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First of all we are thankful to Almighty Allah for granting us the

courage, determination, will and resources to undertake this Business
Research Report on “EDHI FOUNDATION”

We would also like to express our deepest and sincere gratitude

to our research report guide Professor Dr: Ashique Jamil Jhatiyal
“ Institute of Commerce” whose invaluable guidance and cooperation
helped us in the preparation of this Business Research Report.









The Edhi Foundation is a non-profit social welfare program

in Pakistan, founded by Abdul Sattar Edhi in 1951. Edhi until his
death on 8 July 2016 was the head of the organization and his
wife Bilquees, a nurse, oversees the maternity and adoption
services of the foundation. Its headquarters are in Karachi,
The Edhi Foundation provides 24-hour emergency assistance
across the nation of Pakistan and abroad. The Foundation
provides, among many other services, shelter for the destitute,
free hospitals and medical care, drug rehabilitation services, and
national and international relief efforts. Its main focuses
are Emergency Services, Orphans, Handicapped Persons,
Shelters, Education, Healthcare, International Community
Centers, Blood & Drug Bank, air ambulance services, Marine And
Coastal Services.
Edhi established his first welfare center in 1957 and then the Edhi
Trust. What started as one man operating from a single room in
Karachi is now the Edhi Foundation. The foundation has over 300
centers across the country, in big cities, small towns and remote
rural areas, providing medical aid, family planning and emergency
assistance. They own air ambulances, providing quick access to
far-flung areas.
In Karachi alone, the Edhi Foundation runs 8 hospitals providing
free medical care, eye hospitals, diabetic centers, surgical units, a
4- bed cancer hospital and mobile dispensaries. In addition to
these the Foundation also manages two blood banks in Karachi.
As with other Edhi services, employed professionals and
volunteers run these. The foundation has a Legal aid department,
which provides free services and has secured the release of
countless innocent prisoners. Commissioned doctors visit jails on
a regular basis and also supply food and other essentials to the
inmates. There are 15 " Apna Ghar" ["Our Home"] homes for the
destitute children, runaways, and psychotics.
On 25 June 2013, Edhi's kidneys failed; it was announced that he
would be on dialysis for the rest of his life unless he found a
kidney donor. Edhi died on 8 July 2016 at the age of 88 due to
kidney failure after having been placed on a ventilator. His last
wishes included the request that his organs were to be donated
but due to his ill health, only his corneas were suitable. He was
laid to rest at the Edhi Village Karachi.
The foundation also has an education scheme, which apart from
teaching reading and writing covers various vocational activities
such as driving, pharmacy and para-medical training. The
emphasis is on self-sufficiency. The Edhi Foundation has
branches in several countries where they provide relief to
refugees in the United States, UK, Canada, Japan,
and Bangladesh. In 1991 the Foundation provided aid to victims
of the Gulf war and earthquake victims in Iran and Egypt. The
organization has held the Guinness record for world's "largest
volunteer ambulance organization" since 1997. In 2016, after the
death of Abdul Sattar Edhi, the state bank of Pakistan
encouraged bank CEOs to donate to the foundation.
“Provide shelter, clothing and food to poor and needy people of the
world on a self-help basis.”

“To create an institution that will carry on life’s work and service for a
long time to come.”
Major features of Edhi Foundation which make it unique

Edhi Foundation—the largest organizational set-up running in

multidimensional areas in Pakistan modifies the catchphrase “Live
and Let Live” by “Live and Help Live”, which means Edhi guides
others that whilst passing the life, don’t let to live with hardships
and difficulties, yet extend your every possible assistance to others,
in case, any assistance is sought from you, to live with happiness
and ease.

The largest organization with its biggest number of fleet, and bigger
number of working professionals, working round the clock has set
the best examples, for other social service providers to tread upon
his footprint.

The services which make the Edhi Foundation unique among all
other social welfare service providers, is its exemplary services in
the areas of—such as providing free shroud and burial services to
unclaimed dead bodies, shelter for the disabled and destitute
people, orphans and abandoned children, provision of free
hospitals and dispensaries in the highly neglected areas,
rehabilitation of drug addicts, and so on.

