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Distilled Medicinal Liquids

( Eucalyptus radiata)

Eucalyptus radiata (Forth River peppermint) is an Australian native tree also found in Africa and South
America. This tree is tall and grows up to 30 meters. The hallmark of these trees are their aromatic
peppermint smell. They have a greyish bark with fibrous texture with fissures. The tree is decorated with
small, creamy, shaped white flowers between October and January. The importance of the species of
Eucalyptus genus is its use in the production of essential oils and nutrition for Koala. The ​Eucalyptus
trees all have this distinctive characteristic of aromaticity. However that of the radiata species has
lighter less harmful smell which is the bases for its use for children, respiratory therapies and muscle
soothers. The oil containing two key components, eucalyptol (1,8 cineole) and alpha-terpineol is
extracted from Eucalyptus is done so by steam distillation from its leaves. Other important uses of the
oil is for air antiseptic, air cleaner and oral rinses and facilitates a strong immune system antifungal and
antibacterial .

There are three types of hydrodistillation for isolating essential oils from plant materials. These include
water distillation, water and steam distillation and direct steam distillation. The direct water distillation
procedure will be described below. In this method, the eucalyptus leaves is completely submerged in
water which is boiled in a closed crock pot. It is important for direct contact between the plant and
boiling water.

Procedure : Using a Crock Pot to Make Eucalyptus

1. Find fresh eucalyptus. Obtain about ¼ cup of leaves for every cup of oil to be produced. It is
better to cut the leaves in the day time since this is when there is a higher concentration of oil.
2. Wash leaves in the sink with water. Rinse thoroughly then set aside to air dry or you can use a

clean cloth for drying the leaves.

3. Measure 1 cup (8 oz) of oil, preferably light carrier or cold-pressed virgin oil.

4. Remove the eucalyptus leaves from the stem and gently crush with your hands to initiate
extraction of the oil. At this time you can add and mix other herbs if you like.

5. Combine oil and leaves in a closed-lid crock pot set on low with oil resting above leaves.
.Allow the mixture to steep for at least 6 hours. The longer it steeps the stronger the oil.
6. Pour the eucalyptus oil through a fine mesh strainer into a clean, tight lid,dark, glass jar, when
the oil is cool.

7. Label the eucalyptus oil, identifying the type of oil and date completed. If any other herbs are
added, include those in the labeling. Refridgerate for storage.

Figure 1. Final labelled bottle with Eucalyptus oil with leaves in the background
Figure 2. Tree of Eucalyptus


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