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Tabiar, Stephen Carl C.

THEO 141
BS ME 5A 11:10A-12:40P F503 TTh

Original Sin, Humanae Vitae and Fair Love:


Summary Essay:

There has been a shift from the understanding of Catholic teachings and Bible
interpretations particularly, the Original Sin story. From the traditionalist point of view
wherein everything is interpreted as literal to shift to more symbolized. Different parts of
the origin story were interpreted. In the shift of the understanding, it doesn’t mean
contradiction to the teachings. From the separation of the Protestants from the Catholic
church due to the different crimes committed by her, the Roman Catholic Church found
avenues wherein it can better itself through believing in the Bible while synching it with
scientific facts that can back it up. The shift of interpretation signifies evolution on
theological expressions. Different parts of the story are equivalent to different things such
as Adam being humans, Adam and Eve being male and female etc…In this shift of
interpretation, different encyclicals were promulgated such as Humanae Vitae and
magisterium. In the magisterium, the bishops are tasked to teach and preach uncorrupted
divine revelation following a standard set by councils such as the Second Vatican council
and Council of Trent. Doctrinal principles are based on Divine law which is revealed to us
by God. Divine law should be in perfect harmony of Natural Moral law through exercising
fair love in society.

Insight to Reaction:

In the shift, the understanding has been easier relayed to us who cannot fully grasp
theological concepts because in the first place we cannot understand something that is
higher than us. In this new view, we can understand it with what is prevalent to us since
science and theology now go hand in hand together. Through this, we can appreciate and
apply more the teachings of God. In this understanding, we can make a world a better
place by having a benchmark on what is good and right. We can be better persons since
we have a guide and we exercise everything with social justice. We aim for peace and
love. We become one with another with our neighbor and with our God.

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