Edhi Foundation services is an open book that has many

remarkable chapters, one of them is—offering supporting system
to the handicapped—like wheel chairs, crutches, and so on, family
planning counselling, maternity services, national and international
relief efforts during the disasters to provide relief to the victims of
natural calamities.

Edhi Foundation has set many examples, which can’t be traced by

other NGOs and trusts actively serving in Pakistan that Edhi
believes in the principle of self-help, thus he is running all his social
welfare driven activities without getting funding from any
government or donor agency. It is a fact that Edhi isn’t entertaining
even he refuses the concept of support from others. The only
donations are entertained from the individuals and few leading

Edhi strongly believes in protecting basic human rights without any

discrimination of color, caste, and creed. My religion is “service for
humanity” that is spanned over 56 years, thus our efforts and
services are greatly liked and commended by all schools of
thought, across Pakistan and many parts of the world.


1.The main Aim of Edhi Foundation is to ensure better

socialization and physical growth of children who are without
parent’s care.
2.To continue Orphan children education until such stage
that they may be able to stand on their own feet and support
their family and dependents.
3.To make them useful citizens of the society.
4.To provide them positive opportunities for constructive
academic and co-curriculum activities.
5.We aim to provide services of the family, higher education,
health, shelter, recreation and food all under a friendly
6.This is to be carried out irrespective of their color, caste,
creed, race, ethnic background or any other social status.
7.To promote volunteerism concept among them.
8.Edhi provides many services in all over the world .The
some main services are given below.

As of March 2016, the Edhi Foundation owns over 1,800 private

ambulance vans stationed in areas across Pakistan. The
ambulance dispatchers in Karachi, one of the busiest cities in
Pakistan, have reported up to 6,000 calls a day, with the average
response time for each incident falling within 10 minutes. It was
also an Edhi ambulance which responded to and picked up the
body of the American journalist, Daniel Pearl, when he was killed
in 2002.
The organization also owns two private jets and one helicopter to
assist in moving victims from hard-to-reach locations, especially
during the event of a natural disaster.[10] In addition to land and air
assistance, Edhi Foundation also hosts 28 rescue boats to aid
during floods and in cases of shipwrecks and disaster along the
Arabian Ocean coast


The history of establishing the Edhi child adoption centers

and childcare services dates back to 1949. Mrs. Bilques Edhi is
supervising and looking after the caring and feeding of babies and
children. For this purpose, exclusive cradles have been placed
outside all Edhi Centers, across the country with a view to keep
the abandoned and illegitimate babies in these cradles.
Mostly these abandoned newborn babies are provided to the
childless couples, who in accordance with our own policies, after
ensuring that they are fully deserved and exactly suitable for this
noble cause. Bisques Edhi, after completely going through the
background of the couples, and undertaking a rigorous screening
process she decides that the couple or the family is precisely
suitable for the baby adoption.

On annual basis, Edhi Foundation is giving over 250 babies or

children for adoption. Till to date, over 23,320 babies and children
have been provided to the childless couples and families.
At most of the emergency Edhi Centers, “Jhoolas” (baby cradles)
are installed where unwanted infants can be left. These
abandoned babies are then taken into custody and given shelter
in Edhi Homes. Although initially Edhi was subject to a lot of
pressure from several quarters on initiating Jhoolas service,
gradually the idea caught on.

Now people even come forward to hand over the babies

themselves to officials at the Edhi Centers. Such infants are
thereafter given in the care of suitable deserving families not having
children of their own, for adoption. Bilquis Edhi, the head of this
service through a centralized system checks the credentials of the
adopting parents and conducts a regular follow-up.

Babies left over in garbage dumps outside Karachi are air-lifted to

the central nursery located in Karachi where medical and nursing
care is provided before adoption. All documentation of this service
are kept confidential in order to save the child from facing social
problems afterwards.

