A Position Pape

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A Position Paper on the Illegalization of abortion on the Philippines

Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside
the uterus. Historycally , abortions have been attempted using herbal medicines, sharp took. With force
or through other traditional methods. In many places there is much debate over moral. Ethical and legal
issues of abortion. Those who oppose abortion often maintain that an embryo or fetus is a human with
a right to life and may compare abortion to murder.

In Article 11 of the 1987 Philippines Contitution says. In part, "Section 12. The State recognizes
the Sanctity of the family life and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social
institution. It shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception.

If abortion will be ligalized, our natural right will be ignored which is the right to live and promote
and protect life, however, choosing abortion is the right thing to do to those who are force in childbirth.

Counter Agrument

If ever abortion will be legalized, it could provide safety because women can receive the proper
health care required to make sure they are safe and dont sustain any life threatening injuries from an

However, abortion is not the option. Thus pregnant women need support and help. PPFI advocated more
education programs, maternal child care services and economic and social development programs that
would help stop "rape, incest, sex outside of marriage and other causes of unwanted pregnancies."

Another one is, the legalization of abortion would give a peace of mind to the woman, especially when
the pregnancy was a result of rape. She could become depressed, resent the child, be reminded for her
experience every time she sets eyes on her pregnant belly or her child, and she needs to undergo
abortion because of the certain condition.

But as Josephine Imbong, a CBCP Legal counsil said, abortion should not be allowed under any
circumstances, including rape or incest. It will not give peace of mind to the mother, hence, her
conscience will be chasing her for taking the life of the unborn child, well in fact, it is

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