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Algorithms to optimise the medication

for patients with Diabetes Type 2


Guidelines for Referral to Secondary Services

For Waitemata General Practitioners


A key outcome of the Diabetes Pathway Project, looking at treatment pathways for people with Diabetes
who had high glycaemia, was a suite of local algorithms developed to assist primary medical services
in managing the medication levels to optimise the treatment outcomes of these patients.

Why did we do this?

In the Waitemata District Health Board district in 2008, 29% of the people with Diabetes had an
HbA1c of more than 8% or 64mmol/l. In Maori and Pacific people this increases to around 50%.
These algorithms were produced locally to assist primary care practitioners to optimize medication
for glycaemic control, lipids and blood pressure.

Education of the patient is paramount and continuing lifestyle advice is essential. DSME (Diabetes
Self Management Education) is an essential step to attaining good quality self management. A life
long condition needs life long learning. It is important to ensure the patient understands that diabetes
is a progressive disorder and this requires ongoing coaching, education and support. However medication
to control diabetes and its complications is almost inevitable. This set of algorithms is produced to
assist management and hopefully reduce the number of patients with high HbA1c in the Waitemata
District Health Board Area.

This version is produced by Dr Catherine McNamara, Dr Rick Cutfield, Dr Walter van der Merwe, Lynn
Randall, Harbour Health, Lesley Hawke, Pharmacist WDHB and Jo Knight PMP.

Your feedback now is welcomed.

WDHB acknowledges the support and contributions

of Waitemata PHOs and participating GP clinics.
Treatment Algorithm for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes

Step 1: At diagnosis or HbA1c≥6.5<9% (50-75 mmol/mol) Refer to:

Give life style advice & start metformin (500mg bd) see note 1a • DSME
If metformin contraindicated or patient intolerant commence
Recheck HbA1c within alternative agent (see note 1b) • Retinal Eye Screening
2-3 months & maximise • Get Checked
mono-therapy if If HbA1c>9% (75 mmol/mol) at diagnosis and patient symptomatic,
consider starting a sulphonylurea in combination with metformin to Consider referring to the following:
Doses of tablets can be adjusted up to monthly based on SMBG readings

indicated (see note 1 d) get CG (capillary glucose) stabilised (see note 1c) • Podiatry
Patients need 3-6 monthly HbA1c and will progress at different rates

Or consider basal insulin with metformin. • Care Plus

• GRx
• Health Psychology

Step 2: If HbA1c is >7% (53 mmol/mol) (or individualised target)*

on maximum metformin or alternative maximum mono-therapy
treatment add second line agent as shown below

Add sulphonylurea Add DPP4 inhibitor If BMI 28, Add Acarbose

(see note 2a) eg.Sitagliptin Consider adding a
(see note 2b) glitazone eg (see note 2d)
(see note 2c)

Step 3: If HbA1c >7-8% (53-64 mmol/mol) on maximum dual agents

consider below

Consider trial of triple oral medication (see note 3b)

Add basal insulin
OR consider s/c Byetta (Exenatide) or Victoza
(See Note 3a)
(Liraglutide) (see note 3c)
Starting Insulin for adult type 2 diabetes patients in primary care

Start with 6 -10 units of Protaphane or Humulin NPH, titrate When is it the right time?
dose by 2-3 units every 3-4 days until required SMBG levels • Consider starting insulin when appropriate for individual
are reached (see glucose targets overleaf) patient and HbA1c is above 8%(64 mmol/mol).
• Coach the patient to continue to make appropriate lifestyle changes
• Consider starting nocte insulin for consistently high fasting • Ensure maximum dose of oral hypoglycaemic agents has been
morning SMBG readings reached, unless contraindicated.
• If SMBG readings are consistently higher during the day, • Ensure patient is well educated on starting insulin e.g. dietary
then may consider starting mane insulin (especially in elderly) requirements, use of metre and pens, Tx hypoglycaemia
• Aim for a pre-breakfast reading of 5.5-7.5 mmol/L • Provide patient with starting pack which includes pen, log book,
• Continue oral hypoglycaemic agents e.g. Metformin 1g bd script, needles, written instructions and 'hypo' management
(providing no renal impairment) with or without a sulphonylurea information with contact details in case of emergency.

