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ITIL – Welcome to the Service Transition

introduction toolkit
This toolkit has been put together to give those who are new to implementing ITIL v3 some direction and information
to help start the planning of their ITIL v3 implementation. However, this information can also be used by those who
have already implemented the service management process for ITIL v2 or those who are considering changing from
ITIL v2 to ITIL v3.
It is important to remember that the under pinning principle of ITIL is adopt and adapt – adopt because ITIL v3 is
global best practice and adapt to ensure that the processes fit your organisation. This toolkit has been developed to
provide high level information to help you undertake the adapt aspects of your ITIL implementation/planning.
The starting point for this toolkit is to read Introducing service transition.
Successful service transition rests on understanding and application of change management, quality assurance, and
risk management and effective programme and project management.
The best way of achieving service transition will vary between organisations and has to reflect the risks, resources and
other critical factors in that organisation in general and the service to be transitioned.
Although service transition consists of seven processes – the three processes that this toolkit has concentrated on are:
„„ Change management
„„ Release and deployment management
„„ Service asset and configuration management

Other process within service transition that are not included are:
„„ Knowledge management
„„ Transition planning and support
„„ Release and deployment management
„„ Service testing and validation
„„ Evaluation

Further information on ITIL is available from:

The ITIL official website
ITIL website
OGC website
Best practice

Further information on other models and frameworks is available from:

Six Sigma
The Balanced Scorecard

U C I S A I T I L : W E L C O M E T O S E R V I C E T R A N S I T I O N 1

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