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Chapter V

This chapter contains the conclusion and recommendation that the researchers had drawn feom
the results of the study.


This study was conducted for the purpose to determine the perceive effects of internet to the i
nternal distractions of the Grade 10 studentsin Dacanlao G. Agoncillo National High School. The
descriptive method of research was utilized and the normative survey technique was used for ga
thering data. The questionnaire served as the instrument for collecting data. Two hundred and si
xty students in Dacanlao G. Agoncillo National High School were thr respondents. The inquiry w
as conducted during the year 2018-2019.

Summary of Findings

After gathering, analyzing and interpreting data, the following findings were derived:

1. Out of the eight factors that affects the internal distractions of the students caused by the int
ernet, depression is the most common factor with the highest mean of 3.81.

2. With the mean of 3.66, it was proven that students agrees that internet provides a virtual pla
ce to spend time and share thoughts.

3. When the relation between the factors affecting the internal distractions of the students and i
ts perceive effects was solved using the...

4. With the mean of 3.66 and 3.60, the most strategies done by the teachers is to limit the usa
ge of the. internet to prevent the students from internal distractions.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions are drawn:

Most of the respondents that were invloved on the conducted study believes that depression is
ont of the most common reason for their internal distractions. Also, people believed that interne
t provides a virtual place to spend time and to share thoughts. And there's a very high relation
ship between the factors of internal distractions of the internet and its perceive effects. Lastly, h
aving programs about using technology properly and explaining or guiding the children about w
hat they are watching and playing are the most common strategies done by the schools a nd p


The researchers recommend the following to the readers, for them to avoid the internal distracti
ons caused by the continuously progressing internet:

1. Students should use internet with discipline.

2. Students should excercise or participate in sports instead of spending a lot of time using inte

3. Students should use internet for knowledge, no to procrastinate.

4. Teachers should prohibit the students to use the internet when it is unnecessary

5. Students shoud have hangouts with friends to gain strong friendship rather than messaging e
ach other.

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