •
A. Identify the following i~~.
( ) 1. }JJ a. profit
( ) 2. !BJ b. return
( ) 3. * c. sell
( ) 4. 1~ d. younger brother
( ) ::i=
5. 7G e. male
( ) 6. $IJ f. town
( ) 7. 1! g. low
( ) 8. -c- h. separate
( ) 9. *IJ i. labor
( ) 10. W j. forget B. Analyze the following i~~.



] + [




] + [

] + [




] + [




] + [

] + [



Fill in each box to make a word or phrase.

1. D (/) A (man, men)

2. D -5t: -# ':if (coeducation) ;7'/ '/'1+37/]7

(outskirts of town)

(cities, towns, and villages)

5. h t: L (/) D (my younger brother) h~ -j >-:

6. 1t (/) \. \ \. \ 5L D (brothers [and sisters) who are

to 7 91 on good terms)


• PART 1

7. D \, \ F (low voice)

o ; :::1_

9. flIT D f) (j) ~ -:J .: ~ (advance ticket) iz 7

11. ;h D ;h (j) d0 \, \ ~ --;; (farewell address) ;hlJ'

13. [ill" ~'f; I .; D -t -* (book to be returned to

,t,:,- the library)

15. D ;h i~ (forgotten item)

17. ~ D 1j_' J1x.. 71 (profitable deal)

:27 I)

8. ¥ iJ (j) D T (declining scholastic aptitude)

10. -j" / ~ - I-- (j) i:1f D «special) department store sale) r-7 ';1

12. i:1f D (j) ;h 'f; (special guest or customer)

14. -t- *!X. (j) D :¥

(reply to a letter)

16. ti. D ~ (j) A. (left-handed person)

18. D iJ (j) ~ X_ (labor shortage) 07 1)31 7 '/7


Read the following sentences and write the appropriate furigana below the underlined i~ *.

1. = (j) I) 7 A Ii 3'5 T (j) "4 1; \' -!,t:- T J: f) ~ \, \ -C" -t 0 ;hj:)

2. h t: L Ii -& 3'5 -c" -t 0

3. 1ft I i ~ m: !BJ -& 1:= ;(_ G I J ;h i L t: 0

::: Iv t

(In this class there are more boys than girls.)

(I am the eldest son.)

«This time) he was elected town mayor.)

(He devoted his life to the education of young people.)


(Whenever we hear his bass (low) voice, it is wonderful)



t L


12. it *- I:::' ij: .; t ~ it % "(" \ \ 2( 1/' L \ \ "(" 1" 0 h,z1--:J

PART 1 •

(They always sell quality (good) merchandise in that store.)

(Early in the morning in the market, vegetables, and fish are bought and sold.)

(When I left for the U.S., my friends gave me a farewell party.)

(It's not good to talk back to one's parents, is it.)

(Don't ask me (such) questions that I will have trouble answering.)

(As I became old, I forgot things more frequently.)

(When the end of the year arrives, we are busy with year-end parties.)

(The brakes on this car don't seem to be working well, do they?)

(In Tokyo, there are many people who use the subway.)

(We want to increase production with fewer working hours.)


• PART 1

Eight-Stroke iJ!* (Numbers 1 through 10)

1I~ Stroke Order and Practice
1. 8 ,+ -_L-. ;F ~" -b:;" -b:;" -ff -ff
[ ..J- ] + [ z-; ] "
+ [ ~ ]

(raise, bring up)
?etc' --CiS +1f-C r : ?e t: --C the raising 1f -c (J) ~Jt (Zc t: --C (7) }) ~ foster or adoptive parents, step-parents)
of children)
1 /} -zx: #J.. (1 /) -t 1 ~jz 1f (.t '3 '7 1 ;7 education) f$·-r.(9117
~ training, rearing) ~ physical education)

2. 8 ~ ...... ... ... ,'- 5jl ... , ... ' ... ,
... ... j::?l j1-r' j11;..
" " ./.f ./
,1]( " "
[ ; ] + [ 11<- ]

})J:. <. ;11:. ("' ()) J: < swim) if ;11:. ::-<.. (U' G }) J: 3 breaststroke)
.L1 7]<. ;11:. (A 1 .L 1 swimming) i!;11:. (_:r_ /" .r, 1 long-distance swim)

3. 8 ~. 4- ~ -4+ ~ -4+ jji. ~
~ \ , ::F1-.
[ -l+ ] + [~ ]

(England, superb)
_:r_1 ~ ~li (_:r_ 1 ":J English ~ 00 (_:r_ 1 ":J /) England) ~-:t (_:r_ 1 +t 1 gifted, genius)
aD language)

4. 8 \ 1 nl -A ... 8 ~.J3 ~1 1!J pj
[ a ] + [n]

(easy, divination, fortune telling)
~::- . L \ \ ~ L \ \ (~::: L \ \ easy)
.L.t/1 ~:f (_:r_.t:/", ~ ~ (;j: '7 _:r_.t trade) q;_: ~ (7 /" 1 easy, easygoing)
fortune teller) 40

PART 1 •

ii~ Stroke Order and Practice
5. 8 /j 1 1-' 1~ 1nl 1m 1~ 1~
[ 1 ] + [ iffi ]

(price, value)
;ht:\\ iali (J;) t. I. \ value)
fJ iali iii (/] 1- value, merit) 8'lf iali (:; fJ current price) 1lj> iali (7; fJ . price of

6. 8 ..... I
_. _ n1 m :-m _ill +@ @Jf
+ 1
@J [ - ] [83 ] L+-
+ [UJ

(painting, Kanji stroke)
/]/fJ'7 8:1;: @J (_:L l' /] movie, film) ill ': (/] /) A '7 number of &t @J (I;r l' fJ /) plan)
@J ~5z. strokes in a Kanji)

7. 8 .... ' .._, ", ~: '" ~v' ~ ~ ~
~ -p q-'
[ '" ] + [ r-:» ] v'

(study, learning)
1: r' " ¥ ,;:' (1 1j_' ,;:' study, learn) ¥ (f rJ) rf! (1 1j_' (f (/) I:: h poetic phrase meaning "school")
d... • ,J'
/]7 ¥ tZ (/]; -:J '7 school) ¥ $.~ (/]; .t school semester) t4 ¥ (/] If 7 science)

8. 8 1+ &l-- tJJ+ tJJ tJJ tJJ tJJ tJJ
l.l--t ~. .r: r ,F11 _E
16 [ ...w ] + [.£ ]

I. \;f' GA (I. \ h;h 1j_ a cave) G J.J (I. \ h ~ '1 rocky mountain)
/]':_" Gf; (/]':_,,-t'.t rock) 41

• PART 1

ii* Stroke Order and Practice
9. 8 ,t I
f I ' ~'" ~ 0¥. : r;t7 r;t7 r;t7
~ " --' '+ ..;c...
-r [ iJ'L ] + [ ..:c.. ]

(sky, empty)
?c (_) / ~E (?c ., \ <z, sky blue) ~~* (j;, ~ ~ vacant house) ~-t- (1)\ c. --C karate)
/}cj r,\:?;ffl (/) cj 'J cj r,\:?g (/}cjn/) ~;J! (/) cj -:J cj airport)
= ,~ fantasy, daydream) = blank, empty space)

10, 8 p~ .. --- --- ---? P3}f
\, \11 ~ P' P' ?/ p)..-·
P3f .-
[ p ] + [ -J- ]

1: '" "-t 0 ;:' (J: 0;:' calD "-te! % (1: U :_;(_ call, shout)
-:J "-t "}Z (-:J 4- ;L cj breath) EXERCISES FOR EIGHT-STROKE il~ (NUMBERS 1 THROUGH 10)
A. Identify the following i.l'f:.
( ) 1. Ff a. sky
( ) 2. 5* b. study
( ) 3. ~ c. value
( ) 4. JJJ d. England
( ) 5. 1afi e. raise
( ) 6. @J f.swim
( ) ~
7. ~ g. easy
( ) t.l-I
8. 16 h. painting, Kanji stroke 42

( (

) )



B. Analyze the following i-l~r.




] + [



] + [



Fill in each box to make a word or phrase.

1. 0 -c (J) *! t ~ r; (J) *!

Ze t.

