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The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

Monday November 25, 2019

Dear People,

This morning I had a cardioversion and my regular heart beat was restored .

Yesterday I included several old teleprompters in my tweet. The Banking

Cartel and Black Nobility used mind control and I tweeted different
teleprompters than I intended. I wanted to give you the url's. Where are the
others? I worked to answer this question, and could not find them . I gave
up. One url was missing becuase internet archive erased all my tweets. I have
the teleprompters in word file, and attached them for you to see now.

I realized when I woke up how I had tweeted the wrong teleprompter. The Banking Cartel
doesn't succeed when it uses mind control on me.

This was in the teleprompter: To counteract the fear mongers, just see how all of humanity is
doing with the US military. The treasonous brass are reading my social media. Patience
Wright showed how there was a purge when heroes refused to nuke Charleston in 2013 or fire
a first strike against Russia in 2015.
There is open insurrection in the US military, as they follow the coalition for the rule of law,
which I and every peace-loving person on Earth belong to. Yesterday in my social media,
another person suggested that General Dunford should be taken dinner. Meanwhile,
I have bankrupted General Dunford, Donald Trump, and other treasonous Banking Cartel
agents who are bit actors that are lying to you. How can I get away with this? Easy peasy, I
am speaking for the Coalition for the Rule of Law, which is stronger than the Banking Cartel

This was in the link I quoted:

Yesterday hit the Banking Cartel very hard. Patience Wright shared a three- year- old video
that documents how Major General Michael Carey and Vice Admiral Tim Giardina were fired
for refusing to nuke Charleston SC on 10.7.13. The US military did not like
what happened either when Commander Heather Cole and General Dana Pittard were fired
for preventing a first nuclear strike against the Soviet Union on 3.15.15. The US military
remains loyal to the American people and to the Constitution of the United States,

Why do you suppose the Banking Cartel tried to hide this?

INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of
Global Corporate Control. Today's segment is live and is called "Reality". Thanks to
DCTV, Carmen Stanley, Project Director; Maurice Jackson, Studio Director, and
Krushae Starnes, Audio and Prompter.
Two years ago we also called our segment reality. This week the Banking Cartel tried to
keep me from retweeting the teleprompter for that old segment, so I am going to put it
right back at the end of this week's teleprompter.
It would be impossible to defeat the Banking Cartel and
at the center of the Banking Cartel without help from
the critical mass of humanity that sees very clearly how
corrupt everything is. Pål Dugstad @MrProbeDeem
showed me what the Banking Cartel tried, and failed, to

What you are hearing in this series on DCTV is reality. What you
are mostly hearing elsewhere is only a nightmare and lies and
propaganda brought to you by the Banking Cartel

The last two videos in the series were called, “The corrupted global system is in its death
throes" and " The Way We Live Together In Our World" As you may know, the Banking
Cartel mounted a major scalar attack on me on June 8th. Some of you were concerned
about whether my speech was affected. I have recovered from the attack. The Bankers
attacked me again on July 12th, and there were no ill effects. I want you to study my
response to their attack. This spells out their defeat. Clearly.

We know the difference between truth and lies,

and we remain anchored in reality together with
the world's wealth

What is now left for us to do is to disspell the confusion. That is all that remains, and
then we can wind down the Banking Cartel and implement the Global Currency Reset.

The corruption in the world's money is described in detail. I have again described the
Jesuits. Their power has been stripped from them, along with any of the world's wealth.

In transition to a kinder world. The Jesuits tried to cover up

their role. This only established their culpability.…/Working-in-transitio

Hi Karen, Love you and love your work. If you look at the totality of the evidence,
especially what has come out in the last few years, I don't think there are any
lingering doubts anymore about what happened on 9/11. It certainly was a controlled
demolition. The presence of the aluminum nanites in the demolition residue is proof

of weapons grade explosives used in the demo charges for the elevator columns. The
elevators had in fact been through a modernization process less than 6 months prior
to the incident. The totality of the evidence now is a stunningly cohesive picture of
governmental treachery of staggering proportions. I believe, It should be a part in
partial now of your entire argument as to the extent of governmental control
exercised by the Central Banks. it supplements and supports your arguments perfectly
and I believe at this point should be a part and partial of your entire montage. I
believe if you review the evidence, even just that offered through the 5th estate, We
have gotten way past speculation. Thank you for your work Karen, you were deeply
instrumental in my awakening process. Thank you.

Dear People,

We, humanity, are working together in transition to a kinder world. The transition is going to
eliminate corruption in the world's money. I am in the center of this process. I have been
working together with the critical mass of humanity to assemble the ingredients for the
transition. The main ingredient is awareness.
I believe that the less said the better to avoid confusion. The process is straightforward. The
transition will ultimately involve everyone, although it is the critical mass of people who are
leading the fight against the Banking Cartel and its corruption. There was only one article
about me in the mainstream media. That story was in Spanish, and it was deleted.