Follow-up Patient Advice (SMBG)

Follow-up phone call after the first day and provide support Self-Monitoring Blood Glucose Checks
if needed
• Follow-up with support again after first week 1. Fasting pre-breakfast to check for hypoglycaemia and to help with
• Make a follow-up appointment for 2-3 weeks after starting titration of insulin dose
insulin, encourage patient to bring SMBG logbook for
2. Pre-evening meal to check for hyper or hypoglycaemia
• After three months re-test HbA1c and continue to monitor 3. Two hours post evening-meal to monitor any surging glucose and
every 3 - 6 months. ensure safe levels pre-bed
• If HbA1c still high, review SMBG logbook & consider 4. Consider a pre-lunch SMBG to monitor any daytime trends
intensifying insulin further (see insulin intensification if required
algorithm notes)
Most patients with Type 2 Diabetes will require one or more oral agents to 1d. Newly diagnosed patients should have HbA1c checked within 3 months
control their diabetes. Metformin is the preferred first line treatment (even and medication titrated accordingly. Lifestyle advice should be reinforced
in non-obese patients). Time to mono-therapy failure is of the order of 3 and referral to DSME, Diabetes eye screening etc instigated.
years but this differs a lot with factors such as ethnicity, BMI etc. Patients 2a. Add Sulphonylurea: This has been traditional second line Tx. However
need to be aware that escalation of therapy is 'on the cards' and that this availability of newer agents such as sitagliptin and pioglitazone mean these
may include insulin. DSME is essential in providing an 'overview' of diabetes. agents could be considered (see notes 2b/c). All patients on sulphonylureas
DSME is an essential step to attaining good quality self management on a should be taught how to do SMBG because of risk of hypoglycaemia.
day to day basis. Education needs to be on-going life long learning. Typical starting doses are:
How to Use the Stepped Approach to Type 2 Diabetes Medication: • Glipizide 2.5 mg od or bd and titrate after 1-2 months depending on
Patients with Type 2 diabetes should have their medication monitored and SMBG/HbA1c. (Max. is 5-10mg bd)
adjusted regularly to maintain optimal HbA1c levels. Rate of progression • Gliclazide 40 mg od/bd and titrate after 1-2 months depending on
is variable but the algorithm should be used to optimise control. Each step SMBG/HbA1c. (Max. is 160mg bd).
involves starting/adding a new medication. Within each step, further dosage 2b. Sitagliptin (Januvia) 100mg od is a non-funded medication (costs approx
modification will be required over a variable time period. *Individualised $100 per month). Does not need to be taken with food. In combination with
HbA1c target is appropriate e.g. in elderly patients. metformin, does not cause hypoglycaemia and is weight neutral. Dose does
not require titration beyond 100mg. Use 50mg for those with eGFR between
This Notes section provides additional information relevant to each of the 3 main 30-50.
steps in the algorithm. 2c. Pioglitazone 30mg od. (Special Authority approval required). Should be
1a: Usual starting dose of metformin is 500mg bd with food. If adverse GI side- avoided in patients with liver disease, heart disease or osteoporosis. Onset
effects occur, reduce to 500mg od for 2-4 weeks and titrate back up. If HbA1c of action takes up to 6 weeks. Does not need to be taken with food. In
remains>7-8% (53-64 mmol/mol) on metformin 500mg bd, increase the dose combination with metformin, does not cause hypoglycaemia. Dose increased
to 850mg bd or maximum of 2.5g in divided doses as tolerated. to 45mg od.
Contraindications for metformin include: Severe adverse GI side-effects; renal Main side effect is moderate weight gain ~3kg partly (can be more) due to
s/c fluid retention but generally well tolerated.
failure (eGFR 30); severe heart failure or liver failure; very low BMI with
2d. Acarbose - start with 25mg with evening meal; increase to 50mg with
clinical features to possibly suggest underlying Type 1 DM
