Latin Women Secrets PDF

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(Latina Accelerated Seduction & Easy Romance)

Have you ever dreamed of spending the
night with an exotic, ridiculously hot
Latin woman?

If you’re a heterosexual male and

you’ve got a penis and a pulse, then
I’ll assume the answer is “yes.”

Let’s face facts: Latinas are some of

the most stunning women on the
planet. And besides their drop-dead
gorgeous looks, they’re also FUN.
They have a lust for life (and for sex)
that other women just don’t have.

What you are about to learn is

classified information...

But first, let me introduce this guide.
My name is Dean Cortez. You’ve
probably heard my name before,
since I’m the creator of M.A.C.K.
Tactics—the world-famous program
that has taught thousands of guys
around the world how to become
amazingly confident and successful
with women.

When it comes to hot women, I never discriminate. I’ve

been with white girls, black girls, Asian girls, you name
it…but during my travels around the globe, I have come
to the conclusion that Latin women are the sexiest
women on the planet. And besides being outrageously
beautiful (and curvy in all the right places), they also
have great attitudes and LOVE to please their men!

And this is why I was incredibly excited when I met

Esteban Lara. Esteban is a celebrity in South America,

where he hosts sold-out seminars for guys who want to
learn the secrets of seducing and dating beautiful Latin

Guys from the USA—and dozens of other countries—

used to fly to Colombia just to attend Esteban’s

And that’s why I want you to read this special report, in

which Esteban will reveal some of his secrets for
approaching and seducing stunning Latin women
anywhere you encounter them. Follow these simple
steps, and soon you'll have more hot dates with beautiful
Latinas than you—or any of your friends—could

I’ll let Esteban take over from here. (His English might
not be perfect, but trust me, his advice is GOLD…)

Hey guys, Esteban here. My first
rule to remember is this: The men
from her country don’t “play the
game” the same way that you do.

The men from her homeland fall under

one of two categories: either they’re
extremely chauvinistic, or they put the
beautiful women “on a pedestal,”
which makes them feel like goddesses.

Moreover, Latin women have

not had athe opportunities that
are typically enjoyed by women
in more developed countries.
They have had to live a harder
life and have had to work very
hard for very little.

All the hits that life has given them have made these
women become more aware and more analytical about
finding the man that will make a good team with them;
that’s why they analyze so much before deciding to
have sex with someone.

You may think that Latin women will jump right

into bed with you once they see you are from a
developed country, but the truth is that they won’t.

The main thing is a problem of adaptation. Whenever

you want to meet women from another culture, you
need to adapt to the ways of that culture or you will not
be seen as attractive. Being unique is always a plus, but
Hispanic neighborhoods exist in cities around the US
for a good reason… people are, to a large extend,
attracted to similar behaviors and values.

For example, because of cultural differences and

stereotypes, Americans are often viewed as loud,

obnoxious, and even arrogant
by Latin women. And Latin
women don’t think they dress

I don´t share these views /don’t

hate me for it/ but the fact of the
matter is… if a Latin woman
can say any of those things
about you, she will not find you

Also, due to the poverty and other problems they’ve

been around, they have developed a highly acute
instinct that allows them determine if a man processes
the alpha male traits of a good protector and provider.

And that skill isn’t projected with money; it’s shown
with aspects of your personality and the way you

Now, here are some secrets for seducing Latinas.

You’ll see how different they are from women from the
rest of the world…

8 Secrets For Seducing Latin Women

1. Never tell a Latin girl to meet you in some place
on a first date. She’ll be very likely not to show up.
Even worse, she would prefer not to answer your
calls so she wouldn’t have to face you after she

Latin women are so used to dating men who pick

them up at their houses; a Latina would be very
disappointed if you tell her to meet you at some
place on a first date. It’s not such a big deal with

women from other cultures. For example, if you
make a good connection in the initial encounter
with an American girl, there won’t be a problem if
you tell her to meet you for a drink at some place.
But it is a huge deal for a Latina. Since the culture
is so chauvinistic they are so used to men being
very gentlemen, picking them up at their houses
and making them feel that the man will provide
everything they need. It doesn’t matter how
interested a Latina may be in you, there’s a higher
probability of flakiness. It’s a cultural fact.

However, if you don’t have a car to pick her up,

you can ask her where she’s going to be later and,
in case she goes out with her friends, you can meet
her and steal her from her friends. The other option
is to tell her to take a taxi to your place, making
sure to mention that you’ll pay for it and then you
go out from there (trust me on this, I wouldn’t pay
for it if she were from a different culture, but a

Latina wouldn’t pay for the cab, if you don’t
mention you’ll pay for it she’ll be very likely to
flake). I know, it sucks.

