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$500 in 24 hours


The target for this training – is to create and launch a product to make at least $500 in
24hours. This objective is repeatable. So $500 profit is simply the first achievable goal
that I have set you.

I simply repeat the process and leverage from my first launch. Don't be frightened by
words like project, product or launch. You may have heard these expressions many times
and it may feel like they are the things that only the “big guys”, “experts” or “gurus” do.

Firstly I am not a “guru” or never claim to be, I have made soo many made mistakes
along the way and through grinding it out and never giving up I am able to share with you
the proven facts that make a sustainable automated income online
Everything in this report is broken down into simple processes that anyone can do.

Don't worry I will cover all this in details as we go through the training. I will take you by
the hand and guide you through the whole process from thinking about the idea to
putting the money right into your PayPal account.
Very little skills are needed as any of the complex stuff will be outsourced and I will show
you how to easily do everything else.

I will teach you how to use this one simple system to produce high quality, in demand,
products that sell quickly and easily making a profit of at least $500 a pop. You will also
grow a buyers list that you can leverage for more product launches and bring in
continuous affiliate commissions from promoting other peoples products.
Simply rinse and repeat the process for a sustainable business and continuous income.

Everything I teach in this course is crucial for any online income. Basic marketing
techniques, technical skills, list building, sales funnels etc. These are the raw building
blocks of any online business.
With my specific product creation method you could be off the ground in 24 hours

What Do You Need

Right up front I will tell you that you will need a small initial layout of $40. If we outsource
some of the work it is going to cost you some money. Don't panic, I am not talking about a
lot of money.
Again I will show you exactly what, where and how. We will launch the product on the
Warrior Forum as a Warrior Special Offer (WSO). This will cost you $20 membership &
$20 to launch a WSO thread.

I will be starting this training with the assumption you have zero initial skills and we will
minimize the work needed and time to market so you can see results fast.
So for this training you will be outsourcing a number of activities that are technically more
difficult. This will mean you don't need to learn new skills , buy software or take ages to
produce your product.

It really is important to get to market fast, make some money, re-invest and grow your

Choosing Your Niche

It is important to note that this is NOT standard “niche selection” process where we look
for a low competition niche. In fact it is the opposite. The more competition there is in a
niche the larger the potential customer base. So this is just about finding an area that has
a large market. The following covers your options and opportunities.

When deciding what niches to target you need to think of the market. i.e. will there be a
lot of people wanting what I am offering and willing to spend money.
Some place you can go to are Clickbank marketplace ( select a product and search by
gravity ) this indicates if there is people promoting in this niche.

Also different Forums like Warrior Forum and Digital Point.

There are massive amounts of PLR ebooks and reports for IM (internet marketing).
Covering all sorts of subjects like traffic generation, SEO, backlinking, on-page SEO,
Facebook Ads, Facebook Fan pages, Adwords, PPC advertising, list building, product
creation, ebay, etc....

These are the big powerhouse when it comes to Niches - Health & Fitness, Dating &
Relationships, Business & Money

So as you can see there is no shortage of niches to choose from for your products. There
are unlimited amounts of material for each niche which means you will never be short of
ideas or source material.
Of course you may not be an expert in any of these. It does not matter. You are not putting
yourself forward as an expert in anything. You are simply supplying products that other
“experts” require and do not want to spend time making them or spend a lot of money
outsourcing it.

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This is what enables you to win this particular game. You supply the market with solutions
to their problems.
We will be using existing PLR content as reference and you will need very little
experience (if any) in any of the subjects. If it is something you know absolutely nothing
about then you may need to do a little basic research on the subject just so you can
understand the report you are going to use and write.

You can of course write your own reports if you have the skills and knowledge but I
recommend using the PLR as it gets you to market so much quicker.

Choosing Your Product Type

You now need to decide exactly what your final product will look like. By that I mean will
it be an ebook,, video or both. For this training we are going to create an ebook product.

Sales Funnels

The way a sales funnel works can vary in many cases you will see it start with giving away
a free product in exchange for an email address. In this particular case we are selling
something and getting an email address of a “buyer”.

