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434 Charter 8 Faicrion Rigid surtace of contact, « ye Soft surface of contact ) Fig. 8-25 *8.8 Rolling Resistance ‘When a rigid cylinder rolls at constant velocity along a rigid surface. the normal force exerted by the surface on the cylinder aets perpendicular to the tangent at the point of contact, as shown in Fig. 8-25a, Actually, however, no materialsare perfectly rigid, and therefore the reaction of the surface on the eylinder consists of a distribution of normal pressure. For ‘example, consider the cylinder to be made of avery hard material, and the surface on which it roll to be relatively soft. Due to its weight, the cylinder compresses the surface undemeath it, Fig.8-25h.As the cylinder rolls, the surface material in front ofthe cylinder retards the motion since its being deformed, whereas the material in the rear is restored from the deformed state and therefore tends to push the cylinder forward. The normal pressures acting on the cylinder inthis manner are represented in Fig.8-25b by their resultant forces N, and N,. Because the magnitude of the force of deformation, Na. and its horizontal component is always greater than that ‘of restoration, N,, and consequently a horizontal driving force P must be applied to the cylinder to maintain the motion, Fig. -25b.* Rolling resistance is caused primarily by this effect. although itis also, to a lesser degree, the result of surface adhesion and relative micro- sliding between the surfaces of contact. Because the actual force P needed to overcome these effects is difficult to determine, a simplified method will be developed here to explain one way engineers have analyzed this phenomenon. To do this, we will consider the resultant of the entire normal pressure, N= N, +N, acting on the cylinder, Fig.8-25c. As shown in Fig. 8-25d, this force acts at an angle @ with the vertical. To keep the cylinder in equilibrium, ic. rolling at a constant rate, itis necessary that N be concurrent with the driving force P and the ‘weight W. Summing moments about point A gives Wa = P(r cos@). Since the deformations are generally very small in relation 10 the ‘ylinder’s radius. cos @ ~ 1; hence, Wa > Pr Wa pat 4) ‘The distance a is termed the coefficient of rolling resistance, which has the dimension of length. For instance, a = 05mm for a wheel rolling on a rail, both of which are made of mild steel. For hardened “Actually, the deformation force Ny causes nergy to be stored in the material a its magnitude i increased, whereas the restoration fee Ny. a8 ie magnitude 1 dcereated, allows some ofthis energy 10 be released The remaining energy is fost ince it used 10 ‘beat up the surface, and ifthe eylnder’s weight i very large it accounts for permancat ‘Seformation ofthe srface. Work must be dane by the horzontal force Pt make up foe this hss, steel ball bearings on steel, a ~ 0.1 mm. Experimentally, though, this factor is difficult to measure, since it depends on such parameters as the rate of rotation of the cylinder, the elastic properties of the contacting surfaces, and the surface finish. For this reason, litle reliance is placed on the data for determining a. The analysis presented here does, however, indicate why a heavy load (W) offers greater resistance to motion (P) than a light load under the same conditions, Furthermore, since Wa/r is generally very small compared to u,W. the foree needed to roll a eylinder over the surface will be much less than that needed to slide it across the surface. It is for this reason that a roller or ball bearings are often used to minimize the frictional resistance between moving parts. A l0skg stee! wheel shown in Fig. 8-26a has a radius of 100 mm and rests on an inclined plane made of soft wood. If # is increased so that ‘the whee! begins to roll down the incline with constant velocity when 4 = 1.2%, determine the coefficient of rolling resistance. o SOLUTION As shown on the free-body diagram, Fig. 8-266, when the wheel has, impending motion, the normal reaction N aets at point A defined by the dimension a. Resolving the weight into components parallel and perpendicular to the incline, and summing moments about point A, yields CHEM, = 0; = (98.1 c08 1.2° N)(a) + (98.1 sin 1.2° N)(100 cos 1.2° mm) = 0 Solving, we obtain a= 209mm Ans. 88 Rowne Ressrance 435 Rolling resistance of railroad whes om t rails is small since steel is very sti. By Comparison, the rolling resistance of the ‘wheels of tractor n'a wet fields very arg. 436 Charter 8 Faicrion proses $-114. The collar bearing uniformly supports an axial force of P = 800 Ib. If the coefficient of static friction is i, = 03, determine the torque M required to overcome friction 8-118. ‘The collar bearing uniformly supports an axial force of P = S00 Ib. Ifa torque of M = 3 Ibis applied to the shaft and causes it to rotate at constant velocity, determine the coefficient of kinetic friction atthe surface of contact, I in ffir | M Probs. S-114/118 *B-116. Ifthe spring exerts a force of 900 Ih.on the block, determine the torque M required to rotate the shaft. The coefficient of static friction at all contacting surfaces is m= 03, #8117. ‘The disk clutch is used in standard transmissions fof automobiles. If four springs are used to force the two plates A and B together, determine the force in each spring required to transmit a moment of M = 600 Ib+ft across the plates. The coefficient of static friction between A and B is = 03. Prob. 8-117, B-118. If P = 900N is applied to the handle of the bell crank, determine the maximum torque M the cone clutch can transmit. The coefficient of static friction at the contacting surface is, = 03. 1s Prob. 8-116, Prob. 8-118, $119, Because of wearing at the edges, the pivot bearing is subjected to a conical pressure distribution at its surface ‘of contact. Determine the torque M required to overcome fietion and turn the shalt, which supports an axial force P. ‘The coefficient of static friction i pu. For the solution, it is necessary to determine the peak pressure py in terms of P and the bearing radius R, 88 Rowne Ressrance 437 “8-121. The shaft is subjected to an axial force P. If the reactive pressure on the conical bearing is uniform, determine the torque M that is just sufficient to rotate the shaft. The coefficient of static friction at the contacting surface i * Prob. 8-119) "8-120. ‘The pivot bearing is subjected to a parabolic pressure distribution at its surface of contact. If the coefficient of static friction is w,, determine the torque M required to overcome friction and tum the shaft if it supports an axial force P. Prob. 8-121 $122. “The tractor is used to push the 1501 pipe. To do this it must overcome the fictional frees atthe ground, caused by sand, Assuming that the sand exers a pressure on the bottom of the pipe as shown, and the coefficient of static frietion between the pipe and the sand is 4, = 0. determine the horizontal force required to push the pipe forward, Also. determine the peak pressure py. Prob. 8-122, 438 Charter 8 Faicrion 8-123. The conical bearing is subjected to a constant pressure distribution at its surface of contact. If the coefficient of static friction is 4. determine the torque MT required to overcome friction ifthe shalt supports an axial force P. Prob, 8-123 8-124, Assuming that the variation of pressure at the bottom of the pivot bearing is defined as p = py(R/r). determine the torque M needed to overcome frition if the shaft is subjected to an axial force P. The coefficient of static friction is 4. For the solution, itis necessary to determine ‘Poin terms of P and the bearing dimensions and R. #8125, The shaft of radius r fits loosely on the journal bearing. If the shaft transmits a vertical force P to the bearing and the coefficient of kinetic friction between the shalt and the bearing is yj, determine the torque M required to turn the shaft with constant velocity, Prob. 8-125, 8-126. The pulley is supported by a 25-mm-diameter pin, I the pulley fits loosely on the pin, determine the smallest force P required to raise the bucket, The bucket has a mass of 20 kg and the coefficient of static friction between the pulley and the pin is 4, = 03. Neglect the mass of the palley and assume thatthe cable does not slp on the pulley: 8.127. The pulley is supported by a 25-mm-diameter pin. Ifthe pulley fits loosely on the pin, determine the largest force P that can be applied to the rope and yet lower the bucket. The bucket has a mass of 20 ke and the coefficient of static friction between the pulley and the pin is u, = 03. Neglect the mass of the pulley and assume that the cable ‘does not slip on the pulley. 