I have repeated the ending for our segment on reality from two years ago. Thank you
for listening to another segment in the Series on the Network of Global Corporate
Control. The Banking Cartel is no longer hidden, and its propaganda and fake news
are no longer credible. Reality is quite different than the Banking Cartel portrays; this
means its ability to pit us against one another in World War III has ended, and so has
its right to tax us and poison us. Meanwhile, we have exposed how the Network of
Global Corporate Control is poisoning all of the Earth through Chemtrails. They are
bankrupt and we are winding them down in the Global Debt Facility.

INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of
Global Corporate Control. Today's segment is pre-recorded and is called "Reality"
Thanks to DCTV, Carmen Stanley, Studio Producer and Director; Maurice Jackson,
Audio and Prompter.

What you are hearing in this series is reality. What you are mostly hearing elsewhere is
only a nightmare and lies and propaganda brought to you by the Banking Cartel. In last
week's segment we answered the question that many of our viewers have been asking:
when they were going to see hard evidence that we are in reality and the rest of what you
are hearing is lies from the Banking Cartel. The segment was called, "the Nantucket
Sleigh Ride."
We said that the Banking Cartel was like a mortally wounded whale that had many
harpoons embedded in it, and it was dragging the rest of us along like a small whaling
boat. What were the harpoons? the CIA memo calling the people who figured out that
JFK was assassinated by the Banking Cartel "conspiracy theorists."
the CIA's attempt to bribe me with shares in a CIA lawsuit to steal assets from the Global
Debt Facility. This is important because I am the trustee for all of humanity's wealth in
the Global Debt Facility, which includes the monetary gold reserves and other wealth of
the US and the rest of the world.
the Banking Cartel's failed attempt to nuke Charleston and fire a first nuclear strike
against the Soviet Union. As proof we ran a forgotten November 10, 2013 interview by
Christopher Hudson that had half a million views, called " Whistle BLOWER- Secret
Plot to NUKE parts of the USA Exposed!

We are just getting warmed up.

The Banking Cartel is trying to turn
things back around and is failing
miserably. We are on a one way street
to getting rid of the Fed.
The Banking Cartel made a huge
mistake in its September cover story by
Kurt Andersen in The Atlantic, "How
America Lost Its Mind" The first
sentence in that article is, "When did
America become untethered from
reality?" My Tweets on August 16th
were erased, but not before I took

I reminded the Atlantic and Kurt Andersen of the CIA memo that invented the term
"conspiracy theorist" to stop critical thinkers from asking questions about J.F.
Kennedy's assassination. I tweeted, The Atlantic is owned by the Banking Cartel.
America is not haywire. The Atlantic and corrupt journalists are.

It comes in handy that I am a lawyer and that I have exposed the corruption in the legal
profession, beginning with Anton Scalia's murder. Remember when Yale Law School's new
Dean, Heather Gerken, couldn't explain why I was wrong that the US Constitution of
1789 was not effect? "A non-response blows the lid off this corruption," I said
Did anybody hear Yale Law School's new dean, Heather Gerken, explain
why it is incorrect when I say that the Constitution of 1789 is not in effect?
In the DCTV segment on September 13, 2016 we discussed what Yale's alumni
magazine, Yale Law School and the rest of the legal profession were covering up. The
cover up is unsustainable; lawyers have got to concede the emperor is naked.
Robert Spagnoletti, the former Chair and Director of the D.C. Board of Ethics and
Government Accountability just became the Chief Executive of the DC Bar. At the end of
this teleprompter I will read you my tweet of April 2, 2015 that I retweeted on August
20, and which has gone viral in my social media:
The Dawn of Ethics in the District of Columbia


We are not going to keep on delegating things to the corrupt legal profession because
even now they are not apologizing for their corruption. We are going to have to get
comfortable being jack of- all- trades. Let me show you a letter which I cleared with all
the country members of the World Bank about the bankruptcy of the Fed, and which I
then sent to all the Secretaries of State in the 50 states. I will read it to you at the end if
there is still time, otherwise there will be a link in the teleprompter:

On August 18th Tone Ray reminded me that the central banks are all bankrupt. He asked
me, is the Global Debt Facility holding all the cards? and I answered, yes, thanks for
reminding me!. Then I showed how a Canadian who blogs under the name, "Rose
Knows" was trying to make people panic, when the reality is that there is open
insurrection in the US military, as they follow the coalition for the rule of law, which I
and every peace-loving person on Earth


Steve Guiliano, in the attached email turned out to be a shill.

