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Tabiar, Stephen Carl C.

THEO 141
BS ME 5A 11:10A-12:40P F503 TTh


What socio-economic and political issues surround the promulgation of the


Summary Essay:

In the encyclical letter Deus Caritas Est or God is love, Christian love is emphasized, and,
in any situation, love is applicable since it is the very core of anything or anyone. Love
has been a focus of this encyclical and one issue that drove the enforcement of this
encyclical is the misconception of love.

Nietzsche argued that Christianity poisoned eros and made it as a vice. Another issue is
charity. Charity is the act of voluntary giving of help to those who are in need especially
the poor and the oppressed. Another issue during the 19th century that caused the
promulgation of this encyclical is Marxism wherein it is argued that the poor do not need
charity but justice. Capitalism has been also a problem wherein the source of power is
now concentrated to the hands of few leaving the suppression of rights of the working

Industrialization was also prevalent during the 19th century wherein growth of a class
salaried workers caused radical changes in the society.

Justice and politics also have motivated the construction of this encyclical since there is
a problem with regards to exercising proper justice since most of the time justice tends to
be blind ethically due to desires to acquire power and special interests. Mass
communication has yet been another problem since it is stated in the encyclical that mass
communication has made our planet smaller. It rapidly narrows the distance between
people which sometimes is an issue because it has caused misunderstandings and

Globalization also has played a role in this problem since globalization operates mainly
on developed countries while outsourcing labor and raw materials to developed countries
given only a small compensation. Globalization also causes cultural genocide wherein
cultures have now been abolished due to western countries influences.

Insight to Reaction:

In conclusion these issues require more attention particularly love for it to be appealing
to all that is involved in it. Love in whatever form should be exercised properly and should
be imparted to each one because through this we are giving God glory because God is
love. There should be a perfect balance between progress and still sticking to what is
right, what is just, and what is pleasing to the eyes of God and that is to follow His two
greatest commandments to love God with all our heart and to love our neighbor as we
love ourself.

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