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Review Article

Forensic radiology: An emerging tool

in identification
Raghav Kumar, Appaji Athota, Trisha Rastogi, Sunil Kumar Karumuri
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, DJ College of Dental Sciences and Research, Modinagar, Uttar Pradesh, India


In any mass disaster condition, identification of the person is most important. For this purpose, the forensic investigators
use different methods for identifying the dead. They consider skeletal remains of the dead as the initial step in identification.
Radiographs carry great evidence to act as antemortem records and also assist in identifying the person, age, gender,
race, etc. Forensic dentistry is also emerging as a new branch in forensics. So, the forensic dentist must be aware of
different techniques, developments, and resources to incorporate the technology in order to achieve success in human
identification. So, our aim of the present review is to focus on different radiological techniques and new developments
available for successful identification of the dead.
Key words: Antemortem, forensic radiology, identification, postmortem, radiographs

Introduction be used if the remains are burnt, decomposed, mutilated,

and destroyed. In the human body, teeth and facial

n spite of the fast growing technology and modern bones are resilient and withstand the decompositional/
advancements, human race is still facing problems destructional forces well even under extreme forces and/
due to natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis), or temperature variations. As radiographs are able to
medical breakthroughs, crime, and violence, taking capture their distinct anatomical features, they become
many lives. Very little can be done to repair such an invaluable tool in forensic sciences. Radiographic
damage. The main motto of identifying the dead identification has long been in use and the technique is
is for personal, social, and legal purposes. Forensic efficient, comparatively easy, records can be obtained
science deals with the identification of the dead using in both living and dead, and is economical than DNA
numerous techniques. Forensic odontology has a lot of technology. [2] So, expertise knowledge and proper
scope in human identification. Methods like rugoscopy, application of maxillofacial radiological techniques has
bite marks, palatal rugae, photographs, lip prints, etc. a valuable role in forensic identification and solving
are used for identifying the individuals.[1] medico-legal cases.[3,4] Now-a-days, forensic radiology

Most of these methods rely largely on the preservation of This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
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soft-tissue components of the body in question and cannot
License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the
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DOI: How to cite this article: Kumar R, Athota A, Rastogi T, Karumuri

SK. Forensic radiology: An emerging tool in identification. J Indian
Acad Oral Med Radiol 2015;27:416-22.

Address for correspondence: Dr. Sunil Kumar K., Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, DJ College of Dental Sciences
and Research, Modinagar - 201 204, Uttar Pradesh, India. E-mail:
Received: 29-07-2015  Accepted: 17-11-2015  Published: 25-11-2015

416 © 2015 Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Kumar R et al.: Forensic radiology

is evolving as a branch of forensic dentistry, in which Following are the various methods of identifying the
radiographs play a vital role in identification of the person using dental/oral radiographs as a main tool.
dead. In this review, the authors attempt to sensitize
the readers regarding the scope of oral radiology in Dental Identification
forensic science.
When a body of a person is available in a burned,
Historical Milestones in Forensic Radiology decomposed state, any dental remains of the person,
such as restorations, teeth present, any missing teeth,
• 1895 – Discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm Conrad and prosthesis, play a major role in identifying the dead.
Roentgen. Teeth (max. 1000°C) and dental restorations (acryclic
• 1896 – Prof. Arthur Schuster used X-rays to visualize 540°C, gold and amalgam 870°C, porcelain 1100°C)
the lead bullets in the head of a dead person.[5] are resistant to destruction by fire and, therefore,
• In October 1898 issue of the American X-ray Journal, useful in identification. Dental identification is based
Dr. Fovau d’Courmelles wrote, “Knowing the on comparison and exclusion of the radiographs
existence of a fracture in a person who has been exposed prior to death (antemortem) to those exposed
burned or mutilated beyond recognition, we can after death (postmortem). This data is assessed based
hope to identify him by the X-ray.”[6] on factors like teeth present, teeth missing, crown
• In 1921, Schuller compared the radiographs of the structure, root morphology, pulp anatomy, occlusion,
frontal sinuses.[7] wear and tear of tooth structure, pathology, different
• In 1927, Culbert and Law described the complete treatment procedures, etc. Proper comparison and
radiological identification of the skull by using interpretation of these factors leads to successful
pneumatic cells of the sinuses.[7] identification.[3,8]
• In 1991, Happonen et al. recommended the use
of orthopantomography in identification, which The American Board of Forensic Odontology (1986)[9]
enables visualization of the jaws and related has given the following four situations regardless of
structures as a single radiograph. In the same the factors and methods used in comparing ante- and
year, Haerting et al. stated that panoramic dental postmortem radiographs:
radiography is the only regularly updated and 1. Positive identification: Comparable items are
“truly reliable identification card” for comparison sufficiently distinct in the ante- and postmortem
radiography. databases; no major differences are observed.
• Radiology was also applied in the identification 2. Possible identification: Commonalities exist among
of celebrities like Theodore Roosevelt and Adolph the comparable items in the ante- and postmortem
Hitler. databases, but enough information is missing from
• Forensic radiologists had been using the either source to prevent the establishment of a
traditional methods for capturing the images. positive identification.
With the advancement of technology, newer 3. Insufficient identification evidence: Insufficient
armamentarium like NOMAD (portable hand supportive evidence is available for comparison and
held X-ray generating device manufactured definitive identification, but the suspected identity of
by Aribex, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA), the decedent cannot be ruled out. The identification
computed tomography (CT), cone beam computed is then deemed inconclusive.
tomography (CBCT), multidetector CT (MDCT), 4. Exclusion: Unexplainable discrepancies exist among
and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are comparable items in the ante- and postmortem
gradually replacing the traditional ones. databases.

