Challenge Board

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Illustrate your
1. Invent a answer to “What’s
periodic table the matter with
board game finite matter?”

5. Organize

Matterful the periodic

table in a

new way
2. Design an
experiment that

6. Persuade
3. Show an
someone to
recycle their
journey to our 7. Design technology
classroom your own
Matterful CHALLENGE Board details
1. Invent a periodic table board game that teaches its players what really matters about the periodic table of 5 Points
the elements.

2. Design an experiment that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt the presence of your choice of element in 5 Points
your choice of object

3. Write a creative story or draw a cartoon that shows the theoretical but based in evidence journey that a 5 Points
specific element took to get from the earth to an object inside our classroom.

4. Create a poster or political cartoon, with limited words, that explains your answer to the question, “what’s 5 Points
the matter with finite matter?”

5. Come up with a NEW way to organize the periodic table and make a case for why this classification 5 Points

6. Write a persuasive essay/letter to the editor that makes the case for why we should recycle our technology 5 Points
and explains exactly how to do it.

7. Design your own challenge and convince your teacher why it matters! 5 Points

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