This is at least 10 times more valuable than the email list of freebie seekers. Proven
buyers, on even a small list can generate significant additional income when treated

The technicalities of how we do this will be explained fully in the training. To capture the
email address and be able to mail out afterwards I am using an auto-responder service
called Get Response. There are other “auto responder” services you can use but I am
more familiar with Get Response and use it myself.
If you already have an auto responder you will be familiar with its particular use and
should have little trouble using that. The basic instructions will be the same even if the
auto responder is different.
They also run an affiliate program , so when you create your product like I have with the
link here then when someone buys your
product and uses your link you get a commission , this will build up over time and be an
additional income stream for you

List building

I just want to talk a little about list building so you can put things in perspective.
Where most people agree that building a list is hugely important, it is often
overlooked in the training or by the student. Technically it's possible to do all this without
building a list and in fact it would make it easier. However the extra effort to create a
buyers list will pay huge dividends in the long term.

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Launching any product without a list is more difficult for a couple of reasons.

1. If you have a list you can email subscribers before and during the launch to get more
people to your sales page.

2. If you have a list you can promote other vendors products and that makes it easier to
encourage them to promote yours. One of the reasons I have set the income target
relatively low is because I am assuming that most people are starting without a list or any

But once you launch your first product you will start to grow a BUYERS list. This will make
future launches easier and more profitable and of course allows you to earn commissions
from affiliate products.
All part of growing your business.

Building an Information Empire

When you create a product it is not just for a one-off launch. The same product can be
relaunched numerous times and even used as one time offers (OTOs). Later you can even
roll multiple products into one or use as bonus items etc. for affiliate offers.

So your initial income from a product is only the beginning. Long term it will be worth
many times that. Think of each product as a new part of your online real estate. As you
grow your portfolio of products you increase the basic value of your real estate.

Although this training is focused on getting that first $500 product to the market keep in
mind that it's true, long term value is much more.

What We Are Going To Do (Project Overview)

In this section I am going to give you a very short description of what we are going to do.
Don't worry if you do not understand any of this or it does not fully fit together. All will be
covered in fine details in the appropriate training module.
For now I just want you to get an overview of what we are going to do. We are going to
create a ebook product. To make it easy we are going to use an existing PLR product as
guidelines. We will take part of that product and we will “re-purpose” it.

We have different option we can create a set of short videos from the ebook text.
• Create a power point like presentation from the text
•Use Fiverr to outsource the video introduction
• Use Fiverr to create professional graphics
Then we can join it all together to create a set of videos or standalone ebook or both. We
can then create the sales page and convert it to a WSO page.

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With our product and sales page completed we can create a Getresponse list and build
our sales funnel with Warrior plus. With a few final preparations you will be ready to
launch your first product


Why Private Label Rights (PLR) products? I hear you ask.

The simple answer is that by using and selling PLR products you do not need
to become an expert in that niche before you can produce a product.
Your new product will be in the broader “make money online/internet marketing” niche
because your customers are affiliate marketers. However it is most likely that at this
point, you have not made a lot of (if any) money in this niche and are not an expert.

However there are many areas of the niche that are not directly related to making money.
The products we will be creating are aimed at other “internet marketers”. Many
marketers buy PLR products to both give away to build their lists in specific niches and to
sell. This is the area you will target.
If you choose a suitable niche (which we will cover in the next section) you will find a
large number of existing marketers wanting your products. Of course they need to be
high quality but that's exactly what you will be giving them.

Creating Your Product

Find Existing PLR to Re-purpose

I want to discuss PLR now. One thing to understand about PLR is the variations in licensing
that it comes with. So you need to check the licence condition on any product you use. In
general a PLR product means you can edit it, rewrite it, re-create it in different media
formats, rename it and claim it as your own.
However some PLR have limitations on where you can use it and how you can distribute it.
Typically it may have

 Resale Rights - Yes

 Master Resale Rights - Yes
 Private Label Rights - Yes
 Giveaway Rights - Yes (without PLR/MRR)
 Offered as a Bonus - Yes
 Full Product Copyrights - Yes
 Full Graphic Copyrights - Yes
 May Modify Product - Yes
 Packaged with Other Products - Yes
 Added to Paid Membership Websites - Yes
 Added to Free Membership Websites - Yes
 May Publish Offline - Yes
 May Sell on Auction Websites - No
and many other options.