Forensic Identification Anatomical Identification

Identification is a process which involves different Schuller[10] had given a classification using frontal sinus
procedures and techniques to confirm an object or person radiography taken in the forehead-nose position for
in both living and deceased conditions.[5] The conditions assessing sex and race. He proposed seven characteristics
that demand identification are: of radiographs:
• Medico-legal cases. • Septum and its deviation.
• Natural disasters like tsunamis, earthquakes, • Upper border.
explosions, etc. • Partial septum.
• For confirming death in monetary issues. • Ethmoidal and supraorbital extensions.
• Religious and social purposes. • Height from planum.

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Kumar R et al.: Forensic radiology

• Total breadth. point and direction of impact. Strangulation is indicated

• Position of sinus midline. by broken thyroid cornua or hyoid bone. Metabolic
abnormalities, infections and dietary deficiencies, and
Some typical features of frontal sinus morphology are its bleeding disorders may leave signs on the bones that can
highly variable nature even in genetically identical twins, be seen radiographically. Radiographs provide evidence
which was proven by Christensen,[11] stable structure of foreign bodies or bullets present in soft tissues due to
in the adult period, and its resilient structure with mass disasters. CT and CBCT can be used in assessing
strong bony walls, which protects them from damage the degree of wound in cases of skull injury.[17,18]
and decomposition.[12] It has high fracture resistance;
a minimum of 800-1600 foot pounds is required to Racial and Gender Determination
fracture the frontal sinus. It is helpful in identifying
the persons who are victims of high-impact accidents Forensic dentists along with forensic anthropologists
or gunshot wounds.[13] Cox et al. reported in 2009 that analyze the calcified structures of the body like bones
superimposition of an antemortem radiograph of the and teeth. This aids in determining the race and gender
suspected victim’s frontal sinuses over a postmortem of the deceased persons. [19,20] Important features in
radiograph helped to make correct identification in identifying the race and gender are tabulated in Tables 1
100% of cases.[11] and 2, respectively.

