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Ramos, Rondan Jay B.

Bs-Criminology 2-A
My Reflection paper on Jail Visit

The day we visit to jail was on May 17, 2019, when we visited Ilocos Norte Provincial Jail (INPJ) as a
class and completely changed my view and perspective towards jail. I had always wanted to know what goes on
inside and hence I had numerous questions running through my mind as we travelled towards the Bureau of jail
Management and Penology (INPJ). What awaits those people who get jailed? Do they live normal lives? What
can be done to improve their conditions?
We met Benilda P. Sadian the OIC-Provincial Warden of Ilocos Norte Provincial Jail who took us
through the life of the inmates and also the leaders of each cell share their daily lifestyle as an inmate inside the
facility. At the jail I saw and interacted with several people of different age, diverse backgrounds, different
expectations and life experiences.
They all serving short sentences or awaiting trial but some of them their sentence of being in the jail was
overlap because they hearing is always pending because the absence of the judge who assign to hear their sides. I
also observed that they did not call as inmates all the prisoners they rather call them “Person Deprived of Liberty”
(PDL) and they also changed their cell into brigade.
As according to the book that the conjugal visit was not allowed we ask them if they following this and
their answer is conjugal visit is allowable but there will be a classification for them to be allowed of conjugal if
the person is his/her spouse or their live in partner know by their both parents and the facility is giving a safety
kit to prevent pregnancy of the inmates or the PDL like Condoms and Pills.
They also following the rule specified at the book for allowing the inmate to viewed the deceased relative
in the place where there remains but not exciding 3 hours and radius of 30 kilometres. The inmates allowed to
carry money exciding two thousand pesos and them daily allowance on their foods given by the government is 55
pesos and this is enough for them as to the inmates themselves. They consist of 13 cell including the girl’s cell
and I think this is not enough because every cell is congested and when we enter inside there is a bakery and there
is also a barbershop for the inmates.
They also have a different occasion of the inmates like; Christmas party, birthday celebration, new year’s
and other’s and they also given a livelihood programs and giving a chance to have vocational education. Each cell
contained of 27-37 inmates and each cell have a 1 comfort room for them to take a bath and every brigade given
a television with cable. They kitchen is clean and every inmate or PDL have their own electric fan and 1 gas let
every brigade. The common case of the inmate is violation to RA 9165 and murderer’s. They were all doubt of
what awaits them outside and how they would acclimate and adjust to normal life in the society.

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