3. +03"

1} t, j:-) 1:

(adoptive parents and

j:-) -\', biological parents)


5. 0 -t (J) 1f ~

.:L1 +1-1 1'7-1::'1

11. ~!T L \, \ 0 $,~

-til .{-

13. t-L (J) 0 ;f;

15. 0 -t- (J) ~;I:~

(upbringing of gifted children)

(easy problems)

(a good film)

(new school semester)

(mountain rocks)

(karate studio)

PART 1 •

i. call

j. rock




] + [

] + [




] + [

] + [

2. -f-1~ (J) ~51:. 0

- tt +3'; 1;7

(children's education)

4. ~ i -C"(J)i!0

(long-distance swim to the island)


6. 7 ;J I) t; t (J) ~ 0

,T; ,) .:L.{-

(trade with the U. S. )

8. *0 g7J r:'J[_,,(J)*~

(painting with a current price

7_ of $1 million)

10. ;~ ~ (J) 0 qji

(the number of strokes in a Kanji)

12. 0 (J) :y \, \ t-L

(rocky mountains)

14. 0 E (J) )-f- m~. (sky-blue (colored) dress) Zei-, \\0 377;7

16. -;J;:_ t: -0 (J) 0 z}' F

(my friend's voice calling me)



• PART 1


Read the following sentences and write the appropriatefurigana below the underlined il'f:.

2. 8 *- --C" (i ~k (J) 1* 1f (J) _§_ (i ~JL 8 --Co, -t 0

LVI>( L-:J


5. ~OO (J)~t~ t 7 ;J I) IJ (J)~t~(i jt' L 1:;; IJ"\' \ i -t flo -t:::

6. -'it: J2 t: it ~ ;t t, /; --Co, ii nX. J;I] L 1J.' \, \ --C" L J: 7 0

-tT\\::: -7

t ~ 1i5 C' i -t /]\0


11. ¥1=.(i J: < ¥ II J: < iQi,j;'~ ~ --C"-t 0 ;Jr,k


(Raising children is hard work.)

(In Japan, Physical Education Day is a national holiday that occurs in the fall.)

("Do you know how to swim?"

"No, I am no good (at swimming).")

(In the summer, I practice swimming at the pool every day.)

(British English and American English are a little different, aren't they.)

(If you choose the path of least resistance (easygoing way), you will not succeed.)

(Do you believe what the fortune teller says?)

(The evening sun setting over the sea offers a priceless view (a view worth a thousand pieces of gold).)

(I hear that the price of commodities in Tokyo is the highest in the world.)

(Have you already made plans for your summer vacation?)

(Students should study hard and play hard.)

12. d0 (/) ~ J-J /::: Ii 1* (monkey) 6" t: < ~ /: \. \ 1 -t 0 :::t;

13. .; CT)'~li~ ~ ~ %(1"--96\0 t"IS/f -] /=~ ~ ~(t1 < t:__""!:: \. \ ~

14. L. A. '!E ;1! I::: -J;:_ t: 17 ~ if ;t I::: 11- ~ 1 L t: 0 t,'IJ'

PART 1 •

(There are many monkeys on that rocky mountain.)

(Please watch out for burglars since this house is now a vacant house.)

(I went to LAX to pick up a friend.)

(This morning I woke up to [hear] my mother's voice calling me.)

(Whenever I climb a hill, I get a little short of breath.)


• PART 1

Eight-Stroke il* (Numbers 11 through 20)

}l* Stroke Order and Practice
11. 8 + n1 :-Fl , , ,
00 I r+l :-pFl :-f£l ~ :J~
[0 J + [ .:E J

(country, province)
< I::. J-Joo (-';";1: < I::' 'Woo (ry ~ ('I::: snowy region)
mountainous area)
~/} 00 ~~ (~ /) zt national language) oo1! (~/}v/' United Nations) 9" 00 (-If -1 ~ /) foreign country)
12. 8 , -k l+
-k$ 1..,(. U; '--fr''_ -k~. -kt -kn1 -k$,
,,' "
[-k J + [ $J

(older sister)
bh -11$ (if, h older sister)
;/ -11$ **- (:/"7 -1 sisters)
13. 8 ,,) 1+ 1~· l' 1n1 1€r , 1~
1~ 1f.
[1 J + [ t J

(use, messenger)
--:J -1)\ . 7 1~ \ \:it ( --:J IJ \ \ \ h. t, usage) 1~ \ \ /j (--:J IJ \ \ \ IJ \ r: how to use)
:/ 1~ ffl :t;; (:/37;1-,7 1~ A. ( :/ ;J 1 mission, *- 1~ (5' 1 :/ ambassador)
directions for usage) up assignment)
14. 8
~~ I..,Z. P. !t.,_ -frf -frb.~ -fr.f' -fr~ -k~
[!,t J + [ fj J

1:1. L . ill b -kf!J (/) ;; ( 1:1. L ill b begin) 1± :f-kf!J d) L ::_o t 1;1 L ill returning to [starting) work
after the New Year holiday)
;/ -kf!J Je (:/ / \ OJ first [train) MHf!J (t; 1 :/ beginning, !Jj( -IIf!J (T /' :/ primitive, origin)
departure) opening) 46

PART 1 •

i~~ Stroke Order and Practice
15. 8 - , +
- - -'-'1 - ~ -c;- , -c;- •
:f , -= ,
_...=:r-. p-
[- J + [ = J
+[-3-J+[ J J

(thing, matter, fact)
(. -;V t±HI~.~
.:: t {±~ /' = > ( -c ~ .; t occurrence, incident)
work, Job, P. 4, 5-6)
:/ ( ;Z) ~$;: (:/ :// fact) * ~ ~ 9 1 :/ great thing, ffl~ (3'7 :/ business, errand)
16. 8 ,+ , ,
'~I ' ~", ~ t2 ~. *- 1i.
~ ~
[~ J + [~ J

(real, substance, fruit)
h./h.Vl IS *cTl$;: ( ~ (7) h fruit, nut) $;:6 (ho,70 bear fruit)
:// $;: ii7 (:/' / 7 / the real thing) $;:i} ( :/ '/ ') 3 7 competence) JJt $;: ( I;- / :// reality) 17. 8 ~ +4 ,
_. ~ '-~. ~ ~ ;6
~ " ,,;J
[ -1+ J + [ :;b J

(young, or)
.f) 1;\ . I. \ / ~'il (;h I) \ l:i new leaves) ~\\A. (;/-)I;\\\[;\t A~L < Ii B (A t L ( Ii B
( t L < Ii) young person) A or B)
:/-\'7/(':::--\'/') ~.if- (:/ .y 7 t, .> youth) ~ ~ (0 '7 .:::- .y "I young and old)

18. 8 -_. ,
;r -f 'f f 11 lff7 lf~
Jfx. [11 J + [ x.. J '-
... , ...
* t-}t ·t/+t1
(most, -est
(superlative prefix) )
htt'3/::; CL
(take) (taste)
t·b 11 I 'W L (t I) It L 11x. I) A.h (t I) \ \ ,ft harvest) 11x. I) t~ /< ( t.l) L t, / '. in~esti-
X. ) ; cancellation) gation, examination)
11x. tt (:/ ;L " 1 information ....
11x.1{f (:/ ;L ~ 7 acquisition)
/3- gathering) .... f{f ( ;t . 6. /). 6 / r '7 ) gain, obtain


• PART 1

Stroke Order and Practice

(receive, take)

7 . It is


1:: (11t (1 reception desk)

~(IA;h (711\\;h x, acceptance)

1:: 115(. (7 I 1 >::: f) receipt)

~ i~ (;; :J. ;; / reception x, ct of a transmission)

~ ~6. (;; :J. 7 / taking an x... , .. 'R examination)

1:: 1." (;;:J.;; 3 '7 receiving a prize)

20. 8


~.' _'/



I _





[p ] + [ ,if]

15 pIT (;7 l' z; IS kitchen)

F,J', rtf (\ \ >::: :: 70 one's


;/ 3

pIT 1f (;; 3 J... '7 ownership)

(;; 3 I, /) -t l' fz PIT (1- 3 '7 ;; 3 strong point) PIT {'if ti

income tax)


PART 1 •
A. Identify the following i.l'f:.
( ) 1. ~ a. young
( ) 2. -k$ b. place
( ) 3. 1t c. take
( ) 4. -!t~ d. use
( ) 5. ~ e. older sister
( ) 6. ~ f. thing
( ) 7. ;6- g. country
( ) 8. Jfx. h. begin
( ) 9. ~ i. real
( ) 10. pJT j. receive B. Analyze the following i.l'f:.

[ ] + [ ]

2. tf:i

[ ] + [ ]

3. ;£-

[ ] + [ ]


4. II

[ ] + [ ]


Fill in each box to make a word or phrase.