Edhi Foundation has set-up 18 homes all over Pakistan (seven

homes are running at Karachi). As a whole, 8500 younger boys
and girls including elder ladies and gents have been
accommodated in 18 homes. Among them, are abandoned and
orphan boys and girls, mentally retarded and physical disabled,
as well as for the shelter-less and helpless male and female
people are living in these exclusive Edhi homes. Besides, the
tortured women in the aftermath of domestic violence also reside
Number of Edhi homes which have been established at different
cities of Pakistan are stated here as—Karachi 7, Multan 1, Lahore
3, Islamabad 1, Peshawar 1, Quetta 1, and Chitral 1. The
residents in the Edhi homes are numbered at 8500

Edhi Foundation has the largest network for the burial of dead
bodes or unclaimed coffins in Pakistan. Graveyards have been
established in various cities of Pakistan—like Karachi, Lahore,
and Rawalpindi, including in New York, USA.
Mr. Edhi has the privilege of having the world record, for providing
the last prescribed bath (Ghusl) before shrouding the coffin by his
own hands which exceeds 58,000 dead bodies and unclaimed
coffins, and making all arrangements for their burial.
i.e Three metropolises—such as Karachi, Lahore, and Rawalpindi
have made the annual contracts with Edhi Foundation for burial of
unidentified dead bodies, which have been recovered from
drowning, or resulted in deaths owing to homicides, or resulted due
to road accidents. Shrouds and coffin boxes are being arranged
without any cost to those, who aren’t in a position to afford or pay
for the burial rites by themselves.

Non-Muslims are also provided services in accordance with their

own religious rites, with the assistance of a church or temple,
respectively. Besides these services, larger-sized air-conditioned
mortuaries have been established at Karachi to keep the
unidentified bodies for few days, and very sooner the burial rites
are rendered, in case, any close kin of the deceased couldn’t be
possible to trace out.

Edhi Foundation not only provides burial services, even it is

providing transporting of dead bodies from across the Pakistan and
across the world.

A record number of 58,261 unclaimed and abandoned dead bodies

were buried by Edhi Foundation. As a break-down, following
tabulation shows year-wise burial of coffins from 2005 to 2012 (for
a period of 8 years):
Edhi Rikshaw “Rozgar” Scheme
CNG auto rickshaws were being provided to unemployed youths of
our nation and country, with a view to reduce the unemployment
rate from our country on “no profit and no loss basis” as the many
surveys and findings were indicating that the unemployment has
alarmingly increased thereby aggravating, the already grave
situation of unemployment in our country.

Rickshaw scheme was launched with a view to save the

breadwinners from financial hardships, as supporting one
breadwinner – means supporting the whole family members. And
in case of any depriving the breadwinner from a permanent job –
means to push him and his entire family members to the stage of
grave financial hardships and difficulties.

Edhi believes in following the life of simplicity and austerity, trying

to always play the role of, blessing hand for the needy, his national
and international level services, has given him the leading role
player by showing his holiness to the distressed and less-privileged

He never came under the trap of any expediency like others who
are running their trusts and NGOs, yet major share of their financial
resources is being spent for the welfare of their management and
staff members, yet Edhi never spent any amount of Edhi
Foundation, for his own sake. He is spending all his resources for
the sake of needy, less privileged people, and disabled people – all
these exclusive roles make him different from other social welfare
service providers.
EDHI Educational Services
Karachi Bilquis Edhi elementary and primary secondary schools
are operating at Karachi, in the areas of, Old Sabzi Mandi, Noor
Shah Colony Mirpur Khas and Masjid Road Nawabshah. In these
remoter areas of Sindh, the students studying at these Edhi
homes are giving basic education.

The students studying at various schools in Sindh Province are

listed as under:
In Karachi

The students currently studying at these centres are ___ in

number, whereas classes are held from 1st to Matric class. All
our students score over 80 percent marks during the Matric board

In Nawabshah

Edhi elementary school was opened in 2002, has classes from

Nursery to Class V, making the number of students as_________,
by providing the early education as well as assisting to acquire
satisfactory results.