When I outed him, this went viral!

It is the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF that calls the shots. That is
according to the Articles of the World Bank and IMF. I am on record to the Boards of
Executive Directors of the World Bank and IMF and the Boards of Governors. I speak for the
Boards of Governors and vote the US shares on the Boards of Governors.

Steve Giuliano and his brand "Rose Knows" is what is known as "controlled opposition." He
is trying to stampede you into panic and fear, when we are all in charge and working together
for the common good. That is according to the US National War College's power transition
model, which has an actual 90-95% track record.

To counteract the fear mongers, just see how all of humanity is doing with the US military.
The treasonous brass are reading my social media. Patience Wright showed how there was a
purge when heroes refused to nuke Charleston in 2013 or fire a first strike against Russia in
2015. There is open insurrection in
the US military, as they follow the coalition for the rule of law, which I and every peace-loving
person on Earth belong to. Yesterday in my social media, another person suggested that
General Dunford should be taken dinner. Meanwhile, I have bankrupted General
Dunford, Donald Trump, and other treasonous Banking Cartel agents who are bit actors that
are lying to you. How can I get away with this? Easy peasy, I am speaking for the Coalition
for the Rule of Law, which is stronger than the Banking Cartel. Meanwhile, the Banking
Cartel and its agents and lying controlled opposition like Steve Giuliano, are merely digging
themselves deeper into a hole.

So Steve Guiliano tweeted back that I was just as bad as the Banking Cartel because I couldn't
show you the gold or that the gold didn't already belong to someone else. Steve Guiliano
accused me of being fractional reserve banking on steroids.

My response:
The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

From: Karen Hudes

Date: Sat, Aug 12, 2017 at 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: Is Loblaw UFCW Local 1006A Carmine Fiore Related to World Bank Lawyer

Karen Hudes ????
To: Rose Knows <>
cc: See Steve Guiliano's cc list at the end of this email

Dear Steve Guiliano,

So now that everybody knows who you really are, you are doing us all a favor by delivering
the Banking Cartel's message: your point: fractional reserve banking on steroids because I
cannot show you the gold.
First I want to show your cc list what the people have been retweeting: Everyone knows who they
are, and their email addresses, THANKS TO YOU. Don't be fooled by the numbers of likes
and retweets. The counters don't work. Humanity is refusing to be RFID chipped, and are
reading what else is going on in my social media. You have seen emails from Hungary and
Argentina. This dialogue is taking place in all the countries and all the nations' armed
services, not to mention the US national guard, with whom I am in contact and remain in

We already knew with
years ago that all of the militaries are throwing off the
Banking Cartel. People can read from the You Tube
comments section and the rest of my social media that a
critical mass of humanity is well-informed and responding.
So I have really passed the baton, although I am going to be as
active as ever as long as I can. The battle with humanity is


UNENCUMBERED -- STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS: (after 50 years, claims are invalid)

Where is the gold -- two answers. Wolfgang Struck told me JPMorganChase has the video
cameras, watching the tunnels and the big snakes in the tunnels, to reassure us that the gold
is guarded properly

The satellites flying overhead with their radio scanners know where the big deposits are,
aside from the swimming pool in Phillipine Plaza in the Philippines that has a big chunk of
humanity's gold buried beneath it.

This gets back to point one, which is whether the militaries of the world, who are also
guarding the gold, are on the side of the 99% ers or on the side of the bankers, or on the side
of the brass. you decide.
Whose side am I on? That is clear, even to someone as dense as you, Steve Guiliano.

Karen Hudes,
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666,

On Sat, Aug 12, 2017 at 7:53 AM, Rose Knows <> wrote:

You are You are "Briefcase Carmine" on Steroids.
Every Manipulating Organization Has One.

Dear Karen You and I Both Know that the World Bank Can Not Show the "World" this Gold
in an UN-Encumbered Fashion.
Thank You Very Much Fractional Reserve Banking on Steroids.

June 14, 2016

We are in a golden moment, when the shills advising that there is no time to avert a
financial melt-down are exposed for what they are. So long as everyone understands I
have no hidden, secret agenda, but am completely at the service of humanity. How I
came into prominence on the internet is all the proof you need: you can see the years
before I reached the alternative media, and you can see the slow progress as more and
more people became aware.

From: Karen Hudes

Date: Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 5:48 AM
Subject: Re: Philippines ASSETS for Global Currency Reset

The Treaty of Versailles Bonds (you call them Historical Treasures) are not going to be
circulated. These bonds, now worth more than 2 quadrillion dollars,
are held by the Global Debt Facility, and are going to offset country debt for all nations.
By virtue of these bonds, the Board of Governors of the Bretton Woods institutions has
placed the Network of Global Corporate Control identified by Vitali, Glattfelder, and
Battiston of ETH Zurich
in receivership.