1. ~ D (J) -t-1~ (children from a snowy

vP 5 (' I = ~ t t region (country) )

2. 7'~ D (J) :)( 1t

if 1 ~ /} 7'/ t;

(foreign culture)

3. JL t D (older brother and older sister)

4. .; (J) ~ 7 1 (J) D \. \ 1] (how to use this dictionary)

5. .; (J) < 1" f) (J) D m A;; (directions for

6. 1±--D(/)

(after the N ew Year holiday)

:/ "3 '7 ;t '7 taking this medicine) l:i L"


• PART 1

7. ~i\ i;- V') ~ D (start of the game)

:; J;,\\ ;1]1 :;

8. * D iJ.: 1± D (important work)

91 :/

9. *- V') D (nut)

10. D itJ * V') q: $ (life-size photograph) :/"/ 7'/'9'1 :; "':; /'

11. D it V') ~ L \. \ * ~p (season of beautiful 12. \. \ h V') D f) A;fL (harvesting of the rice plants)

;j- 1:: '/ new leaves)

\ \

13. )7~OOA ¥1..17) D (tAn (acceptance of foreign 14. * 'f V') D,~j{ $f!z 7~ (studying for a university entrance

\ \

students [into schooll)

:/ J_ ~/'~/',h7 examination)

(lively place)

16. D q{f ~>t V') !f1 % (income tax return (declaration»

/3 1--~{i1 :;/'~~


Read the following sentences and write the appropriatejurigana below the underlined i-l"F.

(Spring arrives (is) late in mountainous regions (countries ),)

(Almost all countries in the world are members of the United Nations.)

(My brothers and sisters and I are all on good terrns.)

(Can we make any use of this pretty candy box?)

5. qJt(j:*1t t L --C V')1t4p~ * L --C ~'OO L i L t::o

Ii t: 2< .; (

(He completed his mission as ambassador and returned to his home country.)


9. 1ft C7) § 7 :J (j: :J ~ t * -n"" i! \. \ 1 9 0

t:\\,;:' to!),

10. = C7)::t± % ---c (j: ~ 17 C7) cb "6 A I],' ;#,,r-); L 1 9 0


11. \. \f;l-IJ" J: < ~ --:J --C ~it(i~ 1t -C9 0 .::tL 117::-(

12. ~ 'ti- ;£- L < (j:.:f- *~ -C t8 X ~ j;o G -tt --C < t: ~ \. \ 0

L vb "It']

13. ;£- \. \ A ~ ;£- it t t \. \ \. \ 1 9 0

14. ::: < G I1)*CYf -ct:: < ::: ,.\_;11)~;G ~-b:-IJ';'1tJL ~ L -'( \. \ 1-t 0 lJid,h

15. 1ft (j: :!fxA;t 'tc 13 --Co' 9 0

~ L-I"

PART 1 •

(From what age did you start to practice the piano?)

(What time does the first train leaver)

(It still seems like it happened only yesterday.)

(What he says is quite different from the facts.)

(In this society, people with real ability succeed.)

(The rice plants are producing well, so the harvest will be abundant this year.)

(Please let me know either by telephone or by letter whether or not you're attending)

(Young people are also calledjakunen (youths). )

(Underneath the cherry trees, many people - young and old, men and women - are viewing the flowers')

(He is a news gathering reporter.)

(After buying things, you should get a receipt.)


• PART 1

20 q/t-f;( (;i;;f I) /' C ';I :; -C"1i-;< :9") J_,; ~ 1t 1t L i L t: 0 ::<,z,

21. q/t V') ~ pff 7)\' ~ f~ h 7)\ f) i -1:t ;(; 0 {f,z,{f,z,


(I wonder what (where) the most important part of this book is.)

(What is your hobby?)

(When you arrive at the office, call me from the reception desk)

(At the Olympics, she won (received) the gold medal.)

(I don't know where he is at all.)

(He owns vast [tracts ofl land around here.)

PART 1 •

Eight-Stroke jl~ (Numbers 21 through 31)

21. 8


Stroke Order and Practice

[II' J + [ i J

(sex, nature, character)

'1'1 t3<.. (-c 1 fJ /) character, a personality)

-9:: '1'1 (:; 3 -c 1 women)

A tt (.:\- :; 3 7 nature, temperament)

22. 8



[~]+[ rr ] $1-

(mentally deficient)

(know, intellect, wisdom)



(L "i j;, \ \ 'co 'J _6. I. \

7-. C1 acquaintance)

17y 'f,o ') (t:J) L "i knowledgeable)

'f,o 8) (-+ -r.:\- intellectual)

im_ 'f,o (,oJ 7 -+ notification)

'f,o J.... (-+:; .> acquaintance)

23. 8

"' "'


, '"



, ,


, ,


[5 J+[_iJ

(pour, comment, order)

;1 <"' (2( 2( < pour)

(+::L 71 attention, caution)

~" (;::L-+::L7

5Z. iI receiving an order)

;1::Z (-+::L 'I -=c .> order, claim)

24. 8

Ii 1

(sky, outer space)

'f ~ ffi1: it ± (7 -+ ::L 7 t:_ -:J 7:; astronaut)


• PART 1

25. 8 1+ II 1
[~J + [,.:f_J Stroke Order and Practice

(decide, fixed, regular)

~ i:h;; (~ te!:h ;S decide)

-T 1 / :; :3 'I ~ 1i!li (j" 1 fJ fixed price)

~ if. (j" 1 1', .> retirement age)

't: ~ (7 .> j" 1 stability)

26. 8

[8 J+[ 7J

(target, suffix to make noun modifiers)



t t

87 (t t target)

87 0/ (j".:\- 1- ;J_ 'i guess right) El 87 (-t /j -T .:\- objective)

87 :9~;h (t t l;t 1" n off target, beside the point)

!JJ tt 87 (5' .> {? 1 -T.:\- manly)


(store, shop)



r:t ~m ~ Ch -It U .; 2'

6 lif] ~ opening of business)

1. : .... _J-.

r.t7t (h-lt ~ 2' storefront) fZ.r.t <l h-lt night stall,
night fair)
:t-r.t (,J- /' j" /' head office) Rr.t ( / j" /' branch office)
" , »: ;'f ')1.; ;Jt
~.~ ;t
./ A" •... t:h ;ft.!¥-\. (t:hfJ'-i:f wind and waves) ;ft.* I) (t;,_'hVJ I) surfing)



-or:; {"- r:t (t:_ "" .; fJ j" /'

t::I J'. 6 department store)

! -,


[5 J+[;tJ

It;!t (y /' /, electromagnetic lradiol waves)


;ft. -Be (/, 1- :3 'i wavelength)

PART 1 •

iJ~ Stroke Order and Practice
29. 8 I I ~rl
m~. ;) Dl I~n :~~ ~] ~~l m~
[~ J + [ IRJ

(clothes, obey)
7/j m~ *" (7 /j 'J '7 m~ fit (7 /j :; ;J_ '7 obedience) :.f- m~ ("3 '7 7 /j Western-style
tz dress, clothes) I clothing)
30. 8 i .. ~ ¥: ~'71 ~iJ ~W
;, ,_.
[~ J + [ ~J

tV') i7J~ ( t (1) .; t things, matters) if ~ i7J (h :::< t V') ornament) W \ \ i7J (/]\ \ \ t V') shopping)
7'J/-E'J i7J J_! (7' 'J I) physics) 1:. i7J gt (-t? l' 7 'J If /j biology) tt i7J (:/ 3 /j -E 'J food)

31. 8 n l-. ~l- ~. + *"" *'. ~
~ " ",'
[ .,l.l=. ] + [ j/' ]

(walk, step, rate)
;106· < / 5' < (ih ;:" < walk) "*" "'(ihvPh.J:I) concessions,
;10 vP . t' 5' s; or i) compromise)
T,/7/ (7) 5' it (,t, 1'" '7 sidewalk) ~ 5' (:/ / ,t: progress) 5'~ ( 7' ih \ \ rate, percentage) ... ~ ( J: . ;; / 4- ) approach, stop by


• PART 1
A. Identify the following i~*.
( ) 1. 'l:i. a. thing
( ) 2. ~o b. wave
( ) 3. 51 c. store
( ) 4. ~ d. clothes
( ) 5. ~ e. walk
( ) 6. 89 f. space
( ) 7. g g. character
( ) 8. ilt. h. pour
( ) 9. mR i. know
( ) 10. ~~ j. decide
( ) 11. ~ k. target B. Analyze the following i~*. 1. 'd;

[ ] + [ ]

2. m~.

[ ] + [ ]

3. ~

[ ] + [ ]

4. ~

[ ] + [ ]


Fill in each box to make a word or phrase.

1. Elfj ;; \. \ D1'% (cheerful (light) personality)

2. i&J D I) (J) ~ A. (knowledgeable old person)

t (1) L

3. *- ¥ (J) f11'%:@' D (notification of acceptance 4.)¥- m~. (J) D :>c (ordering Western clothes)

to the university)

5. 'f D 4ft it ± (astronaut)

'7 -1-:2'7 I::. -::1'7 .>

6. ~~r5(J)~ D

-t1 i)'/ 7/ j-1

(stability of livelihood)


PART 1 •

7. h- Iv t: rJ) ;..i El rJ) D (center (target) of

8. 1;0 D t: -I;; '1:1 (an intellectual woman)

everyone's attention)

(green grocer's storefront

10. ~fZ 1t rJ) *- D

~«] cj i"</ j- /

(bank headquarters)

hit ::- 3 store)

11. D '* I) ~ l' .; ;£-::if (young people who 12. ~ -t; Iv t L r: D ~ (neatly dressed nook] )

77 'j cj

13. \. \ \. \ Jr D (a good buy) b»: \ t(l)

14. D J!. rJ) ,uJf j'E (physics research)

way, compromise)

16. t4¥rJ)i!D

;1]//7 :// ,t~

(scientific progress)

(meet each other half


Read the following sentences and write the appropriatejurigana below the underlined iW;'f:.

