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Course: ADPR-691AE Media Relations

Faculty: Alicia Blaisdell-Bannon

Name: Priyanka Rajoria
Date: April 22, 2019
Assignment: Blog Report

1. What was the hardest thing about doing this blog?

Ans. To begin with I want to stat that a lot of thought process and brainstorming with your own self goes
into when you decide to start and maintain a blog. Right from what would be the voice, essence, theme
of your blog so that you connect with your audience and keep them engaged to choose a topic before
each posting everything involves a lot of efforts. Since my blog was on women’s health the hardest part
for me was first, to choose a topic every time I write so that it doesn’t feels like I am focusing only on one
aspect or part of health. I wanted to cover or touch upon all important and general interest topics both.
Important ones are those which I felt they must know about it irrespective of their interest in the topic
like different types of cancer prevalent among women, and interesting ones are those which they might
like to know or doing something wrong unknowingly like maintaining your ph balance, swimming and
high heels fashion and health issues.

Another hard part was to explain the topic to them in layman’s term meaning, health writing involves
lots of technical term and explaining them to a common man to their understanding and not losing
interest was challenging.

2. What surprised you?

Ans. In terms of content, I have learnt many things that I was quite surprised with. Since my blog was
about women’s health some stats related various issues really surprised me like about cervical and
ovarian cancer, backbone and high heels and also benefits of steam bath that so easily available to us in
daily life yet most of us are oblivious to fact about these benefits.

3. What did you learn about this form of communicating/messaging?

Ans. Well while writing blog I learnt multiple things and skills one need for this form of communication
like it provides an active platform for conversation between you and your readers and is an interactive
way to reach masses/audience. It also involves constant learning and you need to evolve constantly and
you have to be open, honest and transparent. Since it is more text the language should be such that it
expresses your unique vision or perspective. It can also help you to connect with other individuals who
share the interests as you and exchange knowledge. You can build your online community where you can
not only inform, entertain your audience but also educate them. My intent was to keep my blog for
information and education purposes yet to keep the audience entertains. This is also important point
worth noting about this form of communication and if the information is updated, accurate and
interesting it can also be picked up by journalist.
4. Do you think you maintained your blog “persona,” and was that easy or hard to do?
Ans. Yes, I think I was able to maintain the persona of my blog. I wanted it to be not so serious and not
about totally fun hence I mixed my articles with each week in such a way they the overall persona is
maintained. I wouldn’t say that it was an easy cake walk for me to maintain it. For be to maintain it
involved loads of research, interviews with experts, key opinion leaders and of course patients/common
persons. That helped me to maintain the voice of real audience and I think I was able to cover main
health issues that are real to the audience and certainly interest them. Interviewing real life people really
helped me to understand the concerns of today’s woman and write from the point of view, that
highlights the problems they might face or womanlike them are facing and solutions to combat those.

5. What would you do differently if you had more time and resources to devote to your blog?

Ans. This is my favorite question, I wish I had more time and resource to devote on blogging and there
are a couple of things I would include in my blog. I wanted to video tape the interview of experts/ key
opinion leaders (KOLs) where they would explain them the problem along with solution on the topic.
Though I did interview and quoted them however, solution coming directly from experts in a video is
more approachable or attention gaining than just pictures or plain text. Secondly, I wanted to include a
video Q and A with the expert where in audience could post questions and would be answered by the
experts. Third thing was to include more case studies related to each topic I covered, since health is a
very sensitive and personal issue not everyone wants to go on camera and talk about it I wish I had more
time convince or find more real life people about each issues so that audience could relate to them even

6. Which blogs from your classmates did you enjoy reading and why?
Ans. I liked Lana’s blog – Her blog was about exploring food joints in the city of Boston and I being a
complete oblivious person to any good food restaurants I had the need to find and read such blogs. Her
blog focused on multiple cuisines which is the most important part according to me as everyone could
find something as per their choice. She has also used photographs, which I feel is very important if you
are covering food related things, which gives a feeling to the readers of being in a restaurant.

I also liked Courtney’s blog about travel. She has covered not only places and countries to travel too
however also covered other essentials aspects of travelling like dos and don’ts, hotel vs. Air Bnb, travel
comfort and more. She has included her own personal experience wherever possible so that worked for
me to know what to expect if I go ahead with this option which is what one look for when you search for
travel places. She has also included pictures of places that tempt you plan your visit and secondly, the
links she has also included for visiting top places in 2019 and hotels saves you a lot of research time to
plan further.

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