evening meal; then 50mg 2x daily; then 50mg 3x daily. Major side effect:
1b. Alternative first line treatment could be a sulphonylurea (see note 2a)
flatulence. NB. Special authority no longer required.
or a DPP4 inhibitor such as sitagliptin (see note 2b). If the patient is
3a. Add basal insulin (see starting insulin guideline below)
overweight (BMI≥28), a glitazone such as pioglitazone could be considered
3b. Trial of triple oral agents: This is usually only effective in patients who
(see note 2c).
are just starting to fail maximum dual therapy (HbA1c<8.5% or 70 mmol/mol).
1c. Patients with particularly high HbA1c (e.g. >9% or 75mmol/mol) at
3c. Byetta (Exenatide) and Victoza (Liraglutide) are an option in patients
initial diagnosis, may require simultaneous commencement on metformin
who can self-fund ($250 per month) & are willing to inject s/c bd. (Please
and a sulphonylurea in order to bring CGs under control more quickly (see
refer these patients to the Diabetes Service.)
note 2a) and may be able to 'wean off' the sulphonylurea, once metformin
dose is titrated up and lifestyle factors are adopted.
INTENSIFYING INSULIN Protaphane/Humulin N. Premixed insulin needs to be taken with food,
NOTE: Most of these regimens are less flexible, fixed ratio insulins and so pre-bed dose should shift to dinner-time. Sulphonylureas should stop
include once or twice daily basal insulin eg. NPH or Glargin and bd premixed when premixed insulin is started. Humalog Mix 25 or Mix 50 contains 25%
Insulin e.g. Humalog Mix 25 or Penmix 30. This means the patient needs and 50% Humalog respectively. These insulins must be taken immediately
to have a fair amount of lifestyle consistency with regards to timing of meals, with food. Penmix 30 and Humulin 70/30 contain actrapid (30%) as the
amount of carbohydrate eaten at each meal and daily physical activity levels fast acting insulin. These insulins should ideally be taken 30 minutes
etc. before food. There seems to be no major advantage of the newer fast
Titrating Insulin Dose: If a patient starts on once daily basal insulin, concentrate acting premixes (i.e. Humalog Mix), over Penmix 30 for most patients,
on getting the glucose 8-12 hours post-dose into target initially. You can apart from convenience of taking immediately with food, and possibly
use the Glycaemic Targets Table below as a guide for patients. less hypoglycaemia.
5. Titrate mane or dinner-time dose one at a time (not simultaneously). The
GLYCAEMIC TARGETS TO FACILITATE SET-DOSE INSULIN ADJUSTMENT evening dose is usually adjusted first. Increase each dose by 2-3 units
every 3 days.
BEFORE OTHER MEALS 4.5-7.5mmol/L 6. If hypoglycemia occurs, or fasting glucose level <4.5 mmol/l, reduce
BEFORE BED 6.0-8.5mmol/L bedtime dose by 4 units, or 10% if dose >60 units. Similarly if recurrent
hypoglycaemia occurs during the day, reduce breakfast dose of insulin
in similar fashion.
Intensifying insulin beyond once a day dose for Type 2 Diabetes:
The majority of patients will eventually need twice daily insulin. If HBA1c 7. Some patients may prefer flexibility of basal bolus regimen eg. tds short
& SMBG readings remain high (>7-8% [53-64 mmol/mol] or above individual acting with basal insulin. Patients requiring these more complex insulin
target). regimens should be referred to the Diabetes Service.
8. Lantus may be used in preference to Protaphane or Humulin N. Lantus
Intensify treatment by: is now funded with some restrictions for use in Type 2 Diabetes. Lantus
1. Check compliance e.g. log book, injection technique and site may have an advantage in reducing hypoglycaemia.
2. Consider adding Protaphane/HumulinN at breakfast (or bedtime if on
References for Glycaemia Medication
mane insulin)
3. Usually begin with 6 units and increase by 2 units every 3-4 days International Diabetes Federation (2005). Global guideline for type 2 diabetes.
until pre-dinner glucose is in target (or fasting glucose in target if adding http://www.idf.org/webdata/docs/IDF%20GGT2D.pdf

