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Mods Included in MegaMod 8

Black Liquid Software

Colonial Charter 1.76 Grow Rice v1
Bakery Plus v3 Grow Roots v1
Blacksmith Tools v5 Happiness Radius v2
Brick Tunnel v1 Jade Quarry v1
Build Monuments v1 Legalized Marijuana v3
CC Modular: Docks, Frontier, Livestock for Trade v1
Orchard Foresters, Stacked Marble Quarry v1
Shops & Houses Mini Buildings v7
Clean Meat v1 Mission Bell Tower w/kid1293
Color Roads v3 Renewable Resources v2 beta
Covering v2 Soup Kitchen v2
Debug Menu Stable v1
Firebundler Firewood v3 Statue Plus v1
Fish Farm Edit v3 Terraform v0 beta
Grassy Roads v3 Tropical Greenhouse v1
Gridlines v2 beta Unhappiness Radius v1
Grow Ginger v1 Zombie Tombstones v1

Discrepancy (DS)
Ale House v2 Lumbermill v1.1
Almond Tree v1.1.1 Market Harborough Old Grammar School v1
Banished UI: Neubert Smith Shop v1
Event Log v1 Pick & Hen Tavern v1.1
Maps v1.2 Roads v4
Minimized Toolbar v.9 Roasted Nuts v1.1
Mod v1.1 Small Town Home v1.1
Professions v1.2 Small Village:
Town Names v1 Homes v1.3.2
Better Stock Piles v1.2 Production v1.0.1
Better Stock Pile Storage v1.2.1 Services v1.1.1.2
Blast Furnace & Industry Mining Storage v1.2.2
Bridge Crossing v2 Stone Bridge v1.2
Brussel Sprouts Stone Hovels v 1.4
Bryce's Butcher v1 Storage - beta v5
Carrots Styth Tower v2.2
Celtic House v2 beta2 Terrains and Climates
Chapel of St. Ernest v1 Thompson Trade Merchants v1
Christmas Tree v2 Townhouses v2
Crest Family Blacksmith v1.1 Tunnel Mine v2.2
Fences c1.3 Tunnels v2
Fruit & Veg Barn v2.0 Village v17014
Globe Theatre v1 Village Houses 3x4 v17001
Hazel Tree v1 Wagon Vendor v2.2
Jetty and Bridge v2.1
embx61 (EB)
Apothecary Production Set 1 v10702
Bakery Production Set 2 v10704
Bridges v17003 Roads v17005
Chapel v10701 Saltworks
Church v10702 Signs v17003
Farmhouses & Loghouses Set v1.1 Statues v17004
Farmstand Storage Set v10702
Fences v17003 Sunflower Crop
Leatherworks Tannery
Log Houses Water Well v17003
Markets Set v10701 Windmill v2
Natural Irrigation v17008 Winery v1.1
Oil Press 1.3 Wooden Herbalist
Orchard Grape