I assure you that the Philippines, together with the rest of the nations, are going to be
extricating themselves from that scam called fractional reserve fiat currencies. It is also
going to be necessary to properly inventory the assets of the Global Debt Facility that
belong to all of humankind, many of which are held in the Philippines.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 1:46 AM, Friend in Quebec wrote:

I hope that you are well. I know that you are more than competent, but I just have to
mention to you that I certainly hope that we have that Reset before someone comes out
to the mic and tries to take people's guns. Things will get pretty itchy if that happens.
Yeah, we're in Montreal, Canada, for the last year for sure, with an exit plan just in case..

A French speaker asked me to get to the point. Thaddeus was trying to be helpful, and
asked me about JFK's assassination and the US treasury. I answered, yes, the Banking
Cartel killed JFK.


Everything that the Banking Cartel is trying in order to get us into WWIII has simply
backfired. This is because we are onto them. False flags are exposed as false flags
before anybody gets excited. At the end of the teleprompter I will show you what we
wrote about false flags in June 20th segment.
It was Rannvijay Malhotra who showed me on the web archive the press release
announcing the Global Currency Reset that the embassies in Tokyo cleared before it was
issued on March 9, 2015. The Banking Cartel took this down, but not from the archive.

I want to show you some information about the Banking Cartel's weather modification.
I learned this from Bengt Carlsson and tweeted it to you two years ago. Already there
were signs then that the global elites were about to sink. I told Bengt and the Banking
Cartel that I didn't want to hear from them any more.

Glad you mentioned the Global Debt Facility in paragraph 11; too bad your sources are
Neil Keenan and Benjamin Fulford, both of whom are Jesuit agents of the Order of
Fatima. Your targeted audience is the global elite, and you are telling them their ship is
sinking. This is the day after we asked the global elite to "move to the other side of the
boat" :

@KarenHudes Coalition for the Rule of Law asks Chemtrail & HAARP to move to the
other side of the boat:

You write fast, but couldn't you have mixed your metaphor?

While we are talking about reality, I want to show you a couple of sentences from
one of the three statements which I got up in the UK Parliament about the
Network of Global Corporate Control. When this happened, that was when the
National War College's Power Transition Model showed there was a 90-95%
likelihood that we were going to end the corruption in the international monetary
system. I wrote, "hidden conflicts in the private sector are not readily apparent in
many instances. Jimmy Wales, co-founder of Wikipedia, is advising the
Government in support of the agenda to open up policy-making. Yet Wikipedia
erroneously reverted my edits to disclose the end of the Gentlemen's Agreement
for the United States to appoint the President of the World Bank."

I tape these segments twice a month -- one live and one pre-recorded. I am learning
how to present proof in a way that doesn't confuse you over the air. The day before I
record is a great time to upload the documents on the internet and then just describe
them briefly on air. The Banking Cartel is making its moves to take down the Federal
Reserve Note. In 2014 I offered all the embassies in Tokyo to exchange their paper
currencies for currencies out of gold from their monetary gold reserves. I heard back
from Pakistan and Guyana, for negotiating for their Monetary Agreements. Since the
US is in interregnum, I offered to negotiate the Monetary Agreement for the US with the
Mint Council in the US Mint.

As you all know, the Federal Reserve Note is not going to remain the currency of the
United States. Instead, we are minting US dollars out of our monetary gold reserves,
and we are also going to use local currencies issued by villages and towns.
I am also attaching my response to an offer to fund a refinery project in Indonesia in
2016. The documents show that Ferdinand Marcos used many pseudonyms. The
Banking Cartel thought I was going to be bamboozled by Wolfgang Struck, but we now
have a parting of the ways. [this is after Wolfgang asked me to sell the Fed's debt 2
quadrillion in debt for pennies on the dollar ] I
will only work with Wolfgang Struck if he cooperates with us when we access our
monetary gold reserves on a transaction-by-transaction basis that is first approved by
the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF. I vote the shares of the US on the
Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF and speak for the Board of Governors.
The courts are all owned by the Banking Cartel, and they have nothing to say and have
no jurisdiction.
The last document shows how I proved that the World Bank was corrupted during my 21
years in the World Bank's legal department. I knew from the National War College's
power transition model that came to the World Bank in 2004 that the corruption could
be defeated by a coalition. I have put that coalition together now, and I am working
with Japan's and Germany's and the US' military--all of us are united in avoiding
WWIII. I learned this from a retired Marine. The traitors in the US military are
exposed to the rest of us.