751mm, robs. 81261127 *8-128. The cylinders are suspended from the end of the ‘bar which fits loosely into a 40-mm-diameter pia. IA has a ‘mass of 10 kp, determine the required mass of B which is jus sufficient to keep the bar from rotating clockwise. The ‘coefficient of static friction between the bar and the pin is b= 0.3 Neglect the mass of the bat ‘*8-129, The cylinders are suspended from the end of the bar which fits loosely into a 40-mni-diameter pin. If A has a ‘mass of 10 kg. determine the required mass of B which is just sufficient to keep the bar from rotating counterclockwise, ‘The coefficient of static fiction between the bar and the pin isu, ~ 03.Negleet the mass ofthe bar, se mim 00 min + Probs. #128129 8-130, The connecting rod is attached to the piston by 2 0.7S-in-diameter pin at B and to the crank shaft by a 2inediameter bearing A. I the piston is moving downwards, and the coelficient of static friction at the contact points is j1, = 02. determine the radius of the friction cirele at each connection 8-131. The connecting rod is attached to the piston by a 20-mm-diameter pin at B and to the crank shaft by a S0-mm-diameter bearing A. If the piston is moving "upwards, and the coefficient of static friction atthe contact points is, ~ 0.3. determine the radius ofthe frietion circle at each connection Probs. 81307131 88 Rownc Ressrance 439 *8-152. The S-kg pulley has a diameter of 240 mm and the axle has a diameter of 40 mm. Ifthe coefficient of kinetic friction between the axle and the pulley is yy = 0.15, determine the vertical force P on the rope required to lift the 80-Kg block at constant velocity. “84133. Solve Prob. 8-132 if the force P is applied horizontally to the right robs. 8182/13 SAM. ‘The bell crank fits loosely into a O.S-in-diameter pin. Determine the required force P which is just sufficient {o rotate the bell crank clockwise. The coefficient of static friction between the pin and the bell crank is jy ~ 0.3. 8-138. The bell crank fits loosely into a O.S-in-diameter pin. If P = I Tb, the bell crank is then on the verge of Totating counterclockwise. Determine the coefficient of static friction between the pin and the bell rank. toin + robs. 8134135 4ao Charter 8 Friction "8136, The wagon together with the load weighs 150 Ib. If the coefficient of rolling resistance is a = 003 in, determine the force P required to pull the wagon with constant velocity. Prob. $136 #84137. The lawn roller has amass of 80 kg If the arm BA Js held at an angle of 30° from the horizontal and the coefficient of rolling resistance for the roller is 25 mm, determine the force P neoded to push the roller at constant speed. Neglect riction developed at the axle, .and assume that the resultant force P acting on the handie is applied along arm BA, e Prob. $137 813% Determine the force P required to overcome rolling resistance and pull the S0-kg roller up the inclined plane with constant velocity. The coefficient of rolling resistance isa = 15 mm. 8413. Determine the force P required to overcome rolling resistance and support the S0-kg roller if it ells down the inclined plane with constant velocity. The coetficient of rolling resistance is a = 1S mum Prods. $-13W/139) "8-140, ‘The cylinder is subjected to a load that has a Weight WV. If the coefficients of rolling resistance for the cylinder's top and botiom surfaces are a and ap. respectively, show that a horizontal fore having a magnitude of P = [W(a4 % a)/2r istequired to move the load and thereby roll the cylinder forward, Neglect the ‘weight of the eylinder Ww - Prob. 8-140, “8-141, ‘The 1.2-Mg steel beam is moved over a level surface using a series of 30-mm-diameter rollers for which the coefficient of rolling resistance is 4 mm atthe ground and 0.2 mm at the bottom surface of the beam, Determine the horizontal force P needed to push the beam forward at ‘constant speed. Him: Use the result of Prob. 8-140. Prob. 8-141 8-142, Determine the smallest horizontal force P that "ust be exerted on the 2004h block to move it forward. The rollers each weigh 50 Ib, and the coefficient of rolling resistance at the top and bottom surfaces is a = 0.2 in, Prob. $142, Chsoree Review 4at |_| CHAPTER REVIEW Dry Friction Frictional forces exist between two rough surfaces of contact. These forces | et on body so o oppose its motion for tendency of motion. | A static ftietional force approaches a maximum yalue of F, =X, where is the coefficient of sai friction. In this ‘ease. motion between the contacting surfaces is impending. {i slipping occurs then the ction free remains essentially constant and equal to Fy = wyN. Hete ny isthe coeficient | opine friction. ‘The solution of a_ problem involving trition requires fist drawing the tee: ‘body diagram of the body. If the unknowns eannot he determined sity | from the equations of equilibrium, and r B the possibilty of slipping occurs then | the tnction equation should be applied at the appropriate points of contact in ‘order to complete the solution. It_may also be possible for slender hr objects, like crates, to tip over, and this N situation should also be investigated. npg tie “Tipping =h 4a2 Charter 8 Faicrion Wedges Wedges are inclined planes used to increase the application of a force. The two force equilibrium equations are used to relate the forces acting on the wedge. An applied for ‘wedge to move P must push on the to the right If the coefficients of friction between the surfaces are large enough, then P ‘can be removed, and the wedge will be selt-locking and remain in place. Screws Square-threaded screws are used to M= Wrian(o + 4.) Upward Impending Serew Motion ‘move heavy loads. They represent an inclined plane, wrapped around a ‘ylinder. M’ = Wrtan(o ~ @) “The momen needed to tum a screw | Downward Impending Screw depends upon the coetficent of friction Motion and the crew's lead angle 0 ao 1 the cooticiont of fietion between the . surfaces large enough, then the screw Me = Wrtan(d ~ a) will support the load without tending to | Downward Setew Motion turn, iit willbe self-locking. ‘e260 ‘Motion or impending ‘motion of bit relative tosurl Flat Belts “The force needed to move a flat belt over a rough curved surface depends only om the angle of belt contact, and the coefficient of friction. Collar Bearings and Disks ‘The frictional analysis of a collar bearing or disk requires looking at a differential element ofthe contact area. ‘The normal foree acting on this clement is determined trom force equilibrium ‘along the shaft, and the moment needed to turn the shaft at a constant rate is | determined from moment equilibrium about the shaft's axis the pressure on the surface ofa collar bearing is uniform, then integration ives the result shown, (Cusoren Review 443 Journal Bearings ‘When a moment is applied to a shaft in | @ nonlubricated or partially lubricated journal bearing, the shaft will tend to roll up the side of tae bearing until slipping occurs. This defines the radius ‘of a friction circle, and from it the ‘moment needed to turn the shaft can be | determined M = Rrsin dy Rolling Resistance: |The resistance ofa wheel to rolling ver a strface is. caused by Wcalized | deformation of the two materials in contact. This uses the resultant normal force acting on the rolling bod to be {nclned 0 that it provides component that acts in the opposite direction ofthe | applied force Peausing the motion. This cle is characterized using the coefficient of rolting resistance, a, which is determined from experiment. aaa Charter 8 Faicrion BR S148. A single force P is applied to the handle of the drawer. If fiction is neglected at the bottom and the coctiient of static friction along the sides is = 0, determine the largest spacings between the symmetrically placed handles so that the drawer does not bind at the comers A and when the foree P is applied to one of the handles. 