bedtime insulin) Map of Medicine (2010). Type 2 diabetes - management.

4. If requiring large doses of insulin & especially if problems with high CGs http://eng.mapofmedicine.com/evidence/map-open/diabetes2.html
before lunch & after dinner, consider changing to a bd premixed insulin
New Zealand Guidelines Group (2003).
eg. Humalog mix 25 or Penmix 30/70. Can start at same dose as Evidence-based best practice guidelines: management of type 2 diabetes. Wellington
Blood Pressure Algorithm for Patients with Diabetes Type 2

Target BP in patients with Type 2 STEP 1: START ACE INHIBITOR

Diabetes is 130/80 (140/80 in over or ARB if intolerant to ACE (see note 1a)
70y and those with established
heart disease). This is often difficult
to achieve using one agent,
therefore a stepped approach to Maximise ACE or ARB
management is often needed as (see note 1b)
shown (see notes following).

(see note 2) adjustment



e.g. chlorthalidone 12.5mg od 2 weeks after introduction or increase
(see note 3, see special note for the elderly) of ACE inhibitor / ARB or diuretic


(see note 4)

For assistance with those tricky cases

which don't fit the algorithm
Call the Endocrinologist Hot-line on
(see note 5/6) Or please contact the Medical
Registrar via the switchboard on
After hours the Medical registrar on
STEP 7: ADD CLONIDINE PATCH 100-300 microgram WEEKLY call at 4868900
BLOOD PRESSURE MANAGEMENT IN TYPE 2 DIABETES maximum e.g. amlodipine 10mg od or Diltiazem CD 240-360mg od
Background and Introduction: (Felodipine is an alternative to amlodipine although amlodipine has the
High blood pressure is very common in individuals with Type 2 diabetes. potential advantage of a much longer half-life). DO ECG if starting Diltiazem
• Up to 75% of cardiovascular complications in Type 2 diabetes are (significant bradycardia or anything more than first-degree heart block are
hypertension-related. contraindications).
• Target BP in diabetes patients is <130/80 but this is seldom achieved Step 3. Add a Diuretic.eg chlorthalidone 12.5mg od. Bendrofluazide and
( 140/80 in patients>75y). hydrochlorothiazide are alternatives to chlorthalidone but are shorter acting
Lifestyle modification is important but antihypertensive drug therapy is and less potent but should be used first in the elderly. 12.5mg chlorthalidone
usually required. Most individuals will require combination therapy. In the is roughly equipotent to 5mg bendrofluazide or 25mg hydrochlorothiazide
elderly and patients with postural giddiness, check standing and sitting but because of the differences in half life, early morning blood pressure may
blood pressure. Treatment may need to be adjusted to avoid excessive postural be higher in patients on bendrofluazide or hydrochlorothiazide even with
hypotension (e.g. standing systolic < 100mmHg (or 120 in individuals over equivalent doses
70 years)*. Referral to specialist Diabetes or Hypertension clinic may be indicated. Chlorthalidone dose can increase to 25mg od. Check Cr+ Electrolytes 2
The basic principle of blood pressure management in Type 2 diabetes is to weeks after initiation on diuretic.
achieve target blood pressure with a regimen which includes a reasonable A proportion of patients on thiazide will require potassium replacement, and
dose of ACE-inhibitor (or ARB (antagonist) eg. Candesdartan or Losartan in it is important to maintain serum potassium > 3.5mmol/l. A small number
ACE-intolerant patients). These, calcium channel blockers and thiazide will develop significant hyponatraemia, and this usually necessitates cessation
diuretics are the three most important antihypertensive drug classes, and of the drug.
are often required in combination. To expedite blood pressure control it is NOTE: Thiazide diuretics do not work well when the GFR is < 30-40ml/min
a reasonable option to start patients with stage 2 hypertension (>150/90) and may require replacement with BD or TDS Frusemide. If these patients
on 2 antihypertensive drugs simultaneously (apart from in patients aged over are not already in the renal system, they should be referred for renal review.
70y)*. Step 4. Add Spironolactone commencing at a dose of 12.5mg od and
* Elderly patients require commencement on lower doses of blood pressure increasing to 25mg daily if required.
medications & a more gentle titration. Check Cr+ Electrolytes 2 weeks after initiation or increase in dose. Some
Notes: patients on spironolactone, particularly those with reduced GFR, develop
Step 1a. Start lisinopril 10mg od or Cilazapril 1-2.5mg od or quinapril 5- hyperkalaemia. Spironolactone is also an occasional cause of hyponatraemia.
10mg od. Intolerant to ACE start candesartan 8mg od or Losartan 12.5mg od. If this problem arises, stop Tx.
Step 1b. ACE or ARB should be increased over several weeks as required Steps 5, 6&7. Some patients with very resistant hypertension require 5, 6
and tolerated (Lisinopril up to 40mg, Cilazapril 5mg, quinapril 40mg) with or 7 agents. These patients should probably be referred to specialist Diabetes
careful monitoring of Cr+ Electrolytes until BP in target. Up to 20% creatinine or Hypertension Clinic Twelve-lead ECG to be done and reviewed by a doctor
increase acceptable; more than that cut back to previous dose or stop and prior to commencing metoprolol or clonidine and again prior to any dose
consider nephrology referral. increase in any of these drugs. Significant bradycardia or any degree of heart
Step 2. Add Calcium channel blocker e.g. Amlodipine 2.5-5mg od or Diltiazem block are contraindications.
CD 120mg od If BP remains elevated, titrate calcium channel blocker to
Lipid Algorithm for Type 2 Diabetes Patients