Glad you mentioned the Global Debt Facility in paragraph 11; too bad your sources are Neil Keenan and
Benjamin Fulford, both of whom are Jesuit agents of the Order of Fatima. Your targeted audience is the
global elite, and you are telling them their ship is sinking. This is the day after we asked the global elite
to "move

@KarenHudes Coalition for the Rule of Law asks Chemtrail & HAARP to move to the other side of the

You write fast, but couldn't you have mixed your metaphor?

WWIII. I learned this from a retired Marine. The traitors in the US military are
exposed to the rest of us.

One of the Banking Cartel's favorite ways of starting wars is false flags. False flag
operations are covert operations to deceive the public in such a way that the
operations appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The term
comes from when one ship would hang the flag of its enemy before attacking
another ship in its own navy. Because the enemy's flag was hung instead of the flag
of the real country of the attacking ship, it was called a "false flag" attack.
Last week, a viewer reminded me of a 2013 tweet of mine: "What do 9/11, 7/7/
London Subway Bombings, Spanish Train Bombing, Boston Marathon Bombing,
OK City Bombing have in common? Drills.

In 2004, when Jacek Kugler brought the Power Transition Model
to the World Bank, from the US National War College, Jacek told
me that we had 5 years to prevent a nuclear war in Syria. During
the past thirteen years, so far we have managed to avoid this.
What have we been doing to prevent the outbreak of WWIII?
Why, we have been exposing the Banking Cartel, which is using
its highly placed agents to try and destroy the United States of
America. We have exposed these traitors and bankrupted them.
All of the US Congress are agents of the Banking Cartel. So is
Donald Trump. So are the Governors of the 50 states, and their
adjutants general. So is General Dunford. So is Muriel Bowser,
Washington DC's Mayor. So is Neil Gorsuch.

What is the Banking Cartel? The best way to answer this question is to cite the article by
3 mathematicians/system analysts at the Federal Institute of Technology, Vitali,
Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH Zurich

What’s really going on in Syria? This quote is from an interview with Greg Hunter:
"Hudes, who was Senior Counsel and worked at the World Bank for 20 years, charges,
'Qatar, who has all this natural gas, wanted to run a natural gas pipeline
through Syria to reach the European market. Who’s supplying the
European market with gas? Russia. . . . All this business about dead babies
and sarin gas is just all to keep us confused.'"
This is taken from a tweet of mine:


Network of Global Corporate Control

FW: US Monetary Gold Reserves in the Global Debt Facility

Karen Hudes Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 2:21 PM


Dear Michigan Department of State,

Thank you for your response. I have been briefing the Secretaries of State so that they
are not caught by surprise in the upcoming transition to replace the
unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes and other countries' paper fractional reserve
fiat currencies with gold-filled currencies minted from
the world's monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility that is administered by
the Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. I just
mailed this to the members of the World Bank Development Committee, and those
members of the Boards of the County Executives of America and Major Cities Chiefs
Police Association who did not receive a copy by fax or email:
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 473-1000

8/13/2015 7:42 PM

US Monetary Gold Reserves in the Global Debt Facility

Karen Hudes Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 5:15 PM

Cc: Ambassador of Germany in London, National Taxpayers Union, World Bank
Development Committee,,

Members of the Boards of the County Executives of America and Major Cities Chiefs

On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 1:15 PM, SOS, UCC Section <> wrote:
Dear Karen,

Thank you for writing to the SOSWebMaster.

It appears your UCC documents were filed in the State of Illinois therefore it is unclear of
what you are this department. You will need to contact the State of Illinois, Uniform
Commercial Code Unit.

Michigan Department of State

Uniform Commercial Code

From: SOSWebMaster
Sent: August 12, 2015 12:49 PM
To: SOS, UCC Section
Subject: Karen Hudes - FW: US Monetary Gold Reserves in the Global Debt Facility

See below, e-mail for your response if deemed appropriate.


Network of Global Corporate Control

US Monetary Gold Reserves in the Global Debt Facility

Karen Hudes Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 9:50 AM

To: Mr. Dave Roberts, Supervisor for District 3, Vice Chair of the Board of Supervisors
and 2nd Vice President of the California State Association of Counties

Cc: Secretaries of State at the email addresses listed at the bottom of this email

I refer to Dianna Cook's message to you, attached below. Please be informed that the
US' monetary gold reserves have already been accepted by the County Executives of
America; US citizens are aware that the US is in an interregnum because of the second
secret Constitution of 1871

A US Department of Defense power transition model is predicting with 90-95%
certainty that Germany, the US minus the Fed, the BRICS, the G-77, and our other
allies are part of a coalition for the rule of law that is now in charge. I discussed this
power transition model with then Senator Chuck Hagel in 2008. German citizens are
also aware that the German Bundesbank does not hold Germany's monetary gold

@KarenHudes @PeterBoehringer @LarsSchall German Gold

The Network of Global Corporate Control disclosed by Vitali, Glattfelder, Battiston of

ETH Zurich is common knowledge:

and there is no more confidence in the mainstream media and alternative media
controlled by the Network of Global Corporate Control.

