English Stuff To Learn Everyday

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Beck and call – a su entera disposición

Rut – atrapado en la rutina

Ridiculous; Random; Silly usually to describe another person or image

She just had not caught onto that yet

Strode up – di pasos largos

entitled – facultado


moppy hair

baggy jeans

hampered – (made difficult, thwarted)

lay it all out on the line

wreak havoc - cause chaos

Desirable - [dɪˈzaɪərəbəl]

rugged - strong, harsh, durable

verbal jabs –

fetch -

(go and get, collect) ir a buscar loc verb


intuitive adj (easy to understand) intuitivo/a adj

You should be able to understand this intuitive software.
Deberías ser capaz de entender este programa intuitivo.
intuitive adj (felt or known by intuition) intuitivo/a adj
instintivo/a adj
Driving is an intuitive skill; it's hard to teach in a classroom.
Manejar es una habilidad intuitiva y difícil de enseñar en un aula.
intuitive adj (person: perceptive) intuitivo/a adj
Javier is intuitive; he can always read a situation correctly.
Javier es intuitivo; siempre puede leer correctamente una situación.


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