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For our purpose we need to be able to:

Rename, edit and sell as a WSO. You will need to read the PLR licence carefully to decide
if that is what you can do. If it does not specifically say you cannot use as a WSO then you
are OK.
Let me just clarify a very important point here. You cannot sell PLR as a WSO. That is
against the WSO rules. You must have created the product yourself (or have it made for

This is exactly what we are doing. Although you will be using the text source from a PLR
you will be creating a completely unique product that is your own.
Therefore that is a legitimate product to sell as a WSO. There are lots of PLR sites and PLR
sellers. Generally you can get short reports for a few dollars ($3-$7) or full products
(ebook, resale site, squeeze page and give-away report for a little more ($10-20).

For our product we only need a short report but it is sometimes useful to buy a whole
product just to get the give-away report included. If the main product is good you can
even sell that to your subscribers later or offer as a bonus.

There is even a lot of free PLR available but that tends to be pretty low quality in general
but still worth a look.

search expressions into Google. You will see plenty of results.

So we are looking to find an existing PLR in our chosen niche. In fact you could even
To find even
choose more PLR
your niche sourcesfor
by looking tryPLR
typing “top PLR
products. sites”doesn't
It really or “buymatter
PLR reports” or similar
if you have no
niche preference. Using the sites mentioned above just find any product that sits in any of
the general niches previously discussed.

Choose something that you think may interest people in that niche. Don't get too bogged
down with selecting your PLR. Remember you want to get to market ASAP. This is an area
that can easily suck you in and waste a lot of time while you find the perfect product.

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Don't get sucked in. Just find something that looks OK


Fiver outsourcing is fast, easy and cheap way to getting work done. Don't underestimate
just how valuable your time is and just how much better others can do some things than
you can. Creating quality graphics, videos and audio are definitely things that take a lot
of skill. It is possible to outsource almost every aspect of the product creation.
However as this is your first product I am trying to keep the cost down to a minimum so I
will show you exactly how to do the easier things yourself. Once you have a successful
first product you can start to invest some of the profit into future products. This is the way
to rapidly ramp up your production

Sales Funnel Overview

Firstly let me explain what a sales funnel is. It's basically the mechanism that handles the
visitors that come to your sales page, the purchasing process, adding them to your list ,
offering up-sells or OTOs and finally delivering the product.
The way a sales funnel works can vary and in many cases you will see it start with giving
away a free product in exchange for an email address.

In this particular case we are selling something and getting an email address of a
“buyer”. This is at least 10 times more valuable than the email list of freebie seekers.
Proven buyers, on even a small list can generate significant income when treated right.
To build your funnel you are going to use Warrior Plus (not to be confused with the
Warrior Forum). Warrior Plus is a complete system for managing products, sales funnels
and affiliates. Combined with the traffic you will get from Warrior Forum it is a killer
combination for selling IM related products.
The funnel consist of a number of products (main product and up-sells) linked together to
form an offer. So an offer is a number of products that automatically route the buyer
through the up-sell chain for you. It will also handle the purchasing process.
Finally it will deliver the products purchased
So we need to add products to either Warrior Payments or Warrior+, join those products
together into an offer, add the payment buttons and “no thanks” links to your sales pages.
Make everything live and test the end to end purchasing/delivery process.

Warrior Payments

Warrior Payments is the cheapest payments solution in the industry, charging only a 2%
flat fee.

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Another option is using Warrior +

Adding Products to Warrior+

The first stage is to add your products to Warrior Plus. To do this you will need to create a
Warrior Plus account. Once logged into your account click the “Vendors” tab at the top of
the page. Then click the Create New (big Green Button) and select “Product”.

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Creating Your Offer

Now you need to create an offer page for each product and add a product to each page.

