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Taal, Batangas

Preliminary Examination

I. Multiple Choice.
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. You are very much interested in quality professional development for teachers. What characteristics
should you look for?
a. Depends on the availability of funds.
b. Prepared by top educational leaders.
c. Responsive to identified teacher’s needs.
d. Required for renewal of professional license.
2. How do you know a program for teacher’s professional development that meets high standard from one
that does not? Quality professional development helps teacher’s to ___________?
a. Get promoted
b. Get intrinsically motivated to grow professionally
c. Earn MA units for ranking purposes
d. Put themselves far above their students
3. “Once a Teacher, Forever a Student.” What does this statement simply about quality personal and
professional development for teachers?
a. The teacher is able to teach his students
b. The teacher learns from his students
c. It is continuing
d. Personal and professional development calls
4. To ensure high standards of teachers personal and professional development which measure must be
I. A school head plans the professional development of his teachers
II. Every teacher formulates his own professional development
III. The implementation of what is learned in training must be measured
a. I and III b. II only c. I only d. II and III
5. Which of the following is BEST implied by quality and relevant teacher’s development initiatives?
a. Lifelong learning
b. Focus on the non-performers
c. Capacity building of educational community
d. Mentoring of experts who share the latest ideas about teaching and learning
6. Based on the statements of a profession given, can the taxi driver be considered a professional?
a. No, because driving is not a college degree
b. Yes, because there is such a term professional drivers
c. It depends on the te4chnical and ethical competence of the taxi driver
d. Yes, if the taxi driver is competent and honest
7. Which are elements of a profession like teaching?
I. Long years of professional education.
II. Passing the competency-based examination to obtain a diploma from TESDA.
III. Continuing professional development.
IV. Adherence to a Code of Ethics for professional group.
a. I, II and III c. I,III and IV
b. II,III and IV d. I,II and IV
8. As adopted in Sec.7 of R.A 4670 which trait is an essential trait of a professional teacher?
a. Integrity b. dedicated c. prepared d. has sense of belonging
9. This Republic Act was passed to promote quality education by proper supervision and regulation of the
licensure examination and professionalization of the practice of the teaching profession.
a. R.A 7830 b. Edu. Decree of 1863 c. R.A 7836 d. R.A 9055
10. Which Act provided for the establishment of Philippine Normal School (PNS).
a. Act of 1901 c. R.A 7836
b. Bill of Right d. R.A 9055
11. Which of the qualities of teacher makes learning fun and do not take everything seriously?
a. Passion b. sense of humor c. forgiving d. respect students
12. Which trait states that teachers are concerned about students’ personal problems and can relate to them
and their problems?
a. Forgiving b. admit mistakes c. compassionate d. honest
13. Which tells that teachers have optimistic attitudes about teaching and about students?
a. Prepared b. creative c. approachable d. positive
14. Which is the Hallmark of a professional?
a. Punctual b. love c. hope d. professionalism
15. Which teacher’s personal trait is demonstrated if he is gender-sensitive and inclusive in his ways?
a. Fairness b. sense of humor c. passion d. motivation
16. Teacher Ana claims she cares for students? Which is a manifestation of genuine care?
I. Knows students
II. Creates a favorable learning
III. Maintain professional distance with students
a. I and III b. II and III c. I and II d. I, II and III
17. Son, in the performance of his duty, can a professional teacher support the state?
a. Campaign for the political administration candidate
b. Instill nationalism in learners
c. Doctor research findings to favor the state
d. Use his position to influence learners to support his interest
18. How can teacher be a facilitator of learning?
a. By providing a conducive learning atmosphere
b. By earning social recognition from the community
c. By relating professionally with community officials
d. By keeping community leaders informed of school development
19. Can a professional teacher take the in initiative to organize community activity for community
a. No, the professional teacher is confined only to the classroom
b. Yes, as a professional teacher he is a community leader
c. No, community development is a concern of government officials
d. Yes, provided he always involves the learners.
20. How can a teacher show respect for community customs and traditions?
a. Reject local customs and traditions which are different from his
b. Divide the community by pointing out the negative elements of given local customs and traditions
c. Dispage the community
d. Study and strive to understand local customs and traditions.
21. How is professionalism manifested when a parent complains to a teacher for her son’s failing grade?
a. Blames the son for his failure
b. Inquires on what home is doing to help son cope with his failure
c. Explains that failure is due to learner’s indifferent attitude
d. Objectively shows how the failing grade came about and assures the parent that the son is given all
the academic help he needs.
22. How should a professional teacher respond to unfair criticism raised by parents?
a. Listen to the criticism but discourages it.
b. Reject the criticism outright.
c. Ignore the criticism.
d. Prove into the criticism and join the parents afterwards.
23. Does the Code of Ethics for the Professional Teachers prohibit a teacher and student to fall in love with
each other?
a. Yes, because it’s unprofessional
b. No, but teacher shall exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid preferential treatment.
c. No, but teacher should be transferred to another class.
d. Yes, because teacher will show favoritism definitely.
24. Who is excluded in the definition of professional teacher in the Code of Ethics?
a. The Schools Division Superintendent
b. The Librarian
c. The Principal
d. The Master Teacher
25. Private school teachers are also required of a professional license. Is this statement true?
a. Yes, it is true
b. No, it is false
c. It depends on the kind of private school.
d. It depends on the teachers’ year of teaching experience.

II. Matching Type.

Direction: Get the answers of the questions from Column B. Write on the blank the letter of the correct
A. B.
_______1. Someone who must live with dignity a. continuing professional education
all places at the times. b. enthusiasm, pride and noble legitimate
_______2. She should possess the principles of c. income generation
personal behavior. d. Almighty God
_______3. Serves as guide of the professional e. self-respect/ self-discipline
Teachers destiny and those of men on nations. f. professional teacher
_______4. Condition that a professional teacher
engages in business.
_______5. As a professional teacher, this manifests
III. Essay.
Answer the following questions correctly.
A. Who is a Professional Teacher?
B. State the Preamble of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.
C. Can a teacher engage in Business? Explain.
D. What are the criteria for ranking teachers?

Prepared by:




Dean, College of Education
Graduate Studies and Research

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