At diagnosis, all patients receive lifestyle advice Optimal lipid levels

for people with Diabetes
Total Cholesterol <4.0 mmol/L
LDL Cholesterol <2.0 mmol/lL
HDL Cholesterol ≥1.0 mmol/L
Triglycerides <1.7 mmol/L
Treat T2 diabetes patients with Statin as shown NZ Cardiovascular Guidelines

Those less than 45 years old if at least

Established C/V Event
Age over 45 one or other cardiovascular risk factor
eg MI, PVD, CVA or
With a target LDL of <2.0 - 2.5mmol/L with a target LDL <2.0 - 2.5mmol/L
Statin with aim for LDL <1.7mmol/L Use clinical acumen
OR LDL <30-40% of pre-treatment level OR LDL <30-40% of initial
Or at least <30-40% of initial
and/or Chol/HDL ratio of <4.0 pretreatment level
pretreatment level
and/or Chol/HDL < 4.0

Intolerant of statins? Repeat Lipid tests every three months

Myalgia, with or without plasma creatine kinase (CK) elevations. until target is reached and thereafter
If CK more than 5x upper limit of normal (see notes over) the statin should be stopped. Once every 12 months
asymptomatic and CK is reduced (if it was elevated) cholesterol goals can be approached by:
a. using a different statin e.g. Simvastatin, starting on a low dose and titrate up
b. use an alternate daily or twice weekly more potent statin e.g. atorvastatin, rosuvastatin
c. the combination of the lowest tolerated statin plus a cholesterol absorption inhibitor (Ezetimibe)
Eckel, RH J.Clin.End.& Metab. Vol.95 No5, 2010
NOTES TO ACCOMPANY LIPID GUIDELINE FOR TYPE 2 DIABETES in New Zealand (assuming eGFR>50ml/min). Monitoring of renal function is appropriate
Multiple clinical trials have demonstrated significant beneficial effects of statin with use of this drug.
therapy on CVD outcomes in subjects with Type 2 diabetes. The evidence for important
CVD event benefit of drugs that primarily raise HDL or lower TG is weak (ADA). In patients with a combination of high LDL and TG, use a statin first and then :
Ezetimibe modestly lowers LDL but there is no trial evidence showing a reduction If high C/V risk consider fibrate and statin if fasting TG more than 2.5mmol/L, but
in CVD events. beware of increased risk of myositis when these drugs used together.
If high C/V risk consider ezetimibe and statin if LDL not at target or not at least 30%
In those with known CVD or those patients over the age of 40 with another CVD risk lower than baseline (note access criteria for this drug are under review).
factor (eg smoking, hypertension, microalbuminuria), a statin should be added
regardless of baseline lipid levels (Heart Protection study). It is estimated that about If low HDL-C (with LDL-C &TG at target)
80% of patients with Type 2 diabetes will fall into this category. a. Optimise LDL Chlol. Though HDL-C is a C/V risk there is little evidence that raising
HDL lowers C/V events.
There is little clinical trial evidence of benefit for patients with Type 2 diabetes under b. Prescribe statin followed if required by bezafibrate if TG above target
the age of 40 or for Type 1 diabetes patients, but statin treatment of Type 1 diabetes c. Weight loss will usually increase HDL
patients aged over 40 years, especially with another cardiovascular risk factors,
should be strongly considered. Use Risk Tables (modified for diabetes) for others, Statin intolerance- Creatine Kinase [CK]
and clinical acumen. Normal Ranges: Male: 60 – 220 and Female: 30 - 180