125m 8-145, The truck has a mass of 1.25 Mg and a center of ‘mass at G. Determine the greatest load it ean pull f(a) the truck has rear-wheel drive while the front wheels are free 10 roll, and (b) the truck has four wheel drive. The coefficient of ‘atic friction between the wheels and the grounds a, = 0S, and between the crate and the ground, itis; = 04. B-MM6, Solve Prob. 8-145 if the truck and traveling up a 10" in te are *8-144 ‘The semicircular thin hoop of weight W and center of gravity at G is suspended by the small pee horizontal force P is slowly applied at B.1f the hoop begins toslip at A when ? = 30°, determine the cootficient of static fiction between the hoop and the peg. Prob. 8-144 Probs. 8-145/146 B-147. If block A has a mass of 15 kg, determine the largest mass of block B without causing motion of the system. The coefficient of static friction between the blocks ‘and inclined planes is 4, = 0.2. Prob. 8-187, “8-148, The cone hasa weight W and center of gravity at G. Ifa horizontal force P is gradually applied to the string attached to its vertex, determine the maximum coefficient of static frition for slipping to occur. bdot-de— Prob, 8-148, +8149, ‘The tractor pulls on the fixed tree stump. Determine the torque that must be applied by the engine to the rear wheels to cause them to slip. The front wheels are free to roll, The tractor weighs 3500 Ib and has a center of gravity at G. The coefficient of static frietion between the rear wheels and the ground is 2, = 05. 8-150. ‘The tractor pulls on the fixed tree stump. If the coeficient of static friction between the rear wheels and ‘the ground is, = 06, determine ifthe rear wheels slip oF the front wheels liftoff the ground as the engine provides torque to the rear wheels. What is the torque needed 10 cause this motion? The front wheels are free to roll. The ‘tractor weighs 2500 Ib and hasa center of gravity at G. Renew Prosiens 445 S151. A roofer, having a mass of 70 kg, walks slowly in an "upright position down along the surface of a dome that has a radius of curvature of r = 20m. I the coefficient of static friction between his shoes and the dome is j= 07, {determine the angle @ at which he first begins 0 slip. Prob, $151 *8-182 Column D is subjected to a vertical load of 8000 I. ssupported on x0 identical wedges A and B for ‘which the coefficient of state fietion at the contacting, surfaces between A and B and between Band Cis js, = Ok Determine the force P nceded to raise the column and the equilibrium force P* needed to hold wedge A stationary. The contacting surface between A and D is smooth ‘$153. Column Dis subjected toa vertical load of $000 Ib. Its supported on two identical wedges A and B for which the coefficient of static friction at the contacting surfaces between A and # and between B and Cis p, = 04. I the forces P and P’ are removed, are the wedges self-locking? ‘The contacting surface between A and D is smooth 000 6 Center of Gravity and Centroid CHAPTER OBJECTIVES * To discuss the concept of the center of gravity, center of mass, and the centroid. * To show how to determine the location of the center of gravity and ccontroid for a system of discrete particles and a body of arbitrary shape. * Touse the theorems of Pappus and Guldinus for finding the surface area and volume for a body having axial symmetry. * To present a method for finding the resultant of a general distributed loading and show how it applies to finding the resultant force of a pressure loading caused by a fluid. 9.1 Center of Gravity, Center of Mass, and the Centroid of a Body In this section we will first show how to locate the center of gravity for a bbody.and then we will show that the center of mass and the centroid of a bbody can be developed using this same method. Center of Gravity. A body is composed of an infinite number of particles of differential size, and so if the body is located within a gravitational field, then each of these particles will have a weight dW, Fig. 9-1a. These weights will form an approximately parallel force system, and the resultant of this system is the total weight of the body, which passes through a single point called the center of gravity, G, Fig. 0-16. ‘This is true as tong as the gravity fed is assumed to have the same magnitude and rection everywhere. Tht assumption is appropriate for most engineering applications, ‘ice graity dacs not vary appreciably between, for instance, the bottom andthe top of a building 4ag Charter 9 Center oF Gravity ano CentRoio es « y Pec ” Fig. 4 Using the methods outlined in Sec. 48, the weig of the weights ofall of its particles, that is tof the body is the sum +P, = w paw ‘The location of the center of gravity, measured from the y axis, is determined by equating the moment of W about the y axis Fig. 9-1b,10 the sum of the moments of the weights of the particles about this same axis If dW is located at point (¥. ¥. 2). Fig. 1a, then (May = 2My3 aw = faw Similarly, if moments are summed about the « axis, (Ma) = 2M pw = fra Finally, imagine that the body is fixed within the coordinate system and this system is rotated 90° about the y axis, Fig. 9-Ic. Then the sum of the moments about the y axis gives (My = EM; = saw ‘Therefore, the location of the center of gravity G with respect to the x,y, z axes becomes oy are the coordinates of the center of gravity G,Fig. 9-1b. are the coordinates of each particle in the body, Fig. 91a, 9.1 Centen oF Gravity, Center oF Mass, ano nie Centa00 OF 4 Booy Center of Mass of a Body. In order to study the dynamic response or aceelerated motion of 2 body. it becomes important to locate the body's center of mass C,,. Fig. 9-2. This location can be determined by substituting dW = g dmr into Egs. 9-1. Since g is constant. it cancels _ [am (iti [eam (ee Centroid of a Volume. If the body in Fig, 9-3 is made from a homogeneous material, then its density p (rho) will be constant. ‘Therefore, a differential element of volume dV has a mass dm = pdV. Substituting this into Eqs. 9-2 and canceling out p, we obtain formulas that locate the centroid C or geometric center of the body: namely (2) av a fw yw ao [w few fo Ef 0-3) ‘These equations represent a balance of the moments of the volume of the body, Therefore, if the volume possesses two planes of symmetry, then its centroid must lie along the line of intersection of these two planes For example, the cone in Fig. 9-4 has a centroid that lies on the y axis 30 that 0. The location ¥ can be found using a single integration by choosing @ differential element represented by a tin disk hhaving a thickness dy and radius r=z Its volume is dV = ar'dy = m2'dy and its centroid is at ¥ yz =0 Fig. 9-2 449 450 Charter 9 Center oF Gravity ano CentRoio © Integration must be used to determine the location ofthe center of gravity of this goal post due tothe curvature of the supporting ember, ©) © Centroid of an Area. Ian area lies in the 1-y plane and is bounded by the curve y = f(x), 8 shown in Fig. 95a then its centroid wil be in this plane and ean be determined fiom integrals similar to Eqs. 9-3 namely, aaa fra (omar ies ‘These integrals ean be evaluated by performing a single imegration if we use a rectangular strip for the differential area element. For example, if ‘vertical strip is used, Fig. 9-Sb, the area of the element is d = y dx,and its centroid is located at ¥ = x and ¥ = y/2. If we consider a horizontal strip, Fig.9-Se, then dA = x dy,and its centroid is located at ¥ = x/2 and Centroid of a Line. Ifa line segment (or rod) lies within the «~ plane and it can be described by a thin curve y = f(x), Fig.9-6a, then its centroid is determined from (4) (5) 9.1 Centen oF Gravity, Center oF Mass, ano nie Centa00 OF 4 Booy 451 ‘Here, the length of the differential element is given by the Pythagorean theorem, dd. = V (dx) + (dy)? .which cam also be written in the form aL V “WH dy. a= (i) (Ga Ey) a Either one of these expressions can be used: however, for application, the one that will result in a simpler integration should be selected. For ‘example, consider the rod in Fig. 9-66, defined by y = 212. The length of the element is dL = V1 + (dy/dx)? dx, and since dy/dx = 4x, then dL = Vi + Gx)? dx. The centroid for this element is located at ¥ = x (ig kee a ak * The centroid represents the geometric center of a body. ‘This point coincides with the center of mass or the center of gravity only if the material composing the body is uniform or y homogeneous. Formulas used to locate the center of gravity or the centri simply represent a balance between the sum of moments of all the parts of the system and the moment of the “resultant” for the je system. In some cases the centroid is located at a point that is not on the “object,as in the case of a ring, where the centroid is at its center. Also, this point will ic on any axis of symmetry for the body, Fig. 9-7 Fig. 9-7. 