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IBDP Information Technology in a Global Society

Strand 1: Social and Ethical Issues

Issues to think about - November 2020

I. Reliability and integrity:

1. Has the correct data been entered into the computer system?
2. Has somebody deliberately or accidentally changed the data?
3. Are there any inconsistencies in the data?
4. How trustworthy id the computer hardware?
5. How often does the hardware fail?
6. How trustworthy is the data stored on the computer?
7. Is the data stored on the computer outdated?

II. Security:
1. How can the computer hardware be protected from damage or unauthorized modification?
2. How can the data be protected from being changed, deleted or copied by unauthorized people?
3. Who is allowed to access the hardware and the files stored on a computer?
4. How can we protect the computer systems from computer viruses and other malware?
5. How can we protect the computer systems from hackers?

III. Privacy and anonymity:

1. What data should be considered private and what shouldn’t?
2. How can the data be kept private?
3. Is it acceptable to reduce privacy for the purpose of public safety?

IV. Intellectual property:

1. How can the intellectual property of people be protected?
2. What intellectual property issues are specifically related to IT/
3. What intellectual property rights to people have?

V. Authenticity:
1. What authentication method should be used?
2. How secure are the authentication methods?
3. What are some consequences of identity theft?

VI. Digital divide and equality of access:

1. Do all people have equal opportunities to accessing the benefits of IT?
2. Can the information published on websites be read by all those it is intended for?
3. How does the cost of IT hardware and software limit certain groups of people in using IT?
4. Do all people have the sane opportunities for using the resources of the Internet?

VII. Surveillance:
1. Should employees be monitored by their bosses?
2. Under what circumstances is this acceptable?
3. How can people be controlled with the help of IT/
4. What benefits and problems does control offer?

VIII. Globalization and cultural diversity:

1. How can IT help reduce the boundaries between cultures, countries and continents?
2. How can the globalization of the WWW be both a threat and an opportunity to minority groups?
3. What influence dos the dominance of the English language have on other cultures?
4. Is the Internet a threat or an opportunity to the culture of a society?
IX. Policies:
1. What should a policy contain?
2. Who is responsible for making the policy?
3. What are possible consequences if users do not adhere to the policy?

X. Standards and protocols:

1. How long will the used standards and protocols be supported?
2. What problems do people encounter when they want to upgrade old hardware systems?

XI. People and machine:

1. How well do people accept new technology?
2. Which tasks are performed better using robotics and which tasks are performed better by a
3. Which tasks are done better with the help of a computer and which tasks are not?
4. What are possible health and safety consequences arising from the use of ICT?

XII. Digital citizenship:

1. What is appropriate behaviour when using computers?
2. What precautions should users take to minimize the possibility of data loss?
3. How can computers b used ethically?

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