Technical Bulletins List

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NUMBER DATE, TITLE AND CHANGES CHEMICAL WARFARE TB 8-205-2 21 Aug. 44. Canister, HCN, M2. 3-206-3 90 Aug. 44. Mask, Gaa, Service, M2A2, Oil Vapor MI-IIIA1, 8-205-4 3 Oct. 44, Cannister, Ammonia, M2. 3-205-5 2 Sep. 44. Mask, Gas, Headwound, M7-11-9. C 1. 8-205-6 2 Sep. 44. Mask, Gas, Dog, M6-12-8. 8-205-8 3 Jan. 45. Fitting of Masks, Gas, Service Light- weight, M3-10A1-—6 and Mask, Gas, Service, Combat, M5-11-7. 3-205-10 20 Jan. 45. Set, Equipment, Maintenance, and Repair, M1. 3-205-11 Feb. 45. Ammonia Odor in Cannisters M9A2, M10, M10A1 and M11. 3205-12515 28 Apr. 45. Theater of Operations Surveil- lance Procedure for Kit, Gas Mask Waterproofing, Mi, 3-205-13814 25 Apr, 45. Theater of Operations Surveil- lance Procedure for Kit, Repair Gas Mask, Company, MII, and M2Al1, $-205-14 1 May 45. Mask, Gas, Service Snout Type, M8-11-10. 3-205-15. May 45, Effect of Cold Weather on Black Gas Mask Facepicees and Black Gas Mask Hose; and Methods for Restoring Pliability. 3-205-16 June 46. Indicator, Eyepiece Leakage, E5. $-205-17 June 45. Indicator, Canister Resistance, ESR4. 3-220-252 3 Nov. 44. Procedure for Theater of Operations Seats Check of Bleaching Material (for decontam- ation). $-220-3 Dec. 44. Repair and Maintenance of Apparatus, Decontaminating, 1% quart, M2. ¢ 1. 3-220-4 18 Apr. 45. Apparatus, Decontaminating, 2-Quart, Expendable, E3R1, 3-220-6512 21 Apr. 45, Theater of Operations Surveil- lance Procedure for Apparatus, Decontaminating, 1% Quart, M2.,- 3-220-6516 18 Apr. 45. Theater of Operations Surveil- lance Proctdure for Agent, Decontaminating, M4 (Two-Compartment or Dual Container). 2-220-7 11 Aug. 45. Repair and Maintenance of Appa- ratus, Decontaminating, 3-Gallon, M1. $-222-1 27 Dee. 43. Transportation of Decontaminating Apparatus, M4, 3-250-1S11 19 Apr. 45, Theater of Operations Surveil- lance Procedure for Lewisite in One-Ton Containers, 4 NUMBER DATE, TITLE AND CHANGES CHEMICAL WARFARE—Continued TE 3-255-1 8 Jul. 44. Valve Replacement Mechanism, M1. 3-255-3 28 Oct. 44. Beam, Grab, M1. 3-255-4 Dee. 44, Alteration of Beam, Hoisting Airplane Smoke Tank, M2, 8-255A-1 8 Nov. 44. Airplane Smoke Tank M10. $-255B-1 May 45. Airplane Smoke Tanks AN-MS3Al and M33, $-270-1 10 July 44. Use of Dye In Clothing Impregnat- ing Plant Mi (Theater of Operation), 3-270-254 Jan, 45, Procedure for Determining Service- ability of Chlorinated Paraflin Stored at Theater of Operations Depot. C 1. $-270-385 Jan. 45. Procedure for Determining Service- ability of Acetylene Tetrachloride (Tetrachlor- ethane) Stored in Drums rt Theater of Operations Depot. $-270-4S¢ Feb. 45.5 Theater of Operation Surveillance Procedure for Impregaite I (CC-2), and Impreg- nite I, Micronized (XNCC-2), $-270-5 Feb. 45. Reimpregnation in Clothing Impregnat- ing Plants M1. (Theater of Operations.) 3-290-189 19 Apr. 45. Theater of Operations Surveillance Procedure for Kit, Protective Ointment, M5, 3-290-2_ Apr. 45, Modification of M1 Eyeshield to Reduce Fogging. Bei ALS 23 Apr. 45. Theater of Operations Surveil- lance Procedure for Kit, Testing, Impregnate in Clothing, Mi. 3-290-4517 7 May 45. Theater of Operations Surveillance Procedure for Kit, Chemical Agent Detector, M9. 