452 Charter 9 Center oF Gravity ano CentRoio ee CUE ee ‘The center of gravity or centroid of an object or shape can be determined by single integrations using the following procedure. Differential Element. * Select an appropriate coordinate system, specify the coordinate axes, and then choose a differential element for integration. * For lines the elements represented by a differential line segment of length dL. * For areas the element is generally a rectangle of area dA, having a finite length and differential width. * For volumes the clement can be a circular disk of volume dV. hhaving a finite radius and differential thickness. * Locate the element so that it touches the arbitrary point (x,y, 2) ‘on the curve that defines the boundary of the shape. Size and Moment Arms. * Express the length dL, area dA, or volume dV of the element in terms of the coordinates describing the curve. '* Express the moment arms ¥, ¥. ¥ for the centroid or center of gravity of the element in terms of the coordinates describing. the curve, Integrations. * Substitute the formulations for ¥, ¥, Z and dL, dA, or dV into the Appropriate equations (Eqs 9-1 through 9-5). ‘* Express the function in the integrand in terms of the same variable as the differential thickness of the element. * ‘The limits of the integral are defined from the two extreme locations of the element's differential thickness, so that when the ‘elements are “summed” or the integration performed, the entire region iscovered.® “Formulas for integration are given in Appendix 9.1 Centen oF Gravity, Center oF Mass, ano nie Centa00 OF 4 Booy SEs Locate the centroid ofthe rod bent into the shape of a parabolic arc as, shown in Fig. 9-8. SOLUTION Differential Element. ‘The differential element is shown in Fig. 9-8 Itis located on the curve at the arbitrary point (x, 9). ‘Area and Moment Arms. The differential element of length dl. can be expressed in terms of the differentials dv and dy using the Pythagorean theorem, aL = Vea + hy (ey +1dy Since x = hen es/dy = 2y. Therefore expressing dZ in terms of pelea at. = Vey) +1dy As shown in Fig. 9-8, the centroid of the element is located at ¥ = 2x, yay Integrations. Applying Eqs. 9-5. using the formulas in Appendix A to evaluate the integrals, we get fe, [vena [erie fu [ Vevia [varia ae fre [WaT ay gies iin ay = a9 Vag? i ay NOTE: These results for Cseem reasonable when they are plotted on Fig 9-8, 453 Charter 9 Center oF Gravity ano CentRoio “Locate the centroid of the circular wire segment shown in Fig, 9-9. Fig. 9-9 SOLUTION Polar coordinates will be used to solve this problem since the arc is ircular. Differential Element. A differential circular arc is selected as shown in the figure. This element intersects the curve at (0), Length and Moment Arm. The length of the differential element is dL = Rd@, and its centroid is located at ¥ = R cox @ and F=R sind, Integrations. Applying Eqs 9-5 and integrating with respect to 0, ‘we obtain fea FF ecosnan ef cos dd lt [ou [nw af 2 (Rsin @)R dd ef sinodo NOTE: As expected, the two coordinates are numerically the same due to the symmetry of the wire. 9.1 Centen oF Gravity, Center oF Mass, ano nie Centa00 OF 4 Booy 455 SEs Determine the distance ¥ measured from the x axis to the centroid of the area of the triangle shown in Fig. 9-10. SOLUTION Differential Element. Consider a rectangular clement having a thickness dy, and located in an arbitrary position so that it intersects the boundary at (x,y), Fig. 9-10. ‘Area and Moment Arms. The area of the element is dA = xdy the second of Eqs 9-4 and integrating with acer __ oe Lh] © fe Fharne -4 Ans. NOTE: This result is valid for any shape of triangle. I states that the centroids located at one-third the height, measured from the base of the triangle 456 Charter 9 Center oF Gravity ano Centeoio I Locate the centroid for the area of a quarter circle shown in Fig, 9-11. Fig, 9-11 SOLUTION Differential Element. Polar coordinates will be used, since the boundary is circular. We choose the element in the shape of a triangle, Fig. 9-11. (Actually the shape is a circular scetor; however, neglecting, higher-order differentials, the clement becomes triangular.) The clement intersects the curve at point (R, 0). ‘Area and Moment Arms. The area of the element is 4A =\(R\(Rd0) = Raw and using the results of Example 9.3, the centroid of the (iriangular) clement is located at ¥ = $R cos 0, ¥ = 2 sin 0. Integrations. Applying Eqs 9-4 and integrating with respect to 8, ee L'Gacoe) Sur Ga) [ose J Roose ft yaa 4R sy Ane Su ["Grsno)Bor (2x) [save RE ait wars: es a 9.1 Centen oF Gravity, Center oF Mass, ano nie Centa00 OF 4 Booy 457 E|9.5 Locate the centroid of the area shown in Fig. 9-124, SOLUTION | Differential Element. A differential clement of thickness dv is shown in Fig. 9-12a. The element intersects the curve at the arbitrary point (x,y). and so it has a height y. ‘Area and Moment Arms. The area of the clement is dA = yd, ‘and its centroid is located at ¥ = x, ¥ = y/2. Integrations. Applying Eqs 9-4 and integrating with respect tox yields eas eaus a eal eee aaay OS ‘Ans. 7. 0.333 fos [ve [ee 1 1 f Fda (y/2)y dx (8/2) de 0.100 A = A sans I dA fk vie i ae ; = SOLUTION I yor Differential Element. ‘The differential clement of thickness dy is y shown in Fig. 9-128, The element intersects the curve atthe arbitrary ‘ point (x, y).and so it has a length (1 — x). lt 1 im ‘Area and Moment Arms. The area of the clement is | ep ]t dA = (1 — x) dy,and its centroid is located at y Sri en ed [ fee les y=x+(454)-443-) —-a Integrations. Applying Eqs. 9-4 and integrating with respect toy, i. we obtain 1m Fig 9-12 075m Ans [ = 2 Ans. (l= Vy) ay Lo-ne f NOTE: Plot these results and notice that they seem reasonable. Also, for this problem, elements of thickness dr offer a simpler solution, 458 Charter 9 Center oF Gravity ano CentRoio Locate the centroid of the semi- shown in Fig. 9-134. as piers 2 $2 @ ©) Fig. 9-13 SOLUTION | Differential Element. ‘The rectangular differential element parallel to the y axis shown shaded in Fig. 9-130 will be considered. This T N 3m ay iD ee — Prob. 9-48 +949, Locate the centroid (%.) of the wire. Ifthe wire is suspended from A, determine the angle segment AB makes ‘withthe vertical when the wire isin equilibrium, Prob. 9-49 9.2 Conposire Bootes 477 9-80, Each ofthe three members ofthe frame has a mass per unit length of 6 kg/m. Locate the position (3, ») of the center of mass. Neglect the size ofthe pins atthe joints and the thickness of the members, Also, calculate the reactions atthe pin A and roller £, y jaa Prob.9-80 9-51. Locate the centroid (¥, j) ofthe cross-sectional area of the channel 478 Charter 9 Center oF Gravity ano CentRoio #9482, Locate the centroid J of the cross-sectional area of the concrete beam. 9-53. Locate the centroid J of the cross-sectional area of the built-up beam, = as vin Tin, Prob, 9-33 9-54, Locate the centroid y of the channel's cross sectional area. Prob. 9-54 9-88. Locate the distance ¥ to the centroid of the ‘member's erosssectional area, 9.2 Conposire Bootes 479 9-56. Locate the centroid V of the cross-sectional area of 9458. Locate the centroid X of the composite area, the built-up beam, Prob. 9-88 9-59, Locate the centroid (¥, 7) ofthe composite area, 149-57, The gravity walls made of concrete. Determine the location (¥, ¥) ofthe cemter of mass G for the wall. Prob. 9-89 9-60, Locate the centroid (%) he composite ae, > | ua oom 6m Prob. 9-S7 Prob. 9-60 480 Charter 9 Centee oF Gravity ano CenTRoIo ‘961. Divide the plate into parts and using the grid for 9463. Locate the centroid y of the cross-sectional area of ‘measurement, determine approximately the location (x,¥) the built-up beam. of the centroid ofthe plat. 9-62. To determine the location of the center of gravity of +9464 Locate te centroid ¥of the cross-sectional area of the automobile its