In those who have risk factors but without known CVD, the minimum aim is to lower Maori and Pacific Island patients- consider starting statins earlier for those who
LDL to less than 2.5mmol/L (although Canadian Diabetes Assn. and NZ Cardiovascular appear to have increased CV risk independent of traditional risk factors.
Guidelines say less than 2.0 mmol/L). Alternatively, one might aim for at least a 30-
40% reduction from pre-treatment level, and/or a Total Cholesterol /HDL ratio of less For Lifestyle Guidelines see C/V Guidelines NZGG.
than 4.0. In those with a previous cardiovascular event a target LDL of less than
1.7mmol/L is appropriate given a further reduction in events with more aggressive
LDL lowering.

For patients with severe fasting hyper triglyceridemia review secondary causes
(e.g. alcohol, hypothyroidism, renal or liver disease) and consider treatment with
fibrate if TG more than 4.5mmol/L. Most commonly, Bezalip Retard 400mg is used

• This information is not based on a head to head comparison

HMG Co-A Reductase Inhibitors LDL-C Equivalency in patients with Hypercholesterolemia* # not currently funded

Simvastasin Atorvastatin Rosuvastatin# Ezetimibe/Simvastatin Ezetimibe Approximate LDL reduction (%)

---- ---- ---- ---- 10mg 15-20
5-10mg ---- ---- ---- ---- 21-29
20 mg 10 mg ---- ---- ---- 30-38
40 mg 20 mg 5-10mg 10/10 mg ---- 39-47
80 mg 40 mg 20mg 10/20 mg ---- 48-54
---- ---- 40mg 10/40 mg ---- 55-59
---- ---- ---- 10/80 mg ---- >59

References New Zealand Guidelines Group (2003). Evidence-based best practice guidelines: management of type 2
Texas Diabetes Council Lipid Algorithm for Type 1 and 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Adults accessed on 18th May 2010 diabetes. Wellington.
New Zealand Guidelines Group (2009). NZ Cardiovascular Guidelines Handbook, Wellington. www.diabetes.ca/for-professionals/resources/2008-cpg/ - accessed on 1st June 2010
Guidelines www.nice.org.uk/ - accessed on 1 June 2010
Diabetes Service, Waitemata DHB
Diabetic Foot Referral Criteria Screening: Does the patient have any of the following “At Risk “Features?
• A history ulceration/amputation/Charcot neuroarthropathy
YES • Active foot problem – ulcer, infection (acute/non acute) deformity causing callus/corns
• Absent pedal pulses
• LOPS-Neuropathy with Insensitivity to 5.07 Semmes Weinstein monofilament

Urgent Referral to Secondary Care Indicated?

• Significant acute cellulitis
• Non-healing deep ulceration with acute cellulitis NO
• Systemic symptoms of infection YES Acute Admission
• Radiological evidence of osteomyelitis and acute cellulitis Admission to emergency department. Discuss with diabetes or
admitting registrar for admission to medical or surgical team.

Secondary Care Referral? YES Secondary care Podiatry Outpatient Service

• Must have the following:
• Current ulceration Fill out referral form - North Shore Hospital
• Acute Charcot deformity Fax: 09 441 8986
• Active diabetic foot complication Phone: 09 486 8920 x 2505


At/High Risk Community Clinic Podiatry Referral?

Must be referred if any of the following are present Community Podiatry
• History of ulceration/amputation
• LOPS Fill out relevant referral form depending on the PHO that the
• Deformity - e.g bunion, hammer toes; causing callus/corn persons GP belong to.
or pre-ulcer lesion Or
• Absent pedal pulses with or without ischaemic symptoms If patient is domiciled in DHB district but not enrolled in local
• ESRF (end stage renal failure) community PHO, fill out referral form and Fax to: 09 441 8986
• Nail Pathology in the presence of PAD+LOPS


Give patient footcare advice Consider Referral to Private Podiatry

Get Checked; Review annually for changes in neuropathy Podiatrists provide:
and circulation – Practice Nurses/GP’s Foot care education
Review glycaemic control and vascular risks Nail and skin care • ESRF (end stage renal failure)
Surgery • PAD (peripheral artery disease)
Footwear and orthotics advice • LOPS (loss of protective sensation)