1. JJf.1\ rJ) -I;; 'ii (j: t" Iv t" /; ;f± % ( .; i! ill L -( \. \ iTo

LA, L,p')

(Today's women more actively participate in society.)

(She has a strong personality.)

3. ;f~ t: L (;1 it:rto 1J\ t L ;fl i -Ii Iv 0

(I may be tone deaf.)

4. 1;0 I) fi1 \. \ rJ) A t 1;0 A (;1 ~ L' :'t 0;f._ -("1' 0

h1j_' \' h

(Shiriai (acquaintance) and chijin (acquaintance) have the same meaning.)

(Please make a special effort (pour in all your effort) and complete this job.)


• PART 1

7. ¥ ;f~ -C (i \. \ 0 \. \ 0 tJ.' ~l~'j (rules) 1J'\ :':< '{ <

;f~ ~Ij t L -c 7t ~ G ;fl -c \. \ 1 -9 0

9. ;f) t. L (7) T ~ (i B~ t:f L 1 L r. 0 J: '{ --)

10. ~ B (i a; 1m ~ -C"~ ito Ii ~~~ 7t faD (7) f n~ -c" -9 0

-tf1C ,;:



(When walking along the street, please watch out for cars.)

(At school, various rules are set as school policy')

(This year my father [reached) retirement age and retired from his company.)

(My prediction turned out to be right.)

(Today is the store's grand opening, and all merchandise is half the regular (fixed) price.)

(It has been decided that he will go to the overseas branch office.)

(I want to live life peacefully without stirring up trouble (wind and waves) at horne.)

(Radio waves with short wavelengths are called tanpa (shortwavei.)

(The ornament on the table is an antique.)

(When walking, let's always stay (walk) on the sidewalk.)

(Besides his base salary, a salesman receives a sales comrnission.)

PART 1 •

Eight-Stroke i~~ (Numbers 32 through 42)

i.:f:: Stroke Order and Practice
32. 8 1· ,
, ...l-. ...l-1 "1 Jli -q. ~ ~
~ ,-
I •...
[~ J + [ XJ

Ii -t",' • -t 4- 1)( T (~( If -t",' -t let go of, release)
,t, c7 1)( i~ (;t c7 'J c7 broadcast) 1)( »: (,j, c7 fJ arson) M 1)( (fJ 1 ;t, c7 liberate)
33. 8 ~ , ,,+
" , ..... '~. ,'_±.. ~ ":!
, ,
* 1/ I I 1-+ I .
[ ; J + [ ~ J

(Jaw, doctrine, method)
,'t c7 / 5! H (;t, c7 fJ law department) •
(/, j ) / (''t/) )C! (7;.,;t,c7 grammar) ~ 5! (7;" ,t, cj constitution)
34. 8 ,
~ t._(_ ~; :~1 1~· W· 1T ~ ~ ..
[ .y J + [ *' J

(younger sister)
\ \ t ~) t JIi (\ \ t ') t younger sister)
'71 -11$ JIi (~'7 1 sisters, P. 46, 8-12)

35. 8 1 ,
.s-: :~·t ~. ¥' r· if7 t~~
[ ~ J + [XJ

(counter for thin, flat objects)
'71 ;f)z!/it ('7 1 7. c7 number of sheets) ':::'i';z (+t-;., '71 three sheets) .i. ~ ( 'r /' ) restrain


• PART 1

iJ@~ Stroke Order and Practice
36. 8 + , vf
nl , V~· p.* v:t.
11*- \ ,_V t1~.
[ 11 J + [ *-J (taste, flavor)

ihL/ ih L . h-7

"*-:h -7 (ih L h -7 savor, enjoy the taste)

"*-11 I t (ih L --;J I t seasoning)

:!"*- (1 ~ meaning)

;f!l3"*- (~ ;:L ~ taste, interest, hobby)

"*- 'Jt (~ fJ '7 sense of taste)

37. 8






[13 J+[}jJ

(bright, clear, next)

38. 8


(life, command)

;11;" .is\ \/;1~ . ~fJ' 8tl ~ \ \

;1 ·ltb/;1· (6/ (ih /J' 6 \ \ bright)

8tl < 6 8

(ih ( ;:, if next day)

}j c, 1J\

(ih 3 c, 1;\ clear)

8}jlt /j

(ih It /J\ r. dawn)

;< 1 / ~ :3 '7 8tl B (;<.1 / -, '7 clear, unmistakable) x 8tl (-;7 /' ;< 1 civilization) 8tl 8 (~ :3 '7 .: + tomorrow)



[/'--.J + [ - J +[u J+[ rJ

;<. 1 / r : :3 '7) <frJ- ~ (;< 1 v 1 order, command)


:i. <frJ- (-c 1 ;< 1 life, existence) ~ <frJ- (/;:L ~ 3 c7 human life span)

39. 8



:::;!-. , _.l, ;.:"/

~ 1 ....

[-'-J+[1 J +[ ;; J+[ "-.J

1tz (J: 6 night) 1tz 8}j It (J: ih I t dawn)

1tz c:p (1 -t",' 1;' midnight)

1tz 1t (--\' / :3 '7 midnight snack) ~ 1tz (-:J /' --\' tonight)

8'): 1tz (+T /) --\' last night)

.i. ~ ( = t .;;' ~ / :; ::L ) longevity, best wishes


PART 1 •

40. 8 if , ,
~. :·t 'if
~* ,~ : .
, . , ,
[ i J + [ *,J ,
~ t f) r > /'
(woods) I) /'

tt."l (I) /';f :3 '7 forestry)

~ tt. (/ /' I) /' woods, forest)

tHt. (t: 111 i ~ L bamboo grove)

41. 8 // 1 r {l~ {Z] {7 {7! {71J~
171J "
[ 1 J + [ 7 J
+ [ lJ J

(example, compare)
t: t ·z; {JIJ ;t cr: t Z example) {JIJ;t ;;; (t:: t Z ; compare) {JIJ ' (J ct: t x. Ii for instance,
;Z for example)
l> 1 {JIJ:9::_(v17'/, {JIJ 5'~ (v 1 if l' exception) -{JIJ (1 + v l' one example)
illustrative sentence)

42. 8 ... __::.. , ,
, /. i :~.q: ~. ~! ~f11 ~tJ
[~ J + [ tJ J

(calm, peace, harmony, Japanese)
~t) . G c> :fCl G (" (~h t:y (, soften, calm down) :fCl ~ 1;\ (t:::_ ~ 1)' peaceful, harmonious)
t:::_ . ~-!;,
'7 :fCl m ('7 IJ 1 reconcilliation, compromise) :fCl ~IR ('7 -; :; Japanese-style clothing, kimono) 61

• PART 1
A. Identify the following i~*.
( ) 1. 1)( a. example
( ) 2. ~:£ b. night
( ) 3. ~ c. bright
( ) 4. ifX d. law
( ) 5. o*- e. younger sister
( ) 6. SA f. taste
( ) A. g. life
7. up
( ) 8. R h. peace
( ) 9. t:t i. release
( ) 10. 171J j. counter for thin, flat objects
( ) 11. 5fo k. woods B. Analyze the following i~*.



J + [

J + [

J + [


2. ~

[ J + [ J

3. SA

[ J + [ J

[ J + [ J

[J+[ J+[ J


Fill in each box to make a word or phrase.

1. t";h \ \ (j) m D (liberation of the slaves) 171 ,t-?

2. 8 -* 00 ~ D (The Japanese Constitution) -=- ;t/:17 T/ ;f?

3. D t * (younger sister and younger brother)

\\t-Jt ht-jt

4. -==- D (j) *~ (three pictures)


PART 1 •

(cooking) )

(development of a sense of taste)

(seasoning of the food

7.0 b\.\E

(bright color)

8.0 8 ij:~~

(obvious fact)

(precious human life)

10. ;f± fz (J) 04-

(company president's order)

;< -f v-{

11. 0 0/ (J) it ti (midnight telephone call)

d: fj_'iJ' 7/ '7

12. 0 it (J) ffl ~ (preparation of a midnight snack) 1" :/37 3,/-{

13. 7 G (J) tt 0 (backyard bamboo grove) tolt 1;t~L

14. ~ L \.\~O

(beautiful forest)

// I) /

(special exception)

(friendly (harmonious)

v 1 1/1



Read the following sentences and write the appropriatefurigana below the underlined i~*.