2. Do not be cocky at all, they hate that! I’ve seen

American guys acting too cocky thinking that the
only thing a Latina needs to know in order to sleep
with them is to find out where he’s from. Terrible
mistake. The best attitude is to be humble and
simple from a position of power. Making some
jokes about some defects you have may help, but
doing it in a way that doesn’t make you look as if
you were sorry of yourself. It has a lot to do with
the tonality and the way to say things. For example,
you can say: “I’m ugly” with two different
tonalities, one that communicates you are insecure
and one that communicates that you don’t care. So
if you say it make sure to say it in a way that
sounds more like “I’m ugly, but I don’t care,
women love ugly guys then”.

3. It’s easier to bring up sex conversations with
American women than with Latin women. Latinas
are a lot more conservative and less sexually open.
It applies in most of Latin countries. They would
pretend they are so naive. Don’t believe them, they
are very sexual once in bed. Nevertheless, Mexican
and Brazilian women are a bit more open minded
in this topic; they would react better when you
bring up a sexual conversation.

4. If you are in a
serious relationship
with a Latina do
not wear sandals
while going out at
night, trust me,
they hate that. No
matter if you aren’t
going to party in a club, Latin women just don’t

like it, even if you are just going out to eat. Latin
women are so worried about the image projected
outside of the house. It’s different for women from
Europe or US, they don’t care about it so much,
they understand
that you just want
to be comfortable
sometimes. The
other thing you
must know is that,
in case you are on
vacation on a
Latin country,
you shouldn’t
wear clothes that imply you are just on vacation
(sandals, Hawaiian shirt, etc.). It would scare the
cute ones. You know, they don’t want to feel that
you are just a foreigner looking for sex who would
go to a different country in a week to do the same.
Also, they have seen so many foreigners do the

same thing over and over. Just bring nice clothes
while traveling, you’ll look much better.

5. Calibrate your sense of

humor. Latin sense of
humor is very particular.
Latin women laugh about
things that you may find
weird. So find out the best
way to understand this
sense of humor. I’ll be giving you ideas on how to
calibrate it on the next emails I’ll send you soon.

6. While in a Latin bar, in case you already know how

to dance, do NOT approach a cute Latina asking
her to dance. It’s the most common strategy used
by Latin guys. If you do, you’ll be doing the same
thing that 10 other guys just did minutes ago. It’s a
lame strategy, it doesn’t help to differ from other
guys who ask to dance and start asking the same

boring questions (what do you do, what’s your
name, where do you live). So don’t worry if you
don’t know how to dance, there are better ways to
approach them.

Any way, it’s good to

know how to dance
Latino music; it will
give you a plus you can
show while on a first
date or even after you
approached her with
something different and
saw that she was
showing some interest.
Just don’t approach her
that way at the
beginning. Dancing is a
skill you can show later.

The best thing of knowing how to dance is that it
creates a sexual environment and it’s also good to
make her be comfortable while you touch her.
However, you should be very careful of not
touching her intimate parts while dancing in public,
it wouldn’t make you seem as a discrete man and
she’ll lose interest instantly.

7. For a Latina it’s very important that you meet her

parents. She would insist that you meet her entire
family and would bring you to
her house and parties. It’s
something that you will enjoy
since the culture is very warm
and welcoming. If she invites
you to a party with her family
don’t refuse, be polite and
accept, it means she’s ready to
see you as a boyfriend and

wants to be in a relationship, plus it will be a lot of
fun, trust me. Latin parties, even family get-
togethers are very social and fun.

8. Don’t get mad if she makes you wait for several

minutes when picking her up. Latin women don’t
care about time. They do it all the time. You may
find yourself waiting for her at the gate of her
complex for 15-20 minutes. She would say that she
was brushing her hair or taking some call. Don’t
get upset, it’s part of the culture. Latinas seem to
enjoy making men wait for them. You’ll see, in this
culture people aren’t so used to showing on time to
meetings. It’s normal to show up a5 minutes later
and say things like, “oh, too much traffic”. Don’t
say I didn’t warn you ;-)

I hope you enjoyed this report, and that you continue to
explore the incredibly fun, romantic and sexy world of
Latin women.

So stay tuned, and be sure to watch your email

inbox…because we’re going to be sending you a LOT
more powerful secrets to help you find, meet and seduce
the Latin women of your dreams.

Your friend,

Esteban Lara


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