Go once more to the “Vendors” tab and click “Create New”. This time choose the
“Offer”. First you must create your main page. This will contain your main product

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Complete the “Create Your Offer” page with a product title and description. In the
“Salespage URL” box enter any valid URL. As you do not have a WSO live yet you cannot
add the WSO page URL just add for now.
For now just leave it. Set Public and Affiliates to ON and create the page. Your page has
now been created, then for your next launch you can add OTOs (one time offers),Which is
the same as above.
Adding a Bonus

This is a great way to improve conversions and offers more value to the product and
makes it easier for the person who is making a decision to buy. Bonus can be in the form
of PLR products

This is found on the product page of Warrior plus , standard is 30-60 days by offering a
guarantee this will increase sales and conversions

Product Delivery

So by this stage your product will be created you can now upload to Warrior+
Go to the “product” tab and click delivery file.

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On your first product I definitely recommend giving away 75% or more on affiliate
Commissions and this can be found on the product tab.

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This will help bring affiliates on board. And add more buyers to your list. And have
affiliates to go to for your second product.

For a simple report / ebook like this I would charge $4-$9 keep the price low to attract
more buyers, the best thing to do is do the research what others are selling similar
products for in the marketplace

Sales Copy for WSO

This is a vital component for the success of your launch. Having good sales copy can
make or break your product launch.

I have included some HTML files of sales letter that you can copy and paste onto a word
document and make it your own style or this can be outsourced.

The basic principles “AIDA”: Attention-Interest-Desire-Action

1. Headline, “Break state” and grab the reader’s attention.

2. Offer a solution to their pain points.
3. Provide valuable information which your audience can apply and benefit from.
4. Tell them how this will increase success, time, money or happiness.
5. Call To Action
6. Explain benefits with relevant testimonials and statistics.

Now that you've grabbed their attention, and you've kept it. Now, it's your job to create
desire. You must turn the story you've told into one that is not only extremely relevant to
the prospect, but also irresistible. This is the essence of good sales copy

Once you have your copy in place and looks good now you want to download a tool call
Jing and take screen shots of your copy , then go to here is were you convert the images to BB Code to upload to the
warrior forum

Add payment buttons to WSO

To add your pay buttons to your sales page you need to get them from either Warrior
Payments or Warrior+ offer you just created. Navigate to the Offer Pages.

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Firstly get the code for the payment button to add to the TEST FORM WSO.

We will update it to the main WSO forum on launch day. For now though, click the Get
Code button at the bottom of the Main Offer Page (see screenshot above). From the pop-
up window choose the “Button
Code (forum) to get the BBcode required for a Warrior Forum WSO sales page. DO NOT
select html for a WSO page. Copy the code in the box

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Open the TEST FORUM thread you created earlier and click NEW THREAD to open

Paste in the codes you from along with the code from Warrior Plus with your
buy button. You should see something similar to the screen shot below.

Click “Save Changes” and check all is OK. You should now see a payment button similar
to that shown above.

Test purchase on web page

It is important to test your buy button before you go live. You do not want issues where
people can't buy or can't access their downloads.

You need to do this early enough to be able to fix any issues if they exist

To make your offer live (NOT your WSO) you just need to click the “Activate Offer”
button on the offer page
Once active you can test.

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Firstly do a simple check.
1. Open up the sales pages (TEST FORUM ). You can open

2. Open the test forum main page and click the payment button. Ensure it opens up
PayPal and has the correct product name listed.
However if you can you should actually do a purchase of the products and test the system
live. To do this you will need a different PayPal account than the one you are selling with.

If you have access to a second PayPal account (you can send the money from your
account to another account to pay for the products. You will get the money back )minus
charges) when you purchase.

Once you are happy with the test you should deactivate your offer. That way you won't
have affiliates trying to come on board before the products are for sale. You don't want


Sending Out Review Copies

I mentioned earlier in the sales letter section about social proof. This usually takes the
form of customer testimonials. If you haven't launched anything before then this is a little
more challenging however not impossible.
Once you have your first product done you will have existing customers that you can
contact and offer a few review copied in exchange for a review or testimonial in the sales

Sales thread testimonials are really powerful. A lot of buyer just won't buy until someone
else reviews the product. If you have no luck at all getting testimonials, you can offer a
few review copies when you launch. They will go quickly (they always do).