1. ;h~!]';'jx.\*( .. t, --;J --C t 7 t 7 %( V ±:t~ ~ -t-~ L i L t-;

l}--;Jd: J

(We needed money, so we finally sold (let go of) our house and land.)

( [The cause ofl this fire is suspected to be arson.)

(He entered the university's law school (departmentl.)

(Please count how many flyers there are over there.)


• PART 1

7. J[ --c t ElA (t /j (i h\ 1j: I) ;4'-;(_ 1 9 no


9. I!Jl-\::)CElJ1(i -T -1 J[_; )1] V')iliiZlh\ G9b! L t: t \, \;hh 190

1J't) ::< 1v~1v

12. 7x.t:_'7? tAL ,)~' I) I=%--:J -c ~ElA (t 1-C"~i; L 1 L t., UC:::

13. Ii]: ~}) 2( h \ --:J t: V') --C~~ (i -¥- < ~ t: \, \ -C"9 0 h


(ll'm sure] I will enjoy eating (the taste of) the food you prepared.)

(Do you understand the true meaning of democracy?)

(Even in summer, it's quite chilly in the early morning, isn't it.)

(Although I went to the trouble of washing my car, it rained the next day.)

(It is said that ancient civilizations developed in (from) the region surrounding the Nile River.)

(I'd like to see you tomorrow. Is that okay with you?)

(If we do all we can and still fail, then I think it must be (is) fateJ

(I met a friend after a long time apart, and we talked until dawn.)

(Since I was up late last night, I want to go to bed early tonight.)

(Please explain by giving an illustrative sentence.)

(I made peace with my friend I had fought with, and then my mind was at ease.)

PART 1 •

Nine-Stroke i~~ (Numbers 1 through 10)

~~ Stroke Order and Practice
1. 9 t n1 t N~ B~
a~ I R B B1 Bn1 BP.
[ H ] + [ * ]

(glow, shine, project, reflect)
1 ---; . 1;, / 8k ;; ( l ~) ;:, reflect) ;J 8k Z (Vi' c) l;t Z evening [sunset] glow)
Ii . Z 1;,
_:r:..1 8ki~ (_:r:.. 1 :/ <I. !9._ 8k (/ , / .r, 1 reflect) _l8k (:/ '3 'i .r, 1 the screening
reflection, Image) (of a moviel)
2. 9 --,1 ,
_":::=1 ~·F F-. W ~. ~ J¥ lB.
[FJ + [ .¥. ]

(roof, house, shop)
V Ii t~ (~ h roof) ~ Ii (If '7 ~ backstage) 1t Ii (I:t fj_' ~ flower shop)
:1"'7 Ii .L (t '7 :/ '3 '7 rooftop) Ii 9~ (t '7 If 1 outdoor) %( IX. :fJt (t; t '7 {? 1 property tax)
3. 9 .. ~ / t ~~ ~l -f~ -f~ -f1-. -f-t
[ -{ ] + [ -4 ]

(course of study, department)
t; t4 § (t; -t '7 subject, i*J t4 (T 1 fJ internal medicine) :5( of' (7 /' t; course of
course of study) 4 study in liberal arts)

4. 9 ~ ,
,', , ,"'~: , .... ,;.-. ;'1: ;Q ;!ff ifQ:.
5lJi ~/ .; .;
[ " ] + [ 4ft ]

7h ;:fJt ( l h ocean, sea)
1;1 ;:fJt i.¥ (t; 1 If .> seashore) ;:fJt Jf. (t; 1 'J 'i seaweed) ;l t .',," oil (,t, '1 t; 1 I~ 'i Hokkaido
,:at 1!! (Japan's northernmost islandi) 65

• PART 1

Stroke Order and Practice

5. 9

W- ['" 1+ [1J-I

(world, boundary)

/]1 ~ 'ff. (//1 h l' academia)
6. 9 ~
)i1 ,
[ I J+[-;;J rrz. 'ff. ( 'r :.- h l' limit, boundary) tit 'ff. (-c h l' the world)




(life, vigor)

;;5 jj; (/] "j F '/ activity)

:i_ ;;5 (-c -{ h 'j livelihood)

;;5 Je (h; I ,; 'j active, lively)

7. 9



(guest, customer, passenger)

I 1



't M (-t ~ ;7 :I: guest room)

11\ 't ( I) 3 h ;7 passenger, traveler)

*- 't (7 l' -t ~ ;7 visitor)

+ [,~ J

8. 9



(urgent, hurry, sudden, steep)

,~ <" (\ ''{ (hasten, hurry)

,~ :::<" « ''( 3' haste, urgency)

,~ ffl (-t ;J_ 'I 3 '/ urgent business)


,~ iT (-t ;J_ '/ -:J '/ express train)

,~ :$i (-t ;J_ '/ l:::_ 3 'I sudden illness)

,~ t::t& (-t ;J_ 'I r~· :- 1)' steep hilD

PART 1 •

i~~ Stroke Order and Practice
9. 9 ~ , , ,
, , , , , , tt
-gt _. I--~ , _ _ _ , _ _-
- -- ~::: 01 ' ::: --
\ ,_a a
[~ J + [ tJ
(measure, plan)
l:i 1;' . 7;,/ tt I) 7t I) (1:1 1;' I) -J I) sell by weight) tt G 7 (1:1 1;' ~ c) plan, scheme)
Ii 1;' . i-} .j
"T1 tt ___ ('T -1 +j- /' calculation) ~ tt ~ (t; -1 J; -1 if /) accounting) Wf tt ( I, J; -1 clock, watch)

10. 9 1~ 1~ 1% 1~~ 1~ t.~ 1~,
1~ "j 1
[ 1 J + [ ~J

(in charge, have to do with)
1;' 1;\ . 7;,/ f~ ~ (1;'1;") -1 /' clerk in charge) rt 1t f~ (-j 11 --:J 111;' 1;' I) receptionist)
1;\ 1;\ I)
"T1 i*l f~ (t; /' J; -1 relationship) it f~ ( t- /' J; -1 connection.Iinkage) EXERCISES FOR NINE-STROKE il'¥ (NUMBERS 1 THROUGH 10)
A. Identify the following i~'t:.
( ) 1. ak a. measure
( ) 2. ~ b. guest
( ) 3. ~4 c. world
( ) 4. 5lii: d. reflect
( ) 5. W- e. roof
( ) 6. )t5 f. ocean
( ) 7. 'K g. vigor
( ) 8. 13 h. in charge
,~ 67

• PART 1

( (

) )



B. Analyze the following i~ *.

i. course of study

j. urgent

2. W

] + [


1. ~

[ ] + [ ]


4. 'f;

] + [


3. ;'-lit

[ ] + [ ]


Fill in each box to make a word or phrase.

1. 5' 0 ;(_ (j) ~ (the sky with an evening glow)

3.!'iF'- \ Ot~

(red roof)

(liberal arts student)

-7 ;., I; 'T l'

(seaweed dishes)

I; l' '/ '7 '} " ,'7 '}

(political activity)

11. 0 ~" (j) ffl ~

(urgent business)

\ \ _;,.

13.0 'J 1G 'J

(sell by weight)

15. ,~R (j) 0 ffil

(train station attendant)

... fl(\ ( l' ) authority, prestige



(the movie now playing)

4. -T' / ~ - l- (j) 0 J:_

(department store rooftop)

6. J.J to

(mountains and oceans)

- z,

8. ¥ 0 (j) ~i ~ ... (an authority in academia)

I;, I; l'


o M (j) 1t t: /: (flower vase in the living (guest) room)

+,v'7 t I;

12.0 t::J:&:,

(steep hill)

14. lfj (j) -ff~ Jt (j) e4f 0

(a watch which is a keepsake

I::: Ih'

from my mother)

16. B *' t t:p 00 (j) I~O

(relations between Japan

and China)

PART 1 •


Read the following sentences and write the appropriate furigana below the underlined i~ '+.

(The mountain is reflected on the lake's surface, and it is very beautiful)

(In politics, the opinion of many people should be reflected.)

(There is a flower shop in front of the movie theater.)

(The property tax went up again this year.)

(What's your favorite subject?)

(I want to travel through Hokkaido in the fall (through the Hokkaido of autumn). )

(After age 60, one gradually feels the limitations of the body's strength.)

(Yuki is an active little girl.)

(Today there have been many visitors since morning.)

(How is JAL's (Japan Air Lines) passenger service?)


• PART 1


(He went to Tokyo on the morning express train')

12. iJt -Ix (i % tt ~ ~ ~ Jj;_ L -( '. \ iTo


(She is majoring in accounting.)

