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Important Questions of Microprocessor

1. Name the different control signals of 8085 microprocessor and explain the use of each
2. What is meant by segmented memory? What are the different segments of memory with
which 8086 can work? List the advantages of segmented memory.
3. Discuss about BSR mode operation of 8255A.
4. Name the different addressing modes supported by 8085 instruction set and explain each
one with the help of suitable example.
5. How many 8259 programmable interrupt controller ICs are to be cascaded to provide
interrupt to 22 different devices?
6. Name the 8085 instruction which can give a left shift to the 16 bit data available in H-L
register pair.
7. Explain the functions of different pins of 8085.
8. Draw the timing diagram of following instruction. Also indicate the machine cycles, T-
state, byte size and addressing mode.
i. MOV B,A
v. LXI Rg.Pair,16 bit data
9. Explain 8085 instruction set. Explain the functions of 8085 instructions.
10. Draw and explain the PIC block diagram
11. Draw and explain the PPI block diagram
12. Draw the format of the control word register of the 8255.
13. Draw and explain the 8085 functional architecture.
14. Define address decoding. Differentiate between partial addressing and absolute
addressing. Suggest an arrangement to interface 2Kx8 RAM to 8085 with the starting
address at 4004H
15. Draw and explain the 8086 functional architecture.
16. Draw a block diagram of the IC 8254 and indicate its difference with respect to that of
17. Define interrupt. Explain different interrupt of 8085 microprocessor. Differentiate
between maskable and non maskable interrupt. Name the vectored interrupt of 8085.
18. Explain how 8259A can handle multiple interrupt with suitable diagram?
19. Explain the operation of polled and chained interrupt.
20. Explain the significance of flag in microprocessor. What is the function of Program
21. What is an op-code and operand? What is addressing mode of CALL instruction in 8085?
Important Questions of Microprocessor
22. Difference between microprocessor and microcontroller. Write a program to exchange
the data of PSW and HL register pair of 8085.
23. What are different segments of memory with which 8086 can work? How is physical
address generated from offset address?
24. How can you initialize accumulator and carry as zero in 8085 microprocessor by two
25. Explain the interfacing of 8085 I/O using decoders, with a neat sketch.
26. Explain data transfer in 8085 using DMA in detail.
27. Explain the following with suitable examples:
i. Initialization of the stack memory
ii. Saving the contents of BC register pair into stack
iii. Restoring the contents of BC register pair.
28. Differentiate between memory mapped I/0 and I/O mapped I/0.
29. State the difference between overflow flag (OF) and carry flag (CY)
30. How can you generate MEMR, MEMW, IOR and IOW control signals in 8085
31. Give the interfacing diagram to interface 8085 with 1K RAM and 1K ROM. Give the
address map.
32. Explain the assembler directives of 8086 microprocessor. Differentiate between
procedure and macros.
33. Explain the evolution of microprocessor.
34. Explain the system bus for microprocessor.
36. WAP for 8085 microprocessor
i. To perform addition of two 8 bit numbers
ii. To perform subtraction of two 8 bit numbers
iii. To perform multiplication of decimal number 8 and 6.
iv. To find multiplication table of decimal 8 and store the product in the memory address
starting from 2030h
v. To perform the addition of any two 16 bit numbers.
vi. To find the sum of 1 st ten natural numbers
vii. To find the sum of 1 st ten even numbers
viii. To find the sum of 1 st ten odd numbers.
ix. To find the sum of 1+22+3242+………+102.
x. To check whether the given 8 bit number is even or odd, if the number is even store
00h in 2040h else store FFh in 2041h.
xi. To find sum of numbers stored in memory
xii. To multiply the given number by 2
xiii. To divide the given number by 2.
xiv. To find the smallest number in an array.
xv. To find the largest number in an array
xvi. To sort the number in an ascending order
xvii. To sort the number in the descending order.
xviii. To find the factorial of 8 bit number.
xix. To mask upper 4 bits
Important Questions of Microprocessor
xx. To mask lower 4 bits
37. WAP for 8086 microprocessor
i. To interchange the value from one variable to another.
ii. To sort the number in the ascending/descending order
iii. To find the factorial number.
iv. To find the palindrome number
vi. To display “POKHARA UNIVERSITY” reverse order.
vii. To change lower case to upper case
viii. To change lower case to upper case.
38. Characteristics of 80286.
39. Characteristics of 80386.
40. Explain the synchronous and asynchronous transfer
41. Explain how RS-232 communicate.
42. Explain the functions of following instructions:
i. LEA
ii. MUL
iii. DIV
iv. LOOP
v. AAA
vi. DAA

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