It's important you set a criteria though and make sure they know that they need to leave
an “honest review” if they take a review copy. I would also put a time on it . Say it must be
reviewed “today”. I have given review copies before and people take it and say they will
review it after the weekend or whatever and they basically never happen or are so late
they are irrelevant.

I generally do not offer review copies in the sales thread these days. If you want to get
reviews get them prior to launch from existing customers or other Warriors you can

It's reasonable to contact other Warriors via PM to offer review copies. Have a look
around the forum. Search for similar products and see who has commented on previous
WSO threads. Always best to get people who are already used to commenting on
threads. They are more likely to do it again.
Be very nice in the PM say you saw they were interested in “so and so” and you felt your
product was related and may be of interest to them. They can have the review copy for
free and if they find it was a good product you would appreciate a comment in the sales
thread. Let them know the planned launch day/time.

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Do not wait around for the perfect time to launch

Get to market FAST. Better to get to market than spend forever trying to get everything
perfect. Sometimes better to get it done and move on. Your next product you will have
customers you can contact and give them review copies. They will be delighted to get
some free stuff from you.
Affiliates Will Join if the Stats Are good

If you can get affiliates on board you will make more sales, period. However it is likely
you have no affiliate contacts on your first product. I DO NOT recommend PM'ing
Warriors to try and get them to promote your product. If you have no relationship with
them it will just wind them up. You will do yourself no good.

Affiliate Approval Process

If an affiliate wishes to promote you, you will see a request in Vendors/My Affiliates.
Unfortunately there are a lot of affiliates you DO NOT want on board. You will be tempted
to approve everyone as you will want the sales but trust me in this section, you don't want
to approve everyone.
Firstly there are robots that request affiliate links as soon as it goes live. If it is a robotic
request you can be sure it will sell no product. You will be able to hover over the affiliates
name and it will tell you how many sales he has made, his average conversion rate and
his refund rate.
If this is a new affiliate it will say so. By clicking the affiliate name it will go to his/her
warrior Forum Profile. You can see how many post he has made and how long he been a
member. From this you can make an assessment of the affiliate.
Unfortunately there are scammers on warriors like anywhere on the internet so if
anything smells funny don't approve them. It is very easy for them to scam you out of
money. One trick is to promote your offer, buy your product and grab the commission.
Then request a refund via PayPal directly. So you will pay him both his 75% commission
and refund his purchase from your PayPal account.
OK don't get too scared you just need to follow a few simple rules and these things will be
unlikely to happen,

Another reason you don't want some affiliates on board is because they will send you
loads of rubbish traffic (twitter/Facebook/safelists/bought for $1) this will crucify your
conversions as it will make little or no sales.
So what to do?
Follow these rules
1. If it is a new affiliate – refuse
2. If they have a zero or single figures post count – refuse
3. If they have joined in the past 3 months – refuse.
4. If they have joined years ago but still have less than 50 posts – refuse
5. If they do not meet the criteria you set and they do not email you – refuse.

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6. Also make sure all the “data” matches up. Just joined 5 days ago but has 500 sales?

Many scammers buy aged Warrior Forum accounts so age and low post count it very
suspicious. If you have any suspicions check their “Visitor Messages” to see what other
Warriors have posted. If they have disabled that function then be even more suspicious.
Now that I have scared the pants off you I can tell you that 95% of your affiliate sales will
probably come from 2 or 3 affiliates so don't worry about filtering out dodgy looking
request. Good affiliates will have a good record to view and will even contact you directly
to discuss.
Get your Stats right and the affiliates will come. However note that you will also get good
sales directly so even with no affiliates on board you should still be good. Of course as
each new product launches you will have a bigger list. Mailing out a pre-launch email
and then again on launch day can dramatically increase your early conversions and get
those affiliates on board


Make Your WSO Live

Step 1. Pay for your WSO
Use the link in your approval confirmation PM (private message) from the Warrior
admins. Pay for your WSO thread and it will immediately go live and be displayed at the
top of the WSO forum page.