Dental Profiling Cranio-facial Reconstruction

It is a way to recreate the deceased person’s profile prior Cranio-facial reconstruction (CFR) is considered when no
to death based on clinical and radiological data available. ante- and postmortem data is available of the unknown
Dental radiology helps in assessing the angulation of person. It is widely used in anthropology, medicine,
anterior teeth that are lost after postmortem, and also and forensic dentistry. The progress made in computer
examination of sockets aids in number and alignment of science and computer software programs on medical
teeth.[14] Ante- and postmortem radiographic comparison imaging techniques allows the superimposition of known
also helps in dental profiling. Unusual dental anatomy and unknown skull radiographs. As the clinical use of
like mandibular premolars which show high variations cross-sectional imaging methods such as CT and MR
in the pattern and number of grooves and cusps helps has increased, many forensic dentists also have begun
in comparison. [15] Radiovisiography allows spatial to evaluate these technologies as potential tools in CFR.
resolution of the images and helps in the precise analysis The use of CT has evolved into the “virtual autopsy” (or
of the structures on ante- and postmortem images. It also “virtopsy”) concept. This involves a complete forensic
reduces the number of new exposures, record keeping, investigation using CT and MR imaging combined with
and comparison of these images is made easy.[15] The 3D reconstruction and postprocessing. The images are
information provided by the antemortem CT image can taken before the conventional autopsy begins. New
be utilized in fabrication of the postmortem profile, so MDCT scanners increase the volume acquisition of data
that the craniometric points can be accurately located sets along the same axis, which may be measured in
and measured.[16] two and three dimensions. The resulting reconstruction
closely resembles standard autopsy.[21,22]
Medico-legal Cases
MDCT is effective in evaluating projectile entry
Forensic radiology helps in determining the cause of death and exit locations, path, and associated tissue
(accident or intention). The radiographs can interpret the injury to characterize penetrating and perforating

Table 1: Skeletal anthropologic variations associated with racial characteristics of the skull
Parameter White Black Asian/native American
Width Narrow Narrow Broad
Height High Low Intermediate
Profile Straight Prognathic Intermediate
Orbit Triangular/tear drop Square Circular
Shape Rounded Narrow and elongated Square
Face Small Maxilla and mandible prognathic Large and flattened
Nasal opening Tapered Wide Rounded
Palate Narrow Wide Intermediate
Inter-orbital distance Narrow Wide Intermediate

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Kumar R et al.: Forensic radiology

Table 2: Sexual dimorphism

Characteristics Male Female
Skull size Larger Smaller
Supraorbital ridge More pronounced Less pronounced
Orbits Square, lower, smaller with rounded margins Round, higher, larger, sharp margins
Forehead Steeper, less rounded Vertical, round
Fronto-nasal junction Distinct angulation Smoothly curved
Condyles Larger Smaller
Cheek bone Heavily, laterally arched Lighter, more pronounced
Zygomatic arch More pronounced Less pronounced
Gonial angle Less obtuse, prominent More obtuse
Palate Larger, broader, prominent Smaller, parabola shaped
Frontal sinus More developed Less developed
Nasal aperture High and narrow margins Lower and broader
Mandible size Larger Smaller
Ascending ramus Greater breadth Smaller breadth
Body height Greater at symphysis Smaller at symphysis
Chin Square Rounded

injuries. The method has limitations compared presented to the English parliament.[24] Age estimation
with clinical application, such as the inability can be done by various factors like:
to use contrast to better distinguish among soft • Jaw bones.
tissues and vascular structures. MDCT is usually • Tooth germs.
performed in the supine position, which can affect • Process of mineralization.
projectile tracks and organ shifts. However, the • Stages of crown development, completion and their
technique is noninvasive and potentially can enhance eruption into oral cavity.
investigations. [23] • Volume of pulp chamber.
• Third molar development and eruption pattern.
Digital Radiography in Forensic Odontology • Root morphology.

Digital radiography when used along with dental Age estimation methods may be classified as:[25]
matching software fastens the forensic victim’s 1. Age estimation methods for the forming dentition.
identification. Also, digital radiography reduces the 2. Age estimation methods for the adult dentition.
exposure times by requiring 90% less radiation than that
Methods of age estimation may also be classified based
required to expose a standard type D film radiograph
on the techniques used:
and 50% less radiation than that required in exposure
1. Clinical or visual examination.
of type E film radiographs.
2. Radiographic examination.
3. Histological and biochemical methods.
Digital Photography
There are different techniques and methods of age
The various digital photography equipment include estimation given by different authors. Here, we discuss
through-the-lens (TTL), light-metering, and single-lens some of the important methods utilizing radiography.
reflex (SLR). The Scientific Working Group on Imaging 1. Schour and Masseler (1941):[26] Their work is based
Technology (SWGIT) provides the imaging guidelines on the studies done by Logan and Kronfield (1933).
for forensic radiologist with information regarding the Schour and Masseler proposed 21 chronological steps
limitations and parameters imposed by the judicial from 4 months to 21 years of age [Figure 1]. They did
system for manipulation of digital photographic not propose any method for males and females.
evidence. 2. Demirjian et al. (1973):[27] They have developed a
system for estimating the chronologic age based on
Age Estimation eight stages of tooth development as follows:
A: Cusp tips mineralized, but not yet closed.
Estimating age is the most important prerequisite for B: M ineralized cusps are united, so the mature
identification of the dead. Historically, the first age coronal morphology is well defined.
assessment using teeth was done by Edwin Saunders C: C rown is about half formed, pulp chamber is
in 1837 in a paper titled “Teeth A Test of Age” that was evident, and dentin deposition is occurring.