In Mirpur Khas
Bilquis Edhi Middle School is running in Mirpur Khas, having over
511 students currently studying there. The school caters the
education from nursery to 8th class. This school is registered with
Education & Literacy Department, Govt. of Sindh.
International Activities

 Aid to Afghan refugees since 1978.

 Relief to the needy in the civil war in Lebanon during 1983.
 Rupees 0.5 million for flood relief in Bangladesh during
1986. In addition, an ambulance was also provided.
 Rupees one million in aid to the drought and famine-stricken
areas in Ethiopia during 1985.
 Aid to earthquake victims of Armenia, USSR during year
 Aid for the affected people and refugees of Persian Gulf War
during 1991 in the form of blood, plasma, medicines and
surgical instruments, etc, worth approximately Rs 4.5 million.
 Aid to earthquake victims of north-western Iran during 1990.
 Continuous relief goods including tents, clothing, blankets
and rations for refugees in Azad Kashmir.
 Relief aid to Kurd refugees.
 Financial and travel assistance to the standard Pakistanis in
Kuwait during the Persian Gulf War in 1992.
 Aid during the earthquake in Cairo 1992.
 Efforts for the release of prisoners and detainees involved in
minor immigration irregularities in Iraq and Romania during
 Supply of rice and edibles to Mogadishu in Somalia during
1993 in collaboration with the Pakistan army.
 Relief supplies for Bosnian refugees in Pakistan and supply
of relief goods and assistance in Croatian Camps during
 Relief goods, edibles supplied to Afghan refugees in
Jalalabad, Afghanistan, during 1994.
 Continuous relief operation including provision of
transportation facilities to Bosnian refugees during 1993-94.
 Relief activities conducted in Croatian camps for Bosnian
people during 1993-94.
 Evacuation and relief for plague victims in Saurat (India)
during 1994.
 Provision of blood bags for Japanese earthquake victims
during 1994.
 Edhi International Foundation with its branches in U.S.A.,
England, Japan, Bangladesh, U.A.E. are engaged in
Humanitarian work, supporting especially people belonging
to Third World.
Management Style

Management and spending of funding for varied

social welfare based divisions, is controlled by Edhi with his son
Faisal Edhi and daughter Kubra Edhi. Edhi his son Faisal and
daughter Kubra Edhi are personally handling all finance related
operations of Edhi Foundation. They are also playing their role to
collect the national and international funding. Edhi very much
prefers to drive ambulance to shift the patients to the hospitals,
get funding, and making surprise visits to check various Edhi
centers, across the country – Pakistan and abroad.

Edhi Foundation accepts donation from Rs.5 to above any
figure either in hundreds or thousands, or in millions, to extend
assistance for the social welfare activities of Edhi Foundation. Edhi
Foundation believes in getting donation from the general masses
not from the rich people, so all humanitarian based services are run
on the funding of general masses. Contribution can also be made
in the form of medicines, food, clothing, and animal hides either.

Honorary & Voluntary Services

Edhi Foundation is being run entirely with the assistance

of staff, who are working on voluntarily basis and serving with the
missionary spirit and zeal, for the betterment of society and
humanity. Thus, the best example of service that needs to be
followed on the precedent set forth by Edhi Foundation. These
voluntarily working people comprise on zonal heads, clerical staff
at Edhi centres, workers at all Edhi homes and maternity home.
With its bigger fleet size – 1,800 ambulances have proved the
best source of job opportunity to 1800 drivers either.
Honors and Awards
International awards
 Ramon Magsaysay Award for Public Service (1986).
 Lenin Peace Prize (1988).
 Paul Harris Fellow from Rotary International (1993).
 Peace Prize from the former USSR, for services during
the Armenian earthquake disaster (1988)
 Hamdan Award for volunteers in Humanitarian Medical
Services (2000), UAE.
 International Balzan Prize (2000) for Humanity, Peace and
Brotherhood, Italy.
 Peace and Harmony Award (2001), Delhi
 Peace Award (2004), Mumbai
 Peace Award (2005), Hyderabad Deccan
 Gandhi Peace Award (2007), Delhi
 Peace Award (2008), Seoul
 Honorary doctorate from the Institute of Business
Administration Karachi (2006).
 UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize (2009).
 Ahmadiyya Muslim Peace Prize (2010).
 Honorary Doctorate by the University of Bedfordshire (2010).