frst placed in aleve position, with the the built-up beam two wheels on one side resting on the scale platform P. In this position the scale records a reading of 1. Then, one side is elevated to a convenient height cas shown. The new reading on the scale is Ws. If the automobile has total ‘weight of W, determine the location ofits center of gravity Gp). Prob. 9-62 Prob. 9-68 +9465. ‘The composite plate is made from both steel (A) and brass (#) segments. Determine the mass and location (Gy. 2) of its mass center G. Take py = 7:85 Mg/m" and pu = 8.74 Mp/m', + Prob. 9-65 9.66, The ear rests on four scales and in this position the scale readings of both the front and rear tites are shown by F and fg. When the rear wheels are elevated to a height of 3 ft above the front scales, the new readings of the front wheels are also recorded. Use this data t0 compute the location x and y 10 the center of gravity G ofthe ear. The tires each have a diameter of 1.98 it. = 12601 + 1307 = 257610 Prob. 9-66 9.2 Composite Bootes 481 9-67, Uniform blocks having a length Land mass m are stacked one on top ofthe other, with each block overhanging the other by a distance d, as shown. Ifthe blocks are glued together, so that they will not topple over, determine the location ¥ of the center of mass of a pile of n blocks. 9-68. Uniform blocks having a length I. and mass m are stacked one on top of the other. with each block ‘overhanging the other by a distance d, as shown, Show that the maximum number of blocks which can be stacked in this manner ism < L/d. : o—t Prods. 9-67168, +9-69, Locate the center of gravity (¥, 2) of the sheet- ‘metal bracket if the material is homogeneous and has a constant thickness. the bracket is resting onthe horizontal xy plane shown, determine the maximum angle of tilt @ which it can have before it falls over, ie, begins to rotate about the y axis Prob. 9-60 482 Charter 9 Centee oF Gravity ano CenTRoIo 9-70, Locate the center of mass for the compressor assembly. The locations ofthe centers of mass ofthe various components and their masses are indicated and tabulated in the figure, What are the vertical reactions a blocks A and B needed to support the platform? © tosirument panct 250g © Biker syst 183g Oring remdly 120K @ Liguid storage sks @ Structural framework 4658 Prob. 9-70 9-71, Major floor loadings 1 shop are caused by the weights of the objects shown, Each force acts through its respective center of gravity G. Locate the center of gravity (&.3) ofall these components. "972, Locate the center of mass (¥,9,2) of the homogeneous block assembly. Prob, 9-72 +9-73, Locate the center of mass % ofthe assembly. The hemisphere and the cone are made from materials having densities of 8 Mem! and 4 M/t’. respectively Prob. 9-71 Prob. 9-73 9-74, Locate the center of mass Z of the assembly. The cylinder and the cone are made from materials having densities of 5 Mg/m* and 9 Mg/m: respectively. am Prob. 9-74 9-78. Locate the center of gravity (¥.¥,2) of the ‘homogeneous block assembly having a hemispherical hole. °9-16, Locate the comer of gravity (4.3.2) of the assembly. The triangular and the rectangular blocks are ‘made from materials having specifi weights of 0.25 Ibin* and 0.1 In? respectvely. 9.2 Composite Bootes 483 +977. Determine the distance ¥ to the centroid of the solid which consists of a eylinder with a hole of length '50:mm bored into its base. 9-78. Determine the distance f to which a hole must be bored into the cylinder so that the center of mass of the assembly is located at ¥ = 64mm. The material has a density of 8 Mg/m. Probs. 9-778 9-79. The assembly is made from a steel hemisphere, p= 780 Me/m’, and an aluminum cylinder. a= 2.30 Ma/m Determine the mass center of the assembly if the height of the cylinder is = 200mm, *9-80, The assembly is made from a steel hemisphere j= 780 Me/m', and an aluminum cylinder, ps = 2.10 Mg/m®, Determine the height / of the eylinder {9 that the mass center of the assembly is located 2 160mm. Probs. 975776 Probs. 979780 aga Charter 9 Centee oF Gravity ano CenTRoIo *9,3 Theorems of Pappus and Guldinus The two theorems of Pappus and Guldinus are used to find the surface area and volume of any body of revolution, They were first developed by ‘Pappus of Alexandria during the fourth century A.b. and then restated at a later time by the Swiss mathematician Paul Guldin or Guldinus (1877-1643). er Fig, 9-19 Surface Area. If we revolve a plane curve about an axis that does not intersect the curve we will generate a surface area of revolution. For ‘example, the surface area in Fig. 9-19 is formed by revolving the curve of length L about the horizontal axis To determine this surface area, we will first consider the differential line element of length dd. If this element is revolved 27 radians about the axis, a ring having a surface area of 4A = 2ar dL.will be generated. Thus the surface area of the entire body is A= 2efrdL. Since Jr dL = FL (Eq. 9-5), then A = 29FL. If the curve is revolved only through an angle @ (radians), then ‘Theamount of roofing material used on this storage building ean be estimated by wing the first theorem of Pappas and Guldinas to determine surface are o-7) where A = surface area of revolution 6 = angle of revolution measured in radians, < 2a 7 = perpendicular distance from the axis of revolution to the centroid of the generating curve L = length of the generating curve ‘Therefore the first theorem of Pappus and Guldinus states that the area of a surface of revolution equals the product of the length of the generating curve and the distance traveled by the centroid of the curve in generating the surface area 9.3. Tuconews OF Parrus ano Gunns aa Fig, 9-20 Volume. A volume can be generated by revolving a plane area about an axis that does not intersect the area, For example, if we revolve the shaded area A in Fig. 9-20 about the horizontal axis, it generates the volume shown, This volume can be determined by first revolving the differential clement of area dA 2z radians about the axis so that a ring having the volume dV = 2xr dA is generated. The entire volume is then V = 2a {rdA. However, [rd A = 7A, Eq.9-4,80 that V = 2n7A. Ifthe areais only revolved through an angle 8 (radians), then (v=wa] os where V = volume of revolution 6 = angle of revolution measured in radians, 0 < 2 7 = perpendicular distance from the axis of revolution to the centroid of the generating area A= generating area ‘Therefore the second theorem of Pappus and Guldinus states that he volume of a body of revolution equals the product of the generating area and the distance traveled by the centroid of the area in generating the volume. Composite Shapes. We may also apply the above two theorems to lines or areas that are eomposed of a series of composite parts In this ease the total surface area or volume generated is the addition of the surface areas or volumes generated by each of the composite parts Ifthe perpendicular distance from the axis of revolution to the centroid of ‘each composite part is 7, then A= 03(7L) (9) and V = 0X(FA) (9-10) Application of the above theorems is illustrated numerically in the following examples. The volume of fertilizer conta within thissilo can be dt the second theorem of Guldinas, 48s ed mined using pus and 486 Charter 9 Center oF Gravity ano CentRoio BERe «© Show that the surface area of a sphere is A = 427R° and its volume is Va ink 1) Fig. 9-21 SOLUTION Surface Area, The surface area of the sphere in Fig. 9-2la is ‘generated by revolving a semicircular are about the x axis, Using the table on the inside back cover, itis seen that the centroid of this arc is located at a distance F = 2R/ar from the axis of revolution (x axis) Since the centroid moves through an angle of @ = 27 rad to generate the sphere, then applying Eq. 9-7 we have A= 2e(2B)a = aot Ans Volume. ‘The volume of the sphere is generated by revolving the semicircular area in Fig. 9-216 about the x axis. Using the table on the inside back cover to locate the centroid of the area, ie.,? = 4/3, and applying Eq. 9-8, we have roma von( (un Ans, 93. Tuconews oF Parrus ako Guionus 487 £|9.13 Determine the surface area and volume of the full solid in Fig, 9-224, Fig. 9-22 SOLUTION Surface Area. ‘The surface arca is generated by revolving the four line segments shown in Fig. 9-22h, 27 radians about the z axis The distances from the centroid of each segment to the z axis are also shown in the figure. Applying Eq. 9-7, yields Aton festa) + om Vom e ToS) 254+ in) = 2186 + GS inBin) + (in) in} ani ca in = 1B in? Ans. i y T tin Volume. The volume of the solid is generated by revolving the wo foal area segments shown in Fig. 9-22c, 2a radians about the = axis. The distances from the centroid of each segment to the 2 axis are also shown in the figure. Applying Eq, 9-10, we have ain. V=2nB7A=2e{ (3. veering Ea in.)