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Technology Integration Form – STUDENT PORTFOLIOS

Selected Technology/Resource Name: Age/Grade Level: Technology/Resource Type:
Evernote 6th Website
Source: (Web address, company name, etc.)

Associated Learning Standard(s): The resource may be generally applicable, if so, simply state that. List any ISTE-S standards that
seem to naturally align with the selected resource.
Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support the learning process.

Give a brief description of the technology/resource.
This resource is a way for students to have digital notebooks that are organized and accessible. Notes can be shared with one
another or kept for personal use.


How might you use this resource in a lesson plan to promote student-centered learning?

One of the great things about this tool is that it allows the teacher to share notes with students but allows the students to
organize them however they’d like. Because of the freedom students have, it encourages them to organize and do work in a
personalized way. I might often use this to share information with students (such as homework schedules for them to have, or
notes for them to save and edit).

Value-Added Rating Scale

3 2 1

The integration idea described: The integration idea described: The integration idea described:

• aligns to content standards • aligns to content standards • aligns to content standards

• transforms a lesson in a way that would • enhances a lesson; likely to • serves as a nice supplement to a lesson
be impossible or very difficult without it; increase student engagement and but wouldn’t necessarily play a critical
very likely to increase student engagement support mastery of the concept(s) role within the lesson
and contribute to mastery of the
concept(s) • will most likely be used by the • will most likely be used by the teacher
students directly during a lesson (e.g., a demonstration)
• optimal in a student-centered
environment where students are active
and engaged in learning content

• Based on the “value-added rating scale” above, how would you rate the technology integration you described, using the
selected resource?
• Explain your rating based on the rubric indicators.

I would rate this tool a 2. Though it doesn’t have a substantial effect on the lesson itself, it gives students constant access to their
resources and allows them to personalize their learning experience. Student mastery is supported because of this consistent,
organized tool. It would be used directly by students frequently, but would be difficult to use in a manner that transforms a

This template has been adapted from the following resources:

Christie, A., (2007). Dr. Alice Christie’s 6C Model for Evaluating Apps. Retrieved from
ISTE, (2012). iste.nets•s Advancing Digital Age Learning. Retrieved from
LearnZillion, Inc. (July 2014). TeachFest Guide | Mathematics. Retrieved from
Schrock, K., (2011-14). Critical Evaluation of a Content-Based IPAD/IPOD APP. Retrieved from

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