Certified Copy of Noble Drew Ali 1928 Vast Estate Express Trust Moroccan Empire

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Wtren Recorded Return to: \ffiilffiiffi rnilIlxtt\u[Ilul\fllillil\lt

Leisa El-Shabazz El
National,A.dministrator Doc#: 1324117012 Fea: $52 00
Karen A.Yatbrough
Moorish Science Ternple of America
Cook CountY Reco'der ot Deeds
ll04-D'frent Street Pg: 1 of
Dare: 08/29i2o13 09:35 AM
rlireensboro, North Carolina 77 405

Drafted Ry:
fiheik Martin Dl
lloorish Sciencc'l'cmp te of America
3304-t)'Irent Street
(ireensboro, North Carol ina 27 40 5


DOCUMENT #10105905
BOOK 521 PAGE 579
AUGUSI' 1,1928 @2:52 P.M.







Iixhibit l: Resolution
Exhibit 2: ltesolution I099-1 43305252013 P
Iixhjbit 3: Council of Cornmerce Notice of Operation s
Exhibit 4: Clook County Recording 10105905, Bk S2t, pg 579
1324117012 Page, 2 of 8

E-xiltti f j-
State of Illinois,
County of Cook

I/ Sheik Kenny Alvin Martin 81, do solemnly affirm that the following
persons, Sheikess Leisa E1-Shabazz El, Sheik Muhaymin Al_matin Bey,Sheik Chaz
Uriel Bey,Sheik Terry Stubblefield, Bey, and Sheik Kenny Alvin Uartin El were
appointed officers with powers and duties sinilar with trustees of the
Moorish Science Temple of America, a body politic and an ecclesiastical
gorrernment- according to the usages or customs (ru1e, regulations. articles of
as:;ociation, constitution, by-laws. or canons, as the case may be) by the
corlncil, uoorish Science Temple of America Grand Body under and by virtue of
ser:ti.ons 46ar 46b, 46c, {6d, 46e, 46f, 46q, 4Ch, and 46i of ,,An act
concernlng corporations," approved April 1g, 1g72, and the }toorish Science
Tenrple of America, adopted as the corporate name Moorish Science Temple of

Shei kess Le El- zz El

National trator/Executr

She:Lk 1n .EriI
Trusitee tor

State of North Carolina

County of Guilford
Subscribed and s\{orn to before me on the ,_,1
:ic'l day of -Jr' t

,. >.-

I Notary pubtic
GulIord County
North Caroline


1324117012 Page. 3 of 8

RESOLUTTON 1099-1433 052520

€rh'tbt I lL 13

whereas, the 1099 Affidavit, filed by Drew AIi on August 1, 1928 at 2252 pm,
in the Cook county Recorder of Deeds office, Document number 10105905' Book
52I, Page 5?9 wil} serve as the Delegation of Authority Order under which the
Moorish Science Temple of America sha11 conduct its busiuess.

whereas, a Delegation of Authority is an instrument whose source isa

so'rereign authority in the nature of a grant either to the whole nation or to
a class or portion of that nation.

Whereas, we are a Jural society.

Wherreas, $/e execute Jura Summi fmperii and Jura Regia.

Whereas, we invol:e the Jura Sanguinis Nullo Jure Civili Drimi Possunt.

Whereas, the Divine Constitution and Bylaws along with the Artlcles of
Association, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution for the
United States of America sha}l be the building blocks for the body politic of
the Moorish science Temple of America.

!.7he::eas, the books: 101 Questions for Moorish Children, The Circle 7, the
Adept Chamber books, and the Moorish Science Temple Divine Constitutlon and
Bylaws are the literary foundations for the ecclesiastical body of the
Moor:ish Scierrce Temple of America.

whereas, the Supreme Council arrd Grand Body will legislate lav regarding the
Moorish Science Temple of America. These laws will be communicated to foreign
authorities, to i-nsure that our operations are acknowledged, accepted, and
protected through the normal course of international Iaw.

Whereas. the Supre-me Council and Grand Body of the Moorish Science Temple of
Amer.ica convened and resolved that the following will be resolved as law for
the Moorish Science femple of America:

Whereas, all recorded Hoors shall have prerogative of jurisdiction in aIl

rnatters including nationality, title, status. claim, rj.ght, ioterest, and in
the nature of any matter civil. criminal, commercial, or otherwise involving
a Moor- Eurthermore, the Department of Vital Statj-stics in each state in
which a recorded Moor was borrr, sha1l transfer and convey, as Tit1e, the
Domicile of Origin back to Moorish Empire, of which their domination
authority and inhabitation protracted from between 3 degrees notth_east of
preseat day Mogadishu and 22 degrees North Latitude at yemen(Moa-b), 5 degrees
13241flA12 Page: 4 of I

west of sabaea, 12 degrees East of the Kingdom a Axum to 42 degrees East

Longitude' 2,982 Mj.Ies longj-tude. Latitude, and South-Africa 12 degrees East
LongituderSouth west of Moab at Luanda(Angola). Just below the Congo, Across
the Great Atlantis, even unto the present North, Farthest West, top of
America 72 degrees North Latitude-4,940 miles; 150 degrees west 1ongitude
21 niles, above the equator from Moab- 3,160 miles - and CentraL or Meso
America including Mexico and the Atlantis Islands at I9 degrees North
Latitude - 1,330 miles; 122 degrees west longitude - i4 miles near to the
egr.rator from Moab - 9,028 miles - South America at 52 degrees south latitude
-.1.640 milest 78 degrees south west longitude - 41 miles below the eguator
from Moab, for a Geological Span of over 15r3?6 miles, eguivalent to
23(;,427,376 square miles. More than three quarters of the Earth. with the
individual party of interest and Habitation back to the Moorish Science
TenLple of America.