(1 in )|+6in [2 in Cin} | 7.6 in Ans. © age Charter 9 Center oF Gravity an CenTRoio FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS 9-13, Determine the surface area and volume of the solid FOS, Determine the surface area and volume of the solid formed by revolving the shaded area 360° about the z axis, formed by revolving the shaded area 360° about the = axis, was F914, Determine the surface area and volume of the solid 9-16, Determine the surface area and volume ofthe solid {formed by revolving the shaded area 360° about the z axis __ formed by revolving the shaded area 360° about the ¢ axis. z z 9.3. Tuconews OF Parrus ano Gunns 489 faite) aE) 9-81. ‘The elevated water storage tank has a conical top *9-84, Determine the surface area from A to B of the tank. sok enipteeotomme Aad EN i ih bled to fabricate the tank. from Ao B. 9-82. The clevated water storage tank has a conical top 7 and hemispherical bottom ands fabricated using thin steel plate. Determine the volume within the tank. a am sa 1s ‘ Z L f reer aus Probs.9-8u88 9-83. Determine the volume of the solid formed by 9-86. Determine the surface area of the roof of the revolving the shaded area about the « axis using the second, the parabola about the theorem of Pappus-Guldinus The area and centroid Fof the shaded area should first be obtained by using integration. y Prob. 9-86 490 Charter 9 Centee oF Gravity ano CenTRoIo 9-87. Determine the surface area of the solid formed by 9490. Determine the surface area and volume of the solid revolving the shaded area 360° about the 2 axis formed by revolving the shaded area 360° about the = axis *9-88 Determine the volume of the solid formed by revolving the shaded area 360" about the 2 axis. tin, Prob. 9-90 9-89. Determine the volume of the solid formed by 9-91. Determine the surface area and volume of the solid evolving the shaded area 3A” about the ¢ axis formed by revolving the shaded ates 360" about the «axis . sam 2mm (epsom 78m f | | - | 50 mm 201m =| ' — sm olen 300 mm 93. Tuconews oF Parrus ako Guionus 491 9-92. The process tank is used to store liquids during 994. “The thin-wall tank is fabricated from a hemisphere ‘manufacturing. Estimate both the volume of the tank and and eylindrical shell. Determine the vertical reactions that its surface area. The tank has a flat top and a thin wall ‘each of the four symmetrically placed legs exerts on the floor if the tank contains water which i 12 11 deep in the tank. The specific gravity of water is 62.4 Ib/(. Neglect the weight ofthe tank. 9-98. Determine the approximate amount of paint needed to cover the outside surface of the open tank. Assume that a aallon of paint covers 400 1, iat i Probs. 9-945 «9-93. The hopper is filed to its top with coal. Estimate °9-96, Determine the surface area of the tank, which the volume of coal ifthe voids (air space) are 35 pervent of consis ofa eyinder and hemispherical eap. te volume ofthe hopper. ees ue ©9-97. Determine the volume of the thin-wall tank, which consist of a elinder and hemispherical ap. = Prob. 9-98 492 Charter 9 Centee oF Gravity ano CenTRoIo 9-98, The water tank AB has a hemispherical top and is fabricated from thin steel plate. Determine the volume within the tank. 9-99, The water tank AB has a hemispherical roof and is fabricated from thin stee! plat ter of paint can cover 3m of the tank's surface, determine how many liters are ‘required to coat the surface of the tank from A to B. ism tom 9-100, Determine the surface area and volume of the whee! formed by revolving the cross-sectional area 360° about the z axis. +9401, Determine the outside surface area of the storage tank. 9-102, Determine the volume of the thin-wall storage tank. Probs. 9-101/102 9-103. Determine the height h to which liquid should be poured into the conical paper cup so that it contacts half the surface area on the inside ofthe cup. se 150 mm, | Prob, 9-103, 9.4 Resurant oF & Genera Dsraeuten Loans 493 *9.4 Resultant of a General Distributed lee Loading p= ley) In See. 49, we discussed the method used to simplify a two-dimensional uf i! distributed loading to a single resultant force acting at a specific point. In > this section we will generalize this method to include flat surfaces that <0) have an arbitrary shape and are subjected to a variable load distribution. = ‘Consider, for example, the flat plate shown in Fig. 23a, which is subjected © to the loading defined by p = p(x, y) Pa, where 1 Pa (pascal) = 1 N/m’ Knowing this function, we can determine the resultant force Fg acting on % the plate and its location (¥, 9), Fig.9-23). A _~ Magnitude of Resultant Force. The force dF acting on the differential area dA m of the plate, located at the arbitrary point (3, y has a magnitude of dF = (p(x, y) N/m'|(dA m2) = [p(x y) dA] N. Notice that p(x, ») dA = dV, the colored differential volume element Fig. 9-23, shown in Fig. 9-230. The magnitude of Fis the sum ofthe differential forces acting over the plate'semtre surface area A. Thus © oa i Jotssaa Ia ‘This result indicates that the magnitude of the resultant force is equal 1o the total volume under the distributed-loading diagram. Location of Resultant Force. The location (X, 7) of Fg is The resultant of a wind loading that is determined by setting the moments of Fy equal to the moments ofall the tuted on the font o side walls of differential forces dF about the respective y and.x axes: From Figs 9-234 egration in order, to. design, the and 9-23b, using Eq. 9-11, this results in smework that holds the building i if xptniy)da [ ‘dV - 7 foresyaa_ [vav © focus far fitenan fav Hence, the line of action of the resultant force passes through the geometric center or centroid of the volume under the distributed-loadinig diagram, (9-12) 494 Charter 9 Centee oF Gravity ano CenTRoIo *9.5 Fluid Pressure According to Pascal’s law, a fluid at rest creates a pressure p at a point ‘that isthe same in all directions. The magnitude of p, measured as a force per unit area, depends on the specific weight 7 or mass density p of the fluid and the depth z of the point from the fluid surfaee.* The relationship «can be expressed mathematically as P= = paz (9-13) where ¢ is the acceleration due to gravity. This equation is valid only for fluids that are assumed incompressible, as inthe case of most liquids. Gases are compressible fluids, and since their density changes significantly with both pressure and temperature, Eq.9-13 cannot be used. To illustrate how Eq. 9-13 is applied, consider the submerged plate shown in Fig. 9-24. Three points on the plate have been specified. Since point B is at depth z; from the liquid surface, the pressure at this point hhas a magnitude p; = 721. Likewise, points C and D are both at depth 23: hence, p; = yz In all cases, the pressure acts normal to the surface area dA located at the specified point. Using Eq. 9-13 and the results of Sec. 9.4, it is possible to determine the resultant force caused by a liquid and specify its location on the surface of a submerged plate. Three different shapes of plates will now be considered. | NI Fig. 9-24 in patcala, for water y= 624 1b/ or y = pg = 9810N/on” since p = 1000 kg/m? and g = 981 mys Flat Plate of Constant Width. A flat rectangular plate of constant width, which is submerged in aliquid having a specific weight y, isshown in Fig.9-25a, Since pressure varies linearly with depth, Eq.9-13, the distribution of pressure over the plate's surface is represented by a trapezoidal volume having an intensity of py = yz, at depth =; and 2 = y22at depth 2. As noted in Sec. 94, the magnitude ofthe resultant Force Ry is equal to the volume of this loading diagram and Fg has a line of action that passes through the volume’s centroid C. Henee, Fx does nnot act at the centroid of the plate: rather, it acts