It is the Global Debt Facility that is now paying the salaries of civil servants all over the
world; ever since the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF placed the
Network of Global Corporate Control in receivership in the Global Debt Facility. based upon notarial protest

The Fed moved from New York to Chicago when Mr. Jessee White, Illinois' Secretary
of State, tried to invalidate the UCC-1 Financing Statement of the Global Debt Facility.
Mr. White did not possess the authority to invalidate this UCC-1 Statement, which
remains in full force and effect.

The DC police force is now cooperating with the police forces of the President and

President Pro Tem of the County Executives of America; the Major Cities Chiefs
Association has ended its craven servitude to the corrupt (and insolvent) Network of
Global Corporate Control.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 5:27 PM
Subject: Accessing US Monetary Gold Reserves in the Global Debt Facility on Behalf of
the United States Before Financial Meltdown
To:,,,,,,, Kevin Goldberg <>,,,, Thomas Susman
<>, Robert Vinson Brannum
BTurmail Turmail <>,, Ronald Austin
<>,,, Thomas Alston
<>,,, James
McLaughlin <>,, Chris Vachon
<>,,, rcfp
<>, splc <>,,,
Cc:,,,,,, Brianne
Nadeau <>,,,,,,,,,,,,

Just three days ago I informed the Board of the Major Cities Chiefs Association about
the terrible corruption that is about to bring our nation and the rest of the world into
another Dark Ages. I made certain that Mayor Muriel Bowser was aware that US'
allies in the coalition for the rule of law on the Board of Governors of the World Bank
and IMF, (DC's largest employer), and the County Executives of America, are ending
this corruption on behalf of the United States by accepting our monetary gold reserves
from the Global Debt Facility.

The Network of Global Corporate Control reported by Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston
of ETH Zurich is insolvent and is in

receivership in the Global Debt Facility. This means that all of the salaries of the
government authorities are being financed from the Global Debt Facility.

Naturally I was surprised when Detective Jeff Clay informed me that he was removing
me from a meeting this morning with the Major Chiefs of Police Association. This
incident took place at the Newseum; ostensibly owned by the Network of Global
Corporate Control, all the while trying to create an illusion that there is such a thing as
freedom of the press when the press is controlled and censored. Mr. Nathaniel
Tucker, who acted for his principals, could not comprehend that the Global Debt
Facility has placed the Network of Global Corporate Control in receivership. The
Network of Global Corporate Control finds the Newseum a convenient backdrop,
[this video was filmed at the Newseum! (See
minute 1:29) ] because it has failed to keep pace with the fact that its facades are
wearing thin.

Detective Jeff Clay reports to Chief Cathy Lanier. Detective Jeff Clay even tried
unsuccessfully to interrupt my conversation with the President of the Major Cities
Chiefs Association, Chief J. Thomas Manger. When I asked Detective Jeff Clay to
confirm from Chief Cathy Lanier that he was authorized to remove me from the
meeting, Detective Clay said that he did not need to to so, because he was operating
under instructions from Chief Cathy Lanier. If Detective Jeff Clay was not
impersonating the DC police (he did not give me his badge number), Chief Cathy
Lanier is corrupt, and I expect Mayor Muriel Bowser to put an end to this corruption.

It is naturally disappointing to have the same corruption time and again, through
complicit, illegal behavior on the part of the DC police, preventing the world from
getting on with the Global Currency Reset. This is after numerous communications
with the Chief Counsel of the DC Council, with the DC Council, with the Board of
Ethics and Government Accountability, with DC's Treasurer, and the office of Mayor
Muriel Bowser that the District of Columbia is losing its biggest employer, and is about
to bring the world into another Dark Ages, all through corruption:


The Network of Global Corporate Control does not possess the monetary gold reserves
of the nations, is insolvent, and in receivership in the Global Debt Facility. The elites
who think they are "covered" are deluding themselves. They are not covered by the
Major Chiefs Association in the United States. I expect the DC Government to respect
the law, and stop taking orders from that insolvent Network of Global Corporate
Control, which is trying its darndest to herd us over the cliff like stupid sheep. Did you
see the motion picture "Far From the Madding Crowd"? I am certain you realize that
time is of the essence. Tomorrow morning I am meeting with the Montgomery County
police force to discuss next steps; I expect the DC police force to cooperate with the
Major Cities Chiefs Association and end its craven servitude to the corrupt (and
insolvent) Network of Global Corporate Control.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel, Global Debt Facility TVM LSM 666

