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Marijuana is a greenish-gray mixture of the dried flowers of cannabis sativa. It can also
use to blew tea and, particularly when it is sold or consumed for medical purposes (NIH-
National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2018).

In our country today, marijuana is considered as illegal. If someone caught or

attempted using marijuana, he/she be imprisoning. Many people believe that marijuana also
considered as a medicine. So, that’s why some people wants the marijuana to be legalized in
our country. But legalization of marijuana can bring the both favorable and unfavorable effects
to the society, and the environment. Our government are pretty much aware about this and
decide not legalized this drug. They thought it can harm and become addicted.

Is everyone being in favor that marijuana should be legalized in the Philippines? Some
people are not in favor that our country must legalized marijuana because they thought that if
the government legalized marijuana there's a possibility that people must abused it. But some
people are also in favor because they know or belief that mostly, there’s a lot of advantages in

I'm in favor that our country must legalized marijuana because marijuana has an ability
to treat diseases. Probably, marijuana have a big help to us especially to our fellow Filipino
because it has many benefits and advantages that needs in our body or health such as to treat
illnesses, cancer, and others. However, marijuana play a huge role in our country and also in our
health to fulfill the need and can help cure the any kinds of diseases. So, Philippines should have
legalized marijuana.

It is said that this drug can help cure diseases, including cancer, glaucoma and AIDS.
Other people claim that it is a great stress reliever and a useful medicine for pain. Even doctor
prescribed this drug to people who have problems in sleeping and eating. But here in the
Philippines, marijuana is still not legalized. Many said that people abuse it and that's the reason
why marijuana is still not legalize. Here are the powerful reasons why we should legalize

1.) The truth is marijuana is not harmful drugs. Marijuana is proven to be far less
harmful than the other products, particularly alcohol and tobacco.

2.) Marijuana is medicine. There are already tons of articles about cannabis being an all
in one medicine with only a tiny, tiny percent of chance of an overdose.

3.) Marijuana doesn't only benefit the body, but the economy as well. Just like the
medicines and other goods, legalization of marijuana can substantially rake huge amounts of
profits, which we badly need in these economic times.

4.) It can help the government save cost. Legalization of marijuana gives the country an
opportunity to billions of dollars per year According to Harvard economist Jeffrey Miron, a
whopping $8.7 billion a year is being spent for enforcing law against marijuana in the U.S.
Despite of being illegal, thousand or more individuals are still arrested every day for possessing
and using marijuana. Our law of enforcement officials devotes their thousands of hours of
arresting, booking and imprisoning the cannabis user. And the sad thing is that being arrested
doesn't stop the user from smoking pot.

5.) It is easy to grow and environmental friendly. Cannabis itself has an ability to clean
up toxins underground, which is known as phytomediation, making the soil a lot healthier and
useful for farming. The fiber that comes from this plants can be used to produce paper
products, including cardboards, envelopes and computer paper, which help us to eliminate the
need of chop down trees in the forest. Furthermore, cannabis plant can also be substituted for
cotton in the production of textile. If we use a substitute for cotton, we will significantly reduce
the usage of harmful chemicals(change.org/Mark Quijano,2017).

Therefore, there are so many beneficial and advantages that marijuana gives. Marijuana
is not so harmful. But we should consider that marijuana has a big help in our economy or
country. To our fellow Filipino, we should not abuse the marijuana so that our country filed for
legalizing marijuana, although others are still intentionally abused it. As a Filipino, be
responsible for using marijuana and before using it, we need to prescribed a doctor.

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