kid1293 (Kid)
Abandoned Places v1 Medieval Grace v1.3
Abbey v1.1 Mexican Fantasy v1.1
Alotofseeds v1.4 More Houses Fix v1.3
Among Trees v1.3 Market Puzzle v1.2
Animal Shed SA v2 More Houses Fix v1.3 (Dark Version)
Animal Shed Cheese v1 Mother Tree v1.0
Bakery & Garden v1.02 Mountain Mansion v1.2
Barn Storage v1 New Well v1.1
Bed and Breakfast v1.1 NMT 3.0 Deco Crop v1
Birch Bark Canoe v1 Nomad Sign Complete
Bits & Pieces Parts 1.1 & 2 Nordic Houses v1.2
Broadway Tower v1.1 Old Fence v2
Candy Store SA v2 Plimoth Harmonized v1.3
Christmas Mod 2017 Plimoth Plantation v1.3
Coal Furnace v1 Rowhouses Business v2.3
Colonial Modular: Rowhouses Housing v2.3
Housing v2.01 Shroom v1
Resources v2.01 Small Bridge v1
Cozy Cabin v2 Small Port v1.2
Deco Pack v2.02; includes: Small Town Row Houses v2
Crates v2.1, Plants v4.4, Stone House Addon v1.23
Wreaths v3, Exotic Plants v3 Storage Carts v1.1
Fantasy Castle v1 Storage Crates v2.1
Fenceless Pastures v4.1 Swamp Houses v1
Fish Farm v1.2 Swamp Thing v1
Forest Deep v5.2 Sweet Potato
Forest Outpost v2 fixed Tangerine Center v1.1
Forest Ponds v1 Tequila Addon v1
Friendly Neighborhood v2 The Mission v1.5
Garden Shed v1 and vII The Tequila Mod v3.2
Gay Head Lighthouse v1.2 Tiny v1.3
Gift Shop v1 Tiny v1.71 Separate
Gothic Deco v1.1 Tool Emporium v1.01
Gothic Fantasy v1.2 Tree House v3.2
Gothic Farm v1.01 Twilight Herbs v1.1
Granny Park v1.01 Vegetable Garden v1.5
House Boat v1.3 Washing Mod v1.3 Ghosted
Houses for Sale v1.1 Washing Mod v3
In Transit v1.01 Wild West v1.1
Large Port v1.2 Wind Sawmill v1.01
Log Depot v1.1 Workplace v1.6
Market Food v2 Yard Cover v1.3
Red Ketchup (RK)
Adriana’s College New Medieval Castle 0.2a Beta
Adriana’s Library Old Bakery & House v1.3
Beach Party v1 Old Blacksmith & House v1.1
Boston Houses 1 v3 Old Hunter & House v2
Boston Houses 2 v1 Old Tailor & House v2
ChooChoo v2 Peak's Valley (Grid Version)
City Roads v2.2b Peak's Valley
Colorful Little Fences v1.1 Plimouth House v1.2
Colorful Little Houses v2.2 Red Creamery
Country House v2.2 Cows v2
Country House 2 v1 Main v2
Creepy Cemetery v1 Personal Stockpiles
Druidic Stone Walls Kit1
Firewood Storage v2 Wood Bakery 1.0
Garden Walls v2.0 Settler Tents
Garden Walls: Utility v2.0 Smuggler’s Cave v1
I See Fire v1.0 7 The Warehouse, Inc. v2
Jaime’s Monastery Tiny Small Barns v2.01
Ketchup, Inc. v1.2 Training Camp:
Little Chapel Deco v2,
Medieval Town 2.04 Main v2
NMT 3.0 Series: Storage v3
Canal Set Vanilla Trading Post (essential)
Clay Chain White Fence Set
Crops Wonderful Town Hall v1.1
Forest Center v3.2 Wooden Butcher v1.2
Little Housing

Alex Hockley nanashi_xi / Black Liquid
More Climates Mod v1.1 Monument Angel v3
Angainor88 The Pilgrim / Black Liquid
South African Housing v1.2 New England Colonial Buildings v1.1 beta
Bo-kaap Mosque tanypredator
AzemOcram New Flora
Narrow Row Houses with help from Tent with Fire
RedKetchup, Necora & Kralyerg Village School v1
Banished Info Water & Other Deco. v1
Storage Cart v2 Wild Bees
Cooper Mahring Tom Sawyer
Coopers Terrain Pack v2 White Picket Fence v1
Despo20 Voeille
D20 Medieval Houses Decorative Plants v1
Elemental / Black Liquid Wintin
Spring is Coming v1 beta End of Roads 1.2
Elfecutioner Emporium 1.2
Smaller Vendor Buildings Coastal House v1
Idle Work Team Yandersen
Camellia Crop v1 Improved Farming v1.01
Jatropha Integerrima Crop v1 Improved Forester v1.01
Rose Crop v1 Improved Gatherers Hut v3
Violet Crop v1 Improved Herbalist v3
Maal Improved Hunting Cabin v2
Canal Improved Mine v1
Maldrick Improved Woodcutter v1
Wood Cottage v1.3 Xez
One Stop All Mining v2

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