at point P, called the center of pressure, Since the plate has @ constant width, the loading distribution may also be viewed in two dimensions, Fig. 9-255. Here the loading intensity is measured as foree/length and varies linearly from w ‘pz = byza, The magnitude of Fy in this case equals the trapezoidal area, and Fy has a fine of action that passes through the area's centroid C. For numerical applications, the area and location of the centroid for a trapezoid are tabulated on the inside back cover. « Fig. 9-25 95 Fwo Paessuse 495 “The walls ofthe tank must be designed to support the pressure loading of the liquid that is contained within it igi suroce ® 496 Charter 9 Center oF Gravity ano CentRoio © © Fig. 9-26 Curved Plate of Constant Width. When a submerged plate of constant width is curved, the pressure acting normal to the plate continually changes both its magnitude and direction, and therefore calculation of the magnitude of Fx and its location P is more difficult ‘than for a flat plate. Three- and two-dimensional views of the loading distribution are shown in Figs, 9-26a and 9-26, respectively. Although integration can be used to solve this problem, a simpler method exists. ‘This method requires separate calculations’ for the horizontal and vertical components of Fy. For example, the distributed loading acting on the plate can be sepresented by the equivalent loading shown in Fig. 9-26c. Here the plate supports the weight of liquid Wy contained within the block BDA. This {forve hasa magnitude W, = (yb) (areagp .) and acts through the centroid of BDA. In addition, there are the pressure distributions caused by the liquid acting along the vertical and horizontal sides of the block. Along the vertieal side AD, the force Fp has a magnitude equal to the area of the trapezoid. It acts through the centroid C ,p ofthis area. The distributed loading along the horizontal side AB is constant since all points lying in this plane are at the same depth from the surface of the liquid, The magnitude of Fy is simply the area of the rectangle. This force acts ‘rough the centroid C ,y or at the midpoint of AB.Summing these three forces yields Fe = EF = Fp + Fay + Wy. Finally, the location of the center of pressure P on the plate is determined by applying My = 2M. ‘which states that the moment of the resultant force about a convenient reference point such as D or B, in Fig. 9-26b, is equal to the sum of the ‘moments of the three forces in Fig, @-26¢ about this same point Flat Plate of Variable Width. The pressure distribution acting ‘on the surface of a submerged plate having a variable width is shown in Fig. 9-27. If we consider the force dF acting on the differential area strip 4A, parallel to the x axis, then its magnitude is dF = pd, Since the depth of dA is z, the pressure on the element is p — yz. Therefore, AF = (y2)dA and so the resultant force becomes Fe = [dF =y/zdA 1K the depth to the Jeda = 2A,Subsi entroid C’ of the area is =, Fig 9-27, then, ig. we have Fg = EA (ota) In other words, the magnitude of the resultant force acting on any flat plate is equal to the product of the area A of the plawe and the pressure P= Yat the depth of the area's centroid C’- As discussed in Sec. 9.4, this foree is also equivalent to the volume under the pressure distribution. Realize that its line of action passes through the centroid C of this, volume and intersects the plate at the center of pressure P, Fig. 9-27. Notice that the location of C’ does not coincide with the location of P. Fig. 9.27 95 Fuvo Peessue 497 “The resultant force of the water pressure and ts locaton on the elliptical back plate ofthis tank truck must be determined by integration 498 Charter 9 Center oF Gravity ano CentRoio Determine the magnitude and location ofthe resultant hydrostatic force acting on the submerged rectangular plate AB shown in Fig. 9-284, The plate has a width of 1.5 m;p, = 1000 kg/m°, SOLUTION | ‘The water pressures at depths A and B are Ps = Pu8za = (1000 kg/m*)(9.81 m/s*)(2 m) = 19.62 kPa Pa = Poste = (1000 ke/m*)(9.81 m/s?)(5 m) = 49.05 kPa Since the plate has a constant width, the pressure loading can be viewed in two dimensions as shown in Fig. 9-28b, The intensities of the load at A and B are 1.5 m)(19.62 kPa) = 20.43 kN/m_ (1.5 m)(49.05 kPa) = 73.58 kN/m e From the table on the inside back cover, the magnitude of the “—}- resultant force Fy created by this distributed load is Fa = area of a trapezoid = 1(3)(29.4 + 736) = 1545KN Ans vg = 2OAB KN BY this foree acts through the centroid ofthis area, ei p= 2 2A) + TSB) ng 6 3\ 245+ 7358 7m e ‘measured upward from B, Fig. 9-316, SOLUTION I ‘The same results can be obtained by considering two components of Fg, defined by the triangle and rectangle shown in Fig. 9-28c. Each {force acts through its associated centroid and has a magnitude of Fre = (2943 KN/m)(3.m) = 883 KN (44.15 kN/m)(3 m) = 66.2 KN Fa = Fe + F = 883 +662 =1545KN Ans, ‘The location of Fx is determined by summing moments about B, Fig. 9-28b and c, C+(Ma)y = 2Mp; (154.5)h = 883(1.5) + 66.2(1) A= 129m Ans, NOTE: Using Eq. 9-14, the resultant force can be calculated as Fa = y2A ~ (9810 N/m )(3.5 m)(3 m)(L.5 m) = 154.5 KN. 95 Fwo Paessuse 499 Determine the magnitude of the resultant hydrostatic force acting on the surface ofa seavall shaped in the form of a parabola as shown in Fig. 9-294, The wall is Sm long; py, = 1020 kg/m: n= 1501 ) o Fig. 9-29 SOLUTION ‘The horizontal and vertical components of the resultant force will be calculated, Fig. 9-29. Since Pe = puste = (1020 kg/m?)(9.81 m/s?)(3m) = 30.02 KPa then Wg = bpa = S$ m(30.02 kPa) = 150.1 KN/m Fy = \(3.m)(150.1 kN/m) = 225.1 KN ‘The area of the parabolic sector ABC can be determined using the table on the inside back cover, Hence, the weight of water within this, Sm long region is F,= (push)( rea anc) = (1020 kg/m)(9.81 m/s2)(5 m)[ (1 m)(3 m)] = 50.0 KN ‘The resultant force is therefore Fe = VFi + Fi = VQ251 XN)? + GOON)? =231KN Ans. 500 Charter 9 Center oF Gravity ano CentRoio Sra Determine the magnitude and location of the resultant force acting, ‘on the triangular end plates of the water trough shown in Fig. 9-30a;, Py = 1000 ke/m’. E cc) SOLUTION ‘The pressure distribution acting on the end plate is shown in Fig 9-305. “The magnitude of the resultant force is equal to the volume of this loading distribution. We will solve the problem by integration, Choosing the differential volume element shown in the figure, we have AF = dV = pdA = pygz(2x dz) = 19 620zxdz “The equation of line AB is x= 05(1~ 2) ‘Hence, substituting and integrating with respect to z from z = 0 to ‘Lm yields 12 pave fav~ [“ux@nsosa ~ aac ©) = sso f (¢= 2) dz =1635N = 1.64KN Ans hy Fig. 9-30 ‘This resultant passes through the centroid of the volume. Because of symmetry, " r Since ¥ = < for the volume element, then Ans. 1m tm [ew i -2(19.620)20.5(1 — z)] dz ssio [ (2- A)dz bs 1635 i 1635 [ aw MV =05m Ans. NOTE: We can also determine the resultant foree by applying Eq. 9-14, Fy = yZA = (9810 N/m*)())(1 m)[4(1.m)(1 m)] = 1.64 KN. 95 Fivo Peessuse 501 FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS 9-17, Determine the magnitude of the hydrostatic foree acting per meter length of the wall. Water has a density of p= 1Mgim’, om rar F9-A8. Determine the magnitude of the hydrostatic force acting on gate AB, which has a width of 4 f. The specific weight of water is y = 624 Ib/ft. 40 aa ros ML, Deternins ma mains of i Kyac tee acting on gate AB, which has a width of 1.5m. Water has a density of p = 1 Me/m’. 9-20. Determine the magnitude of the hydrostatic force acting on gate AB, which has a width of 2 m, Water has a density of p = | Me/m’. F9-21. Determine the magnitude of the hydrostatic force acting on gate AB, which has a width of 2 ft. The specific weight of water is y = 624 byt. 9.21 502 Charter 9 Center oF Gravity ano CentRoio *9-104. The tank is used to store a liquid having a specific 9-106. The symmetric concrete “gravity” dam is held in weight of SOllyt? IF tis filled tothe top, determine the place by its own weight, If the density of concrete is magnitude ofthe force the liquid exerts on each of ts two p= 25Mag/m’, and. water has a density. of sides ABDC and BDFE. Pw = 1.0 Mg/m’, determine the smallest distance d at its base that will prevent the dam from overturning about is end A.The dam hasa width of8 ism Prob. 9-104, 8-105, ‘The concrete“pravty" dam i held in place by ity L107. “The tank i used to store aliquid having a speific ‘own weight. If the density of concrete is . = 2.5 Mg/m’, weight of 60lb/it’. If the tank is full, determine the fand water has a density of py ~ LDMg/m determine the magnitude of the hydrostatic force on plates CDEP and Safest dimension that wil prevent the dam from ABDC. ‘overturning about its end A. —— Prob. 9-105 Prob. 9-107 “9-108, The circular steel plate Ais used to seal the ‘opening on the water storage tank. Determine the ‘magnitude ofthe resultant hydrostatic force that acts ont. “The density of water is py ~ 1 Mg/m'. 