Web ADI Advanced

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Web ADI processing for Salary Windows

Go to People, Salary Management, select group to process from file (07 Fire

Click the Export Data icon on top right

Web ADI will open.

Viewer: Excel 2000 is fine, do not click ‘Reporting’ Select ‘next’

Layout: COS-Salary Proposals, Select ‘next’

Select ‘Open’

Select ‘Enable Macros’ and wait for spreadsheet to open. When you see the data, select
‘close’. You should only see the employees from the group you selected.

Open another excel spreadsheet and copy the last approved salary column to the
spreadsheet. Calculate the new salary. Copy, paste special, values to a new column.
Now copy that column back to the ADI spreadsheet in the ‘proposed salary’ column.

Enter the CHANGE_DATE for when the new salary should become effective

In the ‘proposal meaning’ column, put ‘COL’ for Cost of Living.

The CHANGE_DATE and PROPOSAL_REASON columns are in the headers section. If

you don’t see it click the view header button near the top of the spreadsheet.

Watch for any employees you know that are not eligible for an increase. Frozen salary,
etc, may cause an employee to not be eligible. Do not put a new rate in the proposed
salary column for those employees.

Click on ‘Oracle’ in the tool bar, select ‘Upload’. Select ‘Flagged Rows’.

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