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Mariya International School

Math worksheet Term: 2 (2017- 2018)

Name: _______________ Level: 2___

Q1. Multiply:

(a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 9 (d) 2

×5 × 10 ×4 ×5

(e) 7 (f) 8 (g) 6 (h) 4

× 10 ×5 × 4 × 3

Q2. Complete the diagrams below to show the multiplication

sentences given.

3 × 4 4 × 3

2 × 10 10 × 2

Q3. Circle to show 4 equal groups and write a division sentence.



Q4. Circle to show groups of 5. Then fill in the number sentences.

Q5. Fill in the missing numbers.

Q6. Match the following multiplication and division families.

Q7. (a) What time does the clock show?

Write your answers.

(b) Tom has to go to the library at this time.

Write the correct time.

(c) Mother has to feed the baby at this
time.Write the correct time.

Q8. Fill in the blanks using a.m or p.m.


Danny Duck brushes his teeth before he goes to bed at


Danny Duck boards the school at


Danny Duck joins his friends for a game of scooter at

Q9. Write the times shown.

Q.10. Draw the minute hands to show the given times. Then write

the times using a.m or p.m.

Q11. Match.

  
   

    2 × 10

 

 8×5
 

Q12. Fill in the blanks.




(a) 5 boys read 7 books each. How many books were read

books were read altogether

(b) Tom bought 5 trays of eggs. There were 10 eggs in each tray.
How many eggs did he buy altogether?

Tom bought eggs altogether.

(c) The mass of a suit case is 5kg. What is the mass of 5 suitcases?
Working area:
Given Numbers:
______ - mass of 1 suitcase
______ - number of suitcases

The total mass of 5 suitcases is __________ kg.

(d) Mrs. Lee had 20 litres of juice in a container. She bought 30

more litres of juice. What is the total volume of juice Mrs. Lee had?
Working area:
Given Numbers:
______ - juice in container
______ - more juice she bought

Mrs. Lee had __________ of juice.

e) Aisha bought 10 bottles of apple juice. The volume of apple

juice in each bottle is 3 litres. What was the total volume of apple
juice she bought? Working area:

Given Numbers:
______ - number of bottles
______ - volume of each bottle

The volume of apple juice is _______ litres.

Q14. Fill in the blanks.

Q15. Fill in the blanks.




Q16. Fill in the blanks.


The volume of water in a bucket is

+ = litres


The volume of water in a tank is

7 + + = litres

Q17. Write the volume of the liquid in each of the containers using the

unit l.

Q18. Fill in the blanks.

Q19. Look at the picture and fill in the boxes.

Q20. Fill in the blanks with cm and m.

Q21. The graph shows the number of eggs collected by Mrs Kamran.


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