PART 1 •

Nine-Stroke iJ!~ (Numbers 11 through 20)

)~* Stroke Order and Practice
11. 9 I ~_-.
t... :r [+ ,f11 ~ ~£.. 1Jr ~7f.
{iJf "
[ ,; J + [ ffJ

(sharpen, grind)
t . < ti)t("(t( sharpen le.g., knivesD
J.;-/' ti)t iff ('T /' :/ ::z_ '/ internship)

12. 9 -;, f I'f If ~
_~. _-3- -3- §-
~ __ . __ .
[ f J + t i. J

fcc ' '( is Jt t&J (fcc '( t rTJ building) -=- ~i§' Jt --C (-=- t; 1 t. '( two-story)
J.;-/'/U/') Jtt9.: ( 'T /' -t 'J construction)
13. 9 1~ 1$
"J.';_' ~; 1+ 1~~ if. 1~ 1~
[ 1 J + [ ~ J
+ [ ~J

(behind, later, after)
-) L . 7~ / 1~ is (0) L ;S behind) '~IJ' (j;,Ylil-o\\ 1~ 11 t (rTJ t; It t later)
j;, t / (J) t~ 1 0 \. \ ~
deferred payment)
~f/:J'/ ~1~ (:J /' :J from now on) ji1~ (+1- 1 :J' final, last) 1~ :f (:J 'I :/ -\" the latter)
14. 9 t I
a'J= I n1 ~A :~a at' sk· at at· at·
[ 13 J + [ 1=J

(last, past)
+T-7 a'J=B (+T ;; :; 'J yesterday) a'J= B)t (+r;; / '/' last evening) _ a'J= it ( 1; +1- ;; 1', /'
the year before last) ... il'} ( j:-):: . (h 6 / :/ .i: r'J) learn, master


• PART 1

~* Stroke Order and Practice
15. 9 171 t ,
+, rn '-fA $ ,$ $ $ $
W .J I~v' I~ I'd
J'~ [W ] + L~ ]

t7t· 7 ,'!3, \ \ ili 1" (h t \ \ t: y- ,~ \ \ ili (t7 t \ \ -C. memory) ,~ \ \ -'(0 i) (t7 t \ \ V f)
<: remember, recall) consideration)
:/ ,~~ (:/ 'J '7 thought, idea) :f-,~ t~ (7 :/ * wonder, mystery)

16. 9 f ?A~
_. *# ?~v' *r ?A1 ?~ t~
[:}" ] + [ b ] v'

+ [ 8 ]

(finger, point to)
VPU/=: .y- 1lH~ (vP if;h (finger) ring) *JU~ (); V vP if thumb) 1~ [2J (=: L ;Z instruction)
;/ 1~~ ( :/ j- l' designation) 1~Z ( > J l' nominate) 17. 9 f t~ r t~ tj:-· tt=· t9= t~
__ .
t4i= [f ~J
] + [ v' v'

(possess, hold)
t .--:;J i4f i) ~* (t 77)\ ,;: one's stock ~ i4f i) (.t t t) feeling) 1:: IH4f t, (') It t t) be in
holdings) charge of)
;/ i4f~.ft: (:; '/ '7 continuation) !'YT (:/ 3 :; l::: /" one's belongings)

18. 9 1+ f j 1 ~v' ~ rJ? r~ r.J:;: ~ ~.
rk ....- ...- .
[ r-- ] + [~ ]

(room, cellar)
t';z, 1:1llJ <t;;z,tt, era (1338-1573) in Japanese history)
:/ 'J 1:rKJ ( :/ 'J -j- l' indoor) ;fo 1: ('7 :/ OJ Japanese-style tiz 1: (.t 3 '7 :/ .. / classroom)
room) 72

PART 1 •

i.~ Stroke Order and Practice
19. 9 .11.::';; .» t+ ~f l :fj+ :fjJ .. :fj..~ :f~
~k .,;:-.
[ ~ J + [ kJ

(autumn, fall)
;tr,~ of*'~ (J;) ~ "Coo t, autumn sky) of*. ~ h (;tr, ~ li:h fine or clear autumn weather)
'./ J.. '7 of*. '77"- C/J..'77,/ autumnal equinox) fJJ ik (/ :3 / ;L '7 early fall)
20. 9 I f- A. ~ * ~ ~
__ . I _=. -
~ ~.
[AJ + [ a J

Ii .is ;@;. {* h (I;i';; ~ -t h. spring vacation) {j;.f:fu ( l;i ,;; :::- /i) spring rain)
/J..'/ ;@;. '77"- (/ ;L '/ 7 '/ vernal equinox) #n- {j;. (/ '/ / J.. '/ new year) 73

• PART 1
A. Identify the following i~':f:.
( ) 1. kjff a. autumn
( ) 2. Jt b. possess
( ) 3. 1~ c. think
( ) 4. a1 d. behind
( ) 5. W e. sharpen
( ) 6. ;}~ f. spring
( ) 7. i4f g. room
( ) 8. ~ h. finger
( ) 9. jfk i. past
( ) 10. ~ j. build B. Analyze the following i~':f:.

1. J!

[ J + [ J

2. 12t

[J+[ J+[ J

3. :r

[ J + [ J

4. t~

[J+[ J+[ J


Fill in each box to make a word or phrase.

1. S] 51;; D * pfT (Judicial Internship Institute) / ;t7 7/ '/J-7:/3

2. b (J) D i~ (J) D;; (behind that building)

-7 L

3. ,!Jft + t; JE-ilt pfT (J) D t£ (construction of a 4. ~ D (J) Fo9 ~ (problem for future lconsiderationl)

7 / '/ I) 3'7 J \ '/"// '/ 3 7 / -t: "J nuclear power plant) -:J / -J

5. D 8 (J) }) ~ (yesterday's guests)

6. Cf ~ If-1j= 1-\ (J) D \. \ ill (memories of one's

l student days)


7. ill 1-'\. i§ ~ D;m (Modern Western

+ .> 9'1'-t l' -;f '7 / '/ '7 (European) thought)

9. D ~ (j) ;I::~ pJT (designated location)

:/ 71'

Ii /3

(maintaining friendly

:/ '/;7 relations)

13. D at ;h (j) \ \ \ \ 3Z ~ (clear autumn

7'./ + weather)

15·D1*hIB -'t'-t

(spring vacation)

PART 1 •

8. ~.1* (j) D ~ (pearl ring)

10. ~El -t- (j) ~ D -G (other person's feelings)


12. h -G -» \ \ t: D :r

'7 /')

(tranquil Japanese room)

14. D ~'- (j) 8

(autumnal equinox)

16. D ~'- (j) 8

(vernal equinox)


Read the following sentences and write the appropriatejurigana below the underlined i~*.

1. ::: (j) --r l' 7 ~ tiff \ \ --C" < t: ~ \ \ 0

(Please sharpen this knife.)

(My house has two stories.)

(Is it all right if I pay for this dress in installments (deferred payment) ?)

(Well then, I'll see you (again) later.)

(Today is the last class of the semester.)


• PART 1

11. #IT X: (7) X: § 7]" § if§ (= .:tlfi ~ ~ ;h i L t: 0

(:-,)LI1J Lf1JLd

15. at;h t: ~k ~ (= _§_ \, \ ~ 7]" 5!f (float) 7]' /; --(" \, \ iTo -')


(Try comparing the former with the latter and see how it is.)

(Thank you for your hospitality (I imposed on you) last night.)

(He is a considerate young man.)

(It is the duty of the scientist to make clear the mysteries of life.)

(I don't like to get too many orders (instructions) from my parents.)

(The head of the new party was nominated for prime minister')

(Who is the homeroom teacher now?)

(Please be sure to write your name on your belongings.)

(You must not smoke in the classroom')

(White clouds are floating in a clear autumn sky.)

(The early autumn breeze is refreshing)

17. ~ f,ffi I)" L t L t ~ -? -z '. \ iTo

(The spring rain is falling gently.)

18. ~!T it- (;i ~!T~ t t '. \ '. \ iTo

(Shinnen (New Year's) is also called Shinshun (new springl.)