National awards
 Silver Jubilee Shield by College of Physicians and
Surgeons (1962–1987).
 Moiz ur rehman Award (2015).
 The Social Worker of Sub-Continent by Government
of Sindh (1989).
 Nishan-e-Imtiaz, civil decoration from the Government of
Pakistan (1989).
 Recognition of meritorious services to oppressed humanity
during the 1980s by Ministry of Health and Social
Welfare, Government of Pakistan (1989).
 Pakistan Civic Award from the Pakistan Civic Society (1992).
 Jinnah Award for Outstanding Services to Pakistan was
conferred in April 1998 by The Jinnah Society. This was the
first Jinnah Award conferred on any person in Pakistan.
 Shield of Honor by Pakistan Army (E & C)
 Khidmat Award by the Pakistan Academy of Medical Sciences.
 Bacha Khan Aman (Peace) Award in 1991
 Human Rights Award by Pakistan Human Rights Society.
 2013 Person of the Year by the readers of The Express
Edhi foundation is the largest and most organized
social welfare system in Pakistan and it is a unique example of what
ordinary people can achieve through sincerity of purpose, dedication and
perseverance. By focusing on alleviation of human sufferings, Edhi
foundation has broken the religious, geographical and racial barriers,
thus fostering the nation of welfare for all mankind. The recognitions
received by Dr: Edhi include the international awards like the Roman
Magsaysay awards for public service, len in peace prize, international
Balzan prize for Humanity, life time achievement award , honorary
doctorate degree by IBA Karachi and various national awards like
Nishan-e-Imtiaz , human rights award, shield of honor and the Pakistan
and civic award etc. His life’s work restores out flickering faith in
humanity and his example inspires us towards making a personal
revolution, so that the collective spirit may be strengthened.
He has a vision to help others; he has a vision of establishing
a chain of welfare centers and hospitals that could be opened to alleviate
the pain of those suffering from illness and neglect. He also thought of the
inhuman treatment meted out to the mentally ill, the insane and the disable
persons. Even at this early age, he felt personally responsible for taking
on the challenge of developing a system of services to reduce human
miseries. The task was huge; he had no resources. But it was something
that he had to do even if he had to walk to the streets with a cap in hand
to beg for this purpose. He is most respected philanthropist of Pakistan
who is also known in the entire world for his international humanitarian
work. He is respected by all the Pakistanis and many rich people are now
helping him by giving donation to his foundation.
So he set up a small medical Centre of his own, sleeping on the cement
bench outside his shop so that even those even those who came late at
night could be served.

But he also had to face the enmity of the Memons, and became convinced
they were capable having him killed. For safety, and in search of
knowledge, he set out on an overland journey to Europe, begging all the
way one morning, he awoke on a bench at Rome railway station to
discover his shoes had been stolen. He was not bothered, considering them
inessential. Nevertheless, the next day an elderly lady gave him a pair of
gumboots, two sizes too large, and Mr. Edhi wobbled about in them for
the remainder of his journey.

Edhi plans mass campaigns against narcotics, illiteracy, population

control and basic hygiene. Edhi’s wife Bilquees works in the areas of
maternity Centre management . She runs 6 nursing training schools in
Karachi, which provide basic training courses. These Centers have so far
trained over 40000 qualified nurses. Some 20000 abandoned babies have
been saved and about a million babies have been delivered in the Edhi
maternity homes. Bilquees also supervised the food that is supplied to
the Edhi housing is 50000 and Edhi’s two daughters and one son assist in
the nursing of the orphanages and the automation of these institution.

1. U.S Constitution and Federal Statutes

4. Personal observations
5. Relevant book material

Edhi Official Website

Edhi Foundation
Abdul Sattar Edhi: A Tribute

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