Step2. Look under your new WSO post and click the Quick reply button.

Add in an FAQ post to include your support email or helpdesk link as shown below. You
can add any common questions as they arise in the thread

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Open the live WSO page and edit the post. Again go to the “text”, go
“Advanced” and paste in the content from the TEST FORUM post.
Save Changes and check your sales page looks OK and the pay buttons are working
STEP 3. Change Main Offer page to WSO URL/check it works

Finally you must ensure the sales funnel is properly completed by adding the new WSO
main sales page into the “Offer”.

Go to your Offer in Warrior Plus and click the “edit” icon at the top right of the main

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Copy the URL from your Warrior Forum WSO post and replace the holding URL you used
when you created your main page. Save your changes.


Your Sales thread should now be live and working!


It is important to make sure that buyers know how to get hold of you. Use a support email
address or even a helpdesk directly after you make it live.

Firstly it is not easy to support via the sales thread or PMs and secondly you want only
positive stuff in your thread not issues being highlighted. So adding a large font, brightly
coloured notice to use the appropriate support route will help you keep your sales thread
You can also add in any questions that are asked in the thread and may help people
decide to buy or avoid them not buying
Email list if you have one

If you do have a list then send out an email about your new product. Add your sales page
link to the email.

Monitoring and Maintaining Your WSO

Track support/thread/PMs/emails

When you launch your WSO you need to make sure you have time to monitor the activity,
especially in the first few hours. If there are any issues they will show up pretty quickly
and you need to be on hand to address them.

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When your WSO is live go to the top right and click “thread tools” – “subscribe the
Then you want to “get email notification” –step 3

So it is important to keep on top of any questions or issues as they arise. Remember you
may be contacted by a comment in the sales thread, by your support email or helpdesk
or by the Warrior Forum PM message system.

If anyone asks a support question in the thread respond, but push them to the correct
support route. Always add “Your best and fastest way to get support is via the support
email (or whatever your support address is).

General questions are actually great as it gives you the opportunity to respond to
questions that may not have been made 100% clear in the sales thread but also you can
add additional info in your response.

Also it makes the thread look interactive and busy. A great thing to increase sales. A busy
thread will always attract more people and keep them looking longer.
DO NOT GET INTO ARGUMENTS. Always be professional and polite.
Worst case you can report the posts to the forum admins and they will either delete them
or tell you they are valid comments under the current WSO rules.

However with these products I expect zero issues of any kind. The only problem that may
arise are people asking for refunds. Again these should be zero in theory but there is
always one who wants to have his cake and eat it.
Having a money back guarantee is a double edged sword and people will occasionally
abuse it. However overall you will make much more money with it.
So just do as you promised and immediately refund anyone who asks.
If you don't, two things will probably happen
1. They will abuse you in the thread
2. They file a PayPal dispute
So just refund and move on. Get on with the business of making more money not trying to
save a few dollars from someone who you don't want as customer anyway.

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Contact Reviewers & Affiliates to say WSO is live

Once you have launched your WSO and it is live and you are 100% sure it is all working
then you need to tell everyone about it.
If you have sent out review copies then contact the reviewers (you should have gathered
an email address for them so you can contact then without using the PM system if
Let them know the thread is now live and give them the specific thread URL of the sales
page in the email or message so they don't have to look for it.

Also include the link to your affiliate request so they can just get approval in one click.
Again don't make them jump through hoops. Every single extra step or difficulty is one
more opportunity for people NOT to do anything!”

You can get to the “Affiliate Signup Page” from your “offer Page”

Bumping Your WSO

Bumping a WSO just means paying another $19.95 and pushing your thread to the top to
the top of the WSO page. This will generally get you some more sales and can be found at
the bottom of your thread.

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Remember that each sale is likely to be a new buyer on your list so long term you will
make more money even if you only break even on the actual sale. With your first product
launch it will better to have some breathing space while you find your feet.

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