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SF LMS Business Case Training

Online Course Administration

LMS Business Case Training – Online Course Administration

Table of Contents
1.1 – Content Import Tool – Administrative Guide ........................................................................... 4
1.2 - Assessment Quiz Creation – Administrative Guide ................................................................... 5
1.3 - Level 1 Survey Creation – Administrative Guide ....................................................................... 6
1.4 - Online Course Creation – Administrative Guide ....................................................................... 8
1.5 - Catalog Creation – Administrative Guide ............................................................................... 11
1.6 - Assignment Profile Creation – Administrative Guide .............................................................. 12
1.7 - Course Testing – User Guide .................................................................................................. 13

LMS Business Case Training – Online Course Administration

1.0 - Business Purpose

The purpose of this business case is to introduce the fundamentals of online course
administration. This includes the creation of all components of the course and then putting
everything together into a single online learning course.


Online Quiz





LMS Business Case Training – Online Course Administration

1.1 – Content Import Tool – Administrative Guide

The SAP SuccessFactors Learning Content Import tool is a wizard that administrators can use to
import one or more content packages, deploy them to a content server, and create and
configure items to be associated with those content packages.

Additional Information
 Content File: Provided (Leave Zipped)
Content Object Information
 Server Location: iCONTENT

1. Navigate to Content > Tools > Import Content

2. Select ‘Add New Content’

3. Click ‘Next’

4. Browse for and select the sample content file

5. Click ‘Next’

6. Populate content object fields based on the data provided in the ‘Additional
Information’ section above

7. Click ‘Import Files’

8. Before moving to the next page, click on the pencil edit icon to customize the content
object ID by adding your initials to the end of it (_XX)

9. Click ‘Schedule Job’

10. Click ‘Run Job Immediately’

11. Click ‘Finish’

LMS Business Case Training – Online Course Administration

1.2 - Assessment Quiz Creation – Administrative Guide

SAP SuccessFactors Learning quizzes are a learning assessment that offers simplicity. A quiz is a
set of questions that users must answer correctly to receive a passing grade. Admins can assign
quizzes to users through learning items, usually as part of a set of online learning content.

Additional Information
New Quiz Information
 Quiz Name: LMS Training Quiz
 Description: User XX Training Quiz
 Primary Locale: English

 Quiz Type: Free-form Quiz Setting Information

 Feedback Display: Show feedback only
 Quiz Attempts Limit: 2
 Resumable: Yes
 Randomize Questions: Yes
 Results Summary: Yes
 Allow Quiz Review: Yes
 Passing Percentage: 80% (Default)

1. Navigate to Content > Assessments > Add New

2. Select ‘Add New Quiz’
3. Populate Quiz fields based on the data provided in the ‘Additional Information’ section
4. Click ‘Create’
5. Select Menu > Settings

6. Populate Quiz settings based on the data provided in the ‘Additional Information’
section above
7. Click ‘Save’
8. Select Menu > Questions
9. Create one question for each of the question types (making the correct answers obvious
as we will be using this at a later time)

10. Select Menu > Quiz Overview

11. Publish the quiz

LMS Business Case Training – Online Course Administration

1.3 - Level 1 Survey Creation – Administrative Guide

Additional Information
New Survey Information
 Name: User XX Survey Test
 Evaluation Level: “Item Evaluation: User Satisfaction”
 Description: User XX LMS Business Case Training
 Comments: Test Comments
 Active: Yes
 Anonymous Surveys: Yes Survey Option Information
 Required for Item Completion: No
 Days to Complete: 7
 Include Comments Field for each Question: Yes

1. Navigate to Learning > Questionnaire Surveys > Add New

2. Populate the survey fields based on data provided in the ‘Additional Information’
section above

3. Confirm that ‘Is Active’ is selected

4. Click ‘Add’

5. Click ‘Options’

6. Populate Survey options based on the data provided in the ‘Additional Information’
section above

7. Click ‘Apply Changes’

8. Click ‘Questions’


LMS Business Case Training – Online Course Administration

9. Review the icons labeled with colors in the screenshot on the next page
a. Red: Open / Close Page
b. Orange: Add Question
c. Blue: Add Page

10. For this survey, we will not be using the instructor resource type because the survey is
being created for an online training which does not include an instructor. If this was for
an ILT, you could use this resource type and place all questions about the instructor on
this page so the user knows what the questions are related to. That being said, keep
resource type set to none.

