Sample Book Review

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Rodriguez, Patrick

SY 2019-‘20

Larry Ferlazo, (2018), Don’t just Teach the Curriculum, Teach the students , Responds


A short responds from Dr. Kris Felicello has been in the field of education for over 25
years as a Teacher. It will discuss how to be a good and efficient teacher to our
students. It also included some advice to handle situation when we are in the field. Dr.
Kris Felicelllo says that “All good educators know that one of the most important things
they can do is build strong relationships with students. It starts the first day of school
and lasts pretty much forever. “Students are more likely to participate actively in class
and challenge themselves academically. Studies show that teachers who feel engaged
by passionate students who proactively work at their relationships with them grade a full
grade higher than others. It pays to pursue a strong relationship with a teacher from the
first day of school.

Step in the process is to get to know kids as individuals. Learn names, how to
pronounce them correctly, and then use them each time you see a student. Learn what
students are interested in, passionate about, fearful of, their families, their culture, their
strengths and their weaknesses. Once you have this knowledge you will not only have
the opportunity to speak with them about topics other than school, you can also use
what you have learned to put you students in a position to be successful.
If your students loves to paint, but is deathly shy, you may have her create a picture that
illustrates the setting of the book you are reading rather than describe the scene to her
fellow classmates. Good teachers are engaging and positive. They smile at their
students, they rarely lose their cool and, when they make a mistake, they admit it and
apologize. Students are so forgiving if you are straight with them when you inevitably
mess up. “Student need to feel like individuals, they need to feel care for. Only then they
can reach their potential, academically, and socially. The best teachers understand this
make building relationships a priority”- Dr. Kris Felicello
Issues and Concern/ Interpretation and rebuttals

 Greet students with a smile everyday

By this action student will build up their relationship with you as their teacher, they
don’t feel the gap of your position between them but at the same time they respect you
and also adore you as a good teacher and also their parent in School.

 Do home visits
If your student are always failed to attend in school try to do home visit. Let them
feel you are care for them. Give resolved for what to need to be resolve. Don’t give up
until you think you did your best for them. For every one problems there will be a million

 Ask them how you can do better as a teacher and listen to their feedback
We need to ask them what we can do to be more better teacher for them. In this
case they will share what traits they didn’t want from you and also they will give
feedback from your performance. It’s up to you to how you resolve in these kind of

 Prioritize individual conversations with students

Always remember praise in public criticized in private. Don’t put down your student
in public it may vanish their self confidence and also their will to listen to you. If there
some issues about them talk in private and give some advice or solutions.

Implication/ Recommendation/ Conclusion

According to my view, student-teacher relationships can be just like a friend who try to
understand our problems very well and help us to try to solve it. Teachers can be just
like a mother who worries a lot about their children in their studies, sorrows, their
problems, etc. a teacher can be exactly like a mother who gives her all happiness, love,
attention and special care towards her child. A teacher can be a god who gives us all
his blessing to be successful in each and every field.

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