3-300-1 27 May 44. HC Smoke Pot M5. 3-300-3 30 Aug. 44. Grenade, Hand, Riot (CN), E2R2. C I. 3-200-4 13 Sep. 44. Floating Smoke Pot. Rack El for Landing Craft. 3300-5 a re 45, Igniters for Fire Bombs (Explosive pe). 3-800-6 27 Nov. 44. Incendiary, Safe Destroying, M1A1. 3-200-7 27 Nov, 44. Incendiary, Equipment Destroying, M2Al. 3-200-887 Feb, 45, Theater of Operations Surveillance Procedure for Smoke Grenades. 3-300-9 May 45. Supplementary Firing Instructions for ee Smoke, HC, M1 and Pot, Smoke, 30-Pound, HC, 800-10" Gs 45. Pot Smoke, Floating, HC, M4A2. 3-300-11518 21 Jun, 45, Theater of Operations Sur- eilaers Procedure for Incendiary Grenades AN- 3-320-783 Nov. 44, Theater of Operations Quality Check of Shell, 4.2-in. Chemical Mortar, M2. 3320-8 3 Aug. 45. Weight Zoning of HE-Fitled, 42-inch Chemical Mortar Shell M3. 3-850-181 14 Oet. 44. Inspection of Curtain, Gasproof M1. 3-350-2 6 Nov. 44. Protector, Collective, M3. C I. 3-250-3 24 Jan. 45. Protector, Collective, M2A2. a-376A-288 Apr. 45. Theater of Operations Surveillance Procedure for Flame Thrower, Portable M2-2. 3-376A-4 13 Jun. 45. Adjustment of Dome-Type (Grove) Pressure Regulator of Portable Flame Thrower Mz-2. 8-981-2 gate 45, Mount, Mechanical Smoke Generator, cwa zc Moe: 44. Bomb, Incendiary 500-pound, M76 (T2E1): CW6 26 Apr. 44. Army Assault Gas Mask F6-3-7, CWT 26 May 44. Army Assault Gas Mask Facepiece E6. ‘This Technical Bulletin is and to individuals whose 4 Bulletin must be snfeicearded jatribwted only to interested headquarters require that they kay ia Technical accerdance with prov MUMBER DATE. TITLE AND CHANGES CW8 30 May 44. Bursting AN-M14 Incendiary Grenade. ch CW10 15 Jul. 44. Assembly of Burster and Igniter In M47A1 and AN-M47A2 Incendiary Bombs. CW11 27 Jun. 44. Aimable Cluster AN-MITA1. CW13 14 Jul. 44. Effects of Extreme Cold on CWS Maté- riel. ¢ 1. CWi4 18 Jul. 44. Apparatus, Deeontaminating, Motor- ized, Dry Agent, E-2. CWi5 2 Sept. 44. Kit, Tool, Bomb Venting, El. CW16 16 Sep. 44. Bomb Clusters Using E6R2 Adapter. CW 18 11 Nov. 44, Fit, Fuel Filling, Flame Thrower, E¢. CW19 8 Nov. 44. Clusters Using E23 Adapter, C 1, CW 20 17 Get, 44. Cleaning Interiors of Compressed Gas Cylinders, Tanks and Accessories. CW 21 3 Feb. 45. Kit, Mixing and Transfer, Thickened Fuel E2R1. CW22 6 Apr. 45. Non-persistent Gas Bombs, Handling, Shipping, and Storage. CW23 24 Nov. 44. Protector, Faceplece E21R2. CW24 21 Dec. 44. 4.2-Inch Recoilless Chemical Mortar Es4R1. € J. CW 25 7 Feb. 45. Tail Fin Assembly for 165 Gal, Fire Bomb. CW 26 Feb. 45. Bomb, Smoke, 10-pound (HC), M77. CW27 10 Apr. 45, Complete Round Charts of Chemical Munitions, cw 29518 Apr. 45. Theater of operations, . Surveillance Procedure for 100-pound Incendiary Bombs, M47 Type. CW 30 meine 45. Protectors, Facepiece, F2iR3 and CW 31 Jun. 45. Venting H-Filled Bombs, M70. “CW32 15 Nov. 45. Disperser, Insecticide Aerosol, Me. chanical, E12.

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