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Kumar R et al.: Forensic radiology

Figure 1: Dental chart given by Schour and Masseler (American Dental Association, 1982)

D: Crown formation is complete up to dentino- where in the following parameters are measured and
enamel junction; pulp chamber has a trapezoid calculated: Maximum tooth length, pulp length, root
form. length on mesial side of teeth, pulp width at level
E: Formation of inter-radicular bifurcation has a [cementoenamel junction (CEJ)], level c (midroot
begun; root length is less than crown length. level), and level b (midpoint of c and a), root width
F 1: Root length is at least as great as crown length; at level a, level c, and level b, root length/tooth
root has funnel-shaped ending. length ratio (T), pulp length/tooth length ratio (R),
F 2: Root length is at least twice the crown length; pulp length/root length ratio (P), pulp width/root
still the root has funnel-shaped ending. width ratio at level a (A), pulp width/root width
G: Root walls are parallel, but apices remain open. ratio at level b (B), pulp width/root width ratio at
G 1: Root walls are parallel, but apices are not entirely level c (C), mean values of all ratios (M), mean value
closed. Periodontal ligament (PDL) space at of width ratios from levels b and c (W), mean value
apical ending is ≥1.0 mm. of length ratios P and R (L), and difference between
H: Apical ends of roots are completely closed and W and L (W – L).
PDL has uniform width around the root. 5. Van Heerden method: [28] This method uses third
Willems,[15] in the year 2001, modified this method. molar for age assessment in adults. He studied
He directly calculated the scores for expressing age mesial root of third molar in five stages [Table 3]
in years and also eliminated the conversion step using panoramic radiographs. Males and females
from maturity index to dental age, making it easier were studied independently with no significant
and simple. differences between them.
3. Nolla’s technique: Mineralization patterns of
permanent teeth were used in 10 stages for assessing Other Uses of Forensic Radiography
the age. Maxillary and mandibular teeth were used
with or without the presence of third molar. As early as the 19th century, the French customs service
4. Kvaal method: This method is based on the ratio of was using fluoroscopy to image contraband in smugglers.
pulp to tooth. Six maxillary and mandibular teeth Imaging may detect packages in body cavities; advanced
were used. The formula given by Kvaal et al. is: techniques, such as CT, have proven more useful in
Age = 129.8 – (316.4 × M) (6.8 × (W − L)) detecting modern packaging.[29] Smuggled drugs may

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Table 3: Stages of mesial root of third molar in Van Heerden method

Stages Description Length (mm) Age (y)
Stage 1 Crown complete, radiographic evidence of root formation 3.5-5.3 16.8-16.9
Stage 2 Root length >1/3 <1/2 7-8.6 17.5
Stage 3 Root length >2/3, but not complete 10-12.9 17.8-17.9
Stage 4 Root fully formed with open apex 12-15.4 18.4-18.5
Stage 5 Apex closed

be incidental findings when patients who have been diligence of many scientists to follow resulted in X-ray’s
assaulted or victims of motor vehicle accidents are myriad uses. Radiologic imaging is better defined as
imaged. Imaging has also been used to detect other the practice that lies at the many interfaces of medicine
ingested materials and to identify nonballistic material in and law. Radiologic imaging plays a vital role at many
the body, such as knife blades and needles. Radiographic of those intersections, from the identification of dead to
methods also have been used to detect art forgeries. the authentication of priceless art.
Advanced imaging techniques not only have improved
forensic investigation, but also have provided more Financial support and sponsorship
powerful and informative exhibits for jurors.[30] Nil.

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