11. Use the information above and on the next page to open the survey page and create the
three questions shown.

LMS Business Case Training – Online Course Administration

1.4 - Online Course Creation – Administrative Guide

Additional Information
 Item Classification: Online Only New Item Information
 Item Type: OLT
 Course Title: User XX Online Training
 Course Description: User XX Online Business Case Training
 Credit Hours: 2
 Initial Basis: Event Additional Item Information
 Initial Period: Days
 Initial Number: 30
 Content Object ID: USER_XX_CONTENT Content / Quiz Information
 Object Name: Online Learning Test
 Mark Complete When Launched: No
 Quiz Name: User XX Quiz Test
 Restrict access to other online item objects when assessment is in progress: Yes
 Record learning event when assessment passed: Yes
 Record learning event when assessment failed: No
 Enable Assessment Review: Yes
 Completion Status: OLT Complete

1. Navigate to Learning > Items > Add New

2. Select ‘Online Only’

3. Click ‘Ok’

4. On the Add New Item screen enter the following information based on the additional
information provided above:
a. Select Item Type
b. Enter Item ID
c. Enter Item Title
d. Enter Item Description
e. Enter Domain ID
f. Enter Credit Hours

5. Click ‘Continue’

LMS Business Case Training – Online Course Administration

6. Add the previously uploaded content object to the course using the additional
information provided

7. Add the previously created assessment quiz to the course using the additional
information provide

8. Click the course name hyperlink above the contents added

9. Select ‘Force sequential completion of content’ (This will make sure that the user
completes the course content before taking the quiz)

10. Click ‘OK’

11. Select the ‘Settings’ dropdown > Modify Settings

12. Select ‘Content is available for launch (available for users)’

13. Select ‘Record learning even when all content is complete’

14. Click ‘OK’

15. Click ‘Save & Exit’

LMS Business Case Training – Online Course Administration

16. Select the ‘View All’ fields to view all of the item summary information and populate the
additional item information provided.

17. Click ‘Save’

18. Select ‘Related More’ > Evaluations and populate the information for your previously
created evaluation survey.

LMS Business Case Training – Online Course Administration

1.5 - Catalog Creation – Administrative Guide

Course catalogs define a set of SAP SuccessFactors Learning courses that users can browse,
search, and access.

Additional Information
 Catalog ID: USER_XX_CATALOG New Catalog Information
 Description: LMS Training Catalog
 Contact Email: (Your Email)

1. Navigate to Learning > Catalogs > Add New

2. Populate catalog fields based on the data provided in the ‘Additional Information’
section above

3. Click ‘Add’

4. Add your previously created item to the catalog

LMS Business Case Training – Online Course Administration

1.6 - Assignment Profile Creation – Administrative Guide

Assignment profiles are used when administrators want to create a pool of users based on their
attributes and assign system objects to the defined users.

Additional Information
 Assignment Profile ID: USER_XX_NH_PROFILE New Profile Information
 Description: New Hire Assignment Profile
 Created For: Training Purposes

 Domain ID: PUBLIC (where are the users sitting?) Profile Rule Information
 Rule Group 1 – Rule 1
o Name: Hire Date Rule
o Attribute: Hire Date
o Operator: On or After
o Value: (Todays Date)
 Rule Group 2 – Rule 1
o Name: User ID Rule
o Attribute: User ID
o Operator: Matches
o Value: (Your User ID)

1. Navigate to Users > Assignment Profiles > Add New

2. Populate Assignment Profile fields based on the data provided in the ‘Additional
Information’ section above
3. Click ‘Add’
4. Click ‘Manage Rules’
5. Configure the two different rules by putting them into two different rule groups (This
will create an ‘OR’ relationship between the rules). Make sure to select the correct
domain for the rules to be applied to.
6. Click ‘Save’
7. Click ‘Preview User in Assignment Profile’ (Confirm that your user account is being
pulled in)
8. Close the Manage Rules screen
9. Add your previously created item to the assignment profile
10. Add you previously created catalog to the assignment profile
11. Propagate the assignment profile

LMS Business Case Training – Online Course Administration

1.7 - Course Testing – User Guide

Now that the online training course has been assigned to your user record, we will navigate to
the user side of the application and test it.

1. Navigate to your learning plan

2. Locate and launch the Online course just assigned

3. Close out of the content window

4. Launch and Complete the Quiz

5. In the ‘Completed Items’ Tile > locate the learning history record for the course


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