Heretofore, a recorded lloor is one who has filed a declaration of

nationality, in its various forms, with the Cook County Recorder of Deeds in
Chicago, Itlinois, and has received a document nurnloer for that filing- In
addition, the document number will be used as a tax non-obligation number
ej-ther in the singular form for individual parties or the collective form for
fam,ilies who have filed one document severally. AII recorded Moors, shall
havr> full entj-tlements to aI1 titlesr status, claim, right, and i.nterest in
the Moorish Science remple of America.

whel'eas, the District of Columbia and the Congress of the United States,
underr the United States Code, ritle 28, Section 3002, subsection l5a. wilI
not have any undue influence upon the Jural society of the Moorish people.

Whereas, all titles of nobility, namely EI, Bey, and Ali, shal1 be recognized
by international 1aw.

Whereas, The Flag of The Moorish Science Temple is, and shall remain, the Red
Canopy and the Green Star--the Mother of Flags and evidence and declaration
of our Natural Descent to this land, The Moroccan Empire.

Whereas, The Bureau of Moorish Affairs will oversee the operations of a1I
councrils currentl.T Iisted, as well as those that may be established,
dissolved, or amended in the future. Only authorized Iiaisons within The
Burea.u of Moorish Affairs wiII deal directty with the central goverrunents
foreign nations. including fhe United States of America, or authorized of
liaisons appropriated by such governments. Credentials of ventures
sanctioned to operate under the authority of the following councils,
shall be
furnished within 15 business days of the request by an agent of an authorized
liaison appropriated by a foreign nation, including The United States
Amerirta, and its instrumentalities- of
(Business days do not include Fridays,
as this day is a holy day within the Moorish Science Temple of America.
inquir:ies abouL the operations of these Councils, and the ventures ) Al-1
there-in, shall be d.irected to authorized Iiaisons within operated
Moorir;h Af f airs. The Bureau of
1324117012 Page. 5 of 8

1 Tbe Council of vital statistics

2 The Council cf Nationality and Birthright

J Ihe Council ,Cf Conmerce

4 The Council r)f Law and Justice

5 The Council of Moorish Defense and Character

6 The Council of Consular Affairs

1 The Council <lf Moorish Education

a The Council of Private Service

9 Tbe Council crf fnternational Affairs

whereas, the DocuJnent 1.0105905 also known as The vas Estate of Drew AIi will
serve as the instrument by which the Moorish Science Temple of America shall
issrre credit and discharge debt for recorded }toors throughout the vas Estate
Trust, namely the lands of North, South, and Central America, and the
outLyinq islands,

Whe::eas, all recorded Moors shalI have the right to freely travel
unobstructed, urmolested, and unfettered in their various modes of
trarrsportation throughout the North, South, and Central Americas.

Whereas, all recorded Moors shall have an unobstructed, unmolested, and

unfettered right to bear arms throughout the North, South, and Central

whereas, all reco.rded Moors now imprisoned in penal holding facilities shal1
have the right to reguest the aid of a consulate officer of the Moorish
science Temple of America to secure their release from such facilities.

Wherr=as, if any Moor is forced into a judicial proceeding regarding any

statutory violaticrn/ the }iability charge placed upon the charging offender
or offenders, shall be the alnount of 51,800.00 per minute which shall be
awarded to the defendant based on the amount of time the defendant was
deta.i-ned, the am()unt of travel time spent, and the courtroom time the
defendant used in negotiating such matters. Also, the eharging offender or
offerLders shall pay the jurisconsult the amount of S5,OOO.00 per hour based
on the time spent defending the libel- rhese fees shall be paid. on tlre day
of the hearing oJi trial- Uoreover, all bonds and derivarives shalJ- be
surrendered to the jurisconsult.
1324117012 Page. 6 of 8

wh,3reas, aI1 United States corporations and instrumentalities are excluded

from the'eccIe'siastical body of the Moorish Science Temple of America and its
of ficj-al operations-

whoreas, this resolution is promulgation for Iaw.

Whereas, we a.re the people. Islamism.

ikess EL a\zz
Nat ional stra /Executr


Trustee Executor

State of North Carolina)

) ss.
Courrty of Guilford )
-{ , -it
Subsicribed and sworn to before me on the -)! day of ]j.i1 .,
201:r . J

Notaly Public
Guiltord CounlY
North Carolina
My Commassion ErPires May 1 9. 201 6
1324117012 Page:7 of8

E xh)ub Moorish Science Temple of America

Council of Commerce
Notice of Operation

The following venture has been sanctioned by the Moorish Science Temple of America,s
Council of Commerce: (All information is current as of the date of approval.)

Name: Couponing College

Function: Education
Administrator: Leisa El-Shabazz El
Primary place of operation:

3304-D Trent Street,

Greensboro, North Carolina state

(including the administrator): 1

Venture Number: XZZA7}4113-31 202023-01

This operation of this venture has been by

Sheikess Lei 1-Sha of p

NationalAd r/Executor

ny Martin El

As evidenced by this seal:

$tate of North Carotina)

County of Guitford I
th" , 3' U ,1
Subscribed and sworn to before me on --l
day of
2013. \ _
r,,' I

Nolary Public
Guilford County
North Carolina
Commission May 19, 2016
1324117012 Page 8 of 8

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