19-109. ‘The elliptical steel plate is used to seal the opening on the water storage tank. Determine the magnitude ofthe resultant hydrostatic force that act oni. “The density of water isp, = 1 Ma/m’. acting on the glass window if it is citeular, A. The specific weight of seawater sy, = 63.616/1. SILL. Determine the magnitude and location of the resultant hydrostatic force acting on the glass window if itis ical, B. The specific weight of seawater is Probs. 9-110/111 95 Fuvo Peessue 503 “9112, Determine the magnitude of the hydrostatic force acting per foot of length on the seawall. y= 62.4 Ib/f°. “8-113. If segment AB of gate ABC is long enough, the gate will be on the verge of opening. Determine the length 1Lof this segment in order for this to occu. The gate s hinged at 8 and has a width of 1 m. The density of waters be = UMe/m’. 91M, ICL =2m,determine the force the gate ABC exerts ‘on the smoath stopper at C.The gate is hinged at B, fee at ‘Avandis 1m wide. The density of waters p, = 1 Ma/m’. Probs. 9-11MI14 504 Charter 9 Center oF Gravity ano CentRoio SS. Determine the mass ofthe counterweight ifthe ‘-mewide gate is on the verge of opening when the Water is athe level shown. The gate is hinged at # and held by the smooth stop at C. The density of waters, = 1 Mg/m'. 9-116. If the mass of the counterweight at is 6500 kg, determine the force the gate exerts on the smooth stop at C- ‘The gate is hinged at B and is I-m wide. The density of water isp = 1 Ma/m’ Probs. 9-115/116 «9-117. ‘Theconerete gravity dam isdesignedso that its held {in postion by sts own weight. Determine the factor of safety ‘senint overturning about point Ai x ~ 2m, The factor of ‘aletys defined asthe rato ofthe stabizing moasent divided by the overtming moment, The densities of concrete and Water AFC foc = 240 Ma/m? and py = Mim, respectively Assume that the dam doesnt sie. 9-118, ‘The concrete gravity dam is designed so that itis hheld in position by its own weight. Determine the minimum ‘dimension « so thatthe factor of safety against overturning about point of the dam is 2, The factor of safety is defined as the ratio of the stabilizing moment divided by the overturning moment. The densities of conerete and water ATE Poa = 240Mg/m* and py, = 1 Me/m', respectively. ‘Assuime that the dam does not slide. 9-419. The underwater tunnel in the aquatic center is fabricated from a transparent polycarbonate material formed in the shape of a parabola. Determine the magnitude of the hydrostatic force that acts per meter length along the surface AB of the tunnel, The density of the water is Pa = 1000 ky’, Prob. 9-119 (Cusoren Review 505 a et ae AAA Center of Gravity and Centroid The center of gravity G represents a ppoint where the weight of the body ean be considered concemtrated. The distance from an axis to this point can be ‘determined from a balance of moments, ‘which requires that the moment of the ‘weight of all the particles of the body about this axis must equal the moment ‘of the entire weight of the body about the axis ‘The center of mass will coincide with the center of gravity provided the ‘aeceleration of gravity is constant, ‘The centroid is the location of the ‘acomettic center for the body. It is determined in a similar manner, using a ‘moment balance of geometric elements such as line, area, oF volume segments. For bodies having a continuous shape, ‘moments are summed (integrated) ‘using differential elements ‘The center of mass will coincide with the centroid provided the material is ¢ homogeneous, Le. the density of the ‘material is the same throughout. The centroid will always He on an axis of symmetry. 508 Charter 9 Center oF Gravity ano CentRoio Composite Body saw IC the body is a composite of several =W ‘hapos.cach having a known location for __ saw its center of gravity or centroid, then the Foy location of the center of gravity or ‘eniroid ofthe body can be determi = from a discrete summation using it 7 composite pars, ‘Theorems of Pappus and Guldinus ‘The theorems of Pappus and Guldinus can be used to determine the surface area and volume of a body of revolution. ‘The surface area equals the product of the length of the generating curve and the distance traveled by the centroid of the curve needed to generate the area. ‘The volume of the body equals the proxduct of the generating area and the v= ora distance traveled by the centroid ofthis area needed to generate the volume. Chsoree Review 507 General Distributed Londing ‘The magnitude of the resultant force is | Fe equal to the total yolume under the sistributed-loading diagram. The line of action of the resultant foree passes through the geometric center or centroid of this volume. “The pressure developed by a liquid at a point on a submerged surface depends ‘upon the depth of the point and the density ofthe liquid in accordance with Pascal's law, p= pgh= yh This pressure will create a linear disribution ‘of loading on a flat vertieal or inclined surface. | If the surface is horizontal, then the loading will be uniform. | Im any case, the resultant of these foadings can be determined by finding the volume under the loading curve oF sing Fy ~ YEA. where 2 isthe depth 9 the centroid of te plates area. The line fof action of the resultant force passes through the centroid of the volume of the loading diagram and acts ata point P fon the plate called the center of pressure, 508 Charter 9 Center oF Gravity ano CentRoio aa eae) Ms 9.120, Locate the centroid ¥ ofthe shaded area. 9-123, Locate the centroid 2 of the solid, “9-121. Locate the centroid y ofthe shaded area. 9-122, Locate the centroid ¥of the beam’s cross-sectional #9-124, The lel plate is 0.3 m thick and has a density of ate 7850 kg/m, Determine the locaton of is enter of mas, AsO compte the reaetons athe pin and reller suppor. Prob, 9-122, Rewew Peosiems 509 9-128, Locate the centroid (¥, J) of the area, "9-128, The load over the plate varies linearly along the sides ofthe pate such tha p= #[a(4 ~ ))] Pa, Determine ‘the resultant force and its position (x, y) on the plate. on | 9-126. Determine the location (F, ¥) of the centroid for the structural shape, Neglect the thickness of the member. Prob, 9-128 9-129, "The pressure loading on the plate is described by the function p= {-240/¢x + 1) + M0} Pa, Determine the magnitude ofthe resultant force and coordinates ofthe point where the line of action of the force intersects the plate 9-127, Locate the centroid j ofthe shaded aren. y Prob. 9-127, Prob. 9-129 = 30mm aire: e LL sm —t] t= 30mm 30mm 0mm __| Lis0mm— F10-6 Fs 526 Charter 10 Moments oF INceria GeEtas 10-27. Determine the distance to the centroid of the ‘beams cross-sectional area; then find the moment of inertia about the x’ axis. 10-28. Determine the moment of inertia of the beam's cross-sectional area about the x axis, '*10-28. Determine the moment of inertia of the beam's cross-sectional area about the y axis. “10-82. Determine the moment of inertia of the ‘composite arca about the x axis, 10-33. Determine the moment of inertia of the composite area about the y axis. Prob. 10-27/28729 10-30, Determine the moment of inertia of the beam's cross-sectional area about the x axis. 10-31. Determine the moment of inertia of the beam’s cross-sectional area about the y axis Probs. 10-3031 Probs, 10-3233, 10-3. Determine the distance y to the centroid of the ‘beam’s cross-sectional area; then determine the moment of Inertia about the x’ axis. 19-38, Determine the moment of inertia of the bear's cross-sectional area about the y axis. 109mm 100 mm, Sam Probs. 10-3435

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