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University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education


Final Report

* Please TYPE (including comments) DIRECTLY onto this form. Submit a SIGNED, DOUBLE SIDED original.

PS III is a five-course equivalent integrated semester including half-time teaching and professional study in curriculum
design, leadership, advanced methods, and reflective practice. Intern Teachers are assigned full time to schools for the
semester during which they assume responsibility for approximately one-half of the teaching day. PS III professional study
is designed to complement and enhance the internship. The professional study components may occur on or off-campus
and are coordinated by the University Consultants in collaboration with Intern Teachers and school personnel.

Select the course in which you are registered:

Education 4571 Elementary Education Internship
Education 4572 Secondary Education Internship
Education 4576 Native Education Internship
Education 4578 Early Childhood Education Internship
Education 4582 Inclusive Education Internship
Education 4583 Technology in Education Internship


Grade Level(s): 10, 11
Teacher Mentor: JEREMY KOUTSKY
Administrator: DEAN BROWN
University Consultant: DAVID GEORGE


Final Conference Date: Date:

Review the Portfolio:

Review the Professional Inquiry Project

Intern Teacher Report and Signature

Teacher Mentor Report and Signature
Administrator Report and Signature
University Consultant Report and Signature

Complete Final Report submitted to Field Experience Office by UC

U of L: PS III Final Report: (Revised: September 2019) Page 1 of 5

* Please TYPE (including comments) DIRECTLY onto this form.


University Consultant: DAVID GEORGE
Intern Teacher:

University Consultant Comments:

Ryan Massini has had a most successful PSIII Internship, has completed all of the requirements of this course, and has
demonstrated high competence in meeting each of the KSA’s for beginning teachers. In the process, he has become a valued
member of the MHHS Staff, making contributions that have gone beyond his Art classroom and department. Throughout his
Internship, Ryan has, since the summer, enjoyed high levels of collaboration and synergy with his Teacher Mentor, Mr.
Koutsky, to the point where periodically they have team-taught during lessons.

Foundational to Ryan’s teaching effectiveness is his capacity to share and demonstrate his deep passion for Art. This passion
has an element of contagion as his students have grown in their own appreciation for Art, in their willingness to express
themselves through their art work, and in creativity. Coupled with this conveyance of passion, is sound pedagogical practice.
Ryan’s long-term, unit and daily lesson plans are detailed, outcomes based and provide the direction for effective lessons. He
works to ensure that each component of effective lessons is addressed, starting with motivating, high interest openers, followed
by an approach that begins with teacher demonstration and direct instruction leading to creative individual work time. Included
in his teaching repertoire are art games, art history activities and one-on-one supports to each student to increase success and
to encourage creativity. He uses technology in his lessons seamlessly. As the students work, Ryan continually moves about
the art studio, encouraging, praising, assisting, posing questions and, if needed, demonstrating, in order to ensure his students
are enjoying success and remain fully engaged. Through this approach, Ryan is always engaged in assessment and knows
what and how well his students are doing. Typically, there is a “buzz” of on-task conversation, creativity and work. The on-task
behavior in his classes is very high throughout each lesson. The proof of all this is found in the quality art work being produced
by his students and the pride and satisfaction they have with these results.

The classroom atmosphere Ryan and his students enjoy is one that encourages creativity. Each class is accurately described
as purposeful, engaging, warm, open, safe and relaxed within an understood set of expectations. Music is an important aspect
of this atmosphere, and students have input into the appropriate music played while they work. Music is another passion of Mr.
Massini. Foundational to this classroom culture and atmosphere is the fact that Mr. Massini has worked hard to develop and
maintain positive, personal, professional relationships with each of his students. This has permitted him to motivate and meet
the diverse needs of his students, including some who have English as their second language and some who initially were not
motivated in Art class. This classroom atmosphere, coupled with the teacher-student relationships are foundational to Ryan’s
effective classroom management. He has the respect and trust of his students and uses subtle discipline techniques such as
proximity, encouragement and praise to ensure his high behavior expectations are effectively met.

Ryan Massini’s impact on students moved beyond the walls of his Art room during this internship. In collaboration with the
school’s Music teacher, Ryan’s desire to help students grow and his willingness to share his expertise and passion, led to him
offering to all students in the school, the opportunity to form a Rock Band. Ryan has been a professional musician for several
years prior to pursuing his studies in Education. The student band members met twice a week and noon hour with Mr. Massini,
each bringing different levels of music competence and began learning music, performance and what is involved in being in a
band. This led to two public performances in the school at noon hours, which were enjoyed by students and staff alike. Several
band members had to overcome “stage fright” and ultimately saw their skill in and passion for music flourish. This novel,
creative co-curricular project has had a positive impact on the participants and on the school general.

Mr. Massini consistently demonstrated that he is very professional in appearance, deportment, work ethic, and in the manner in
which he engages his students and colleagues. He is open to feedback, maintains high expectations for himself and his
students. He is a reflective practitioner who always works to improve his teaching. In conclusion, Mr. Ryan Massini is a highly
competent Art Teacher who has enjoyed a most successful PSIII Internship.

I have read the complete Final Report and certify that the assigned grade is: PASS

University Consultant Signature Date

U of L: PS III Final Report: (Revised: September 2019) Page 2 of 5

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