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Dianna Cook
Date: Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: 311 Service Request No. 1270247395
To: Karen Hudes
To Dave Roberts Supervisor for district 3,

Hello Mr. Roberts,

My name is Dianna Cook, I live in Escondido CA, which falls under your district of
supervision for San Diego County. It has come to my attention that the failure of our
economy has reached systemic levels. Since there has been little to solve the various
problems within this situation in the debt system established with the privately owned
Federal Reserve, with the oversight committees of the I.M.F.. A Ms. Karen Hudes has
brought to our attention (the American people) a remedy to this very desperate
situation as follows: I have
chosen to contact you and your offices to demand that you make contact with the
proper offices and legislatures to demand the U.S. Monetary Gold Reserves so that the
collapse of the Federal Reserve and it's Federal Reserve note do not take this country

into the largest economic depression and collapse that has ever been seen in the
United States of America since its inception. Since I have heard nothing in regard to
addressing this issue from you, your like, or any other higher offices for that matter, I
can only assume that either you know absolutely nothing about these issues which is
distressing, or know everything about these issues but choose to do nothing. which is
exceedingly distressing. I expect nothing less than a formal reply. A standard reply
simply will not do in this very pressing matter. My contact email is [deleted] Thank you
very much for your time.

Dianna Cook

Kaye, Adam <>

Aug 7 (4 days ago)

Dear Ms. Cook,

Thank you for your e-mail. We always appreciate hearing from constituents.

Economic development is a top priority for Supervisor Dave Roberts. He has led
county efforts to encourage purchasing and contracting with local companies to keep
our tax dollars and jobs within the county -- where they belong. He is a strong
collaborator with our life-sciences sector and strongly supports chambers of commerce
and economic development groups within the Third District. He regularly hosts
forums to place small business owners in contact with government purchasing agents.
As a result, many local companies can now point to government agencies as their best

In your fine city, the Supervisor maintains strong relationships with the Escondido
Chamber of Commerce. To make himself most-available to constituents, the
Supervisor leases office space at the Chamber’s building on North Broadway. You are
always welcome to stop by.

As the county’s representative to the San Diego Workforce Partnership’s Board of

Directors, the Supervisor advances policies to bolster jobs-creation throughout the
region. He is encouraged by solid and steady jobs reports during the past three

For matters related to federal policy, I encourage you to contact the offices of your
representatives in Congress.

Thanks again for sharing your concerns.


Adam Kaye
Policy Aide
Vice Chairman Dave Roberts
1600 Pacific Highway, Room 335
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 531-5533
FAX: (619) 234-1559

From: Dianna Cook

Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 2:44 AM
To: Kaye, Adam
Subject: Dave Roberts Supervisor for district 3

1:13 AM (14 hours ago)

To : Adam Kaye Policy Aide, In response to above posted response to my original

email to San Diego County District 3 Supervisor Dave Roberts,

Hello, I hope that you had a good day... I have to tell you that I am gravely
disappointed in the response that I have received in regards to the original email that I
have sent your offices... Perhaps you think that this matter is non existent before doing
the proper research? Dave Roberts as well as his staff are public servants and owe the
general population under their district the proper due processes within their power.
So I will post the original email one more time. I really hope that you take my request
seriously this time, for I have notified both Karen Hudes and all United States Citizens
that have been alerted to this matter and understand its implications, which is a
unilateral surrender of the United States Military as well as the starvation of the
population within the United States due to a crash of it's currency. Ignoring this
matter within the requirements of you public office is synonymous with committing
treason. Your offices are now in the public eye, and we are watching closely to see
what you and your offices decide to do next. I ask with respect that you and your
offices decide to do the right thing and take care of this matter. Thank you very much
for your time. Once again my contact email is Sincerely,
Dianna Cook

On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 2:18 AM, Karen Hudes wrote:

Ms. Cook has asked me to post her correspondence with Dave Roberts, Supervisor for
District 3 in California, on the internet. The gist is that American citizens are
reminding the County Executives that they are elected to public office, and are being

held accountable by their constituents. Under these circumstances, the citizenry are
entitled to construe silence in their favor, i.e. that the County Executives of America
have accepted on behalf of the US citenry, the US' monetary gold reserves on deposit
in the Global Debt Facility.

