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What are rooms like?

Adjective Noun
vast library
darkened classroom
crowded station
forbidding cupboard
narrow corridor
steep flight of stairs
airy office space
boarded-up shop
cathedral-like mall
dingy basement

Arrange the word pairs in the graph below.


Small Big
Choose how to complete each sentence. Rewrite it using the third person (you can
use a name, he, she or they).
1. The smell of roses / old books / decaying flesh was coming from somewhere in
the cramped bedroom.

2. My voice / The gunshot / My footsteps echoed around the vast library.

3. I felt a hairy hand / a slimy substance / delicate web brush against me in the darkened classroom.

4. I was crying / whistling / whispering to myself in the crowded station.

5. All of a sudden, I heard a muffled groan / a stifled yell / a dull thud coming
from the forbidding cupboard.

6. We walked slowly / crept warily / ran desperately down the narrow corridor.

7. We looked up and saw a black dog / a white sheep / a giant rat at the top of
the steep flight of stairs.

8. Our boss was carrying heavy boxes / a series of filing cabinets / a black bag into
the airy office space.

9. We followed the signs / strange noises / acrid smell until we got to the front of
a boarded-up shop.

10. We tumbled / fell / escaped into the dingy basement.

11. The cathedral-like mall was full of our worst nightmares / deepest desires /
most treasured possessions.

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