PART 1 •


• PART 1

Nine-Stroke il~ (Numbers 21 through 30)

21. 9

::f' [t 1 + [ 'l'l

Stroke Order and Practice

(god, divine, spirit, soul)



*jl.i. (1J' Iv Ih L Shinto priest)

i'; P c.: -7 ''- Kobe, city in Japan)

i'; ~1; (:/ /' r; myth, mythology) M i'; (-t? l' :/ /' mind, spirit)

f'; H (:/ / :; ~ Shinto shrine)

22, 9


(trust, credit)


1:2-· 1-===- 1-==-


[1 J+[gJ

it ffl (:/ / 3 '7 trust, credit) it ~ (:/ / 1', / belief)


§ it (;; :/ / confidence)




Ii? '-A


: 'E3




Ii L

_Jl ~ (It L "( .. 0 starry sky)


-t? l' / :/ 3 '7 »: _Jl (;I; -t? l' Mars)

_Jl 8}j 1J' f) «( t L Ji:, 1J' I) starlight)

m _Jl (.:L l' -t? l' satellite)

8}j _Jl (;:_ 3 '7 ;; 3 '7 Venus)

24, 9

iE~ [jf J + [ ~ J

__ .

(government, politics)

:t ~) I} .; t

jf5z. (:t '7 I) :: t affairs of state, politics)

-t? l' / ( :/ 3 '7) jf5z.;E; (-t? l' ;; politics)

jf5z. iff (-t? l' 7 the government)

jf5z. 'Jt (-t? l' I, '7 political party)


PART 1 •

Stroke Order and Practice

t -:: Ii . c, 1?~ (t -r> Ii t, exclusively)
--C/' 1? r, (--c/,-t/, specialty)
26. 9 ~
5Jt [ 5 ] + [ Jt ] 25.


"" ~k (--c /' ~ 'lone's academic ""

"" -»: J$f- ffl (--c /' 3 '/ exclusive use)

-e- major)

, ,



'l. I

, I

./ ~,,:


.......... ~:


.......... )--.


JIIl 57t, \' (:::- i-~ ;1;) i-) \ \ dish washing)


57t, 5'1l (--c /' ;7 ;7 laundry, washing clothes)

i'7t, ~ (--c /' :/ -\' car wash)

}) -+ 57t, \' (); -c ,}, c, \ \ restroom)






(before, front)

flIT ~ ~ (1: Z IJ' ~ preface)

flIT;f (-c' /' :/ -\' the former)

flIT 1* I) (t z IJ' I) an advance [on one's salaryl)

.s-s-: 'f' (-c /' I' one's prospects ~IJ ~ for the future)

it flIT (:/ 3 ;7 -c / before a meal)

28. 9

:f- [- J + [-'f-J

(grass, cursive handwriting)

.:f.!15Z I) « :::- t I) weeding)

.:f *' « :::- ~ plants and trees)

~.:f (;/-) IJ' < :::- newly sprouted (young) grass)

'j rj .:f ~ ~~n~):/ 3 cursive style of .:f ~ ('j '/ 7 / rough draft)

.... 5'1l ( 5' /} ) rinse, wash


• PART 1

i~~ Stroke Order and Practice
29. 9 ~ '~' !.!. !.! 1- ~. ~~ ;~ ~
~ - ..-.
[ ~J + [i__ ]

}; ( 7", .~, '::1-' (); < "I flu;,,' '~'J . (); < "I YJ. L ~ 'J 7t (); < "I ::0 ~ (package)
J~ J IJ J. conjugational kana ending) ~ 3'. sender) addressee)
'J cj -~ *4 ('j '7 I) 3 '7 '~A ('J 'I;\=- / sending 11 ~ (cj .> 'J cj shipping, transport)
2~ shipping fee) ~ 3i money)

30. 9 ,J:~ 1 /.:1-
1/ {~ {=. {:#-. {:-. {-*- {-*-
q-*- 1;,-/ 1 ~
~ [ 1 ] + [ ~ ]

(wait, look forward to)
:t - <> it 5'-1: (:t t, ,}, \ ' / 'J waiting it t, ~ -h -l±- (:t t: ,},,fJ-tt planned meeting, rendezvous)
9 l' tg it (/ 3 '7 9 l' invitation) $,~ it (;\=- 9 l' expectation) 80

PART 1 •
A. Identify the following il'f:.
( ) 1. :T'; a. grass
( ) 2. 19, b. wait
( ) 3. £ c. wash
( ) 4. iE~ d. government
( ) 5. J!i e. trust
( ) 6. 5Jt f. god
( ) _.>-l-
7. Ii IJ g. star
( ) 8. 1t- h. exclusive
( ) 9. ~ i. before
( ) 10. 1~ j. send B. Analyze the following il'r.


] + [



] + [

] + [


3. ifR



] + [



] + [

] + [


Fill in each box to make a word or phrase.

1. D if) t: 1" (t (god's help)

2 . .::t I) "/ ~ D ~i (Greek mythology)

3. D ffl -C ~ .; A. (trustworthy person)

4. ~ ;fL \. \ t: D '1: (beautiful starry sky) III 7:_i-,


; / -:J ,'} .r, l' -t l'

(man-made satellite)

(government policy (directionn




• PART 1

'1 "" D J:R 4l-- ~

7.:r ~ m V) t:t Y (cafeteria for the exclusive

.> -\' l' /' -t: /' "37 /37 1'7 use of company employees)

8. j::) c:f- D \, \ (restroom)

--C J;, t,

9. .: V) *- V) D ti ~ (preface of this book)

10. 1t D V) < -t I) (medicine [taken] before meals) /37 -C/'

11. ~ V) ;;G D (first blooms of spring)

I:J.lJ ;!->l)' (:':'

12. ~)1;; V) D ~ (a draft of a civil code)

'/7 7/

13. D I) 1/·' t: (conjugational kana endings) );(

14. /] \ 'B V) D *4 (shipping fee for a parcel)

'/7 I) 37

(meeting time)

(wedding invitation)


Read the following sentences and write the appropriatejurigana below the underlined i~*.

(My uncle is a Shinto priest at a shrine near Kobe')

(Please take tomorrow's exam with confidence')

3. ~ JPL I:: J: -:J -c *" £ V) ,t;Jf JE hq-r h h -c \, \ i -t 0 }; :::t·

(Presently, research on Mars is being conducted by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.)

4. 1i' £ V) -= t ~ d0 I t V) SA £ t t \, \ \, \ i -t 0

(Venus is also called ake no myojo (early morning bright stark)

(Those who administer affairs of state are elected by the people of the country.)


6. 1ft lit" (j) j£j:_ rJt I = ~ L --C (belong to) \ \ 1 -t 1]'\ 0 '1:(

10. 1ft Ii #J" it 1f ~ t: -t it- --c" -t 0 i1J-jif-j

11. l1! (j) ~ t f) lit:. \ \ "" ,(; --c" -t 0 i::;h

13. .; (j) I] \ '?!. (j) ~ f) .i. lit:.' ;h --C" L J: / 0

14. 1ft li.B} J1 \ \ 1J.' I)'\(j) iiL1*11= ~ ii- L --C \ \ 1 -t 0

PART 1 •

(Which political party does he belong to?)

(What is your major?)

(He washes dishes as a part-time job.)

(There is a mountain of laundry to do.)

(He is a young man with a promising future')

(Weeding the yard is hard work.)

(Cursive-style Kanji is difficult to read.)

(I wonder who the sender of this package is,)

(He sends money every month to his parents who live in the country.)

0'" be waiting, so please come back early')

(I will try my best to meet (respond to) everyone's expectations.)


• PART 1

Nine-Stroke il* (Numbers 31 through 41)

31. 9

~ fK


-f "" / +1- 4-+- ~ (-f "" \ ' 70 light
1R- brown color)
32. 9 t+
t!7 [ .5 ] + [,",]
)\\" (point, dot, grade, score)

Stroke Order and Practice




#IT 4-+- (;., / -f "" first tea of the

1R- season)

~i! (+t- Ie '7 tea ceremony)

,P" .J!i\(_ (T / ;;Z '7 points, score)

,P" ¥* (T / -t' / dotted line)

(+t- 1 T / to grade, t*, P" assign points)

33. 9
It [J] + [ -IT *]
+ [ x. ]
(degree, times) ;'J~(;h t= . 0/ I,
to cross) 1 +



t: :J = (J) rlf. r ; V) t: :./ this time)

'} rlf. (":J / Ie this time, next time)

:i! rlf. ('j ") Ie speed)

(;., 5' ") arrangement,

R.rlf. . )


34. 9

(departure, emit)

, ,oj / (,t, oj ) 9E- sJ1 (, ,oj / 1 invention)

* -IT variation of J± * 1t variation of *


9E-13 (, -, oj "t / pronunciation)

9E-1'F (,-0 / +1- bout, attack)

PART 1 •

i~* Stroke Order and Practice
35. 9 \, , , ,
, ~.J/ I_~. ¥ '_¥. _~. ~. :~Jt ~
~ ::0:--
[it ] + [* ]

1 ~) ( L \ \ ~ L \ \ (i ~) ( L \ ' beautiful)
I::. ~ ~ (I::. :/ / beautiful woman) ~ i~;t (I::. :/ -i. J the fine arts) § r.~ ~ ( :/ -t' / I::. natural beauty)
36. 9 J1
~ i) P\ F1 R )q ~ m ~
[n. ] + [ ~ ] .-

+ [~ ]

(wind, style)
fJ' -\f / fJ' ::- ~ 1m. l (I;' -\f ':::: h L ventilation) * r,a~ ( h h I) '1:t strong wind) ~~ (fJ'::- < .z:, t
windmill, pinwheel)
7rJ/7 ~ ~i} (7 '7 -t' / balloon) ;-¥ ~ ("3 rJ -; '7 Western style) ~ 'I~ (7 -t' 1 elegance, taste) 37. 9 ,+ ._J..- • :r -ti; ~.:;tr ~. ~ ~ ~
;7'J, ~./ ::77 ;q._
[~ ] ........
+ [~ ] "

fJ' . ~),.;:) "'" .h I) 13 (fJ' ~ ) I) t en strange ,;_; ~ t) I) r ; .::: 7) I;' ~ ) I) change of mind)
;l<_ fellow, eccentric)
r,/ ~ it (,' / TJ change) ~fh("'/ I, '7 fluctuation) ,~~ (+ CL '7" / sudden change)
38. 9 Jj 1+ 1~· l' 1n? 1A 1§ 1~ 1~
1~ ~:j:J
[ 1 ] + [ ~ •...