The Major Cities Chiefs Association is obligated to ensure that there is no interference
by the insolvent and corrupt Network of Global Corporate Control and its subsidiary,
Allied Barton, (security guards employed by the World Bank and IMF) with the Acting
General Counsel of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and
Legal Counsel to the Global Debt Facility. The Development Committee, the Boards of
Executive Directors, and Governors of the World Bank and IMF have already
instructed Allied Barton to reactivate my security badge.

By copy of this email, I am requesting Ms. Cook to forward her correspondence with
Mr. Dave Roberts to you, for forwarding to the Development Committee of the World
Bank and International Monetary Fund.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel

On Monday, August 10, 2015, Karen Hudes wrote:

Sorry for the inconvenience; link should be

On Monday, August 10, 2015, Karen Hudes wrote:

I have corrected the link to the url below.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Monday, August 10, 2015
Subject: 311 Service Request No. 1270247395
To: refers

Mr. Brodsky did not inform me whether or not the County Executives of America
accepted the US' monetary gold reserves. I have been contacting the Board of the
County Executives of America and Mr. Leggett as President Pro Tem of the County
Executives of America. This Service Request is marked as completed in error.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility


Even though you took my comment on DoDLive Blog down, it is still up at

In Martin Dempsey's previous Q&A sessions on Facebook that he calls "Townhall

meetings", Dempsey refused to answer the question about the planned crash of the
Federal Reserve Note, which would mean unilateral surrender of the United States:
March 13, 2014: "Why didn't you answer my previous question to you at your
town hall meeting on December 2, 2013:

With the Federal Reserve Note weakening against other currencies, 25% of
international trade no longer denominated in US dollars, and the US credit
rating on the verge of being lowered by the new Universal Credit Rating Group,
do you think it is time to accept the offer of the authorized signatory to the Global
Collateral Account to release the uncut dollars issued by the US Treasury department
and back them with the 170,500 metric tonnes of gold on deposit in the Bank of

There is nothing that will impair US’ military strength worse than a weak dollar."

The Senate also ducked this question last week in a hearing with Janet Yellen on the
Fed,, and the House ducked
this question as well in a hearing on reform of the Fed.


This Tuesday Martin Dempsey is holding another Townhall meeting on Facebook, but
we have grown weary of expecting any answers from that member of the Knights of
Malta. We do not expect any answers from the US Congress either, because that body
has been declaring a state of emergency and keeping us under martial law since 1861.
Congress has refused to acknowledge that the US Constitution was replaced by a
second, secret Constitution in 1871, and it has refused to convene a Constitutional
Convention although this was required under Article V of the Constitution after more
than 2/3rds of the state legislatures have requested amendment of the Constitution.

When Congressional Judiciary Committees refuse to acknowledge that US citizens are

shunted off to administrative hearings presided over by employees of a US
Corporation instead of real judges sitting in the Article III courts under the
Constitution, there is no reason to wait further.

This treason, for that is what is, will be dealt with later. We, the people, together with
the County Executives of America, have accepted the United States monetary reserves
on offer from the Global Debt Facility. The Fed and US Treasury Department have
dishonored a notarial protest
and do not possess the United States' monetary reserves.

The Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund are
replacing unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes with Treasury Dollars on an interim
basis, pending issuance of Dollars minted out of gold from the Global Debt Facility.
The Global Debt Facility has perfected its security interest in obligations of the Federal
Reserve Banks worth quadrillions that it holds called Treaty of Versailles Bonds, by
filing UCC-1 financing statements with the Secretaries of State of Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, Texas, Minnesota,
Kansas, and California.

An accurate power transition model from the US Department of Defense has been
predicting that a coalition for the rule of law consisting of the BRICS, the G-77 (133
developing countries), Germany, and those US citizens who know what is really going
on, would end this corruption from the Fed.
If you need any further confirmation that this is so, see:

Don't expect to read anything about this in the mainstream media, which is owned by
the Network of Global Corporate Control that the Fed is part of. You can continue to
follow developments on twitter @karenhudes, on facebook at and if you don't use facebook, many of

the posts are at
Background information is at

Email Addresses of Secretaries of State, Mead Treadwell <>, AZSecState
<>,,,,, Kathy Bradford
<>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Oregon SoS <>,,, Renee Daggerhart <>,,,,,,,,,,,


Thank you for listening to another segment in the Series on the Network of Global
Corporate Control. The Banking Cartel is no longer hidden, and its propaganda and
fake news are no longer credible. Reality is quite different than the Banking Cartel
portrays; this means its ability to pit us against one another in World War III has
ended, and so has its right to tax us and poison us. Meanwhile, we have exposed how
the Network of Global Corporate Control is poisoning all of the Earth through
Chemtrails. They are bankrupt and we are winding them down in the Global Debt


On Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST


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