Dated: June 2009 Due for Review: June 2011

Type 2 Diabetes Patient Targets

These targets are general and clinical acumen must

be used in applying to the wide variety of patients
with Type 2 Diabetes e.g. elderly patients

Blood Sugars Glycaemic targets

Before breakfast (fasting) 5.5-7.5 mmol/L
Before other meals 4.5-7.5 mmol/L
Before bed 6.0-8.5 mmol/L Blood Pressure
The target BP for patients with Type 2 Diabetes is 130/80
HbA1c (which indicates average blood sugar levels over the For patients over 70 years and those with established heart
past 3 months) 6-8% or 41-64 mmol/mol. disease 140/80


For those with an established cardiovascular For those over 45 years treat with statin For those less than 45 years with at least
event e.g. MI, PVD, CVA or Microalbuminuria With a target of LDL 2.0-2.5 mmol/L one other cardiovascular risk factor
The target is LDL 1.7 mmol/L or at least 30- or LDL < 30-40% of initial pretreatment Target is LDL <2.0-2.5 mmol/L
40% of initial pretreatment level level and /or Chol/HDL <4.0 or LDL < 30-40% of initial pretreatment
level and /or Chol/HDL <4.0
Introduction • Patients with Type 2 Diabetes with significant complications and those with poor
Diabetes is a chronic condition which requires good understanding and management control or problems with recurrent hypoglycaemia
skills by the patient and regular surveillance and support from a health practitioner • Any other issues which are difficult to resolve in the primary care setting.
team. Type 2 diabetes is usually associated with other vascular risk factors which • Any patients pregnant or conisdering pregency refer or discuss with Diabetes Team
require equal attention (see treatment algorithms for BP & Lipids).
Checklist for Newly Diagnosed Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Telephone Advice and Support for Practices:
1. DSME : All patients with newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetes should have the The Endocrine Registrar can be contacted for urgent telephone advice during office
opportunity to attend a Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) course. hours and will liaise with consultants for advice if required. Diabetes Nurses can
Patients with more long-standing disease may also benefit from the support and also provide urgent telephone advice. The Diabetes Team may be available to visit
advice provided by DSME. If a patient is unable to attend a PHO run DSME course, practices for educational sessions and for support around insulin starts etc if required.
please consider the patient for a Diabetes Auckland course or 1:1 advice from a
suitably qualified practice nurse or dietitian. Contact For Contact Number
2. Retinal Screening: Patients should be referred for Retinal Screening on diagnosis.
3. Foot care: Observe for any indications of peripheral neuropathy by completing Endocrinologist GP advice 021 242 8702
a thorough foot check and educate the patient about regular care of their feet.
Physicians Please contact Endocrine 486 8900
Consider referral to a community Podiatrist for initial assessment if indicated.
Registrar via switchboard
Diabetes is a chronic progressive condition. Newly diagnosed patients will require After hours advice Medical Registrar on call 486 8900
lifestyle advice and commencement on metformin. Regular monitoring of HbA1c
and other parameters should follow the recommended stepped approach to oral Diabetes Specialist Nurse Ext 2505 486 8900
medications and then onto insulin (see treatment algorithms provided).
Education about, and reinforcement of, advice to comply regularly with medications How to refer patients for assessment in clinic:
and adopt appropriate lifestyle measures is essential in facilitating better understanding Please include the following clinical details:
of the condition. • Duration and type of diabetes
PATIENTS WITH DIABETES. • Recent HbA1c and any other results if available
Subsidised programs such as Care Plus should be utilised where possible, especially • Brief summary of problem necessitating referral
when financial restraints are preventing the patient from accessing the Primary Care Please send referrals to: Fax 441 - 8986
service or obtaining follow-up prescriptions. Guidelines for discharging patients back to Primary Care:
After a period of initial assessment and follow-up, our aim will be to discharge
Who to refer to the diabetes clinics at North Shore and Waitakere Hospitals patients back to primary care with a plan of care. For patients with Type 1 Diabetes,
• Patients with Type 1 diabetes we will continue to see once per year where possible, as these patients are on more
• Adolescent patients with any type of diabetes complicated insulin regimens etc.
• Patients with nephropathy (eGFR<40 or significant proteinuria). (Refer to Renal All patients are actively encouraged to visit their GP as their primary care giver
Service or Diabetes Service depending on stability of diabetes) regardless of their attendance at diabetes service.

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