(convenience, mail)
r: 1: I) 1~ I) (t: J: I) letter) r,a~ 0) 1~ I) (fJ' 1:t e/) t. J: I) rumor)
"'-//1::.:"- 1~ -fIJ ( • <, /; I) convenient) :f.1~ (7 " / inconvenient) Ail ~ 1~ (:J '7 /j '7 l::_ / airmail) :j: ~ , ( :': L2) / ~ rJ ) moreover (this component is also an independent Kanji)


• PART 1

j~!¥ Stroke Order and Practice
39. 9 I
<l j g,. f :~.* *. f' *I-y *~
*,"J 1\
[* J + [ tJ

(promise, approximate)

-'1''7 / -, (-:J '/ -\' '7 public %7 -'¥ n'- (-\'JI'/7/ 7t %7 (-t: / -\' '7 previous
L>, %7 pledge, promise) about half) , engagement)

40. 9 "- , ,"- ,,~;I ,~. ,~ ,~
, , , ,,~
, , , , , ,_. ,_
).f- .... // / / / / /_. / :
[ ) J + [ -¥- J y

(ocean, Western, foreign)
-:.3 CJ 5-¥- M ("3 '/ 1 Western- :kE§'-¥- (:91'-t: 1'"3'/ m '-¥- (-T / "3 'I the South
style room) I Atlantic Ocean) I Seas (South Pacificil 41. 9 _ . _ n7 TF7 ;:ffi U£ ~. ~ _£.
[ a5 J + [3(' J

(need, essential, necessary)
\ \ . .;; '* 6 « \.;; to need)
-:.3 cJ '* ;P" ("3 '/ -T / main point) 1fI '* ( :; J_ '/ "3 'J important) ,x.., '* ( I::: "/ "3 'J necessary, essentiaD 86

PART 1 •
A. Identify the following il 'f:.
( ) 1. ~
;r. a. ocean
( ) 2. t5 b. convenience
( ) 3. ft c. wind
( ) 4. Je d. beauty
( ) 5. * e. degree
( ) 6. ~ f. tea
( ) 7. ~ g. point
( ) 8. 1~ h. departure
( ) 9. *'V i. need
( ) 10. 5-f- j. approximate
( ) 11. *- k. change B. Analyze the following il'f:.

1. Je

[ J + [ J

2. ~

[J+[ J+[ J

3. :k

[ J + [ J

4. Jt

[J+[ J+[ J


Fill in each box to make a word or phrase.

1. D §. V) m~o (brown clothing) + « \\.2, 7'7

2. \, \ \, \ D ~ (good score (number of points) ) -r > :1.7

3. ~ D V) 8 Bit 8 (this Sunday)

4 . .r; :; '/ /' V) it1T V) D 8)1 (Edison's invention of the

/ ,oj J -( electric light lbulbl)

5. D L \, \ (t L ~ (beautiful scenery) -7 --::> (


to /:J-"/I;'./

(museum of fine art)


• PART 1

7. *0 (J) 8 (very windy day)

8. 00 (J) %Z. (Western-style house)


9. q;t(J),~Oh f)

IhM z :». I;{

(changing his mind)

(seasonal change)

11.0 (J)O f)


12. ~ i&; i:::: 0 *IJ t: pfT (convenient place for shopping)

13. ~O(J)1€qt

(keeping one's campaign

(important problem)

// -;J 7 promises)


Read the following sentences and write the appropriatejurigana below the underlined iJ:'f:.

(This first tea of the season is very delicious, isn't it.)

2. ft:it (i 8 *- ~ 1f (unique) (J) :)( 1 t --C" -t 0 = vjJ-7

(The tea ceremony is unique to Japanese culture.)

(Please cut along the dotted line.)

4. = (J) Jt i i ~ ~ (graduation) ;h (/) --C" t -7 .: ~" \, \ 1 -t 0 ~--:J~J-j

(Congratulations on the occasion of your graduation.)

(The pronunciation of "r" and "I" [in English] is difficult for Japanese people.)

(Whenever they have an asthma attack, children seem to suffer a great deal.)


9. 1-1# 0) t~:£_ 8 (birthday) 1= (i ~ ~a t 7- -t 1J\' * I) i -t 0 t:'{'LJ: "IV'

PART 1 •

(A truly beautiful woman is one who also possesses a beautiful spirit.)

(The child is holding a pinwheel in its hand.)

(Balloons and cake are necessary for children's birthday Ipartiesl.)

(That house with the straw-thatched roof is charming, isn't it.)

(The traffic light has turned green.)

(Airmail is much more expensive than surface (sea) mail.)

(I weigh about half as much as you do.)

(The airplane is flying over the Atlantic Ocean right now.)

(When we go to a foreign country, a passport is necessary, isn't it.)

(Please tell me just the main points of the problem)


• PART 1


Ten-Stroke i~* (Numbers 1 through 10)

i~* Stroke Order and Practice
1. 10 ,1 1, ~ ,+ ~j' ~r" ~o. ~S;. ~o ~o
~Jt " ~ T" 7&"
[ ~ ] + [ r ] »:

+ [ .it ]

(institute, public building)
l' / *~~Co (511 T/71 / tr1 JlJt ( t 3 cj 1 / hospital) A JlJt (;:_ ;L cj l' .> hospitalization)
'f' JL graduate school) , ~.,

2. 10 ,,~
.).L. [ ~ ] + [F ..... ]
+ [ ..IIl1. ]
(profit, gain)
.:r..-'\-/ (-\'j1) tlJ :fit ( I) .:r...:\- profit) if :fit (J.. cj .r, .:\- profitable, beneficial)

3. 10



:l ~IR (1;,.. --:J 7 /) summer clothes) :l ~ (1;,..~) < :::- summer grass)

~ :l (1: f"",.~) midsummer)

:ll~ (tJ .:\- the summer period) B)t :l (, .; .> tJ late summer)

:l £ ( 7:/ summer solstice)

tJ / (7')

I 1

(house, home)

%( ::: 1;\ L (\ \ i. :::- IJ' L house hunting)

%( }t (V + / rent)

00 %( (-:J / IJ state, nation)

%( *- (7 7 1 samurai in the service of a feudal lord)

%(:J* (IJ '//) family)


ii~ Stroke Order and Practice
5. 10 .... I
~ I ~ ~ ~ :::--,7 :::'::J ~:e~
__ . - - - - -
..... i71 0 0
~G , '0
[t ] + [ C.]

(write down, record)
L b T tC'. -t (L b T record)
+ tC'. ~ (+ :; news story, article) tC'. ~ (+ :/ -\" reporter) 8 tC'. (-=- ! + diary, journal) (return)

6. 10

[y]+[a] +[ r->]+[ rp]

~~ I) i'[ (fJ'i_ I) h. t) on the way back)

8 I)~ ') ([} fJ' i_ IJ returning on the same day [from a trip] )

I)~ 00 (+ :J ;; returning to one's homeland)

~~ ff;" (+ + 3 '/ return to Tokyo)

(rise, get up)


7. 10





[t_] + [ C.]

h . ~ b / _-joG -"< 7 (h ~ ;S rise, get up,

h· = b/h . =9 It.!:: ~ ~ occur, take place)

~ =- 6 (h =: ~ occur, take place)

~ =- -t h =: T raise, wa e (someone) up, create)

~ JL (+ I) "/ stand up)

~ ffl (+ "3 '/ to appoint to a position)

(Japanese reading of Kanji, teachings)



8. 10

- +




"'"" [~ ] + [ )1] ]

-;-)IJ -;-j;, h. (;; .> J: h. Japanese

"d}L reading of Kanji)

:r!z t)11 (+ 3 '/ ;; /' one's teachings)

PART 1 •


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